Rasslin' W/ Ryan Hernandez: Top 5 dream matches between WWE and AEW

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23 Sep 2024
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what's up guys it's mike from the lace-um-up podcast and before we begin today's episode of rasselin with ryan i just want to let you guys know about some work that we've been doing with the podcast if you're a basketball fan i've been working on this really really special project called are the la clippers cursed if you're a basketball fan if you're a sports fan if you're just curious you know you want to check it out feel free to do so episode one of are the la clippers first is available now on youtube just go ahead search it up you'll find the episode and feel free to watch it it's only about seven minutes episode two comes out next friday september 27th and episode three will debut on october 10 guys we have a lot of stuff in the works for you a lot of sports related stuff a lot of wrestling podcasts and just make sure that you're following us on all the platforms on youtube like and subscribe to us on instagram follow us tick tock follow us we need it we need your support guys without you none of this is possible so i just want to thank you guys for listening and just make sure that you're following us on all the platforms enjoy this episode guys! are you! what's going on everybody this is another edition of raslin with ryan hernand is ryan what's going on man what's up guys going good are you how are you doing Mike? doing pretty good man i just ended up meeting uh former world champion damey and priest today over here in fanta in california they uh cricket wireless was having a meeting week for for damey and uh my my brother wanted to uh take take my nephew to to surprise him for his birthday and uh yeah it was really good we had a wait in the hot ass son for about four hours which was not happy about but it you know it was worth it once you get in there and you see you have to see the damey priest and you just get to see the look and the smile on his face like you know it's worth it yeah was it was it a free event or did you have to pay no it was free completely free but the only thing was it was from two to four so they're saying they're very limited yeah so if you weren't able to get into the door at four o'clock then so long sucka yeah no i but i don't know it was i feel like i don't know what happened but i don't know if he left or not but i feel like he could have met everybody which hopefully he did hopefully he did instead of just leaving leave with the people in the dark well like you have well it could be if they have a live event later maybe you have to be there yeah or just maybe just wanting to go go home and rest you know go to the hotel and rest yeah exactly but what's going on with you Ryan no not the much just work school work yeah yeah nice yeah yeah we'll tell the people what we're talking about today we are going over our top five WWE versus AEW dream matches yes sir yeah how do you feel about your list i feel pretty good about my list i think i think there's like two of these that most people would want to see as well and yes because i feel like two of the matches i have on list lists are pretty well talked about in the wrestling community yeah yeah i think my my list is pretty cool i think i try to get creative with these a little bit you know just in terms of building a dream match you know setly here um you want to go first yeah so i i mean i have it listed one through five but i'm not going in any particular order okay um i do have uh set their all in versus willo spray i definitely i definitely feel i know that's a match that's been talked about i've seen it on like twitter and like instagram and everything i know Seth has said on twitter he wants i know will uh ospre has said he wants it but uh ospre how do you say his last name ospre yeah ospre yeah i know he says he wants it so that i definitely think those two would put on a classic because they are arguably the two best in-ring performers today right absolutely yeah that would be a banger of a match that would be an absolute banger of a match and i think you're talking about two of the best currently and probably two of the best of all time you know um talking about two guys that can just get it done in the ring both carrying the way for the perspective company so that's a great one it's a pretty damn good one to start all right so my my first one here is i'm gonna go something that maybe should be deeper into my list but you know what we're gonna go into it anyways here we go we're gonna talk about Kenny Omega versus John Cena oh i don't have i have seen it in my list but not not against omega exactly yeah no that this one is uh kind of like you know like this one you think about this could actually be like a Wrestlemania type main event you know yeah you know they talk about current day john cena who could still probably get it done if he focused on you know getting back into real wrestling shape you know he's it's not the john cena of old or 10 years ago but i think john cena upcoming in his in his upcoming retirement tour you're gonna see john cena possibly switch time back a little bit in terms of his physical ability in the ring you know kenny omega yeah also is not what he was 10 years ago he's had a lot of serious injuries he's had some illnesses of the late so probably not the same kenny omega that you're gonna see in the ring but i think those two guys in the ring currently i think they could still get the job done yeah yeah you know i definitely see that because i know kenny omega he's very talented in the ring and then you have a guy like cena who you know he's called big match john for a reason because he always steps up exactly exactly and john