Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 456

On today’s (Tuesday 1 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    Donald Trump had a second assassination attempt on his life happen over the weekend; this time in Palm Beach, Florida and we’ve bring you the latest on this still developing story     Donald Trump delivered remarks to supporters in Las Vegas, Nevada over the weekend and we’ve got full coverage and a comprehensive post-event analysis    Guests: In Order of Appearance    All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)    Roger Stone: (@RogerJStoneJr) Political Icon, Strategist, Insider. New York Times best-selling Author    Website:   Rumble:   Show Site:   Congressman Ralph Norman: (@RepRalphNorman) U.S. Representative, SC-5   Website:   Subscribe to the show and rate it, don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. And find everything Steak for Breakfast at Be sure to listen, like, follow and SHARE our Steak for Breakfast content!   Steak for Breakfast:    SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
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On today’s (Tuesday 1 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


  • Donald Trump had a second assassination attempt on his life happen over the weekend; this time in Palm Beach, Florida and we’ve bring you the latest on this still developing story  


  • Donald Trump delivered remarks to supporters in Las Vegas, Nevada over the weekend and we’ve got full coverage and a comprehensive post-event analysis 


Guests: In Order of Appearance 


  • All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 


Roger Stone: (@RogerJStoneJr) Political Icon, Strategist, Insider. New York Times best-selling Author 






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Congressman Ralph Norman: (@RepRalphNorman) U.S. Representative, SC-5




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And now, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. It's time for the strength of breathless partner. It's Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 and this is the Stake for Breakfast podcast, episode 456 and 457. Make sure you're subscribed to the show. It's available to press every downloadable podcast on the platform, find us on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Samsung, or Amazon Podcasts. Check out the Stake for Breakfast link to your take shows Instagram, our latest sub-stack and verified accounts on ex-scatter and through social. What's up everybody and welcome to the first of two big Tuesday editions of the show today. I'm Ron and I've got Noah here with me and as always, we've got lots of breaking news. Donald Trump has yet another assassination attempt on his life down in West Palm Beach over the weekend. We will bring you the latest developments. Donald Trump also delivered remarks to supporters out in Las Vegas and Nevada over the weekend as well and will bring you all the highlights and post-event analysis. It was a very busy Sunday morning new circuit this weekend with a heavy dose of JD Vance. We'll explain in a mainstream media. It doesn't seem to care that Donald Trump was once again targeted for an assassination plot. We'll show you the methodology that they're using in building that narrative. We've got a great slate of guests coming in here today as well. The iconic Roger Stone will be joining us. Walcho Ketchup with South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman. Former gubernatorial candidate out of the great state of New York. Congressman Lee Zellman will be here as well. And we'll catch up with Oklahoma Congressman, Josh Burkine. But before we get to any of our interviews, let's jump right into the headlines and change the way you consume your news. Okay, this is not nom. This is bowling. There are rules. So, stand by. All right, everybody. Welcome to the State for Breakfast podcast. I'm Ron Noah's here with me. Yo, if you're a first-time listener, welcome to the show. If you're a longtime listener, welcome back to America's Fastest Growing. And quickly becoming favorite political podcast. Busy news Tuesday on the first of two big Tuesday editions of the show and Noah, here we sit on the heels of another Trump assassination attempt. What are your initial reactions after seeing the news break over the course of the weekend? It wasn't even remotely surprised. It wasn't even remotely covered in the same context as the first one was. I guess you actually have to get rounds off and make contact with the target and for it to be considered an actual attempt as the mainstream press kind of skirted over it. You know, the false reporting came out first, reports of individuals with firearms near the Trump golf course. There was reports of loud noises around the golf-- A little loud noises. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Donald Trump's safe after reports of loud noises reported in the immediate vicinity of him, et cetera. But after, I guess, some brief reporting and an even briefer chase, the Sosa was taken into custody. Noah, what do you think about this absolute winner that they were able to catch? I mean, my first initial thought is that this one seems a little bit more realistic than the first one did. But at the same time, when you dig a little deeper into the sky, you're like, "Okay." This also seems a little weird. Definitely someone that is probably, at least on the radar, if not a well-known asset of the State Department and probably CIA for the amount of work he's done crisscrossing the globe and recruiting foreign terrorists to fight in the war against Russia in Ukraine. So you're going to say he was on the radar? Yeah, unfortunately he was. Multiple arrests over the course of years stemming all the way back nearly two decades ago and he barricaded himself around his vast arsenal in a personal space and had to be taken into custody by police, but arrests coming as recently as 2019 and 2020. Did he write a book and he actually mentions shooting Donald Trump? Did. Did as well as posting on his social media very recently saying that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Where have you heard that before? The programming has worked. Yeah, where is that rhetoric coming from? Yeah, and apparently it's the rhetoric that's led us to this point. Very unfortunate crossroads for our nations. Unprecedented in its nature, obviously. There have been presidents assassinated before and major political candidates have fallen to the same fate but not in the context of the way we're seeing it now to where just random people that are obscurely floating through life attempt to become major players and take out the leader of the America First Movement. So how's everything else going besides that noise doing good? Yeah, not too bad. How about you? Same on this end. It wasn't as busy of a weekend sports wise. They wrapped everything up Friday night was baseball. Saturday was football, but they sure made up for it this coming weekend. We've got a Friday night baseball game. We've got a Saturday day game for football this week for my son. My daughter's going to be, I believe, out of area and soccer might be going up to the LA area from down here in SoCal on Sunday for her soccer game. And then they decided to throw themselves in an all day tournament about an hour and a half away from where we live on Sunday. Throw themselves into like the team. Throw ourselves into it. Throw ourselves into. That's a thing? Yeah, I guess when these tournaments pop up. You know, if you go on social media and, you know, for all the parents out there listening, if your kids play travel sports, there's so many good memes of men who dress up as women and pretend they're like the football moms and the baseball moms. They're just great material to kind of get you through the way you know it is. And there's this one where there's two moms. It's two guys. And they're like talking on the cell phone. It's like literally a guy talking to himself. He's got like a towel on his head. Like his hair is drying. And one, and then he has the towel hanging down like it's his hair. And another, and it's like split screen, they keep going back and forth. And they're like, oh, my favorite part about travel ball is when we get to drive two hours to play all the teams from our own town, which is essentially. Yeah. Whatever you travel. I mean, there's only so many travel ball teams at my son's level between Los Angeles and here. And it's like wherever we go, we play at least three quarters of the same teams every time. It doesn't matter the location. I guess they just like the change of venue and the fact that they're going to drag us out of the house and use a couple of tanks. The venue has to kick back. They get it from the city. Yeah. All that good stuff. So down to the people running the whole organization, you know, busy, but blessed. That's what we'll call it. Yeah. At least my son's having fun and yeah, it's just a big pain in the ass. I'll tell you what, man, but yeah, we'll get it done and we'll get all the news in today. We got a lot of stuff that happened over the course of the weekend. Obviously the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which was the second one. If it's nature that took place down in West Palm Beach, in addition to that, Donald Trump delivered remarks to supporters over the weekend at well in Las Vegas and received a couple more big endorsements along the way, had a couple of our great friends like Cash Patel speaking at the event as well. That'll be the news in its entirety of our first podcast. And then in the second episode, there was a very busy Sunday morning news circuit leading up to the events that led to the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life. A lot of that was filled with JD Vance. We'll bring you the highlights because you want to talk about the fallout from the presidential debate and the fact that Donald Trump had to battle. Not only Kamala Harris, but the moderators, JD Vance took them to task and literally called them out for a lot of the BS that's going on right now. And then, you know, we'll do a little bit of recap up to the latest in our second edition. Last news segment talking about how apparently the mainstream media really doesn't care that Donald Trump had another attempt on his life over the weekend. In fact, if you listen to a lot of the rhetoric that's coming out now or some of the clips we've put aside to play for you guys, they almost all stopped themselves short of saying, well, he deserved it or I'm frustrated that this person didn't even get shots off where the last one nearly missed. And you know, it's really sad and it speaks a lot for the state of the race of American politics right now. And just the way society is kind of edge this way over the abyss, but we're here for it and we're going to bring you an accurate and truthful look at it. Got a great slate of guests coming in here today as well. I can't say enough about our guest list. I try to say it every show, Friday is even more loaded than today, but today we've got a just absolute A-lister of guest list here on State for Breakfast. Roger Stone will be here, someone who's very close to the president. We're going to get where he's at on the second assassination attempt, also the state of the race and everything going on in between. We'll be catching up with South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman, who's been a huge advocate for President Trump since Governor Nikki Haley got out of the race and has been at the forefront of not only the House Republicans, but the Freedom Caucus in pushing things like the anti who treaty, which they're going to have a press conference on later today. So we'll get a preview of that in addition to including the SAVE Act and the upcoming continuing resolution. I'm on our next edition of the podcast. As you guys all know, Donald Trump will be holding a rally in New York this week. And we will have I think probably the best person to do a little bit of a preview of it with us today. Lee Zelden will be here and we'll wrap up the show, catching up with Oklahoma Congressman Josh Burkine, guys, another huge member of the Freedom Caucus. He's on budgetary. He's on appropriations, a huge advocate of border security and safety. Someone that I think is going to play a critical role. Maybe in Congress, maybe at a higher level in the next Trump administration, we'll have to see. But yeah, just if you want to talk about the guests that are coming in here today in addition to the news recovering, you're not going to get it better anywhere else. So let's jump right into it, Noah, and kind of unpack what happened throughout the course of the weekend I've got developments as recently asked today with finally former DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkus. Let me guess, he's got critical data. Yeah, sitting down for a town hall with Politico right now. And if he talks about anything relevant to the assassination attempt or things to do with the Secret Service and the security that's being provided for President Trump right now, we're going to bring that to you in a clip as well. Here's how the news broke across the wire over the weekend Sunday afternoon when most people were enjoying time with their family or maybe a little NFL football. Let's take it out. This is a Fox News alert. Former President Trump is safe after gunshots were reported while he was golfing at his club in West Palm Beach. They were playing. They were on the fifth hole and the way Steve described this is the way the president described it. Pop, pop, pop, pop within seconds, the Secret Service pounced on the president, covered him immediately