Joy-Philippe Bruce

Enlarge Against Hard Hearts And By Wiping Out Giants

Preached by E.S. Joy-Philippe Bruce at The Love Economy Church, Winneba - 17th September 2024

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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Hallelujah Hallelujah, come on put your hands together for Jesus oh for Jesus oh hey it's good you're adding a job hallelujah amen amen wow now I know I'm standing in a love economy church now I understand where I have hallelujah amen it's a pleasure to be here with you tonight and I think it is my God's design hallelujah amen hallelujah tell the devil to be careful amen that's the original thank you for such a warm welcome we've been happy since we got here and God has been good to us amen and amen we came from Kumar City this morning and it's just a pleasure to be here hallelujah let's let's share a word of prayer father thank you so much thank you for safety thank you for drawing us all together thank you for this wonderful church we commit the night to you have your way say what you will say do what you will do Holy Spirit at the end of it may each one of us have received what is ours in Jesus name amen and amen now I know your pastor say you should give Bishop Ike a shout but for my sake give another one hallelujah and I just I thank God for his life and I thank God for his love for the things of God and for the people of God amen when you are so young and so fresh-faced you could have been doing anything else hey hey it's real low you know after God saves us it looks as if it's impossible but the truth is that it's possible hallelujah and then I wanted to give a shout out to my spiritual father your spiritual grandfather Bishop Doug here with Mills hallelujah amen and amen and amen I thank God for his life I thank God for his life and for his his commitment and dedication to helping the body of Christ and that's what brings us here tonight amen now I want to attend to your neighbor is any way tonight then don't do your thoughts your thoughts if sleeping in the middle of the service is nothing it's talking to each other in the middle of the service is your thing don't do it and I believe that God will be here with us amen and amen take you up your seat and maybe before I start sharing the word I should introduce those who came with me so that we are breath-renew I keep telling people that when I move around when I meet people from lab economy I know that they are demo yeah they are you there and it's because we are related so I need you to know who they are so that's you six hey why you so right over the back of the day you have a Manuela meow traveling with us and volunteering then behind the camera or the laptop you have Joshua Joshua yeah man for once in his life but the dentist is sitting here usually I have to look for where he is he's only somewhere and then you have reference it so and Joshua and Emmanuel volunteers with us and the three of us move around doing what we what we're doing here tonight amen so even though we are pastors we work for Dark Hill and Mills Ministries and maybe you don't know it but the church is just is one part are you there the church is the church but Dark Hill and Mills Ministries has other things under it so healing Jesus campaign you know healing good community says is under it and then there's a lot of what should we call it compassion work and the compassion work things like the hospitals renovating prisons helping blind children to read helping that we don't often talk about it but recently I started to add it to my introductions the reason we don't talk about it is because it's just what God demands for us to do isn't it yeah what you can do you do but we realize that sometimes we need to say it yeah amen and then we also have these kind of meetings and the idea with these kind of meetings it just come in we are not looking for a crowd necessarily but we are just looking for people who are working with the pastor what can we share with you that will encourage you what can we share with you that will make you a little more dedicated in the work of God or whatever you are trying to do you see uh-huh so that's what has brought us here amen and we also come around with Bishop Doug's books now let me just say that when you see us coming around you can always get a free soft copy of the book the only reason why there's a price on the hard copies is simply because when we print them we can't play by feet we pay by cash so there's no profit on it but it's just so that we can stay in print is it okay so that you understand where we are coming from because also my father you say my books are free and it's actually true my books are free but the printing is not free so if we could would have just dudged it with you but tonight I'm just gonna share something small with you and I'm hoping that you have started your things share I was in the photos of last week and then towards the end of the preaching then they just when they put more time on the screen I had to laugh in the middle of the preaching Hallelujah I usually see same through my hallelujah hallelujah you're on vacation so you don't mind it yeah hallelujah you got the whole night it's too powerful yep only to be holiday or a moment you may for this one is yeah hallelujah well tonight I'm just going to be sharing from enlargement secrets as you know this book is what he was sharing from doing the GTWC conference this year and it's a book that is based on the book of Joshua and the lessons that we can pick out of it are you there or you have traveled beautiful and I'm believing God that for each one of the churches that I'll go to that he'll just talk to us about one aspect or the other so to get the full story you might have to listen to the end and also better still get it yourself unfortunately we don't have these ones a single copies you can you can only get them from the Macarius and maybe we can do the free soft copy for you we can who's who have you should we give that to you know our laptop will go with us so it would be good if one of your guys has it so that people can get it because when you now sit behind the book yourself your Bible is there your pen and your paper you'd be surprised at the things that God will speak to you about as you meditate on the way okay beautiful are you in the church okay I was just checking out just checking now the reason why I believe that the Lord is leading us to talk about enlargement is because this ministry is also enlarging yes the church each church is growing the number of churches is also growing of nothing it's nice to see you there and the number of churches also growing you are also growing as an individual and when I say gray I'm not talking about your height or your weight I'm talking about your spiritual self are you there I'm talking about your character oh but who has killed my sound hello that thing was okay I don't know why your hand went today I was not complaining hallelujah you know so we're gonna be talking about enlargement and the thing I would like to start by saying is that you need to recognize it when you are in a season of enlargement because it's not always of yours a season of enlargement can even look as though you have taken four or five steps backwards but there is more where you know somewhere and then you will move to anybody that somewhere where you were wasn't not a bigger at the time and more do you get it and then you are moved to a place and then did you start the branch when it came to take over it came to take over and I'm sure that it was smaller than where you left so you can look and see that no good what is that I was very very comfortable where I was I was teasing somebody recently and I told them that now when they are going to send you out you're going to see that your church is air conditioned they're both alpha and fortizo in Kumazia air condition then you say that ah Lord you have waited another day of air conditioned the church and it's very comfortable and it's very nice now you are now sending me I should not go and start in some some way somewhere with a landlord who come and give me opening time closing time don't shout too much you can easily begin to think that God has demoted you or that he's taken steps backwards but you need to recognize that it's actually you're enlarging that is happening only that doesn't look like that in the beginning you are comfortable in the church and then he says the person must come to see that go and start your love center go and start a cell group somewhere and suddenly you are meeting maybe we're in charge of the choir here it was a nice group it was working now they are sending you to go and look for five and happy looking young people calm they won't come when they come crowd they say that they will squeeze the attitude that they will do you can easily miss your step you see they can easily miss yourself and say that somebody has done you bad or somebody has brought you to a bad place am I talking to somebody tonight and so I just want to say that that's why you need to recognize the signs of it and see that this is a season of enlargement hallelujah I wanted to push your neighbor and tell your neighbor I'm enlarging in the Lord amen and amen hallelujah so we shared a number of things in the other branches but tonight I wanted to start in this branch I feel led to start from a chapter here and large against hard hearts and large against hard hearts we're gonna read the scriptures and large against hard hearts are you there let's read Joshua made war a long time with all those kings there was not a city that made peace with the children of Israel save the heivites the inhabitants of Gibeon or others they took in battle for it was of the Lord to had in their hearts that they should come against Israel in battle but he might destroy them utterly and that they might have no fever but that he might destroy them as the Lord Lord commanded Moses hey are you there sometimes when you in a place you if I too oftentimes you come across people with a very hard heart yes and sometimes you send a message back to your bishop that they're very stubborn this place is very hard it's not like that that's how it is that's how it is now you see we are reading the scripture against a certain background the background is that the Lord had told Joshua that wherever you place your foot I've given it to you you see and yet here he was having to fight a fight to take it are you there the Bible says that no pointy dealt peace out peace with him apart from the Gibeonites everybody else decided that we're going to fight with him and it's because you need to know that it is a fight to grow a church it's a fight yes you're praying yes the Lord has promised you victory yes the Lord has shown you what to do but you're going to have to fight your way through every single inch of the way mm-hmm it may look like an obvious point and you might want to say oh hey it's true yes we know it's true but when you remember that you will stop