Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo

174. Messages about the Path God is Calling You Towards

Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
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For those of us living soul-led, there’s always something we’re dreaming about or trying to create. 

But the only reason we follow these desires is because we’re being brought down a path — a spiritual path. 

In today’s podcast episode, I received messages about this path you’re being called to. So if you feel lately that something is calling you, that you’re being guided in a new direction… this episode is for you. 

I share 5 messages about this path and how to not only manifest what you’re trying to call in, but also be in harmony with the path God is calling you towards. 


[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, and welcome to "Soul Led Living," a podcast dedicated to helping you live your soul's true path so you can create the dream life you know you are meant to live. I'm Nicki Novo, your spiritual mentor, a fiery Latina, mom of three, and an advocate for living soul led. You're here because you're meant to be here, so let's do this. Hello there, welcome to another episode of "Soul Led Living." Excited to be here with you guys. We are going to talk about the path that is currently calling you. There's something going on, something shifting, where it seems like people are getting stronger and stronger callings to go and walk a path. You're being called, being pulled. It is not logical, but I am being called towards something new or different. And in this episode, we're going to really bring your spirituality forward, because although this path may be something worldly that you're going after, maybe it's a home, it's love, it's money, it's work, like something physical. I'm getting this very strong calling to let you know that it's actually a spiritual journey. It's a spiritual path. God is calling you towards this path. And it's cool, we seek exterior things, because the human mind needs something to grab onto. It needs this physical goal, and that's good, but it is bigger than that thing that you're going after. And it's just very important to note. I'm just here today to tell you that this is actually a spiritual journey that you are embarking on, that this is so much bigger than whatever it is that you are seeking or going after. So yeah, I have messages about this path that God is calling you towards, but I really need your own heart and your own intuition on this one, because I feel like there are these specific messages that are for you, but they are going to be beyond my words. They're going to be maybe inspired by what I'm sharing, but that only you are really going to be able to hear the message yourself. So I really ask that you bring an open heart and just open ears today and allow yourself to feel what is coming through. Maybe even have a pen and paper as you hear this recording, because there's so much for you in this episode that is beyond just the words that I'm saying. And this is about the path that is currently calling you. You might know it as something you're manifesting, or even a change in direction, or even a confusion and trying to find a clarity as to what road to walk down. That's maybe how you might be understanding it. But as I was sitting in meditation and really just asking for guidance and asking God to come through, I understood that this is the yellow brick road. This is the spiritual journey. There is so much for you in this journey and that really the first understanding is to know that it's not about the thing that you're going after. That is helping us go down this path. And it is the care that's being dangled. It's the thing that is, I don't know, inspiring these questions and these steps and trying to figure it out because there's some sort of angle, but it's beyond that. It has so much to do with your purpose. It has so much to do with kind of realizing who you are as a soul and what you really came here for and who you really are, what you really are. So it's beautiful and it just looks like there's something going on where a lot of us are on these journeys at the same time, which is really going to shift the vibration of the planet. So it's like, you might feel like you're alone in this little journey. Like, okay, I'm gonna go figure out how to find love. I'm gonna figure out, you know, how to make money or what my career really is. And it might seem like very insignificant, but the thing is there are all these people going down their own spiritual journeys right now that like we're all coming together to make this shift. And it's just important to know that we have to kind of switch in and out between like, yes, we're human and we have these physical goals that we're going after and these very human goals that we're going after. But like today's episode is about like zooming out to see that it is bigger than that. And not to put pressure on us, but to really understand that sometimes you might not be able to figure out this path because you're looking at it from a more like human kind of strategic position and the zooming out and seeing it as a spiritual journey is actually what will give you some clarity and some answers. And it feels like it's just like your mind is not gonna be the thing that gets you there. It feels like it's like this full body like all the senses type experience. And it's kind of like an immersion into this spiritual journey