what is called a fast cart that I believe has steel reinforcement and protection was able to whisk the president away. I have spoken with the president three times since this incident and each time I got a new piece of information, one that they had found, first of all, what happened with the shooting, the second thing that they had found that AK-47, third, that their drone footage was able to give them enough surveillance to identify the exact car that the individual involved in the shooting got into and further detail that they gave me was that they were updated and told that that car had been found. Then when the president found out everybody was safe and nobody had been harmed, I guess in typical fight, fight, fight, fashion, Trump said, "Ah, I really wanted to finish the whole. I was even and I had a birdie putt." Can't make this shit up. I think outside of the comedic tone that Boomer sweatshine handed, he tried to apply and I think, you know, the fact that he was trying to probably calm down America once we figured out President Trump was safe, apparently this person didn't even get a shot off, the only shots that were hurt on the golf course was that of the advanced Secret Service agent who was going a whole head of Donald Trump and his party to make sure the area was clear. Now, there are a lot of things that presidential details have that I think President Trump is not having right now. One of the big components of that NOAA is the canine aspect. I know that they're not traveling, you know, they're at rallies and probably work in the doors at some of these larger events that Donald Trump is, you know, delivering remarks at. But when it comes to the everyday goings and comings, especially like an impromptu 18 holes on the golf course. Well, this is an unplanned event, right? Does this stop? Yeah. I think having that component to his security detail would probably prove pivotal, especially in, I mean, listen, this guy, the Secret Service agent, he found a needle in a haystack. You know, he was case in the hole. And again, let me just let me just lay this out for our listenership. There's a lot of people online who are saying like, Oh my God, how was MSNBC there and reporting live? First of all, this is the golf course where Donald Trump, when he's home, golfs at all the time. Yeah, they're probably there just hanging out waiting for something to happen. Correct. In addition, the space between the fifth and sixth greens, it is notorious for a place where independent contractors and freelance journalists hang out and film all day so they can sell file footage of like Donald Trump on the golf course or him talking around the hole with whatever guests he's entertaining to MSNBC, CNN, all the major news outlets. So that's, there's nothing weird about that. The fact that, you know, this guy was able to park a car though and basically set up a sniper app post on the sixth green and be camped there for more than 12 hours according to cell phone data that was pulled. That seems like a lot. Yeah, that's a little bit more of a concern to me. But then again, when you talk about these independent journalists and contractors who are always looking for the next big picture or small piece of file footage that they use in the news, I don't know how much the local journalists camp out there and I haven't heard too much about it. But I do know that this is a place that is notorious to be frequented by the press, which also raises some concerns too, because if this guy was able to hang out there for such a long period of time, how did nobody else, or maybe we haven't heard yet that nobody else has been able to, you know, make a report to local law enforcement as well. Well, you can imagine that some of the journalists had, they seen him, they may just have hoped that they would have got the Pulitzer Prize footage of him actually getting shot that they could sell. That's a good point. When you look at what happened and how it happened, this guy was completely set up ready to go. You'll hear a reference to an AK-47 throughout the course of a lot of the audio clips that necessarily wasn't the rifle. We have the correct one and we'll talk about it in a second. But let's look at this guy a little bit. Ryan Wesley Rauff, someone with an extensive criminal history dating back to the '90s. He's officially a resident of Hawaii, although he lives in North Carolina. And although a lot of his, well, a lot of the stuff from his arrests have been scrubbed online, but there were those internet sleuths that went out there and make sure they took screenshots before it was erased. Some of the things that, you know, the crimes he's been charged with over the years, obviously writing bad checks is one of them resisting public or peace officers, failure to give info to law enforcement and personal injury to law enforcement, owning a firearm without a license, possessing a firearm without a license again, possessing a weapon of mass destruction, failure to give info, and committing injury to a peace officer, possessing a weapon of mass destruction, this missile without leave, carrying a concealed gun, and the list goes on and on. 14 years' worth of criminal history, and it looks like the Guilford County, North Carolina District Attorney Doug Henderson is the one who has let this guy off every single time. Huh. Yeah. Pretty interesting. Uh, again, he's someone who, you know, according to his voter records, right now he is a registered independent, but he voted in the Democrat primary for Joe Biden in this election. In 2020, he voted for Jill Stein, and in 2016, he voted for Donald Trump. Pictures of his house that were revealed to the press show that there was a work truck parked in his driveway, and he has Biden Harris sticker in the middle of the tailgate. And like Noah had said, he, he talked about in a book that he wrote, eliminating Donald Trump and had posted on his social media recently that Donald Trump was a threat to democracy and world security, as this person was for all the charges that have been brought against them, especially the ones where in a lot of cases you aren't able to keep a passport anymore. This man was able to travel to Poland, to Ukraine, to several other countries in Eastern Europe and even in the Middle East as he recruited terrorists to go and fight in the war against Russia for Ukraine, kind of like the, uh, the freelance foreign fighters. And he was in a video talking about the fight in Ukraine that was filmed in Washington, DC. He also had many interviews with news outlets like CBS and Newsweek where he talked in detail about the plate in Ukraine and what he was doing there. I guess he went and tried to be a US foreign fighter there, but because he was almost 60 years old, they used them in the context of a recruiter. So to say he's not known by the US State Department or even the CIA and obviously domestic law enforcement here, probably at least some field office in North Carolina of the FBI for all of the gun related charges that had been brought against him over the years. And then what he was charged with in court the other day, which was, you know, a felon who's in possession of a firearm, which is illegal and a obscured vendor, not Vin, uh, serial number on a, on a firearms that what the other one was or something like that. Yeah, removing of a, of a serial number from a firearm. They called it like a obliterated serial number. We heard some news coming outside of the court when he was arraigned the first time. And again, these aren't the charges that are where they starting in. There's going to be some added obviously in regards to this incident, but I believe because of his prior felony convictions and the fact that these were gun related charges, the federal ones that they were going to lay on were going to assist law enforcement in the courts to not allowing him to get out on any kind of bond. So let's get caught up to what the news was reporting when he Richard Ralph showed up in court. Well, wasn't he in a black rock, uh, commercial as well? Yeah, for Ukraine. So both the shooters were in black rock commercials. Yeah. That's a little weird. So weird. Let's check it out. Kaylee Ryan Ruth walked into that federal courtroom this morning, smiling, shackled by his hands and feet. He was even seen laughing while speaking to his court appointed attorney. Now the judge presented two different charges, possession of a firearm by convicted felon and a possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number combined. The judge says he could face 20 years in prison and a half a million dollars in fines. Fox is told additional federal charges are possible, but we understand that these charges presented today will keep him in jail. Now Ruth told the judge that he only makes about $3,000 a month with no assets other than two trucks in Hawaii. The sheriff said yesterday when Ruth was arrested, his demeanor was perplexing and that continued today in the courtroom when he was smiling and laughing. They had to stop and then a gun point ordered him out of the vehicle he complied. His demeanor was perplexing in some way despite the fact that we had numerous people out with rifles, uniform personnel, a helicopter. And we are just getting our hands on the affidavit and a couple of things stood out to me. He said he was driving a car with stolen plates. Of course he fled the scene and officers were able to pull him over and arrest him on I-95. And then also Ruth's mobile phone was detected in the area at 2 AM so the night before this happened until 1.30 PM in the afternoon. Now Ruth is being held in the Palm Beach County jail and he is expected in court for his next appearance on Monday, September 23rd, so we'll see what happens next week when that goes down. You know, there's a lot of people who are also conspiracy theorying online about the fact that he was there and it seemed like a perfect storm with Donald Trump showing up impromptu for a round of golf, but you know when you break down the normalcy of Donald Trump's schedule, how regimented it usually is and when there's nothing present, no fundraisers, no rallies, no speaking events or no announced media hits and he's home at Mar-a-Lago, you get to figure he's probably going to go golfing. There's a better than average chance he's going to hit the golf course out. Now showing up at 2 AM makes sense because Donald Trump would frequently be at the pro shop at 7 AM to jump in the golf cart for an 8 AM round of golf. And this so happened that on Sunday, he decided to do an afternoon round as he might have been doing stuff with the family or was hanging out over at Mar-a-Lago before he headed over to Palm Beach, but yeah, when you look at how this all kind of shook out and the interesting nature of it, do want to talk about the gun a little bit as well. So Noah, in the news you're hearing widely reported that Ryan Ralph used an AK-47. Was an SKS? Yeah, it was. He used a 7.6-39 millimeter SKS with a Monte Carlo replacement stock. This is in shooter's terms far superior to the AK-47 when it comes to accuracy. It's also the most common rifle used for volunteer militias in Ukraine as it is a Soviet-style rifle that uses the same ammo as the AK-47, likely where Ralph became familiar with it. And fun fact, you used to be able to buy those at big 5 sporting goods. Interestingly enough, the SKS was widely available even during the Federal Assault Weapons Band. Was active in the United States from September 13, 1994 through September 13, 2004 because it did not look like an AR-15 and lacked a pistol grip. It seems to be the preferred rifle of Democrat shooters like Ralph as the Congressional Baseball Shooter, the one who shot Deaf Scalise, James T. Hodginson, used as well. So yeah, probably or may have became familiar with the rifle or received training on it while in Ukraine. Obviously, it's one that's easily accessible in states where they don't have as tight-asset gun laws as they do out here in Southern California. Well, in the SKS there's only like 8 or 10 rounds, I think, unless you have a modified attachment that goes on the lower end of the rifle. Gotcha. So, I mean, it's not like it's a box feed magazine or something like that. You can modify it to do so, but I would assume maybe this rifle that Ralph had, if we ever see pictures, it might be modified in that way. Good point. We did get some statements from President Trump over the weekend. The first one came out shortly after the incident. I would like to thank everyone for your concerns and well wishes. It was certainly an interesting day. Most importantly, I want to thank the U.S. Secret Service, Sheriff Rick Bradshaw, and his Office of Brave and Dedicated Patriots, and of all law enforcement for the incredible job done today at the Trump International in keeping me as the 45th President of the United States and the Republican nominee in the upcoming presidential election. Safe. The job was absolutely outstanding, and I am proud to be an American. Again, this guy didn't get any shots off, but the Secret Service agent shot between four and six rounds at him when he was able to identify that it was the muzzle of a rifle that was sticking through the fence and was concealed by camouflage-covered chest plates that he hung on the fence as well. He must have gotten fairly close, because that's not something you're going to be able to. I mean, unless he was using binoculars or something. Well, it had a scope on it, but yeah, he had a range finder and probably some binoculars as well. Yeah. I guess where Donald Trump won- No, I mean, the Secret Service agent in order to get that out, like that's like needle in a haystack kind of style noticing. My guess, because