complaining that your self-group is not going and then you come to your past as if he has a magic potion and he'll just with his hand hey hey the growth is there I want you to tell anybody that's how it is that's how it is but I also need to tell you that the resistance is important because we needed to fly if there was no resistance a plane would not fly I don't plan to teach you a physics lesson but a plane that is flying needs the resistance up there is all parts are you there otherwise they can't it can't stay up it's move it will flop it needs it and God knows that you and I we need some resistance to push against us in order for us to take off hallelujah you're going to meet and I'm sure you've already started meeting stop on people along the way so when the chapter says and large against hard hard hard hard hard you can say and large against stop on people stop on this stop on this are you in the church mmm stop on this you see and these stop on people are the ones who create an atmosphere for war and is the reason why you must be ready for war let me read the scripture just to remind you what the Lord said to Joshua Joshua chapter 1 verse 3 to 5 every place that the soul of your footshot shed upon that have I given you as I said to Moses from the wilderness in this Lebanon even unto the great river the river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites and unto the great sea to what the going down of the sun shall be your coast there shall not any man be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I will be with thee I will not think of be not for safety it sounds as if you can just walk in and take a bow hello like just walking I've come the last is is for me knock next to I've come please move but it is not like that amen so you are going to be forced to make a stand take a stand and fight your way through step by step are you in the church it's important for me to keep saying it over and over because I keep finding out that many of my young people and the young people I meet your spine is not strong something it's not working it's not working it's not working it's not working it's not working so if you when I look at the face I will you are giving me credit give link Ronald your face cries a message are you there so don't be don't be discouraged that's how it is amen that's how it is but God's word stands no matter what and it's important for you in the church and whenever to to to to learn that because sometimes when you are there how should I explain this you're not a firstborn church you're not a first branch and you know the second branch and not a third branch you're not the fourth branch here branch now but something something sometimes you you you grow up with I'm thinking for a wait for it it's like we did we also here and here we are the last wasn't we're just doing or something you know we are in our corner I mean nobody expects much of us we're just we're just trying to do our best we just need something we're just you see that actually won't take you far and the and it's because you know that they are larger branches than you is a choice not true larger branch is not oh so let them do that's why it's there you know we're just coming here we're just coming from win it by win it by Christ just a small town somewhere so we know hey knock your neighbors and say that's small town mentality is leaving you tonight tonight the small town mentality is leaving you tonight I beg you just I beg your chance for knock chance for look hallelujah are you there because you see it's important because you will see for example that maybe the first branch I don't I don't remember much about how it was when you started but I see from place time to time that it's a church that was the first one it's like everybody expects that to be big so when we go and they say they have two services three services or you know the anything it's normal they're supposed to have a service or two because after the first boss then you the ninth bon or say 10th bon or whatever bon you are no there you are just there because it has not even a care to you that you can have another service your mind has not even gone there you're very quiet recently I was sitting in I was sitting with one of we were in a practice meeting and you know our church is divided into councils I don't remember what you guys call it when you have a number of churches under one bishop okay zones fine so as zone here we are at a zone zone our meeting made up of the pastors of the different churches and then I just asked a guy he's a nice pastor he's got a night why don't you have another service and then he said oh well his church was not yet full and that's about who said we started another service because the church is home who said that where is that written why is that written that people want to go to church at six o'clock they want to go to church at six it has nothing to do with whether your church is full or not you know after the guy looked at me like I was coming from miles but you know this Sunday he sent me a picture and I was wondering what pictures he's sending me at this time on Sunday morning that's his first service and he text I said mommy there's my first service I started on earlier I said how many people came he said nine and I asked him so I asked him is it nine of the people who were in your normal service who no no no no no these are nine other people nine other people are you seeing it what was it that had stopped him from having that service because he's larger today by nine you may not think that nine is an important figure and you may think that oh it's small you be there say you dare you were born with numbers just flowing out of your ears hey may I respect my nine I respect right yeah because what you don't know is that five plus five plus five plus five plus five it's 25 yeah and those are nine people he did they have the week before I hope you are getting it you see but the mind the mind to him I'm just branch number something something I'm not referencing I'm not this I just have my happy branch and I believe there are people like that here tonight why haven't you started another cell why has another cell not come out of you because it's like oh what did they say I should they say we should do so man we should give me this myself there you are there like that hey that's why I told you that look it's a season of enlargement stop that rough that we are enlarging amen hallelujah that stop unless it's no man but you will still take it amen hallelujah so what does it mean now when you encounter a hard person you must know sharpen your skills for war it had a stop-on person when you encounter a stop-on person I'm sure you have people as stop on here as the ones we have elsewhere and when we say stop on some don't want to hear the word at all some will receive Christ at all whatever the stubbornness is it's not time to complain it's time to sharpen your skills Joshua did not sorry thank you maybe you can keep it by you and I'm ready I'll pick it up Joshua didn't give up he didn't say that because he had to fight battle by battle remember everything you read in the Old Testament that was physical for us it's a spiritual in the New Testament so he didn't come and say after fighting Jericho I'm tired I cannot fight I he went I even lost any out to go back and they continued taking the place wall by wall fight by fight fight by fight now those physical wars that they fought in those days are the spiritual wars you and I fight now are you there I like the scripture I like going there because the script let's read two scriptures so that we pick up something from there more scriptures the first scripture second Corinthians chapter 10 we are reading from this three to the six first Corinthians 10 three to six for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh maybe those come in can come this way or I would okay I don't know if you'll see that's what I'm thinking about coming in I'm saying that between there and here I don't know which is better anyway I think they come this way or they are reserved seats anyway let's go on let's continue for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not canal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every hyping that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thoughts to the obedience of Christ and having in red readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled actually we need three to five what is the first weapon of war it's prayer or you know they see and once you talk about prayer prayer and the way they are married they go together I'm tired of these prayer warriors who are shouting all over the place and they don't have a single best your shouting shake it in case it's your best what are you standing on to make the claim that you are making well what's what are you standing on where is your way where is your way ask your name I wear is your way that shouting that you have been shot to waste your way hey where is your when Jesus used his word yes hallelujah now so that's the first scripture I wanted us to read now the second one where are you it has vanished from my book don't worry I'll find it more scriptures first Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 24 unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God now when you put these two things together in this war against stubbornness in this war making your way around hardness you see hard-hearted people they are always hard-hearted people are you there that's why there is they you need two things you need power you also need I mean wisdom you need power that you need wisdom one without the other won't give you the full effect so as we pray we're walking power when you finish think you see I keep on telling my people I said we don't think my nature no no no I'm talking about this I want not I don't know about another country but Ghana it's not what we do often we're just a feeling watching seeing people thinking just sitting down thinking something through thinking it doesn't come naturally to sorry maybe comes not surely to you but many of us but as you sit down to think apply wisdom then you begin to find a way to reach the people are you getting me remember you are you are trying to you're trying to share Jesus with people who don't necessarily want to hear it who feel that they don't have the time and all the other things I mean you know the nonsense we hear around and you need some wisdom it's not only the prayer the prayer is good and needed but when you are done do some thinking do some thinking and we can see Joshua coming to pray after they were beaten at I he comes to pray that Lord we were beaten and God shows him the reason why they were beaten but after the beating after the beating he now sets down and maps out a strategy of how to take the city it's not every town that you take in the same way are you getting it my son and I we spent 15 years in in Tamale you don't just wake up and do no so you know because the town is Islamic there's no two