that is gonna help bring that clarity. So it's not all them. Like the mind is of course gonna support us because we came to earth with a mind, but it is such a small part of what the journey is. So yeah, let's get into it. So I received five messages about this path and hopefully this kind of clears some things up for the path and helps you understand it. And maybe this might even be an episode that you come back to like maybe a few months out, you're on the path and you're having some questions again. My sense is like you will be able to come here and get more because it was giving me very like wise like sage vibes, you know, like you're on your journey and this like sage shows up and gives you the answers. And that was really like the messages I was receiving and that I was downloading. So that's why I'm saying like some of it's very alchemist. You know, have you read that book that like the king that keeps showing up or whatever? That's the vibe of these messages to help you along this like path and road that you're on. And again, that's why I think and not that so much that they're general, there'll be somewhat specific but you really need to tune in and receive whatever it is that you need to receive from the five messages. So let's start off with message number one. So this is a path of love and it's a path of loving others. I have goosebumps. So what I mean by that is like, you may say like again, maybe it's like, I am trying to manifest my dream house, right? Like what does that have to do with anybody or anything else other than like, you know, what I want and like what I'm trying to manifest? And there's nothing wrong with you trying to manifest a house like truly nothing wrong with that. It is like the thing that is bringing you on the spiritual journey. But what's interesting is that like the journey to this thing, whatever it is that you're like walking towards or that's calling you is a path of love and loving others. I felt that like this path cannot be walked or that it's just going to happen like almost like, I don't even see you having to bring it forward but it does look like this path brings a ton of forgiveness and like reconciling differences. It's like this healing within your own heart. So you may find yourself like forgiving some people in order to like get to where you want to go. You might find just like maybe even feeling more love for humanity and like for people in general maybe more love for yourself. It really is about like there's going to be a lot of like letting go of these burdens of like bitterness or stubbornness or ego. Like it's such a release of anything that is not love energy. If your path for whatever reason has to do with other people or it might not even like have to do with other people but you may be surprised that in order to walk this path you may have to clean some relationships. Like there may be some forgiveness or some reconciling or even might even be people that have already passed, right? Like it does not mean that and it might not even be people that like you need to go and say I'm sorry to or whatever but like kind of you might have been judging these people in the past. And now you're realizing like why that judgment was silly and untrue in many ways. So there's some sort of like reconciling some sort of forgiveness that will come with this path because this path is a path of love. So we may see your heart letting go of old hurts and old energy that is just ready to go because there's just no way to move forward with these like pockets of pain or suffering or bitterness or judgment, like those need to be released in order to go where you're going. So we're gonna, you're gonna, it's almost like you're gonna be surprised some of these like relationship lessons and like love lessons and forgiveness lessons that come with this even though it looks like it has nothing to do with what you are going for if that makes sense. I guess I'd share this because don't resist it and don't be like, you know, don't be upset if like let's say a relationship like a friendship or a, you know, whatever comes and takes up a lot of space in your life when you're like, damn it, I'm trying to like get good at making money and like now I have to deal with like my mom shit. Like actually like that is coming forward to support your money thing, let's say. So don't like don't think that you are being taken away from your goal or from your path by having to stop and take a moment and think about some relationships from the past or think about, you know, things that we were like very much judging or that we've truly thought we knew or even forgiveness to ourselves like do not get annoyed that that might pop up. It is the work. Don't try to run away from it like go fully into it because it's what brings you down this path because this path is a path of like pure heart. It is a pureness of love and heart. Very priced like energy. Just a pureness of heart that brings you down this path. So we might see some cleansing happening and you might be like, this is so annoying and this is so inconvenient but it's exactly as it should be. Message number two, this is a path of commitment. And when I say commitment, I don't mean like, I know where I'm going, I have the strategy, like no matter what, I'm sticking to my plan and I'm like going down this plan. That is like our human understanding of commitment but because this is like more of a spiritual path more than anything, we have to kind of understand the spiritual