Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 16

  1. The Pasuk compares streams to tents to teach that just as a mikvah purifies, so too the tent of Torah purifies and atones.

  2. If one makes mistakes while reading Shema, they return to spot of the mistake. However, if one is uncertain if a mistake was made during the 3rd paragraph of Shema, they can assume it was said correctly bc ppl are most fluent in the last paragraph.

  3. Workers can recite Shema on top of a tree but not Shmone Esrei. But on a fig or olive tree a worker can even pray. This leniency is only for workers but self employed ppl should descend in all cases.

  4. When workers are saying the Shema on top of the tree, they should stop their work during the first chapter, but they may continue their actual work during the second chapter.

  5. Workers who are paid only with their food, recite Shema with full brachos and recite brachos b4 and after eating, daven full shemone esrei. (they shouldn't lead the davening though or do birches kohanim) But workers who are paid wages should daven an abridged shmone esrei, not recite hamotzi, and combine 2nd and 3rd blessings of bentching.

  6. A groom who gets married to a virgin is exempt from Shmema for up to 4 nights before they have reactions. The concept is that his mind is preoccupied due to mitzvah. R' Gamliel though still said Shema even when he got married.

  7. Rabban Gamliel washed himself on first night of Aveilus bc he held is was only Drabanan and since he was a delicate person he was allowed to wash.

  8. Usually the law is that one does not accept condolences for a slave. However, Rabban Gamliel accepted condolences for his salve Tevi bc was a very learned slave.

  9. The term avos is reserved for Avraham Yitzchak Yaakov and imahos for Srah Rivka Rachel and Leah bc after that the characters were not as prominent.

  10. We should not call salves "Abba" or "imma" so no one thinks regular kids are children of slaves.

  11. Someone who says Shema and prays it is like they offered fats on the Altar and cleaned off its ash, and will inherit two worlds- this world and the World to Come.

  12. Various amoriam would add private additions to Shmone Esrei when they were finished.

Broadcast on:
19 Jan 2020