Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 458

On today’s (Friday 1 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:   Donald Trump held a town hall event this week in Flint Michigan, moderated by Arkansas Governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and we’ve got a complete recap   As the radical left continues to push hateful and divisive rhetoric in the direction of Donald Trump and America First, we look in on how conservatives are pushing back on the noise and breaking news regarding the latest round of Secret Service failures   Guests: In Order of Appearance   All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)   Tom Homan: (@RealTomHoman) Retired Federal Agent; former acting ICE Director; President and CEO, Border911   Website:   Congressman Keith Self: (@RepKeithSelf) U.S. Representative, TX-3   Website:   Subscribe to the show and rate it, don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. And find everything Steak for Breakfast at Be sure to listen, like, follow and SHARE our Steak for Breakfast content!   Steak for Breakfast:   SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:   Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout Website: Website: Via the Phone: 800-658-8045   My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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On today’s (Friday 1 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:


  • Donald Trump held a town hall event this week in Flint Michigan, moderated by Arkansas Governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and we’ve got a complete recap


  • As the radical left continues to push hateful and divisive rhetoric in the direction of Donald Trump and America First, we look in on how conservatives are pushing back on the noise and breaking news regarding the latest round of Secret Service failures


Guests: In Order of Appearance


  • All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)


Tom Homan: (@RealTomHoman) Retired Federal Agent; former acting ICE Director; President and CEO, Border911




Congressman Keith Self: (@RepKeithSelf) U.S. Representative, TX-3




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And now, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. It's time for the strength of breathless partner. It's Friday, September 20th, 2024, and this is the State For Breakfast Podcast episode 458 and 459. Make sure you subscribe to the show. It's available across every downloadable podcast and platform. Find us on Apple's Spotify, IHOT, Samsung, or Amazon Podcast. Check out the State For Breakfast link to you to take the show's Instagram or latest sub-stack and verified accounts on the X-Gator & True Social. What's up, everybody, and welcome to the first of two big Friday editions of the show today. I'm Ron, I've got Noah here with me, and as always, we've got lots of breaking news. Donald Trump does a town hall with Arkansas governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, up in Flint, Michigan this week. We've got all the highlights of post-event analysis. The inflammatory rhetoric from the left continues to draw ire from the Republican side of the aisle, and we have a presser today from the Acting Secret Service Director. We'll bring you all the latest. Donald Trump held a MAGA rally in Uniondale, New York, Long Island this week, and we've got all the post-event analysis and complete breakdown. And the Teamsters make a historic decision. On their presidential endorsement in addition, Donald Trump returns to late night. Kamala Harris sits down with Oprah. We'll bring you all the latest there. We've got a great slate of guests coming in here today as well. Former Acting Ice Director for Tired Federal Agent, Tom Holman will be joining us. Texas Congressman Keith Stelf will be here as well. Former U.S. Secretary of the Interior, David Bernhardt will be joining us, and we'll catch up with the host of Battleground Live from one of our biggest Battleground states. Sean Carmel will be here, but before we get to any of our interviews, let's jump right into these headlines and change the way you consume your news. Monkey, this is not nom, this is bowling, there are rules. Hey, hey, hey, hey, Junior! America! It's like... For the best! So stand by! Alright, everybody, welcome to the State for Records podcast. I'm Ron Noah's here with me. Yo. If you're a first-time listener, welcome to the show. If you're a long-time listener, welcome back to America's Fastest Growing. And quickly becoming favorite political podcast on a busy news Friday here. Noah, how's everything going on your end? Not too bad, what's new with you? Oh, well, I feel very reassured after watching portions of the Kamala Harris Opera Town Hall last night. Wow. That home intruders don't stand a chance. It's the first thing that she said that I actually... Well, first A that made sense and B that I agree with. Yeah, such, out of all the things... We lost all of our guns in boating accidents, though. I hate that. I mean, yeah, it's record numbers, to say the least. But that's the thing. You know, they've tried to copy so much of the platform and the policy points when they try to identify, not as they them, but as regular people. And then you see Tim Walsh, Michael Jackson Lee, come out from behind the curtain before every speaking event and hit those jazz hands. And then, you know, they say if home intruders break in, they're going to be shot by the guns, which I totally own. Fellow humans. It just comes off as cringe. Even when they try to curse on the campaign trail, it's just very ugly and telegraphed. Did you see that one viral interview from CNN? It was like a five-minute interview, so I didn't want to cut it for the show today and waste too much people's time, where they tried to identify with people who were out there in Florida. This one came. It was on Anderson Cooper Show Wednesday, where the interviewer found, you know, people participating in, like, one of those Trump boat parades. Oh, yeah. No, I reposted that one. That one was amazing. I took her for a ride, huh? I know. It's like, what does me being successful have to do with it? Like, I'm successful. I did it myself. He's like, but the economy, that's for everybody. Yeah. Oh, wow. That's the thing. She thought she was going to have some fucking inbred heeb that was just going to, like, fucking woo-hoo and talk about dollar general, but she got taken for a boat ride. I mean, I thought if you own a boat and jet skis, it doesn't mean you're hurting. It's probably one of the most defining and still under the radar. Yeah. You know, we try to talk about it all the time, how Donald Trump's able to correlate and resonate with the American hardworking, blue collar, middle class people in this country is someone that's a billionaire who spends all this free time golfing or jet setting around the country. And it's because he actually takes the time to care. He actually has people work in his administration and whatever they have. I guess you can call it a transition team now, not to pronouns, but to the next administration where he brings in people who are more connected to the blue collar class and the working men and women in this country. And the thing is he takes the time to build relationships with these people. He doesn't want to use them as props like the Democrats do. Yeah. And it's one of those things where it's really starting to bite him in the ass. It's just another example of it. If you haven't seen that video, it's shared on our social media is I'll actually cut it and throw it up on our Instagram and its entirety today as well. But you have to check out things like this. And just the way that the interviewer, you know, a roving reporter for the Anderson Cooper show was absolutely floored by his answer. Like, how dare you? I had a full career and retired. I had a full, I did my entirety of service to the military and retired. I have a hundred percent disability and whether or not I own a boat or jet skis, none of your business, like everyone's hurting. The economy's for everybody, not just for people that can have things. And that's the big disconnect that the Democrats just can't make up for now. And then you're seeing a lot of these polls come out. No, you know, I don't have too many poll numbers from today. I'll pull the polymarket head to head. It's either Trump up one, them tied or Harris up one. It's been trending in that direction ever since last week. But the thing is, you're seeing a lot of these battleground states where Donald Trump is within the margin of era. A head or slightly behind in all of them, which is absolutely damning compared to historically, you know, the numbers from 2020, 2016. And then obviously when Barack Obama was president for eight years. And if they're admitting it now, listen, a poll came out from a left leaning pollster the other day that had New York state within two points. Kamala Harris up. And we'll touch on the Trump rally there today as the first new segment of our second edition of the podcast. I see absolutely rocked Long Island the other day. So, you know, it's one of those things where you just have to take into consideration how close this is. And when you look at it. Outside of the cross tabs and with no filters, you have to think that Donald Trump is doing a lot better than these pollsters are giving him credit for. Some of the more Trump supportive leaning. I mean, Rasmussen has him anywhere from plus five to plus eight nationally. And I really do think as we continue to head towards the November election, we are going to see a referendum on the last four years of absolutely America last policies and that's something that the pollsters will not be able to hide the closer we get. You're not going to have a Kamala Harris 91 to eight like we did in the New York Times with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton back in 2016 favor ability to win the president the night before the election. You're not going to see anything like that. And it seems like it doesn't matter where she goes, whether it's for these heavily edited interviews with local news outlets out on the campaign trail where she answers no questions, especially in the town hall. I've got a couple clips of that as well, or what she did virtually with Oprah last night. You know, it even seems like the people who are coming in from the elite class to support her like they don't know what to say. You know, and again, this all stems back from the Democrats not being able to admit why Joe Biden is in the candidate and Kamala Harris is the choice now. You know, we played the clips on the show of this is 10 weeks ago. It's not like it was years ago, where morning Joe and Jake Tapper and other big pundits on the left leaning media sphere. We're all calling for Kamala Harris to get kicked off the ticket so Joe Biden can win this election. She was the boat anchor that was holding him back. Yeah. Now she's blasting people to break into her house. Yeah. The greatest candidate in the history of candidates, according to everybody on the left. You know, I just don't think America's going to fall for it again. And we've also seen some contributing information that would allow Donald Trump to have successful runs in other states that he didn't in 2020 because of the COVID pandemic and free for all mail and ballots. Nearly a million less mail and ballots are going out to Democrats in states like North Carolina and Georgia. James Blair from the Trump campaign confirmed that for us last week. We've also seen anywhere between 400 and 500,000 less ballots going out in places like Nevada and Arizona for Democrat mail and ballots as well. So, you know, too. Well, is it just Democrats or is it just mail in ballots in general? No, it's requesting from Democrats. You know, they break it down into party when the. Oh, these are requested, not just the free for all ones. Yeah, the ones that were sent out. So, you know, once the free for all was eliminated, then you go back to requests for an absentee ballot, which has to come in written form. And meet polling deadlines. And essentially in a lot of the states where it counts, North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada, the deadlines are passed or getting