understanding of commitment. So like when we think commitment as a human we're thinking more about like the mind and how it like kind of attaches to an outcome and the mind sometimes tricks us into thinking that like we need to know the way in order to go down the path. Maybe you're not even there like maybe you're like, no, I actually do not know the way and that's why I cannot move forward but some of us might already feel like we know the way or that we like know what we want and maybe we're like heavy manifesting or whatever. And what I was getting about like this path of commitment is that the true commitment is knowing that I am being called down a path and God will show me a way or if like again, God makes you feel uncomfortable you can say like there is a way. So that's truly like the commitment like knowing like I may not know at all how to get there but I trust that this desire is coming forward because there's a way to it. So it's kind of like saying, you know, I'm in a maze trying to get to like this destination but there's no doubt in me that there's like not a way out in this maze. Like the creator makes mazes with ways of getting out, you know? So like this trust, there's like a trust in a faith that is actually like what commitment really means. And if you are ever going down this path and you feel like you know, like you absolutely know the way it looks like that arrogance is actually what will make you get lost. So it's a very, it's the opposite of arrogance. And I know that I am in the business of like sharing messages and sometimes sharing predictions because that's what comes through but like if you are seeking out a guarantee, a prediction that is what will make you lost, if that makes sense. So I would be weary of any like predictions or any kind of like desire for a prediction if a prediction happens to come your way, you know? And you're like, oh, like that's so weird. I think that's that's for me. But to kind of be in this place of I cannot step forward until I know like the prediction or I know the exact steps or I need, I know the whole plan, then you know you might be weary. Another example is like, let's say you're working on something on your business or maybe again, like you're trying to do something very physical, grow your money, you know, buy a house, things like that. Anybody that you bring in, it's not that they're bad because we're gonna talk about like people that you bring in and just a little bit but anybody that you bring in that like is trying to sell you maybe on like an exact formula that like, oh, I'm going to do this for you and this is like gonna work and this is gonna make it happen. It's not that they're wrong for saying that because in their heart that may be like what they believe because yeah, they've seen it before and it's happened before but they may still very much be like the right person for you to like support and collaborate with you but you don't wanna get attached to like the blueprint that is being sold to you if that makes sense or that's being introduced to you. This makes me feel like even let's say religion is being introduced right now, like very good meaning purse people are like sharing religion and all that kind of stuff and obviously religion, Christianity, I mean, is the one that I know the most has like a blueprint and a path and while like it might not be bad to be involved in that like to not get sold on like the exact path because this is truly about like your unique path and it is about you trusting God and it's about you trusting where you're being called to. So there's a huge trust factor here and not everything will be clear. Like you're not gonna get every single step, you're not gonna get a full, you know, bulletproof map to your destination but still even knowing that there is a commitment to the path and knowing that like I am being called here and I trust and know that I will be shown the steps. It's just like a thought and an energy that you need to hold while you're walking down this path and to really, you know, when you start to doubt because all of us do, you know, when we're on these journeys of course there's a ton of doubt. There's going to be times for doubt but you have to lean into being like, you know what? I was never guaranteed like any control on this path and I believe that God, the universe, whatever is like working things out in my favor as I move forward. It's going to be shown to me. For example, like today I was looking for a book on a topic, it's a Christian based topic so I am, you know, like very careful as to like who wrote the book and I was looking around and like this topic was only written by like people that are, you know, really religious and like that is not what I want. I want it like more from like a historical standpoint or from a different point of view like actually like a non-Christian let's say. And you know, no book popped up for me on this subject. And I'm like, you know what? Like I felt it, like I heard it. I was like this book will find its way to me when it's time. Like whatever, it's not here yet. Yes, I searched on Amazon and I did not find it right away. Of course I would have liked to but I did not but that doesn't mean that like two weeks from now I'm at a coffee shop and somebody saying next to me is literally reading a book with like a title of what I'm looking for and I strike a conversation and realize that like this is the book I'm supposed to read and I'm okay waiting two weeks or two