Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

Who's Counting On You? | Joa Allen

Sunday Morning Service with Joa Allen

Broadcast on:
22 Sep 2024
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Sunday Morning Service with Joa Allen

Good day to you, this is Ronnie Allen. Delighted that you're with us today. Right here at Omega Church here in San Antonio, you can go to You can see the various social media platforms we use. Thank you for being with us today. We hope this message equips you to follow God's voice. We believe that if you're searching, today your search is over. Thanks for being with us and enjoy. - Is everybody good to be here? - Awesome, we're great. We're gonna have a great time today. I do wanna let you know that we did talk to, we were hanging out with Pastor Ronnie and Pastor Zona on Friday. It was Friday, wasn't it? On Friday, and we had a blast. We were there, we got there, I don't know, about six or seven and by it was like 11, 15 or so. "Hey, we probably need to go." 'Cause we would've been there all night, but anyway, they're doing great, they're watching, and we're just gonna have a great time today. I'm gonna ask you a question, and you're gonna hear this question throughout the service today, and it is, who's counting on you? So if you're taking notes, I would write that down. Who's counting on you? And as you're writing that down, I'm gonna go ahead and pray. Definitely, Father, we thank you, Lord Jesus, for the privilege and the honor of being able to serve you. We thank you, Lord Jesus, that our hearts and our ears are open, ready to receive what you have for each and every single one of us, Father. We thank you, Lord, this is not about me, Lord, it's all about you. Every word that comes out of my mouth, Father, it is yours, Lord. We thank you that I am your sheep, I know your voice, I follow you, the voice of a stranger, I do not hear. We thank you for it. In Jesus' name, everybody, I said amen. Turn to the book of Luke, chapter 17. And as you're getting there, I wanna remind you, well, I wanna tell you the way I read the Bible, quite often, not every time, but for the most, most of the part, this is the way I do. When I read the Bible, I always put myself in one of the characters in the story's shoes. I try to see which one I identify with the most. I get in there and I was like, okay, yeah, that, yeah, okay, I really can resonate with that, okay? So the reason I brought that up is because I want you because we read this story to see which group of people here you resonate with, which character that you resonate with. Luke, chapter 17, verse 11, it says, I'm gonna read out the passing translation. It says, on the way to Jerusalem, Jesus passed through the border, region between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered one village, 10 men approached him, but they kept their distance for their lepers. They shouted out to him, mighty Lord, wonderful master, won't you have mercy on us and heal us? When Jesus stopped to look at them, he spoke these words. Go to be examined by the Jewish priest, okay? They couldn't be considered clean unless the Jewish priest said they were, okay? So that's the whole point of him going on. He said, so they set off and they were healed while walking along the way. One of them, a Samaritan, would he discovered that he was completely healed, turned back to find Jesus, shouting out joyous praise and glorifying God. When he found Jesus, he fell down at his feet and thanked him over and over, saying to him, you are the Messiah. Check out what Jesus said. He said, so where are the other nine? Weren't there 10 that were healed? They all refused to give thanks and give glory to God, except for you, a foreigner? Now, to give you an idea, the reason it says Samaritan is super important, 'cause we read that, we hear about the good Samaritan, and we kind of just kind of take that in, but you need to understand the backstory of that. Samaritans were a group of people that took the religious law and paganism and combined them together. So there was a lot of witchcraft going on, so the Jewish people would look down on them and disgust. Okay? So that's why Jesus brought that up. And so this is what he said in Luke 17, 19, get this. It says, "Then Jesus said to the healed man, "lane at his feet, arise and go. "It was your faith that brought you salvation "and get this last part and made you whole." Now, if you know anything about somebody that has to do with leprosy, their skin begins to rot is basically what happens. So they had to be outcast because it was highly contagious, so they would put them outcast with the city. They couldn't be anywhere around. They had to disset themselves from all their family and friends and never have contact with them again. But here's the thing, imagine being one of those lepers. There you are, you're standing out there in, you wave. Hey, Joe, you're the man, Joe. And your finger falls off. You're like, "Wait, what? "Joe, I thought you were the man." You see, it's hard to be made, it's hard to be whole if you're missing limbs, am I right? You see, and here's the thing, I believe when you read this because the way Jesus says it, I believe he was completely restored back to the way God originally created him to be. But notice the difference between that one and the other nine, now I want to ask you a question. Answer it inside, you don't have to answer it all out. Which one do you identify with the most? Which group of people, the one or the nine? Now all of us good Christians