Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Your Faith the Door to Healing

Your Faith the Door to Healing - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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Your Faith the Door to Healing - Morning Prayer

[MUSIC] >> For you are great, you do miracles so great. There is no one else like you. There is no one else like you, for you are great. You do miracles so great, there is no one else like you. There is no one else like you, for you are great. You do miracles so great, there is no one else like you. There is no one else like you, for you are great. You do miracles so great, there is no one else like you. You deserve the glory, and you deserve the glory, and the honor as we lift our hands in worship, as we bless your holy name, and you deserve the glory, and the honor as we lift our hands in worship, as we bless your holy name, for you are great. You do miracles so great, there is no one else, there's no one else, for you are great. You do miracles so great, there is no one else like you. We love you this morning, Father God, minister to your people, bless the men past Amy, join our faith with your wonderful people here this morning, dare God bring them to the place where they can receive their miracle, increase their faith, strengthen their faith, encourage their faith, because when out faith it is impossible to please God, because whoever comes to God must believe that he is, that he rewards those who diligently seek him, increase the faith of your people, Lord even as Christ's disciples came to you in private and they said, Lord, increase our faith, this is a journey we are on, bring your people to the place, those who are sick, those who are in pain, those who have diseases, rocking their bodies, God, fair and tall men comes with sickness, give them a breakthrough, give them a miracle, let them know it's not too late for God, nothing is impossible with God, nothing is impossible with God, nothing is impossible with God, step in and turn things around, that person who was in the final stages of cancer, they are weak, they are in pain, their family is afraid, God give them a miracle, step in and turn it around, I pray, in the name of Jesus somebody say amen, listen, we are continuing in our series the miracles of Jesus, the miracles of Jesus and the whole purpose of these broadcasts, God has called me in Pastor Amy into the healing ministry for 22 years since 1999 and we have seen God heal thousands upon thousands of people, the blind have received their sight, the deaf have heard, the cripples have gotten up and walked, broken bones have been healed super naturally by the power of God, Kansas have been healed and it's not Pastor Sean, it's not Pastor Amy, it's the Lord Jesus Christ, he is still the same yesterday, today and forever, praise be to God, so on this morning we are talking about your faith, the door to healing, my God, my God, your faith is the doorway for you to receive a miracle from God for you to receive your healing, listen, Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 says without faith, it is absolutely impossible to please God, because whoever comes to God must believe, I mean you can't get around it, this is the word, whoever comes to God, that means however you come to God in prayer, you must believe, you must believe whoever comes to God must believe that he is and that he is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him, but you must believe, there's no question about it, this is the word, you must believe, we'll pass this on, how do I come to that place where I believe and this is where I'm trying to help God's people to receive their miracle, how do you come to that place where you receive, listen, very simple, but you got to work on it, I want to say this to you, your faith is something, you have to work on, the Bible tells you how to get faith to receive from God, the Bible says in the book of Romans chapter 10 verse 17, first I like to quote the end of Romans chapter 12 verse 3, the Bible says, God has given to every man, God has dealt or given to every man the measure of faith, every single person has the ability to believe God, even though it may be weak, starting out, you've got the ability God have given every man on the face of this earth, whoever been born of a woman, God have given you the ability to believe him for a miracle, but your faith that measure God gives to you is something that you have to work on and how do we work on it, where do we go to get more faith, the answer is found in the book of Romans chapter 10 verse 17 says, so then faith, somebody's being healed right at the bottom right of the stomach, someone's receiving the miracle, glory to God receive it, be healed, the Holy Ghost has given you a miracle, you have just been healed at the bottom right side of the stomach, the power of God like a heat just flowed right into that area, I don't know what was going on in that part of your stomach, but I know God just healed you, I mean you are healed by the power of God, and I rebuke fibroid tumors in Jesus name, I curse it at the very roots, receive it and I believe some, I believe somebody's fibroid tumors just disappear, you can't deny something's happened in your stomach, go to your doctor and get it verified, blessed be the name of Jesus, so back to what I was saying, your faith is something you have to work on, faith comes from the word of God, Romans chapter 10 verse 17 says, so then faith cometh, by hearing and hearing by the word of God, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, now faith for what, faith for whatever it is you need God to do, we are healing ministry and I'm staying in my lane, if you need faith for a miracle, listen good saints, we have so many broadcasts where we taught on healing, go and listen to those teachings on the subject of healing, healing is God's will, to different ways God heals his people, are you listening to me, we have so many teaching on healing, go and listen to it and get the word of God in your spirit, somebody's being healed, right there close by the right side of the shoulder just below the shoulder, the Holy Ghost is healing you in that right muscle area there, just receive it in the right arm, right, I mean right there, right there you are receiving a miracle, come on just begin to stretch it out and work it, the Holy Ghost is healing you, glory to God, I rebuke that problem out of the right side of your arm area, I rebuke it, in the name of Jesus be healed, in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, receive your miracle, in the name of Jesus, come on just you gotta work it now, if you know that you would the problem work it, exercise your faith, when I say exercise your faith, do exactly what the man of God's telling you to do, there is an anointing being release, you are being completely and totally healed in that area by the power of God, oh blessed be the name of Jesus, glory