years, I don't know. Like I trust that. And that is like showing the commitment to the path, right? So it's not about I don't trust it just because I have all the steps. We trust because we're committed and that is really like it's an energy of commitment to the path. Friends, I wanted to quickly interrupt this episode to invite you to my free workshop series how to activate your intuitive gifts which begins September 17th. We have workshops like how to receive your own intuitive messages, how to receive messages from path loved ones, how to mix intuition with astrology, human design and numerology and many more. It's going to be so much fun for two weeks. I'll be teaching some of the workshops solo on my own but the other ones I will also be bringing in some special guests who trained with me in soul reading method who I cannot wait to introduce you to. The workshop series is completely free and if you can't make it live we will send you a link to the replay of the video as long as you're registered. Register today using the link in the show notes and I can't wait to see you. Message number three, don't seek or expect complications. This was very simple. This felt very simple to me. Like there's just an energy of simplicity coming big time to like the world and that's hard for somebody like me to hear because I love beauty and sometimes beauty is complicated, right? Like just ask my husband, right? And I'll be like home design. I'm like, I need this wallpaper and I need this paint and I need this. So in a way beauty can sometimes feel complicated which is scary to hear this concept of simplicity. But what I was getting from this message was not so much that we're gonna be ripped of the beauty in life but it felt like more, another way of saying it, might be like paths of least resistance, you know? That we might be like kind of holding out and fighting for something like bigger that we want but like it is not here yet. So but what is here is here and can we work with this thing? So there's just something about like almost like working with what is here, what kind of appears, what is easier in a sense, like what is here. Also like I think this is also talking about our minds. So kind of thinking that this path that we're on is complicated and over exaggerating and getting emotional about the path and thinking that it's going to be this like super complicated thing, it's just not going to be. It's supposed to be simple. And it's like a drama, it's like an internal drama. My husband and I were talking about this challenge that we're dealing with and he was like, you know, Nikki, like all these stories that we're telling each other that we're like coming up with these stories and these like, you know, we're just trying to figure out this problem. He's like, we don't know if any of those are true. Like nobody's told us that any of those are true. And we're having like 17 different like storylines in our head. And the truth is like we haven't gotten the information yet as to like what is truly the truth. And we were complicated, complicating the situation because we couldn't just like wait out to get like the information, you know, maybe it would take us two weeks to get like the clear answer. But during those two weeks we had to come up with like 200 different stories, you know, of like what it was. And we were complicating this situation with like these storylines. So it feels like that's something that we need to know. And again, I think these messages mean something a little different for everybody, but there is a simplicity and you don't need a lot to move forward. I think about like me going on a hike and when I first moved from Miami to here and became like obviously more outdoorsy than I was in Miami, I needed like all the gear, you know, it was like, I needed the right socks and the shoes and the, you know, the panagoning on this and the like whatever. And yes, like of course, like those journeys are made easier when you have the right gear. So I'm not going to say that they don't. But sometimes there's like an over complication, like I could just go for a hike and, you know, my kids go with like sneakers that have no grip on it and whatever clothes and they're not complaining, you know, like they're, they're still able to do the same hike that I'm able to do, even though I have like 17 pieces of gear that like probably cost me a total like $800 all together, you know, so, so it's like kind of like, yes, I know we want all the things in place and we want all these gear. I think a funny way, you know, if you think about if you're starting a business and you're like, I need the brand and I need this website and I need all these things. And I think with time you do get all those things, you know, I'm sure like if I've been hiking for 10 years, yeah, at some point I am mass all of the different gear and I have a lot of different gear because over the years I've like acquired these things and that's different than thinking I need all of that to start the journey. There was something about that. I kept seeing this visual of like me going hiking with like a bunch of gear on and they're just saying, you know, I was just really getting that this is to seek simplicity and a way to know that you're over-complicating is if you're getting overwhelmed, you know, if there's overwhelming, there is something complicated about what you're doing and you're still going to get to where you want to go with simplicity and I think it's simplicity