History & Factoids about today

Sept 23-Pot Pies, Typhoid Mary, Ray Charles, Julio Iglesias, Sugarloaf, Bruce Springsteen, Jason Alexander

National pot pie day. Entertainment from 1995. Jone Paul Jones famous naval battle, Lewis & Clark returned from the pacific, Nintendo founded, Saudi Arabia formed. Todays birthdays - Robert Bosch, Typhoid Mary Mallon, Mickey Rooney, Ray Charles, Julio Iglesias, Jerry Corbetta, Bruce Springsteen, Jason Alexander, Anthony Mackie. Gale Sayers died.

Intro - Pour some sugar on me -
Chicken pot pie song - The hungry food group
Gangsta's paradise - Coolio
I like it, I love it - Tim McGraw
Birthdays - In da club -  50 Cent
Hit the road jack - Ray Charles
All the girls I've loved before - Julio Iglesias
Green eyed lady - Sugarloaf
Hungry heart - Bruce Springsteen
Evening at the pops - Jason Alexander
Exit - It's not love - Dokken

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23 Sep 2024
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(barking) Pop pies, they've actually been around since ancient Rome. Now every culture around the world has their own version of a Pop Pie. Today we're celebrating the American version. Yeah, with fall, air moving in, Pop Pie seasons is a moving in also. You know, they seem to taste a little better when it's colder outside. Now you have that flaky crust and it's filled with chicken beef or pork and then you have your favorite vegetables in them. Yeah, you really can't go along. Now there really aren't any deals today. We look, but I guess you'll have to improvise on your Pop Pie today, just enjoy. All right, let's see it happen entertainment on September the 23rd. It's back there in 1995. Number one album was the Dangerous Minds Movie Soundtrack. Coolio had the number one song with gangsta's paradise. ♪ The way you're walking, or you and your homies ♪ ♪ Might be lying to talk ♪ ♪ I really hate the drift, but I got a lot ♪ ♪ As they grow, I see myself in the pistol-smoked fruit ♪ ♪ I'm the kind of cheater little homies wanna feel ♪ ♪ Like all my knees in the night ♪ ♪ They're prayers in the street line ♪ ♪ I'm staying most of my love ♪ ♪ Just as well ♪ Tim McGraw had the number one country song with, "I like it, I love it." ♪ Gonna get fired ♪ ♪ If I don't get some sleep ♪ ♪ I don't know, but he say ♪ ♪ I'm gettin' into me, but I like it ♪ ♪ I love it, I want some more of it ♪ ♪ I tried so hard, I came by the bullet ♪ ♪ I don't know what it is ♪ ♪ But that little girl's lovin' ♪ ♪ But I like it, I love it ♪ ♪ I want some more of it ♪ The number one book was "L" is for "Lalas" by Sue Grafton. The top movie was "Seven." Two detectives, they hunt a serial killer whose motives are the seven deadly sins. Stars Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Spacy. 1962, ABC, they debuted their first TV series that was in color. It was "The Jetsons." So what year do you think "The Jetsons" took place? 2062, so we still have 38 years. All right, that should happen on September the 23rd. 1387, it is believed to have been the biggest medieval feast. It was held in London. It was for King Richard II and Prince John of Gaunt. Now it doesn't say how many people ate there, but they ate 14 oxen, 120 sheep, 1200 pigeons and 11,000 eggs. American Revolution in 1779, the famous naval battle, US Admiral John Paul Jones. He was aboard the USS Bonham Richard. Went up against a more superior, a bigger, more gun and more man British ship called the Serpus. Now after three hours of exchanging fire, you have the US ship. Yeah, it was no match for the British ship, the Serpus. Yeah, it was burning and it was starting to sink. So the British yelled the Jones. Are you ready to surrender? Jones yelled back, I have not yet begun to fight. Then he was able to lash his sinking ship to the British ship and a couple of his men throw a bunch of grenades on the deck. Once the grenades went off all his men, including Jones, I'll rush the deck of the British ship. Ah, the British surrendered. Jones, he untied his sinking ship to let it go down. And then he sailed away with his captured British warship and all his British producers. 