cena being the guy that has carried wwe on his back for 20 years you know kenny omega one of the few guys that has never stepped foot in a wwe ring but has carried the you know the weight of new japan power wrestling early on in ew when he was world champion carried that company so it's two guys blockbuster guys and i think they would have a blockbuster match oh yeah definitely all right what's interesting going into my next one i have a.j style versus kenny omega oh okay just because like i don't i don't know if we ever saw this in in new japan i think i think they did it right didn't they wrestle in new japan well so what happened was in a that i thought sorry not ew new japan a.j styles was the leader of the bullet club oh yeah yeah any omega was a part of the bullet club so when a.j styles left new japan per wrestling he was the leader the bullet club turned their back on a.j styles and it was kenny omega that actually um took over the the spot of leaders of the leader of the bullet club kind of turning his back on on a a.j styles yeah but yeah i know especially when you talk about like entering ability on both then i mean a.j styles he's called a phenomenal one for a reason of course kenny omega has quite the resume i feel like you just put those two in the ring one on one they're they're gonna tear the house down oh yeah like it'd be it'd be a classic for sure like just seeing like you know each other hit any like hit their moves and then like and even more could i i've even seen like a.j styles pull out moves like he's never done before or very rarely does again against guys like cena and like roman so absolutely yeah no and so mine is kind of similar so i'm going to go in my next match will osprey versus a.j styles yeah i think you know cutting those two guys again just like with Seth Rollins on the last we had um those two guys could you know bring the house down you know um will osprey like i said probably the best wrestler in the world right now who you take a.j styles and older a.j styles but it's you know still one of the best you know in the ring you know you put those two guys in a in a match together uh without any limits on them and i think it's going to be gold oh yeah definitely and when you speak about you know even an older a.j style if you look in the in the couple matches he's got it with kody in the feed for the delivery title he put on classic matches and he showed people that like you know despite his age he can still put on you know a main event caliber match exactly exactly so i so i definitely have a feeling i will osprey they just always look like totally tear the house down just like you said no limit just let just let the two put on a show just let them wrestle exactly yeah all right what's the next one all right my next one this one i feel like is an interesting one uh i have shinsuke Nakamura versus kaziko kata no how did i not think of that one how did i not think of that i don't know but i know even even though despite Nakamura is like poor bookie in the delivery there's no denying how uh talented he is in the room um especially like at the time of the indies he was always well regarded as like you know one of the the best wrestlers like on the dependent scene you know you know they call him the king of shrong style because of his wrestling style and you have a guy like okata who's who's a lot like Nakamura in many ways that dude he just you know put on classic match after classic match i feel like those two would match really well together and would have tremendous injury i definitely feel like that would be a fun fun match to see oh yeah oh my god that'd be so fun and i think they've had plenty of matches in new japan and all over japan i think uh but seeing that match now just seeing how established those two guys are you know Nakamura's been an established guy in wb minus all the bad booking um you know kata is pound for pound still one of the best and uh you know you put those two guys in in the middle of the ring you know and hopefully hopefully that match delivers like the way we would expect it to yeah and especially like having this match with both of them like he said being established and having it on a big you know stage like arrestle mania or even like a summer slam or like an all-in London whatever whether it's uh a w w w week put in them on like the main stage yep they they're no doubt both of them would step up exactly all right so with my next one i'm gonna go with the tag team match all-in unifying the a w and the wb tag team titles we're gonna have the young bucks versus the oosos ooh okay i like that i like that i think you know over the years uh you've seen the oosos step up their game you know jay is a is a saw he's a solid main eventer now in the company you know but prior to him you know being a main event you saw the oosos at the top of their game they rushed at russell mania last year and i think you know please to back together i think they can still create some magic i'm not a biggest fan of i am of the oosos that i'm sorry i'm not biggest fan of the unbox as i am the oos you know i'm a big cmpunk fan and so therefore my allegiance is with cmpunk yeah yeah the unbox in this yeah you know but i think the young bucks in the oosos that's a dream match that we have never ever watched before and so putting those two uh tag teams in the ring i think uh you know two different kinds of styles but also very kind of similar as well the oosos is a little bit more physical the young bucks are a little bit more of a you know showmen yeah show both type of team um different styles but also very similar so i think you're gonna find an excellent tag team match in that yeah and and sometimes when you have different styles that's what that's what makes somebody a great match is you know