say, "Oh yes, definitely the one," am I right? And that's true because think about where you were and how far God has brought you, right? You're not the same person that you once were. But here's the thing, what made him different than the rest of the other nine? He was thankful. He had a grateful heart, he had a grateful heart. And I think sometimes, if you've been in church, I've been in church my whole life, sometimes we take certain things for granted and we don't always have a thankful heart, am I right? But I believe what made him whole was his faith brought up salvation and it says, and then he was made whole. Having that thankful heart, being thankful for where you are. You might not have everything or be in the positions that you want to be in and that's okay because we're supposed to strive to get to the next level. That's biblical, okay? However, we need to be thankful for where we are now. I used to tell the kids all the time and we would tell the teenagers this as well. It's thankful people are blessed people. You want to be blessed, be thankful. You want to be blessed, be thankful. Look at the other nine. How many of you, you don't have to raise your hands, but how many of you can identify with the other nine? So we're thinking, no, not me, not me. And I'm going to say this, it's going to be safe to say this because I put myself in this category every single one of us at one time or another has been the other nine. Here's what I mean. We pray, we believe God, Lord, help us out in this situation and being gracious and merciful. What ends up happening is he does. Lord, I need this, help me out in this situation, help me out in this relationship. And when that happens, oftentimes we never go back and humble ourselves and thank Jesus. Sometimes we even get the attitude, you know what? I've got the raise because of my good effort. No, you were believing God for it. Your effort played a part, but God is the one who made it happen. And that's what we got to do because we got to be careful not to slip into the other nine and look at God as a vending machine. We put in our time at church, we put in our tithe and offering and it kicks back to us what we want and what we need. Because anything out of the vending machine isn't very valuable, is it? No. In fact, it's probably horrible for you. There hasn't been one good thing that I've seen in there in a vending machine and they have the ones that are all natural and all that, but they don't say, well, all natural actually is. Just a thought. Anyway, the whole point is to have a thankful heart. Now let's go back and look a little bit more at what gave him a thankful heart. What made him thankful about this? What do you think made up thankful? Help me out here. - He was healed. - Okay, he was healed. Okay, that's one. What else? Made whole, but he wasn't made whole yet. Okay, so what? How about this? He humbled himself and said he fell at Jesus' feet. You see what I'm saying? Here he was a Samaritan, knew he had no right to the Jewish Messiah basically. He had no right because he was a Samaritan. However, Jesus didn't care. You know, my youngest daughter, the little one right there, I said little, she's 18. But anyway, she has been notorious for this growing up her whole life. I mean, and this is what it is. She would be so into something. So let's, if you've been around for a while, maybe you've seen it, maybe you've seen her. One time she was in two baby dolls. She had baby dolls all over the place. And I'm not just talking about any baby dolls. These were ones that looked lifelike, they were real. She would have a real stroller, a real carrier, okay? In fact, for her birthday, she threw a baby shower. I kid you not, got real bottles, real diapers, the whole thing. Yeah, it was a bit ridiculous. So, I mean, everywhere we go, you know, here I am pushing this and I'm like, no, it's not a baby, please don't ask me, please don't ask me to see the baby. Okay, so it would be in public, but you know, you gotta do what you gotta do. So being a good dad, that's what I did. But here's the thing. Then she was in two wells at one time, okay? Like Shamu. It was all about Shamu, okay? And when she was in babies, it was all about babies. All we hear about them all the time. She had a pretend YouTube video where she talked about her night time feeding and everything else. She would go through the whole thing. I say pretend because she had no YouTube channel. But I still have all the videos on my phone. You see, she was into it wholeheartedly. In fact, it would annoy you so much. You were like, Zara, you gotta stop. We don't wanna talk about babies all day long and all night long. I appreciate your excitement about it. We don't wanna talk about it all the time. And then when it was wells, that's all we talked about. Wells. And that one went away for a little while. Then it came back and, before we knew it a couple of years ago, we were there swimming with the sharks. That was crazy in itself. Why? Because she was all into it. But the thing that I've noticed about her and now her thing that she's all into is Bibles. Which is great. She's got like 22 of them. That's not including the one she just gave away, okay? And I'm like, okay, Zara, you gotta read 'em. But no, anyway, she does. But the whole point of me saying that is this, when she was younger, if she was in baby dolls, all she talked about to all the little kids that were around her was baby dolls. And before you know it, all the little kids were into what she was into. She would have a