ready to pass and it's just not going to happen. Yeah, and then, you know, of course, the monkey pox and swine flu and bird flu and all this other nonsense that they were. Soft launching. None of it really took. Yeah, yeah, you know, it's, it's going to be tough for them. It's going to be close in some of the states where it is close right now. I think Michigan and Wisconsin are going to be razor thin, but I think Donald Trump's doing what he needs to do to get out to those places and make his voice heard. And make the people who have been left out, which essentially is 99% of America under this administration. Remember how great your life could be in a very short amount of time. I mean, I see Trump surrogates who served in like an agency head position or cabinet level position or people that potentially are going to fill those roles in the next administration. Now doubling down on first hundred, first hundred twenty or day one, things are going to change. And I believe it. If you want the border closed on January 21st, 2025, vote for Donald Trump. If you want the energy to start getting drill, baby drilled and fracked, baby fracked on January 21st, 2025, vote for Donald Trump. You know, if you want to see your community continue to be overrun with things like Haitian migrants, then obviously you're going to be probably, your vagina's open for refuge. And you're going to continue to vote for people like Kamala Harris. But again, you're not voting for a president if you vote Democrat in this upcoming election. You're voting for all of their policies because they don't have a figurehead right now. That comes, what they're hoping is in the next election with a lot of people on the bench like Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Jamie Pritzker, et cetera. And you have the man that's going to buck the chant and really start to change things when you talk about Donald Trump in this upcoming one. And that's just the way it is. You might not see another president like Donald Trump ever again, at least in a modern political sense, moving forward. You'll have people who will try to fill the roles, ones that are going to try and put their name on the America first movement. But when it comes to the people that ran recently and even the ones that could potentially, as Republicans in the upcoming election cycle, we don't have a rising superstars. We have a very lot of solid people, JD Vance, Virginia Governor Glenn Yunken comes to mind. But they have a lot of things to do to meet the minimum standards of what we have used to make Donald Trump the gold standard for the last eight plus years now. And that's just the way it is. So maybe working with Donald Trump in the next administration will help. Maybe working alongside of him, outside of the government in some context will help in another ways. But, you know, we have a lot of work to do in the next 46 days. And in some states, those ballots are already going out. So if you live in North Carolina, you live in Pennsylvania, you live in Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin. You've got to be talking to people about what policy-driven items are going to make sure that people around you are voting with America first. Because if not, America's finished. And that's essentially the way I look at it. All right, jumping into the news portion of the show here today. And before I do, we've got to absolutely stack line up to people who helped to make America great again, both physically and metaphorically, in Donald Trump's first term will be joining us. And this segment will be catching up with former acting ice director, Tom Holman, absolutely love him. We'll wrap up this edition of the podcast with Texas Congressman Keith Self, always a great contributor to the show. In our second edition of the podcast today, we'll sit down and have a conversation with the former secretary of the interior under President Trump, David Bernhardt. Love when he comes and can share with us. And we'll wrap up the show today with former congressional and senatorial candidate in the state of Pennsylvania, someone who's working really hard there for the Trump campaign. The host of Battleground Live, Sean Parnell. So, great lineup coming in here today. Next week's lineup looking just as stacked. And let's jump into the news here. So, Donald Trump held a town hall in Flint, Michigan this week. Town halls are usually, you know, they put them in a very small venue, three to five hundred people. It's an intimate affair. Well, Donald Trump filled up a venue with over eight thousand people and had another five plus thousand watching it on big screens outside. It was moderated by Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was a major participant as the press sec in the last Trump administration. But before we get into some of the highlights I have from there, I want to play a clip that broke right as our show was ending last week. And it goes off of some of the stuff we were talking about, you know, the inflammatory rhetoric from the left and how it continues to draw ire from just about everybody in America who thinks what happened to Donald Trump regarding the two assassination attempts is unacceptable. And no, I don't know if you saw the clip, yet, but it was when Peter Ducey literally asked KJP how much longer are you Joe Biden and Kamala Harris going to continue to say that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy when he's already had two assassination attempts on his life. You ready? Yeah, I saw that one. All right, let's check it out. I want to follow up on that because Senator Vance appeared to call out specifically one of the phrases that you used earlier, which was threat to democracy. But we cannot tell the American people that one candidate is a fascist, and if he's elected that it's going to be the end of American democracy. Now, I recognize that Donald Trump has also used those phrases, threat to democracy, danger to democracy, but in light of what has happened, and in light of the fact that there are going to be disturbed people who take words like threat or danger of literally is the president, and is the vice president considering avoiding those specific terms, threat to democracy for dangerous democracy? I mean, look, and I answered this question. The president has always been very clear-eyed about this, about the threat of the former president represents to our democracy. Just think about January 6th. January 6th, we have to be honest with the American people when we see those types of threats, when we see that type of rhetoric that led to 2,000 people going to the Capitol. We have to call that out. And, look, let me step back for a second even further. You all as news organizations have the obligation, right, you all obligated, to cover events like January 6th. As I mentioned before, some of your colleagues were there, some of you were there on January 6th, and you had to report that the way you saw it, the obligation to do that. And we appreciate it, because I know those were dangerous times. That was a dangerous day to be there. And, you know, we have to call out any type of refusal of an outcome of an election, any type of violent rhetoric. And this administration has the responsibility to be honest to the American people. So, look, we can, as a country, right, we can have disagreements on issues, on policy issues. It is okay to have that conversation. We had a debate, as I mentioned recently. It is, that is what's beautiful about what we do, right, to go back and forth about our democracy. But once there's violent rhetoric, we got to condemn that. And, you know, the president's going to encourage all leaders from both parties to do so. All leaders from both parties to do so. It's not just on one. All leaders on both parties have to make sure that we do not use that type of violent political rhetoric, because look what happened. January 6th, Paul Pelosi, Butler, over the weekend. We got to be mindful. Wow. Did you hear an answer there? When was the last time you heard an answer other than people are going to get shot after breaking my house? I mean, that's the only thing she's fucking answered. And I just want to clarify for our listenership. No, that wasn't even a question. I feel like the doocy clip had made it around the internet so much by the time we had got to Wednesday evening, I actually pulled the follow up one there. So, you could hear how they would continue to go down this road and she essentially refused. I mean, listen, the reporter asked her, but Peter just asked, are you guys willing to cool the rhetoric and stop calling him a threat to democracy, stop referring to him as Hitler? And then she's like, oh, we absolutely would like to see a lowering of the temperature. But when you have insurrections on the Capitol led by the former president, like, you're doing it again. You're dog whistling to these people. All of the crazies that are going to go and do what the would be assassin in Butler and down in West Palm Beach last weekend. When that programming hits and you go past that red line to where they feel like they have to physically get involved in the game and try to remove pieces from the board. There's no accountability for any of these ass hats. And I don't think with the way Korean Jean Pierre answered as the person as the pronoun who's supposed to be representing Joe Biden. You know, this is what we can expect. I did see in the House of Representatives today, I believe there was a couple people absent or not present. But on a 405 to zero vote, giving Donald Trump presidential level protection or all top level candidates so president and vice presidents on both sides down moving forward had passed through the House of Representatives by I believe a unanimous vote. And now heads to the Senate. We could check in with Representative Keith self on the back end of this show today to maybe get an update there. But you know, it's one of those things where if you think, especially with the polling and the internal polling on the side, looking as bad as it is, that they are going to not pull every trick out of the bag, including continuing to use this divisive language to, unfortunately, maybe put Donald Trump again in the crosshairs before election day. Well, we've already got two examples on how this is the rewards that the Democrats are reaping for their negative behavior and moving forward. Who knows, you know, depending on what happens between now and November 5 what we're going to see. Well, let's jump into this town hall again hugely attended over 8,000 people inside the building. Another 5,000 outside watching on the big screen has Donald Trump sat down with Sarah Huckabee Sanders to talk about some of the biggest issues that are facing Americans right now is they're getting ready to make their decision on who the next president of the United States is going to be. Let's check out the first clip. I don't think there's a person certainly in this room tonight and probably anywhere in the country that doesn't remember exactly where they were on July 13 that Saturday when a horrific thing happened, an attack not just on you, but what I see as an attack on our entire country. They have joined with everyone in. We know that you were tough. We saw it every day on the campaign. We saw it when you were president. But I don't think anybody was prepared for what we saw that day. And now it's happened not once but twice. You've literally taken a bullet for our country and yet you keep fighting. You never give up. The reason that you're going to win in November is because America needs a fighter. We think, though, it sounded like everybody's pretty fired up. I'll tell you what, Governor Sanders was very emotional throughout the, you know, she has a really good relationship. Her father, Mike Huckabee, you know, the former Arkansas governor, former presidential candidate has a really strong relationship with President Trump as well. And this is like not political friends. These are family friends. These are actual friends outside of the political arena. And I think, you know, even though she's spoken for him before on the campaign trail, getting to sit across from him in a little bit more of an intimate setting. And since both of these assassination attempts have