Joy-Philippe Bruce

Enlargement By The Guidance of The Spirit

Preached by E.S. Joy-Philippe Bruce at The Love Economy Church, Kaneshie, 19th September 2024

Broadcast on:
19 Sep 2024
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see and mommy is a mommy to our father so what it means is that she's about to feed us with things that will change our lives the last time she was here her words changed our lives hallelujah you see it's a it's a sad thing that today is not Friday I was I was hoping today would I be Friday so that we can decide it's Friday it's just a decision it's just a decision it's Friday it's Friday it's not Friday more time more time hallelujah but it after today unless one more year please we are not we are not ready to go home again I'm not ready we can do it into tomorrow and then have Friday nights too hallelujah so man and brother and God bless you say God bless Bishop for bringing mommy to us mommy we're excited to have you last year mamma was here with their son who is a missionary who is in the ministry mommy has been doing mission missions and ministry for many years and I know she's going to help us yes she's gonna help us she's gonna teach us God's word and bring us God's counsel so church help me welcome our mother Bishop's mommy at his copal sister joyfully be rules. Wow. That's a hold on. Hallelujah. Since your neighbor and same neighbor are you happy to be here as the neighbor on the other side are you happy to be here Hallelujah. Let's pray father we are so grateful to be here tonight I pray that your word will come forth I pray that your will will be done that your pet was for this meeting will be achieved I come against every plan of the enemy of God and I ask for God that it's only what you want that will be done have your way without so God have your way without so God when we live here oh God may we just know that you've visited us thank you so much for this place in Jesus name amen and amen I want you to put your hands together and salute your father hallelujah hallelujah and I believe that you should know that you are blessed that he's your dad yeah you should know sometimes when you are in a house for some time you take it for granted that's why many of us in our natural lives we never told our fathers that we loved it oh it's true it's not true it's like I mean just pick it for God until you see the one who doesn't have a father or whose father that you know that look I had something are you there and so I want you to appreciate him not only by shouting but by you mean it put your hands together for your father and my friend hallelujah the founder of love economy amen amen amen amen and while your hands are still clapping I want us to put our hands together to honor my father and your grandfather Bishop like I want milk hallelujah amen amen amen I tell you we are blessed to be alive at the time when these men are also executing the administration yeah without them our lives would have been something else hallelujah and tonight I just want you to appreciate them and to just recognize it and to say that I'm gonna do my best to land thank you Lord that I'm alive at this time to learn what I can learn from them and then I want you to sell me to your own pastor Reverend Crocky and this white lady by sasanta halle God bless you guys so much I really appreciate you hallelujah I really value your friendship so much and I cannot wait to see what the Lord would do with you hey hey I had a fine amen now 10 to your neighbor I say okay neighbor I don't like Maru's faces so if you know that you are going to be Maru's please move hallelujah God bless you take your seat amen and amen and amen it's always a pleasure to come here I tell you it's always a pleasure always a pleasure and and to see what the Lord is doing with you hallelujah and if you find yourself here tonight it means that you are trying to do something for the Lord isn't it try to do something for the Lord and and that's an honor the greatest honor you can have is that you are doing something for the Lord yeah so so never get to the place where you take for granted yeah because he says that he chose you if you have ever been in this situation where you were not chosen you understand what I'm saying I don't know how many of you were like me when you were in school you were hoping that they'll choose you as Bell girl they didn't choose you hope that don't choose you class perfect they didn't they choose that's why you didn't get hey they were waiting that their last color of all black working at that one too you didn't get that's you didn't get that's oh no why is higher than the black working I said you didn't get so when he says that he chose that say value it yeah value it hallelujah please take your seat well we're gonna be discussing enlargement we've been on this topic for some time I was asking a father what I should talk about and he said I look we are trying to grow so when Bishop Black was preaching about and larger when I started praying and I said I should teach about it shall continue and we shall continue we're trying to grow as it's hallelujah so we've been on it for some time because the truth is that you should want to grow you should want to do better you should want to do more you should want to enlarge it's not no no you see you see the truth is that in every class a somebody will carry the class but that one dear is there but for somebody to say that that's my desire no there's something so I think you get me somebody will be lost but for you to say that media my desire is to be not no no in the hospital though by all means we are much your man whatever you do they'll be one back to say I've grown and I'm likely my desire is to be a much it's not normal or you don't know what I'm saying there'll be one because circumstances because of things because of issues but the point I'm making is that not that the person woke up and said look as I have my eyes have opened and I'm looking at life I desire to be a much no by the same arguments by the same arguments it's true not everybody in church will do something for the Lord but for you to say that media my desire and I won't do something for the Lord you also know normal or you don't understand the arguments so ask for ask for last color in the in the class there will be but to desire that's what desire it is true some people will know where can change but for you to wake up and say that your desire is that you know where can change you know no no no no because it is good who has put that thing in us that makes us try to do better try to be better it's a normal thing it's a normal thing everybody that you see we all try to look better even when you see somebody looking ugly they were trying to be better I need it away as your neighbor the haircut is it real or did you bounce did you bounce ahead so you were trying isn't it you were trying to look better ahead so even though you are not looking nice it's not that's yes it's not that you were trying not to look nice you were trying to look nice and it's misfired no but he goes to the head rest that's we said that make me ugly I don't know no no no no no no that's why you also cannot come to church and say that make me worse than I was to be best I came to do that best I may fit and that is why in the house of God when we come into the house of God we are trying you get this we are trying with