First Baptist Church in Amboy,IL Podcast

David's Praise Song

Sunday Morning 09/22/2024

Broadcast on:
22 Sep 2024
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2nd Samuel 21 and 22 and chapter 21 was a little bit Wasn't as enjoyable as chapter 22 wasn't it and? David's praise song is what I entitled this section mostly chapter number 22 and that's the one I want to focus on today and Next week will be the last week in Samuel 2nd Samuel 23 and 24 now I title that David's death David's death doesn't really take place till first King's chapter number two But that's as far as we're going to get in the life of David of course Samuel focuses especially 2nd Samuel focuses on The life in the reign of King David then after that we get to the month of October. That's almost here Can you believe it's almost October? I'm still thinking it's May but in October we're going to go to the book of Peter the books of Peter first and second Peter in The New Testament and I'm looking forward to that I haven't announced what we're going to after that. We're going to Hebrews after that so But 2nd Samuel chapter number 21 Tails us of a three-year famine that David face and we're not sure of the chronological Application to where where exactly it fit in David's life and reign and then the vengeance of the Givianites of King Saul In chapter number 21 kind of a gory chapter again as many of the exploits of David are that way and Then the slaying of the four Philistine giants. I know we always tell the story there there the brothers of How Goliath and not sure if that's exactly right, but it does make good preaching makes a good story so they were kinfolk to Goliath for sure and But then we come to chapter number 22 and that's where I want to focus this week David's Praise song David's praise song ought to be our praise song And we're just going to look at that chapter today And as you notice in verse number 22 and or verse number one of chapter 22 David spake unto the Lord the words of this song in the day that the Lord Delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies and out of the hand of Saul again That verse could go just this chapter could go just about anywhere and he was like after the death of King Saul And they're often enemies that popped up from time to time just like in our lives There are enemies it'll come up, but we need to keep our eyes on the Lord and don't get distracted from his goodness Father, we pray you're blessing upon the Word of God today And God I pray that you would teach us to praise you as we ought and to realize who you are what you've done in our lives And the Lord teach us to walk humbly before our God today in your presence Thank you for this time of fellowship. We can share with your people. We pray that you would bless our time together today Challenge us from your word and draw us close to you today in Jesus name Amen And we look at this Psalm you see the reflections back over David's life and I tend to look at it and look at my own life and see reflections in my own life and all the blessings are God's and they're undeserved But all the heartaches are on me it I Verbally believe that my life. I look back at things that why this was such a hard time was because my lack of trusting God my lack of knowing him and resting in him. I Love the verse that I've focused again and today and I do this study or this week every once in a while I just Follow through the two words that are put together. I think it's I forget how many times a number of times But the two words but God But God for example in Ephesians chapter number two says but God who is rich in Mercy for his great love where if he'd loved us even when we were dead and sins have quickened us Together in Christ for by grace are you saved? It's only because of God's goodness that you and I even have life today that we're here today For by grace in fact a little farther down in Ephesians 2 the verses and you know for by grace are you saved through faith? That not of yourselves. It is a gift of God not of works Less than a man should boast where we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus on two good works Which God has before ordained that we should walk in Him What's your cause of rejoicing? This week, you know, I look back every Saturday and Sunday morning and thankful for the opportunity it was to be a blessing to other people this week and God's given us another week and It's just good to be a blessing to those around you just to put a smile on somebody's face Sometimes because you kind of an idiot, but I'm good at that so But just to be an encouragement to others It was a blessing to me to hear how God has used the reading this week this studying of God I was so encouraged Wednesday night to hear well you've shared and then this morning if it's a blessing to listen to Gary or not I'm not sure in Sunday school. Well, God has taught you in our Bible reading. That's an encouragement That's a blessing to me. Sometimes I think I just want to sit back and let you do everything, but and It was a blessing yesterday to open the Word of God and To share the message of salvation to a broken lost sinner and see them bow their head and trust Christ as they're say here That was a great blessing great joy and cause for rejoicing And last night my wife and I were completely exhausted From a day of service and running and I was joking with cotter and those things I don't know how many had those those watches that tell you how many steps I would never want one of those it might be discouraging how many steps I take but I could tell what I can't walk it boy it was exhausted and just to Till lay down and pass out doesn't take long to pass out you follow along with me for very long and then to hear God's voice again this morning early in the morning and Just to hear him speak God gave me a special Psalm today that maybe I'll share it with you in a little bit But we're looking at Psalm Actually Psalm 18 and 2nd saying no 22 Our parallel you study them together you see