happened over the course of the last 70 days now, I think it kind of brought it into perspective for her, what's at stake, and you could tell in her voice throughout the entirety of this town hall that she was really feeling it. Consequently, they would segue to talking about, I guess, both assassination attempts. The most recent one had happened the Sunday prior to this Tuesday night town hall in Flint, Michigan. And even though I already used the term Donald Trump would allude to the fact that only consequential presidents were the ones getting shot at. Let's hear it. We're going to bring her back. We're not just going to keep, you know, you're losing your job so whole thing, but just so they're building. So I said, where would I go? And let's go take a look at a beauty. He said, well, we'll have to go to Mexico. Is that what I mean? I'm not interested. I'm not interested. No, I want to know here. He said, here, we don't build top of the line. We build smaller plants. We build, you know, there's just not that kind of a thing. And I said, isn't it said he feels that too? You know, he's a United States guy. But he said, if you want to see the big ones, you're going to have to go to Mexico. They're owned and built by China in Mexico. And there are a number of them going up right now. And they think they're going to make their cars there. And they're going to sell them across our line. And we're going to take them. And we're not going to charge them tax. We're going to charge them. I'm telling you right now, I'm putting a 200% tariff on, which means they're unsellable. Unsellable in the United States. And then you wonder why it gets shot at, right? You know, only consequential presidents get shot at. When I say something like that, you have countries saying, this guy, but what can you do? You have to do what you have to do, right? You have to, we have to be brave. Otherwise, we're not going to have a country left. So what's happening is they're building these massive auto plants, and they think they're going to make tens of thousands of automobiles and sell them in here. No tax, no nothing. It's not going to happen. When you put on tariffs, tariffs are the greatest thing ever invented. I took in 467 billion dollars from China. Nobody else took in anything. And China's economy is not even doing that well. And Biden, you know, they have not been able, and Kamala, they have not been able to take those tariffs off because there's so much money. And frankly, if they did take them off, this country would be flooded with China. You know, it's funny, they've been asking Kamala Harris and KJP out on the campaign trail about the Trump tariffs that they haven't taken off China, and they just don't want to answer about it. You know, they'll talk about how the president's economic plan for his next term is one that would destroy the economy and hurt the middle class. And then when they start talking about the Trump tariffs and how he's trying to get fair and reciprocal trade from places around the world, especially from China and via Mexico, you know, they answer in the same way. They answer in the same way they answer about any questions. They talk about how, well, they grew up in a middle class family. Yeah, tariffs grew up in a middle class family. People cared about what their lawns looked like, and they're all registered gun owners. So, you know, word salad from the other side, Donald Trump, I mean, listen, you talk about the economy at the beginning of the first Trump term compared to what it looks like now. I can only imagine what half a trillion dollars in tariffs would look like. It'd probably be over a trillion in its entirety, especially with how he plans on going straight up to 200 percent moving forward. And I think it would just be absolutely fantastic. You know, and he had mentioned the vaguely and in a joking way. President Trump's just built different when you talk about this assassination stuff that's going on right now. I mean, I'm watching in real time the acting director of the Secret Service, Ronald Rowe to a press conference. Again, word salad, semi-victory lap saying that, you know, well, at least he didn't die, so that's a win for us. And then pushing all of the blame on local police, you know, we're addressing the issue at the outer perimeter of the rally according to local police is what the directors keep answering the question as. And it's just pathetic. It is. These guys are pathetic. I mean, this guy was an Obama staffer for nearly a decade before he moved into a, you know, non-uniform job as a top administrator of one of our largest, the premier security agency in the United States. And it's just an embarrassment to watch these deep state hacks and the way that they're kind of navigating the wars. I can guarantee you in the next administration, you'll have somebody that's actually had a range day. If you know what I'm talking about, go and be the head of these agencies that are supposed to be protecting our highest value assets. But President Trump did say he received calls, finally took one from Joe Biden. I know Joe Biden, we played that clip last week where he tried to call Donald Trump three times and he kept getting sent to voicemail. But did take a call from the current president and from Kamala Harris as well. He touched on that a bit. Let's check it out. And I have to say that President Biden called me yesterday. It was very nice with a very nice conversation. I appreciated that he called about, you know, what happened the other day. And he says, he's committed. No, but, and today, a little while ago, I got a very nice call from Kamala. No, it was very nice. I love that he said her name wrong. It was very nice. It was very, very nice and we appreciate that. But we have to take back our country, we have to win, we're going to win, and we're going to make America great again. That's all there is still. I think it's safe to say that this crowd will all be voting for you. Do you think Kamala Harris's thoughts and prayers grew up in a middle class neighborhood and cared about what their lawns looked like? Probably very sad as the state of our presidential security currently. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, welcome to the first of two big Friday editions of the state for breakfast podcast. Listen, you got to help us out. And no matter what platform you're downloading the show on, Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Samsung, Amazon podcast, wherever, make sure you're subscribed to the show. Recently, Apple did an iOS update, which if you aren't in your settings actively and selected to download podcasts that include explicit material, then you were unsubscribed from the state for breakfast podcast. So very important that you head over to Apple and make sure you hit that plus follow button in the top right hand corner and that we're downloading to your electronic device. You can also check us out on social media, Twitter, get our true social Instagram and TikTok is where we have accounts, find them, follow them, hit the notification bell. You'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at stake for breakfast, like the interview we're about to jump into in just a moment with former acting ice director, the CEO and President of Border 911, Director Tom Holman. So, in addition to the tariffs and the trade talk, you know, no, we've heavily covered on the show throughout the course of the last year at least. Donald Trump's been having a lot of FaceTime with world leaders. They've either gone to Trump Tower in New York. They've met him out on the campaign trail when they're stopping in Washington, D.C., or they've gone down like BB Netanyahu did recently and had a formal luncheon with him at places like Mar-a-Lago. And I think it's really important that Donald Trump continues to work these relationships behind the scene as they're going to be critical components to not only economic success here, but bringing back global security and stability to the world once he becomes President, and that very short amount of time he has after the November election before he's sworn in. On January 20th of next year, he talked about having discussions recently with the Prime Minister of India, Prime Minister Modi, and apparently he's going to be in town, talking to some people in Washington, D.C., next week, but he's also going to be meeting with potentially the next President of the United States as well. Let's hear it. Mr. Senator doesn't care about trade, but, you know, so we're going to call it the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, or I'll leave the name Trump off as long as we do it. So in India, which is a very big abuser, he happens to be coming to meet me next week, and Modi, he's fantastic. I mean, fantastic man. A lot of these leaders are fantastic. You have to understand one thing. They're dealing, they're 100%. These people, the sharpest people, they're not a little bit backward. They are at the top, you know, the expression, they're at the top of their game, and they use it against us, but India's very tough, Brazil's very tough. There are certain countries, I can tell you everyone, I can give you from top to bottom. China's the toughest of all, but we were taking care of China with the tariffs. So we're going to do a reciprocal trade. If anybody charges us 10 cents, if they charge us $2, if they charge us 100%, $250, we charge them the same thing. And you know what's going to happen? Everything's going to disappear, and we're going to end up having free trade again. Out of it doesn't disappear, we're going to take in a lot of money, okay? But you know, the biggest beneficiary, I believe, is going to be your state. And I won't say that to other states, I promise, about your state, you are going to have plans built at a level that you haven't seen in 50 years, okay? Great question. Thank you. Thank you. You know, and when you look at what's going on with how the automotive industry has been under fire, figuratively now, not like in Butler or down in West Palm Beach last weekend, and how just the manufacturing industry in general has been leaving the United States for places like Mexico, for places like India over the last 50 years, to see the rejuvenation of that sect in the United States, potentially in a second Trump term, I think is something that's going, listen, small town America is disappearing. It's turning into migrant town America, or crime ridden America, or drug epidemic and homeless epidemic America, and these people want their communities back. And I've been watching, regardless of how much factual evidence is going to come out about, they're eating your dogs and cats and places like Springfield, Ohio, the vet is on the ground there this week as we heard, and we'll hear in our next edition of the podcast when Donald Trump was at his rally in Long Island the other day. He said he'll be going there as well. This week, these people are concerned, they're not just talking about missing out on pets and ducks and geese at the parks, they're talking about how their kids schools are over ran with not hundreds but thousands of kids who don't speak the language, who don't know how to get an education who was in a informal school before, and what that means to their kids education, obviously the healthcare sector is getting completely over ran in places like Michigan as well. And you know, for the people that have done it the right way, and there are enough of them in this country right now and they're seeing what's happening, you're going from the seventh layer of hell when it comes to poverty and some third world chit hole and coming here and getting it put up at a five star hotel, $7,000 a month in spending cash, and not getting in trouble when you commit these crimes. For people that have done it the right way, they've absolutely had it as well. And I think enough of America is on board with understanding what the problem is, the Democrat solution means there's going to be at least 20 more million people, granted amnesty in the very first phase of what potentially would be a Harris administration. And that means all of those people are getting added to Medicare, Social Security, the first time home buyers, the child tax credits as well, what's going to be