Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #114 - Robocop 2 1990

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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Robocop is back!! And he is here to get all the drugs off the street. And also cross the picket line. And get other cops on strike to go back to work. Man, Robocop is actually kind of a dick. We watched Robocop 2 from 1990.

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes and Charlie Shaw

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. To interview from D.C. to M.P.E. and start more. One down with you. One down with you. One down with you. Okay, normally it's just being mad at Ron for a possible, you know, shit on a movie. Well, I mean, I just go roles with him always hating me. So, oh. Yeah, if it wasn't for the fact that I got saltwater taffy waiting for me downstairs. Yeah. From Dolly's, the original saltwater taffy place. Yeah. Um, and I wasn't just absolutely dead brained from my excursion this weekend at Delaware. Um, I would probably forget that I have to start the show by saying brothers, sisters and gender resistors. Welcome to one of many podcasts on Planet God Dang Earth, where we are going to have a little bit of a quality issue today. I cannot find my headphones. I specifically blame my mom's aid. She moved them and I have no idea. She'd probably put them in a place where it would make sense. Sure. That's not how my operates. Buy a computer. Yeah. Aid suck. Yeah. I think. I mean, yes. It's going to be a long show. Yeah. All right. We lost Robocop two and apparently. Wait, we watched what? Robocop two. Are you serious? No, I just fucked with you guys. Good thing. Yes. Robocop two from 1990. Right. So this show is. We're going to talk about Robocop two. Like, we are talking about Robocop one, Ron. Come on. Yeah, I know. I watched Robocop three. That's fair. Actually, it's funny enough. I don't think I've ever seen Robocop three. Now that I've watched Robocop two, because I thought what happened in Robocop two is what happened in Robocop three. So. So I've never seen. I've only ever seen Robocop and then the remake. I've never seen two or three. There's a remake. Yeah. From like 2009. Nah, she doesn't 14. 2014. Thank you. Oh, shit. I enjoyed the, like a serious Robocop. Yeah, it's not good. It's not. I enjoyed it. But I also watch it. I watch it in theaters and I didn't pay for it. So like, yeah. I appreciate what they were trying to do. And I'm sure we'll get there in a couple of years, but eventually, yeah, it's, it doesn't have the same magic. Let's put it that way. Correct. Robocop is great. Oh, great. But, but they don't, they don't do it well. Like, I didn't dread they actually did very well, but. See, dread, I still haven't seen. That's another one I want to watch. Is that the one with Carl Urban? Yep. Okay. That wasn't terrible. I thought that was always really interesting. Do what? Gucci made the suits. That's right. I do remember. Yeah. For whatever reason, Gucci gets like its own standout, like, costume designed by Gucci. As it's like scrolling, I was like, Gucci means suits. We're talking about. We'll get the dread later as long, you know, both judge dread and dread down the line as well. All right. So this movie opens up on a high note. Okay. I want a magnable for my car. And I also want it for other people's cars. Honestly, seeing John Glover there as the magnable like spokesman, that was pretty fun. Uh, did not expect that. I expected him to come back at some point in time. No, he's just there for the commercial. And that's it. Like, I loved it. That's great. Yeah. I thought it was really clever that they started it because they were like setting the tone. So. This was evil dead too. Like, they took what was good about the first one. And the like level of campiness and then like cranked it too much. I still like it, but I don't like it as much as I like the first one. That's correct. Yes. Yeah. My score will reflect that. I agree with you on that one. Like I didn't like this as much as I like the first one. But they. We love the first one. Yeah. And it. It just feels like they were trying to be. Too campy, like they were trying to be too much. Once again, I found myself going, Oh, right. Cause it's satirical. Like. And like it just felt like they were pounding me over the head over and over and over and over and over again for it. Which I don't feel like I get in the first one. The first one's like really an action movie with some like satirical. Plot points, like they, a lot of the political stuff in the first one I feel like was where the satire was. Not overwhelmed, but like that where they were pulling a lot of satire and this one. It had. There really wasn't as much political satire. I mean, there was, but there wasn't like slamming you in the face like the first one was. Um, at least I, at least I didn't take it that way. But also they're having a 12 year old child with a, a lunch box machine gun was. Interesting choice, but you know. Well, it's Detroit. That's fair. This actually takes place in Detroit. So that makes a lot more sense. Sure. Um, I did. So, um. A lot of the just, and yes, I understand it's Detroit. I understand what they're trying to get across because of the world of rebel cop. But like it. Go into your point, Chuck. It seems like they pumped it up to the next level where literally