Not Again!

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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The second assassination attempt on President Trump once again highlights the incredible dangers of “chumming for monsters.” As the Irish Republican Army told U.K. Premier Margaret Thatcher after one of their bombs failed to kill the legendary Prime Minister, she had to be lucky every single time; the IRA had to be lucky only once.

MichaelBane.TV - On the Radio episode # 238. Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.

Host: Michael Bane Producer: Flying Dragon Ltd.

More information and reference links:

Stochastic Terrorism — A Game of Rhetorical Asymmetry/Dr. Rollergator, PhD, Substack

They Want Him Dead/Mark Steyn, Jewish World Review

What Do You Call a Conspiracy to Assassinate Without the Conspiracy?/Stephen Green, PJ Media

Everybody Is Terrified of Where This Is Headed and Nobody Will Say It/Jeffrey Blehar, National Review

Rob Miller of Amebix: Things I Have Learned About Being a Swordsmith

The Music of Tau Cross

The Music of Tav Falco


[Music] To tell me when I die, when will I go? [Music] One hand pointed up above, one hand down below [Music] This is the only choice we have, it's all we've ever known [Music] And now, from the secret hidden bunker in the Rocky Mountains It's time for MBTV on the radio and your host Michael Bain [Music] You're looking to my eyes and say something you should hear [Music] The choices that we offer you, not as they'll be up [Music] You're sick, so all the game you see, so let them get clear [Music] Down here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] The title of that song is We Control the Fear, and I thought it was an app song for the things that we are going to talk about this week. I'm Michael Bain, this is MBTV on the radio in our 20th year, and brought to you by Hunter's HD Gold, and MTM case guard. Song is done by the way by Talk Cross, which is one of the incarnations of Rob Miller who was hugely, hugely influential punk singer there in England. His original band was Amabex, which brought together a lot of the punk sensibility with heavy metal sensibility, and that really led to major, major trends. Rob also forged the crusader sword that has a place of honor over my desk. It is the sword that is engraved with words from Charlotte Bronte. Looked life in its iron face. Rob, of course, also runs Castle Keep on Isle of Sky. Sort of an interesting renaissance man, one of the greatest sword makers out there. So, what do you think we're going to talk about this week? Huh? Huh? It's not the whole show, but I want to talk a little bit about the second Trump assassination attempt. Here's an interesting, interesting line. I got this from Mark Stein this morning. Talking about how he views the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump, especially considering the first assassination attempt has been memory hold. But Ron Stein quoted the Irish Republican Army, the IRA, and if you recall, you had to be born a long time ago. But in 1984, the IRA bombed, gosh, the Grand Hotel in Brighton, England, in an attempt to kill Margaret Thatcher. And they didn't kill Margaret Thatcher. They did succeed in killing five people, and of course, big, big deal. And the IRA's response to failing to kill Margaret Thatcher was this. You have to be lucky every time we only have to be lucky once. It is fair to say, and I don't see how anyone cannot, cannot really sense this, that the political left in the United States, the progressive left, the democratic left, wants to make sure that Donald Trump does not survive to become president. Look at the response. Look at the response. They want Trump dead because they don't think they can beat Trump even with their endless cheating. Boy, that's really kind of creepy, isn't it? It's creepy to me. You see a lot of talk about stochastic, stochastic terrorism. S-T-O-C-H-A-S-T-S-E terrorism. I'm going to link you to a long, long article on it from 2022. And it kind of helps explain it, but it's like the stuff that I've talked about, but on the other hand, it's not that much like it. And I want to like bring up some of those differences as we deal with this situation, where we have a presidential candidate that's been within a couple of months period to assassination attempts. I talk a lot about Chumming for Monsters, and when you Chum for Sharks, and I've been on boats that Chum for Sharks, you throw this big, gooey, bloody mess overboard. But the bloody mess doesn't stay there. It dissipates through the water, and Sharks, with their amazing sensory perception, can smell blood in the water from miles away. And keep that point in mind when we talk about stochastic terrorism. So, stochastic terrorism is kind of based on the idea that all this stuff goes out on moat media and everything like that, and it changes. And it has a lot of truth to it, but what we're seeing is a level above that. Think about that bloody gob dissipating in the water. When you're Chumming for Monsters, what you want to do is bring the Sharks to the surface. And in order to do that, the Chum has to be right. You have to be able to