Bible Reading Plan

Day 148 - Read 2 Samuel 5-6

David was anointed king of Israel. David became great and his descendants became many. The Jebusites said David could not enter Zion, but the blind and lame would ward him off, meaning the idols and gods would prevent him. David took the city and called it the city of David. The Philistines sought war with David. David’s army conquered the Philistines with God’s hand on them. David had the ark of God brought to the city. Uzzah touched the ark while they transported it and was struck down by God. David had the ark taken to Obed-edom where it remained for three months. The ark was brought to the city and David danced and played music of celebration. Michal, his wife, and the daughter of Saul was embarrassed and scolded David.

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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David was anointed king of Israel. David became great and his descendants became many. The Jebusites said David could not enter Zion, but the blind and lame would ward him off, meaning the idols and gods would prevent him. David took the city and called it the city of David. The Philistines sought war with David. David’s army conquered the Philistines with God’s hand on them. David had the ark of God brought to the city. Uzzah touched the ark while they transported it and was struck down by God. David had the ark taken to Obed-edom where it remained for three months. The ark was brought to the city and David danced and played music of celebration. Michal, his wife, and the daughter of Saul was embarrassed and scolded David.

Hello and welcome to today's Bible reading. Today we're looking at 2 Samuel chapters 5 and 6. David was anointed king of Israel. David became great and his descendants became many. The Jebusites said David could not enter Zion, but the blind and lame would ward him off, meaning the idols and gods would prevent him. David took the city and called it the city of David. The Philistines sought war with David. David's army conquered the Philistines with God's hand on them. David had the ark of God brought to the city. Huza touched the ark while they transported it and was struck down by God. David had the ark taken to Obed Edom where it remained for three months. The ark was brought to the city and David danced and played music of celebration. Michael, his wife, and the daughter of Saul was embarrassed and scolded David. Follow along with me as I begin to read 2 Samuel chapter 5 verse 1. Then all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh." In times past, when Saul was king over us, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the Lord said to you, "You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over Israel." So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the Lord, and they anointed David king over Israel. David was 30 years old when he began to reign, and he reigned 40 years. At Hebron, he reigned over Judah 7 years and 6 months. In that Jerusalem, he reigned over all Israel and Judah 33 years. And the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who said to David, "You will not come in here, but the blind and the lame will ward you off." Thinking, David cannot come in here. Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David. And David said on that day, "Whoever would strike the Jebusites, let him get up the watershed to attack the lame and the blind who are hated by David's soul. Therefore it is said, the blind and the lame shall not come into the house." And David lived in the stronghold and called it the city of David. And David built the city all around from the millow inward, and David became greater and greater for the Lord the God of hosts was with him. In hear him, King of Tyre, sent the messengers to David, and cedar trees, also carpenters and masons who built David a house. And David knew that the Lord had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel. And David took more concubines and wives from Jerusalem after he came from Hebron, and more sons and daughters were born to David. And these are the names of those who were born to him in Jerusalem. Shamua, Shobap, Nathan, Solomon, Ibahar, Elishua, Nefeg, Jafiah, Elishima, Elida, and Elifella. When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over Israel, all the Philistines went up to search for David. But David heard of it and went down to the stronghold. Now the Philistines had come and spread out in the valley of Riffam, and David inquired of the Lord. Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you give them into my hand? And the Lord said to David, "Go up, for I will certainly give the Philistines into your hand." And David came to Baal, Parisim, and David defeated them there. And he said, "The Lord has broken through my enemies before me like a breaking flood. Therefore the name of that place is called Baal, Parisim. And the Philistines left their idols there, and David and his men carried them away. And the Philistines came up yet again and spread out in the valley of Riffam. And when David inquired of the Lord, he said, "You shall not go up. Go around to their rear, and come against them opposite the balsam trees." And when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then rouse yourselves. For then the Lord has gone out before you to strike down the army of the Philistines. And David did as the Lord commanded him and struck down the Philistines from Giba to Geezer. Chapter 6. David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, 30,000. And David arose and went with all the people who were with him to Baal a Judah, to bring up from there the Ark of God, which is called by the name of the Lord of Hosts, who sits and thrown on the cherubim. And they carried the Ark of God on the new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill. And Uza and Ahau, the sons of Abinadab were driving the new cart with the Ark of God, and Ahau went before the Ark. And David and all the house of Israel were celebrating before the Lord, with songs and liars and harps and tambourines and castanets and cymbals. And when they came to the threshing floor of Nathan, Uza put out his hand to the Ark of God and took hold of it for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uza, and God struck him down there because of his error, and he died there beside the Ark of God. And David was angry because the Lord had broken out against Uza, and that place is called Peres Uza to this day. And David was afraid of the Lord that day, and he said, "How can the Ark of the Lord come to me?" So David was not willing to take the Ark of the Lord into the city of David. But David took it aside to the house of Obed Edom, the Gittite, and the Ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed Edom, the Gittite, three months, and the Lord blessed Obedom Edom and all his household. And it was told, King David, the Lord has blessed the household of Obed Edom and all that belongs to him because of the Ark of God. So David went and brought up the Ark of God from the house of Obed Edom to the city of David with rejoicing. And when those who bore the Ark of the Lord had gone six steps, he sacrificed an ox and a fattened animal. And David danced before the Lord with all his might, and David was wearing a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the horn. As the Ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michael the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, and she despised him in her heart. And they brought in the Ark of the Lord and said it in its place. Inside the tent that David had pitched for it. And David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord. And when David had finished offering that burnt offerings and the peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts and distributed among all the people, the whole multitude of Israel, both men and women, a cake of bread, a portion of meat, and a cake of raisins to each one, then all the people departed each to his house. And David returned to bless his household. But Michael the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said how the King of Israel honored himself today, uncovering himself today before the eyes of his servants, female servants, as one of the vulgar fellows shamelessly uncovers himself. And David said to Michael, it was before the Lord who chose me above your father and above all his house, to appoint me as Prince over Israel, the people of the Lord. And I will celebrate before the Lord. I will make myself yet more contemptible than this, and I will be abased in your eyes. But by the female servants of whom you have spoken, by them I shall be held in honor. And Michael the daughter of Saul had no child to the day of her death.