The Duran Podcast

Zaluzhny Blasts Zelensky, Kursk Disaster

Zaluzhny Blasts Zelensky, Kursk Disaster

Broadcast on:
22 Sep 2024
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All right, Alexander, let's talk about Zelensky and Solution. We're back at this again, Zelensky and Solutiony. So, Zelensky accompanied Lamy, the foreign secretary, and Blinken on their recent trip to Kiev Solutiony was there. And Politico, the other day they run an article which claims that the debacle in Kursk, which is, as we have been saying pretty much from day one, we've kind of been vindicated. We can do a victory lap cap. I mean, we've been vindicated. Everyone is acknowledging that Kursk is a debacle. The report from Politico is that Zelensky agreed with us, and he said, "Don't do Kursk. Kursk is going to be a debacle." Interesting timing for Politico to run this story. What do you think is going on here? Yeah, this is a fascinating story. And I want to say something. I mean, the Politico story, there's an awful lot of dots which are just extremely difficult to join up because what the Politico story says is that Zelensky, at some point, we don't know exactly, it doesn't tell us when, came up with this idea for this operation in Kursk. And it makes it pretty clear that it was Zelensky's idea, specifically Zelensky's idea. Remember Zelensky is not a military person, but he hatched this idea for the operation in Kursk. And apparently, a lot of Ukrainian generals, a lot of Ukrainian generals told him, "Don't do this." And the most important of those Ukrainian generals who told him, "Don't do this," was zalusioning. Now, the problem with that story is that, of course, zalusioning himself was sacked from his position as commander of the Ukrainian military in February. So, if you take this story at face value, then that must mean that Zelensky was planning this operation in Kursk, at least before February. Because otherwise, how could zalusioning have pushed back against it from London when he was now the military commander in chief? To me, this is the big unanswered question here, which makes absolutely no sense. Now, I find it very difficult to believe that Zelensky was really planning this operation in Kursk all the way back in February. So, I think what is more likely is that, yes, probably Zelensky, the moment he heard about the Kursk operation, was telling everybody, "This is going to fail. He's a military man. He could see all the things which we saw." By the way, I would correct you about one thing. We didn't sort of say that Kursk was going to be a debacle. We said that Kursk was going to be a debacle. We said it on the very first day. We said it would end terribly, and we could see every day that that is exactly what it is doing. So, I'm sure Zelensky was able to see that, and he said that. He told his friends who are still there in the military about that, and there's another senior Ukrainian officer, the commander of an airborne brigade, who was ordered to send his troops into Kursk, and this was in July, and he said this is an incredibly bad idea. My brigade is going to get smashed. We're not going to achieve anything and promptly got sacked. So, that, by the way, suggests that the decision to launch this was actually made in July. When Zelensky was in London, you know, just completely out of the picture. But I'm sure that Zelensky, at the moment it started, was going around doing a remodel. This is a terrible idea. I don't believe that he was arguing. I miss my own view. I don't believe he was arguing with Zelensky about this way back in February. I think that is very difficult to believe, but what he's now seeing is that this operation in Kursk has been a disaster, a debacle, exactly as he said. We've had more news this morning that the Russians have captured more villages in Kursk, that they are close to encircling the entire Ukrainian grouping in Kursk. There are reports of panic amongst some Ukrainian military units. The Russian military group of forces north, the military force, the Russian military force that is conducting the operations in Kursk actually reported that fact on its website. Of course, that's the Russians. We don't know how accurate that is, but we've got evidence to suggest that it's probably true. Kursk is turning into a debacle, and this is solutionist chance. So, he's coming in, he's getting his friends to speak to Politico. He's done this many, many times. He has spread for years now stories in which he positions himself as the voice of reason and sanity in Ukraine against this eccentric volatile, unstable character who is Zelensky, this dangerous amateur who makes all these reckless ideas. Zelusion is always there trying to restrain him, trying to calm him down, trying to prevent him doing the reckless, irresponsible things that Zelensky wants to do. And he tried to do it over course, but of course, his advice again was not heeded, and we see once again that his warnings were true. And I think this is what the image that's been