Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos Daf 9

  1. If time of דחק, night Shema can be said until sunrise, but the bracha of השכיבנו should be ommited.

  2. The Rabanan agree that krias shema is really the whole night;they were just placing safeguard but encouraging chatzos

  3. The mishna did not use eating Korban Pesach as example of full-night mitzvah. That is like ר אלעזר בן עזריה- the meat must be eaten by midnight. R akiva disagrees and holds the mitzvah can be fulfilled the whole night.

  4. The redemption began at night but culminated in morning when Jews actually left. Roots of dispute are about חיפזון- the time of haste. Haste of Egyptians kicking us out or haste of the Jews leaving.

  5. Hashem requested that we take riches form Egypt so Avraham would not complain. The Jews did not want to take riches bc of the burden.

  6. Hashem said אהיה אשר שהיה- that He would be with Jews in future Galus as well, but Moshe suggested that it wouldn’t be wise to mention future Galus at that point.

  7. Earliest time for shema in morning is dispute 1. Dif between blue and white patches on wool 2. Dif between blue and green 3. Dif between wolf and dog 4. Dif between donkey and wild donkey 5. Recognizing friend 4 Amos away.

  8. Latest time for Shema is either sunrise or the Halachic opinion of 3 hours into the day when Kong’s get up.

  9. Most ideal time for Shema is Vasikin when sun rises. Someone who does this is not harmed

  10. It is commendable to run to see both Jewish and non-Jewish Kings.

  11. רב בריונא smiled all day from joy of vasikin.

  12. ה שפתי תפתח is not interruption between geulah and tefillah- it becomes part of tefillah.

  13. יהיו לרצון is said after shmone esrei even though it could have for before bc Dovid said it after 18 chapters of Tehillim.

  14. The first 2 chapters of tehillim are really one big chapter.

Broadcast on:
12 Jan 2020