you have the fifth hole, which is if you were looking at a square, it would be in the top right corner, and then down that right side of the square, going to the bottom right corner. It was like the cart path, and then it kind of rounds into the starting and the bottom right corner across going to the left is where the sixth opens up. So my guess is, as he was the advanced scout for protection, he would come down and start at the outer perimeter, get to the bottom left-hand corner of the square, and then work his way back across the hole, making sure that the parts that were exposed to the public were the safest first, and then checking out for anything on the golf course itself. But yeah, it was really interesting to see that he was able to identify this, what it was, fire shots at the guy, once he determined it was a firearm, and then the guy escaped before getting any rounds off. But at the point where Donald Trump was alerted of the shooter, he was about 350 yards away. So three and a half football fields away from the incident, but by the time Donald Trump would have traversed down onto the sixth hole and the green, he would have been anywhere between 200 and 150 yards away, which is roughly the same shot distance that the butler would be a sass and had up in Pennsylvania not too long ago. So according to Gun Enthusiast, this is a layup in terms of a shot. They even were being critical of the fact that 350 yards away, if the view was not obscured by foliage, would have been an easy shot for anyone with almost minimal rifle or sniper training would have been able to make. So yeah, pretty wild what's going on. And pretty wild the way that we saw this kind of unfold in real time, even though a lot of the press wasn't picking up on it, because again, Donald Trump wasn't physically shot at. Joe Biden put out a statement that night. He gave a brief like two sentence remarks while hitting from Marine One back to the White House after coming back from Delaware, of course. But the sound is so terrible, I'll just read the statement that was put out from the official White House account. "I have been briefed by my team regarding federal law enforcement that is investigating a possible assassination attempt to former President Trump today. A suspect is in custody and I commend the work of the Secret Service and their law enforcement partners for their vigilance and their efforts to keep the former president and those around him safe." Obviously, Joe Biden didn't write this. "I am relieved that the former president is unharmed. There is an active investigation into this incident as law enforcement gathers more details about what happened. As I have said many times, there is no place for political violence or any violence in our country, and I have directed my team to continue to ensure that the Secret Service has every resource, capability and protective measure necessary to ensure the former president's continued safety." We'll see if that's the case actually after we get an update from Alejandro Mayorkasen a little bit. Yeah, so that's what came from Joe Biden. Some of his staffers put that together, obviously, for him. It was funny, Joe Biden had said he hadn't talked to President Trump but called him when he arrived back at the White House on Sunday night from Delaware, and then when he was going to a campaign event on Monday, he was walking from the Rose Garden exit to Marine One again and the press was like, "Hey, have you talked to Donald Trump or what?" And he's like, "I called him. The first time I left a message, the second time he sent me straight to voicemail, he's not answering his phone." And then it was revealed, I guess, via a press release later on the day that they did connect and Joe Biden was able to tell him that he was happy, that they missed again, essentially. But yeah, it was pretty interesting that Donald Trump didn't take a call from frickett Joe Biden right after it happened because he really didn't probably care what he had to say or, you know, it doesn't really want to talk to him anyways. It doesn't matter at this point for him. Yeah, so it's just been a wild way. Listen, we're talking less than 70 days there's been two assassination attempts on the leading Republican nominee's life, the former president of the United States. And you have to start taking into consideration of how we got here and what it looks like. You know, Donald Trump put out in a statement yesterday once the dust had settled and this story had made it through the mainstream media news cycle and I want to read that as it's a little bit more in tune with the overall situation and not just the incident. The rhetoric lies as exemplified by the false statements made by comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC debate and all the ridiculous lawsuits specifically designed to inflict damage on Joe then Kamala's political opponent, me, has taken politics in our country to a whole new level of hatred, abuse and distress. Because of this, communist left rhetoric, the bullets are flying and it will only get worse, allowing millions of people from places unknown to invade our country and take over our country is an unpardonable sin. He goes into all caps mode right here. Our borders must be closed and the terrorist criminals and mentally insane immediately removed from American cities and towns and deported back to their country's of origin. We want the people to come into our country, but we want them to love our nation and come in illegally through a system of merit. The world is laughing at us as fools and they are stealing our jobs in wealth. We cannot let them laugh any longer. You want to know how this one ends Noah? Make America great again. Yeah. So a little bit more fire and fury from President Trump. He actually talked about it on, believe it or not, he was on a Bitcoin Twitter space yesterday with some of these people, you know, they're doing this whole, we want to make the United States the crypto and Bitcoin capital of the world and he sat down at Mar-a-Lago with a couple, I guess, of the big ones including one of the investors of the digital bank they're going to be having that's connected to, I guess, the Trump Corporation as well. But one of the questions they asked outside of crypto and Bitcoin had to do with what happened over the weekend and Donald Trump gave a little bit of a well first person telling of exactly how it went down through his eyes. Let's hear it. So I was playing golf with some of my friends who was on a Sunday morning and very peaceful, very beautiful weather, everything was beautiful, it was a nice place to be and all of a sudden we heard shots being fired in the air and I guess probably four or five and it sounded like bullets but what do I know about that but Secret Service knew immediately it was bullets and they grabbed me and I think probably the other one Steve is one of the people Steve Woodcough, a great friend of mine, a great great business man from mostly New York and Florida, great business man and more importantly just a fantastic person so we're in the group and everybody just, we got into the carts and we moved along pretty, pretty good. I was with an agent and the agent did a fantastic job. There was no question that we were off that course. I would have loved to have sank that last part but we decided let's get out of here and what the gunfire was actually interestingly was a Secret Service agent had seen a barrel of a AK-47 which is a very powerful gun rifle and he started shooting at the barrel and started shooting in the bushes, well could only see the barrel how good is that right but could only see the barrel based on that he started shooting and ran towards the target and was shooting a lot of, I mean those were the shots we heard the other one never got a shot off and he ran across the street and grabbed his car hopped into his truck or car and amazingly a civilian in that area saw something and it looked very suspicious and in the car drove their car to the back of his truck of some kind and took pictures of the license plate gave them to the sheriff's office. Sheriff Bradshaw is fantastic, great, great sheriff for a long time and within a fairly short period of time they tracked him down on the highway, it was a pretty high speed chase and they ended up getting him they got him. And we'll leave it at that as we kind of unrolled the rest of it in our opening and then got us all caught up pretty much all the way through when he was arraigned yesterday. You know Merrick Garland has been seen a lot more than DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas since and has weighed in on in an official context these assassination attempts more than we've seen Mayorkas do which is weird because the secret service falls under him. I just think it's the disenfranchised nature of Alejandro Mayorkas obviously impeached in the house he's essentially you know outside of being a cabinet member he's just a speaker piece and a campaign surrogate for the Biden-Harris administration you know works directly with Democrats and doesn't do shit with Republicans outside of come up with these border amnesty bills. You know like he had crafted a little bit earlier this year the news had said it's something that Donald Trump stopped but we're all glad that he did. But you know to see him kind of weigh in on this stuff as someone from the Department of Justice who now would be overseeing this case but didn't have a body to work with in regards to the shooter up in Butler it's kind of been a little bit confusing for me. No what do you think is the methodology behind that the Democrats are trying to do is it Merrick Garland's a little bit more polished maybe a little bit less controversial even though when you look at the law fair wage against President Trump I mean I think even the casual consumer of news would understand that he's weaponized the justice system against political opponents just as much as all 100 Merrickets has opened up the border but why do you think we've seen Garland more? Fuck I don't know that guy he's up to no good I'm pretty sure yeah definitely an evil character well let's hear him when he was out over the course of the weekend speaking before a think tank and I guess weighed in on this a little bit. This is the statement from DOJ the FBI is continuing to investigate what appears to be an assassination attempt to former President Trump that occurred yesterday in Florida. We are grateful that the former president is safe. The entire Justice Department including the FBI the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida and the National Security Division is coordinating closely with our law enforcement partners on the ground. We will work tirelessly to ensure accountability and we will bring every available resource to bear in this investigation. You know it's also interesting to me that I think in a good way Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who had been a little bit of the news both on Sunday night and yesterday has essentially reported that Florida is going to be running this investigation and not the federal Department of Justice. He was arraigned on federal charges but we will more than likely see other ones coming at the state level from Florida but Ron DeSantis essentially alluded to the fact that he was so unsatisfied with the way that the Butler investigation has shaken out the fact that the crime scene was scrubbed within 24 hours of the incident including the roof of all forensic related material. The fact that the body was hidden from those who wanted to investigate outside of the official scope of the federal investigation that was going on and then turned back over to the family within 10 days when it was immediately cremated and the fact that this kid and I'm talking about the Butler would be assassin. His entire house was scrubbed. Social media, cell phone records, everything was either completely destroyed or essentially erased from existence where in the case of this guy Ryan Ralph down in South Florida over the weekend we now know everything about him. We literally have seen his life play out on social media through the criminal justice system you know heard on behalf of family members etc just everything about him over the course of the last at least 10 to 20 years so two different and I think it might be because you know Ron DeSantis ordered the Florida Department of Justice to take over and run point on this investigation instead of just turning it into a federal one where you know everything's fine and nobody died except the shooter in the Butler case but nobody died period in the case of the one over this weekend and they would just be able to say you know look over there at the next big shiny object it just so happens that the shiny objects that federal law enforcement the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security keep directing people to look at happened to be bullets directed at Donald Trump yeah weird yeah and you know no already alluded to the fact that this guy was on the FBI's radar as recently as 2019 an FBI special agent in charge of the Miami field office during their multiple agency press conference yesterday kind of let the American public know this guy again slipped through the cracks let's hear it. I'll also share with you that he was the subject of a previously closed 2019 tip to the FBI where it was alleged he was a felon in possession of a firearm and following up on the tip the alleged complaint interviewed was interviewed and did not verify a repeat did not verify providing the initial information the FBI passed that information to local law enforcement in Honolulu so there you go multiple state spanning coast to