ways about it you see there's no two ways some people will say oh they are not fundamental it is true they're not about to kill you but they're not also going to are you there after we had been there for some years we sent one of our guys to Yendi Yendi is even more Islamic not only that it's also a bit more on the border lines of being fanatic are you there we send this young man to start a church now the only place he got to start a church was in the middle of the town which is a disadvantage if he had been able to get a meeting place on the edges of the town he would have been a little easier for him so after spending the time that we recommend that you spend praying and fasting as you're gonna start the work and so forth he then got an idea would you like to hear his idea good his idea was that if he tried to have a church in the place where he was in the middle of the town he could easily get into trouble so he decided that he was going to have the church as though he was having a teaching lesson so all the pictures for the first three or so years of the Yendi church he was sitting behind a desk and the members were sitting behind so anybody passing would think that oh this niceness was come because it was also a nest by profession this nest who has come he's what he's just teaching the young guys so for about three or four years only men in the voice in the church when I say boys I mean like the teenagers and stuff but but it's worked it's worked and it worked enough to establish the church today the church there is established it's established yeah they own building and all that but he needed a sense of wisdom if he had just gotten up here because the end of the year they will throw stones it's not as much as it is it will tell him it's not hard it's not hard at all don't tell me at all there's not hard at all it's not hard at all amen am I talking to some people tonight so you are dealing with some stubborn person I want you to make up your mind from today that's by the grace of God you are most stubborn than anybody that's what I want you in another way not negative stubbornness but say to yourself you'll be tired before I'm tired you will give up before I give up I'm not tired at all I'm just that it and encourage yourself in the Lord and then you blast some tongs and you dare you hallelujah you want to fight the good fight amen yeah oh please sit down don't worry the night is young the night is young hallelujah now I need you to also see that these hadn't people you see contrary to your thinking sometimes you think that and with this person that the devil has made meet me no they are God's plan for you they are God's plan for you he allows you to meet them hey they are all part of his plan for you are you there mm-hmm amen one of the reasons is because God is also settling his own scores please if you are sitting behind a pillar and you can't see you see be wise like the sister and move there's no point being in church and being behind the pillar it's make a fino sense at all hallelujah now one of the interesting things we're going to be reading about from I mean some of these people is that some of them their stubbornness was by design of God so I'm going to eliminate this thing okay don't believe me but let's go to the book of Exodus hmm I love the scriptures they are such a lovely hiding place hmm the scriptures I'm not there I don't know what we'll be talking about that's gonna be about what do you talk about when you don't have scriptures and you're talking all that time all right beautiful Exodus chapter 10 and best one the first example I want to give you the example of Pharaoh Pharaoh when the Lord sent Moses to go and deliver the children of Israel the Bible says that God hadn't Pharaoh's that's what's his plan he made it hard it's like you this people my plan is to play you from day so go in unto Pharaoh the Lord said unto Moses go in unto Pharaoh for I have hadn't his heart and the heart of his seventh that I might show these my signs before him God had a whole plan he was coming to display hey yeah you see so the heart and people that you are meeting it's his design as you are going on outreach I don't know what they say here but some places you can knock in Kumase especially on campus when you knock go go and say who that then you know that oh God we are and we are in front and pleasant it's not gonna be a nice and come back who is that yeah it's not gonna be nice are you there example number two Joshua chapter 11 let's read from this 18 think we start a day let's read from there to this 20 just one made war a long time have you seen the long time never stop complaining that they have been praying and praying by us and listen keep going keep going keep going don't give up now keep going just sure made what this man that God had promised the land he had taught him the places for you where you put your foot this and that I was with your father I am with you I was with the shop I come with you as they were starting to die when I'm with you that was the promise but he fought a long time with all those kings that's 19 there was not a city that made peace with the center of Israel said the hivites the inhabitants of Gideon all others they took in battle there's 20 for it was of the Lord to hadn't their hearts that they should come against Israel in battle that he might utterly destroy them utterly and that they might have no favor but that he might destroy them as the Lord commanded Moses and but why did God want to listen don't ask me questions about why God did where you get there asking yourself I am not God I'm not God and neither are you yeah because sometimes we are conseding ourselves with things that are not our concern you are coming to question God who view who do you exactly what is it going to do for you the reasons why he does what he does you don't know do you know even your president why he does what he does your bishop you know why he does what he does you know why you do what you do listen the Bible says that the things that we need to know are revealed to us what we don't need to know it's not revealed to us I don't know why I worry myself the one that I should know crime not able to catch up and know oh how much what the one that is not my concern I'm saying it because it's not you will also go off tangent to say that but God why have you taken this stand again I don't know you know the people on the left they say they know so maybe we all don't know all we know is that this is what the Lord was saying amen and one of the things we find also is that there are times when he counters extreme things with extreme things like in the situations where you find a lot of demon whatever he can cloud the whole thing just clades just clades like that and Lord what about the young one when you meet him ask but right now it's not the topic for tonight I don't know hey maybe I thank you maybe when you have a visit from the next prophet if we are we have you on problem if you can ask him may I only teach about enlarging the church growing the church buffing their church making the child that's all I come talk about that's all hallelujah but it's important for us to recognize it that sometimes God has taken a certain stand you see otherwise you be wondering that ain't good is it that the way that you said you didn't mean it uh-huh it's not that push on him again say it's not that hallelujah take your seat hallelujah it's so important very very important for us to know you see and and and you can see that overcoming these people was part of the core of Joshua you should just overcome them pay the example Deuteronomy chapter 2 and verse 30 God hardened the heart of Sihon the king of Heshmon let's read it but Sihon king of Heshmon would not let us pass by him for the Lord had hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate that he might deliver him into the hand as a period this day the Lord when God is doing things doesn't always make sense I'm reminded when we had our first cathedral in a crowd the chollegono cathedral and there arose contention between the people in the community of chollegono and the church we never understood from that day to day why that contention was there and several attempts were made to you know what's the word no I mean we were trying to just sort it out and get understanding and so and it was just not working it was just not working and the problem kept increasing are you there the problem kept on ink at me it was just a beast that's the only way we can say it assembly man was brought in he was in the issue that yeah if nothing was working it went from the assembly to the municipality until they reached the office of the president nothing was working yeah nothing was working and it culminated on one fine day we were actually going to have an ordination service and so we were in church ordination service is about to begin and these people charged on us yeah when we say the blood flow we have that we have the videos to show you and mean it was what free for all fight free for you have come to church you know that's something now because of a couple of people who were there I don't remember why TV three had come there yes I don't remember because we don't add to the media to our things so I don't remember what they were doing there but TV three was there when the attack happened we actually call it attack Sunday and so they filmed it and it was being live onto people's TV's you see now I can tell you that for us as a church it was our darkest day yeah it was our darkest day and we attack Sunday I remember that we bundled our bishop into the basement put his children his wife pushed them there put the lights off lock the door and because he's the one they were looking for if you can't get a man gets his wife can't get his wife get his children are you there the community forgot that the church there are guns in it I remember Bishop Bishop Oko Bishop Oko and Bishop and they are supposed to do these are two young guys I said no no no we can't leave it like that blow for blue anyway eventually the fight was over we had to hose down the blood of the place people's cars were in it looked like that's the end of the change that's how it looked are you there but I got to tell you something hey what are you nice to see it was actually the day of our enlargement yes and I'll explain the first thing that happened was that some of us were just with our bishop we were just there and towards the afternoon somebody came and said Bishop I want to show you another property you see up until that time in the midst of all the quarrels it had never occurred to us to move we liked our church and with the success our headquarters and this is where we are we don't have a problem we don't know why you have a problem with us are you there but that was the day that Bishop had to accept that the headquarters of the church will have to move then somebody came down there by somebody somebody has like a person came and said come I got to show you something so those of us who