to God, shikara basanda, I rebuke it, I rebuke it, I rebuke it, I rebuke it, receive it in the name of Jesus, blessed be the name of Jesus, oh glory to God, my God that's a victory right there for somebody, so listen, back to the teaching now, so your faith, your faith is something you have to work on, so if you need a healing from God, you really need to understand there, there is a whole teaching on healing, healing is the will of God, when Jesus died on calvary cross he did not just die, so your sins could be forgiven, of course we all agree that's the most important thing you can receive is forgiveness of sins, but he didn't only die for your sins to be forgiven, he was whipped in Pilate's card by his stripes, you are healed, Jesus literally as the ultimate sacrifice of God, he took a whipping on his back, that was the price he was paying for you and I didn't be healed, Isaiah foresaw this and Isaiah 53, 4 and 5, at the end of verse 5, Isaiah said by his stripes you were healed, Jesus took a whipping on his back and paid the ultimate sacrifice so that your sick body might be healed from whatever disease it is that you have, you are not a beggar when you come to God to ask him to heal you, you are a child of the covenant, are you hearing me, you are a child of the new covenant that God have made with his people, you and I are part of the body of Christ, healing is the children's bread, so you got to get underneath that teaching and don't just listen to it once, you got to, you are on a journey, listen to it over and over and over and over again, get the word of God down in your spirit, the word of God will renew your mind because there are a lot of people who are Christians in the body of Christ, they have preconceived ideas about the healing ministry, they have preconceived ideas like naming the leper on how God is going to give them a miracle, they have all of these preconceived and wrong ideas on the subject of healing, but as you get under the word of God with a ministry like I was on, another ministry who was anointed to bring the healing power of God who were getting results, as you sit under the teaching of the word of God, your mind will be renewed and your faith will begin to increase, your faith will get stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger, a church, there's a church in a New Testament, I want to read this to you because I want you to see that your faith is something that can grow and think about it, remember I quoted that scripture to your Romans chapter 12 verse 3, the Bible says God has dealt or given to every man the measure of faith, every man on the face of this earth have an opportunity and can believe God for a miracle, but what do you do with that faith? You have to increase it, you have to add to it, how do we add to our faith simple? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, so the subject of healing, you that's believing God for healing in your body, get all of Pastor Sean's teaching on the subject, get Catherine Coleman books on the subject of healing, get Dr. all Roberts book, I refer to you Christ the healer by F.F. Bosworth, one of the greatest teaching on the subject of healing I have ever read in my entire life, F.F. Bosworth, all Roberts, Dr. T.L. Osborne, these people learn from him, come on somebody, even Dr. T.L. Osborne, have a book on the subject of healing, if you need healing do these things, that is a powerful book on the subject of healing, you got to feed your faith, you got to feed yourself, get the understanding from the word of God on that subject, Paul said these words, in 2 Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3, Paul said we abound to thank God always for you brethren, as it is me, because that your faith grow with exceedingly, faith is something that you can, that you can grow, are you listening to me, and you grow your faith by getting under the teaching of the word of God on a specific subject, and if it's faith for miracle, faith to be healed from cancer, as the word of God is taught on the subject of healing, your faith will begin to come alive more and more, Psalms chapter 103 verse 3, says he forgives all of your iniquities and heals all thy diseases, not Psalm, he heals all, when you begin to get scriptures like that in your spirit, your faith come alive, wait a minute, he heals all our diseases, that means cancer, that means blindness, that means paralysis, that means autism, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, problems in the spine, problems in the legs, problems in the heart, in the brain, COVID-19, just throw it all right in there, he healeth all thy diseases, Psalms chapter 107 verse 20, he says, he sent his word and heal them and delivered them from their destruction, so we see healing comes as the word of God is poured into our hearts, minds, and in our spirit, Paul say your faith grows exceedingly, dear God, this brings us to the book of Mark chapter 10 verse 46 through 52, Lord have mercy, I feel the Holy Ghost right here, I feel anointing, now watch this, the Bible says and they came to Jericho and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples on a great number of people blind by the mess, the son of Tamesh sat by the highway side begging, this man was born blind, he was a beggar, this is what he had to do, he had a condition that placed limitations on his life and he did the best, he was a fighter, this is what I like with these people, when you look at the folks in the Bible who are healed, these people will find us, even the man in John 5, every time he tried to step in the water that the angel touched, the Bible says someone else pushed by him and get that miracle, but the Bible says Jesus knew that this man had been there a long time, that means he was still believing God for a miracle, even though he didn't get it, he was a fighter and blind by the man, he's a fighter, he's not at his house, he allows someone to lead him by this place where a lot of people are passing by the market and he began to beg, he was doing what he could, this man is a fighter and the Bible says when he heard, there it is, when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say Jesus, thou son of David have mercy on me, wait a minute, wait a minute, now you think this was the first time blind by the man has heard about Jesus, no way holds it, he must have heard testimonies that Jesus healed other blind people, Jesus healed people with cancer, he healed people with blood problems, he healed people with tumors in the body, he healed people who were deaf who were paralyzed, come on somebody who was sick now unto death, he also heard that Jesus raised the dead, blind by the man said, heard all of these stories, so his fate, he already had the faith, he just needed Jesus to pass his way for him to release his faith, oh glory to God, there is always a place and a moment where you can release your faith and receive your miracle, I mean for us we are praying