Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 14

  1. Gemara clarifies that acc to R' Meir- between paragraphs, one can great out of honor and respond out of honor, and in the middle of paragraphs greet and respond out of fear. According to R' Yehuda, between paragraphs one can greet out of honor and respond to anyone, and in the middle of paragraphs greet out of fear and respond out of honor.

  2. The Gemara wonders whether the same laws apply to greetings during Hallel. The Gemara establishes that days of full Hallel, the same laws apply, but on days of half hallel, one can respond to a greeting even in the middle of a paragraph (even for honor.)

  3. One can "taste" up to a revi'is on a fast day. "Tasting" does not require a bracha.

  4. It is forbidden to greet someone before davening by going out to their home to greet them. If they coincidentally meet them, it is ok.

  5. One should not work or travel before davening in the morning.

  6. One is considered bad if they go 7 days without a dream, and anyone who learns b4 going to bed will not receive bad things.

  7. We rule like R yehuda that between end of Shema and "Emes" it is forbidden to interrupt at all.

  8. At night, there were different customs about reciting the 3rd chapter of Shema and the bracha that follows. If one "starts" the paragraph, they should finish the whole thing (our practice) but some customs was to make sure not make a real "start" and just have an abridged version that skipped tzitzis but makes mention of the Exodus.

  9. A reason for the order of the paragraphs of Shema is the first has learning, teaching, and doing mitzvos, the second paragraph has only teaching and doing, and the lsat paragraph only discusses doing mitzvos. This is in addition to the reason of our mishna that it makes sense to accept God before discussing mitzvos.

  10. Rav would recite the Shema without his Tefillin. We are taught though that in practice, one should always put on Tefillin prior to reciting Shema, so we are forced to conclude that the case with Rav was that his Tefillin were not around and the time for Shema was ending.

  11. Saying Shema without tefllin is "incomplete" and tantamount to saying false testimony against God.

Broadcast on:
17 Jan 2020