everybody is a criminal. Like you had, you had this, this. I got about the whole limeling team. But like the, the coach is there, like they're breaking into this, this electronic store and all the little shits of just beating up the owner. Joe, this is how I know you, you didn't have any male children because that's just how they are. There were female children in there too. That's fair. It was a little league team. I'm just saying like that scene, I got chuffled with that because I'm like, this is so ridiculous. Yeah, I think the, what the, it felt like the point they were trying to get across was like the satire of. You have to have the police because without the police, there's nothing but anarchy and like that was the. Like political satire they were trying to play off of is just like the police state does need to exist because otherwise children are out of control. And, and, you know, when, and actuality, what it should have been is when we have unions. Specifically police unions, I guess, but when we have unions that are doing the thing that they're supposed to do. Which is when our work conditions are not safe, we need to strike and therefore there's anarchy. So if you just allow us to have safe work environments. Then we can, then we can have a safe life, but they understand what they were striking about because I was kind of confused. I, I, they weren't paid. I don't think they had gotten paid if I remember correctly, because OCP was the run that like is basically trying to take over the city. They were the ones running the cops and they. And because the city hadn't been paying OCP, OCP wasn't paying the cops. Or was it OCP wasn't paying the city for the city to pay the cops? No, no, because the city OCP money, they were supposed to be paying OCP because they had signed some kind of contract with them and they were, and they weren't paying it. Well, because they knew that they weren't going to be able to pay it. Correct. Yes. Then they were able to get all of the, like assets of the city or whatever. Yeah, they were going to basically tear down all of Detroit to make a new Detroit. Right. With Robocop 2. Yeah, that's, that's right. I will say, though, and I messaged Ron this yesterday, the fact that Robocop is a scab is very interesting. Crossing the union line. I mean, he wasn't the only one. There was a few of them that were crossing the, the, the picket line to go still be cops. It's only some of them were working the picket line and they're like, okay, I gotta go clock in. Kind of, right? Yeah, because especially, especially after Robocop shocks himself to try and reset his prime directives. And then all those cops that were on the picket line were like, we're going off the cane and they're like, yeah, okay, I guess. And they all literally all of them hop into however many cars and go after cane, which definitely felt bad for all the vehicles in this movie because they definitely got destroyed left and right. Yeah, yeah, I should have. Okay, speaking of getting destroyed. So he gets hit with the first, Robocop when he first pulls up when we first see him, his car gets hit with. Yeah, he gets hit with the first rocket launcher, then he gets hit with the second one. When he gets out and they start shooting at him, that's when his gas tank explodes. No, he had got. They were shooting at him before he got out of the car. Because whatever reason, the first rocket goes off, blows up the car, car comes like slowly rolling. Yeah, the second one goes off. And then another guy just comes out of the building and similar to what's his name in prayer. Here's the sound and just starts opening fire and the rest of them just open fire. Because why? But that is when the gas tank explodes and that's what I'm just like, damn, those first two weren't enough to make the gas tank explode. Right. Also, the dude gets his ass kicked by the hookers. Like he didn't even have to pay for that. That's true. Oh wait, yes, he did. They stole all of his money. But it wasn't his money. That's true. So here's the real question. He took the money from the dude. So was that a. That's a law. He stole from one guy. So it technically is his money. No, he beat up an old lady. That's right. Yeah, he beats up the old lady who was walking with all of her stuff. By the way, why did she have that much money if she was like, house collecting cans? Yeah. Yeah. Look, I got a gigantic full purse. There's guys I work with at GM who will go through like the trash cans and pick out cans and still take them in. So like that's, they're getting General Mother's money, those guys are the ones that got pensions and they're still doing that. So when I, when I work because they don't have hobbies, when I work with hearing, we'd have like bottles come back, like empty bottles come back from events when we do cleanups. And we had this like brown bin. And chef used to always get the brown bin. Like no matter what, chef always got the brown bin. But when he wasn't working in the summers, I'd get the brown bin. And so for like a summer, I would clear like a hundred and fifty bucks just in returnables. Like, it's possible. You can make a living off of it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. There's a reason why they like the homeless community goes through trash cans for those. It's all in pocket. They don't have to pay taxes on it. Oh, I got such a