left for us. Nothing. You know, there's that famous line from the Incredibles, the Disney cartoon movie. I don't know if you've ever seen it. No. Oh, and the villain of the movie says if everybody's a superhero, then no one is. And I saw somebody post online over one of these, you know, ridiculous things about her going on in these sanctuary states or where the Biden flights are getting dumped in and over running communities. It's like when everyone's an American citizen, no one is. And it's like, yes, that's what the amnesty for all of these illegals essentially means. Yeah. And not only did we just find our after credit for the show, but it's something that, although be it in light and in a joking sense, because they're using a meme to get the point across. It's the point across that's important. Well, yeah, it's the same thing as if you let everybody in. And you don't have any stipulations on who can come in, when they can come in, how they can come in. Then is it really a country or is it just an area? Yeah. True story. And Donald Trump would close out his remarks. Not in typical Trump rally fashion as this was a town hall, helping be wrapped up by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. And we'll play a little portion of that right now. Check it out. Anywhere in the United States for that matter, it seems to be the right location. But we're going to have more fun. So I'm telling them about Michigan. And I'm saying, you know, the story is getting a little bit long because I'm talking about Michigan. I happen to be in another state, but everybody loved it because they know you. You're recognized for this. We're going to get, now, they go from paying 100% tariff to paying nothing. All they have to do is build their factory and spend their hundreds of millions of dollars in your state. This will be like taking candy from a baby. It will happen first and you get the credit. I'm going to give you the credit. Well, I don't think there's any question that America was better off under Donald Trump. And we know that it's going to be even better the second time around. Before tonight, I knew you were going to win the presidency. I had no doubt, Arkansas is going to come in huge, but now I know you're going to win Michigan by epic margins. I like it. Ladies and gentlemen, we need you to show up. We need you to vote because the future of my kids, your kids, our grandkids depends on whether or not Donald Trump goes back into the White House, and I know you're not going to let us down. More importantly, I know President Trump is not going to let us down because he's shown us time and time again that no matter what comes at him, no matter what the left throws at him, he's going to get back up and keep fighting for this country that he loves so much. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, man. What do you think, Noah? I mean, it wasn't a rally, but there was definitely enough people there to, uh, for it to identify as one. Yeah. Place like Michigan, you know how much manufacturing, auto manufacturing, the hard-working blue-collar middle class. It's essentially the heart and soul of this country are there and they're hurting and they have an alternative. You think Donald Trump's doing a good job on the messaging on what he's going to do to other countries on the international trade market and what he could do to reinvigorate the domestic manufacturing industry to maybe turn Michigan red once again? Yeah, I mean, the other side is going to be like, well, all these things that he's going to do is just going to cost the taxpayers money, blah, blah, blah. It's like, well, no, you apply it evenly across the board, in which case if these people want to deal with the United States, they have to deal with the United States. Excellent point. We're going to leave it at that as we're getting ready to jump in with the former acting ICE director who last served during the Trump administration. Tom Holman, but before we do a first check-in with one of our partners, I think it's time we had a conversation about a good night's sleep. Pillow King of Minnesota, Mike Lindell, and the apparatus known as the MyPillow family has been cranking out savings down at MyPillow for over 20 years. And for the first time in 20 years, they've changed the long-standing MyPillow and now have the MyPillow version 2.0. The end of promo code Stake at Checkout, you're going to get buy one, get one free. In addition to that, they've got great savings on all things like MyPillow Dogbeds, the Air Lindell version 1 in 2 My Slippers, and Giza Dream Everything. If you're more of a morning person, they've launched MyCoffee. It's available in the Bean, the Bag, and the Pod. When you need a promo code Stake here, you're going to get 25% off your order or 50% off when you make it a monthly subscription. for anything sleep-related. If you want the coffee, my, or you can always talk to a qualified pillow representative, 1-800-6580-45. Alright, joining us first on the show today, this big Friday edition of the Stake for Breakfast podcast. He's the president and CEO of Border 911. He last served as the former acting ice director and is a federal agent, welcoming me back to the show. Mr. Tom Holman, thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me. Always a pleasure, sir, and we're going to jump right into this. We've got 46 days until the election. You see Donald Trump out there on the campaign trail bobbing and weaving through the battleground states and states that historically haven't been in play. Like, let's just say New York, where you held a big rally up in Long Island. Recently this week, he's talking to a lot of different groups. Widen the tent in ways that most Republican candidates traditionally haven't been able to do so. And I just kind of want to get your commentary on how you see this race shaking out and the race that President Trump's ran so far, given all the intangibles that he's had to come against, including two attempts on his life. Well, look, I think the president is one of the kind, right? He's going to areas talking to American people. As you said, traditionally, Republican candidates don't, but he understands that many in the battleground states, even if you're not a Republican friend in the area, they're fed up too. They're fed up with the inflation. They're fed up with the worse-ross world and they're fed up with the border. And these are smart people in their dis-administration. Isn't fooling them, saying that border numbers are down when actually they're taking border numbers and splitting them on three different categories. And so they don't have to come as illegal entries. They bring illegal items reported entry by thousands through airports by the thousands. And they say, "Okay, well, we got less illegal aliens." Only because they took two-thirds of them and put them through an illegal process, called a link. So, American people are smarter than that. Do they see the effects they don't bore his head on their towns, whether it's crime, whether it's inflation, whether it's, you know, beating up the social services are meant for tax paying citizens. So, he's going to these places, and I think he's going to get a percentage of the revolts, just because they know that the administration failed them on ten different aspects. President Trump had a much better economy. He had a secure border. And I think people realize that the answer to the question, "Are you better off now than they were four years ago?" The answer is clearly no. So, I think he's doing the right thing. Get into everybody, not just a select few, talking to everybody. You know, that's an excellent point you make. And then, when you see the other side of the coin, Tom, you know, you've seen Kamala Harris go out there, whether it be in her, you know, heavily edited interviews, whether it be at some of the speaking events. You know, now she wants to say she takes border security very seriously, whether it comes to the lack of border security we've had over the course of the last three plus years, the amount of people on the terror watch list that we know about, not including all the getaways that have gotten into this country. The Biden flights, which have contributed to millions more of illegals coming into this country and being dumped everywhere, the fentanyl that's poisoning Americans and record numbers that we had never seen before in this country. Just kind of want to get your take on what the Democrats are bringing to the table, or not, and how they're trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public as we're in such a critical short amount of time before we go to the ballot box on November 5th. Well, about nine as I saw come out here yesterday talking about how he's going to sign the so-called bipartisan Senate bill day one, and she's going to secure the border. Well, she's had three and a half years, why is she hasn't done it for a first of all. And let's not, let's not forget, they unsecured the border, right? They came to the office, they were handed the most secure border in my lifetime, and they brought over 90 seconds of borders abolishing all the security policies we had. And within months, we had historical immigration, she broke it, and she can't run away from it. So she said, "I'm going to fix the border, but let's remember, she's the one that broke her and Biden." And second of all, when she keeps running around saying it's bipartisan Senate bill, people need to understand, six months before that Senate bill was even talked about, we had H.R.2, H.R.2 past the house, H.R.2 was much, much stronger, not even close, lot stronger than the Senate bill. What is secure in the border? How do I know that? Because a lot of H.R.2 would come policies that can remain in Mexico. We proved they were. It wasn't a guessing game. We approved that these policies were. So why would we negotiate against any plan, negotiate away from the plan that we knew, based on our experience, that it worked. So H.R.2, of course, the Senate didn't bring it up on the floor for a vote, they didn't even debate it. So what did they do? They saw the poll numbers going down, right? It was a big issue. So they had to come up with some sort of Senate-bordered plan, get a couple of sucker Republicans who agreed to the plan, write a plan that they knew when that plan came out, that it wouldn't pass, because it was a terrible plan. But that's what they did. They didn't have a purpose of writing a plan that won't work, won't get passed by the Republicans. We can bring Republicans from the border. And the Senate for playing for the Republican Center for those involved in that bill. I spoke to me in a couple of board show chiefs and told them that bill was terrible, and we were not supported. And as the Republican Center wants you to demand, Chuck Schumer puts H.R.2 on the floor, because we know that would work. We know that would be successful, because we've done it. We proved it. So shame on him for falling for the trap. He fell for the sucker trap. That's right, a bill we know won't pass. We can say, "What's bipartisan playing, because you're a part of it." But it's never going to pass Congress, so we can flip the script and say, "Look at it." President Trump and Republicans can shut down border legislation. It is a bunch of garbage. I really obsessed me every time I hear that argument, because they won't talk about H.R.2. So who really shut down border legislation? The Democrat Senate, along the White House, who refused to even discuss H.R.2 that passed the House. It's something, Tom, that you just can't deny after seeing the way some of the Swiss Republicans kind of went along with this, the talking points that they made in the media, even saying, in some components that, and I'm air quoting now, border patrol endorsed this. I mean, we all know there's a difference between the appointed and the Senate confirmed people who stood at the top of the agencies and the rank and file who have been having to have been subjected to these open border policies over the course of the last three plus years. You know, I do want to touch on that a little bit. Someone who's worked extensively down on the border and for as many years and under as many presidents as you have, tell our listenership a little