were with him remember there's some people who returned home they say they are fighting the suggest what they left so now you know who is with you when you are fighting so we went and they showed us a certain property and we all went to walk around the property I remember standing there thinking to myself that that is property that I brought us to Lord Abena when and how is it going to become something that we can use if we can use it are you in the house but I need to tell you that that is the location of the current Kodesh yes and for that one building that we have you all know that the Kodesh is almost a city in the middle of town yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what's it's a large mental it wasn't a large way because apart from the we have a major cathedral there the Jesus cathedral which is several times larger than what we had before we also have about I don't I can't count the number of meeting rooms in that place you can have 12 weddings going on in the same oh easy easy without a problem without a problem without a problem what a blessing but we didn't know it was the day of our meeting are you there the second thing that happened we did have some members who felt that hey catch where they fight today but but but but there was another effect which was that because TV 3 was beaming the whole thing the next week we were inundated with people the church was full to overflowing because they didn't know the church and they're like what is this hey what catches this government has taken a stand against the church they are harassed the church are today because later on with the people in the community rose up and said we didn't do this yeah yeah yeah yeah these guys didn't come from here they said didn't you see that they were brought by bus they were bused from elsewhere are you in the church so God just put it suddenly the shop dog is in the news the church is in the news and they're not used it to enlarge the church so we may have been weeping down that I can't tell you that we wept that's what we've been here we wept oh I know it won't come y'all come to say I'm God as you are going home you have no your car has been destroyed I say oh yeah people go wounded I remember a young man he lost the sight in one eye yeah by the grace of God many years later God restored his sight to the miracle service yeah same guy you see are you in the church now if you ask me do I want to go through another call it or no crisis actually I don't but we can't we can see how God used it I hope you get it God used it clearly clearly attack Sandy attack Sunday if you meet anybody who is a bona fide member of our church they should be able to tell you something hallelujah take your seat take your seat amen I'm talking some people because you see when you are in a church you are not yet in your place I am sure you are building or you are building come again you have a property so soon as soon as you start to expand the landlords come around yeah come around already yo and they start to threaten and they start to see things we'll lock the police your whole church they have already increased their rent from what thousands of these seven to ten thousand it's all inside it's all inside yeah it's all parts if God didn't do that you would have built the place and say will not be anything oh we were just here we had become a lot we have grown we have plenty there you'll be there full of yourself are you there hmm that's when you meet a few stubborn people it keeps you on your knees and it keeps you praying are you there hmm it helps you to expand yeah because you are going to grow that property you're gonna build it and when you build it whose money should we use to build it I've been coming day I bring you off for only one city one city I've been to learn by any oh Bishop Ike will help us he is only helping how much help I can give you how much help you have to do some you have to do some hey church has become very quiet recently they were finishing up our building in area C and then their compound was to understand they said what we see it was drinking concrete she said if you bring four hundred bags of corn you will not see it even concrete I tell you was drinking concrete and then I came in stood there no Sunday and I said people we have to finish this thing the cement we have bought our weekend I was shocked at my schedule let me say the most hey I said that's all they are young people they are shocked hey the way people remove the things that Sunday it's like this thing hallelujah now sometimes God does this because he wants to remove a person from your life everybody you start your life with who you are going to end them with mm-hmm amen yeah so you like this friend but the person is unyielding and stubborn and sometimes God just hardens the person so that you pay the person out of that relationship out hallelujah are you going to be understanding it and are you going to stop saying that oh but there is a hard land it's supposed to be hard it's supposed to be hard see it as a child who you put down to walk don't you think it's not hard for them it is because as you are working I want to fall down but if we don't allow it you will not walk and if the mother keeps picking the child up every time the child stumbles the child will take a very long time to walk yeah so it's part part of our spiritual life sound they do yeah let's continue amen I'm it's just I just have two points for you tonight but it's not just the time or is that thinking about it and letting it sink down so this is just a bit of a it's almost the same shall I call it another color of the problem and large by wiping out giants and large by wiping out giants what is a giant a giant is a big problem a big problem big problem how are you there as we're growing in the Lord we will meet the giants hmm extra large problems that are waiting for us on the on in our in our bid to grow in the ministry there's a problem on the way are you there hmm and you can easily be bombed out by the problem many people have been bombed out of ministry by the problem that has come yeah that's why I'm just describing it as a giant are you there yeah oh major problems you should be an awesome about pastors to tell you that I was a full-time pastor one day the next day I wasn't a full-time pastor is a giant for different reasons yeah are you there and and these things right you let's go to the book of numbers and let's see some giants here numbers chapter 13 I'm reading from verse 31 you see the background to the story is something that you know they were going to go and take some you know take the place and they decided Moses decided let me send Joshua Caleb and some other guys there were 12 in all are you there so they went this is supposed to be the land flowing with milk and honey now when they got there they saw the milk and honey they saw that the thing that fruits were big the land was fertile but then they also saw the problem you see which is the I mean if that is the only thing you can learn tonight from the lessons that we are talking about then you've learned something but yes it is the land of milk and honey but but there's a but there's a but always about are you in the house okay but the men that went upset I'm reading from the 31 they're now giving their reports we are not able to go against the people for they are stronger than we and they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel saying the land through which we have gone to search it is a land that it's up then have a chance they're off and all the people that we saw are men of great stature I have to say that that this is just oh you don't you don't get it I mean if it isn't then they should be small it should be yeah they're finished so how do you say that anyway best 33 and there we saw the Giants the sons of Anak which come of the Giants and we were in our own site as grasshoppers and so we were in their sights grasshoppers some of you the reason why you don't like going on out which is that you see yourself as a grasshopper anyway are you in the house so here they are going in it's all part of the story as we're going in to take the promised land and then they can't see that there are some people there the Giants and as they think about it this problem cannot be overcome you see let me say something in fact it would have taken a long time to read the story but maybe we should amen so if you don't read much of the scripture you see not only that maybe you do read but sometimes it's good to just go back in there and rehearse it so we're gonna read the whole chapter okay so numbers chapter 13 we're starting from this one the Lord spoke to Moses saying send down men that they may search the land of Canaan which I gave unto the children of Israel of every tribe of their fathers shall you send a man everyone a ruler among them so it's God who's giving their command and Moses by the commandment of the Lord sent them from the wilderness of parent all those men were heads of the children of Israel I hope you can allow me to jump over all the names okay there are a lot of names they're just showing that every tribe was represented okay so there's 16 these are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy out the land and Moses called she have the son of Nan Jehoshua or something whatever Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan and said to them get the up this way south way then go up into the mountain and see the land what it is and the people that dwelled therein whether they be strong or weak few or many and what the land is that they dwell in whether it be good or bad and what cities they be that they dwell in whether intense or in strongholds and what the land is whether it be sight or lean whether there be wood there in or not and be of good courage and drink of the fruit of the land now the time was the time of the first stripe the first drive grapes so they went up and searched the land from the wilderness of Zen unto Rehope as men come to Hamad and they are sent it by the south came to Hebron where a heman Sheshai and tell my the children of Anak where now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt and they came unto the Book of Escal and cut down from there a branch of one cluster of Greeks and they bear it's between two upon the stuff so in other ways it was so heavy that they needed two men just to carry that branch of them they boyed between two upon a staff and they brought of pomegranates and of the fakes the place was called the Brook Escal because the cluster of grapes which the children of Israel cut down from thence and they returned from searching of the land after 40 days they went and came to Moses and to Aaron and to all the congregation of the children of Israel unto the wilderness of Parran to Kaddish and brought back word unto them and unto the congregation and showed them the fruit of the land and they told him and said we came unto the land without our centers as in surely it floored with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it