whole group that would follow her around. And then when she was into wells, then that's what it was. Then when she was into stuffed animals, that's what it was. Then when she got into real exotic animals, they all started trying to go that way, but their parents said no, so anyway. (audience laughing) But the reason that I bring that up is, why was she telling everybody about it all the time? Because she was excited. Have you ever been so excited about something, you can't stop thinking about it? Think about the first time you got a brand new car, or at least new to you. You were excited about it. You wanna tell people, in fact, you're sitting there on the couch and you get up out the couch and you look out the window. Yeah, it's, that's mine, am I right? Because of your excitement. You see, here's the thing. Are we like the one that humbles ourselves? And then tells people about what Jesus has done for us? Off the times we get so concerned about, hey, I just want to get past this situation, get past this horrible season that I'm going through. So Jesus helped me with that. And we often don't think about other people who's counting on you. When was the last time that you shared Jesus with somebody? Think about it, just don't have the answer at all, I'll just reflect. 'Cause I think, here's the thing, I was reading some statistics, so I'll get that out, right? And it was sad. It was saying 17% of Christians tell other people about Jesus. 17%, that's 17 out of 100, it's ridiculous. But I think oftentimes, we don't reflect, and the reason we don't share because we don't have a thankful heart, and because we don't have a thankful heart, therefore we're not excited, and because we're not excited, then we don't tell others about Jesus all the time. We're just trying to figure out our problems on our own. We'll pray about it every so often, but, and I say this, not as a judgmental way, I say this because this is something that we all have to reflect on, and not just one time throughout your whole life. That's what you gotta do. Mark chapter two, verse one. Who's counting on you? When Jesus returned to Capernaum several days later, the news quickly spread that he was back home. Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no room even outside the door. While he was preaching, God's word to them, four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn't bring in with Jesus because of the crowd, so they did the unthinkable, they dug a hole through the roof above Jesus' head. Could you imagine that? There you are, and all of a sudden you see somebody pfft. I wonder if they had bungee cords and like the whole night ops and all that stuff. Anyway, it says, "And they lowered him above his head." They lowered the man on the mat right down in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus didn't get ticked off. He said, "Seeing their faith," Jesus said to the paralyzed men, "My child, your sins are forgiven." He didn't say he was healed right then. He said, "My child, your sins are forgiven." That's important, you know, bring it back to you in just a second. It says, "But some of the teachers "of the religious law who are sitting there "thought to themselves, what is he saying? "This is blasphemy," that's what they said. Explanation point, that's what it has. It says, "Only God can forgive sins." Jesus knew immediately what they were thinking. So we ask them, "Why do you question this in your heart? "Is it easier to say to the paralyzed man, "your sins are forgiven or stand up, pick up your mat? "And walk?" So I will prove to you that the son of man has the authority on earth to forgive sins. Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said, "Stand up, pick up your mat and go home." I want you to look at it right there. This is kind of, whenever I see this in the Bible, kind of puzzled me at times. But it says right there, the son of man has the authority. To forgive sins. What does that mean? Why did he say the son of God? Why did he say, you know, the Messiah? Why did he say any of that? Because he wants us to know, we have that same authority as mankind to forgive others. Turn to your neighbor and say, "Hmm." Verse 12, "And the man jumped up, grabbed his mat, and walked through the stun outlookers. They were all amazed and praised God, explaining. We've never seen anything like this before." You see, here's the thing. God had a wonderful plan for this man's life. But it hadn't been for somebody else, if it hadn't been for somebody else, that plan would have never been fulfilled. Think about it. The guy had no way of knowing, or no way of getting to where Jesus was. There are loads of people in your neighborhood, in your workplace, the places where you go often eat. There are loads of people just like this paralyzed man, the paralyzed spiritually. Just like you could be paralyzed physically, you could be paralyzed spiritually. It could be because of an upbringing, you know, something that happened to you when you were younger, or happened to them when they were younger. It could've been just not knowing. But being paralyzed spiritually is a real thing. In fact, it's more real than being paralyzed physically, because you are a spirit, you live in a body, and you have a soul. The real you is a spirit, the real person is a spirit. But here's the thing, oftentimes they are paralyzed, or anybody say paralyzed. Spiritually paralyzed people are cut off from God, and sometimes they don't even know it. But my question is, how do we look at those spiritually paralyzed people? You