bit about what you think these agents that are on the field right now. The ones that can't enforce deportations, the ones that know that drugs are pouring across the border and record highs, and what it must be like to be in their shoes right now. When they see their country being invaded, they see it being over running communities throughout the country, and they have little or no ability or authority, in some cases, to do anything about it, because of this administration. Well, let's remember, let's get back to Border Training. Border Training originally endorsed the plan because they even said there are statements, a lot of things in this bill we don't like, but we think something's better than nothing. Well, they weren't aware of the HR two plan where it wasn't just something, it was the fix. And later on, Border Patrol, you know, backed away from that endorsement because, you know, they understood HR two was hanging out there. And look, bottom line is, they know, based on history, President Trump had a hell of a lot better plan than that sent it by partisan bill. So they were suffering, and I get it, they're working 24/7, they thought something was better than nothing. But the thing about that bill is when a lot of 1.8 million people illegally in this country before they took action, they're going to allow 4,000 to 3,000 people to take action. It did nothing about child trafficking, it did nothing about family trafficking, it did nothing about sex trafficking. And they want to qualify, make it in the statute that is okay for 5,000 people to enter illegally every day and not take action. So, and let's be honest, when the 5,000 of one alien hit set border that day, do you think an alien's going to turn it? Okay, I'm 5,000 one. Okay, so I'll go home now. Now, he's going to be another guy out of the way, said bill is ridiculous, but the Border Patrol who was hurting at the time thought something was better than nothing. But they have sense retracted that. So, but look, the men and women in the Border Patrol, they love Trump. I hear a thousand times of why, because they had the most secure border in their, in their career. And look, it isn't their opinion, they're down there working it. They can tell you, and anybody, anybody listening to the show right now can go to and look at the stats on the Trump, and look at the stats on the Biden. The most secure border of lifetime and the data, the government's own data proves it. The men and women in the Border Patrol want to do the national security duty. They want to catch bad guys. They want to see drugs come across the border. They want to, they want to arrest terrorists, they want to arrest criminals and gang members come across the border. They want to protect this country. They don't want to be making sandwiches to change in diapers and dealing with humanitarian crisis that was created by the administration. They want to do their job. They, they didn't get trained. I went to, I was a Border Patrol. I mean, they're not trained to process and put people on airplane, and deliver them to the very people that smoke them into the country or pay to smoke an organization. That's part of the smuggling whole process. And that makes them complicit. They don't want to do that. They want to enforce the law. They want to arrest bad people. They want to protect this nation. And they know that under a President Trump administration, they'll do exactly that and do what they train to do and not pull the oath. They took to be a Border Patrol agent. No, that's the next one point you make. I mean, no one likes passing out Capri Suns when the alternative could be stopping smugglers who were trying to get fentanyl into this country or trafficking human, women, children, et cetera. You know, and then when you talk about the safety and security of our country, listen, we've seen the rise of some international gangs and entities of the cartels that we've never seen operating so freely. So freely here in the United States, you know, it's not just the criminal aliens individually who are coming in here. It's entire networks and entities. How big of a destabilizing factors that Tom, when you look at some of these cities, we're talking about Aurora, Colorado, Springfield, Ohio, and other places across the country where these gangs and international affiliates are now operating free. You know, they have the DA's who won't prosecute them. You have ICE who's not allowed to detain them or remove them from the country. And then you have the federal government who just continues to let them in by the tens of thousands every month. You know, it scares me is the two point two men known got away to record on video joint traveling, sons of traffic. We know there's 2.2, at least men. It'll go alien. We got a video drunk traffic, crossed the border more apprehended. They paid more to get away. Why did they pay more to get away? Why didn't they pay less to the car? Because you get, you pay two fees to the cartel, right? Pay one fee just to get to the border and turn yourself into a bar toe. Cartel job, Dover. But if you want to get away, you want to get to New York City, Chicago, LA, or any other city in this country, you got to have a lot more. So why did 2.2 million people pay more to get away? Because they didn't want to be vetted. They might be fingerprinted. These are going to be people in terrorist sponsored countries. It's going to be criminals. You're going to be gang members. These are going to be the people that are sex trafficking women, children. Obvious, because they don't want to be fingerprinted and vetted. But even these gangs that you mentioned, like trying to, like, why on others, MS-13, many of these people actually did get arrested by the bar toe and released because they passed vetting, so-called vetting department calls. But people need to understand, what is vetting? Well, even through terrorist screening databases, but we all know not every terrorist in the world is in that database. It's just something, but it's not perfect. However, most screenings done through NCIC. So unless you are in the United States previously, and your fingerprints come back to a criminal record here in the United States, you're going to clear vetting. Because we don't have access to criminal data systems and men's away on our Salvador, or most of these countries. So just because someone passes vetting, don't mean they're not a bad guy in their home country. Matter of fact, there's an off-saladoring, a couple weeks ago. He's running for over 20 homicides in El Salvador. And he passed vetting because we had no access to criminal data based in El Salvador. And so we know, President Trump wasn't wrong. He said a lot of bad people come across that border. If you look at the data from the border toe, they go as high as 18 to 20% of everybody, the rest have some sort of criminal history. So look, in the vetting process is poor. When you tell the whole world what this administration has done, you can come to our border. You'll be processed quickly and released. We'll give you a plane flight, a free plane ride to the city of your choice. We'll put you in a hotel room for free. We'll give you three meals a day. We'll give you three medical care. And we'll give you a work authorization in 90 days. You're all up on the count, especially if they're going to go to sanctuary cities like New York and in Colorado and Chicago and most of California. They're going to go to sanctuary cities to them. And they realize, you know, they're a criminal to protect it because they get arrested for a crime, get booked in a county jail, and they're not allowed to call us. It's a pretty pass. So again, sanctuary cities are in placement for criminal and it's going to this country and get to those cities be protected. Sure. Yeah. Tom, we want to tell our listenership to be able to get involved. Border 911 is something that you've been going around the country doing. You guys are having dinners. You guys have tons of extensive material online that people could check out. It's like an almost avengers level group of people who have been involved, not just in the Trump administration, but for many decades, keeping our country safe and secure. Our listenership where we could find it online and where we could find you as well. Okay, so everything that we talked about so far is just Tom, how many directors, because I bought a 911. So, as a 501c3 and we also have the Border Patrol Inc, which is a 451c4. So we got to be non-political. So that's where you booked the website. It's non-political. You can go to the website. We got a lot of data there. It's going to get the most recent data on the border crossings and sanctuary cities and so forth. But we also, we just, next week, we'll be loading up an educational platform where people go in there and really understand what the issue is on the border. We're going to explain to you what border security is. We explain to you why it's a crime that the country will bring me. We explain to you what asylum means. And we explain the mass of fraud in asylum. So it's really an educational platform we put in there. So people were like, if they don't understand if you're going and it's a lesson plan, you even got a little quiz at the end. So that should be loaded up next week. I just reviewed it myself yesterday. I'm making a few adjustments to them. They'll be loaded up. But you go there for daddy, you go there for stories, you go there to find out where our next event is, our 501c3 event, which, again, are not political. What we do, we educate American people on the facts on the border. We're not going to tell you who to go for. We're going to give you the facts. You can make your own decision that goes into that data. So go to and you see all the information there. And we'll be looking to catch up with you again soon. This is the former acting ice director who last served under President Trump. He's now the president and CEO of border 911. Mr. Tom Homan. Thanks for joining us on the show today, sir. Have a great weekend. You have great weekend, too. Thanks. Her quotes where she says, "Trump, quote, Trump is a threat to our democracy and fundamental freedoms." She said this over and over again, not just before the first attempt. Even after the first attempt on President Trump's life, there might have been a two or three-day pause. And then they went right back to it. In fact, just days before the second assassination attempt, Kamala Harris made that quote. And then the second shooter, attempted shooter, he was regurgitating the same language as Kamala. So this is no longer a dog whistle, which it's been on the left. It's now being received by some unhinged people as a call to action when Democrats say this. Kamala needs to stop saying that President Trump is a threat to democracy. There are unhinged people that are taking that as a call to go and try to eliminate President Trump. She needs to stop it. Now, leadership starts at the top, and then you've got to go down. President Biden has said that as well, along with the quotes, and you've heard it from others, it's important to repeat. President Biden, quote, "It's time to put Trump in a bullseye." The president of the United States said that, and then two now two different people have taken that as a call to action. Where is the real scrutiny coming from the press to ask them, do you now denounce what you said? Because people are taking it the wrong way and are actually trying to carry it out. It's not... All right, I jumped back into the news portion of the show here today. First edition of Two Big Ones, Friday style, steak for breakfast. And as always, it was great catching up with the former acting ice director. We hope that he's involved in the very least, the same context in a future Trump administration. Tom Holman, as he always paints, well, a very bleak picture of what's going on down in the U.S. southern border. And now in our streets across the country, however, what the absolute solution would be moving forward and getting things started in the first 100 to 120 days of the next administration as well. You know, I like to consider him in a jokey matter, of course, like our Thanos, with the ability to snap millions of migrants out of this country in the blink of an eye. And we