presented, and it's being done because I think that Zelusion and some other people in Kiev are saying to themselves when this debacle plays out, when the Ukrainians are either encircled in Kurs or driven out of Kursk or whatever, this is the moment to make their move. Zelensky's reputation will be in tatters. Everything across the front lines is falling apart. There was a fascinating article in Kurskapravda, Ukrainian newspaper, discussing the situation of the Pakroskeari, and they're talking about a complete chaos in terms of the military leadership, the high command, contradictory orders, orders that bear no connection with reality, fortifications being built in the wrong places when they're completely useless, all that kind of thing. So who must we turn to in this hour of crisis, this hour of Ukraine's need? Well, Zelusiony, here's the person, always the voice of reason, always the voice of sanity, and the person who also has the support of the West. And that's why he comes to Kiev, alongside Blinken and Lamy, he's there, we see the pictures of him at the railway station, and he's the man who will save the situation for Ukraine in his great hour of need. All we have to do is to bring him back, put Zelensky in his place, and all will be well. And I think this is the narrative that is now being prepared. Yeah, after the long-range missile strikes into pre-2014 Russia, after this narrative, whatever may happen, whether there's a green light for the long-range missile strikes into Russia or not, after this narrative, is it done with the next narrative appears to be Zelusiony? The next wonder weapon, there we go, the next wonder weapon is going to be Zelusiony. He's going to be the next wonder weapon that the UK looks like the UK is lining up behind him, or at least there are some forces in the UK that are lining up behind him, makes perfect sense since he's in the UK right now. I mean, he's the ambassador in the UK, so obviously he's going to start getting support from the UK, a deep state that's involved in this conflict, and maybe Blinken is going to start getting behind Zelusiony. There are calls in Ukraine and Kiev. This has happened before in the past, but these calls, we're starting to hear these calls again, which are saying Zelensky needs to call elections or step aside. I mean, we are hearing MPs. Once again, they've done this in the past. They're starting up again and they're saying elections were a leave because Zelensky, you have made an absolute complete mess of things. So, you know, Zelusiony may be the wonder weapon, I guess. Absolutely. There was a period that lasted roughly from the moment when the Ukrainian counter-offensive of last summer failed. It went through the period in Afderka, the fighting in Afderka. When it looked as if Zelensky's position was becoming increasingly unstable. And then things sort of stabilized. Zelensky sacked Zelusiony. Zelusiony failed to respond. There was no move within the various brigades, nationalist brigades, and Zelensky was able to go ahead and extend his term without elections. And it looked for time as if his position was secure. I'm guessing, by the way, that he got a lot of support from the US at that time. And I get the sense that that period is now ending, that with the imminent collapsing cusque and, quite plausibly, the fall into a cross in the next few weeks, then we're going to see again the demands mounting for a change in Kiev. And, of course, the just as quickly say, the Russian intelligence agents, he could probably just disturb the poll here. But they've been spreading stories for some time, that the Americans are looking for a replacement to Zelensky. And that Zelusiony is their preferred choice. I doubt that they have actual information about that. But that's what they're saying. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what the UK is looking at. Once again, he's in the UK. So obviously, there are some people supporting Zelusiony. But the support that Zelensky got at the time, wasn't that when Newland went to Kiev and she sorted everything out? That's right. That's exactly what I mean, you got the support of the Americans. Newland has correctly said went to Ukraine. She's she spent some time here. She gave an incredibly provocative press conference, I remember, or at least addressed to the media. Yeah, outside of the snow, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, in which, by the way, she basically hinted at the deep strikes, missile strikes against Russia. She was already floating that idea there. And it was clear afterwards that was Zelensky had got the Americans backing. And that that helped stabilize the situation in Kiev for a few months. Yeah, he got the backing, but it looks like he got the backing with the condition that we're not going to completely remove Zelusiony. We're going to send him to London and he's going to be hanging out there. And let's see what happens. That it was a temporary. Exactly. It was a temporary thing. The Americans were not