Out Now With Aaron and Abe

Out Now 593: Speak No Evil & The Killer’s Game

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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, are we're gonna make do with what we got out now is a film podcast or even I discussed new movies weekly we did the film be a Moses for your view the cable commentary tracker some other movie topic this episode 593 593 getting that much closer to 600 and this week we taught we have a double header we're talking speak no evil and the killers game two films very fitting of a September release that could be a good or bad that we'll see but join me to discuss speak do leave a little bit we have from the Mendez movie report no one's taking his tongue but they made him but they may take his stuff funny it's Lewis Mendez hey happy to be back here I thought there was a mistake when you invited me back because I'm not aware of like John Krasinski being part of any of these movies yeah we broke our streak with you I'm sorry well we have to make do sometimes with what's being offered to I'll see if I can find the connection we'll get there also joining us from nerd reactor he's managed to elude eight hit men so far but we originally called nine hit smart paces that ninth one is gonna gonna get his soon enough soon enough just you see just you wait what's up man yeah how are you guys doing this evening good yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm doing other than my dog getting sick but then that's sad all right but he's on the man he's on the bed man so okay all right good well I am excited to have you both here it's always fun to have you guys on the show and I'm looking forward talking about all these movies and more we're gonna we're gonna get to that so let's uh let's let's first let's do some show notes here first up new commentary track brand new commentary just hit the waves a few hours ago at the time of this recording we talked about Ed Wood the Tim Burton 1994 acclaimed feature film winner of two Oscars it celebrating its 30th anniversary this year and obviously Beetlejuice Beetlejuice just hit theaters as well so we thought hey let's talk about Tim Burton's Ed Wood which we did that's a fun commentary with myself Brandon Peterson Scott Mendelssohn and that's available now on iTunes and every week in our show speaking of which iTunes reads a ratings good to get those we just got a new iTunes view last week we've read that out loud that was a lot of fun to hear some new words being put towards our show and if you too want to join the exclusive club of people that decided to write a few things about out out there today if you can do just that by going to iTunes searching for our show go into that little reviews rating tab give us some stars preferably a lot of them and then writing something that'd be great it pop us up in the old iTunes charts and make us all feel good so yeah thank you to advance what else it is September that said next month we do an Ath right it's October in October we like to have our special horror themed bonus episodes we do multiple horror focused episodes all month long in addition to the regular show and it's always a lot of fun we've been doing it for a long time now at this point so we have a lot of cool bonus episodes which you'll always find ever gonna find our show but we have planned a few as a new batch this year and it's gonna be fun so to stay tuned just a just a heads up that we of course are gonna continue that tradition and it's gonna be a lot of fun to delve into the various topics that we have in mind for this year before we get into the the movie stuff that we generally talk about I wanted to take a second for us to highlight the fact that James Earl Jones passed away this past week the legendary and iconic actor passed away 93 and I sort of want to hear from you guys as far as any thoughts you might have regarding James Earl Jones but he's certainly a you know a force to be reckoned with an EGOT no less I feel like anyone in the realm of podcast think essentially grew up with James Earl Jones's a voice of their childhood to some degree whether it's Star Wars obviously or Mufasa or his many Simpsons cameos or anything else of that nature I was certainly a big fan of James Earl Jones for for all of those things and more coming to America stands out to be as well which his authority and that film just makes it all the funnier that he's involved in a film you like that and if you want to reach back something like Claudine the film of him and Diane Carroll though wonderful black romantic comedy I think is quite special as well but scary if curious if you guys have any thoughts on this lose any thoughts on James the passage of James Earl Jones yeah I was unfortunate to get the news even though you know when someone gets into their 90s you know that their time is only so short but you know I was I listed on Twitter all of the movies that he's some of the major movies he's been a part of and it really stands out how he's been in some films that people grow up with people are still gonna be watching decades from now I mean think I mean field of dreams coming to America of Lion King I mean he his voice was so iconic they even brought him back for the remake and I wish the remake was good but still you know that says something that they wanted to bring he's so iconic that they felt that they couldn't do it again without having this voice back and also he did a lot of did a lot of stage yes in fact when he accepted his honorary Oscar he actually had to do it while he was I think he was doing a driving Miss Daisy on stage and but yeah it's unfortunate but he he has left us some really iconic well see also a very minor part in Dr. Strange love so he's been he's been in very very important movie so he's he's definitely left his stay up in the history of the industry is a his debut film I believe is Dr. Strange love yes yes one of the one of the pilots on the the plane that uh that drop that eventually the bomb gets dropped from the house boy spoiler you know spoiler for one of the most iconic images of history a book it's dropped in a movie about nuclear buffs Park how about you any any thoughts on on the passive of James Earl Jones yeah I mean you guys you know hit it on the head I mean next to Harrison Ford you know