throw the right stuff in the water to bring in the Sharks. And interestingly enough, when you throw all that stuff in the water and it starts dissipating, you get lots of Sharks. There's lots of Sharks in the ocean. I've seen lots of Sharks as a diver. I've seen sand Sharks, I've seen bull sharks, and you know, I've seen tiger Sharks. I really rather not. But here's the thing, some are really big, some are really little, some are aggressive, some are not. But when you throw the Chum in the water, you have no idea. None whatsoever, what kind of Sharks you're going to get. And the likelihood is you're going to get a bunch of them. You're going to see a lot of Sharks. And for the most part, most are juvenile, small, or Sharks that don't represent a gigantic threat to people. I mean, Bull Shark will bite you, but they're not a threat to people. You know, what they're, what we're talking about really is all these Sharks come up. You got all these little Sharks. You got all these little, you know, you got all these Sharks of various and sundry species that are not particularly dangerous to people. But sooner or later, you get the tiger, right? It's like those doors, which is behind the door. The lady or the tiger? Sooner or later, you get the tiger. Sooner or later, you get a big hammerhead. Sooner or later, you get a great white. What we have been seeing is juvenile sand sharks rising to the chum. Now, from the standpoint of the progressive left in the United States, that's fine. That's fine. You know, sand sharks can bite. Little sand sharks can bite. You saw that in the first assassination attempt. Although nobody has ever explained what all those foreign contacts are from the, from the first shooter. And you see that with the second guy is like, oh, yeah, it's just another like idiot doing it. The point is that sooner or later, the chum brings the big boys. Sooner or later, you keep chumming. And yeah, you know, you look in the water and there's all these fins and there's all these Sharks. And it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. But sooner or later, a killer, a real killer, a real killer, somebody who knows what they're doing, rises to the bait. So, as I said earlier, you got to have the right kind of chum chums. You got to have the right kind of blood in the right, the way the blood is in the water, the way you're distributing the chum. You need to be able to drop the chum into place where there are sharks. For example, you can fill my bathtub with water and drop chum in it. And nothing is ever going to rise to it. But let's say you go off the coast of Cape Town, right, in South Africa and drop. You know, keep dropping chum in the water. Sooner or later, one of the sharks that rises to that chum will be a great white because there's quite populace in that area. Maybe the same thing off Montauk. You know, sooner or later, a tiger is going to rise to the chum. A killer. The reason that I think what we're seeing is different than the definitions, the classic definitions of stochastic, stochastic terrorism, is that it's very specifically target, very specifically targeted. A key part, we're talking about getting the right chum in the right place. What kind of chum do you need to kill a presidential candidate? What kind of chum do you need to kill a former president? That's a key thing. What kind of chum do you need to chop up and toss in the water to do that? Well, as I speculated before, after the first assassination attempt, and I'm going to speculate again right here, the type chum you need is it has to provide a reason why the person that you're throwing the chum in, the target needs to die. It's not enough to have this broad base social media campaign much, you know, the more broad stochastic terrorism idea. That's not enough. You got to have the right chum. And the right chum says it's okay to kill this guy. And the reason it's okay to kill this guy is he represents such an existential threat to you that even though you understand you're going to die, you're going to go to prison for the rest of your life, likely doubt it out. All these bad things are going to happen, but it's worth it. The chum has to be that good. It has to be, as we talked about before, the chum has to be to a point where you say, well, not what would I, you don't say if you're crazy, if you're out there, if you're one of those fins swimming around. You don't say, well, I guess it's okay to kill a guy. What you say is I have to kill him. I have to kill him. He must die. What kind of chum is that? Let me give you an idea. Trump is Hitler. No difference. As recently as the day before the second assassination tips, the progressive, the Democrats are saying, you know, and the Democratic control media, provda, is saying, you know, there's no difference between, Trump is Hitler. Trump is, that was the one I think on Saturday. Trump is Hitler. There's no difference. There's no difference. And as we, as I went back to the Stephen King novel, you know, it's like, if you had a chance to kill Hitler in 1932, 1933, would you have taken it? Would you do it? Would you have wanted to kill him? Make sure that he died. So all the bad things