coast and beyond radar pinging by this guy to federal law enforcement yet he was still able to and again the bad guys are always going to be able to in this instance illegally get his hands on a firearm and almost commit a crime that would rock this country to its absolute core so there was a lot of people who was saying after the butler incident that this was probably the biggest public first time that it happens but it won't be the last I mean obviously we know there's been security threats hundreds if not thousands over the course of Donald Trump's political career whether it comes in like you know empty threats or people trying to grab guns off secret service agents like we saw you know back during the 2016 cycle etc we all know that you know entities in some components of Europe in addition to the nation of Iran has Donald Trump lined up in their crosshairs as well both figuratively and literally in the sense and it's a dangerous world that we live in and people from the other side of the aisle are doing nothing but stoking flames it's going to be interesting to see what kind of a fit the FBI throws in order to get the person turned over to them so they can properly debrief him yeah it's a good point because man you should see they had this guy you know he walked backwards with like his shirt up and uh you know he they made him I've seen everything from the beavis and butthead corn holio voice over to his stomach actually looks like one of the trade federation aliens from the star war series so I saw that superimposed on his stomach and then when he's sitting in the cop car everything from like ama fed to brat obviously superimposed onto his t-shirt that he was wearing as well it just seems like you know it's just wild and we're gonna have to see this guy was known way more than just by the FBI obviously with the international footprint he had especially in a place where the US is so involved like in the nation of Ukraine and want to see where we go with the investigation from here guys wherever you listen to the show today welcome to the first of two big Tuesday editions to take breakfast listen help us out recently with the update of apple and their software 17 service update may have forced unfollowed you from our podcast so if you're listening today on apple podcast and you don't have the explicit content tab selected in your settings you're no longer following the show and we're no longer downloading to electronic device so go back check on that and make sure you are in addition you can check us out on spotify i heart samsung amazon or wherever you listen to your shows follow us on those platforms to rake the show five stars write a review and share stake records with your friends family co-workers and loved ones in addition check us out on social media twitter getter true social instagram and tiktok is where we have accounts find them follow him hit the notification bell you'll never miss out on all the great things we've got going on down here at stake for breakfast like sitting down with roger stone in just a few minutes so a cnn analyst over the weekend was looking back on how in the course of less than 70 days that donald trump have two big attempts on his life and well we don't have to tell you but he certainly did on cnn said probably has a lot of the do with the narrative that's going around comparing him to people like hitler let's take it out what does the fact that he wanted to survive say to you it says that he's not uh first he's not suicidal apparently he wasn't going to take his own life if he was almost being captured clearly we saw that he was captured without that and it tells me that he's probably much more politically motivated uh the last shooter in pennsylvania i don't want to say his name because i don't want to promote him in any way but uh he was clearly a guy that was looking for the notoriety of taking that shot i would think we're gonna find that this guy's extremely politically motivated and that he probably was spurred on by much of the political diatribes that are going on these days talking about trump equating him to hitler and things like that so i don't think this is the last we'll see of crazies out there trying to do this hmm match that no uh weird the media and all the top politicians keep comparing donald trump to people like hitler and saying he's a threat to democracy and and world security saying that he's going to shred the constitution and be a dictator on day one and in turn you've seen two different people attempt to assassinate him in the course of the last two months pretty wild huh it's not surprising it didn't the trump campaign come out with an entire list of all the violent rhetoric that's been coming from the left about him being a threat to democracy being literally hitler or whatever and even a Freudian slip about him needing to get shot yeah yeah yep and uh i think we might have saved a little bit of that for our second episode of the pot of the podcast today um in an interview with the uk's daily mail ryan ralph's son says his father and i'm quoting now hates donald trump like all reasonable people but he also said that his father is not a violent person and didn't believe he owned a firearm even though he's been convicted of illegally possessing one on multiple occasions um he said his father hates trump like all reasonable people do adding i don't like him either he's my dad and he's had a couple of traffic tickets as far as i know i know my dad and love my dad but he's nothing like him i guess referring to donald trump he said that to the best of his knowledge he was at the beach but thought that it meant outer banks in hawaii and not west palm beach florida um said he hates this game every four years and that he thinks we all do and then if my father wants to be a martyr to how broken and disassociated the process has become from the real problems and practical solutions and that's his choice so he went from his father being a good guy to no maybe he does want to be a martyr and if he does it's his own choice um then he goes right back and says i'm not saying that's what he's done or what it's all about but i just want my own rant being fed up with it for my entire adult life this is the quote that i thought made it relevant to the show he then went on to quote tree parker and matt stone saying south park said it best every four years were first to choose between a turd sandwich and a giant douche and it all stays fucked up the same ways by different degrees and we're all exhausted and embarrassed by it and again that was an interview with the the well potential shooter son or in ralph with the uk's daily mail so i said i'd bring you an update as recently as today i've got one for you a la hundred mayorkas who's released no statements done no press conferences or held anyone to account from the us secret service since the first attempt on donald trump's life um a couple months ago up in butler pennsylvania has decided to sit down and with the fair weatherist of fans the left wing news outlet political was part of a town hall today to discuss how he thinks deportation is immoral and that he doesn't have the data for anything in addition he did have a brief statement and some insight onto the recent developments surrounding president trump so again this is from literally right now on tuesday afternoon dhs secretary talking about what happened over the weekend let's check it out united state secret service did its job i protected the former president um eliminated a a threat um and uh they did phenomenal work and they deserve to be commended for it why do you think this keeps happening we've had two assassination temps yeah why why do you think he keeps happening in this country without anything as serious uh as these efforts happening why is this happening and what is the agency need to sort of prevent these close calls well angus um uh the director of the fbi and i uh chris ray and i have spoken publicly about this we are in a heightened threat environment uh it is not only the historic threat that persists of foreign terrorists it is not only the individuals already resident in the united states radicalized the violence by a foreign terrorist ideology we're now speaking of individuals radicalized the violence because of ideologies of hate anti-government sentiment personal narratives uh and other motivations propagated um on um online platforms with respect to former trump in particular should he get the same level of security as sitting presidents there's now been bipartisan calls for that so we we um the united state secret service has indeed enhanced of the former president's uh security posture so that he is receiving um a level of security commensurate uh with the fact that he is a former president and on the campaign uh trail and so his alignment with the security posture of uh our president is in fact a quite approximate so there you have it some breaking news and being announced today that donald trump will now have the same secret service level security detail as joe biden kamal harris does no your initial reactions from the man who has no data i mean it's amazing that it would take two attempts on his life for him to get the proper secret service detail but that is a lot of data mmm certainly is no listen it sucks that we've gotten here but i guess now there will be almost no excuses on to well at least the security aspect of it and you know just the rhetoric alone i i you can't go outside of just a casual internet search here a top staffer in both obama white houses that went into the private sector um came on as a campaign surrogate for joe biden before he got out of the race and now as a top advisor to kamala harris not jeffry zients zients but david plough plough yeah they all have the best names this is this is a tweet from him going back to 2016 when donald trump ran the first time it is not enough to simply beat trump he must be destroyed thoroughly his kind must never rise again and again now this person is the top campaign surrogate for kamala harris the person that's telling her to sit down and shut up and speak only when spoken to so if you think the mentality of these lunatics have changed and in our second edition of the podcast second new segment today when we break down yes there was another assassination attempt on donald trump's life over the weekend but guess what the mainstream media just doesn't care you'll hear some receipts no you want to talk about murderers roe like comparing them to how a list our lineup is today in regards to guests i've got back to back to back to back clips for in a row alex wit joy read killed dog and representative jasmine crockett the democrat congresswoman from texas all just fueling the fire of how magma's need to be destroyed and we have to lay out the case for you to be properly prepared when going into arguments with these lunatics because they are literally telling you that donald trump deserves this and they're bummed that no one can hit him that that's literally it he deserved what has happened to him and they say it's because he's hitler just can't have it yeah it's wild saying in the thread of all hundred meorkus maria barter romo was bringing the fire and fury on her sunday morning show and this was again before the second attempt even happened her calling out the dhs secretary for everything from the butler disaster to the us southern border and everything in between let's hear it what a complete joke liz peak i mean give me a break their whole over there on msmbc having an entire conversation about toning down the rhetoric of trump he just had two assassination attempts on his life as they're calling him hitler and everything else yeah i mean it's really despicable they're blaming trump effectively for an attempt on trump's life maria it doesn't get stupider than that or more vile yeah and i just want to point out this according to the secret service the golf course yesterday was not fully secured because quote trump is not a sitting president oh really let's take a look at the kind of security president obama has since he's no longer a sitting president we've got pictures here of president obama's golf course in martha's vineyard secret service inspects every vehicle when they even drive near the course cheryl so what's the answer he's not a sitting president yet the golf course that he's on is incredibly secure all of these questions should be answered because remember in the fiscal 2025 budget that has been proposed there is a budget increase again for the secret service and i think that this all goes up to the top and that is secretary my orchus maria that's who needs to be answering these questions right now bingo don't hold your breath with that listen you could ask him about anything under the sun he's going to tell you the same answer every time um maria i i don't have the data on that but i will have my office contact yours and we will get back to you in a um expedition manner and and i am proud of the secret service for doing the tough job that they've been given to do oh god i can't stand him you know who i love though roger stone we're getting ready to jump in with him right now but before we do a first check in with one of our partners i think it's time we had a conversation about a good night's sleep pillow king of minnesota michaelandell and the apparatus known as the my pillow family has been cranking out savings down at my pillow for over 20 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Joining us first on the show today this big Tuesday edition of the stake for breakfast podcast he's a new york times best-selling author a once-in-a-lifetime political icon he's by far the best-dressed man in the america