all know that that's a tough job and in a lot of context. The hardest choices require the strongest wills. But when you talk about the strongest wills, I can't think of anyone who has more resolve than former acting ice director, Tom Holman. So moving on from there, and as we just opened up with that audio clip, someone who knows a little bit about attempted assassinations and that's House Republican leader, Steve Scalise, talking about how this inflammatory rhetoric and its continued unhingedness from the left is fueling the fire that's activating these mentally deranged people to go out into the communities and stalk and try to kill former President Donald Trump. No one would know better than Steve Scalise is. He met nearly his demise at the Capitol Baseball game practice in Washington, D.C. several years ago during the first Trump administration when an unhinged Bernie Sanders supporter came out and tried to eliminate as many Republican assets as he deemed possible before being shot and killed by some of the Secret Service or Capitol police who were detailed to, you know, providing security at the baseball practice. But Steve Scalise can give you a first-hand account on what lack of security and, you know, almost meeting your demise at the hands of these unhinged people definitely looks like. Great guest of the show, someone who was mentioned as better be ready to go to Washington, D.C. with me by Donald Trump to Lee Zeldin, who was in front row attendance at the Trump rally in Long Island last week. Joined us this Tuesday, went that night to the rally, and then the next day jumped on Fake News Jake Tapper Show on CNN to kind of hammer home the narrative that the Democrats are refusing to change in regards to things heating up around President Trump. Let's check it out. I support President Trump. I'm voting for President Trump. President Trump's coming to Long Island to do a rally tomorrow, NASA Coliseum on Long Island. We look forward to it. And I'm grateful that he is alive right now. President Trump is the candidate who is being targeted for assassination, for lifetime imprisonment, for bankruptcy, and the list goes on. And if we want to talk as far as threats and rhetoric and what is actually happening right now, I believe that the targeting of President Trump is so far beyond the bounds. I'd be furious if I was him, to be honest. And President Trump believes what he just said in that clip that you just read. And I think that it's important to be settling our scores at the ballot box in reality, and not trying to send him to prison for the rest of his life, that nobody should be trying to take his life, that he should be able to campaign and his rally-goers should be able to go without fear for their own safety. And again, at the end of the day, November 5th, that ballots can be counted, and as a product of a constitutional republic and democracy, the people of this country get to choose that next president. Jamie Raskin, Congressman from Maryland, is on video recently stating that even if the election was a landslide, and that there was no question at all what happened, no dispute at all, that still, that on January 6th, 2025, that he's saying that President Trump should not get certified in that the country should prepare for civil war. That's not the rhetoric at this particular moment. We all have strong opinions, beliefs, passions, but what's most important is who's going to improve the economy, who's going to secure a border, who's going to make our streets safe, expand energy production, and improve foreign policy, and that list goes on. You know, I don't know what you think. I mean, you heard him on the show the other day. He's been on the show a few times. We've tracked him forever. He was an outstanding congressman. He ran one of the best Empire State gubernatorial races as a Republican in the last election cycle, nearly losing to the current governor there. Kathy Holgill, Lee's Ellen is going to probably make a hell of a chief of staff for President Trump. What do you think? Oh, it would be solid. I mean, the guy's got the right policies, got the right ideas, and he's got a good track record of being on the side of America. Yeah, you know, when I watched how Donald Trump has segued in and widen the 10 here in this upcoming election cycle, you know, I don't want to talk about dark horses for 2028 is wearing a very, you know, critical election cycle right now. But I tell you what, within the party and someone that could bring people in under MAGA that traditionally wouldn't just running on Republican policies and talking points, Lee's Ellen is a tent winder. And you saw it in the New York gubernatorial election during the 2022 cycle and his stock will continue to rise as he runs right alongside President Trump and hopefully right back to the White House. No, no, no, if you've seen it because she's on a book tour right now, her fat old wrinkle face, heavily airbrushed, but Killdog has been out doing a lot of media lately and saying a lot of positive things about President Trump, if you could believe it. She's looking more and more like Emperor Palpatine every day. Good, good, feel my book flow through you. Yeah, exactly. You know, or I'll kill you. So she sat down with MSDNC this week, still coping and seething about the 2016 presidential election. But again, because I guess she feels like she's outside of the immediate arena, orbit, or, well, apparatus of traditional Democrats who are running physically in this race. She still informed the viewers there that she talks to Kamala Harris on a very frequent basis. She's giving her tips on how to beat Donald Trump, even though she failed to do so, and just basically wanted to spread some more hateful rhetoric about him. Let's hear it. So what is your assessment of the stakes of this election? I mean, you are in a very exclusive club of people who've ever run for president, let alone run against Donald Trump. So to what extent do you offer counsel or do you speak with Kamala Harris about how to run against Donald Trump, who, as you've said, is a different candidate now, a darker candidate than it was in 2016? That's absolutely true, Willie. You know, I've talked with Kamala a few times. I obviously talked with her before the debate because he is more incoherent. He is angrier. He is lashing out all the time at everybody. He's filled with grievance and rage. And, you know, in my acceptance speech at the convention way back in 2016, I said, you know, you can't trust somebody with nuclear weapons who you can bait with a tweet, because I saw that in him at the time. A lot of people didn't, or they gave him the benefit of the doubt, or they thought, hey, you know, we've had two terms of a Democrat. Let's try the Republicans for whatever reason. I understand that. But now the stakes are even higher because he has a record. We have seen him try to abuse power. We have seen him try to overturn a legitimate free fair election. We have watched him bungal COVID and cause unnecessary deaths and pain. So he has a record. And in addition to that, he's told us what he's going to do. He is absolutely linked to this project 2025 and all of their dark and dystopian efforts to turn the clock back on Americans' rights and the way we live and how we, you know, look at our futures together. And he has a long rhetorical record now of making it very clear that he would be unaccountable if he were ever near the White House again. So that was saying he was going to be a dictator without saying he's going to be a dictator. You are a nasty person. Yes, she is. I can't stand her. She's the absolute worst. And then, you know, without saying anything like, just stopping short, like Noah said, not saying he's going to be a dictator without saying he's going to be one or, you know, a threat to democracy and global security like they all kind of have mentioned over the course of the past couple of years. It's just an absolute embarrassment. Why wouldn't Donald Trump be angry every single day when he wakes up? They've tried to bankrupt him. They've tried to jail him for life. He's had two assassination attempts that we know of on his life and then all the other bullshit in between. You know, and it's just embarrassing to see these news outlets continue to not only promote this kind of insightful rhetoric, but allow just absolute silence. These absolute soulless ghouls like Hillary Clinton go on and be people that are talking about it. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, just a reminder, make sure you're subscribed to stake for breakfast. It doesn't matter what platform it's on. Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Samsung or Amazon podcast. Make sure you're subscribed to stake for breakfast. Make sure we're downloading to your electronic device. Don't forget to share the show with your friends, family, loved ones and co-workers as well. And then check us out on social media. Twitter, get her true social and Instagram is where we have accounts. Find them, follow them, hit the notification bell. You'll never miss out on all the great things we've got going on down here. Like our interview with Texas Representative Keith Self, which is coming in hot in just a few minutes. So, no, I don't know if you saw that there was this retired general who is a contributor to MSDNC, as they've been the absolute worst of the worst lately. Steven Anderson. And, you know, it doesn't matter about what Donald Trump's saying on the campaign trail or how he dealt previously with some of the world leaders who are considered baddies to the United States. Because the amount of diversity, equity and inclusion that surrounds Kamala Harris would be enough to make even the scariest of the scary. People like Vladimir Putin literally bend the knee if she was the president. Did you hear this? Wait, what? Yeah, let's check it out. But Kamala Harris would be just the opposite. Why? Because she's an inspiration. Not only is she positive, does she bring hope and optimism, but as a black woman, the product of a mixed marriage, she will inspire millions of people throughout the world. Our credibility as a nation that we would be able to allow, our country is so great that we're allowed a woman like that to become the Commander in Chief, the President of the United States. That is going to save a powerful message all over the world. People like Vladimir Putin are going to say, "Hey, wait a minute. These guys, you know, they truly have democratic country. They truly are representative. They truly are fighting for all their people in Kamala Harris as a manifestation of that." Did that not sound like weirdly racist? Like she's a woman from a mixed marriage and blah, blah, blah, this and this and we allow a woman like that? What do you mean these people? You know what I have to say about stuff like that. What in the actual... And it's the liberals thing. It's just there's so closet racist that it just slips out all the time. I don't know any other way to describe it. No, it's the truth. And you know, when you watch these retired four stars, go on to these news outlets and talk about, "Listen, you don't think that guy's potentially doing a little song and dance there? To get his presidential appointment at the Department of Defense or as a high ranking military somewhere in the State Department as well in a potential Harris-Waltz administration? You need to have your head examined." This is literally when Donald Trump talks about the TV generals, this is exactly what he means. This guy hasn't seen the theater for decades. And you know, the fact of the matter is all they do is go around consulting. The consulting leads them in the direction of whatever way they can line their own pockets. And at the end of the day, these will be the people making the decisions for the rank and file who are supposed to be the most elite and high tech fighting force in the history of fighting forces. And you have this person out there who's just, you know, absolutely pandering to every low IQ retard that'll listen saying that, "Oh, because she comes from a mixed marriage and she's a woman of so many different colors and she's got 18 different pronouns on her campaign website." This would make people like Vladimir Putin, I mean, what do you think