like World War II didn't happen. Well, it's not just, would you do it, but do you have an obligation? Do you have a moral obligation? To kill this man. Trump is Hitler. There's no difference. There's no difference. Trump has said awful things, except they're not true. Trump has said, I'll sign a nationwide abortion ban. Oh, he hasn't. He's much more modern than that, much like me. You know, Trump is going to put in a national sale tax and you go, go broke. Nah, that's not true either. Trump is going to create camps. I'm an LGP QT person and I'm going to be putting a camp because Trump has said he's going to put up concentration camps. It's going to be a bloodbath. And all the people like me are going to be in the camps. And nobody didn't say that, did he? Doesn't matter. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. What is Hitler capable of? Hitler's capable of bringing the entire world down. Hitler is capable of starting a war. Hitler is capable of rolling tanks into Poland, into Russia. Hitler is willing to burn the Jews. So if you went back to 1932, and it had a chance to kill Hitler, would you do it? If you went back, you know, say 2017, you had a chance to put a bullet right between the eyes of Lenin, Lenin. Would you do it? Would you kill Karl Marx? Would you feel a moral obligation to do that? When you talk about history's monster, Stalin, if you had a chance to kill Stalin before he created the Gulags, before he wiped out so many millions of people by starvation, nightmare starvation, would you do it? Would you feel obligated? You suddenly go back in time. There's a time machine. You go back in. You have a chance to kill Stalin before he kills millions and millions of people. Would you feel a moral obligation to kill that man? And I submit that, yes, you would. Trump is Hitler. J.D. Vance is a Nazi. Again, two days ago, J.D. Vance is just a straight up Nazi, just like Hitler, a straight up Nazi. Why does that go beyond stochastic terrorism? Think about it. Think about it. Hang on a second. Ready to revolutionize the world of sport shooting? Introducing the RIA 5.0 sporting pistol, made right here on American soil at RIAUSA. The 5.0 features a patented RVS recoil system that maximizes barrel mass and linear movement to give you super soft recoil. Combined with a smooth trigger pull with no stacking, you'll be more accurate on target, faster. The RIA 5.0, all new, all American. See more at Can you see how that kind of specific chumming is designed for one thing only? Yes, there's a whole lot of, you know, the media, 100%, you know, like ABC News, 100% against Trump, 93% favorable for Kamala Harris. Yes, the media is in on it. It's a constant drum beat, but the key is that the chum, the blood that you put in the water, has to not just say, "Wow, it would be a good idea if this person died." Because if you did that, you know, it's kind of all white people, me, you know, for a while I collected death threats, you know. But this is different because it's specific. That's the key word. Why is this chum different? It's specific, Trump. And I might also add a specific JD Vance. You're in, dude. It's specific and it creates a case. It creates a case in the mind of all those fins out there, of all those sharks, of all those monsters, that this isn't an option. It's a necessity. What if he wins? What if he wins? What if Hitler wins the election? Well, that can't happen. Can we let that happen? Is it worth sacrificing my life to take him out? Well, we've had two cases already where, yes, as a matter of fact, first guy, yeah, he did sacrifice his life. Second guy, he ran, got caught. And you know, all I see is, well, these people are really, you know, Trump bought it on himself by saying people eat dogs and cats. He didn't bring it on himself. I'm not saying Trump's rhetoric cannot be vicious, but I have not heard Trump call for anybody to die, and I've repeatedly heard from the Democratic left, the progressive left, that it's okay. He should die. Yeah, he should. What was the trending X tweet before it was knocked off the air on the first shooter? Well, it's a shame he missed. Think of this situation with this chum, with, as the blood dissipates in the water, you know, and it sinks down lower and lower. That's a key. Where do monsters live? Well, they may live next door to you, but within their own heads, they dwell in the depths, monsters dwell in the depths, killers, serious killers dwell in the depths. The idea is the blood rushes through the water, and the water, as a medium, is handy for dispersing blood, right? It's handy to disperse blood in the ocean because it works well dispersing through water. And you also know, you know that sharks have incredibly good sensory perceptions. They can smell the blood. In this case, the progressive left also knows that the monsters it's looking for has incredibly sensitive perception. The monsters know that you want them to rise to the bait because they're not dumb. We've seen dumb, and the reason dumb has really even had a chance to, since first time almost succeeded, maybe a quarter inch. Second time, not so much. The reason they haven't succeeded is they're not