first movement welcoming back to the show mr. roger stone great to be with you even under these extraordinary circumstances so as you know all the way back in 2017 i predicted that they would try to assassinate Donald trump in a exclusive interview with new american magazine i said that he would prove to be such a an existential threat to the established order that he would prove to be such a disruptor on the behalf of the american people that they would ultimately realize that his population clarity would only grow that his influence in the country would only grow that he couldn't be duped or dissuaded or have his agenda diluted in washington because he didn't care about the politicians and he wasn't running for president just to have the title in a nice house and a nice big plane and of course all that came to pass and now he has the greatest sin of all which is he doesn't want to lead this country into world war three which they're desperately trying to do with the action by the biden harris administration telling nato yes you can use us supplied long-range missiles to hit targets deep inside russia that's war that will be the spark of nuclear war putin who i'm not a fan of uh has already made it clear that that's a line in the sand so this is why they must kill trump because uh otherwise they won't get their war and also because i think it's growingly clear that he has there's a very good chance that he will be put back into the white house to uh negotiate peace in two of these uh war zones uh and to restore the country to prosperity and they don't make money out of prosperity they make money out of the people's despair and war so we're in very dangerous time what happened on sunday is not even remotely surprising to me i predicted this uh and god knows i an i fear that try a third time you know what an absolute crazy way to lead in and and just you know sixty some odd days after the assassination attempt in butler happened we saw obviously would unfold it over the weekend now roger you know this is bigger than obviously let's just say the secret service agents on the ground or even like the immediate apparatus that's set up around them it's it's something a lot darker you you talk about them the deep state the swamp of the entities that you know grind the gears that keep the planet in its perpetual state of misery uh donald trump is the plausible alternative to push back combat and maybe even in some components eventually destroy some of these entities and it seems like for you know the rhetoric that's been around that donald trump is this that and the other thing uh you know he's a disruptor he's an outsider he's something so much more uh you know it's it's become abundantly clear that donald trump could be the solution that combats decades if not longer of just the the negative way that this country has been ran the the eventual end of the road that it's being pushed down and you know as we get closer and closer to the ballot box i was actually surprised that we've seen it again obviously you let in with not being surprised yourself having called it so many years ago when donald trump was going to make it official and and actually be uh someone who is going to enter the political arena and do it well and uh it seems as we get closer and closer to election day these people are getting more desperate what what do you see or foresee happening at some point is it is it just going to be instances like these could it possibly be something worse i mean you even alluded to another kinetic war starting that may involve not only nato but the united states as well it's hard to imagine anything worse uh than the assassination of an american president on the other hand i i i've optimism because we're on the cusp of of a complete and entire political realignment agreed when you have robert f Kennedy jr when you have uh tulsi gabbard uh former democrat congresswoman uh realigning with donald trump when you have dick cheney the war criminal responsible for the let death of tens of thousands of americans and hundreds of thousands of orockeys in a war that he pushed based totally on fabricated claims that the orockeys man uh that you then you know uh that there's an opportunity here uh for a complete and total political realignment so i have hope uh i i hope the president in these closing days will talk more uh about that political realignment about the what we have in common our commitment to peace our commitment uh to free unfettered communications without cancer ship uh cancellation and censorship and uh and a crusade to make america healthy again to make our food healthy again pure and healthy again to look again at the drug approval process for a healthier nation so i think there's a giant giant opportunity here i apologize that i cannot be with you longer but that is my message it is a message of hope it is a message of unity yes we are the unity candidate we can't let Kamala Harris pass as a uh as a moderate who would unify america because that's not who she is she would defund the police she would have you and i pay for the health care for every single person who's in the country illegally she would bankrupt us uh she would leave our borders open no matter what she says today don't don't go about what she says go by what she has done uh this election is far from over but it is going to be extraordinarily close every single vote is going to count i'm afraid i have to leave it there but i want to thank you for having me and i'm so hungry right now i wish i had some steak for breakfast you know some very wise words uh from one of the men who's dialed in just about better than anybody else roger last thing i just wanted to ask you it's just a quick one word have you had the opportunity to talk to president trump is he okay i have uh i have exchanged tech messages with him i tried to call me but i had fallen asleep by the time he called but yes the people around him tell me that he's fine and he tells me by text that he is fine if any thing these things make him more determined more resilient more insistent that that he continued the fight to make american great again roger we've seen it we were very thankful that we were able to catch up with you today we've got your shows live link in the show description anywhere we could find you on social media we'll live link it as well what he got uh people should go to x go to x or roger j stone junior roger j stone jr roger j stone junior don't look for me at facebook folks all those roger stones over there are not me don't buy any crypto from them don't even talk to them they're not me go to real roger stone at true social or go to roger j stone junior roger j stone jr at x or of course you could always go to stone zone dot com stone zone dot com we caught up with them today on stake for breakfast we'll be looking to catch up with them again soon this is the man the myth the legend mr roger stone thanks for joining us sir have a great rest of your week thank you starting on day one i will steal the border and stop the migrant invasion we will carry out the largest deportation operation of criminals in american history we will defeat inflation quickly and we will make america affordable again we're getting your prices way down we will make america the dominant energy producer in the world by far you know i already had it above russia and saudi arabia then we had a terrible result in a horrible election an election where i got remember more votes than any sitting president ever by far by millions we have more liquid gold under our feet than any country in the world think of it we are standing on more liquid gold under our feet than any country in the world and we're going to use it in 12 months i will cut your energy costs in half and that includes heating air conditioning electricity and gasoline for your car all right jump back into the news portion of the show here today on the first of two big tuesday editions of the stake records podcast and as always i'll be at brief in time it was great catching up with roger stone listen when you're one of the very few people left on the planet who has bat phone privileges to president trump which means from his personal device he could text or call donald trump and it goes right to donald trump not through a handler not through any security and to the frequency that they talk with each other which is very much um there's a lot of people who want to talk to roger stone today and find out how president trump is doing and for the fact that he took about 10 minutes to come in and share with our listenership today about the events that happen over the weekend uh the continued rhetoric that is fueling what's happening to president trump and you know just to kind of share with us a little bit i i think it's a bonus and again as he's become a more frequent guest on the show we'll be looking at him back probably in very early october at the very least so jumping back into it here donald trump delivered remarks to supporters in los vegas and about it this weekend no did you catch any of the rally i did not catch any of the rally unfortunately there were some good points being made but there was also some great speeches as well cash patel gave about an eight minute remarks delivering and brought down the house um donald trump called the nope boys you know the podcast that's affiliated with dana white and ufc up on stage they endorsed president trump it said the deciding factor for them was that minnesota governor tim waltz had put a 97 tax on zinn so we have to eliminate that on day one as well um and and the mood was great there was a couple other people who uh would speak during the rally as well i put some clips of them but we're going to stick with donald trump right here talking about well everybody knows what the vote for kamala harris really is it's nothing good let's check it out number there's a vote for comrad kamala harris is a vote for war with russia would anybody like to be in war with russia if necessary we would we're not you know but it's preferably not right don't you think it's also a vote to bring back the draft would anybody like to be drafted in the show hands please because that's what they're doing she's already talking about bringing back the draft she wants to bring back the draft and draft your child and put them in a war that should never have happened remember russia would have never attacked you crayon ever and didn't for four years and remember this when bush was president he gave up a lot to russia when brock who's saying obama was president gave up a lot to russia when biden was president got to give up the whole thing to russia it looks like but when trump was president he gave up nothing to russia zero i gave up nothing i'm the only one i'm the only one and a vote for kamala harris is a vote to obliterate israel and fast israel is going to be blown off the face of the earth if she becomes the president of the united states i hate to say it i've always backed israel they will not have a chance if she she went to a party instead when your prime minister came to the united states and spoke before congress which is a big event she went to a sorority party instead she found that more important ready israel will be blown off the face of the earth it will not exist if she becomes president of the united states if i become president of the united states it will go on to glory but if she becomes president it will be obliterated just remember i said it you know it's pretty interesting i mean israel isn't doing themselves any favors no did you hear about what happened between israel and has bill out today uh somebody didn't get to send a little code back on their pager oh boy man in an unprecedented operation that is reminiscent of i would say like a tom clancy novel right you know where terrorist organizations use human carriers and snail mail more than they do electronics apparently a lot of people in Hezbollah are fitted with well 90 style pagers not even cell phones to transmit information between them in an operation that spun damn near three countries today including lebanon and syria israel detonated i guess hundreds if not thousands of pagers that were being carried by Hezbollah fighters all throughout the region at the same time and these are pagers that had explosive devices embedded inside them i would assume not just like they can blow up pagers like i feel like that would happen by accident already no i've seen a couple videos of when it actually happened there was like a guy at the market and next thing you know his leg gets blown off and he's on the ground yeah but i'm saying like that's not just like no that major blew up it's like there's a bomb yeah it looked like they had it infiltrated whatever carrier or the the person who was supplying these pagers to Hezbollah and were able to crazy crazy you never seen i mean this is the stuff you see in like movies yeah and uh again the temperature is not getting turned down in the middle east obviously with ukraine continuing to beg to use us long range weaponry to fire anything into russia is not cool in the temperature in eastern europe as well so again do you have an administration that's captainless right now there's no one at the wheel joe biden was again at the beach all weekend and he's going out to non together with kamala harris i'm airquoting campaign events for them and speaking before donors and supporters instead of doing anything to run i mean donald trump is almost assassinated again this weekend you have what's going on between israel and now has blood in addition to what they're doing against the mosque you have you know vlana mary zalinski essentially well passed being on his last leg begging