that they say the wording's a little bit different in them But they cover all the same material and maybe the same Actually the same Psalm, but it's just translated a little bit different the different translations that have been passed on to us, but Second same it 22 is we're gonna look at today and just give you a brief outline the outlines in your bulletin Maybe I'll give you a few things to fill in there and I encourage you to listen pay attention Mark things in your Bible jot things down as God speaks to you You'll be amazed that that does in your life when you learn to look learn to mark things in your Bible I know some people say I don't want to write in the word of God. Hey, there's nothing wrong with that I like to find things. I was thinking of a Psalm that I quoted earlier I'm grateful for two things a Bible that you can mark on so you can find things when you come back to them And then isn't it nice to have a Bible on your phone? Sometimes I know the verse, but just don't know the address or the reference. So it is punched in. Okay. That's it right there Psalm 71 where it was and I knew the verse and just couldn't find it, but thankful for helpful tools like that But anyway, I want to look at first of all As David's praise song or our praise song. I praise God today that God is our Deliveror and that good he is our Deliveror and you're outlined there and Psalm or the second Samuel. I keep on in point in Psalm Second Samuel 22 verses 1 through 19 talk about the fact that he is our Deliveror look at verse number two followed along in your Bible and he said the Lord is my rock and my fortress my Deliveror the God of my rock in him will I trust he is my shield the horn of my Salvation my high power my refuge my Savior Thou savest me from violence. I will call on the Lord who is worthy to be praised So shall I be saved from mine enemies? When the waves of death compass me in the floods of the ungodly men made me afraid the sorrows of hell Compass me about the snares of death prevented me in My distress I called upon the Lord and cried to my God and he Did hear my voice out of his temple and my cry did enter into his ears God is my Deliveror Psalm 40 and verses 1 through 3 some of you might know that song fact I think someone quoted this the other day and one of the services I waited patiently in the Lord and the Molt Lord and climbed unto my ear He brought me up also out of the horrible pit out of the my reclaim set my feet upon a rock and Established my going in that good And he had put a new song in my mouth even praise unto my God and many cells see and hear and trust in the Lord I love the wording of that song He put a new song in my mouth, and it doesn't say Many shall hear it, but many shall see it You know sometimes when he's saying it might be best of folks don't hear what we sing but they see that we're singing We're rejoicing and But I'm thankful for that new song thankful for the joy thankful that he is our Deliveror I was thinking this Psalm this morning. God brought this Psalm to my attention and Psalm 42 it's a song of David a prayer when he was in the cave is the title of that Psalm and the Psalm says I cried into the Lord of my voice When my voice unto the Lord did I make my supplication I poured out my complaint before him you ever complained to the Lord Yeah, we can play to the Lord. Don't we I poured out my complaint before him I showed before him my trouble when my spirit was Overwell within me then thou knowest my path and the way wherein I walk had they privily laid a snare for me I looked on my right hand and behold There was listen to this there was no man that would deliver me that would know me Refuge failed me there. No man cared for my soul but I cried unto the oh Lord I Said thou art my refuge in my portion in the land of the living attended to my cry for I am brought very low Deliver me from my persecutors for they are stronger than I Bring my soul out of prison that I may praise thy name the righteous shall compass me about For thou shall deal bountifully with me Thank God that he is our deliverer when there's no man that can help us. Oh, I talk to folks every week and I think I Wish there's something I could do. I Wish there was I told somebody yesterday. I wish there's a magic wand. I could wave and make everything better But I can't do that but I know God who's a very present help in our time of need And I know he can carry you through He can be your deliver as he is our deliver and David said he is my deliver He's our rock. He is the one that I can trust when no man can refuge fail me everything failed me, but God Never fails. I fail myself, but God never he is my deliver And then I want you to see this and this has been the focus in my life ever since actually last week when I started looking at this section of scripture God is our Righteousness and verse number 20 through 32. God is our Righteousness and I know I've pointed this out Wednesday now I pointed this out in one of the emails I sent earlier in the week because God has just been Showing this to me and reminding me of this every day for some time But I want you to see what David says here in chapter 22. Look down to verse number 20 And it says he brought me fourth also into a large place. He delivered me Because he delighted in me The Lord reward me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands At the recompense me by have kept the ways of the Lord and am not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as for his statutes, I did not depart from them I was also upright before him and have kept myself from my iniquity Therefore the Lord hath recompense me according to my righteousness according to my cleanness in his eyesight I read that I say wait a minute David. I object your honor. I object king What's this about your righteousness? We've been reading the life of David. We've been looking at the things that he did. We've been studying his life Was David right in everything that he did? Would we dare say David was righteous