in the mind. So again, like not complicating the story is like not, you know, being like, oh, well, I'm thinking about like love, for example. Like, oh, should I live here or live there? Because like, if I'm really meant to meet my person, like it's probably I need to be in the right place and it's like, don't over-complicate it. Like what is in front of you? What is the path of least resistance that's right in front of you? Oh, okay, like you're in the city and that's like where your base out of and that's where your job is and that's where you're meant to be. Okay, cool. Like walk the path within there, like don't over-complicate it and yeah, that's like it should be simple. And even when there is like a brave moment, like a very brave move, for example, I think about like the brave move of like having to leave Miami and move over here and sell our house and all that stuff. What was funny is that there was simplicity in like this very big move. And when I mean that is that like, we came out to find land. It was a little difficult, but within two days, we found the land. We went home, it was difficult. There's a difference between difficult and complicated. It was difficult to like find the money, get the money, close the land, blah, blah, blah. But it was simple. Like it was one person I had to work with. Like it was like I had to get like very simple, like I have to get all these documents, like simplicity. It's not like I needed 17 different things to get it done. Yes, it was hard to find a place to rent. It was hard, but it landed. And there was like a simplicity to that as well. So again, there's a difference between being complicated and hard and complicated often is like just going against the tide, you know, is like needing to bring in 17 different people to like make something happen where there may be other people making what you're happening in a very, in a much more simple way. So I don't know, the ego tries to trick you to make you think that like in order to get there, it needs to be complicated. And then you just want to watch that if that pops up on your path. Okay, message number four. Message number four was telling me that there are so many collaborators on this path. Like I have just, my body is just full, full, full of goosebumps, like this is the path of soul mates. Like you are like on a journey, you are going to meet your people. Like whether you're already in a romantic relationship or not, it's really not about that. It's like this journey brings you to your soul mates. And if you guys haven't like studied soul mates, with me just really quickly, like soul mates are just souls that we have lived with for many different lifetimes. So my, you know, the person you hate the most can be a soul mate. It's not, you know, I think a lot of times we've been taught that soul mates are romantic and that we only have one, but we have several because we've had several lives. So especially those of you, like I've read so much lately, like so many star seeds, like, you know, souls are just coming from other places. And you, you know, typically feel like many star seeds will feel like black sheep or like where they're people, all that kind of stuff, like really feel out of place. And this, like is the answer to that. Like you are on this journey to find your people. So there may be some like moves that come with this, right? Like some of you may be physically moving. Some of you may be like joining new industries or starting new projects. And that is because you're going to start calling in these people. So I see like tons of collaborators. And this doesn't feel like the collaborator that I have to like convince you to get on board with me. It feels like these collaborators of people that have like-minded goals. Like people that are already kind of in the world that you're in, if that makes sense or the world that you're entering. So I don't see like that you're trying to convince people to join you. Like this is more, these people are ready. Like I just see more like joining forces rather than recruitment, if that makes sense. But like a ton, I just saw so many collaborators on your path. The other thing about collaborators and soulmates guys, and especially those of you who are single, because this is like hardest when we're like seeking romantic partners, I think, to understand the hard thing about collaborators is that, and soulmates, I'm just using the words like synonymous, is that not all collaborators or soulmates are supposed to be with us forever. So on this path, you might bring in like a really, really close friend that you love dearly, and you're only really meant to be with them for a year, or a year and a half, or also like a romantic partnership as well. So I'm just kind of cautioning those of us who are single because sometimes, we bring in somebody and we're like, oh my God, like this is my person because you feel that soulmate, but they're only around for like six months, but there was so much growth within that six months. So we may see people like letting go of some relationships because it's time for like that soulmate connection that you guys, not the connection goes away, but the lesson or the curriculum that you had together is ending. So just be mindful of that, but also know that you're about to bring in like these new people that are going to, like just truly like expand you, like just like, woof, like blow you open. And it feels like you've been trying to call in these people for a long time. So