all our some witness we are just trying God knew that when he picked us he put something precious in heaven vessels but he did it nevertheless and so sometimes when you're on the way when things are not looking so good don't be discouraged the Bible says that he knows our friend he remembers that we are dust you get it and yet he has to put the gift thing hey he knows as we are we are and yet to put something there so we are striving to enlarge yeah we're striving to enlarge this your love center of five people how many people 30 people makes 13 makes a love center now you did you were you were you were 13 you were 13 but you are seven you have not seen something happened before it's just not that you are now for then don't come and tell you that we have to take you off you cannot be what you call that that you can be a sir you are now what listen I came tonight with a message of hope for you because this is how it is I remember when some years ago reference that was trying to get his church to and read the asking so this and they have 99 we say who did they come to check it was you see you see that church anything you are building it has barriers when you start a church your first barrier is to ensure that you are not the only person in the church so it's one plus something then you get to 10 after 10 your next barrier is 20 after 20 your next barrier is 50 and after 50 your next barrier is 100 you get it so that's how it is hundred your next barrier is about 200 so now he has crossed the 10 like the grace of God cross the 20 we thank you Jesus cross the fixed oh Jesus thank you now we are reaching where we want to cross and then oh he'll go and come back come back choices mommy today is 98 I don't understand why just today look mommy I can tell you this one went to a funeral this one way listen no matter what you are saying and maybe when I did I was 13 only that two of them didn't come because one fell down yesterday and the other one was annoyed and didn't come so we're loving but you know oh tell anybody we are enlarging nevertheless we're enlarging nevertheless hallelujah please take your seats why so I'm sharing with you from this book which the shop dog used for give myself holy the chapters are so many you be in it for a long time for a very long time but they are really lovely chapters that will really help you open your Bible you open the chapter it's a study of the book of Joshua uh-huh so we are learning the lessons of enlargements because Joshua was somebody who really enlarged are you with me yeah from his beginning as somebody who was just serving Moses just following Moses everywhere like some of you your only way is that you carry your pastess pen when it comes around when he tells I need a pen Charlie that you give that's all your way to he starts it from somewhere and then before we knew it he had come to the place where he was now in charge of what's his his his predecessor and though he had enlarged are you there the Lord used to speak directly to Moses now suddenly God is speaking directly to him the man had enlarged hallelujah there are so many lessons in it that you cannot finish I'm still on it I have been stuck I mean my Bible you see that I'm on it I've written that each chapter I live in and I've gone back to chapter one yeah because the lessons are a lot so many things and tonight I'm believing God to share one of those enlargement lessons with you hallelujah and I've been talking from this book ever since we started we were in alpha last week then we continue to fortizo and we came to win it by the last night it was our blessing to be at a I have you pronounce it I saw that I said this one I will not fall inside this hole I won't fall inside this hole for some to laugh at I'll not fall inside there hope to be laughed at and tonight we are here and tonight we are here last night I was sharing about enlarging by the supernatural because at a point at a point in a war Joshua just found himself being enabled by some super natural things that were happening are you there you are fighting a war you expect that we're going to go hand-to-hand combat it's my strength against your strength it's my skill against your skill and suddenly the Lord just falls stones down on your on your on your enemies and does it are you with me and there you as you say I have a few more people to delete Lord leave the sun standing and the sun stood still for him so that was that was his encounter amen so I'm sure it would be on some podcast or so I don't know what you can find it to listen to today I want to share something which is related but a slightly different twist to it I want to share with you from the chapter on enlargement by the guidance of the spirit enlightenment by the guidance of the spirit I love this chapter because I just feel that if I can hear the Lord guiding me I will make many mistakes how many of you have made mistakes before you know some mistakes after you make them and when you remember even three years after you show up it's like it's such a that's you are you there and that this what I was describing that struggle that we have to enlarge and to continue and it seems like it's not working we need a certain guidance of the spirit are you are you with me so I'm gonna be sharing with you from the book of Joshua and then we are also going to enter just some one scripture tonight is not a long night but I think that it is a very vital night I you with me it's a very vital night because sometimes there is a mistake that we make can I have some three nice young men here Wow let me say it's not my daily - come and stand here so 10 years no 10 I face them okay so who should I choose to represent God the Father okay and who should represent God I don't know why I just saw this guy he will be God the Holy Spirit please change positions yes okay Old Testament we see God the Father in motion talking directly to the people who were the prophets at the time sometimes the kings at the time he didn't speak directly to the ordinary human being so tell me about if it had been there if we had been there at that time come with yesterday you guess you guess no no no even the kings no even the kings often to inquire from the Lord about what they wanted they'll have to get the prophet to come there you come in I mean ask your question then God will answer you are you there that was the situation all the way from Genesis to Malachi by the time we're exiting the Old Testament the baton has been over to Jesus the son Matthew Mark Luke and John and Jesus comes and he spends 33 short years only three of those years were ministry years the rest were preparation years and he comes in in for three years he does a fantastic job while he was working on it just like when the father was the one dealing with things you want something you ask him direct oh you didn't read it I'm not well ask him direct I yes you have to try to find him wherever he is my eyes are blind if he doesn't happen to come by your road just there your blindness no it's on you it's not going anywhere because he was here on it physically so that was why he himself said to us that it is expedient for you it is better for you that I go if I don't go he will not come he's this in reference to the Holy Spirit are you in the church you want to know more about the Holy Spirit read your Bible read your Bible read your Bible John 14 John 16 