Before God and David here is claiming his righteousness How righteous was David? Let me just read this statement again What if we were to ask David's contemporaries about David's righteousness? How righteous would David be in the eyes of a hymnal act or the 70 priests that were slain because of David's deception? How about Bathsheba and Uriah and The newborn child or a hitha fell how righteous would David be in their eyes? What about his multiple wives and his concubines in his many children? What about Tamar and Amnon and Absalom? What about Nathan the prophet? What would Nathan the prophet say of his roller coaster or his roller coaster general Joab? Who bore a striking resemblance of David? Let's ask his mighty men and the faithful servants that often witness his mood swings How about the multiple casualties and widows and orphans of his? sometimes unjust wars How righteous was David? For them, but David both hear of his righteousness and by the way, I have no more righteousness than David does I have the same righteousness and it's not my righteousness. It's not David's righteousness The righteous David claimed was not what he earned or deserved rather. It was God's imputed righteousness God's reckoning righteous somebody use that word reckon impute the same word just reckons more fun to say than imputed and Just like David we'd be fools to declare any righteousness or boast apart from the mercy and grace of God Nor do we expect or demand? Should we expect or demand righteousness from others? You know some of us sometimes in our lives We're we're quick to accept God's righteousness for us, but what about so-and-so? What about them they don't deserve the same righteousness which we've been given God alone is righteous Don't ever forget that only God is righteous. We are all together sinful and unrighteous This should never be used as a sin for as an excuse for our sinful behavior But we should see it as an opportunity exalt Christ and his mercy and his righteousness Rather than our own righteousness In verse number 31 through 37 look down at second Samuel chapter number 22 Why don't you see this in verse number 31 as for God? His way is perfect the word of the Lord is tried He is a buckler to them that trust in him Who is God save the Lord or who is the rock save our God? God is my strength and power and he makeeth my way Perfect he makeeth my feet lie like Heinz feet and seteth me upon The high places he touched teacheth my hands to war so that the bow of seal is broken by My arms thou has also given me the shield of salvation and I Gentleness hath made me great Thou hast been large my steps under me so that my feet did not slip. It's not my righteousness It's God's righteousness. I was thinking of this and I sharing this with someone Yesterday and if you turn turn with me if you will to Romans chapter number three, let's jump ahead How righteous are I what kind of righteousness do I have to claim jump with me to Romans? That's in the New Testament Roman Center, you know where it is or Romans chapter number three now, we're used to a few verses here but how often do we read these and think of our own state before God and God's grace and mercy towards us It's sad that we sometimes think of these verses only in sharing the gospel with someone to show them how sinful They are and forget that he's talking to us as Christians In Romans chapter number three look if you will beginning of verse number nine What then are we better than they is describing the fact that all people are sinners doesn't matter if you're religious or real Would you or Gentile before both prove both Jews and Gentiles are they all they are all? Under sin under the condemnation of sin as it is written there is none. What's that word? There's none righteous. No not one, but what about me? No, I'm unrighteous There is none that understand that there's none that seeketh after God they are all gone out of the way they are together become Unprofitable there is none that doeth good. No not one, but what about me God? Oh Better yet. What about my kids are good kids. What about my grandkids? They've got halo's don't they? Oh, what about? Yeah, Rex. Yeah No, I saw him this morning I scold him three times already and he got a good knock on the head Hopefully knocked some sense into him and Connor had to help with another knock on the head, but But there's none righteous Their throat lists what's in our heart their throat to an open sepulcher their tongues They have used a seat poison of ash or serpents is under their lips Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are swift as shed blood Destruction and misery are in their ways and the way of peace have they not known there is no fear of God before their eyes Now we know that That what things so ever the law say if it say it to them that are under the law that every Mouth may be stopped. That's a good statement right there. Well, shut my mouth And look at the righteousness of God. I have no right to nothing good in me. I love that song There's nothing in my hand. I can bring to God And all the world may become guilty before God Therefore by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be Justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifest being witnessed by the law and the prophets even the righteousness of God Which is by what's that word? faith Of Jesus Christ unto all than upon all that believe for there is no difference For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus jump ahead while we're in the book of Romans. I want you to see something here in Romans chapter number 10 Oh, I love this verse. I think of this verse often Romans chapter number 10 The apostle paul said in the first few verses of Romans 10 brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for israel is That they might be saved of course paul with the apostle to the gentiles yet he never lost his burden for the Jew for his own people in verse number two He tells us something I think is very enlightening about ourselves