it would be? Laugh in nuclear weapon. It's just like, "Come on, man." I can't believe that they would even allow stuff like that to air, but when you see that it could be potentially the deciding factor for someone that's, you know, I mean, essentially has the IQ of a Haitian refugee, then I guess they're going to keep promoting it as we're getting closer and closer to election day. But you can't let stuff like that fall off the radar, and especially, you know, in the conversation that we're having right now, which is about the lack of security and why people continue to take assassination attempts on Donald Trump's life. We also get some very good insight from some of the whistleblowers, potentially, from the Department of Homeland Security. Again, remember, we have not heard from the DHS head, Alejandro Mayorkas regarding these instances. We just saw Ronald Rowe today give like an over an hour long press conference where he took no accountability and blame local law enforcement for the assassination attempt. But when we all know that's not the truth, it didn't give any insight on to, you know, the second Trump attempted assassination as well. And when you see the stuff that's starting to bubble up, Jesse Waters did a pretty good job of kind of encapsulating it on his show just last night. Let's check it out. Senator Josh Hawley joins me now. Senator, what are you hearing now from people that are speaking to your staff? Well, what we've heard, Jesse, from new whistleblowers who've come forward about this second assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life. And here's what they have told us. That golf course that the president was playing, Secret Service have guarded that course many, many times. And what the whistleblower says is protocol calls for Secret Service to station agents along the places in the course that are known vulnerabilities. I want to emphasize the services guarded this course many times. They know where there are vulnerabilities. They normally station agents there ahead of Trump's appearance on the course, but they apparently did not do that this last weekend. And the whistleblowers tell me that's strange, that's out of protocol. It's not even clear Secret Service swept the perimeter before Trump took to the course, also a brooch, a breach rather, a protocol. And they want to know why and so do I. I think the Secret Service deserves to give us answers. They didn't give us answers today during Acting Secretary Ronald Rose press conference where he only talked about the Butler incident. But, you know, maybe it was due to the fact that it was an impromptu golf outing, but here's the deal. If Donald Trump had presidential level security, the amount of agents needed, the dogs or the drones, etc. Noah, I think you're probably in the same opinion as me. This wouldn't have happened, right? No, but even if they didn't have the number of staff that was required, those areas that are problematic are going to be the ones that are going to be addressed. And maybe that's why they actually caught the guy because they were actually, you know, doing their list. And the person who was going ahead of him was hitting those, you know, those weak points. But that being said, there probably shouldn't have been an opportunity for that person to have laid up in that position like that. No, I completely agree with you. And you want to know what's even more disturbing as the late breaking news that broke across the wire yesterday from Capitol Hill. One of our favorites is going to be joining us on our next Friday edition of State for Breakfast. Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz has now confirmed via whistleblowers and people that are operating within the Secret Service and DHS. Now, it's not just the rogue agents or the people that have previously been on the FBI's radar who have taken assassination attempts at Donald Trump that we need to worry about, that there are at least five different entities which are considered assassination teams from outside of the United States who have been led inside of the United States and are now working freely within our country's borders. I was kind of shocked to hear this. I can't wait to touch up and get the latest developments on it with Congressman Gaetz. Next week on the show, let's hear what he had to say yesterday about it. And I'll break a little news for you. I had a senior official from the Department of Homeland Security in my office before the second assassination attempt saying that what he has assessed is that there are five known assassination teams in the United States, three inspired by other governments, two that are here that are known domestic assassination teams. And with that, this individual was coming to me concerned that the force protection around President Trump, even prior to that second assassination attempt was not sufficient for what it needed to be. The coordination at that level at the dignitary protection level is like the bare minimum that we have to do to keep our presidents, our presidential candidates, safe all there on the trail. >> So there are five, I just want to follow up. Five assassination teams, are they all targeting Trump? Is it other officials? >> No, I should have been clear about that. Five teams that we know are targeting Trump. And so that raises real questions about why certain teams were being pulled off of the Trump deal detail and put on. For example, the Jill Biden detail. Now, we don't want anything bad to happen to Jill Biden, but at the same time, the threat envelope for her was substantially different than the threat envelope around President Trump. And it would not have necessitated pulling assets away from the Trump detail for the Jill Biden detail or the John Bolton detail or any other details that were beefed up at the same time. The requests from the Trump detail and from the Trump campaign for more security were going on answer. >> How do you feel about that, Noah? Not very reassuring to hear that there are both groups connected to international governments like Russia and Iran operating here in the United States and then domestically inspired ones as well. All considered assassination teams and all wanting to target Donald Trump before the November elections. >> That's awful. Terrible. >> Let's not do that. >> And I mean, when the insight we got from the US Secret Service Acting Director today was, and I'm quoting, our field agents need to be more agile. Why are people like John Bolton and Jill Biden getting the same level of security that Donald Trump has? >> That's another question that I have that hasn't been answered yet either. I mean, listen, America said at the other day that the presidential protection level is going up. It's going to be the same as Joe Biden's as is for Donald Trump. We immediately heard people in Congress on the Republican side refute that and say it's not true. They did take a vote on it today. It's sitting in or on Chuck Schumer's desk. As we speak, I guess we'll see where it goes. Will Joe Biden sign it? Someone who's called for clearly the rhetoric to cool, but at the same time said there's no place for gun violence. Obviously, we know that only means an instances like these, where he could pick up points in the media and not in places like on the streets of Let's just say Philadelphia and New York, or God forbid Chicago over the course of a three day weekend. But I guess we'll leave it with that and then touch on it again with the incoming congressman who's representing Texas three key itself as we're getting ready to talk with him in just a minute, but before we do another check in with one of our partners. This episode of the podcast is brought to you as always by man rubs, rubs, barbecue tools, blowtorches, t-shirts, coffee cups, and all around barbecue related gear for you to make barbecue great again. Can be found at or an Instagram, man rubs. Use a code "stake15" for 15% off your order. All right, joining us next on the show today is a big Friday edition of the Stakes for Breakfast podcast. He's the congressman who's proudly serving Texas's third congressional district, always excited to welcome back to the show. Representative Keith Sealth, thanks for coming on with us. You bet. Glad to be here. Always a pleasure to host, sir. We've had a very busy week up on Capitol Hill. You know, we've seen the volume back and forth between some of the biggest items that are going on, continuing resolution, possible omnibus, the Save Act is attached, is not attached. And then we have some breaking news today coming out of the U.S. Secret Service and their lack of investigation into the first Trump assassination, even not even touching on the second one as well. But sticking in the house business first and how you kind of navigated your week through your office and for your constituents, talking about the upcoming budget battle and some of the votes we need to have to make sure the government's funded through next year. I just kind of want to get an update from you and what you could tell our listenership about how you're fighting behind the scenes to make sure we're doing the right things. Well, I can tell you, it's not an upcoming battle. We're in the middle of the battlefield as we speak. Obviously last night, the Save Act attached to the CR went down. Fourteen Republicans voted against it. So that was our only opportunity to get past a massive omnibus at the end of the year. So I think we probably have lost that opportunity. Now, what we're looking at now is a CR to the middle of December. Hopefully it'll go past December the 15th to pay our troops. But then frankly, we're looking at a lame duck omnibus. And frankly, that means that people who have retired or lost their races will have no vested interests, no skin in the game. So what will they agree to? And if Trump wins in November, then that omnibus in December will be absolutely huge. Because they know what's coming when President Trump retakes the Oval Office. When you talk about the cuts that are going to be coming, because Donald Trump would never accept this continuing resolution omnibus back and forth as part of the budget that he wants to see for the American people. I think a lot of people in the House of Representatives, much like yourself, who really does battle on behalf of his constituents, are tired of the government spending, the enormous deficit, and how many trillions of dollars are being added every hundred days. Now, you know, that we're seeing up on Capitol Hill. But when it comes down to it, how critical is this December vote going to be a time when, you know, most of D.C. is going to be gone? Like you said, you're going to have people who lost their race and potentially new ones getting ready to come in January who have different vested interests is. And what potentially you could mean for four votes and the balance of power when, you know, you guys only currently have a seven-seat margin in the House of Representatives? Well, you asked what's going to happen. I will do everything I can to avoid that omnibus at the end of the year. I have never voted for a CR until last night. I voted for the CR then to kind of cut off. What I tried to do is to cut off this huge omnibus. And if we get this huge omnibus, if it's very long at all, it's going to tie President Trump's hands. And I think that's part of the equation that they want to do. They want to get the huge spending in before President Trump takes office. And I think that's a point that we really need to emphasize. All of this has an anti-Trump cast to it. Starting off with things like the Save Act, and like you just mentioned, going down to the budget, Congressman, do you think the Save Act is something in the 119th session of Congress has to be revisited and given an amount of time, even before the midterm elections? But then the 2028 presidential election cycle, something that could be passed if the Republicans are able to flip the Senate back to Republican control and have Donald Trump in the White House and be, you know, starting to implement throughout the country heading into the next round of elections after this one? Well, if President Trump takes office, first of all, we might not need the Save Act, but I will vote for the Save Act every time