fucking story for you. Okay. Okay. Um, so one thing I can go ahead. So I do have to one, three, one, two, RoboCop. Yeah. Yeah. Because he is definition of one, three, one, two, two, first ask questions later. He's what every cop aspires to be. He was until he got dismantled and OCP. And then he became like a, I don't know, an idiot. And, uh, I do have a list. I do have a list of, uh, the prime directives that were not yours. No, that one's not mine. I don't know where you came from. Sorry. Go ahead. No, you're right. I like there is a list of directives that were shown on the screen when they had like. Almost 300 different directives now instead of just the three. Um, they're pretty, pretty messed up. Actually, it's good. Good RoboCop, buddy. Good job. Good job. Sorry. Oh, I also want to talk about RoboCop's hands. Like whenever he's walking and he keeps going like this with his hands. Like inside the suit. Like it was like, it was like he was trying to keep, yeah, it's like he was trying to keep him like his own balance, but he didn't need to because he didn't, you know, walk like a normal person. It does kind of say something that essentially the entire city of Detroit is terrified by a robot that could easily get pushed over and what is he going to do. Well, not only that. But also they shoot RoboCop. Everybody has seen RoboCop take a bullet deflect bullets like nothing and they just sit there and keep shooting. Where are the people that are like, let's just get the fuck out of here. They think they can take on the cop. Because apparently it's destroyed and they don't know any better. Fair. And then when when RoboCop has the objective not to shoot kids. Like, I mean, even our cops don't have that. Like what the hell. But the, the, the, the baby. When that guy is like in the drug bust, you know, and he takes it from a lady and it is so very much a baby doll that they didn't even like try to disguise the fact that it was a baby doll. Was. Fucking hilarious again. Yeah, that'll actually be replicated years later in a movie called American sniper with Bradley Cooper. Oh, nobody remembers that movie. I haven't seen it famously that so famously. Clint Eastwood as a director is like very frugal and that he doesn't wait for things like for a baby to wake up. For the scene. So they just use a fake baby for the scene, which is him holding the baby. It's Bradley Cooper holding the baby and he's like a sniper coming back from like Iraq. He's like sitting, I think talking to his wife or something about the fact that he can't sleep. And it is so clearly a doll because the arm is just like dangling. Like off and he's just like shaking it like he's pretending and the arm is just flapping back and forth. It is so fucking funny. Okay, boomer. One of the best parts of this movie, the prototype Robocop 2's. Dude, those are great. Those were probably my favorite part that they all want to kill themselves. I was going to put the second one where it rips his head off as the background, but I couldn't really find it. It's like to me why as like why do the why do the versions of Robocop get shittier. They all look like prototype versions of like him. Yeah, because they're trying to make it less human and more robot. But they still have the human element. That's the thing. Yeah, well, they needed the human brain so that they could have the capabilities that Robocop had to make decisions and stuff. So I'm trying to remember, does is Murphy's brain in Robocop? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Like his face and his brain and his eyes are still him and it's hard. See, I thought again, it's been a minute since we watched the first one so I don't remember. But like they were talking about it like his face was just like skin stretched over a robot skeleton. Yeah. Right. It's his eyeballs and his brain. Okay. I think the spinal cord. I think I have his spinal cord. And I don't remember if the heart, I don't think the heart's there. Huh, I think it was just the brain, the spinal cord, the eyes, and then they used like, I don't remember if it was real synthetic skin. Yeah. Yeah. Um. I did the. So speaking of Murphy being Robocop, he keeps like going to his ex wife now, I guess. Talking his widow's house. Yeah. To the point where she apparently calls the cops and has to file charges or something on him. Um, and they, they're talking about how, you know, for months, she couldn't leave the house. And then finally now she's at the point where she can actually like go grab the mail. Um, so they keep like drilling in him, the OCP lawyer keeps drilling into Robocop that you're a robot. You're not Alex Murphy or whatever the hell his name was. Uh, you're not a person anymore. You have no human feelings. You are a robot. You should not, you cannot go see your wife or your widow ever again. Stop doing that. All right. Let's go ahead and bring her in so that they can talk. Finally, like, what are you doing? That's counterintuitive to what you're doing. That's 100% like corporate medical. It is. And it's so fucking stupid. Like, yell at him. And now we're going to play him in front of the thing to test to make sure our yelling worked. Yeah. Good times. Makes sense. Ah. Um, also, we talked about the magnet bolt commercial earlier. The sunblock commercial. Oh, man, that was, that was. Some block 5000, uh, was it said, frequent use of some block 5000 