just a reminder that this is not a lonely journey at all. And the thing is, I was getting that like in recent time, it was a lonely journey. We were meant to be alone. A lot of us were alone. And that's because it's like the journey that we were on, there weren't like enough people around us that we could trust, which I totally got, right? Like I remember having my own spiritual awakening and I was coming out of a very dense environment. And I was like one of the only people in my group that was awakening. So by like the nature of that, I was like the only person, there was very few people I could connect to because I was in a community in an environment that wasn't having the awakening with me. So I was of course surrounded by people, but it was a lonely journey. But now, so like many of you might be coming from that is kind of what I'm getting. And not that just 'cause it was a spiritual journey, but it just seems like you've been, maybe on a little bit of a journey alone because there wasn't like enough trust or like you just had this knowing that, yeah, you're surrounded by people, but they're not soulmates. They're not the people that are really like here to support where you're going, that there's not like a like a zing, if that makes sense. So yeah, like be aware that you might even call yourself like a loner or something like that, because maybe it's been a lot of years that you've been alone, but know that that is ending and you're moving into a very collaborative part of your journey and that you will be collaborating. Do what you can to like bring new people into your life, be open to new relationships, check in on them, right? Like if there's somebody that you're being called to or you're being drawn to or somebody that keeps reaching out to you, like go to lunch, do the things, like kind of ramp up your friendship skills at this point or relationship skills and build them and like nourish some of them that are calling you because part of this path has to do with people that are coming with you and will work alongside you. Just do not be attached because we do not know how long they will be with us. And I don't mean that they're dying. I just mean that, you know, it's like you're hiking and you might do like a couple miles with one person, but your hike could be a hundred miles and you did two miles with a soulmate. And those were the only two miles that you were meant to do together, right? Like when you're traveling alone and you travel one week with one person, but then you're off by yourself the other two weeks, that's what we're talking about. Friends, it is my favorite time of the year and no, that is not fall, but instead the season of soul reading method, if you're not familiar with my intuition training program, soul reading method, let me quickly share why I think you should join me. If you've ever wanted to doubt yourself less, understand yourself at a soul level, learn how to use your intuition to do fun things like connect with your higher self or read energy, you must join me in soul reading method. This is also a great program for any healers out there or business owners who want to bring more intuition into their work. I love this program so much because of the confidence that builds in the students and the level of peace I see people have after just like really getting to know themselves at a soul level. And the community is the best. You just can't beat the soul reading method community. Classes start October 1st and we will go on for six weeks. There are videos, meditations, six live instructions with me. So I'll be in class with you and a bunch of practice circles with two of our graduates from the program, Beck and Sean. If you're feeling called to join, please use the link in the show notes to register today. I cannot wait to see you in soul reading method. All right, and last but not least, message number five, and I feel like I need to get back into the zone for this one because it was a little hard for me to understand when I was getting it. I don't know if it's a mindset or like a knowing. Yeah, it feels like I know this in all of my being, like not just intellectually, like not in my mind. I know this like in all of my mind body soul, like just every part of me, it's this like knowing that I know every part that what you seek is already there. So yes, this path seems like a path of seeking, right? Like I am walking down a journey to find something but it's important for you to know that like that thing that you are looking for it. And I know we've heard this a million times but it already exists. The only reason we do not see it is because the lights have been turned off. So imagine if I'm in a room and it's dark and my dog is there and I'm like, oh my gosh, where's my dog? Where's my dog? And like the only reason I can't see my dog is because the lights are off. The minute I turn on those lights, I'm going to see Molly, Molly's black too. So she's really hard to see in the dark unless she's like moving or snoring as she usually is. So maybe she's not the best example but you give it a mean. So, but she's always been there. It's just that the lights were turned off. And really what this path is about is turning on the light. And I, you know, like I'm still struggling to like truly understand what that means. This was like a little bit almost like, well, I don't want to say that but it's just an understanding that I'm still trying to ground and understand. But I was getting that like we