the different dressing styles yeah exactly and stuff all right going into my fourth one this this is my personal favorite out of all of them you'll see why in just a second i have john stina versus mjs oh yes and i have me all day baby i have it mostly because of the promo they would have back and forth with each other that that's why i have it but again i also think they would have a pretty good match again just especially because mjs has really you know stepped up his game lately even even when he was still the aw world champion before you know when he was still without him calling stuff and mjs has like you know put on top the best matches of his career in the last year and you know having a guy like stina while he may not be what used to be just having like the face of company the guy that carried for over like you know a decade and then you have mjs who basically carried a w for the last you know um couple years prior to or like even with with cmpunk you know i yeah i think definitely like mjs he's probably one of the few wrestlers that could go pound for pound on the microphone with john cena yeah and and i know in the past i know mjs has said that that's his dream match with john cena oh yeah yeah the promos those two would have would just be unreal i'd like that that's why i have it i think it would kind of be what we wanted uh cena and theory to be in a sense um but also like mjs is just a hundred times better wrestling than theory is oh yeah definitely yeah yeah you know cena was able to obliterate theory on the microphone and theory really didn't do anything about it i think mjs would just even come at cena for force yeah and that would be the exciting part because there's very few people that can actually you know stand toe to toe on on the mic with john cena because he if you look at it in the perspective of like the the mic john cena is like my generation it's like the rock on the microphone yeah exactly like he like he's the guy like if he if you if you if you want to get better at your promo game you want to go you want cena to like you know be the one you're going up against absolutely because i mean look what look what uh he did for roman like after he obliterated him on the mic and roman stepped up his promo game after that so absolutely yeah but anyways on your next one so i kind of tinkering around with this match a little bit i was considering it making a tag team match including daniel brian sorry daniel brian danielson but i feel like it would just be too much wwine in that point because i still think of brian danielson as a different guy yeah every time i hear his name i'm just like oh daniel brian so i think i'm going to remove daniel brian sorry brian danielson off of this equation so forget about him and i'm going to make this a triple threat match i'm just going to make this it's just it's this match is very ww centric even though one of them is an aw but we're going to reunite the shield yep yep that's interesting that's interesting you'll see why in a second okay so jeremoxley versus roman versus seth you know playing with the whole storyline of who's the man in the shield just one match where these guys can go all out you know balls to the walls and just see who's the real big dog no pun intended roman of the of the yeah yeah and not and especially since we did get that shield triple threat but it was very forgettable like i honestly i really remember the that match they had yeah but i think these guys right now and in terms of like john moxley is a much different wrestler than who dean and bross wasn't there oh yeah oh yeah you know so you take during day john moxley turn you turn sorry you take current day seth brawlands and current day roman reigns there i mean seth and roman are just completely different characters in the sense as well yeah and and also seth and roman have had some of the best matches of their career the last over these last like three or four years pretty much since since moxley been in a umm hmm exactly so yeah i think this match would be just so intriguing you know maybe just off the entrance is alone but i think the match would do great as well oh yeah yep all right so my next one that's why i said yours is interesting because mine's very similar it just is not triple threat the one on one match i have john moxley versus roman reigns okay yeah and i think because like we never saw and bross versus roman one on one never because you know that's right when dean turned heel that's when roman was out with with leukemia and like so dean never got to face roman while he was a heel and then you know roman and dean were always the two teaming up since that was the one that betrayed them so i think the fact for the fact that we haven't seen them one on one before and just having like you know current john moxley and current roman reigns you know the tribal chief roman reigns i think they would put on one hell of a match and they would tell an amazing story absolutely and they would really just you know like go to show like how far each of them have come and i think the fans would eat it up and love it i can definitely say i feel like the promos would be pretty top tier two oh they would oh my god it would be amazing but we know who when in in my triple threat stance and probably in the one on one match that you you built too we know who probably come out on top yeah roman and this one on one match yet in the triple threat i have said you have said i have said you know me uh you are a set the the viewers don't know this yet i'll try to see you know you said to my guy that's my guy you probably have i mean not as many as john cina shirts that you know have we have a lot of sets shirts as well yeah i think i have like four sets shirts exactly very cool all right and now you're you're