will cause cancer? Yeah. We'll call it skin cancer specifically. Okay. Um, was that, um, oh, what the hell is her name? Never mind. I can't remember her name. I did look it up because she also, she did look familiar. Um, it didn't, the name didn't sound familiar though when I did find it. Let me see if I can find it here and see if I'm familiar with you. Oh, let's, because it's down a bit. I did appreciate the how accurate they were about that though, because we're getting very close to needing a speed of 5000. And they have been figuring out now that like. Most sun blocks actually cause skin cancer. True. True. Uh, Fabian Fabietta. Do you know? Yeah. Nobody I know. F A B I A N A. Don't know her. Okay. So yeah, there we go. Maybe she has looked like somebody else. I don't know. Uh, she was misty. At one point used to know. Okay. Oh, she was in Austin Powers. Yep. There we go. Uh, international man of mystery. Was she a lot of vagina? That's it. Yes. I knew I recognized her from somewhere. Why am I not surprised? Yeah. Okay. There we go. Uh, was the sludge plant speaking of things that are another was the sludge plant the same plant that he was at in the first movie. Uh, where he was fighting against, uh, Red Foreman and, uh, his posse. It didn't say. Uh, what does it say that plant is used? Uh, I think it said it was used in Star Trek. Yeah, that's, uh. Oh, it looked like it definitely looked like it. But then again, every dirtball place in Detroit looks like every other. Yeah, I was going to say, yeah, I was like, yeah, yeah, it looks like every shit place in Detroit. So. Yeah. Um, I don't know. Uh, so. There we go. I will say the, uh, the security guards there at the end of the movie. Uh, for OCP looked very, uh. Very familiar a little bit almost. There you go. Just said that, uh, they had very unique looking outfits, if you will. Yeah. Yeah. Speaking, speaking of the end of the movie there. Uh, so. When the new Terminator to thing with, um. Robocaine is what they're. Yeah, Robocaine. There you go. Uh, when he like cuts into Robocop's face and Robocop becomes Robocop or the boy who live. Um. Okay. Okay. Okay. As soon as I saw it, I'm like, Harry Potter. And I just couldn't like, it was just, it was stupid. It's mostly said that it'll be like barely cut through it and then didn't do anything to like the human part underneath the visor. Because it didn't get there. It shattered the visor, which means it did. Oh, it didn't. Oh, it didn't. No, for some reason I thought it's so dumb because it goes over the visor, but the visor is fine. It was set to only metal. Yeah. So it would have melted skin anyway. Also, what the fuck was with the face on Robocaine and always like growling and stuff. Oh, I thought he was coming every time. I thought he growling came. He came when he finally got the nuke at the very end. Can you tell me how a robot uses, like it just injects it into the brain? Yeah. It probably feeds it through the system and like runs it through his brain. And since he was an addict, like he was jonesing the whole time. Yeah. I just don't understand why he only growled and grunted instead of like speaking. Actually spoke. Yeah. Because then the first one, the first prototype, that spoke. Did it not? I think so. Right before blue, it brings out. Yeah. I would like to know if like when this movie came out, if Kane's like digital face was like really good looking, then one more man. It reminds me of reboot. Yeah. It looked like reboot. Like 100% looks like. Yeah. And I think reboot came out what mid 90s like 96 or something. Yeah. Yeah. So like, that may not be saying something for reboot, if we're being honest. Yeah. It was like a television show. Sure. Sure. Sure. Wasn't that a PBS television show on top of that? No. It was like CBS or something. Maybe ABC. Yeah. No, it. It also, it also to me felt like this was two different movies. Like the first half. But like the first movie is OCP wanting to. Basically tear down Robocop. And then the second movie is him going after Kane. Because like the whole part of him being dismantled and then OCP reprogramming him. What they really made no sense outside of the fact that OCP wanted Robocop to basically fail. So that the city was fails that they could inherit the city. But ultimately to me it just felt like this was two separate movies jammed into one and just didn't work. So they had to give him the new body and the new set of directives. So that he could use electroshock therapy and prove that it worked. I feel like we had like multiple years where they tried that and that. But look, this show, we just need to reinstitute it again, you know. It worked. It worked for Robocop. It's going to work for everybody. The second best part of this movie though was the stop animation fight between the two Robocops. Cool. Great. Good. It was fantastic. Like that was as soon as it popped up and you know everything goes like half gray like. Yeah, we're apparently those were like actual, you know, obviously models, but they were like. Little mini things that they had. Yeah. Play with. It was awesome. Yeah. Um. All puff chest, just the whole times like that. Puff. Puffed out. Um, anybody else uncomfortable with the idea that a robot cane has a dick. Cause he like flips it out at his like woman when she's like, oh, well, it'll take some getting used to and she's like rubbing it and then he's