Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 13

  1. After the ingathering of the exiles, the miracles of the Exodus will be secondary to the greater miracles of the wars of Gog and Magog. Similar concept to yaakov's name "switched" to yisrael- he retained the name yaakov but it became secondary.

  2. It is forbidden to call Avraham by his previous name "avram." However, there is no such prohibition for calling Sarah by her previous name "Sari" or calling yisrael "Yaakov."

  3. If someone was in the middle of correcting a Torah and read the Shema portion in the Torah, they fulfill the mitzvah as long as they had intent to really read the words.

  4. In between paragraphs, R Meir says you can greet and respond out of honor, and in the middle of paragraphs, greet and respond out of fear. R' Yehuda says- in between paragraphs you can greet out of honor and respond to anyone, and in the middle of paragraphs, greet out of fear and respond even out of honor.

  5. The order of Shema is first acceptance of God, then mitzvos, then Tzitzis which is only a day time mitzvah.

  6. Rebbe holds Shema must be said in Hebrew but the Rabbis say it can be said in any language. (there is a similar issue regarding all Krias Hatorah it it can be said in any language or only in Hebrew)

  7. Shema is not fulfilled if said out of order.

  8. There seems to be a specific need for concentration during the Shema, but theres a dispute for who much of it. Either only first Pasuk, first 3 pesukim, or the entire first paragraph of Shema.

  9. Most opinions hold that the second paragraph of Shema must be said, but one opinion suggested that one can think it and fulfill the mitzvah even without saying the 2nd paragraph.

  10. One should extent the "daled" in the word Echad and think about Hashem being spread to all four corners of the world.

  11. One must remain stationary until the end of the 3rd pasuk (al livavecha) or until the end of the whole first paragraph.

  12. Rebbe was busy giving lecture during time of Shema and would only say the first pasuk. (some say whole first paragraph). It is a dispute if he even finished the rest of Shema after the lecture ended since the time for Shema ended.

  13. One should not be lying on his back or even titled a little on the side when reciting Shema.

Broadcast on:
16 Jan 2020