for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according To knowledge. They just don't know any better For they being ignorant of God's righteousness And going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believe it The law doesn't break any righteous being a good person doesn't make me righteous. I'm all together ungodly I'm all together sinful and wicked. I have no righteousness to claim I'd be as foolish as david to say but i'm a right. I'm a good person. No, I'm not a good person And uh, david certainly wasn't a good person. It's only by his righteousness In fact paul said in philippians chapter number three in verse number nine That we were found in him not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith Of christ the righteousness, which is of god by faith He is our righteousness. I have no righteousness to claim. I have no goodness to claim And even as a believer, I have no goodness. The only good in me is god in me There's no good thing in my flesh But the holy spirit who lives inside of me And the best thing I can do is get out of the way and let the holy spirit work through me And it is be a blessing to others. God is our righteousness. God's our deliver. God's our righteousness and then Back in uh, we need to go back to second samuel chapter number 22 Second samuel chapter number 22. God is our avenger God is our Avenger and verse number 33 through the end of the chapter Uh, we see first of all that god's our deliver. God's our righteousness and god is our avenger You know, david was a man of war, but he was a man after god's own heart david was a fighter And I think uh, someone mentioned in sunday school this morning that warfare in those days was gruesome I can't even imagine Seeing a battlefield in that day. I mean war is terrible today But you think of the hand-to-hand combat where thousands of lives die on a battlefield I can't even I can't even imagine that today And I'm the type of person when I think of you know when I see something being done I think of all the people that set up and clean up Uh, when I see a battlefield, I don't think of the generals and wolves marching in the battle I'm thinking of those that clean up afterwards the months That takes to clean up and the recovery that never does take place in most cases Uh, and uh, but god is our david was a man of war He said well, I'm not that type of a person But you know every one of us no matter what our nature is some of us are timid by nature Uh, and we're not aggressive. We don't have that what I call the peter personality or the david personality or the josia Uh, uh, the joab personality that you know go in swinging and Ferg flying and everything else. He asked what were we fighting about but sure was fun But I'm not that way. I'll just stand back and watch the show Maybe and uh, that's just but but all of us whether we're Uh, a person of war gentle intent timid person all of us. I do know this are always out to seek vengeance I'm going to get back at them one way or another Uh, and anyone that's pushed into a corner is going to you know, it's uh Almost the most wonderful time of the year starts next week Uh for deer season. I hope they could go out a couple of times this year at least but uh, and uh, some folks will say Well, aren't you scared of those animals out there and you know a deer is a very timid animal But you get them cornered they can become very aggressive And uh one of my brothers. I'm a little jealous lives up where there's bear. There's probably bear around you guys isn't there Uh, and uh, he just shot a shot of bear the other day and he said, you know bear are no different than in eyes called black bears They're nothing but giant raccoons is all they are. They're really a tip I know you're very scared of them because they got these big teeth and claws and everything but they'll run faster than the deer Uh when they're around you, uh, unless you get between mama and a baby They can be very aggressive Uh, and we spent a lot of time camping up north around bear, but uh, and uh, learn that they're just There When you're pushed into a corner, you'll be amazed what you can do and david Realize And uh times what we can he and avenged himself david realized it's better to let god do the avenging It's better just to take the wrong as paul said and let god It's a hard lesson To learn In fact, david had to learn it at multiple times it was a hard lesson for him to learn and to relearn and i would dare say that's A hard lesson for us to learn and relearn When somebody does us wrong, what do we want to do? It's our nature Maybe we won't lash out right away, but we'll hold on to a grudge and bitterness for years for centuries Some folks go to their grave and some folks have passed us on to the next generation The feuds and the and the anger why do we hate them? I don't know what we sure do All right, and uh that just uh that the event while i'm going to get back to him You just wait when they least expect it. Oh, it's uh, brother rex senior used to say you got What do you say you got to sleep sometime? Uh, we'll get back to you later. Oh, come back to it. Oh, did he say his wife said that? Uh, I think Linda said that you got to sleep sometime Uh, and uh mom will get back to you when you least expect it And oh we hold that and you know it's best just to learn To let god take care of that But that goes against everything that we are Notice what david said in and chapter number 40 and 41 Of this chapter i got a page off here He says For thou has girded me with strength to battle Them that rose up against me has thou subdued under me Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies that I might destroy them that hate me And verse number 44. He says thou also has delivered me From the strivings of my people How has kept me To be head of the heathen of people which I knew not she'll serve me I got you know, I think of the situation back with remembered naeball And david was ready to go to war and to kill off everybody and avigail