ready at that time for a change in Kiev and Zelusiony was parked in London. So but now he's been brought back. Yeah. Yeah. And Zelusiony, whenever you talk about Zelusiony, you also talk about Porto Schenko and Klitschko, because they're the ones that are allied with with Zelusiony. That's right. That's exactly correct. I mean, Zelusiony and Porto Schenko are clearly very closely along with each other. I'd say for anything. I put it more simply to that. I'd say that Zelusiony was originally Porto Schenko's man. I mean, Porto Schenko was president of Ukraine, as we know before Zelensky was. He built up the Ukrainian military. He basically, I think, promoted people like Zelusiony and made sure that they reached the high positions that Zelusiony did indeed reach. And I think there's clearly a connection between them. And Klitschko was the mayor of Kiev. He's also part of this group. So I think this is the group that's now maneuvering and is preparing to strike because they could see that, you know, the writing is on the wall in Kiev, but in course, rather, the writing is on the wall in Pecorovsk, in Donbas, and they're looking for someone to take over. By the way, I mean, this is all very interesting, but for the moment, it still looks like a game of musical chairs, you know, getting people in and out. Zelensky in, Zelusiony in, Zelensky out, all of that. It doesn't answer the question of what Ukraine is going to do going forward. Because one thing I have to say is that none of these people, Zelusiony, Poroshenko, Klitschko, are coming up with any real plan for turning Ukraine's situation around. This was true, by the way, when Zelusiony was Ukraine's military commander. I mean, he always presented himself as the voice of reason and sanity and all of that. But he never came up with a plan, an actual plan that might have delivered any kind of long-term victory or solution for Ukraine's underlying problems. I say this, I was following very closely what Zelusiony was doing, but it was always passive and always negative, trying to push back against Zelensky's crazy plans, which eventually, by the way, Zelusiony always spent along with, to just say, I mean, he always did in the end. But never coming up with any real proposals about how to conduct the wall if he's on. And I still don't see anything like that from this group. No, it's just a change of a face, right? You kick the can down the road and you hope for something to get better. But yeah, I agree with you. Zelusiony was no military genius or mastermind, and he didn't have any ideas that were different from Zelensky. So, Zelusiony would basically say the same thing that Zelensky would say, but he would just package it differently, which was we need more weapons. If we need more money, that was basically all he would come up with. Give us more weapons, give us more money. If we had all of these weapons, we could win, which is no different than what Zelensky says. But yeah, so Zelensky goes to to wrap up the videos, Zelensky goes to New York. He is going to speak at the UN Security Council. At least those are the reports that we're getting is that he's going to speak at the UN and he's going to address the Security Council. That's what I understand is going to happen. And he is going to meet not only with the Biden White House, but he is scheduled to meet with Harris and possibly even Trump. So what do you think is going on there? And how important is Cursk holding on to Cursk for Zelensky as he goes to the United States? Because I imagine that one of Zelensky's biggest concerns is that something bad happens in Cursk while he's in the United States. And that may jeopardize his push to get the green light for long range missile strikes into pre 2014 Russia, because the media, they've been running the same Cursk narrative in a loop, which is Cursk was brilliant. Cursk was brilliant. It was it was an incredible tactical victory for Ukraine, but they never get into the specifics of what's happening in Chris because the collective West Main Street media, they understand that Cursk is a complete debacle and they don't want to get it to the details. They're just trying to hold out to this narrative of the genius behind Cursk for as long as they can. But that narrative is crumbling. So, so what's this trip to the States all about? Well, first of all, about Cursk, I mean, of course, collapses while while Zelensky is in New York, or before Zelensky is in New York, it is a complete disaster for him. I mean, we already see how solutiony and all the others are or are maneuvering to pin the blame on him. And they will they will succeed in that because Zelensky has taken credit for it. I mean, he took credit for the great success in Cursk. If Cursk ends in a debacle, then what it's going to do inevitably is it's going to feed the already mounting doubts that exist in Western capitals, about his ability to lead Ukraine through this crisis. They're going to say, look, Zelensky is clearly doesn't know what he's doing. He