last my number one here for the wwe championship i think this is a match that a few that we saw in a w early on um but i think these two guys have just or are completely two different level in terms of their game you're gonna have the mjf versus cody roads oh okay okay that's interesting yeah i didn't i didn't think it you'd go in that route yeah so in a w we saw um when they first introduced a mjf to television uh cody roads brought mjf along and um mjf was like oh cody roads is my best friend i look up to him you know he followed around kind of like a little puppy um and a year after they brought mjf to television mjf turned on cody roads in his program with dust um and that's where you saw the lashings and everything that was really the first time that we saw mjf be really sinister not too long after that cody roads departed a w um so we really we didn't really get a full-on feud between these two you know but now that you take current day mjf who's at the top of his game in a w you take cody roads who is completely just skyrocketed in terms of his career for the wwv championship i think that would be a hell of a program oh yeah for sure especially the history they have and like he said like pretty much ever since like and we were there when we saw cody return it a resolution that they put on a classic that so i i agree with the the fact that like cody had really stepped it up like since sentes return to wwv like he's this is probably the best run in his entire career it really is and i think those two the promos the matches i think those those two guys would just carry the day oh yeah i i could definitely see them having like a trilogy of match it or probably even more mhm like i i could see them going like the you know cena or in route exactly you know they're you know they're the they're the top guys they're the most popular guys so like boom just have them go at it constantly mm-hmm all right so what's your what's your last one here that was it could i i do remember yeah i don't remember all right so i do have a couple that are yeah i do have a couple that are honorable honorable mentions here okay so this one would be interesting i'm gonna see him punk versus jack perry just stop at the uh the skirmish that we saw it yep aw all in last year and then yeah the whole glass thing and getting you know cenpunk being fired uh yeah cuz kony konk dude for his life if you're for his life oh like you're 30 years so i went to i think going to resting just i never feared for my life see you guys yeah no i i yeah i honestly i that would be pretty good match too exactly it would be i think so too so another honorable mention here let's be my last one is hangman adam page versus goonther yeah yeah i think this would be that'd be a brawl right there a physical brawl two different types of wrestlers but also brawlers in a sense as well goonther being the class classic guy that he is but just a monster the cow versus the cowboy gritty dirty hangman adam page i think that'd be a very much yeah so i i you have honorable mentions now they i just you know i kind of just thought of them as you went over yours uh mine is actually like mine's like the triplet that you had it's mostly wd centric but i have actually the the four horse woman fatal four-way sadie's mone versus becky linch versus bailey versus charlotte player oh okay okay and i just feel like i i'm i'm still surprised we never got that fatal four-way at in wd when they were especially when they were all super over and all like red hot um but yeah i definitely have that you know because again becky charlotte bailey are three of the best like entering competitors for like women you know mercedes mercedes mone formerly the known as sausrah banks for more most people probably know whereas it's it's always been you know pretty good in the ring exactly i definitely think like the chemistry the four would have and like the story they'd have so i have that as honorable mention that'd be great another yeah and then another one i have actually is um teach i just it just flip off oh um actually for the uh yeah i i also have a tag match um it would be the usos versus the young bucks versus oh edging christian hey hey i didn't think about that that's a good one that's a good one edging christian kind of like the older versions of themselves yeah yeah and that having you know the triple threat match you have like who's those who are just arguably the greatest tactic of all time you have edging christian who are one of the greatest hackings of all time and then you have the young bucks who yeah well they're the young bucks but but still you know the young bucks put on a good match and i feel like you know having it be a triple threat tag team at area if you like would add so much to it compared if it was just a simple like tag team versus tag team so i think it'd be very interesting to see those three teams you know go at it in a in a triple threat tag team match exactly that'd be really nice bro that'd be really nice yeah this is fun this is really fun we should do another episode kind of creating the dream matches yeah yeah and um you know because of course i don't want to keep everything all like you know w reg content of course most of it or like almost all of it is gonna be w related but i do want to throw in like sub you know like a w and like t and a especially with the new the new recent t and a w partnership we've been seen oh exactly so i don't know how much time we have left wood i would think we could do a quick yeah let's go into it yeah what do you think of one of that ron smackdown this week yeah so i thought you know i thought ron was a you know solid show um and that that promo cm punk cut man was oh my gosh that was one hell of a promo like that that definitely felt like it was more