to use the only piece of weaponry he's got left to continue to stoke the flames with war in the eastern europe and these assholes have no solutions i mean kamala harris doesn't talk about foreign policy at all she talks about pro now and she talks about january six she talks about threats to democracy but she doesn't talk about anything regarding the messes that she's made and when it comes to joe biden well he hasn't been the president for a long time so the responsibility has to fall on the shoulders of someone it might as well be her and i just gave you what she's got going on in regards to offering up service to the american people so donald trump plant he paints a bleak picture but it's one that is very real and uh for as vivid as that picture might seem we are probably closer to nukure war today than we ever were during the cuban missile crisis or any other time during the cold war no what do you think about that it's it's a very dangerous unprecedented time that we're living in and unfortunately it feels like a lot of it is the result that the government wants to happen just so they can distract and obfuscate everything else that's going on i have a feeling that uh keeping a wartime president in the white house or vice president in this case is not going to be enough regardless of what they do it's just what would we do in an instance where we woke up tomorrow and it was a completely different world i'm talking about not only using the n-word but the n-word happening uh in a place like eastern europe or if i ran did have nukure capabilities already and did decide to bomb israel um in addition to fucking up everything geopolitically joe biden kamayars have done a better than average job of fucking up everything here as well uh donald trump talks about kamayars being the president presiding over the senate her casting the tie-breaking vote and the inflation non-reduction act which was the green new scam and decide in disguise and how much it's cost average americans i saw a number that came out this week and know it tell me if you feel like this is accurate so every middle-class family in america as of today is paying roughly twelve hundred more dollars a year under this administration than the previous one so that would essentially be over five thousand dollars over the course of i guess the entirety of their reign over the united states you think that's accurate you think it's more i wouldn't even be able to gauge what it what it really is everything to seem so expensive yeah i think it's more to be honest with you but let's hear president trump well it depends on who's giving you those numbers is that the current administration or is it somebody that's actually looking at the data well this came out via the trump campaign it was probably referenced from you know a top economist but then again the middle class is broken up into so many different colors on the spectrum that you you wouldn't know what part of the middle class are actually touching on this is the upper middle class is the middle middle class the lower middle class etc so i i think it's more but that might be in a great baseline for how the average americans let's just say outside of the ridiculously blue states like the ones we live in have incurred over the course of what will be four years come january of next year in regards to touching on the economy and what it looked like since kamala harris has had her hands in it let's hear president trump vice president harris cast the tie breaking votes that caused the worst inflation in american history costing us and the typical family the typical family twenty eight thousand dollars think of that twenty eight thousand with me it was the opposite the exact opposite days ago it was announced that we lost four hundred and thirty eight thousand full-time jobs in august that's a record we lost almost a half a million jobs in august you know they like to go around saying how well they're doing they're doing terribly inflation makes everything bad anyway that the highest ever we lost twenty four thousand manufacturing jobs and nearly six thousand auto manufacturing jobs and i'll tell you what the united auto workers those guys are going to vote for me those guys and gals they're going to vote for me they're going to vote for me because the auto industry is moving to mexico it's moving to china and it's moving to other parts of the world but not the united states china's building two massive auto plants in mexico now and they think they're going to build cars and put them into our country not going to happen it's not going to happen they've got authorization from byton you know why because they gave them a lot of cash that's why and nobody talks about it last month alone american born workers lost 1.3 million jobs as migrants gained six hundred and thirty five thousand jobs in a single month you know the jobs almost every single job was taken by a migrant worker and black workers are losing their jobs to these people that are pouring into our country and his spanish are losing their jobs and next will be unions unions are going to be losing all of their power all of their clout but the black worker and the black family they're losing their jobs his spanish are losing their jobs the people that pour into our country illegally now kamala is pushing the largest individual and small business tax increase in american history and she said that a seventy to eighty percent tax rate is something that's very very doable it's a bold idea she said and it must be discussed how do you feel about that yeah talk about small businesses and and the non-existence they'll have that's ever implemented i couldn't imagine you know you take out all the things that are already taken out of your paycheck and then 40 percent of it is taxes you have the health care and all the other little things that you know your retirement and you name it i mean it's damn near half of your paycheck it's gone every time you get paid and now ramp that up instead of being like half with everything to 70 or 80 percent before health insurance or your 401k a retirement and you're only taking home between 10 and 15 percent of your paycheck seems pretty sustainable we should be okay how would you live you don't nothing and be happy that sounds like the plan whatever i heard that before no it's crazy it's crazy and uh it's not like any of these numbers that he's throwing out there our lies or skewed truth these these are the numbers that are coming from the top economists these are the revised numbers that are coming from the actual Biden administration and on behalf of Kamala Harris and we have to be able to you know take into consideration that what they've done over the course of the past four years as an attempt to and in a lot of ways they're doing it successfully erase Donald Trump's legacy would be completed by January of next year and then you would consider the four years after that would be the final of Barack Obama's fourth term in office so but Donald Trump's not talking about that he's talking about winning back the White House and he's talking about building these new cities in America too especially in places like Nevada and inviting in industries like Hollywood and the technology industry and the manufacturing plants as well let's hear it as part of our efforts to increase housing affordability i will work with your governor to open up new tracks of federal land for large-scale housing construction and you'll get it from a much lower price more than 80 percent of all land in Nevada is owned by the federal government governor Lombardo has sent three letters to the Biden Harris administration asking them to open up some of this land to help alleviate the crisis but Kamala and crooked Joe did not even have the decency to reply to those requests under the Trump administration the pleas of Nevada will be ignored no longer we're gonna open it up we're gonna open we'll start with a small portion you'll get it going and then we're gonna open up large portions of land we will create special new zones with ultra low taxes and ultra low regulations to allow the development of really extraordinary new housing at a proper price while also bringing jobs and industries to Nevada like the movie industry the technology industry and the massive manufacturing plants from foreign nations will be coming into your state and that means jobs and if i pull this off with the help of your governor a lot of Hollywood will be moving from California because right now you don't have the land because you don't have the land it's owned by the federal government we're gonna open up that land to you you'll be able to build studio lots and everything else millions and millions of Americans will be able to take part in building these clean safe and beautiful new communities reviving the frontier spirit and the American Dream something you don't hear much about anymore it's going to be I'm kind of down for the Trump cities yeah just imagine Trump would with a rename at Trump would yeah you know I tell you what for all this land the government owns and the thinly veiled federal protections on why they haven't been developed no one deregulated more in the history of modern politics because these ridiculous regulations weren't always a thing than Donald Trump did and man moving forward I know he's talked about the Trump cities he even says if I can pull this off this will be one of the biggest building booms in the history of our country the man who helped finish the New York skyline might be doing it in a greater context maybe with a little bit of an Oregon trail spin on it in a second Trump administration I like it and it's going to be interesting to see I think this is one of his less lesser talked about policies but when you look at the impact of the amount of jobs and then what it could mean for the expansion of essentially the American Dream I think it would be a huge cornerstone in what will eventually be the Trump doctrine and legacy once he's done with politics hopefully after his next term in office guys wherever you listen to the show today welcome we're on the back end of first of two big Tuesday editions of the state of records podcast listen help us out jump on to your favorite podcasting platform Apple Spotify iHeart Samsung Amazon podcast or wherever you listen to your shows the only thing we ever ask is that you hit the follow you hit the subscribe button it's always going to be free here we don't charge you any fees any subscriptions for no stakes exclusive content or hidden shows bonus material etc we put this all together in the form of our regular podcast for you you're always going to get it for the low low price of free so help us out and make sure you're subscribed to the show in addition check us out on social media twitter get our true social instagram and tick tock is where we have accounts find them follow him hit the notification bell and you'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at stake for breakfast as we're going to be jumping in with South Carolina congressman Ralph Norman who's become a regular contributor on the show love having him on in just a bit you know Donald Trump would get into some of the i guess you would call them current events that have been affecting his campaign most recently and outside of the assassination attempt because it didn't happen yet on Saturday night when he delivered these remarks and everybody knows they happen on Sunday would be the fallout from the second for him but first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamal Harris he continued to blast empty suit lightweight david mirror and ABC for the abysmal performance in putting up the debate that he had to kind of navigate through let's hear it despite all of these flagrant lies and the many other hoaxes she spread the fake news moderators did not check her out they didn't check what comrade Kamala Harris they didn't say do you see the lies that she was making up project 20 25 i've said a hundred times i know nothing about it i had nothing to do she goes out with a commercial i support this i support that i support 25 i said all lies and lies that she knows are lies that have been debunked as they say in the crazy news organization hey that's a lot of press we have back there that's a lot of fake news that's a lot of fake news meanwhile every time they interfere to fact check me it turned out that they were wrong and Trump was right for example a big one i said that crime was up massively i didn't want to go into the details what's the purpose crime was up massively and david mure you know he even thumbs down he's another one doesn't have a clue you know and his hair was much better five years ago i can't but david mure barged in to claim that stir crime was down and he said quote president trump as you know the fbi oh says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now let me you don't have to see this that you see what the hell is happening with crime who would say it was down even if without looking so he reprimanded me for saying the crime was up and you know somebody in our government at a very high level likes me and they released the real numbers it said yet in breaking news just yesterday night the premier statistical agency at the department of justice the bureau of justice statistics released brand new data showing that since kamala harris took off his violent crime nationwide is up 40 percent rape is up 42 percent car theft is up 42 percent robberies are up 67 percent aggravated assaults are up much more than 55 percent and violent crime with a weapon is up 56 percent violent attacks on strangers i never heard of that one is up 61 plus percent so david mure owes me