excellent chapters so there you have one scripture there nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you and otherwise it's better for you that I go away if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him to you and that reference of the comforter is the Holy Spirit are you here so he hands over to the Holy Spirit and he tells us that the Holy Spirit is going to be with us always he Jesus is in heaven with the Father the one we are in the dispensation of the Spirit now the Holy Spirit is here but unfortunately we tend to ignore him because he is spirit and he's not flesh and every spirit that it's a spirit that's why one of the descriptions of the spirit is as a wind because you don't see the wind when it's moving the only way to see the wind is by its effect how do you know the wind is blowing the trees are how do you know that the Holy Spirit is working so many of us because of that because of that we don't relate to him continue to only relate this week yeah are you there I need something give me give me something okay thank you so you need this the Holy Spirit has it but you keep coming Jesus she says I need if anyone she says I need you just watching me why are they watching me you don't pray to the spirit you talk to him fellowship it's going direct it's very direct direct direct hey we when I'm hot oh we didn't get a chair please sit down there's this issue because yeah I'm not praying to him right when I'm talking to am I praying to you we went to office with your wife was it not fellowship where fellowship is there we need to be praying second Corinthians the Corinthian state in 14 we have done so many things with a grace don't even realize the Scripture the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God please give me English that we can understand change the best because the communion you saw before not understand the communion we have been eating but look at this one look at this is what we understand this so the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the what the what the what the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all so our God our Lord expectation is that as they are in heaven God the Father he is always been there the Bible says that Jesus is interceding for us there he has left the Holy Spirit in the same way as there and what you call them the disciples would chat with Jesus when they want and in the same way that you are supposed to be chatting with the Holy Spirit so isn't before you go in prayer to ask about anything you have been talking with him already about your need for this thing let me spread up and looking for this thing I need to know what to do and sometimes without even praying about it you receive guidance you receive direction because he is a spirit and he is here and active put your hands together please take your seat gentlemen thank you thank you so much so with that introduction we are now coming to enlargements by the guidance of this spirit are you in the church or not guidance by the Elijah enlargement by the guidance of the spirit hallelujah in other words in other words God is talking to you about something now Joshua was alive during the dispensation of the Father but God spoke to him and so where you see Lord you can easily insert spirit because for us that's the one talking to us right now so with that in mind let's read Joshua's story in Joshua chapter 6 when he's now coming to his very first battle all the way from Joshua to chapter 1 to Joshua chapter 5 is just in communes and preparations so they were in communes and now they are finally read they have done their circumcision they have done all the things they are supposed to do this chapter 6 verse 1 now Jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of Israel none went out and none came in in other words Jericho is that problem that does not change it's there those of you who are into tense go into things it's a problem that's there some of you it's as if it's as if when you are coming to this and they just wrote brokenness on you they say at your property where yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what is this am I talking some people it's as though that was what you had brought for me well that's not it but so just see Jericho as that issue that doesn't move that's just there now invest to so the Lord is speaking to him exactly how the Holy Spirit will be talking to you exactly the how are you there when somebody says then God said the Lord told me usually talking about the Holy Spirit talking to him how drums their thoughts drums an idea or you hear a voice or somebody's talking to you just know you see sometimes always talking there's something we call that unannounced interchange you suddenly realize that the peace is talking to me about what I'm hearing is the Lord what I'm hearing is the Lord recently I was talking to my second son on the phone and I was describing a problem an issue and we have been on it for a few days and then all over sudden that's young man said mommy I think if you do one two three this problem will die when he said it no credit I did feel like doing it I don't like you I didn't feel like it at all I did feel like it but you want that the each the situation solved so as he was talking I certainly realized that in his words God was speaking to me I hope you get it in his words God was speaking to me and I tell you an issue that had reached for seven days and broke him when I took the one two three and I did it that was it's storm over storm over see so here is Joshua he hasn't just gone ahead to hit his head against the problem he has said something so the Lord is speaking to him just how the Holy Spirit will be talking to you if you ask him now what did he say that's truth I have given into your hand Jericho and the King thereof and the mighty man of valor this is our second pitch for the Lord always speaks positives I have given to you some of us when we hear this word oh I've been given Jericho I'm going to sleep they wake up the following morning and Jericho is still standing there you say Lord I've been praying not be has happened I don't bring in the dice you bring it keep it it's okay when the Lord says I have given something to you your response and thank you so much for what you have given me now how do I he is telling you the end of the story but from where you are to that yes yes the devil is alive hello hello okay don't worry the devil is a liar he will not get the upper hand any Christians we are there expecting things to just fall into our hands we are expecting that Jericho will fall into our hands that the King of Jericho will come and kneel that and say I beg you to kill me and the mighty man of valor will all lie down on the floor and say we are your servants that's how many of us behave we don't go fed that to say thank you I have received it now what do I what do I do last night I was talking to them wasn't as nice I was talking about the power and the wisdom first Corinthians 1 24 Jesus was the power and the wisdom not just the power hello in other words the brain God gave you use it use it God is tired about complaining though yeah look I need my leave look at how by this my grandfather my grandfather is this moment to my father and see that it's on me yeah not yeah you say you are giving me the victory by waste you see power you are great now you ask you for the