just like, and then crushes her face. Which apparently the actress, she was able to like toward her neck in a way that it looks like she had herself so that the, the cast and crew were like, oh shit, do we actually hurt her from, from that scene. So yeah, that's, that's kind of fun. Yeah, that would have been great. Um, I think she actually passed away a couple years back. So yeah. Yeah. Um, two of them. That kid was annoying though. Yes, he was. I remember that being his son. Okay. Like, when I, so I've only, I think I've only ever seen this movie once. And I definitely watched like Robocop and the Robocop too. And I don't even remember if I made it to three actually, but I remember the whole thing being that like in my brain that that was his son, like his son, because his dad, like essentially was no longer around because he was Robocop. Yeah. That he like turned to a life of crime. Interesting. But then when I'm watching in, and his son like rolls up to his mom there when he's like stalking her and stuff, and I was like, I don't remember this at all. Like, he was weird. That would be another story. Apparently. Um, so, uh, Frank Miller wrote the script for this, uh, and yeah, well, he wrote the script. Ivan Kirschner was the director. This was his, I mean, we know him from directing, uh, Empire Strikes Back. And, uh, this was also his final film directing. He did a couple like TV shows after this, but this was his final like feature film director. I wonder why. Oh. Yeah. Um, from what I saw of IMDb, the script that Miller wrote was so atrocious that he went in to the shit on the rewrites. Apparently there were days where he was reading the script and ripping the pages out right in front of, of Frank Miller and just didn't give a shit. Awesome. Um, according to IMDb though, like Miller's original script got turned into a comic, uh, which was a comic called RoboCop, lit, not RoboCop lives, it was, uh, to hold on, sorry. A Frank Miller's RoboCop is what it's called. Oh, real clever. Right. I know. Uh, I came out from three. So of course it's not very clever. I was going to try and find it and read it before the, um, before we did our review here. I couldn't find it anywhere for free. Well, I, I couldn't find it on hoopla. Let me put it that way. Um, or Kindle, uh, yeah, whatever the, the, the Kindle limited, um, so I didn't really feel like paying for it at the moment. Uh, but yeah, no, apparently his script was going to be a lot more gory, a lot more violent. Um, Duffy, the, the crop cop, apparently that when they kill him, it was supposed to be a more like actually seeing him being dissected on screen. And then throughout the movie, they were going to have cops, other cops finding pieces at different points during the movie of Duffy just spread out throughout Detroit. But because of that was very, uh, violent, had they filmed that and put that in the movie, it would have gotten them an X rating. So they, uh, didn't do any of that. Was it an X and NC 17? I was going to say violence, but I feel like X had more, well, yeah, it's actually had more new, the, apparently there was going to be a scene also where Robocop is walking through the police station, walks in through like the bathroom and sees a female officer just standing there naked showering and he would just go like stand there and stare there and then walk on. I think that was one scene, probably some other sex scenes more likely because that would relegate it to an X versus NC 17 or even R. But it's also 1990. So I feel like their standards have changed from then till now, uh, for a lot of that. Yeah. Is, uh, is Miller one of those guys who hates every movie that's made from his comic book? I don't know exactly, I think that I have seen, I haven't, I haven't come across that. Okay. Um, obviously Alan Moore hates everything, every adaptation of Moore does, but I would feel like Miller would. But then again, I think he was on board with Sin City, like I think he actually enjoyed Sin City. Right. That could be wrong. That's good. I mean, I enjoyed it, I liked it. Plus, I mean, they've all, they're, they've also in the past taken a lot of his works. And so his dear, dear devil run with Electra, um, like for the TV show, they did justice with that. Like they, they pulled a lot of stuff from his run on their level for the, the Netflix show. Um, obviously, Electra herself is a character that, you know, was in the movie and we'll see her when we get to Electra in a couple of years. Yeah. Um, so I feel like he's one of those that actually doesn't mind his interpret, like their interpretations of his work. And I think he understands it, whereas Alan Moore, a lot of his work was satire on like the American anything and American film would take it and be like, Oh, we're gonna make this work for us. And he's just like, fuck you, your idiots. So. Yeah. So at the very end of the movie, uh, when they are interviewing the mayor, he says businessmen can buy our rights like stocks. Right? Correct. This movie came out in 1990, 34 years ago and predicted the future. Oh, I, uh, I've got written down here when the old man is having his little press conference. Um, I really thought, like it's very beginning for whatever reason he reminded me of Donald Trump. But when he did that press conference, it definitely reminded me of JD Vance. Oh, you wanted to fuck a crowd size, well that, but just crowd size. Okay. Well, probably once fuck a couch, I mean, let's be honest, you know, like it. Yeah. Also, so for whatever reason, I've got written down here. Touch me. Oh, that was a robocop. It was when he was talking to his wife and he's like, touch me, touch his face. And, uh, I've got a written down perv. Oh, yeah, that's just really weird. Yeah. Uh, speaking of, uh, weird things, the kids, when he's, uh, when he's like shut down or whatever, and he's like showing up to tell the kids that they're being bad for opening the fire hydrant up or whatever. And, uh, they spray kick me on the back, but they smell like K. I K way, it couldn't fit to see. No, that's because they wanted people to send them, uh, messages on that one obsolete, uh, half. Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah. I thought he just won. I can't predict in the future. Yeah, the, uh, the, I don't want to say obsolete robocop, but the robocop with all of those directives and being just a complete and other like pansy isn't the right word, like tool, maybe was just kind of annoying. Yeah. And he's, he's silver in the first one, and he's blue in the first, in the second one. Yeah. Yeah. He's got a newer she to him or something. They forgot to pull the, um, the scratch, uh, protectors off. Uh, I purposely leave those on usually. No, that's why he's got the blue sheen jelly. Okay. Um, I will say, according to IMDB, um, the, the scene where he pulls out his gun and shoots the guy that's smoking, which he like shoots around his head. Uh, apparently that was used for a anti drug commercial for like a decade afterwards. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. That's what you use robocop for. You know what I mean? Like just lean hard into the dare, like, uh, but yeah, that's, uh, that's everything I got from my notes. Uh, oh, what? So when they were taking robocop apart, like, didn't none of them know how to use tools. Oh, and his armor's plastic, like, yeah, it's super lightweight and clearly like plexi like, uh, fiberglass. Yeah. We're talking about, they use the magnet to lift them up. It's totally mental. Although I will say when they cut off his leg and it fell to the ground, I was like, but he was strapped in. How did it fall to the ground? Yeah. Yeah. It kicked loose, you know. Okay. I still appreciate that he can hardly walk, like he can hardly move in that suit. You would have thought that they would have figured out a way to like make it better. They, so they did. This is actually a little bit better than the first one, but not by much, not by much. They had to make him not able to walk because it fits the music better. Okay. Hey. That's true. Yeah. If he was able to move fast, they would have had to up the tempo of the music and that just would have ruined the whole soundtrack. So. Yeah. You ain't wrong. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, check, you got any more notes? No, that's all mine is. Oh, shit. Round you done. Yeah. I got it. We covered everything that I had. Yeah. I, I was still safe. I enjoyed this movie. It wasn't great. It wasn't horrible, but yeah, I'm not, I'm, I'm not in any rush that people are giving to it. Sure. Do you want to watch it again? Some would argue that it's a perfectly fine movie. Just fine. Yep. Yeah. All right. So, so kill count. I got a total of 50 and how does the police officer do less murder than Batman? Um, technically according to me, he only killed like 12 people. It was Robocain that killed the shit ton of people. And I had to add a real problem, like figuring out, so like every time he would stop and then start again shooting, you know, it'd be one, but he never actually like killed more than two people at a time. So that's fair. Yes, sir. I'm glad that you stick to the, uh, yeah, you've followed the elder rule. I appreciate that. I don't want to. I don't count how many people die, but it's the integrity of the show, Joey, what are we? I get that. I get that. Anyway, uh, Ron, big go. All right. So we had product placement and not just the joke products, but there were actual products in there. Yeah. We had hero kills, uh, government interference, villain monologue, comic book logic, betrayal by a friend, inability to control powers, unexplainable science, sexual and you end their talking trope fighting for control of something and implied nudity. Yeah. I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see any boobs in this one, but you know, yeah, no buying that for a dollar. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they always go have that guy come back having fun. Using him as like spokesperson would have been really funny over and great. Yeah. Uh, sponky continuum. All right. This looked worse than the first one somehow. Um, it's weird, like you could tell where like they really put money in the budget for like, for to look nicer, but like lost the money and the special effects. Um, the claymation at the end is hysterically bad looking, but it's all satirical. So it's like, like, is it purposely bad? I don't know. Uh, I'm going to say like, I'm going to say like 21 out of, you know, you know what I'm going to say? I'm going to say, uh, 13 out of, uh, out of 21. Okay. Yeah, you know what I'll give. So when he was, you were close, I just like it, some of a bitch, I think you change this your thing. It's 13 out of 120, there we go. Um, Oh, I