Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 12

  1. Chazal wanted to institute the Ten Commandments as a part of the Shema but they didn't do it because people would mock and say that only the 10 commandments are important.

  2. If someone is holding wine but thinks it is beer. He begins his bracha planning to finish shehakol then realizes the mistake and correctly finishes with hagafen it is obvious he it yotzei. (bc even had he followed through in his mistake and finished with shehakol he would be yoztei, as shehakol works for all foods)

  3. If someone is holding beer and thinks it is wine. He begins his bracha intending to finish with hagafen then realizes the mistake and finishes with shehakol- are they yotzei? Is the more essential part the beginning or the end? This question is unresolved.

4.Dates are so filling that if one said Birchas hamazon on dates, they would be yotzei.

  1. The bracha following Shema in morning is dedicated to God's kindness and the bracha at night is dedicated to belief in God.

  2. At the blessings when we bow, one picks up his head prior to saying God's name.

  3. During 10 says of Teshuvah, we switch the text of Shonei Esrei to "hamelech hakadosh" and "hamelech Hamidhpast."

  4. It is important to daven for those who need help and certainly Torah scholars

  5. Embarrassment from sin atones for the sin

  6. The Rabbis wanted to stick the blessings of Billam into Shema, bc of the pasuk comparing the Jews to the crouched lion waking up, but they didn't so Shema wouldn't be too long.

  7. We may not recite only fragments of Pesukim or just one pasuk out of a paragraph.

  8. Last paragraph of Shema about tzitzis has 5 topics- 1. Tzitzis 2. Exodus 3. Yoke of matzos 4. watching out from bad values 5. sinful thoughts (idolatrous thoughts as well?)

  9. There is a dispute if one must recall the Exodus during the night Shema. There is also a dispute whether in the World to Come there will be a mitzvah to recall the Exodus.

Broadcast on:
15 Jan 2020