see, any time God does something great in the Bible, or in our lives, he always has to do it through a person, okay? Specifically, after Jesus came into the earth, but really before then, because if you think about it, when Moses, what do he have to do to get the rock to spew out water? What do he have to do? First, he was supposed to raise a staff when he stayed, he hit it, right? So he hit the rock. He did something. In order for something supernatural to happen, there always, always has to be somebody that does the natural first, okay? That's the way God works. God always works with the chain of authority, and that's why when he put mankind, he always works through man. Now, before the supernatural can happen, there always has to be the natural. Before that, ladies, pots were filled up with oil and kept overflowing with oil, what happened? She had to go gather the pots first. Before the water turned into wine, what did they have to do? They had to go get the water first. You see, here's the thing. Sometimes we are the step that needs to be taken. Here's what I mean. The paralyzed man had to have a group of friends that would bring him to Jesus. They did the natural, even if it was like seemed destructive 'cause they were tearing up the roof, and they lowered him down, and God did the supernatural and changed him. You see, here's the thing that we've got to look at. Where in our lives have we just kind of set back on our hands? If you ever seen a paralyzed person like at a restaurant or something, let's be honest, they are not fun to watch. If you ever seen a parent having to feed a paralyzed child, usually what ends up happening is there's food coming out of their mouths, saliva dripping down. To be honest, it could be kind of disgusting. But when you see somebody like that, how do you look at them? In disgust, because you're grossed out, or in compassion? It's easy to think that because somebody who has some physical issues, but when it comes to somebody who is spiritually paralyzed, how do we look at them? Do we look at them and disgust? I was watching TV a while back, and there was this documentary of this guy, and he had this growth on his face about the size of my hand. In fact, it caused his nose to hang down past his face. People called him the elephant man half the time. It was so bad, and he couldn't help it there. He was born that way every place that he went, people looked at him and discussed. When I saw that, I was like, "Wow, that is horrible!" But I had compassion for him. When you see people, do you have compassion for them? Thursday, I went to one of my clients business, and went over there to talk to him, and we were good friends, actually. We went to high school together. High school here, okay? That's a plug for Omega. That's a very, very, very, all right. So here's the thing, as we're sitting there talking, he's saved, but he's not a church goer, okay? He's accepted Jesus, but has it fully committed. You know what I'm saying? But as we're talking, he's quoting scripture and all this other stuff, and everything he's saying is right. And then he says, "You know what? "The problem with the church is, it's full of hypocrites." How many of you have thought that before? Before you were saved, you kind of thought that. And I almost, well, not almost, but I could have done the Christian punchline, and that is this. Well, there's always room for one more. You know what I'm talking about? Or you'll fit right in, you know what I mean? But I didn't, because there's some truth to this. And here's why I bring this up, because growing up in church, having, you know, besides my dad, my brother, my brother-in-law, my two uncles or pastors. And you see, here's the thing. Growing up in church, you've seen all kinds of things, and all kinds of people. Some great, and some, they need a little help that only Jesus can provide. But I bring that up because I've noticed something else. When somebody gets saved, think of, you know, think if somebody comes out of the street, and they get saved, they're so thankful and humble that no matter how bad they were, God loved them enough to die in the cross, shed his blood, rise again on the third day, and say you are loved. They're full of grace. They don't look around, they don't judge people, because they know, hey, without God, they would be there. But then what happens if, as you've grown up in church for a while, as you go to church for a while, and you get more knowledge and stuff about the things you've got, oftentimes, not intentionally, but we get sometimes it's holier than thou attitude. And what I mean by that is, you see somebody who's struggling with sin, a fellow believer, and you look down and say, or you do this in your mind. You might not say it out loud, because it's embarrassing to admit, well, at least I'm not as bad as them. But here's the thing that you gotta understand. Their issue might not be your issue, but we all have issues, okay? We all have issues that if we come with a grateful, thankful heart, sayin', Jesus, forgive me, help me to see people the way you see them, not the way I see them. And the Bible says that man looks on the outward and God looks at the heart or inward. You see, it's really easy to slip into that category. Who is counting on you? I think we all have to examine our hearts on a regular basis, because there ain't nobody that's exempt from this. I don't care who you are. I've met some really sweet Christians that make me excited, make me wanna be a better person. And then I've met some