James Earl Jones has been a big part of my childhood and you know you guys said it Star Wars Lion King Conan coming to America I mean let's not forget he was in the Sandlot 2 field of dreams I mean the Jack Ryan movies like I mean I've watched a lot of those movies you know growing up you know and as a kid of the 90s and you know he's a legend man and you know he's gonna be sorely missed and yeah it's sad sad day sad day when that happened you know it honestly was it was you're not wrong as far as you know he was older he certainly had a lot of time on this earth and it comes to a point where yeah it's you know eventually that's just inevitable but at the same time it's like that does feel like a loss as far as the kind of power that he brought to to you know to being among the great actors and one who has such a as Mark you just said just has such a stamp on you know on childhoods but as well as just the you know the realm of cinema in like the the Lord he brought the fact that he was a great representation like black excellence him and like Sidney Poitier among the actors that kind of stood out back and at that time that we're receiving the sort of accolades that you know I hope to see go forward and I certainly you know obviously we were mentioning a lot of the kind of the films that we as a younger audience were familiar with I certainly invite people to you know check out his many you know older films I mentioned Claudine already but I mean there's what there's Madawan it's great another great movie I've you mentioned Conan which yes of course Conan was it the Great White Hope where he plays a oh yeah Jack Jefferson was his he was Oscar nominated for that role I mean yeah he certainly I mean then there's I mean some of the obvious like this field of dreams is you know the there's the Jack Ryan films which he's a he's Greer in those movies and yeah he's just been he was at it for so long for such a long time too it's a yeah yeah it's really it's really something that like look at his career just think which is how much greatness that he was able to bring so yeah James Earl Jones you know okay rest in peace and everything with involving his whatever family he has everyone handles it well accordingly and all that okay well let's let's move on now let's get to let's get to our regular parts of the show here let's use about not quickies do you have a check it out now we will be with the top out during the week that's how this other side of the things yeah Lewis let's start with you what other movies have you seen recently well I had a really busy week so I wasn't able to see that many movies this week I ended up having I went I went with my friends to the beach and then him went to a benefit for Tampa homeless veterans but in the time then I was able to go to a screening of the killer's game which will we talk up we will talk about later and eventually went on to see speak no evil which again we will talk about later I was supposed to go to a screening this weekend of transformers one which I've heard good things about but unfortunately I wasn't able to make it because like I said earlier my dog got sick but so instead what I ended up doing was watching uglies on Netflix and I regret it because it was not a very it was not a movie it hasn't been getting good reviews so I know it's not just me is this a book that became a movie or like what is this from what I understand it's basically one of those sort of like YA film but YA films from made from a book now I have never heard of this book I've never read this book it just popped up on Netflix this weekend and it's it's the visual effects are in gray it definitely books and feels like a straight the streaming movie it just it it I found it boring and one of the things that I can't stand about a movie if a movie is not good but I can still almost get some kind of enjoyment out of the out of its flaws you know sick way I would appreciate that more than if a movie force me yeah that was that was me watching parts of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice last week go on I heard that I heard that episode of I could say I agree much because I like the movie but but no I mean just I mean this has not been getting good reviews and I think for good reason it's definitely I it's definitely a straight the streaming film that I don't I don't think anyone's really gonna remember so yeah that's basically all I got to watch this week that's so that's what I was wondering if it was based on a book because I don't feel like a movie called uglies would get very far if it was like yeah we got a script it's called ugly you said they're like why change that a media I assume so like it's a YA dystopian action thing or something is there actually there's action I mean yeah does just the fact I was bored but yeah I mean the and the filter oh good Lord oh man I these you know sometimes people complain about the filters and the way some of the cinematography of these movies and so this I wonder if they're complaining too much but this just one of those movies where you could really tell that it's just so cheap well I expect better from Mcgee one of our greatest cinematic got tours but I guess you didn't bring it right but I guess that just wasn't the case here having trouble having trouble getting in right having trouble remember what Mcgee was directing giant movies that cost over hundreds of millions of dollars because that made sense and now he's on Netflix anyway I don't know why leading into Mcgee so far he seems like a perfectly nice person just not a big fan of his movies don't tell that to Christian Bale oh yeah because they're famously about to get back together as long as you know as long as you have a different cinematographer those two are tight yeah well thank you this mark what have you watched recently um I mean I watched a lot of horror last week I think I was in I like to hear that kick um you watch people to build you yeah I did I did watch Bill Juice Bill Juice I saw the original speak no evil in preparation for speak no evil good which we'll talk about later I also saw so in watching speak no evil I signed up for the MC plus seven-day trial so you get to show all the things yeah so I watched that and then I also watched late night with the devil which was okay and then watched the