details how am I gonna do it that's the wisdom and that's when you put your mind to it he's not speaking especially the Holy Spirit the idea that has even given you the idea he's given you cry is even parts so now God continues to talk many of us we have ended the prayer ways I've given it to you the prayer is over but thank God Joshua didn't go out so I continued verse three you shall compass the city tell it can we do this thing in some English that I know everybody can understand and else you also you and your fighting men should match around the town once a day for six days have you seen the prescription that's just like the prescription that you got go on a fast for the next six days and you said you're a giant like I don't like fasting please we are not fasting in the church I cannot fast I thought you said you will need it something I thought you said that you needed Jericho to come down now here is the solution yes told you you are winning but you are going to win though this is now the instruction go around it still there's three minutes once a day for six days continue seven priests will walk ahead of the act each carrying a Rams home on the seventh day you are to match around the town seven times with the priests blowing the homes Lord what is that it doesn't even make sense you said we should go to work who goes to war with the priest what's the priest supposed to be doing and then they are supposed to do what seven homes Ram's home is you I've been going to say a home take our home I'm home I don't understand this thing that's you I say can you not even see that the task of an elephants it's more impressive you know I'm showing you how we back in our way out of what God is saying we just hug you our way out are you in the judge we talk you our way out that it doesn't make sense or that there's a problem or that there's a difficulty but many times that is the leading of the Lord no my my salary is going up since change your accommodation change your accommodation you don't need that's the voice of that the level then limo I can't feel that mind he wants me to look for whatever I thought right this is also this is you see because when you look at that I think the directions but I didn't know he makes sense I'm interested in what's inside Jericho no one's around Jericho anyone I can just say me exercise since this way to effect there's a part of the instruction guys that will just have to drive you be your mouth I should be quite as if you don't know it I'm just showing as you see this is how we argue our way out of the guidance of the Holy Spirit because he tells you do an all-night tonight put the names the names of your 13 people and lift them up before me one by one one by one one by one you say Lord it's been a very long day you know and today is my only right day when I look at it so no I can't see that it's not going to what I'm saying it's a joy it's not true you see when we read the Bible it's so nice and it's so straightforward we cannot see the people behind it but they are just like us Joshua if he was in our shoes behaving as we are behaving you say look don't take priest walk that's number one number two this and we don't brought chumpets around enemy as well brain chumpets what salt will we use number three to make the act wouldn't say every day we should carry it for the enemy to be straight I mean the church I mean the church yeah I'm sure you see I don't show it to you we will say that the Lord does not talk to us we'll say that he doesn't guide us we'll say that what was happening the Bible earlier in earlier days it doesn't happen any longer but when I show it to you step can you not see that it happens these thoughts not come to your head before only that you said if it's your thinking it's my mind you you you you don't like you are like me that we all don't like first this when did your mind ever tell you to first this your mind since when your mind never never never never if you thought about fasting it is only God who got up for today's no your mind no no no no you know how there are some people who like fasting did yeah maybe they're my but you and me it cannot be our mind no no the way our relationship to fasting is no it cannot be our mind it is God who is speaking to you and surely you that you are going to have the victory but the victory that you are going to have no do it like this I think you are getting enough yeah they say as I'm talking hey I'm also preaching to myself yeah but they are talking to the Lord about something and he was telling me I said no tonight it's not a long time I can't you must tell you and be tight hey no that I need to remind you Charlie I like doing the Jay Jay Jay Jay was Joshua generations is like a young one but I need to remind you occasionally that I'm not that young have you forgotten don't you know that's not my age we are supposed to be sleeping a lot I lecture the Lord on that the answer I didn't do it yeah but you are are you there you see I love the description because forget before using the word but the senselessness of it is mind-boggling but that's why he said my wish I'm not saying your thought my thoughts they are higher than your thoughts yeah what is this like that is going to walk that's right and it shall come to pass that's when they make a long blast with their arms horn and when you hear the sound of their trumpets all the people shout shout with a great shout and the wall of the city shall fall down flat and the people shall ascend every month straight people that is even more crazy okay our shout is it a quick voice what this wall that was that my power and my physical living I don't bring it out is it by shouting is it by shouting there was people living because the thing was I stick at the house yeah yeah that's why they couldn't bring it down they couldn't there was no chance to fight it down for I don't understand that shout but you see this is where I need to say to you that there is a connection between physical things and spiritual things and the connection is invisible so one moment you are doing a physical and another moment that physical thing has changed into a spiritual or supernatural thing so one moment is just a shout but in another moment that shout is the carrier of something supernatural and spiritual that is happening you need to lend it and lend it well because there are many times it's when you are doing something but it has it looks natural but it has spiritual politicians yeah so you come to church every time you come to church it's a natural thing but look a little deep out you're probably I sleep spiritually - probably probably probably I'm just giving an example when you look well discover that you just you realize that you slept at the portion of the preaching you needed not the one the one you didn't need no you awake so because of that you know so you see it is no matter feels deep today have you not gone to work or school where you were coming quality you were tired it's normal even at work the time that's met today there you came to the traffic that's only I can't describe this you're sitting there too much too much that's what they it's not wrong I've to me but because of this connection when you feel this people say you get to me I think you get to me so you fight back because you realize that this sleep that is coming you are trying to come at the point that it's mine wrong