that were the sourputs. They look like they've been baptized in pickled juice, okay? Not very friendly on an everyday basis. And that's not who we are. We are better than that. Who's counting on you? In 2022, I was sitting at Bill Miller's, Bill Miller's. My two daughters worked there, one worked there for five years, the other one worked there for a year. Yeah, she said, I'm out. And so I got to know the girls behind the counter. They're usually young girls, and they were their friends, so I would talk to them and be real nice to them. But I was sitting there waiting for an order one time. And as I'm sitting there, this lady calls out this person's name, that places order. The guy didn't hear her. I think he might've been in the restroom. She kept calling it out, kept calling it out. Never came. Well, I'm just sitting there. And then a few minutes later, the guy comes out of the bathroom. Yeah, he wasn't in the bathroom, I remember now. He comes out of the bathroom. He says, where's my order? She says this right here, sir. Why did you tell me it's getting cold? He starts chewing her out. Well, I wasn't having it, okay? I'm on the table that's closest to the counter, and I said, you need to knock it off and be nice. And of course, he was fuming, and he walked off, okay? Now, we do need to stand up for people, super important. However, the way I handled it at that moment, did that change the guy's attitude? Not so much. He storms out and walks out the door. And immediately, I felt conviction. I'm like, you could've handled that way better. Yes, you should've stood up for her, but you could've handled that way better. Well, okay, Lord, forgive me. So I called my order, I got it. As I'm walking out, the Lord's gonna give me an opportunity to redeem myself. Because as I open the door, that guy is opening the door, and we walk out, we have to pass each other. Now, keep in mind, I'm five foot six and a half, okay? And this guy's like six, three. I mean, he's huge. And you can tell by looking at him, that he's had a really rough life. And he kind of guided my face, and I was like, "Holy spirit, activate, please." (audience laughs) So my daughter's always saying. And right at that moment, I felt something change in me. This is what it was. Kind of brings me to tears. When I go back and think about it, I said, "What's going on?" 'Cause he started getting my face started yelling. I said, "What's going on?" 'Cause what do you mean? I said, "You were kind of rude to that poor lady "for no reason, she was calling your name." I said, "But what are you having a hard time with? "Why are you acting like this?" And immediately when I said that, everything changed. Here the six, three men began to start weeping. He started crying. In 2020, he had just gotten out of prison, and he was trying to get himself back on track. In 2020, he got saved in prison too. But he was trying to get back on track, and something happened in 2021 when it snowed. You know, that crazy year we don't want to talk about either. When it snowed so bad, he fell down and broke his leg, and he's been fighting issues with it ever since. And I said, "I want you to know something. "God has not forgotten you. "You may have not acknowledged him, "but he is right there with you." You see, I changed from a critical spirit to compassion. Not by myself, because let me tell you, that was Jesus. And so when that happened, like I said, he was weeping and crying, and he hugs me, he says, "You're my angel." I said, "No, I'm not." I said, "God loves you enough to understand "right where you're at, to help you walk "to where you need to be. "He's got a big plan for your life, "but you got to tap into him. "Humble yourself, submit to him." And there we are in Bill Miller's parking lot. I grabbed this guy's hands, and we perked. And his life, it was like it was different. I don't know where he's at to this day, but he was completely different when he walked back into that place. And I said, "I thank you all that young lady in apology." He goes, "Oh, yes, I do." And he went in to give an apology. I'm not saying this to my own horn, because let me tell you something. I wouldn't have done that. That is out of my character, okay? I'm not the best at 101 conversations with people, just being honest. Who's counting on you? Something we need to think about. Those people, those familiar faces that you see, those coworkers, the people in your family, people at your school, your neighbor, your customers. Who's counting on you? I'm gonna start wrapping up here, but I wanna tell you a story. This was taken out of an article from a small town newspaper. It was about a young girl who had a baby, and she neglected the baby, and the boyfriend ended up killing the baby. Because of her neglect, she went to prison. So here's this girl who had done something horribly bad because she neglected her baby and caused her baby's death, okay? Not by her hand, but by her boyfriend's hand. Something so horrible. But as a probation officer began to spend time with her to get to know her, this is what he found out. When she was three years old, she was abandoned three or four days at a time. Her mom would go off partying, and when there was no babysitter, she would leave her without food. She would crawl under the bed and stay there, using the restroom on herself because she was too scared to come out. When school started, she was so excited. One day, her mom didn't come home, but she wanted to go to school anyway. So she put on her white dress and started walking across the