need to ground the joy today of what it is that we seek. So like this isn't about like I'm going to be happy when I have this thing. This is like this journey is more about like I am happy. I have this thing like I am like just in full joy. And then what happens is that that full joy like almost opens up our eyes to see the thing that's always been there. It's like a perspective shift. And I don't understand how it becomes physical. Like I don't really know. But I think maybe it's cause it's like something we see within ourselves that like automatically like with the observing of it creates a physical manifestation. And that's the thing that we're like looking for. But it's like this light that I'm turning on this thing that I've always had. It's a wholeness that has always existed within me. But I unfortunately can't just turn on the switch right now. Like I just, I'm sure there is a way but like we as humans cannot. So that's why we walk this path and we kind of gather these like small pieces. And it's like these pieces of the puzzle to put the puzzle together. But ultimately it brings us back to the wholeness that has always been within us. And then when that wholeness is observed and recognized, it manifest the physical form of what we're looking for. So maybe I do understand this message a little bit more. I'm getting the guides being like there you go Nikki, good job, good job. You explained it well. So what that means to me is that we're going to do our best every day to ground. And what I mean grounds, I mean like you close your eyes. You imagine like this very strong light of joy from the divine. You know, for me it comes up. You can also bring it from the earth. If like you're kind of maybe more of an earthy person or if you feel like you're in the upper chakra as you can do it from above. I actually do it from both corners. Like I will like bring the energy from the earth into my heart and I'll also bring it from above. And like feel that very divine light. And ground it into your body being like it is already here. Like I have it all within me. Just please give me the eyes to see it. And I'm willing to go on this journey to be able to see it. And as it is recognized, that is how we physically manifest what it is that we seek. And we may not even know what we seek yet, you know? But this is not an impossible task that was like very clear. Like some of us may feel like we have an impossible task. Maybe it's like, this has never been done before my lineage and it feels super hard. Like I can't, I've tried everything and this hasn't been able to work for me and it's been so long. And that is part of the lie. You know, like actually that idea that this is like impossible, that this is complicated is actually what's delaying this to coming for because it's like saying that I don't know that these answers are outside of us when they're actually like, you know, within. I know we all hate that message. But you know, what if it wasn't complicated? What if this wasn't an impossible task, right? And it's again kind of connecting to that wholeness, that simplicity grounding that in our body as much as we can every day is actually what reflects this physical thing that we are looking for and that we are trying to create. And there's a lot of gratitude towards, there's nothing wrong with the physical thing. There's so much gratitude towards the physical thing that we are trying to make because it is what has brought us here in the first place. So like don't hate the thing you're trying to make, you know? Like don't hate it, don't resent it, don't get mad at it. It is just with all its generosity, like sticking, it is so loyal to us. Like it is like, I will still stick around. I know you want me, I will stick around. We are gonna make this happen together as a team because that's how much I love you. So it loves you. Like the thing that you are seeking like loves you and it is probably one of the most loyal things to you. Like it makes me wanna cry. So don't hate it, you know? And don't think it's hard and don't think it's complicated. And don't think it's impossible. There's nothing impossible about this. It already exists. It's already here. We just need to turn the lights on. All right, my friends, that is the message for today. I really hope that was helpful. Lots of, I think, just channeling on that one. You know, I was just like really receiving it and just asked for the light to come through and try to be the clearest channel I could be. So I'm hoping that you received exactly what you needed to receive in this one. And if it supports you, like please share it, you know? Please share the love and maybe these messages take you exactly where you need to go. And I am sending you so much love on your path. I am so like honored to be here with you and to know that you are walking your path 'cause I'm also walking my path. So I appreciate you and I appreciate what you're doing. And I see all the light that we together are all bringing to the earth. So I send you so much love and I will see you in our next episode. That's it for today's episode. Thank you so much for listening. I love you guys so much. If you have a sec, I would so appreciate it if you would leave me a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Those reviews are so helpful. And if you're ready to start living your soul-led life, pick up my latest book, "Soul-led Living," available on Amazon. Until next time, love you much. (gentle piano music) [MUSIC PLAYING]