was so close when he was when he was, I appreciate the effort, uh, Chuck, uh, dismantled and like, he is his face is all like, whatever. I thought that was actually a decent amatronic. Did I, did you see that? Okay. So I paused it to go get a drink and I walked back out and I don't know if you guys saw the picture that I put in the group chat. No, but, uh, not our group chat and the group chat on Instagram. It was a couple days ago, I will, I'll send it in the guy in our group chat, but it was that picture. And like the face that he is making looks like he's busting a nut. This entire like movie is just robots busting nuts, like basically, but I put underneath the picture, because I took a picture of it, and then I put underneath it, I put, uh, when you're busting a nut and she starts doing kegels, are you going back to look for it, Joey? I'll try to. Know that very well. Know that very well. I can't cause I'm the only now on my phone. Haha. Anyway. Good times. Good times. Good times. Hey, that is, Joey, you didn't do a, you didn't do a lint count. Oh, I did. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Um, we've got Robocop's hands and then the rest of his body. Yeah. How many is that five? I don't know. Technically, because so when they drop him out, like you see in the back of the picture here, um, both like his hand gets shot off and it's like cut off at the wrist. But when he gets dropped off, thrown out of the limo, his hand is attached to the rest of his arm. And his arm is cut off at the elbow for both sides and I'm just like, that looks not right. Somebody wasn't paying attention. Yeah. It's in the, it's in the remake where it's like his actual, it's like his real hand. I think it's, I think it's in the, in the remake one where it's like his brain and then it's also like his hand randomly. I felt like more of him survived in the remake. Yeah. Just the brain and the eyes and the, yeah, I was trying to remember, but I think you're okay. That makes more sense. Um, all right, so Chuck time for your score out of 10. Will you give this? All right. Is this a Robocop movie? Yeah. It's a Robocop movie, but it's like it, like I say, it's the, it's the evil dead too. It's campier. And I don't think it does the thing it's supposed to do well. That being said, like my love for Robocop is like on, on, like, found, right? Like, if he was uncomfortable, I don't know why he has a slice of pizza in his hand. I missed that joke, but, um, okay, my, my Russell buddy. He's my cuddle buddy. I love Robocop. So I have to score this higher probably than I probably should. I'm going to say 7.8. That's higher than the first one got for a total score. Well, the first one was also just you and me. That's true. If you ever want to, like, relash the first one, I double featured this do retroactive score. You can change it up now. I would say in, I would say in eight, two, no, I'd say in eight, three, eight, three. I feel like a score loss of eight, two, and I like all of that better. All right. Well, I'll have to take it up to like a seven point, uh, no, seven point six eight or something like that. I don't know. Hold on. I got to find it. You both gave it a 7.5. Well, I know that, but I'll give a, there we go. 7.5. Shock. 8.2, oh, 8.3. Is that what you say? 8.3? Yeah. Okay. Uh, see, 8.3 plus 7.5 plus 7.5 divided by three equals 7.7. That was close. 7.7.7. Uh, where's that dropping in on the list? Hold on. That is currently at number 22. That would move it up to number 14. All right. That's a good spot. So that's a good spot for the original. All right. So you gave this one a 7.8. Yep. All right. Ron, what are you guys doing? Uh, I told you guys about my favorite parts of the movie, which were mostly the stop action parts of the movie. Yeah. The two Robocop, uh, uh, two, uh, uh, prototype. Yeah. The prototype were great. I love those. The prototypes were fantastic. Um, but really like, I was kind of distracted for most of the movie, like I was playing on my phone or I was like, you know, not doing things. I had to stop the movie a handful of times just to get through it because I was getting kind of bored. Um, and while there were some fun things that it, I'm like, I'm not in any hurry to watch this again. Um, and I will probably only ever watch this again if somebody else is like, I've never seen this and I want to see this. Uh, so I gave it a 4.32. Ooh. All right. Okay. That hurt. Um, so for me, like I said earlier, I did like the movie, but it doesn't hold the candle the first one, um, I'm kind of with you though, Ron, like I would, I would watch this again in the future. I don't see when I like, I don't know when I'd watch it again, but I wouldn't be upset to watch it again. Like there are some fun parts in this, but also kind of like a lot of annoying parts. Like the kid was kind of annoying for most of it, but the whole movie until he died. But that's the other thing, like he is Robocop, like he is, I don't want to say he's after him because I don't think he's ever grown to like kill a kid, but he sees him as a nuisance and annoyance. And then all of a sudden, um, the kid gets shot and oh, I'm going to die. Don't leave me. And he's like, yeah, I'll stay here. Like, I mean, I guess you're being nice, but like the kid I'm going to try to kill you earlier. That's my Robocop. His son. Yeah, Robocop was still, well, Robocop was still