the monsters. They're the bull sharks. Not saying they're not dangerous, but the monsters haven't come yet. Now, here's my question. After two assassination attempts, do you think that the chum in the water has spread out enough so that the monsters know what they need to do? You think that? I do. I do. Right now. Right now. Well, I'm talking to you. Someone is sitting in their home going like, God, man, that's not the way you go about killing a political figure like that. Although, you know, you do have the simplicity of the secret service. And the FBI, God help us all. FBI puts a man in charge of the investigation. Who's the man they put in charge of the investigation? A guy with Trump Derangement Syndrome that Christopher Ray and his assistants work with to clean up his social media and clean up all the awful things he said about Trump. Let's put that man in charge of the investigation. Why? Because it'll be like the first investigation. Masturbation on a large scale. Vegas shooting. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. In this case was it, the investigation of the first assassination attempt, they'll have a report by December. Well, that's frickin' useful, isn't it? FBI does these huge, massive, you know, we cover the crime. You know everything about the crime, except how to stop it, except why it's happening. And we don't want to talk about that, right? Trump is Hitler. Hitler has to die. Trump is Hitler. Hitler has to die. We have to kill the Nazis. It's okay to punch a Nazi in the face. Worse, Trump's white. Oh my God. We've been talking about that for years. Get rid of these people. It's okay to punch a Nazi in the face. It's okay to put a bullet in a Nazi's head, because you're doing a service for mankind for us. You're saving America, right? Hell of an America you're saving, isn't it? Here's my predict, county prediction. Here's a prediction. The chumming is not going to stop. It hasn't stopped now. They will keep it up and they will keep saying, you know, Trump needs to moderate his tone. Haitians don't eat dogs. No, actually Haitians eat each other. Haiti's the end of the world, kiddos. Haiti's what post-apocalypse looks like. Who's the Haitian strongman named BBQ? Why? Because he burns his opponents alive. Yeah, that's cool. And you take 15,000 Haitians who basically lived in a Mad Max post-apocalyptic landscape where, yes, people get eaten, forget pets. Hell, he ate the pets and the zoo animals in Venezuela. They ate the zoo animals in Venezuela. And you're like, well, Haitians wouldn't really do that. Hell, yes, they would. You take 15,000 people from a Mad Max landscape and you drop them into a 60,000 person town in the United States. What do you get? You know, this is the old analogy. And it's an old, really ugly analogy, but nonetheless the idea that you mix things together and you get diversity. Like when you take a gallon of wonderful, delicious, vanilla ice cream and you add three tablespoons of dog crap. What do you have? You got a gallon of ice cream. You only got three tablespoons of dog crap. You got some diversity of flavor in there. No, what you have is a gallon of dog crap. A gallon plus three tablespoons. Do you want to eat that vanilla ice cream with three tablespoons of dog crap in it? Wow! As a matter of fact, you don't. You know why? It doesn't mix, does it? It doesn't mix. And, you know, once again these are Michael's predictions. You know, Michael is a crazed, paranoid person. However, I would like to submit to you how often we've been right. You know, I've said this before. Our very own best defense survival series during the COVID, COVID years. We were right about everything that all the other media was wrong about. We told you first that you know, this looks actually like a lab leak from the Wuhan Verology Institute which is run by the Red Army which turns out to be financed by Anthony Fauci in the United States. It looks like a bug that got out and then China as a as a as a core as a giant country committed to totalitarianism thought what the hell? Let's run an experiment. You heard that from us. You heard about the danger from Dr. William April. Oh my God, suicides are going to include the ceiling. Here's suicide hotlines. Here's the science unit and then suicide goes through the ceiling and everybody says, "I don't know how that happened." We know. We know. That's the key point here. I mean, yeah. Michael's like, "Oh, right, we're in conspiracy theories. I'll take it. However, I tend to be right more than I'm wrong." You know, what we saw and when Trump was present you saw the fake Russian interference. I said, "You know, this looks like a coup by the Justice Department to overthrow a sitting president." Now it's like, "Well, yeah, kind of was." Think about that. Think about that. Trump is Hitler. Would you let Hitler come to power? If you could stop it, would you? And we come back to that. Would you feel a moral obligation to kill Stalin before he murdered millions? Would you hear a moral obligation to kill Hitler before he murdered millions? Would you feel a moral obligation to kill Mao? Before he slaughtered millions, would you feel that? Trump is Hitler. J.D. Vance proved himself. He's a Nazi. Yeah? There's a damn movie about J.D. Vance, a best-selling book about J.D. Vance. You know, J.D. Vance was kind of a hero before he became the vice presidential candidate. And now you know what he is? He's a Nazi. He's a Nazi. What did America do to the Nazis? We kill them in wholesale lots. We brought firestorms to their city. We help reduce Berlin to a large pile of rubble. Because you know what? You kill Nazis. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. Somewhere in the deeps, my fear is that the monster is stirring. Somewhere in the deeps, there's somebody, as I said earlier, sitting there going like, "You know what? Hell, I can kill this guy. This is not that big a deal." You know? I didn't finish last on the shooting school in high school college, whatever. I know how to do this. Can I get some help? I don't know. Ron, you know? That's helpful. This last moron, you know, he's got ties. Let's get some Afghan stand fighters to go to the Ukraine and, you know, whoa. Okay. Okay. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. Trump needs to be killed before he can assume the presidency again. Now, are the ladies on the view going to kill him? No. I'm pretty sure whoopi Goldberg is not going to do any stalking and set up a sniper position, right? No, no, I don't think it's going to happen. I don't even know the idiots on MSNBC. I don't think they're going to do it either. I don't think the two moderators of the ridiculous debate are going to do it, huh? But they hope, they hope, they hope that as the chum settles in the water, and they keep throwing handfuls, they throw in some more handfuls, they hope they're going to get more than the bull sharks. They hope you're going to get more than an angry sand shark. They hope they're going to get more than a baby hammerhead. They hope for the tiger. They hope for the white. They hope for the killers. And they know they're there. We know they're there. We all know they're there. It's not a huge number of them, but they're there. We know that. The thing is you've got to keep trying, again, after the first assassination attempt, keep trying. You've got to keep trying. You've got to keep getting the chum in the water because what you don't want is you don't want the monster who probably has a limited attention span here. You don't want the monster to forget. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. Trump is Hitler. JD Vance is a Nazi. They're just, they're nothing but Nazis. It's just nothing but Nazis. This is 1934. This is Germany. This is it, kids. Well, they're right, but not for the same reasons. They're looking for the big ones. They're looking for the big ones. My fear, my absolute fears that they'll find them. Introducing the all new Taurus G3C with key new features and enhanced customization potential for shooters and everyday carry practitioners of all ages and abilities. To learn more, talk to your local dealer today. So what did the shooters kids say immediately after the assassination attempt? Well, his father hates Trump just like every reasonable person does. Chum works. Chum works. I want to thank a little bit now of, I mean, we always have to come back as we did with, you know, Rob Pincus and Mike Janice reminded me that this week represents kind of the 15th anniversary of the beginning of the best defense show I'm very proud of. A show that saved people's lives. It's amazing. You know, it's amazing to think, you know, I kind of look at my resume, my video. And I look at it and go like, we saved people's lives. People are not dead because of what we taught. And, you know, they reminded me, I'm like, I forget, you know, I tend to be. We've talked about this before. I mean, a lot of people say it's important to live in the present. I do. It's also scary to live in the present, partly because the past goes behind you like, oh, yeah, I did that kind of. I did that. Um, but they reminded me of that. And so I'm thinking like, if we had best defense and, you know, the original best defense with, with my original team, my original team, you know, Janice, Pincus, Marty Hayes, later, like Mike Seaclander, later Andrew Bronka, um, it's a hell of a team. All of it. What would we be doing now? What would a best defense look like now? Well, first, I thought about this last night in the wee hours. Right? I thought that that the first thing we would tell you on this episode of best defense is that if you think it's a gun, it's a gun. If you think you hear a gunshot, it's a gunshot. It is not a Harley Davidson backfiring. I thought it was the backfire of a gun or a motorcycle. What's the backfire of a gun? I thought it was a motorcycle. It's not fireworks. I thought it was fireworks. I mean, somebody, you know, in this totally inappropriate situation is setting off fireworks. No, they're not. You know, it sounded like one of those big shelves that the giant discount source fell over and made this huge noise and scared the crap out of everybody. No, no, your first thought is you hear a bang. Your first thought is not to sort through all the things it could be. You can do that later in the wee hours of