timing don't come out how you get it so tell anybody's normal if you're feeling so tired it's normal it's normal but you fall to stay away because you stay away because this thing wants me to sleep when my break to be yeah and it's because of these spiritual nature these interchanges that's we don't understand are you there yeah so this is all about the stories about them that's why we're talking about the guidance of the spirit because if you don't catch it's Ellie you may catch it too late that's oh so that thing oh it was really gone that was my opportunity I missed it I hope you are getting me yeah let's just continue I want us to jump a little so that's I mean let's go to this eight it's going to pass when Joshua had spoken to the people that the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of rams bones passed on before the Lord and blew with the trumpets and the act of the covenants of the Lord followed them and the man went before the priest now I need to tell you the significance of this aid is the fact that in your problem God is there you may not see him you may not feel him but he is there just accept it he is there are you getting it just accept it yeah the unknown men went before the priests that blew with the trumpets and there is this is really water that's the real God if you like came after the act the priest going on and blowing the trumpets and Joshua had commanded the people saying you shall not shout nor make any noise with your voice neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth until the day I bid you shout then shall you shout a lot of the problems that we have we use our mouth to resume it's yes look oh my god I said go and we are speaking there are even things we say where we just say them oh oh you have for what are we you have called yourself oh yeah for that means oh we to a person like me we're not we're not looking for much and by so say you have just cancelled the wealth that was coming to you because the power of life and death is in our mouth several times I'm working with my people and at times they make a comment they'll see something then don't say hey one piece of line for this amount then I tell them shut up I said is you who doesn't have the money big quiet because you don't keep quiet it won't come to you because of how you have reacted to that thing you have drawn the line how can I buy one dress I did the quiet the quiet why are you saying we should be by expensive blessed listen everything you do is with a proportion of your current income so when you were not working at all you were going to bend down you went to buy the shed for two cities because at that time based on your income to see this was what was like now you are working so you can look for a shed hundred cities but when you are not working when you thought of somebody buying a shed for hundred cities your income so in the same way if somebody is buying a house for seven million cities don't make a comment don't comment don't comments don't comment right now you have not reached that who knows you later what you'll be doing you understand me what I'm saying yeah there's no media I've got brown shoe black shoe I'm all right don't say to don't say it's yeah it's not you don't free don't say don't say because me I don't know about the menu but the lady if we get green we like if we get orange we like if we got blue we like if we get pink we like if we get white we like every color and that the solar system if we get we like my my lady I'm I speak it up thank you thank you yeah with some glitter in it yeah we like it is a crime state of offense that has determined that black and a be it be it's not coke a wall not coke a boy wall hey we say it's it because they understand I say it's here I said even if it's true of the same color we like and the brothers my husband will come and stand there they will be looking they will be looking they're looking at to him that's very soon I'll be shifting on to my own there is like a black it's not your problem why do you need three black why not why not why not why not why my son came to stand there and he was looking at there's a side of the table to me in the cabote of that's mine that is for this one is here that he said mommy look at that he's there when do you drink one after she's one happy that's all look at yours look at it he started arranging this number but I'm joined myself listen I'm a girl I don't have any apology there you say oh can't you use one so that's when you say no no no no I try use one that's how we ask husband stop crying with that friend by the way I beg you wife don't win that's what they can't afford I beg you yeah that's how we are just acceptance just acceptance when you accept it will also accept that all right now maybe it's not the time yeah it's not the time but you understand that's that's how we are one time I said I was going to cut my hair we're outside Charlie but watch not me watching both time money everything with students at the time when I got there there it was a husband and wife pair we outside but they wear gameons which was very rare in that's in that country so when I arrived instead of going to the ladies side I went to the gentleman side because I'm gonna cut my hair when I got there he asked that question where's your husband I said why then I need to talk to him I thought he's coming he's packing is coming so when my husband came then this moment to talk to him and he said my brother have you really allowed your wife you say it's okay she'll cut here I said well that's what she says she wants to do and the man said listen don't allow it no the man had a good point he said listen I've been cutting it she'll want to do it as you grow it from your pocket so he told my husband that so if it is hotness because I was a student I have time if I look so whatever you do so that you just manage it I mean let her manage it now okay don't let her cut it if she cuts it you are your pockets love me hallelujah let's come back to our hallelujah so Joshua said shut up now let me tell you something when something is biting you shut there is it if you need to pour your hat out on the matter take a chair what is with city they need to see that they you pour your hat out there so that nobody the you see that the Bible says that the devil prowls around is going around seeking home he would differ exactly so that you'll not be passing and catch your words as you are complaining to your friend or as you are saying something when the thing is really biting you don't say much don't say much I hope you understanding what I'm saying don't say much yes we need an outlet but be careful what you say because if you actually say it it may come to us some things are natural loss and our wets they are natural loss are you there yeah that's a pasta and lent it the had we I had this lovely couple the daughter the the the the wife was a daughter of mine the gentleman very close to my family and all that and even though he is a guy like me and she is an offer they both like kinky so I was joking and I said one day that you people at the time have they even married yet I they were either about to or they are just my I am saying just in passing and I was joking and I said you people when you marry wish I hear a few that you are quietly know about kinky I was joking right now I said it we all laughed about two years past I traveled