1806, after three years, Lewis and Clark, they returned from St. Louis after their expedition to the Pacific Ocean. Over the years, a number of astronomers, they had predicted it's existent, but no one could actually prove it for certain. Then in 1846, German astronomer Johann Gottfried Gailie, he was actually able to discover the planet Neptune. Yeah, the eighth planet of our solar system. 1875, Billy the Kid was arrested for the first time and thrown into jail. Yeah, he was 15 years old. He had stole some clothes from a Chinese laundry. Scaped two days later. 1889 in Japan, Nintendo was formed by Fujihiro Yamachi. He started it, but no, he wasn't selling video games. He was selling playing cards. Yeah, company kind of evolved over the years. Now, this day in 1897, it was the daddy of them all began, the first Cheyenne frontiers day. Yeah, it's now the world's largest outdoor rodeo. In 1897, it lasted one day. Now, if you go to Cheyenne, yeah, the frontier days last nine days. 1932, Abdul Aziz Abenbin. He merged his two kingdom, the Niger and the Haraj. Yeah, he formed one kingdom with him, Saudi Arabia. Now, when he started with Saudi Arabia, it was poor. It was one of the poorest countries in the world. Then in 1938, the American oil company, yeah, discovered oil there. So yeah, they weren't poor anymore. (upbeat music) ♪ Go, go, go ♪ ♪ Go shout it, it's your birthday ♪ ♪ We gon' party like it's your birthday ♪ ♪ We gon' sip a car like it's your birthday ♪ ♪ And you know we don't give up ♪ ♪ 'Cause it's your birthday ♪ All righty, who was born on September the 23rd? Robert Bosch. He was born in Albright, Germany in 1861. Probably wanted what did Robert do? Well, in 1902, he invented the spark plug. Now, that might not sound like much, but without the spark plug, there is no internal combustion engine. He died in 1942, a very, very rich man at 80 years old. A cook named Mary Melon. She was born and cooked down Ireland in 1869. She, he's got that. She came to America when she was 15 years old. Now, she was a very successful private cook. She cooked for a lot of rich people in their houses. She ended up becoming very famous too, as typhoid Mary. Yeah, like cooking in all those rich people's houses. She infected at least 122 people with typhoid fever. Now, she never had it. No, she never got it. She was just a carrier. She just transmitted it, but she never got sick from it. They're not sure how many who died from it. They know at least three kids did, but they think they might have been about 50 people who might have died from it. Now, Mary, after they caught her, she was quarantined for 30 years. Yep, she was locked up by herself until she died at 69 years old in 1938. And no, it wasn't from typhoid fever. I told you she never caught it. She died from a stroke. Actor Mickey Rooney, he was born in New York City in 1920. Started acting at three years old. Now, his prime years were 15 to 25. He made 43 movies during those years. And when he was 19, he was the first teenager nominated for an Oscar. Over his 90-year acting career, he made over 300 movies. Now, Mickey's leading man good looks in a strapping five-foot two-inch frame made him a favorite with the ladies. Well, I'm assuming so. He married eight times. Now, he was married to his eighth wife for 34 years. That was the longest. And he knew those marriages lasted before they ended in divorce. He did have nine kids scattered between all those wives. He died from natural causes in 2014 at 93 years old. (singing in foreign language) Ray Charles, who's born in Albany, Georgia in 1930. By the time he was seven, he was completely blind. They think it was from Guacoma. Now, it didn't slow him down. I mean, they sent him to a school for the blind. Then in his 14, he left the school, started playing the piano for $4 a night in the clubs. Then from 1958 to 1990, Ray charted 80 songs, only Elvis at 108, and James Brown at 101 charted more songs than Ray did. Now, some of Ray's hits were I hit the road, Jack, George on my mind, what I said. Ray claims he lost his virginity at 12 years old, said he never saw it coming. Now, he must have