for the sick every Thursday night, every Sunday night we are teaching and ministering the word of God, what better place for you to come to receive your healing, there is an atmosphere of faith and this is why we encourage people, begin to listen to the broadcast because the broadcast is the faith builder, but the Thursday and the live Sunday night service, when we are praying for people to get healed that's dubbed the power of God has released, come on somebody, and many miracles are happening, many miracles are happening, so when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he cried out and said Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me, he knew this was the man that he had heard about, this was the son of God who would perform all those miracles on everybody else and he knew this was his moment, there comes a time when you know it's your moment and the Bible says but many charge him that he should hold his peace, but he cried the more a great deal, thou son of David have mercy on me, this man is a fighter, come on somebody, you can shut up a fighter, you can't stop a fighter from getting that miracle from God, faith is the doorway to your miracle, this man, faith had already been built up from all of the different healing testimonies he had heard and his faith was alive and strong and he activated his faith when he began to cry out and say have mercy on me, have mercy on me and Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called and they called the blind man saying unto him be of good comfort rise he call it thee and he casting away his gammon rose and came to Jesus, he cast away that beggar's gammon and he rose in faith, he came to Jesus with a single focus I'm about to show you this and Jesus answered and said unto him what will thou that I should do unto thee, the blind man said unto him Lord I want my sight, listen some people, some people don't receive from God because their focus is all over the place, they have a barrage of things they are believing God for and haven't really, haven't really zeroed in on one, this man was single focused Paul said this one thing I do, I forget about all those things that are behind and I pressed to what the mark of the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus, blind, bottom man's wanted his eyesight, he wanted his eyesight bad, he focused on his eyesight, he didn't talk about finances even though he had financial trouble, he focused on one thing at a time, he focused on his eyesight, I remember preaching a meeting in Lono Carcansaw and the power of God was falling in this church, this there was a blind, a woman who was totally blind in her right eye, 77 years old, she said Pastor Sean lay your hands on me and I know I'll receive my sight and she cried out in that audience and I was drawn to, I mean faith was alive in that place, many great miracles had already happened, laid hands on her in the name of Jesus, I said in the name of Jesus receive your sight, no long hour prayer, when I move my hand that woman scream, she said I can see, I can see that woman had faith, she told me she had faith, she said if you put your hands on me, I'll receive my sight, my God and she receive her sight, she was not disappointed in that blind right eye immediately, color came into it and she received her sight, my God he's a miracle worker and Jesus said unto him, go thy way, here it comes again, your faith have made you whole, thy faith, your faith, it was your faith, because you worked on it, you build yourself up to that place, blind by the mess, you heard the testimonies of the miracles that I had performed on other people, you kept seeking it out, you kept asking different people, oh share the story with me again on what Jesus did, share it with me again and the more he heard it, the stronger his faith God and the moment came, Jesus passes away, glory to God and Jesus says your faith have made you whole and immediately like this woman I prayed for, no no car can solve and immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the way, my God, my God, my God, holy holy holy are you Lord, he is a miracle worker, my God, holy holy holy are you Lord, come on and sing it, holy holy holy are you Lord, the elders and angels, the elders and angels bow, they retain, they worship you now holy holy holy are you Lord, sing it with me church, holy holy holy are you Lord holy, holy, you know he is a mighty God, we are building your faith with this teaching, it comes from hearing and hearing the word of God on that specific subject, he loves you so much, I want to make this call, I want to give someone an opportunity to come to Christ, he loves you with everlasting love and we thank God for every person that have received their miracle from the Lord Jesus through this ministry but the greatest miracle of them all is when a sinner, except Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, when you receive the forgiveness of sins, that's the greatest miracle, the Bible says, therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. It's time to surrender your life to Jesus, he loves you with everlasting love without any further hesitation, pray with me, say, Lord Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a Savior, I'm asking you to forgive me of all of my sins, wash me in your blood, I believe you died and rose again on the third day, you are now seated at God's right hand, soon and very soon you are coming again, thank you Lord Jesus for forgiving me of all of my sins and putting my name down in the Lamb's Book of Life, if you prayed that prayer and meant it with all of your heart, let me in my beautiful wife, I say to you, welcome into the family of God, welcome into the kingdom of God, we want you to type below this video right now, I've just surrendered my life to Jesus, the greatest miracle has been a soul received the forgiveness of sins, to support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at, you can also give through the ministry pay pile account, that address is, you can also give through the ministry app, many of you have downloaded the shawnpindaministries app, amen, you can give through that app as well, you can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is, you can also give through the ministry cashup account, that address is the dollar sign, shawnpinda ministries, you can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is @shawnpindaministries, you can also text to give all you have to do, text the letters, SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, eight, and a legal automatically be sent to you, you can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry, just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shawnpinda ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070, never forget me and my beautiful wife past Amy, we love you, we appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you, see you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]