then I got a text from the man I'm sending a lot of back to your house I said oh why something something something look long after I got a text from the again this is one things are you pick me up from the streets so I sent a text to both falls I said nobody goes nowhere till I get home when I get to when I arrived at home I didn't even you know you'll get into the house I'm but no I just push my things in there and I set up for there please what is it what's the problem I tell I tell you no lie I tell you no lie refs I tell you no lie and every day when I'm looking for kinky I make this tea bed and I make it this time so I started talking so you you will let your wife when they will tell your pet your people that you left and go over kinky I say you to not going away over as I was just reviewing then I had the points on the street you said it hey okay what will I say again hey I started begging the Lord don't worry they are still married and they are no longer crying over kinky but I'm just saying so what's your way what's your words you see just what they didn't want that people to start working out and then they'll be talking hey the world is very tickled yeah such a well how will it fall we are very tired we have been working so this I walk and grow up that you see so quiet I want you to tell you and everybody say leave it be quiet be quiet stop saying things like that they are over at me stop it and tell me it's not really it's kind of like stop saying things like I cannot do I can't describe it's too hot I've reached my limits I can't do again stop stop that's why Joshua told them be quiet can we see what's there and they'll see give me another vision do not shout do not even talk just recommended not a single word from any of you until I tell you to shout then shout let's see what the message Bible says this guy everyday he's insulting people message Bible Joshua had given all these people do not shout in fact no even speak not so much as I whisper until you hear me say shout then shout away hallelujah are you understanding something stop saying that I don't think my husband loves me stop it let's pay chance because it's to come to pass let's jump to this 11 so the act of the Lord compass the city going about it once and then they came into the camp and launched in the camp and Joshua rose early in the morning and the priest took up the act of the Lord and the seven priests bearing seven trumpets of their ram's homes before the act of the Lord went on continually and blew with the trumpets and the almond went before them but the rear guard came after the act of the Lord the priest going on and blowing the trumpets and the second day they compass the city once and return into the camp so be dead for six days if it is your own Bible I want you to highlight for six days because some things require repeated ministrations the fact that you've done it once is not enough how many of us you've ever said before but pray for this thing yeah hey there we stop but you see they were supposed to go around for six days it means if they had stopped on the day that he will not have wait if they had stopped on the 50 that they will not have wait if they had even stopped on the 60 that he will not have wait I'm reminded of the story of name and the severe the lepa who went to see the prophet and the prophet told him to go to the Jordan and dip seven times I remember who were children we love the song and he dips and he dips and he dips and dips and dips and dips and dips and he came out exactly we like this path but is he had not dipped and dipped and dipped and dipped and dipped and dipped the seven times not what he's healing too many times when we are trying to overcome our problem we don't stay long enough we cut off too fast we cut off to Ellie are you in the church brother you spoke it again it's true she has not given you faith it's true but maybe maybe maybe he needs to try again and maybe he needs to try again and maybe he needs to try again and try again and try again and again and again and again and again I am not saying that is the standard in every relationship but just maybe yeah sometimes you just need to try again yeah I don't know many ladies who were asked who said yes oh oh video somebody say it's the first time I talk I'm in there I don't know how many ladies said yes the first time many of us didn't yeah many didn't and and and you may you may lose a very good thing if you yes if you just don't know the meant to you to get a backbone hearing and hearing again and hearing because you need to understand that many other things are going on yeah many other things are going on many many things are going on many things are going on so repeat head administration do not think that it is boring do not say you can't do it you can amen you have gone to do the exam you didn't pass first time you didn't pass second time you didn't pass that time listen listen it is not necessarily that you need to stop you are going again going again yeah yeah go and reset it you see there are times when I have actually sent some of my people go to the lecture and talk to him and as they have gone they have seen the real reason why they didn't pass and if they are not going they would have done it again and failed again and said that the next shot didn't like them meanwhile it's a real something you are doing it's a real issue are you in the house but you know things were going on let's go to verse 15 I'm beginning to be excited and I'm beginning to be excited because there's 15 starts and it came to pass tell your neighbor it is coming to pass oh it is coming to pass oh yeah you know when I read it I'm just I'm just I'm just oh yes it's coming to pass that baby is coming to pass hey that's when it is coming to pass that's my reach is coming to pass your chance growing it's just coming to pass in fact can she judge I see you having your own building soon it's coming to pass it's coming to pass I wish your building is coming to pass hey yeah you see some things said la pass it's quite busy you have to hold on it's coming to pass you need to hold on for a long time you know I have been in the half girls church since 2010 yeah 2010 that's when it was my time I said when it was my time hey I said when I remember when I put the picture of the finished building on my statues somebody who had finished three days ago sent me a text and said my God we wait that for this thing I said come on a visit yeah it's not too pass it's not to pass oh yeah we may tarry for a night but joy comes in the morning don't doubt it your doubt is what is applying pressure on you and it's making you do this yeah it's making you do things thinking too much it came to pass on the seventh day tell your neighbor it didn't come to pass on the first day it didn't come on the second day ten day grand nothing for day nothing fifth day nothing six day nothing back on that second day the Bible says it's care to pass it's care to pass it's care to pass look at something it says number what they rose and somebody I declare you are bigger you were right and your day is made they rose and why we got Charlie expectation yes around the dawning of the day they come past the city the same way only that's on that day they did it seven times in other words a little more endurance and little more forcing go another time and I know it's day seven but go again I know