Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 11

  1. Beis Shammai says you must say shema st night lying down and in the morning standing bc the lanaguage of the pasuk is “as your lie down and stand up.”

  2. Beis Hillel says you say shema in any position bc the pasuk says “when you walk on the road.”

  3. Beis Shammai says “walking on the road” is necessary to teach that one is exempt from saying Shema if they’re involved in another mitzvah, even with thoughts of relations on wedding night. Beis Hillel concedes this law is true, but still argues that you see Shema can be said as one walks on the road.

  4. A mourner is obligated in all Mitzvos except Tefillin that are referred to as glory.

  5. Since Halacha follows Beis Hillel, it is wrong and dangerous at times to follow beis Shammai opinions of lying down for Shema.

  6. One is not allowed fo tamper with the structure of brachos. Short ones should remain short and long remains long.

  7. The first bracha b4 shema in the morning mentions both light and dark bc one must mention both day and night on both shachris and Maariv.

  8. There is a dispute whether the second bracha text is “Ahava Raba” or “Ahavas olam.”

  9. One must recite Bircas hatorah b4 learning, but if they forgot and davened already, saying Ahava Raba exempts u from saying birchas hatorah.

  10. Dispute what forms of Torah need Bircas hstorah- jsut scripture, expounding scripture, mishna, or even gemara.

  11. There are 3 suggestions for birchas hatorah, so we incorporate all 3 parts. 1. לעסוק בדברי תורה 2.והערב נא

  12. אשר בחר בנו

  13. In times of beis Hamikdash, the kohanim would recite shema earlier then the ideal time as part of the service. They would leave out one of birchas krias shema- Either יוצר אור bc it was b4 the right time or אהבה רבה bc they did not have enough time.

Broadcast on:
14 Jan 2020