like like here phil here's a microphone just go out and you know say say what's on your mind and promote this dude and promote telling a fellow man did punk deliver oh yeah i think when i heard him say i'm going to kill you i'll just like because i know for years you you know they couldn't say words like that so when i heard that i'll just like i was like oh yeah the triple h is definitely letting them have have more rain in their in their promos exactly for sure there's something definitely to be said when a wrestler jake the snake robbers used to do this all the time very quiet with this all time where they get very quiet and they talk into the microphone so in order to really listen to what you had to say what they had to say you have to really listen in to really focus on what they're saying because what they're saying right now is very important it's different from what every other wrestler is thinking if you can yeah i'm saying yeah so that's how cm punk was talking yeah and i know and because punk was talking like that it hasn't hooked it it's just like it's like wait what else is punk have to say like i just kept wanting to hear more and more and more exactly and it wasn't like yeah wasn't happy go look you see him punk you know love you know catering to the audience it was yeah i'm gonna kill you kind of see him punk yeah yeah it felt like you know the the see him punk of old like back when he was in the the indies because i know he used to cut like very similar promos like that because i know i know that's also the time where he you know it made the promo of like oh you know i'm the devil you know and stuff like that and that then this promo we got on raw was very similar to those old promos oh yeah there definitely was i i think this was this was definitely like classic cm punk on the microphone mm-hmm oh yeah definitely and do you know the takes from raw or want to go with the smackdown but see what else i can on on raw oh well we had we had a bronze breaker in j-housa they said me what a promo by j-man and see i i love his shit with like the whole like yeet stuff but serious j-housa is like a whole another level like this j-housa we saw in this promo was like early day of main event j-housa when he was feuding with roman the first time mm-hmm yeah first time i think uh you never have seen j-housa cut this type of promo when he was in the tag tag name of the usos we know what this is oh yeah especially especially the comments like let's see how long this lasted or if it'll be short and sweet just like your NFL career when i heard that line i was just like dude i didn't know j had it in him to you know cut like a scathing promo exactly like like it was just it was a nice change of pace to actually be a serious j-housa really was you know instead of having him having g at the end of like every like line it's like it was it was a nice change of pace to see you know serious j and i feel like if they booked j to be more serious like that he's no doubt in my mind of future future champion oh if you if you keep j serious like that yeah exactly yeah and i think raw bronze back down was really well well written well performed this week yeah i didn't think that there was a bad shell no it doesn't yeah and then going into a uh smackdown can we talk about that roman range cody road segment okay yes this is what i wanted to get into oh my god the other day i yeah for yeah essentially the real on instagram same cinema yeah yeah because yeah because i was at work so i couldn't walk it but then right when i did watch it i was just like man this was what it does really is best most well produced like cinematic segments like they've ever done um yeah it's just so well done just in terms of the the scene i mean there's movies out there that doesn't even compare it to what they shot this week you know i you take you take the two guys you who are from you know cody's from georgia roman played football in georgia so they both of them have both of them have a claim to whose city it is or whose town it is and the way they shot this i mean just well done to the creative team uh the the camera usage in this how just how like you know there's things to be said about how good 4k is but this was yeah oh yeah it's especially the shot of where cody is that's in front of roman and roman's like you're in my way that angle oh my gosh that shot that shot was like a chef is but i love everything i'm holding that segment and i like it was a nice change of pace instead of having you know like you have or here you have roman or in the cody road to have literally been feuding over the the ww title these last two years and they've like completely like hated each other blah blah blah blah and now it's like here they are for the first time ever dreaming up together to fire common enemy and they give us that like that that's just like yeah amazing uh it look i love how roman actually got like oh says that he's like they took gimme from me they took my wise man from me they took my google follow from me mm-hmm and then it's rolling up saying you know there's a ww champion and it's not not you there's uh yeah and then he and then cody goes back to the line he said i think last during the buildup to wrestle mania 39 was when he said he's like a you're chief without a tribe he he he brought that flying back and he's like oh and he's like and now here you are chief without a tribe it's perfect so yeah that that segment was just for so many years maybe you had uh yeah i've had a it's just a formula that they would never get out of you know under vince mcman you know this was vince mcman that that segment would have been in the ring you know in front of the audience and normally i'm in i'm in favor of that but i in in typically i don't like stuff that's pre-taped or you