came and stood between him Calmmed him down Pour some ice water on top of his head calm down there buddy Uh and uh a great lady in scripture that saved david from making a bigger mess than what he was in already God spared him from dealing rastly and harshly and he's thankful for that I in verse number 47 and 48 the lord liveth and bless me my rock and exalted the god of my the rock of my salvation For it is god that avenges me And that bring us down the people under me. I've learned to trust in god Terrest in god. It's god that avenges now now that's a hard lesson, especially for a warrior I mean when the enemies come, I'll pick up my sword and I'll go fight doesn't matter what we're fighting about Let's go getting a good fight. I and uh but david said I led to learn to let god take care of things And roman's 12 in verse number 19 says dearly beloved avenged not yourselves, but rather give place to wrath for this written vengeance is mine I will repay say it the lord. Maybe not in my lifetime In fact, some of david's enemies were not dealt with until after his death if you read on In the chapters following not only the rest of second samuel but into the first kings as I Kind of had to go. I can't end at this at second samuel I got to go into king to see how i find out until salomon gets on the throne and gets established on the throne and And day was said this wasn't dealt with yet salomon you're gonna have to deal with this one Now god didn't do this one yet. So god wants you to take care of this one and uh and uh And then notice One last thing about they had god god is our avenger god is our deliver I'm thankful that god is our deliver that he's picked me up out of my reclaim set my feet in a solid rock I'm glad that he is our righteousness. It's not my righteousness is not anything that I could do or have done Uh to be right with god to get right with god to stay right with god I can't stay right with god in my own. I need his righteous his imputed righteousness Uh, and then he is our avenger Uh, we just trust him to take care of things We'll just do the best we can and hey Maybe he wants us to live with that thorn in the flesh as paul did the rest of his life And uh this to to learn to walk in his grace to learn to trust and rest in him Look at the last two verses of some or second samuel Uh 22 Therefore I will give thanks unto the oh lord among the heathen And I was seeing praises unto thy name He is the tower of salvation for his king And show it mercy to his anointed unto david and to his seed forever As we've been studying the life of David and really throughout the entire book of samuel first and second samuel I've been asking you and every time we get in the bible especially in the old testament becomes very clear If we're going to get what god wants us out of these book We're going to have to learn to look for two things everywhere. We look in the scripture Look where god what god is telling me about myself And you'll find out the terrible things that people did god's telling us what's in our heart Showing us how wicked we are in our heart and then in that same chapter look for Jesus christ because he is the only hope that we have he is the only righteous one He is the only true and faithful and just one And david mentions that he is the tower of salvation for his king He is the stronghold that no one can conquer And he has showed mercy to his anointed Well, i'm not anointed of god. Oh, yes, you are if you're saved you're anointed of god Just like david was anointed to be the king you're anointed as a child of god Your choice chosen generation or royal priesthood a holy nation of peculiar people We're anointed of god and god takes care of those that are anointed Those that are called those that are saved those that are a part of hymn And uh, he is a tower of salvation for his king And he showed mercy to his anointed onto david and his seed Forevermore and not only the lineage of g and by the way That's one of the great truths of david the promise that was made to david that of his lineage of messiah is going to come and uh And out of the messiah we have salvation He's the son of david and we are heirs of god and joint heirs with jesus christ We are brothers and sisters of it so we could say hey We're children of david You know, we can sing father Abraham had many said we could also think father david had many sons King david had been we're heirs of god. We are his anoint. We are in christ We are in him and he is our savior. He alone Is our deliverer. He alone is our righteousness And he alone is our Avenger, aren't you glad we know how this battle is going to end You know some I don't think well. I know a week doesn't go by hardly a day goes by and folks get talking about the election and And all the predictions and prophecies and to be quite honestly i'm sick up to here and It says which which ones works. I don't even know Uh, and we're in a I do know this. I got to think and we're going to get what we deserve as a nation Either ones are losing battle to be quite honest with you. I know I probably just lost some friends right there Uh, and uh, the truth is our country's a mess Because we rejected god a long time ago The only hope we have is in jesus christ And I can't see this nation turning back to god. I pray they will but I can't see it happening and But we do know who's going to win in the end I don't see america and bible prophecy But I certainly see jesus in bible prophecy and he is a king of kings and lord of lords And as much as I love america and as much as i'm praying for god to do something in this land Uh, I I believe that our real hope is in jesus christ And if we lift him up, that's what god wants He wants us to be a blessing of to be a help and encouragement to someone around and he's the one We're gonna have to set things straight or throw me wrong as we don't have to set things We'll just trust god. We just walk with him Uh, and believe in him. I'm gonna ask you to stand to your feet if you will And I wonder today