it's day seven but go again and keep going don't say you are tired don't take off your shoes don't resign don't say it's enough the brothers are not coming up giving up right now dear I don't care how I look I don't care how I look I would do my hair again I would say don't say that the sisters don't like you you see we love the story of Jericho but can you see say I'm afraid sometimes to get your breakthrough way because we're talking about enlarging I can tell you that and notching that's not come is it the first year of other is for him we are sitting that we had myself a lot of economy it's really great they're really branching there it is a lot of forcing you want to see a legitimate you gotta you you must do more you must do more does you want to see your church group I'm sure you want to see your chance bro really hey that's gonna be about you go fits because this your one-hour prep baby you know another country in not the catch in not they catch this your one hour in not the catch no no no in not the catch oh I thought you say you want to be make a church pastor what no I brand look what no I brand look yeah dear your friend is saying is just yeah you guys know. Hello. Okay are you there are you ready to try again to force a game because many times please I beg you - people you I can't pay but you - me something hello hello we are trying again yeah because if you really want to be a mega church pastor you are many of you are eating too much and and sleeping too much by this time you should have deleted it's coming too close true we are saying something no but if you really want it there is a price yeah there's a price are you there I remember one day I've gone to a camp I've been preaching for about for these we normally go on what which is going up something like that they're Tuesday I've been preaching Tuesday you know how going to the night Wednesday has they Friday Friday by the main break I was tired so I said oh tell me before we go for the last session I think I need to take a rest then I had the holy spirit if you really want to see something too nice if you really want to see something tonight when I climb out of their bed well hey hey that night I said that night that night yeah so it's another night and travel to Malawi again days somebody who had invited me to the conference I think when I start so I start preaching like night when I finish and have a short break today six seven hours so on this particular day it was now the last one day so the bank the bank this time the holy spirit is when I lay on the bed as soon as I lay down a demon put the face looking straight at me you know and then he said this is your ways I'll take it when it's taken I go to preach with I got up are you in the church I go to sleep hey because I appreciate without the boys I don't know what you are doing there you are becoming a trophy or something so I got up I began to pray I began to pray I began to pray I have to tell you that I've said that one of the wildest issues of my life yeah yeah yeah because remember I'm out of my country I'm dealing with people I don't know these are pastors from all over the country they are dead when I sat down because I sat for a while you know I came in I sat down while they were whatever and then it was a young lady I had noticed in the cause of the conference about young people she was very spiritual when she sings it's something else so I had asked that she should be the one who would sing before when I sat down this young lady left her their song and immediately asked in the spirit immediately I didn't come down for the next three hours yeah talking to people prophesying about people sorting out issues things that even in my own country I haven't seen yeah but she said that's why I'm asking you if you can't be in the price he said it's not my eating and sleeping on hey do you want to pass the exams it's not by eating and sleeping some of you more bad I bought too much yeah please we're on that seven we're on this seven you don't call back to descriptions day seven day sixteen they have said it again oh and they get to pass something is coming to pass tonight for somebody something you have been talking to the Lord about it's coming to pass it's coming to pass it says when the priest blew with the trumpets Joshua said to the people shout for the Lord has given you the city listen there is a time to shout and when it is time to shout and you are quiet you bring a problem into your life yeah remember I told you not you come to church in the worship is going on prison you don't take that my diplomat was come to church you do not know that one of the things that brings down the spirit in your life it's just that racing and worship it yeah are you there time to shout you are now doing what send their texts hey I have to tell you that I have to tell you that if you don't take it the closest ally of the devil in your life is your phone yeah it would distract you imagine that people are walking around there they say when they say shouts they're on their phones shout look right here I'm gonna try to picture yes of us to shout we are about to shout shout for the Lord has given you that city hey can you see our trumpets have you seen the men and the women shout say let me take let me take a little bit here and I'm gonna send it off ask you are doing their nonsense then the shouts doesn't have the power its needs to wake and then we now turn around and say that's it anyway that what God said we do get it into have you seen how we defeat ourselves many times yeah we defeat ourselves many times we're almost done there's 20 so the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets and it came to pass tell your neighbor it came to pass when the people had the trumpet and the people shouted with a great shout that the wall fell down so that the people went into the city every man straight before he took the city you see when God is sorting out the thing he's sorting it out yeah the whole world if you will beneath him if you will allow his the guidance of the spirit it's so important it's very important that we learn to put aside what is supposed to be the norma thing I don't see no a King's daughter doesn't do a lot of norma thing too you are going to condition my getting a carrying of us gets on the head but the case of us doesn't do that so you should expect that I see our King Jesus son or daughter there are some things for you that I'm not going to happen the natural way he must be get out for it man he was begin to see the spirit of the spirit to come out of your issue are you going to try it I wonder because this was a very powerful city and you see that God didn't use the norma way and in fact I will say that that is a hallmark for the whole of Joshua's life when he was even coming to take over let's go to Joshua chapter one what is it after telling him be strong they have good courage and and you know encouraging him I thought that the money is coming to fight is it not a soldier that you are going to send to him then he says what take us to best eat this book of the law well I know Jack somewhere I'm like I need to know how to use the knife I need to know how to use it I got my God sends you to a book I got in it and he tells him that stay on it stay on it stay on it stay on the book don't move anywhere some of you you are if I ask you now do you even on a hot copy