Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 15

  1. The best way to be מקבל עול מלכות שמים is to go to bathroom, wash hands, recite Shema, and daven. One who does this it is like they built an Altar and brought a Korban on it.

  2. One who washes their hands before Tefillah is purified like they immersed their whole body

  3. One who doesn’t have water could wipe their hands on anything that will clean them.

  4. One should burden themselves up 4 mil to find water for Tefillah ahead, and 1 mil behind.

  5. R Yosi- one does not fulfill Shema unless they heard the words they say. R Yehuda- one does fulfill the Shema without hearing. The gemara clarifies that R Yehuda’s position is that it is ideal for one to hear the words jsut that בדיעבד you are yotzei if you didn’t. There is a 3rd tanna, R Meir, who holds it is even ideal to recite Shema without hearing what you say. (Halacha is like the middle opinion)

  6. If one didn’t say the words clearly- R Yehuda says they are not yotzei and r Yosi says they are. (Halacha is you are yotzei)

  7. The dispute about hearing the words is not only by Shema but also by reading a Megillah, reciting a bracha, and birchas Hamazon. (There is one opinion in the gemara that everyone agrees by other areas you don’t have to hear)

  8. Pasuk in Mishkei compares the womb to the grave. We derive that just as the womb accepts seed and produces child, so too the grave accepts the body and will produce a live body with resurrection.

  9. In tefillin and mezuzah, one writes the entire paragraph of Shema- including the verses that state the command to write tefillin and mezuzah. This is derived from the language of וכתב תם- complete.

  10. One shouldn’t run words together during Shema.

  11. Anyone who reads Shema carefully has Gehonim cooled down.

Broadcast on:
17 Jan 2020