nevertheless turn never nevertheless when you hear nevertheless we have canceled everything we've said earlier the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are walled and very great and moreover we saw the children of Anak Dei the Amalekites dwell in the land of the south and the Hittites and the Jebusites the Amorites dwell in the mountains and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and by the coast of Jordan and Caleb still the people before Moses and said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it have you seen that's one view but the man that went up with him said we be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we and they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel saying the land through which we have gone to search it is the land that it is up the inhabitants thereof and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature and there we saw the giants the sons of Anak which come of the giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight are you there? There never a problem has come you see no matter who you are in this world a giant will face you no matter who you are you will definitely one day face a big problem and if you're going to be in the measure of the Lord you will also face other problems which are related amen it is part it is part but what you do when you see those giants is what is important now Caleb saw the giants he and Joshua of the 12 who went in fact I think I need some 10 12 representatives to have somebody should be counting for me and you are going to face them how many so one person should please drop thank you for being so willing oh please come and stand in front stand in front of a pulpit so that you are just one line so here are the 12 people just to give you an a visual idea of what's going on so all of them have gone and then only to come back so please step out two people are saying ye all the rest are saying me we are the population of these rather than people we are sitting here and we are looking at this thing what what's going to happen which way will you go ah majority kinds of votes have you seen that a majority is always right in fact very often the majority is wrong often in life the majority is wrong yeah the Bible says of Caleb later that he had an excellent spirit so the one with the excellent speech is saying that oh it is going to be okay giant you will face you see but when we face the giant that we behave as if it's a personalized personalized giant I'm the only one who has faced the giant in my life hello I in the church we have faced some giants in our ministry in the past what is it two years was it three years four years yo so I remember I was talking to one gentleman who also had been moved off that you have been here taking a full time so do is holding his head I said brother this thing that's happened to you and I've been in it for eight years that is my ninth year happy for nine years do I look like I'm with it do I look like I've died and I told him I received a call asking me whether should we put you back on check I'm like where I like where I am I walk it is the better of the key you see at that time when it happened but shut down to me say is the better of the two deals I go with your weight that's a fourth three four years it didn't look like that or maybe four five years it didn't look like that but finally I realized that in the longer what he said it is true it is true are you there Caleb said we are able the other say we be not able we be not able we have to have this money should come into account salary salary every month you will never become wealthy by a salary let me just tell you never on this end are you there hey they wouldn't like my motto again but it is real and it's a time and you see I need to share because you be saying that oh but why are you coming to say our private but it is not a private matter I am prophesied to you and not economy that you will get there the day comes when the ministry is too big if you don't take steps one two three four everybody we are going down well going down you should read the story of and Ryan at wonky he tells the story when God told him he said your ministry is like a ship it's not too big you cannot turn it around he had to take steps are you there now that the step is affecting you see oh hey so another guy was crying and he was when I was talking to him he was like you don't know Mike I said listen my brother you are in Ghana a you are in this situation as I my children are in Madagascar nobody has paid them two cents to two coins since they went and I said by the way and I've gone to this meeting with them so I called my dad said they should look as if they are dead or dying and they have a job so that they have not received any privilege but be a bit of sounds not one take your seat it's a giant it's a giant are you going to allow the giants to bomb you out of where you are something that God has given to you some of you your giant is going to be so big you were then me think of the choir and this family from there and no one was there one tip in there you have not had some before what are you going to do they don't like you but that doesn't like me he doesn't like you or he just comes and he says look this buster go here this one come here you're an emcee become a such a bit we'll see hey it's yes yeah because you know when I'm going to be emcee I can do my hair I can wear my high heels on Sunday everybody's gonna let it step it okay come down that the person is not for nothing we are wearing sneakers in church it's not for nothing it's not that we do not wear high heels amen don't let the giant don't let it bring you down let that change your confession and change your mind and beat you see kill him just said listen we are well able we are well able we are well able take your seat amen are you in the church yeah the confession was so wrong you see when you say that we are like grasshoppers when you see yourself as a grasshopper and grasshopper you shall be because the Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he and by the way grasshoppers when we see them we tend to kill them hey why don't you see yourself as a child of god rather why don't you see yourself as somebody that quarters with you and you are there for well able and you see then now started to say we be not able you are now saying that you feel can't I can't I can't I'm talking to some people I'm reminded of another giant killer in the Bible I went to look up this guy because I was like Joshua cannot have been the only person who led people to take on giants there must be another example in the Bible and I didn't have to look far I came to the story in first summer the story of David that was another giant killer let's go to first summer of chapter 17 now the Philistines gathered the local scriptures is part of the meeting okay now the Philistines gathered together the armies to battle and we're gathered together at Sokko which belongs to Judah and pitch between Sokko and Azekah in whatever Ephistim and Saul and the men of Israel were gathered together and pitched in the valley of Ela and set the battle in a ray against the Philistines in tea one is here one is there that's always trying to see okay the Philistines stood on a mountain on the one side and Israel stood on the mountain on the other side and there was a valley between them and there came out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath whose height was six cubits and a span he had a helmet of brass on his head and was armed with a coat of mail and the weight of the coat was 5,000 shakers of brass he had greaves of brass upon his legs and a target of brass between his shoulders tell your neighbor devil you can't the devil can't fool me he cannot because all this way you know who it is just to frighten us kind of frighten us the stuff of his spear was like a weaver's beam and his spear's head weighed 600 shakers of iron and one bearing a shield went before him he stood and cried unto the armies of Israel and said to them why are you come out to set your battle in a ray am I not a Philistine and you sevens of so choose you a man for you and let him come down to me if he be able to fight with me and to kill me then will we be your sevens but if I prevail against him and kill him then shall you be our sevens and serve us and the Philistines said I decide the armies of Israel this day give me a man that we may fight together when saw and all Israel had those words of the Philistines Philistines they were dismayed and greatly afraid that's our first problem fear and when you don't know you're weird you were caught in fear before the enemy when you don't know the God who you serve when you don't know you see that's why you need to you need to have a reality check with yourself do I really believe what I say what I'm saying do I really believe it do I really believe it I'm talking some people tonight yeah it is okay and easy to believe God when all is going well when everything is in place is fine it is when things don't look proper that's when you know whether you believe or not and I have found that many of you don't believe you're part of the crowd we're a crowd of young people we are interesting we are beautiful it's nice to be in church we love shouting we love jamming we love having a good time but when it comes down to wear that that that then that's where we're just on it yeah are you there so it's a very sick cause now they are afraid that they have forgotten everything that that God has said you see and one of the reasons is because they were being led by somebody who had lost his anointing yeah you got the title you got the job but you don't have the anointing yeah called pasta yeah call Bishop yeah calls what what's the next one what other titles we have in church Reverend what's a game a puzzle profits you can call yourself whatever the issue is do you or do you not have the anointing so now the man is afraid that's 12 now David was the son of that Ephrathite whose name was Jude Jesse had eight sons the man went for a man men for a new one in the days of soul 13 the three eldest sons of Jesse went and followed soul to the battle the names of these three says three sons that went to the battle where Iliab the first son the first one next to him Abinadab and the third Shama David was the youngest and the three eldest followed soul so by this time David was still 15 16 years old not strong enough not old enough to go to battle David went and returned from soul to feed his father's sheep at Bethlehem and the Philistine drew near morning and evening and presented himself for 40 days Jesse said unto David his son take now for thy brethren and Ephrath of this parched corn and these ten loaves and run to the camp of thy brethren carry these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand and look how thy brethren fair and take their pledge let me just pause and say something here the thing that was taking David to the battlefield looked