seeing him as just a kid though. He wasn't seeing him as like the fucking criminal mastermind that he was at seven years old. I was going to say like seven or eight, but doesn't give two shits about boobs. Like they didn't make any sense. Yeah. He seemed to be the only one that wasn't on drugs. Correct. He wasn't. He wasn't doing the drugs. He was just giving him out. He wouldn't do drugs. He's a minor. Yeah. He won't break the law. He's a line that he literally says, well, he wouldn't drink because he's a minor. Right. Well, I thought he implied other things too. I don't know. But yeah. That's right. Yeah. Um, I gave this a six point zero four and like it's, it's not, it's not the worst thing I've ever seen. Like I, like I said, I have no problem watching this again in the future, but it won't be anytime soon. Um, so with that, we get a combined score of six point zero five, which, uh, drops it in at number 50 out of 114 movies, uh, so still in the top half, uh, it's a fair spot. It's just behind men in black two at six point one, also active in two at six point one. And just above Batman forever at a six point zero three, he has a solid spot for it to be in. That's, that's good company. That's not too bad. Yeah. I think that those are almost all sequels in some way that we didn't like as much as the other. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. It's already, um, that's, that's that. So, uh, Chuck, where can they, uh, find you? Hey, you can find me over at patreon, That's how you directly help support this show at that 301 tier, get in there, help us out, anything will get access to the hot discord. We're in there. We're chatting it up. We're having a good time. Also, you can find me at time of recording. I was told by your boss, he's editing shows, we'll be back, but hit the archives, get a feel for what the show is. I promise you that the first episode is not indicative of what the rest of the season sounds like. Ha, ha. Very rusty. Yeah. You had to do that for a year. Yeah, and like him and I hadn't found our groove yet, so it's a little clunky. I remember thinking that show ending that show and be like, ooh, I think we lost the magic here. But then the second episode picks up really, really well. So keep an eye out for that and, or it's already out depending on when this gets released. Um, and that's it. Ronald, where can they find you? You can find me on Instagram and TikTok at good at this game. You can find my art on Instagram at good art this game. And obviously you can find me here on this show. Joey? Uh, I was going to say like, we're going to be getting back in the comics later on, uh, after a year of not. So I know we're going to be rusty when we get into that. So I completely understand where you guys are coming from. Yeah. But anyway, you guys saw a muscle memory. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so you can find me over on, uh, Instagram and threads at comic book rundown, email us combo grondown rate and review us on your podcasting up a choice. Uh, we've got merch over on Redbubble and T public, uh, with new merch coming periodically. We've got a couple of things in the works. So we'll get those up when we can. Um, we, uh, our song was done by, uh, Cam and, uh, yeah, I think I forgot to say that if you leave us a review, a reasonable upcoming episode, but no one ever leaves a review. So whatever. Ron, I have a new a t-shirt idea. I'm listening. So after you make the union busters, you know, morph shirt, we have to run a very limited time variant of the xenomorph union buster hanging out with Rubble cop union buster. See, you mean Rubble cop scab. Yes. When I was mowing yesterday, I was trying to think how can we have the two of them together? Yeah. Basically, like we need to get like pro union shirts out there. One with the xenomorph, one with a Robocop. Yeah. I love that. But yeah, like I, I had a message around like we need to get a Robocop crossing the picket line. Like don't be a scab like Robocop or something. Oh, it's straight minute scab on his back. Oh yeah. I love it. Wait, there's xenomorph just giving him a thumbs up the xenomorph with its arm around him as they walk away. So you can see the scab on his back. Yes. Yes. We're getting this guy. Oh, thank God. We need more t-shirts. Yes. Yes. Our next movie. Yeah. So our next movie, we're getting Jordan back. We're going to be doing Star Wars return of the Jedi. Oh, I love both reactions there. I'm not going to lie. I always remember thinking this movie is a little boring. Oh, interesting. I always remember this movie as Leia and a slave costume. Yeah, that's about all I also remember of this. It's about where it's player. Hutt, flare, not flame, hutt, flare costume. Oh. Okay. It's a girlfriend respecter of, you know, like, instead of a wag player, it's a girlfriend respecter. Yeah. Exactly. Instead of hutt, sleep, hutt, slayer just sounds like slut layer to me. Like. All right. But we get rogue in the hut back. Hey, listen, as a slut, I'm down to be laid by Leia back in the day. So that's fair. Totally fair. She's dead now, Chuck. Oh, yeah, she is. That's way when, um, rogue woken up. Yeah. Rub a piece. All right. All right. Thank you. I'm listening. We will catch you next time. Bye. Hey, remember now. It's fucking end of show. Thanks so much for listening. 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