Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 19

1.The dead are unaffected by disparaging remarks people make about them. Either because they don't know about it or bc they know but don't care. But Hashem will stand up for the honor of a Talmid Chacham's honor and punish those who speak badly against them after their death.

  1. Even if one observes a Talmid Chacham sin, they should assume they repent

  2. We find people in Mishanyos excommunicated for three things 1. Belittling Netilas Yadayim 2. Saying bad things about Talmidei Chachamim 3. Saying arrogant things toward Hashem

  3. Choni Hamagel was rude to Hashem when he kept on telling Hashem how to bring the rain but he was not excommunicated bc Hashem fulfilled his even request

  4. Todos Ish Romi instituted that the Jews eat roasted meat after destruction of Temple to remember the Koran Pesach but the Rabbis were very against it

  5. We try not to schedule carrying out the coffin right around time for Shema unless it is a very prominent person

7.During eulogy, the crowd could skip out one by one to say Shema but they shouldn't say Shema in the room with the body.

  1. A person should never give Satan an opening

  2. After burial, if one can finish even just the first Pasuk of SHema before reaching the "rows," they should start.

  3. If one realizes they are wearing Shaanez shirt in a public place they take off the shirt even though it will be embarrassing. There is no concern for Kavod Habryios on a biblical issue. However, for Rabbinic issues one can use Kavod Habriyos as excuse. For example, if the mourner would choose to go on road that is impure rabbinically, the crowd can follow him

  4. There is a prohibition in the Torah of "Lo Sasur"- listening to the Rabbis. The Gemara seems to have a dialogue about whether that now means that every rabbinic legislation if really form the Torah.

  5. A big exception to the rule is returning lost objects where one does not have to do something beneath their dignity to return the object.

  6. Another exception is that one should has to choose between bringing Korban Pesach and attending to a dead body that no one else is attending to, they should value Kavod Habriyos and bury the dead even though they won't bring the Pesach. This is because it is passive violation (not bringing the Pesach) and not active prohibition.

Broadcast on:
22 Jan 2020