an apology dude i'm pretty sure he doesn't need to hold his breath because he'll never get one from yeah i'm not gonna happen that lightweight dirt bag uh he would stick in the thread of the debate and of course well want to hit kamala harris on a little bit you know some of her incessant rambling just filled up the entirety of it you know as we talked with josh hammer in in addition to both of their question laden opening statements because they didn't do official opening statements and when they were wrapping up with geopolitics and heading towards the closing statements he felt like a lot of people probably tuned out because of the long-winded nature of kamala harris's word salad answers he said he was pretty astonished at the way she kept rambling on and on let's hear it today she had a terrible interview did you see the interview she had today she can't talk she can't talk she can't talk without maybe getting the answers what's the story with it did she get the questions did you think so i hear she got the questions and i also heard she had something in the year a little something in the year there you know how i do this say it this way kamala okay be quiet too many people watch she had a terrible interview today with the philadelphia tv station a big word salad she just kept talking talking talking she had no idea what the hell she was saying she reminded me of slippy joe biden give or hear him i actually have a clip one that was given its entirety in a question and answer when kamala harris sat down with that philadelphia news station and how they aired it as part of their news programming heavily edited and way less word salad than what was leaked online as were full clips of the interview we've got that in our second edition of the podcast today no do you remember kamala yes you know it's been a minute since we've seen him spell it that way on a social media account but would you believe if i told you that he decided to bring it up during the rally on friday night really yeah of course i pulled the clip of it let's check it out is where's harris they know kamala they know kam babala that was the nickname i used for a while but i don't use it anymore because everyone thought i was just mispronouncing her name i was it kam babala but no you know at this point he's just trolling her he he doesn't even care like he knows that there's no substance between he and her there's nothing that she can offer that he has to necessarily you know combat or pushback on because everything they say is bullshit everything they say is a lie too would you believe me if i told you he also got into her uh previous employer's history as well oh nice let's hear it everything is a lie including the fact that she never worked at mcdonald's she lied about that i told that to one of the fake news people two days ago i was doing a news conference and the fake news was there i said you people all said she worked beautifully at mcdonald's it turned out it was a lie will you admit it will you admit it i said and they said oh yeah well admit they never did they don't want to they're protecting her i don't know why i mean she wants open borders and of course he always segues back to the border problem which is probably where he should be and then finally you know out of some of the i call these like the platinum highlights you know you got all the policy driven stuff and how he compares what he did during his first term what he would do in his second versus what's going on now that's all the great stuff but no he even touched on a little bit about joe biden's redemption arc and the fact that he put a mega hat on 9/11 let's dig it out did you see the hat though the other day he walked into a great beautiful area in pennsylvania i was there because that's where one of the planes came down you know that it was incredible the reverence that we had for that area so i do think we need to talk about some of the endorsement and big supporters he had there um the creator founder and host of pawn stars was on the stage and gave a i would say fiery but mostly peaceful ringing endorsement of donald trump his policies and what he could do for the great state in the vaudel let's check that out we all want to raise our kids go to our own church make sure our kids do better than we do okay and the government just get the hell out of the way we you know you have the democrats and harris they literally want to judge us micromanage our entire lives from from cradle to grave and you know what i think i know what's best for me i think you know what's best for you and what the best thing is for this country is donald trump i mean if we have four more years of this insanity and i love it when kamala harris says on day one she's going to do this and this and this when you know job you say just do it you're there already i mean like literally you could go into the white house and do it and biden wouldn't even know you were doing it you know rick rick harris has been a huge supporter of donald trump for quite a long time he's become a lot more public with it since donald trump's announced that he's going to be running for president again in late 2022 you know his son died of a fentanyl overdose and uh there's been a lot of problems with crime and addiction and stuff that have surrounded that entire pawn star's apparatus for the last half defcade and and for someone that's literally lived the american dream but has had some really big stumbling spots along the way and wants to see the people around him maybe in his own family or or it sounds like the community uh his endorsement of donald trump i thought was was a slam dunk and just you know a really good way to point out how someone who's been directly affected by these negative biden harris policies like i said he lost his son to a fentanyl overdose uh you know how he sees an alternative forward that's going to get this country back on the right track what do you think though there's got to be there's got to be a different way to go to make things better there there has to be something that we can do yeah in addition to rick and an elk boy's update i thought the endorsement of the day came from Puerto Rican regga tone superstar nicky jam yet another person listen donald trump's putting up he's got nicky jam he he had the guy that he had uh endorsed him at the last rally who's a huge caribbean music superstar he's got little pump he's got walk a flock of flame donald trump could put on a little concert here at some point and i think it would do better than averagely well i mean little wanes come out and endorse him uh you know i think ice cube or at least uh you know he he knows that the direction the country's not going they could do something with that i it's gonna be interesting to see if they do but listen 29 million monthly listeners on spotify and 43.7 million followers on instagram in addition to the nearly 10 million followers he has on tiktok and almost 5 million now that he has on twitter um was in vegas as part of uh their performance schedule and met with donald trump before the rally donald trump thought it would be a good idea if he wants to get on the maga express to come out and publicly endorse him and well no this is what sounded like it's a honor to me to meet you mr president people that come from where i come from they don't meet the president so i'm really i'm lucky i'm gonna say this but we need you we need you back right we need you to be the president and apart from that i gotta say this in spanish I think it's huge you you you can't reciprocate or manufacture support when it's not there but when you look at all these different people every week no it's like every time he gets to a rally he's bringing out some i mean these aren't the most platinum recording superstars but when you talk about the millions the tens of millions of followers they all have music's different these days it's not like you buy the cd or you buy the album and then you go see them in concert it's like you know you digitally download songs or you selectively listen via your music app subscriptions and um what they do on social media is where the red and butter comes from and when you look at the last couple people that have come in and endorsed on trump especially from the music community absolutely phenomenal with just i mean i saw yesterday uh little pump went out to do one of his concerts and he actually came out after they announced them on stage it's like all this huge base and lights going on and then all of a sudden it gets dark except for a spotlight and when little pump walks out on stage he walks across the stage and while he's walking Donald trump is talking about the border on the pa system he says nothing he goes out to the middle of the stage goes to the end of the stage sits on it with his heads down and Donald trump finishes talking and it's all quiet and he's like do you got to hear that stuff he's like that man has to be the next president of the united states and then the idea this is for a hip hop show they go crazy and it's like you're not getting that same kind of enthusiasm from anything the democrats have to offer and it's because they all know their lives are better under Donald trump don't you agree yeah he's got some hard hitters coming out to endorse him that's for sure yeah people that are very prominent on social media and and just doing the things that they need to do it's not just they're they're going out there on stage and putting on a maga hat and saying i endorse Donald trump they're doing the actual work and as we're getting ready to round it out here and jump in with congress of norman we are going to play a brief portion of the close out as we always do and take a look at how the rally wrapped up in los vegas on friday night let's check it out we're going to have to secure our elections because they cheat so badly everyone will prosper every family will thrive and every day we will be filled you know the word they use with joy so i'm not going to use that word if you don't mind but opportunity and hope we're going to be filled with ambition we're going to go out and love getting up every morning and going to work and making a lot of money but for that to happen we must defeat comrade kamala harris a radical left lunatic and we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda once and for all if they get in we're never going to be able to turn this country around it's going to be venus well on steroids you're never going to be able to do it so get everyone you know to vote we want a landslide that is too big to rig too big to rig on november fifth we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders like they have not been restored in a long time we will put america first and we will take back our country together we will make america powerful again make america wealthy again make america healthy again make america strong again make america proud again make america safe again make america free again we will make america great again thank you very much thank you thank you very much who's feeling it what do you think no yeah you know in addition to the endorsements and speakers that we talked about uh the raters quarterback garner menshew was there met with president trump before the rally and endorsed the president as well former ufc fighter champion was there and endorsed president trump and you really can't take into consideration the importance of all these different entities that are coming in and supporting donald trump in his race to reclaim the white house i'm going to give it a 9-7 no where you at oh a lot of energy in a 10 again oh off the charts dave point no it would be disappointed in you but i absolutely love it i also love sitting down with congressman ralph norman as we're about to do but before we do that another check in with one of our partners hi this is beard over at beard vet coffee what's wrong with america today is that americans are putting convenience over values we need to start thinking about our dollar as a vote we need to start using those dollars to support companies that believe in our values and aren't afraid to take a step that's us a beard vet coffee we're not another pretend conservative company that puts a pew pew on the packaging to take a line with our principles we don't identify as america first we live america first we're vet founded vet focus and obviously period so if you haven't had a cup of beard vet buy a bag hope us continue to support veteran charities every month and as we always say stay awake not woke use promo code stake for 10% off your order all right joining us next on the show today this big Tuesday edition of the stake records podcast he's the congressman who represents south carolina's fifth congressional district always great to catch up with representative ralph norman thanks for coming back on the show well glad to be with you ron well i wish we had some better stuff to talk about but we are coming out of the weekend where we saw another assassination attempt on donald trump's life i know we were able to talk about it in detail with the congressman uh over the course the last couple times you've been on the show what's happened up in butler pennsylvania uh just over sixty some odd days ago the investigation or lack thereof that's happened but uh you know to see another lapse in security another possible attempt on president trump's life happened over the weekend so close to the election and coming on the back end of a lot of pointed rhetoric that came out in the sunday morning new circuit uh from the democrats i just kind of want to get your commentary and how you saw it roll out and how you feel about the whole situation well this is what happens in third