Bible I don't know today that only the phone that many believers have is this the only Bible is on the phone meanwhile our phone is not it's not an effective learning truth it's not effective why is that same phone you are using when you were watching blackmama so ask you I read in your Bible on the phone no no let me just go there let me see you on it that girl that girl you have been trying to call that girl that girl that girl her call are you coming am I feel double tonight I'm waiting for you please I want you to ask your neighbor what are you doing to yourself what are you doing you need to take your Bible you need to sit by it you need to eat it you need to eat it until it's inside you are you there so that because that's where all our solutions are you see and that is what me when I move around with my father's books I am very passionate about getting them into your hands because they are explanations you see you could have read this whole book and you will not have realized that it's a study on the book of Joshua maybe you have even read it's come back to cover you don't know that it's a study of the book of Joshua that's it many of the things I've shared with you tonight I'm not written there as you sit by it you are reading there Joshua read the book you read the book come the book is teaching you a few things then you go back you come that's all he asked him to do stay there now what you see there do it and he told that you'll be a champion you'll be a child this instruction it has not changed it has not changed are you in the change it has not changed you are complaining that your cell is not green what have you eaten that will give you a cell that will grow you see your father as you see him over there he has one or waiting that's a book with him and he comes like I was came today which one was it's it's you pray pray pray pray pray pray that's what I was giving back to you that's why the churches are there he also has colleagues remember me they're my work is with pastors he also has colleagues who started the same time reading nothing seeing nothing just moving around making yourself busy body shouting at the wrong meeting in the time he has brought this number of branches that the one branch it has not done anything just there I use the house yeah it's it's a nothing there's a company I told them I said if you are coming it's it's a no you become I said if you are coming you know about one you come from beginning to end if you can't know don't come I said don't come away it's my time yeah last year we're supposed to have it then oh we have registered sounds I'm not having the camp it's okay it's for you if you want to bring you up to you they couldn't believe it they couldn't believe it I am a judge if you are serious about your church boy you want that cell to go eat something eat something let something grow you see when you eat something it's the way I'm preaching and we are shouting here as if we are we are in a city I can't wait to see Charlie what have you eaten I've got it but what have you eaten you can't even comment based on based on you spent your whole day just by relink by relink watching telly novella betting there's nothing your pocket your pocket there you go then then you are just watching nonsense all the time it's up to you what do you want it's up to you it's up to you nobody can't choose it for you it's up to you but I can tell you that after you have spent all your time what whatever when you come there sell me it will not be interesting I can tell you that's I can tell you they're not even come because you're not serious because look at the reading of the book was supposed then you will make your way prosperous then you will have good success then negative is also true if you do not read this out of the law of the law if you allow it to depart from out of your mouth if you don't meditate on it be a night if you don't do what is in it you will not make your way prosperous and you will not have good success is the other side of the coin what have you been eating some of you have been eating this romantic series I can't tell you I can't I can't tell you straight away that thing you are eating was for your marriage it was for your marriage why because it was for your mind you begin you will think in a way that is not normal yeah unconsciously it's not that it's not deliberate but it's unconscious are you in the church you start to expect that things that are not real breakfast in bed we cry as you look at us as a people as you look at us as it is something that is it is something that we that church has to come very quiet that's a way that's a way we also have what we value are you there but that's been that you are reading it's not going to help you and that's what you are meditating up one day at night and that is why when a normal brother comes you can't see because you are not normal anymore and you see when I when I look at the brother when I look at the brother he's so unimpressive he's very skinny how do you think they went when we married them talking yes we are skinny as the one who's talking to you with not India but like the one who's talking to you yeah watching brother you expected to find something God make it go jobs a new Christian brother go and look for a Christian system like the way and stop looking for boobs and bumps what a judge let me tell you something the girl that you think it's not beautiful it's just that right now she can't afford to do what with number one she can't afford it number two she said god new man she's not going to go to a guy to get it and her family is going there soon you go ahead she wants that's how she'll be you'll be very pleasantly surprised that she's a very beautiful girl oh oh are you in the house are we going to be guided by the spirits when the spirits is guiding you go to the young lady don't say oh but she's not nice my sir my sir you are you all right you hallelujah made a lot guide us by his spirit may he help us to hear him and may there be a dramatic change in us which our lives in Jesus name lift up your voice and for a few minutes lift up your voice and just pray for a few minutes start praying start praying I cannot hear you start talking to God talk to him one more time about your pinching issue talk to him one more time about that case talk to him talk to him talk to him [Music] [Music] [Music] you want to pray and you want to pray that you will hear the instructions of the spirits not only will you hear him but you will now do them hallelujah you will hear the instruction of the spirit and when you hear that may he grant you the grace to do them lift up the voice let's pray let's say thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are grateful thank you for teaching us your words Lord may we overcome our Jericho help us to hear your guidance help us to put our foot where you put your foot help us to follow your knee in need of your spirit help us to fellowship with the spirit and to know we're so grateful for tonight I pray oh God that because of tonight there'll be breakthroughs of God breakthroughs in ministry breakthroughs and private life breakthroughs for jobs of God breakthroughs for travel breakthroughs in all the things so God that your children need I give you all the praise and I thank you for the honor of being here tonight so you indeed be all the praise in Jesus name amen and amen