Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 27

  1. When R Yehuda says Shachris is until 4 hours into the day, he mean thorough and including the 4th hour. When he says Mussaf is until the 7th hour, he means through and including the 7th hour. When he says Mincha is until plag hamincha, he means until and thought he first half of the mincha time, i.e. the midway point of the mincha time and the end of the day.

  2. The Halacha is like R yehuda that schachris is only until 4 hours into the day

  3. By the manna, it says the people would gather it "in the "boker boker" and then when the sun grew hot it would melt. A braisa says the sun grew hot at the hour hours so clearly that means the boker is only until and not including the 4th hour. Usually boker means either through the 4th hour (r yehuda) or noon (rabanan,) but here the xtra word boker means it was earlier.

  4. For the latest time of mincha, one can either hold like the rabbis and pray until evening or like r yehuda and only pray until plag. The ramifications are relevant for maariv as well- if one does like r yehuda they can pray maariv after plag, but if one does like the rabanan, they cannot daven maariv until evening.

  5. One cannot pass within 4 amos of someone in the middle of Shmone Esrei.

  6. A student shouldn't pray next to or behind his Rebbe.

  7. If one prays early maariv friday afternoon, they must refrain from doing melacha after that. But if someone made a mistake and prayed early thinking it was night, once they realize their mistake, it is not yet shabbos for them.

8.One can make kiddush after they accept early shabbos even before night.

9.There is a concept of davening weekday Shmone Esrei early after plag on Shabbos afternoon and even saying Havdalah before Shabbos concludes.

  1. There is a big dispute regarding whether Maariv is obligation or optional.

Broadcast on:
30 Jan 2020