Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 23

  1. If one paused during Shmone Esrei the amount of time it takes to daven the whole Shmone Esrei- they must restart. If they paused shortly because of urine on their legs- it is is a dispute if they must go back to the beginning or resume from where they stopped.

  2. One can’t daven with the urge to go to bathroom. But if they can restrain it for 72 minute, it is a davening.

  3. שמור רגלך כאשר תלך לבית אלקים- either avoid sin to need to bring Korbanos. (If you need a Korban, repent with it and don’t mindlessly bring Korbanos without repenting) Another interpretation is to check ones bowels before prayer.

  4. One should take their Tefillin off their head 4 Amos before a permanent bathroom. For a new bathroom, one takes Tefillin off right before defecating and after distance 4 Amos then put back on.

  5. There is a dispute in the gemara if one can urinate with Tefillin. The strict opinion is concerned that one change to defecate or pass wind

  6. When one goes to defecate, they definitely can’t wear their Tefillin. Where should they place them? Beis Shammai- in bathroom wool facing street. Beis Hillel- held in ones hand. R Akiva- in ones hand under garment or in bathroom wall facing the bathroom. The variables are that we need to protect the Tefillin from thieves and form mice.

  7. If it’s almost night and one won’t put his Tefillin back on, they should hold it in a bag while defecating. The bag should have a tefach space if it’s the regular Tefillin bag.

  8. R Yochanan would give his Sefer to his students b4 going to bathroom but he brought his Tefillin in in his hands bc it would protect him from demons

  9. One should not hold Tefillin in hand while davening. Or a Sefer Torah or anything that distracts his mind from davening.

  10. Even though one should hold Tefillin in hand while defecating, he should not hold while urinating bc after urinating one must wipe their feet and they shouldn’t do so while holding Tefillin.

  11. One should empty their Bowels before eating.

  12. One shouldn’t eat with Tefillin on but they should put them on b4 bentching.

  13. One shouldn’t wrap money in the same kerchief they use to wrap Tefillin. But if it wasn’t designated as Tefillin kerchief, it’s ok. If it was designated but not yet used, it’s a dispute.

  14. One can sleep with Tefillin under head but not under feet.

Broadcast on:
26 Jan 2020