very small or just go and visit your brothers see how they are doing many of the jobs God gives us don't look glorious don't look exciting don't look anything but I need to tell you that it was the small job that he was doing which he executed properly it was this job that lifted him to who he became and who we know him as but it was nothing he was just being said look take some food and what that to the people that some of you when you are being sent and give us a mini job you see your attitude yeah we just see your attitude see your attitude you think is below you why are you sending me didn't you see that yes I'm young up he put on that's why are you giving me this job that I'm the one who should do this yeah really David didn't think himself anything he took it not knowing that he had you see he was destined for another appointment that we change his life but that's not how it looked many times when God is going to use us it doesn't look big at all in fact many of the transfers that we have in many of the changes that come look like a clear emotion I mean what is this I'm looking after she I'm happy with the ship when I'm there I'll be worshipping God we're me and God together we're in there we are flowing now you are sending me that I should give bread bread and cheese and I should see how they are doing I mean how how is this a proper me hey same greetings is this a proper job that you give to a proper man have you forgotten that they have caught me in poor oil on my head this is the job that you give to a man upon whom the oil is faster don't you know that I need prayer who would name send me a towel and if I will you have not given me a chance to leave the prayer that's why you don't know that yeah what's the young man do you on his phone I don't know if I know please please so don't tempt me to misbehave that's 19 now solid day and all the men of Israel were in the Valley of Inla fighting with the Philistites it's almost funny David rose up Ellie in the morning left the sheep with a keeper and took and went as Jesse had commanded him and came to the trench as the host was going forth to fight and shouted for the battle for Israel and Philistina you know every day they'll come and test test themselves across okay there's 22 and David left his courage in the hand of the keeper that's what he was carrying of the courage and ran into the army and came and saluted his brethren and as he talked with them they came up the champion tell me about the champion that champion the Philistine of God go lay out by name out of the armies of the Philistites and speak according to the same words and David had them and all the men of Israel when they saw the man they fled from him and were so afraid and the men of Israel said have you seen this man was come up you see they are now bossing him he's asking what's going on surely to defy Israel is he come up and it shall be that the man who kills them the man the king will enrich him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel Jesse would yeah you pay tax again and David spoke at the men that stood by him saying what shall be done to the man that killed this Philistite and took it away the reproach from Israel who is this our second-sized Philistite that you think the thing that the men had been shivering about David's understanding was totally different totally different you have to understand something are you in the house you need to understand that listen when you are now without a certain support now it's between you and God between you and God the sky is the limit if I am paying you your limits is my pocket but now is between me and God which one is great so he said no please go back to 26 me my favorite sentence is that's one who is this on second-sized you see David didn't see a giant on second-sized Philistine that he should decide the armies of the living God 27 that people are setting up after this might say this is what will be done to the man that killed him now now tell me now now it's getting ten shows and in his eldest brother had when he speak unto the men and India's anger was kindred against David and said why came and stand down down here that and with whom has thou left those few sheep in the wilderness I know thy pride and the notiness of thy art for thou has come down that thou might just see them but you see when you are facing your giant day who talks to you is very important very very very important remember that giant it will come to all of us who talks to you and who you talk to very very important here is his brother you you are being shivering here for 40 days I've just come and as I come see the intimidating questions that you are giving me see the attitude and the accusations that you are giving me now you are asking me you see you you have you are even what's the word you are even looking down on me why am I saying that why can't you just ask me where I left the sheep what do you mean by where have you left those few sheep yeah I said those few sheep where have you left them with whom have you left them that you are now accusing me pride notiness of heart how do you know what is in my heart but you see you need to be careful because notice that this is his brother there's not just some stranger yeah this is other brother and when you are the youngest your other brother you normally look up to him yeah it's some of you if you don't look sharp eh where you are sitting a household is the reason why you are you no go far no it's true I told my church I want the point I'm tired of it my mother say I'm tired of it don't even say it it's it's time for us to go and do my mother says I shouldn't win me where I'm unbelievable you are only catching left all right did you my mother give you permission where are you telling your mother now that it's time to set the Lord my mother say my mother say my philosophy make you know bring yourself at home let me tell you something I don't know about you but me mom dear I have been a pastor of young people for many years and I have discovered that young people what they have planned to do they do it they will do it one time they were telling us about a young lady the life was so terrible she was living in her father's house and she was still I mean around so her father you see when you see a house with this electric wires on it it is to keep thieves out that's the use oh that's why we put it there so that I'm robust we're not climbing to the house this father puts it there to keep his daughter in you had a one day so never one day one day daddy came back home earlier than he normally comes it was in the night but he arrived earlier than usual and as he turned a sets in corner his life flushed oh there was his daughter the daughter for whom he has built this this thing so that in the evening when they locked the gate so then they electrified why I don't know so I can't go there she was and when I was sharing this I give this example in my church one of my young ladies who also she now told me what can be done and how it is that you can break the current of that wire you are able to climb over electrified wire without telling me my mother my father see now that we should do something for God and my mother say my father see don't let me insult you hello hi in the church anyway well we rest 28 okay let me take it here so that let's continue and David said what have I now done is that not a course now I need you to notice this dirty and he turned from him towards another it's not everything you must answer please if you are standing by a quarreling person tell them the quarreling is too much he just turned away that's all the gossip yeah it's too much he didn't continue here why are you saying what you said this thing that you are saying I will tell daddy when I get home is it not that you are sent to me for me to come here has have come have I come to say anything isn't all you you are the best answer bring you bread that's why I've come now that we are bringing you are not insulting me I don't like nothing did you hear all that no the guy he just turned away he just turned away went to talk to somebody else amen and then he spoke again same question they gave him the same answers amen then huh there's anyone went the way to a head which David spoke there he has them before saw and he sent for him and David said to so let no man's heart feel because of him thy servants will go and fight with this Palestine saw said thou art not able to go against this Palestine another one and not that one another one though I'm not able to go against this from the start to fight with him for you about their youth and he a man of war from his youth just that he has been more than you when you start working for God that's what you'll be hearing when did you come when did you come who I come and change things okay this how it's done why why why why do what what what do you know you have just come you're just all right why do you think you know anything hey on and on and on and on and on why in a hurry when yeah yeah be done all these things we have been there before calm down calm down we have seen it yeah do you know that giants that's I'm looking at you see what I see you are seeing a giant I see on a second-sized Palestine it's completely different yeah completely different are you there now this is for me where I begin to love the story listen to what David said David said to saw by seven kept his father's ship and that came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock and I went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against me I caught him by his beard and smote him and I could preach a whole convention on these Jews versus I tell you I tell you because there's so much meat in it the guy says I can't my father's ship the ship that you have are your father's ship when you don't keep your father's ship well you will not have Barry has all you need to have please come thank you I am the house he's fooling over today hey are you there or you are troubled yeah he said I kept my father's ship they were not my ship some of you when you are doing the work you think it is your ship because of that nobody even knows your ship in the church it's your personal ship so that's one gutter yeah I know people who went there not there nobody can take care of their people we don't know that people are nobody can visit because you think your personal ship so that's one gutter another gutter is that because it's my father's ship I will be serious about it because for somebody if I do it they'll be saying that oh don't be saying you see if I do the work well they'll say that oh Pastor Richmond's church is doing well the glory will not come to me why are you looking for the glory he belongs to God alone or if we look after this yet you'll say that Bishop Otis has a lot of churches be careful the guy was a my name would not be mentioned why do you want your name to be mentioned first you want to do this the question that the chair is very quiet it's very important to it's very very important you see so