Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 17

1.Gemara continues with all the different private prayers dif amoraim would inset at the end of Shmone Esrei

  1. Women have more security of going to Olam Hara in the merit of encouraging the torah study of both the children and husbands

  2. When the rabbis would take leave of each other, they would give blessings for peace and spiritual growth

  3. There are righteous people who have their own "right" to support from God and are not reliant on God's charity. However, there is also a concept of a tzadik who supports the whole world but they themselves barely receive anything.

  4. The descendants of the Givonim are evil and the people of Masa Mechasya are evil. They witness the greatness of the Jewish people and yet none of them ever convert.

  5. If a groom wants to say Shema, the Rabbis allow him but R' Shimon Ben Gamliel considers it to be arrogant display. On Tisha Ba'v, there are places that have the custom of refraining from work and places that don't have such a custom. If a place without the custom, only the Torah scholars should refrain from working and everyone else should work or else it is considered haughty. R Shimon Ben Gamliel allows anyone to refrain from working. It seems like the exact reversal of their opinion here! One approach is indeed that the names must be switched and both opinions are consistent in both cases. Another approach is to distinguish between the cases. By Shema, it may not appear haughty bc everyone else is reading the Shema but by Tisha Bav everyone is working. Or, alternatively, by Shema he is actively saying the Shema, whereas by Tisha Bav he is passively not working and it doesn't look as haughty.

  6. An Onen have to say Shema or do any mitzvos. (Extended concept of being busy with mitzvah of burying the dead)

  7. Those who haven't yet carried the coffin are exempt from Mitzvos but those who have had a chance are obligated in mitzvos, except for Tefillah bc their minds are occupied with the ceremony.

Broadcast on:
20 Jan 2020