the morning while you're lying alive in your bed with your family alive next to you. Right? You can think about all those things in. But when you hear the bang, your first response is gunshot. I must get myself and those in my care out of the killing ground. Where's the killing ground? I'm not sure. You won't be sure either, but you need to be paying attention. What is cover? Cover says it stops bullets. Right, imagine this, if this was a best offense right now, you would be hearing Michael Janich, Mike Seaclander, Rob Pincus saying, well, when you took your family into an open place, a mall shopping into any, into a big box store, you did look around and just catalog in your head. Well, we'll stop a bullet, right? And you're saying that you can pick a saying it. Here, Mike Seaclander saying, well, of course, you step into the room and you go, huh, well, that'd probably stop a bullet. It's not like you have to go like, oh, my God, I got to think this through. You need to make it a habit. That would stop a bullet. That's cool. That's good. Where's the exit? Boy, you can hear them all saying that too. When you come into a new area, especially if you got your family, especially if you got your kids, what is the way out? Is the only way out back the way you came? Probably not. Is there a way out to the right, to the left, to the back? These things only take seconds, folks. They're the kind of things you do. You step into a room and you go like, oh, look, there's three doors in the back. That's what our team on best defense would be telling you. Where's exit? Where's cover? The third thing that they'd be telling you, and I can tell you this, this would probably be Janet. And Janet would say, what I said earlier, if it sounds like a gun, it's a gun. And you go like, whoa, but, you know, all right, look, I got my kids, you know, or I got my wife, I got my friend, or whatever, all these people. If I hear a sound that is bang, and I go like, oh, man, crap. You know, I'm going to leave. I'm taking my kids. Come on, kids, we're leaving. No, dad. We didn't get the milkshake. We didn't get that like electric toy that is like a dinosaur that attacks Republicans. You know, no, dad, no, honey, we didn't get the stuff we came to the store to get. You were taking me shopping for X. I didn't get X. No, honey. And you say, no, no, we need to leave now. You've had this discussion with them before. Once again, can you hear the voice of, of, uh, pink us? Can you hear the voice of sea clinic? Can you hear the voice of Jen? Can you hear my voice saying, have you had this conversation with your family? There might be a time when I say, we got to go and I'm not joking. I'm not joking. I say that because it appears that we're in a situation where in my professional opinion, in the opinion of somebody who's thought through this stuff, the S has hit the F. Schumer has hit the fan. We would also say, on best defense, we would say, you're not panicking. You're just leaving, you know, rule one, get yours and those of the, get those of the people in, you know, under your care, get them out of the killing zone, get them clear, get them in the car, get them the hell out of there. Now what you do yourself, that's a different thing. Active shooter, you know, you say, well, I feel morally obligated to go back and engage. Okay. Just as long as you understand what the decisions you're making and those decisions are also based on your skill level, I'm going to have to take a 150 yard shot with my SIG 365. Might work. You ever done it before? And if you've done it before, if your name isn't Gabe Swore is, it's unlikely you've hit the target. You know, it's the other thing that we would tell you on the best defense. If this were, if we were doing the best defense again, and I had the same team of great, great people, every one of them, including Marty, you know, who of course ran like a firearms academy in Seattle before he became, you know, very much of an expert witness on civilian self defense issues, the same as, as, as Andrew Bronca, you know, a master shooter in IDPA and they would say, no, what your skill levels are. We would say that to you. We'd say, do you know what you can deliver on demand? Because this is the ultimate on demand situation. Not only that, you're all rattled, you're all, you know, you could see this yesterday. You could see this yesterday, where you have a secret service agent sees a barrel sticking out of offense, it's a long way away, but he doesn't gauge, does he anything? No. Has he ever shot that far before? Probably not. When one of, one of our team says to you, okay, what can you do on demand? When the buzzer goes off, what can you do? And it will tell you this too. We will tell you the truth. SeaClanter will tell you the truth. Take us, I'll tell you the truth. Your skills are going to degrade under that level of stress. I can tell you that. You know how I know? I spent a lot of years in very high risk sports and you know what? I personally observed, I personally observed my skills degrading under super heavy stress. It doesn't matter. It doesn't mean that you don't have to perform. It just means that you need to know