know just filmed you know outside you know because i mostly you do want to keep things in the arena but the way they did this was just fantastic and if you're gonna do things like this go all out film it cinematically you know the way it's supposed to be done you know and just using everything that ww has in terms of the equipment the how how clean everything looks the footage that they use you know like the type of editing that they can utilize you know it's all the state of the art oh yeah yeah yeah but yeah that that segment was for sure the highlight of of smackdown but you know smackdown was also a pretty good show you know we we saw some tension between the tiffany shraten and nyajax you know because they because they had their tag match with Naomi and Bailey and then nyajax tiffany like if you lose maybe you'd be better off leaving smack down and you saw tiffany's face so i think they're slowly planting the seeds for that you know for tiffany shraten not only catching her money in the bank on nyajax but seeing a baby face tiffany shraten for the first time exactly exactly so yes i give smackdown and raw two thumbs up this week yeah they both were great and i don't want to gloss over nxt because nxt was pretty much added i didn't watch the show but i saw i did watch two segments because cm punk was was on nxt and he will be again well it was the october first when they're in uh chicago yep but anyway c um punk was there because he had an announcement to me exactly and then he was interrupted of all people by rocks and perez the current nxt woman's champ you know and it was a pretty it pretty interesting because you know we're so used to seeing punk going like toe to toe on the mic with like you know like the men the fact that it so the fact it's like oh it's like he's going toe to toe with you you know that if the woman's champion that was a nice nice change of pace of of course you know you saw punk kind of like keep keep tombs up because you know of course obviously he's not gonna go there but rocks and made some like very like the i know she said like oh i always preferred your wife and i saw punk space he's just like yeah you know that that that struck a nerve exactly and then um and then we saw julia come out and then rocks and was going to hit her from behind him punk actually stopped her punk put his arm out stopped her and he's like yeah no no no no and then of course he comes out later to announce that he's going to be the special guest referee for ethan page versus trick williams for the nxt championship exactly so i just thought like you know i didn't watch the whole show nxt definitely seemed to be another show good show from top to bottom so you know you got to give kudos to to shawn michaels who would have thought that after so many years dx was openly mocking like you know management stuff like that and now dx is running w we how crazy is that it's freaking wild man it is freaking wild times that we are living in but we have just over 30 sorry three minutes left and so quickly Ryan i know you and i was talking about maybe adding a segment to the show of a make a mailbag type of segment oh yeah yes yes you know you know me me and mike we've been talking behind the scenes talking about like you know what we could potentially add to you know the the podcast you know whether it be like topics or you know hot takes or pinions and one of the things we were talking about was actually um that involves all you guys who are listening is you know it's like a mailbox you know we do it that show where you can email us a question or you know you get ahold of us do do our instagram uh tiktok you know twitter and you know if you have any questions you guys want us to answer or you have any like you know specific topics you guys want us to talk about you know feel feel free to you know reach out and and send it our way and you know we might talk better on the next episode so you so the email that that Ryan talked about it's once again that's you can find us on instagram at laceumuppodcast we are on tiktok now so laceumup podcast um just look for our logo if you're not familiar with it guys we're on youtube subscribe like the post that we we we you know we that we create um there's a lot of stuff that's going up right now are the clippers cursed are the clippers really cursed episode one is available now i worked really hard on this thing if you're a basketball fan check it out there's some really juicy details on the clippers organization uh episodes two and three are going to be released episode two it's coming out next friday actually this upcoming friday September 27th episode three is coming out october 10 and there's a whole lot of things you know in the uh not so far distance yeah coming out you know yeah we got a lot a lot in the words here but you know both of us are working extremely hard because um mike i know i know you've been doing you know this podcast now for a few years and for the most part it's been um mostly you right exactly mostly mostly you this is sorry mostly me um but yeah just guys subscribe we really appreciate it Ryan made it left any other takes no oh oh i got to say you know i'm i'm looking forward to the you know the this next coming weekend wv programming looking for the bad blood i know it's a quick very very quick preview for Rotemar i know Drew McIntyre's making his return so we have to see what Drew McIntyre has to say in response to see him punk yes sir and listen to it right there because we are running out of time i'm so sorry to cut you off Ryan but we have only 20 seconds left guys thank you so much for watching grassland with Ryan Ryan appreciate it i do a lot yeah thank you guys because it's impossible without you all right thank you have a good one guys all right peace out guys later