really liked it, though. He ended up having 12 kids from nine different women. He died in 2004 at 73 years old from liver failure. (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) That was Julio Iglesias. He's 81, he was born in Madrid, Spain in 1943. He has the best-selling Latin artist of all time, sold over 150 million records in 14 different languages. Started out as a professional football player, well, we call him soccer player. He's performed over 5,000 concerts, so over 60 million people have seen him live on five different continents. Now, he was married to his first wife for eight years and they had three kids. That includes Giulio, Jr. and Enrique Iglesias. Married his second wife in 2010, and they have five kids. ♪ Green eyed lady love little lady ♪ ♪ Strumbling and slowly ♪ ♪ Twirl to sun ♪ ♪ Green eyed lady ocean's lady ♪ ♪ Soothing everywhere you wave ♪ Do you know that only 2% of all the women in the world have green eyes? That was the band Sugarloaf. Now, Jerry Corbeda, he was the lead singer for Sugarloaf. He was born in Denver, Colorado in 1947. He helped form Sugarloaf in 1968. Now, their original name was chocolate hair. Now, they had the heads. Green eyed lady, don't call us, we'll call you tongue and cheek. They broke up in 1978. Then Jerry, he joined Frankie Valley in the four seasons. Yeah, he sang with them for five years. They called him the fifth season. Jerry had one son. Then Jerry died from pics disease in 2010 and 68 years old. Now, pics, it's a type of dementia. It's kind of similar to Alzheimer's. ♪ Like a river that no more works for ♪ ♪ I know who won't turn it and I just get cold ♪ ♪ Everybody's got a hungry heart ♪ ♪ Everybody's got a hungry heart ♪ ♪ Let everybody ever break your heart ♪ The boss, Bruce Springsteen is 75. He was born in Long Branch, New Jersey in 1949. So they'll run in 50 million records. He's been married to a second wife since 1991 and they have two sons and one daughter. ♪ It's better with a band ♪ ♪ Ask Annie Bays or Soprano ♪ ♪ From the Met to Dixieland ♪ ♪ Singing, maybe swinging ♪ ♪ But baby ♪ ♪ It's better with a band ♪ All right, any guesses? That was Tony Award-winning actor Jason Alexander. He was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1959. So that makes him 65. Of course, he's best known for playing George Costanza on the TV show "Signfield." He was nominated seven years in a row for an Emmy. Yeah, I never won, but George was kind of a loser. Now, his total love though, he loves Broadway. He loves doing live theater. Some of his movies were "Pretty Woman," "Shallow How." He got married in 1982 and they have two sons. Actor Anthony Mackie, he was born in New Orleans in 1978. Now he played Tupac in the movie "Natorias." Then he was in "Million Dollar Baby," "The Hurt Locker." Make a stroll has to be Sam Wilson or the Falcon and all those Captain America and Avengers movies. He was divorced one time and has four children from it. Let's go back to Neptune. It takes Neptune 165 years or 60,190 Earth days for Neptune to orbit the sun one time. Well, thank you for listening to us today. We appreciate it. Don't forget to follow us on whoever you're listening to us on and come see us at, this cool of three of us. Let's end with Hall of Fame football running back Gail Series. He died today in 2020, at 77 years old. Gail said, "I have learned that if you want it bad enough, "no matter how bad it is, you can make it. "Have an awesome day and we'll talk tomorrow." (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Okay, you can do this. - I know, I know, Carvana makes it so convenient to sell your car. It's just hard to let go. My car and I have been through so much together. - But look, you already have a great offer from Carvana. That was fast. - Well, I know my lessons played in been my heart and those questions were easy. - You're almost there. Now to just accept the offer and schedule a pickup or drop off. - How'd you do it? - You're so strong in letting go of your car. - Well, I already made up my mind and Carvana's so easy. - Yeah, true, and sold. - Go to to sell your car the convenient way.