field to school. She tripped and fell a few times in the mud before getting to school. Mud all over her dress. When she got to school, her teacher looked at her clothes and said, "Who dressed you? "You're not coming into my classroom like that. "Get out." Nobody knew what she was going through because all they saw was what was on the outward appearance. On her 16th birthday, there was a party and her parents gave her drugs. That night, she was raped by one of her mom's friends, which caused the pregnancy. After being in prison and learning what she was doing wrong, the probation officer reached out to her and helped her turn her life around and begin to help her walk with God. That does not give her a free pass for the choices that she made prior. However, now this young lady has Jesus to help her walk it out. And he is a merciful. He is merciful. Who's counting on you? Who's the paralyzed person that you see on a regular basis that you don't know? Because remember, sometimes the people that often discuss us are the ones that need Jesus the most. You have the very thing that they need to help them become who God has called them to be. Who's counting on you? Guard your heart against a critical spirit. Back in the day we had our children's workers' manuals and one of the things that we had for our team was, there was a list of scriptures, there was 10 different things, but one of them was guard against a critical spirit. Because we can be very critical of not just the unsafe world, but the church world. It doesn't matter how many times that person's been to church. It doesn't matter how much you know them. You do not know what they are dealing with. So, instead of walking into the room and saying, "Here I am," you need to say, "Oh, there you are. I've been waiting for you." I think oftentimes we get ourselves in these situations because people annoy us. Am I the only one that people annoy me? I heard Pastor Ronnie say this. He would always tell us this. "Why do you do what you do and who do you do it for? What's your motive?" Sometimes we help people because we have a hidden motive. You're like, "No, no, no, no, let me help you out." When we go to places, I open the door for people. Go right in and they walk in. When they say thank you, it's great. When they don't say a word, I want to slam it on them. (audience laughing) But then I have to step back and look, did I open the door because it's the right thing to do or did I open the door to get the thank you, to get the recognition? You see what I'm saying? There's gonna be times where you sow into people's lives that you may never know what happens. But God sees it. Who's counting on you? Let's pray. Father, we thank you so much. Lord, for the privilege and honor to serve you. Lord, to examine our hearts so that we could be grateful, thankful people, Lord, to see people the way you see them, because you put people in our lives and they are counting on us to point them to you. Jesus, help us to guard against a critical spirit. Help us to be gracious and compassionate. Jesus, help us word to seek your face and not just your hand. (gentle music) Lord, help us to hunger and thirst after more of you. To be like that one that set himself down on the floor, kneeled in front of you because he knew without you, he would be nothing. Lord, we know without you, we are nothing. But with you, we're a child of the most high. Lord, and there is nothing that you can put in our place. Lord, that would keep us, or there's nothing that anybody can put in our place that would keep us from serving you. We thank you, Lord, that sometimes we try on our own. But we need your help and we thank you for that help. In Jesus' name, with every head bowed, every act closed, if you're here, and you've never made Jesus the Lord over your life. You've never said Jesus, come into my heart, be my Lord, be my Savior, but you want to this morning. I want you to raise your hand, just pop it up quickly and never like that. All right, very good. Maybe you're here and you say, you know what? I'm like the other nine. I've accepted Jesus, but I haven't committed my whole life to him. And I wanna get my life back on track with him. I wanna be like the one if that's you, I want you to raise your hand. All right, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, hands all over the room, thank you. Let's all say this together. Say, Jesus, help me to hunger and thirst from more of you, Jesus, help me to seek your face. Not just your hand, you brought me along, and you're gonna bring me a long way. Help me to guard against a critical spirit. From this day on, I will serve you with my whole heart. But Jesus, I can't do that on my own. So I need you every day, every moment I need you. We thank you for Lord, in Jesus' name. And everybody said, amen. So I hope that we go out this week and make an impact. You may be thinking if you don't work or you don't come and contact with a bunch of people, yeah, you do. So you need to ask the Lord to show you who that person is that is counting on you. Thank you guys for having us and welcoming us back. We really appreciate it. Turn your neighbor, stand up. Turn your neighbor, slap him in the high five, tell us good to see you and y'all have a great day. Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to say thank you for all those who give and support this ministry. I pray that you've been blessed and challenged by the podcast today for more information on how to give, you can visit Thank you for believing in our mission. [MUSIC PLAYING]