world world countries ron the fact that sixty days ago the uh you had a gunman who was seen in sight you had a gunman who flew a drone you had a gunman who who uh got as close as he did uh for killing a former president and a and the candidate for the republican party for to lead the free world again and you know a lot of things just don't add up the latest attempt does not add up as well to get on the golf course to say for 12 hours he plotted to kill the president you know i think it's time for a polygraph test for all the secret service agents uh who told him when president trump was going to be at that particular hole at that particular time now somebody is complicit in setting this president uh up for for forgetting kill i've never seen anything like this and those are that are on the task force uh for the first assassination attempt say things just don't add up as well for the body to basically go missing for for after ten days to be cremated when the FBI knew that they wanted to have forensics done on the body they wanted to examine the body and to have from what we understand the shooter's house completely scrubbed meaning it took away all the social media accounts he had they took away all the telephone conversations you had you know who's doing this and you've got a wonder that um something is going on i don't think it'll be the first you know this end the first times that presidents have been you know have been targeted but this close for the election in november 5th which is 50 days away and for to get as close as they have to kill and president trump is unacceptable you know congressman it's interesting to see too i've seen marrick garland come out and put out two statements over the last 24 to 48 hours since the second assassination attempt came down but where is the department of homeland security secretary al hundra meorkus we know he's been impeached in the house the last time i saw him was about a week ago he sat down for a town hall in a very friendly environment and i believe one of the things that he said was he believes that the entire idea of deportation is a moral when they ask about you know potential policies that might be coming in next year under donald trump it's a joke his you know overseeing of the department of homeland security has been an even bigger one as well but the fact that you know he does reign over the secret service and we've seen the former director the interim director and a whole bunch of surrogates underneath them come out and speak on behalf of the lapses and insecurities that have been set up around president trump we haven't heard from the department of homeland security secretary at all is congress looking to call him in to maybe get some answers in the near future and and find out what the heck is going on you know i think that you know congress has pretty much had it with meorkus he's a hired hand he's doing what the ministration tells him to do and let's say they call him in what was he gonna say nothing of value nothing of such substance for him to say deportation is immoral and illegal what's moral about the killings that have gone on right lakeland riley what's moral about the gangs that are taking over apartment buildings all over this country what's moral about the children that have been trafficked the over three hundred thousand unaccompanied minors that if you put it in today's terms uh football college football stadium holds about eighty two thousand you got four football stadiums of children and minors that who knows what's happening to them they're most likely either dead or in the sex trade and this is what what mayorkus and the whole biden hares administration is done to destroy this country and then for him to have the gall to say you know this immoral it's uh it's like jerry nadler going to sleep at a hearing where you have mothers who are talking about their dead children yeah it's uh it's they're the ones in the air mall that's who the country is revolting about the democrat policies that are destroying this country we just assumed that he says you wouldn't have the data which is what he says all the time when he says in congress but it's a great point that you make there and some other highlights including well low lights including jerry nadler as well now talking about the rhetoric that's got us to this point listen there's policies that donald trump has championed on he's given you know political candidates and the president the vice president people from the other side of the aisle nicknames over the years but he has never called for any kind of violence or anything in that nature where on the other hand democrats have you know even over the course of the weekend you still have people like representative jasmine crockett from texas you had hillary clinton uh several surrogates from the biden and harris regimes going out on the mainstream press uh both before and after the second assassination attempt happened on president trump and talking about him being a threat to democracy to world security to national security etc it doesn't seem like they have any interest with you know less than 50 days now before we go to the election and in in cooling down the rhetoric and not being able to campaign off of policy points because they have none they see the state of the nation that's why they want to turn the page that's why they don't want to look back as part of their pre-baked you know campaign stuff but but when you see the rhetoric that's coming out and how it's turned into you know kinetic violence against political candidates and listen it's starting with president trump there's there's nothing to say that it doesn't trickle down to members of the house senate governors obviously other candidates who are running in races across the country and it seems like the democrats just don't care not only do they not care i think they're encouraging it and this goes back wrong to when maxine water says uh total a group to get into faces of politicians who are out eating yeah this goes back to joe biden you know saying he'll reclaim that president trump's a threat to democracy you've just had the attempted killing of a president and the rhetoric has not slowed down at at all uh they don't care it's just like what's happening at the border what's happening to so many families uh they just don't care and the the 15 plus million who knows how many are here now are done for one reason power they're trying to race them to vote and that's happening all over the country we're all a border state now and you know there is a point that the tenth amendment is going to have to kick in and we the the states created the federal government not vice versa the federal government has let us down and under democrat regime it's uh it's taken a level that is dangerous uh for the survival of the country and it's dangerous for the citizens who came here to america legally it's not right and uh they will pay a price for it in november at the polls i completely agree with you there and then when you see the overall state of the race congressman how do you see president trump being able to navigate these very difficult decisions i mean obviously he's had to change up the way he operates in campaigning and now after the second you know uh assassination attempt on his life he's going to be still doing rallies he's out in michigan today he's going to be holding a rally in uh new york state also this week and then probably another rally by the time we get to the weekend but but just the way that he's been able to get out there him and jd vance deliver in the message to the american people pushing back on the mainstream press in a lot of uh you know you saw jd vance do it throughout the course of the sunday morning new circuit he goes in there for interviews he winds up arguing with christen welker arguing with dana bash and having to fact check them in real time things that they won't do to the democrats but it seems like the messaging is getting out there starting to reflect on the poll some of the ones that have come out uh you know out of the weekend heading into the week five thirty eight uh atlas intel and uh you know nay silvers models and and things that are suggesting that donald trump's starting to pull ahead in all the battleground states and and even nationally is a little bit over the top right now well think about it wrong who wants a repeat of the last uh three and a half my uh three and a half years who wants to who wants to go through this again you know it's been four years of misery under this administration and you know i can't imagine that you know the outside world is looking in a candidate that is as um unaccomplished as kamala harris is to have a chance of leading the free world she's a marxist and she's a socialist government is her god and uh i can imagine going through another four years but no donald trump is he's fearless he is uh i would imagine he's going to hire his own security uh people so that it not rely on the federal government to protect him the epi ice you're in protecting right the cia sure hadn't protected and so i think he'll be taken precautions but he's not scared i think providentially he believes that uh you know he's the last two assassination attempts have been failed and i think he's uh he's he's not going to let them win he's going to continue to do what he's he's been doing but he's going to do it at our higher security level of people that he knows he can trust and right now with what's happened so far he can't trust the government uh to defend him no he certainly can't and then segueing congressman i do want to talk about some of the businesses it's up on the hill and regarding house publicans right now anti whotry that you guys have been working on you know it's an important piece of legislation it would allow the american government to obviously govern and the face of things like the pandemic or or other you know critical uh instances that happen which you know require a national response i know you had been a big supporter advocate and had your hands in it as well and if you can tell our listenership a little bit of an update on that we'd love to hear it well we've got a press conference this afternoon the uh on the september 22nd 23rd the uh the world health organization will meet what this administration is doing intentionally is to give our sovereignty a way to a group that is led by china which is a as you know a communist country yep and you know they can determine the pandemics they can determine uh what comp you know what me what it means to have a shutdown that per their uh per their views they will be the ones that united states what they will try to get five percent of all of our medical expenditures which is money we don't have and they're trying to do it without going through the senate that we've got to have a uh have it go through the senate where it gets sixty bucks and uh but why why is he doing this to the country now why is he giving our sovereignty away we've just gone through the covid pandemic and look who was who was in charge of it china yep and so to do this is is ridiculous they're violating a lot of the codes which require amendments that are being considered next week four months in advance that hasn't happened so it's a takeover again that this administration is pushing and uh we got to stop it and we're going to highlight it and we'll do that starting at a press conference today yeah we'll be looking forward to cover some of the highlights on that of our friday edition of the show and then any update on the on the budget battle i mean i know the save act is still a component you talked about uh two weeks ago when you were on the show you know the fact that chuck shuber is probably going to strip it and send it back down to the house but you know when when you talk about uh the ever-changing political climate and and the winds that are always twisted up there on capitol hill do you have any developments on that uh for our listenership well i think yes we've got i mean i know mike johnson is committed to sticking to uh a cr and a say back which just verifies our elections are safe uh clay higgins has done a tremendous job in getting some solutions that i think we can get the votes the worst thing we could do is open the checkbook up to chuck you in the senate yeah which by the way has not have not acted on anything we've sent over the five appropriation bills that we passed they haven't acted on anything the right thing for us to do is to send over a cr uh in the form that i think clay higgins will present to us today and tomorrow and go home and say senate you either come back when you series uh we're not going to let you have the checkbook to spend more and more money and an omnibus is the last thing we need no it certainly is and and i'm glad you could bring our listenership up to speed on that as we'll be tracking it throughout the course of the week and obviously the end of the month when we have the vote congressman this would be great catching up with you today always a pleasure when we could host you on the show we've got your congressional website live link in the show description a so everybody could check out all the great work you've got going on if they want to follow you on social media work and they find you as well rep ralph and this is the congressman who's representing south carolina's fifth congressional district fighting for all of america first up there representative ralph norman thanks for joining us on the so sir have a great rest of your week you too ron thank you guys we're coming back with another all new addition of the state for records podcast so sit back relax and let us change the way you consume your news [ Silence ]