that guys I kept it was my father's ship I kept it then he says and there came a lion and a bear and took a lamp out of the flock many of us are not shepherding properly when the lion comes you leave the ship for the lion and the lion runs away you run away and you leave the ship for the lion you save yourself the Bible calls you a highling since the shepherd gives his life for the sheep by you the highling when the situation comes you leave the sheep so the lion to carry it that's why some of the people were given to you right now we can't find them because you have left them you have left them but we are praying for the day that we will have perhaps shepherds the wind the sheep God entrust his sheep into your hands you will fight life and get to collect them back why have you left them for people to come and take them away sometimes God sends us his tender ones and when we look at them this 12 years what can she do when she says in the check I don't even know if it's a piece of epistle or epistle we just leave them we just leave them when you get there and the parent is being some way you say you cannot you cannot be rude to a parent but if you have my sheep and your parents I will deal with you in my room I would express I will pray over you when I come you won't give me that job but you don't care you have left is the mother if she says this is the day you have left it meanwhile you know that the mother is wrong you know you know you know that 12 years old five years from now it's 17 yes yes yes yes yes yes you are very quieter I've told you have been there I've passed up to them for a very long time yeah my 11 year olds are now 35 and 40 yeah yeah yeah either but I remember I fought for them today they fight for me I never even knew it will come to that but hey hey I took them look I'm going for them between my 14 years they are going I've come a little to a crowd you wouldn't be born okay they said just very quiet you will leave them and say well these ones they are small they are sure they are small they are small you have not seen that double has already introduced them to sex to whatever you don't know at the age of 8 you don't know now you are saying that this 12 year old is small I was been awake for the past four years they are small hmm we're not serious who are you in the church we're not serious at all the enemy's just plucking them like that because we didn't we just we don't know they don't like impressive you want to come in you know you want their meaty the meaty ones the meaty ones yeah they went they go and they press was mother remember you hey not so we did we do look at what he said he said when he says what the sevens I kept my father's ship went and he said they came and took a lump out of the flock so he was even fighting over the big sheep that you said oh this one when we sell it we'll get to play a lump small thing somebody say oh nobody in it this one they eat it it's not they just just hair are you there now so that's the first lesson in this thing now the second lesson is that God knew that David was going to face Goliath 1B so he appointed a lion as Teresa and appointed a bear as Teresa the issues of life what you are going through in this life is there a heads out for the issues ahead understand it well understand it he will give you opportunity he didn't know that the day would come when the Goliath will be there but what he knew was I'm looking after my father's things and lion has come for I bring my thing when the thing turned on him he finished it and back him to the head bring it the parts are like I have it by the way and he finished it are you there it was every heads up many many many things going on now every heads up and past me I'm tired the change work is too much for me I'm very very tired I drive time to sleep I'm always walking I'm more it's a rehearsal that is your life in future that is it that's it that's your life in future that's your life in future yeah yeah yeah but the grace of God I've had the opportunity to raise so many people's children in my house you know anyway we're all children yeah we eat the same thing biological children what switch out all of us and sometimes when things are going on they're like oh mommy remember I have a very lovely young lady in the house now with me more than one but I was talking to her the other day she was doing some work in the kitchen then I smiled I said to her that I know that it is exam week I know to your best I finish I said I could have all this other person to do it but you know what have no call them to do it I said because one day in this life you will be a man you'll be a wife you'll be a man you'll be a worker you have your children and you will still be saving God if you don't practice the balancing now what are you going to balance yes yes you're yes sir that's your answer oh yeah she's passing oh she does it with the sweet spirits sweet spirits yeah sweet spirits either that doesn't have to be frowning small small even now even now she's chopping more than the others oh yeah yeah even now oh she'll come there she come and open they say hey mommy this biscuit does be here for a long I say ask the question well the question is that I feel like eating biscuit can I have it that's what you want to say I say it say it and have it that's gonna come and say that are you there this one she can come and say mommy your condition that they are too I said no no ask the question well please can I have one answer that's your question are you there but it's because she's doing it she's fighting her lions and have it go like this coming Rehessa so this was David Rehasing are you there how we continue hmm media I really love this this part of this which I really love it so forgive me for taking my time now so vest 36 if you have your own be blam and align it even it's on your phone you got highlighted vest 36 look at his credentials now because now he's giving credentials yes thy seven slew both the lion and the bay and this unsecumcised Philist time shall be as one of them seeing he has defied the armies of the living God he's now saying you see he's explaining how he's seen the thing you are in your life now you have had to pray down your rents and God has answered you have had to pray down what again your school fees and God has answered that is why in some years from now you'll be standing and saying I'm building it's the same thing the same thing you have done your line that was your school fees you done your bed that was your rent are you there so now this one that's what coming to do it's the same God it's the same God is done second you see if you jump over the others you're not writing letters to you uncle in America that's why they don't mind you oh no that's all bread you have taken a shortcut that guy was now rehearsing it's miracles rehearsing the other day I was rehearsing some miracles to my husband oh yes because I'm telling myself look this my children the way they can believe God God can't just hate them sure there was a young with us for her when she was telling her testimony she was weeping because I don't know if you guys have master card if you have an association master card they give very good scholarships yeah so you can only apply it there in they invest you she did not apply for a master card scholarship and she got it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you she that I mean something she didn't apply she didn't apply I had sent her some years before to go and talk to a counselor encompassed because she couldn't pay fees and she wanted to do exams I say you go there at least once you get there you can't do the exam that's we had been just believing God hey are you in the house then one day she got a call those of you who puts off your fool when they are calling you know hey what had happened was that somebody who had that scholarship had fooled with it yeah and the person had lost it so when they are replacing you they must replace you with somebody in the same cause in the same year same gender do you understand so they had appealed to the counselors office that we are looking for somebody to replace so and so with these criteria so comes that goes to pull out her for that of students who have been coming through for her permission so that they can get help to write exams and she finds two people two girls one is this lady in my church and somebody else and she makes a call because she wants to interview them the counselors office is only asked to come into it so that they can recommend them because they want to give it to serious students when she calls the first girl the girl does not answer the call she doesn't answer and she doesn't return the call and then she makes the second call to this my girl so the girl picks it are you there yeah so they do want to want to check a few things check a few things that's it hey one day she texted me she said mommy can you believe I am sitting in my own room that she mentioned a very expensive hostel because they paid the hostel direct she said mommy I'm not patching up because throughout it was patching I am in this hostel I am not patching I'm in my own bed oh come on now somebody I see you making it passing down killing the loud killing the bear hallelujah so he's just rehearsing it that's 37 yeah the Lord more David said more about that Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine and Saul said to David go and the Lord be with thee all this is giant sleigh we are talking about to him so now Saul is now convinced now invest 38 and so armed David with his ammo and he put an a helmet of brass upon his head also he armed him with a coat of mail and David gathered his sword upon his ammo and he has said that means he tried to go he had not proved it and he's David said to so I cannot go with this for I have not proved that and David took them off and he took his stuff in his hand and chose five smooth stones out of the book put them in the shepherd's bag which he had even in a script and his sling was in his hand and he drew near to the Philistine now there's another lesson when you are slain whatever it's what you are used to use your own weapon you see this is not the time to try new things I remember I was talking to a groom who was going to his wedding in issues I said we don't do that and try to choose you are going to your wedding innard we shall be watching you you are surprised you see you go to when you buy the ship bite months before you walking it in your house you walk and walk and walk and walk until it is now like your feet I guess if you think that you are put it on your worship hands on the morning you're like Brian I think you said I'm going to do your hair and I'm going to a new head dresser I pray for you I pray for you that's why so many have gone yes they have gone to do they are done you can see from the bright but she's not so up you listen you don't use a new weapon on their day no no no of the battle no the one you have always used the one you have always used I have never gone for a loan