it comes up. I think immediately after January, we take office, we get to try to affect the House of the Senate, the presidency. I think you'll see it on the floor of the House again, as we should. But I don't think President Trump will wait on Congress. He'll start obeying the law and doing what he can to clean up the exact same things that the Save Act tries to do. Proof of citizenship to register for a federal election. Seems like common sense and a slam dunk, and hopefully we see a lot more of it moving forward. Congressman, I do want to talk about President Trump. Obviously, the second assassination attempt on his life down in West Palm Beach over the weekend. You know, I just watched over an hour press conference from the acting director of the U.S. Secret Service. Ronald Rowe give word salad, non-answers to every single thing, not taking accountability for anything. Maybe even a semi-victory lap, because, I mean, obviously, the assassin wasn't able to take out President Trump as well. And then talked about blaming local law enforcement issues. You know, I know this is something that not only on the House floor, but behind the scenes is being worked on diligently by Republicans. Everybody in the House of Representatives is trying to put their hands on this. We saw Speaker Johnson, Elise Stefanik, and Steve Schooley, who could weigh in on this, probably just as good as President Trump, give a very fiery speech from the podium up on Capitol Hill earlier in the week this week. And then when you see, you know, how we were able to get to a second assassination attempt and the lack of transparency and the investigation on the first, what could you tell our listenership the latest on how you're looking at this? Your office is kind of breaking this down, and what are your expectations moving forward as we're getting ready to wrap up this year's session in Congress? Well, I want to go back to Roberto. If you remember, he said the protected methodologies of the Secret Service were effective yesterday, referring to the second attempt on President Trump's life. I beg to differ with them. They were not effective. But for the grace of God, President Trump could have taken another bullet. And what I'm saying is we've had two attempts within a number of days, within a number of days. They've not yet used a drone over President Trump. The second shooter was there at a time where that was, where that golfing out, he was not even on his agenda for the day. So how did he know to be there? How did he know to be there 12 hours ahead for an event that wasn't even on the schedule? So I have lots of questions. Now, I will tell you that President Trump's whereabouts are always known by the Secret Service Command Center. It's not just his protected detail that follows him around. It is known at the Secret Service Command Center, so we have to ask, how did that man, you know, kind of in this murky world of, he tried to go to Ukraine, he had, he liked guns. So was he recruited in this murky environment for plausible deniability of some agency? We have to look at that because for him to have been there for 12 hours and not noticed until the last minute, there are lots of questions. There are as many questions on the second attempt as I have on the first attempt, and we've heard nothing, nothing from the first attempt. In fact, I think the timeline given to the task force that is looking at the first attempt was entirely too long. In December after the election day is way too long. Yeah, it seems like it's just unacceptable not only for the American public, but those who are actually working around it up on Capitol Hill and trying to get to the bottom of this, hold these federal agencies accountable. I mean, we've seen the former director of the U.S. Secret Service. Obviously, spokespeople for the FBI have come out. Merrick Garland has weighed in on it as well. We just talked about Ronald Rowe, who delivered a press conference earlier today and took questions from the press. Congressman, I mean, listen, we've talked to a lot of people between the first assassination attempt on President Trump's life and now who are up on Capitol Hill, who sat on these committees, who have voted for impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Outside of a couple town halls that he's done and virtual interviews with, like, Democrat think tanks, he hasn't really weighed in on this issue at all. Where is the accountability at the top of the chain, Alejandro Mayorkas, the governing body of DHS, over the Secret Service when it comes to this? There is no accountability. If you remember, right, it took us three times to impeach Mayorkas, the third attempt. And, frankly, they ignore the U.S. Congress because, as we've talked about on the border and now, obviously, with the Trump assassination attempts, they simply ignore Congress. So, until Congress gets the wherewithal, the political will to enforce sanctions against these officials, it's not going to happen. And, frankly, under a Democrat Senate, it's not going to happen because what the House does is impeach. We finally impeach Mayorkas. It took too long. But if you remember back to the Senate, they didn't even hold the trial, the trial that is, I read the Constitution. They are required to hold. And they simply dismissed it. It's an embarrassment to see the way that Chuck Schumer's navigated this session of Congress and how he's operated as the Senate Majority Leader up there. And, moving forward, we hope to have much more value and up hearing to the Constitution when it comes to the Senate Leader next year, Congressman. Last thing I want to touch with you, and I think it's very important, something that has kind of, you know, not really been picked up by a lot of the mainstream news outlets this week, but it's the non-endorsement of one of the largest, if not the largest labor organization and union in the world. And that's the international brotherhood of the Teamsters. For the first time in over four decades, not publicly endorsing a Democrat candidate for president, you know, you saw the leader of the Teamsters speak at the Republican National Convention. He's done a lot of press on both sides of the aisle, talking about how they've kind of felt left out by the elites and the Democrat Party and those running at the top of the ticket. And it materialized in real time this week when they chose after doing internal polling and showing that, you know, 60% of the people who are members of their union don't support Kamala Harris for president. I think it's a big deal, especially when you talk about the manufacturing industry, the auto worker industry, and just the industry in general that Donald Trump wants to reinvigorate and bring back to this country potentially in the next term and office. But how big was it to see the Teamsters not get behind the Democrat horse in this race? And what does it mean for President Trump as we're getting closer and closer to November 5? Well, with over a million members in the United States, this is huge. The Democrat Party has branded itself for years as the party of the working man. And frankly, they now have lost the Teamsters, which especially men, and they've lost them. Because their numbers, as you said, 60% it's huge. So they've lost members of their core base. The blue collar working man have always been thought to be Democrat votes. They are not this year. They're going to be voting for Trump. And I will tell you, when the Democrat Party has devolved to the point where they can't even define what a man or a woman is, you're going to lose them in. Because blue collar working class men are manly and they apparently have lost them. And I think this is a huge setback for the Democrat Party and for the Heritage Campaign. Yeah, we talk about just the manufacturing industry in the United States, the assault on the auto workers and the EV mandates. The way that they've kind of deconstructed the energy industry here in the United States. There are so many different components who weren't actively involved in this context during the last presidential election that now know that, you know, the entire dream, just the notion of growing up as a hard working, blue collar, middle class, nuclear family in America is the thing that it seems like the Democrats have, you know, had on their hit list to try and destroy for decades now. I don't think we've ever been closer as a country and a society to seeing the end of the middle class, the heartbeat of America in this country, Congressman. And then as we're getting ready to cut with you now, I just want to kind of, you know, get your take on, I mean, we'll obviously have you back before the November elections. But in this time now, where early voting is starting in places like North Carolina and Pennsylvania, you have big races going on, not just in the presidential, but in the Senate and all the House seats in the state of Texas where you're at. How can people get involved? What do you suggest they do to just make sure they're not only casting their ballot, but they're bringing in more people to vote as we get ready to head towards November 5? Listen, the environment is so conducive to talking to your neighbors, laying it out because the kitchen table issues are going to define this election. Everybody knows you're paying more at the grocery store. Everybody knows that the 20 million that have come into our country are taking jobs. Everyone knows that the inflation has been, when you include both inflation and the loss of real wages, close to 25% decline in your quality of life. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that you cannot purchase a new house because people are not selling their current houses because of the interest rate. And so we're pricing young people out of houses. I know young people who say I will never be able to buy a house. It's a problem. I know a young man who just moved from California to Texas to my district because he says in California, I cannot afford a house. He's paying $100 more per month from a studio apartment, I'm sorry, one bedroom apartment to a 4000 square foot house in Texas. That's why he's moving to Texas. It is right in front of you. Talk to your neighbors. Talk to your family. Talk to your coworkers because this environment is so right to simply lay out and discuss the facts of life as we know them today. The Biden Harris has failed our nation. This is the time to talk to your colleagues, your family, your neighbors. It is very conducive. That's how you can make the most impact. Just talk about the conditions. Certainly is. I mean, you know, we always condition our listenership. Listen, you might want to go into a conversation about the upcoming election and just jump into like, let's just say the abortion issue. Maybe you should talk about broadly the economy and then you could remind people, well, I do remember a time like, well, was it four years ago when we had a lot more money in our pocket and everything. It was cheaper. And then you could open up the door to talk about more of the issues. Like you said, the kitchen table wants health care, safety, security, the border, geopolitics and everything in between is going to wind up with bring people to the ballot box on November 5th. Congressman, as always, a pleasure and honor hosting you on the show. We've got everything live linked in the show description today, including your congressional website. A link to your e-newsletter, which I know is very informative for not just people in your district. All the things you're working up on Capitol Hill as well. Where can we find on social media? We'll live link that as well. Well, whatever the format is, rep, Keith, self, rep, Keith, self, after the hashtag, after the whatever sign you use on that particular platform, rep, Keith, self. You'll find it and you found him here today on State for Breakfast. This is the Congresswoman who's representing Texas 3 fighting for all of America first out there. Representative Keith, self, thanks for joining us on the show today. Sir, have a great weekend. Thanks for having me. Have a good weekend. Guys, we're coming back with another all new edition of the State for Breakfast podcast, so sit back, relax, and let us change the way you consume your news. [ Silence ]