things like that. You need to know things like that. I got to make a 10 yard headshot, can I? Huh. SeaClanter asked me that once, IDPA championship. And I'm like, SeaClanter said, hey, I'm going to shoot this stage, if you've heard this before. So I'm going to shoot this, this, this, when I'm standing up close, I'm going to shoot the headshot. And SeaClanter said, that's really stupid, Michael. He goes, you decided to shoot that stage that way because you're scared of a 10 yard headshot. And he goes, I've shot with you for years. You can make a 10 yard headshot. I've seen you make a 10 yard headshot. Don't worry about it. I thought, oh shit, SeaClanter is right. You know, I essentially designed in my head how I'm going to run quickly, how I'm going to run this IDPA stage. And the whole thing is built around the fact that I don't want to take a 10 yard headshot. I took the 10 yard headshot, it was no big deal, right? So my guys are going to tell you to know your skill, know the guns, know the laws. They're going to tell you that you got to understand where the exits are whenever you go to a new place, whether it's outside to have a meal at a picnic table, whether it's got help us all at a food court in the mall, whether it's going into a building, you're shopping, you know, you're on Rodeo Drive, you're shopping. You know, what happens if people crash a car and just steal stuff, huh, what, huh, what? No, no, no. You thought about that and you thought, well, look, there's an exit. There's an exit on the right. There's an exit on the left. There's an exit on the back. They just crashed in the front. I myself personally going out the exit in the back. That's what my team would tell you. You know where the exit is, right? And you know, just in case where cover is, it's like that joke in that old country song. If there are guns in the room, one of them better be yours, but, but, but you can't just draw it. It ain't Dodge City and you ain't wide up, right? Quick, quickly down under course, but it's true. But if you take cover, if you take concealment, maybe you can get the gun out, maybe you can access the gun. If you're by yourself, maybe you can do that. If you're not by yourself, what's your first responsibility? Like Mr. Janich, ask Mr. Pinkis, ask Mr. Sea Commander, ask Mr. Hayes, ask Mr. Bronkus. Rule one, get the people in your care of the hell out of the kill zone. You need to drill that into your head. Is that a gun? Was it a firecracker? Was it a backfire? Was it a big shelf falling over? Was it maybe like an alien landing? No, no, it wasn't. So this is a rant and I know that I can't, I don't rant all the time. This week I want to talk to you about a lot, I mentioned to a friend of mine that it's been raining rifles around here. My six millimeter Rooker Precision rifle, upgraded the 308, very early Gen 1, I think I got it before it actually was early before it was on sale or right when it went on sale. And it was 308 because that was what was quickly available. Well, it's now 65 Creedmoor, it's got a proof barrel, I think a 24 inch proof barrel, it's great carbon fiber barrel, easily the best barrels in the world. It has a perfect timmy trigger, timmy triggers, some of the best triggers in the entire world. I changed out the forend, it's got a forend with an archer rail on it, and it's not a key mod forend, you know, it's analog forend with archer rail, more modern able to use more stuff. I also have from, oh, from Magnum Research, they built me a custom Magnum Research Switch view, 22 long rifle rifle rifle rifle, okay, to shoot in the rimfire challenge world championships. It's beautiful, it's beautiful, I'll get you pictures. And also from Taylor & Company, I mentioned to Taylor & Company a shot that, you know, I really like 44 Magnum as a caliber in lever guns, but, but, you know, I always see the 1873, the classic 873, advertised in 44 Magnum, but I've only seen them here at like the trade shows. And they go like, look at you one. And they did, you know, so they have loaned me in 1873, 44 Magnum, I'm looking forward to shooting that, a lot of guns around here to shoot, darned exciting. So that's my rant, I promise next week we're not going to be ranting, you know, unless there's mushroom clouds and then what you're going to do. But let's go out of here something simple. How about something soothing from Tav Falco, like, hmm, she wants to sell my monkey, that's about as soothing as I can get today. I'm Michael Bain, this is MBTV on the radio on our 20th year, brought to you this week by Hunter's HT Gold, an MTM case guard, my favorite big plastic box manufacturer. Everything we talk about here, I'll have links for all these articles for you on Michael Bain dot TV. You can also see this week's trigger where we talk about my change of heart when it comes to hunting Neil Gay in Texas, I'm going to take a look at the 300 win mag and the Steiner scope that I plan to take with me. So until next week, you know, keep good tabs on your monkey. If you're situationally aware, you're armed, the most dangerous times of our lives, do not forget that, see you next week. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]