that God you are my only helper so why am I going for a loan no no no please it must be what I've been doing yeah you know what the God has become important you are going for a loan may show you are you in the church so take this and no no I cannot you see the man meant well and some of us who are men pleases we say oh if I don't take it the guy he'll be upset if you're a lifo and your life is attached to the life of these people these children of Israel sent you an even say be careful hmm let's try and finish it oh look at it before that's what he won the Philistine came on and drew near David and the man that bet the shipment before him and when the Philistine looks about and saw David he is dating him you see there are people who look at you look at yourself look at your young face what do you know the problem there's 43 the Philistine said to David am I a dog yes you are that thou came comments to me with steves and the Philistine cares David by his gods the Philistine said to David come to me and I will give your flesh unto the files of the heir to the beast of the field because I don't know then said David to the Philistine and thou comments to me with a salt and a spear and a shield but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the army of Israel whom thou has defied this day will the Lord deliver thee into my hands and I will smite thee and take that head from thee and I will give the cuckasses of the host of the Philistines is the answer the fouls of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth that all the earth may know that they will say God in Israel and all this assembly shall know that the Lord see with not with salt and spear for the battle is the Lord and he will give you into our hands put your hands together for David hallelujah amen and as you know from the story David's exceeded with his sling and his stone hallelujah are you in the church and if David who just had a stone was able to win what about those of us who are followers of the rock of our salvation a stone brought down Goliath but you have a rock I said we have a rock and his name is Jesus the name that is above all names the name before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that this is Him oh there's no reason for us to doubt I said there's no reason for us to doubt hallelujah the giants will come down very quickly let me give you a couple of giants that you will meet in the ministry please take your seat very fast giant number one I'm just giving you to the giant of poverty the giant of poverty oh it's a giant echasos chapter 9 verse 16 says that then said I wisdom is better than strength nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is the spice and his words are not heard in many places one of the giants of the ministry is poverty yeah are you there and that giant will try to drown all the words that God has given to you and if you allow it it will kill your ministry and that's why it's important for you to overcome it I hope you get it yeah that's one of the reasons why people don't preach the word of God they are doing motivational speaking which is easier for people to swallow yeah no script chairs no real telling of the truth you can't preach the truth because the people will be angry with you etc etc you know you know that you know what I'm saying you see fight with it now yeah fight with it now are you in the house fight land now how to take your needs to the Lord direct direct there's no need to steal because there are thieves in the church in the churches yes there's no need to steal there's no need to borrow there's no need to do illegal things take it to him you are rehearsing it now yeah one step at a time are you seeing it because he answers he's the same gordy at the time he answers cry he answers wow are you the church you see many times I don't want to get into the poverty issue but that that their biggest issue about poverty is what it does to your mind yeah what it does to your mind and that's why we're calling it a giant I have seen people who are being given something that would help but because of the poverty mindset they can't take it yeah they can receive it they can receive it you know you know the because the poverty mindset says that everything that I receive I need to eat it yeah the poverty mindset says that somebody owes me a living somebody they are cheating us they are cheating it's always pointing somewhere else and for as long as you think like that I don't go anyway we're going anywhere anyway yeah are you in the church but as you begin to go through the Bible the Bible talks so much about the perfect provision of God and just begin to say who is the start and begin to trust him step by step day by day day by day he'll bring you through it he'll bring you through it without you having to win steal anyway either the poverty mindset the poverty mindset kills ideas so when God gives you an idea which is actually a God inspired idea then the poverty mindset wakes up to say oh but you see if I don't there's nobody to help no but you see there's always an excuse someone you say you somewhere but say what if I try it I doesn't wait what if it's weeks hey hey they're what if they don't buy I think it's what it is you get it but as you take it step by step and the Lord will walk with us step by step step by step to get us to a place so that's one of the things that you face in the ministry and that's why some of you have decided that myself blue-blue they will be six that's what I can't buy Lord if you give me 12 I don't know how I'll buy them checks so please I don't want I don't want trouble and look if you give me 12 I don't have the money to be going to their place to visit I can't visit them so please just give me okay - you are never so at this one you just walk this way and just want to wait downstairs close to shit yeah have you seen how it limits us already yeah it's limited us already it's limited us already poverty mindset very very important in our our place it's the poverty mindset that makes us think that we have to go somewhere else to make it yeah not realizing that even the outcome of elections is up to us we haven't prayed about it Lord your will be done because you are not God whatever you say these are this is what we have yeah so I just want to trust God that Lord the lesser of the two-year-olds is welcome mmm that's it because your life is not in your hands you are put today hey let's not go there tonight hardly we have a giant of poverty oh I can't do this oh we can't build it how are we going to buy the land oh we can't but it's being done we have students and so what you are even blessed most of you you have more money your pockets at the beginning than your parents by the time your parents are done with your your siblings what they have left is this less than what you have if I please my parents they only send me what how much is the average payment they'll send you hundred no most of them send more than hundred cry cry cry between three five yes yes you see hundred a week so four hundred see okay so four hundred cities a month your father is not left with 400 after he has finished sorting you and your siblings out 50 gunner in his pocket yes it is real it's real yes he's there you are shivering the second giant the second giant it is the time difference listen well the time difference between the anointments forgive me for using the word anointments just sounds nicer in the appointment the alignment in the appointment in other words I mean we have all been in church where's have been spoken of us oil has been poured over you oh no oil has been poured please you can leave your hand out for some tonight but you listen to words spoken about you you listen to prayer said about you listen to good with that this book now from the time difference from when that thing happens to win you actually enter the appointment that time difference it's a giant it's a giant because it's as long as somebody's life when David was called as a chap and they put oil on his head he was 15 when he became king he was 30 15 solid yes me well it wasn't 15 years of peace relaxing in Swathans household 15 oh I mean this was just the beginning he now came to face proper things proper giant so yes that no 18 is there are you way but many people missed their step in the waiting time waiting to see Lord you said that you have anointed me you said that you are sending me to the nations me were from here call to grab a call to grab a grab my being sent nobody asked me if I can keep course and I began to say that so all that was being said young man what I do you on the phone what are you on the phone yeah you're all well that's all I do you on the phone it's just like he's in words what are you on the phone I cut you he's doing what check in something I'm some preachy you are checking something why don't you go check your room why don't you check in your room you have already had me trouble somebody there comes sincere to do you see this how this is one of the reasons why it deletes yeah it's a giant's right there mmm because you are your own wealth even to call you but yeah I'm not me boy okay yeah anointments and appointments how are you there don't worry they're where the annoyments I'm picking I'm just picking it from somebody but it just sounds that she goes nicely anointments and appointments that's time that space of time if you don't take a doubt we'll take over begin to say that a certain whatever what should I say restlessness a certain unbelief maybe it wasn't real it's not something maybe I had bancos or their dream now it was a bancos dream and it is the reason why many people never enter into their core because they couldn't wait you see you know because when you even start right doesn't look glorious look at David starts you see Joshua followed Moses for many years who many years he was a seven many years you see so and and in all the years he was following Moses when Moses comes to that that's it God will come when Moses leaves the presence will leave with him and Joshua will be day pre it day pre Lord how come you never came when I was there you know that I'm looking for you why don't I come but now as Moses has gone you have left are you not the one I'm seeking you see you can easily lose your way in that time and that's why you should just take your time and say that this thing God is the master of it God is the master of it I can't I cannot I cannot predict my life I ask my people often I ask them as as we are standing here can you tell me what would be happening at 2 a.m. this morning you can't so I can't tell what's gonna happen in your life okay I was going to you cannot predict it so you're just doing your best are you there and holding on to God for dear life believing that at the right time at the right time their appointments will come to pass in Jesus name stand to your feet tonight and large and large against hard and hard and I'll enlarge in spite of the giants or even because of the giants lift up your voice and begin to pray