started this operation of Cursk, he told us it was going to succeed, kids failed and failed disastrously. It's time that we started thinking seriously about someone else. So, he has to hold on to in Cursk for the next couple of weeks while he's in New York. And there are reports that he's telling Cursk, the current military chief, to make sure that whatever happens in the war over the next couple of weeks, two things don't happen. One is a complete collapse in Cursk and the second is a collapse in Pukrosk and to send all available troops and reinforcements to these places and to forget about everything else. So, that is his, you know, overriding political priority now. As to what he's going to do in New York, it's going to be more of the same. He's coming with his so-called victory plan. I understand that the victory plan is not actually a military plan exactly. It's all about, you know, trying to do all kinds of complicated and clever diplomatic maneuvers. He wants to have another conference, peace conference in November. He hasn't yet found a venue. He's been trying to get the Indians to agree, then the Saudis, then the Swiss, again, the Swiss, by the way, have said no this time. They had a bad experience with the last one. They didn't want to repeat that all over again. But anyway, he's coming up with his peace plan. He wants more weapons. As you say, he wants deep missile strikes. He's wanting, according to the Russian media, a commitment, an agreement from the West that Ukraine should join NATO before the end of this year. Proposterous idea. But I mean, he's coming up with all of this and all of these demands. And he's going to try and package that as his great plan for victory. He's going to try to tell the Americans and the others, "Look, Ukraine is in the rights. Our territory and integrity is threatened. We are the victims of aggression. You must continue to support us. You've said in the past that you'll be with us as long as it takes. You must fulfil your promise. And you don't have any reasons to change that because here's my plan. Here's my great victory plan. All you need to do is to authorise me, to give me the green light, to conduct an unrestricted missile war against Russia, to do whatever I want anywhere on the battlefront. You've got to give me every single weapon that exists in all your arsenal and more still. You've got to escalate to the point, well, I don't even want to say which point. You've got to get everybody around the world to line up and agree with me. And then, and then, victory will be ours. Back me, 150%, 200%, and I could still deliver you victory. And I think there are still some people who fall for this line, Kyrstan, in Britain, being one of them. But I think with other people, it's starting to wear very thin. Yeah, I agree with you. Some people fall for the line, like Kyrstanmer, and a lot of analysts, because they don't really have much choice to do. They've invested so much into Project Ukraine and the fiction that Ukraine ever had a chance to win this conflict. They never did have a chance. And what else can they do? I mean, what else can Kyrstanmer do? Right? I mean, this is all he's got left. Well, I mean, he's got to go for this. He's got to go for this because he ignored advice from the Foreign Office to back off and to go as they put it back to the center of the pack in terms of support for Ukraine. He ignored that. He tried to lobby on Ukraine's behalf with the Americans and apparently they weren't happy. I mean, they might make a decision which corresponds with the one he wants. But if so, they will do that because of internal discussions. And the Americans did not welcome the British intruding themselves into their internal discussions. The French, the Germans, the Italians, cooling rapidly now on the whole Ukraine project. And in Starless case, his ratings, his poll ratings are collapsing in Britain faster than I have ever seen a newly elected prime ministers do. He's involved in a scandal. I mean, you know, it's just a few weeks, but he's involved in a scandal because he's been taking, you know, freebies donations of expensive clothes and suits and tickets to Taylor Swift, but events and football matches and all that from all sorts of rich donors. So you're absolutely right. I mean, he's boxed in. He's got to go on plugging Zelensky because he embraced Zelensky literally in the first week that he became prime minister, even inviting Zelensky to a British cabinet meeting. I mean, you know, he didn't listen to you. He didn't learn. I'll understand that the resulted thing is the Ellensky curse. He embraced it. I mean, it was bizarre. And of course, it's already playing. It's already, I think it's deadly effect on him. Yeah. All right. We will end it here at the Duran dot levels dot com. We are in rumble Odyssey, but you telegram rock fit and Twitter X and go to the Duran shop. Pick up some merch like the shirts that we are wearing today in this video. 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