watchers and then I saw never let go last Thursday and that's where we are today did you did you watch the watchers and enjoy watching the watchers ah I mean it was okay I mean I didn't know what I was expecting with it I mean I know it's I was hoping for a good I was hoping for a good movie yeah I mean I'm not trying to be sassy because I've seen a lot of good movies that I'll talk about but it's like these bad movies that I saw yeah I mean I mean so parts were great about the watchers like what it looks nice yeah no that was I was because I was on board of feet because I've seen the servant be it the child on chillin apple and I know she's directed you with those episodes like yeah I wasn't surprised it looked nice for the most part sure yeah I mean I attribute M night and I guess that he I mean I've never seen servant but I'm guessing he you know passed off his wisdom onto his daughter cuz you know style it has never really been their problem it's you know yeah exactly like I've always said with M night movies if he passes a certain budget then it's probably gonna be bad but if he you know keeps it under below a certain like maybe 30 million 20 million budget he learns to constrain himself and then it becomes great like I've noticed like split was made cheaply the visit was made cheaply both were amazing but once he gets past a certain budget then it starts to become not very good so you know it's I guess he passed the same thing off to his daughter to cuz it looks great but the substance is not really there but you know it's our first feature film I'm gonna you know give her a little bit some slack even though her father you know kind of peaked with the first movie but you know I'll give her some I'll give her a little bit of slack for that there enough all right anything else oh that's it okay I've seen a few things this week that I'll make note of I watched his three daughters this is the new ways Azale Jacobs drama it features Natasha Leo and Carrie Coon and Elizabeth Olsen they are playing three sisters their father is sick and it's pretty self-contained as far as it's set in a New York apartment of rarely leading that that space and it's largely about the daughters kind of coming together reconciling with the fact that their father's going to pass while also reconciling with the fact that they do not get along very much and it's dialogue heavy and I think quite well acted and very just good overall there is points where it could hit certain emotional beats that would feel very familiar in a different film and here I think there is some moves it makes despite being a fairly simple minimalist effort I think it makes some choices that I think reflect well on how to do this kind of grief-based drama so I was a fan it's on Netflix now with his three daughters I like that I saw the latest Kevin Smith film the 430 movie I have not been a fan of Kevin Smith's recent output to say the least his between Tusk and yoga hoses and that even his recall of his past efforts with J and Simon Bob reboot and then Clerks 3 I just I I've really fallen down on Kevin Smith's efforts as a director as a writer I think Clerks 3 is a good script but as a director I just I don't know so the 430 movie here is his 80s coming of age film that serves as sort of a Kevin Smith origin story because it's based on it's it's set around the idea of a kid that looks like a young Kevin Smith happens to be played by the kid that's currently dating his daughter who asked a girl on a date and that's gonna happen at the 430 movie but meanwhile they he and his friends spend the majority of the day at the movie theater just watching movies and hanging out and stuff there is a lot of hallmarks of what Kevin Smith is good at here on the writing mixed with like some ambition to do a little bit more I can't say that I think this movie's great by any means it's barely good which is also not the strongest recommendation but I will say it's the best looking Kevin Smith film I've seen in a while because it's like whatever whoever he hired as a cinematographer there's just choices that feel like they're being made for a change which is not nothing because that's a lot of my main issues with his last two movies they just look bad it's very much a Kevin Smith film and the fact that all of his friends are there all in various forms that's not necessarily an issue but it is like it does feel like a clinic you know call everybody up get them a non one of my movies that costs very little but it's like sporadically funny again not the best compliment but I do think it has a charm to it that overall works for someone that used to be a giant Kevin Smith fan and is kind of just not been happy with him not really progressing as a filmmaker it's like okay this is better than the past few so I could I could give it a soft pass I guess is where I'm at with it this is another one of his like limited because lately I've noticed a lot of his movie a lot of his latest movies is kind of like just releases some limited I it's it's not like a fathom event or anything it's in I don't know how let me see let me see if I can find how many theaters it's it it was in just like release like I just bought a ticket to it with no like fanfare anything behind it although I was expecting him to have an intro where he be like hey you guys be Kevin Smith like you know thanks for my movie I was really waiting for that I was kind of disappointed that that didn't happen that's really hoping for it but let's see the 430 movie got I don't even see what the theater count was well I don't imagine it was very high like I'd probably say like 500 or less but given where I saw it because it's not near me yeah but you know it doesn't yeah it's a certainly like an indie-ish release but it's not like his roadshow thing it's not like a fat event thing it's like he released a movie it's just it's from Saban films so it's you know small studio release so yeah it's interesting that lately he's he seems to be really embracing just having these more smaller releases I don't know if that's because he doesn't want too much pressure on you know whatever box office output or whatever but it's something I've been noticing with his his modern films yeah I think it's a mix of yes the the pressure of trying to do something and then being disappointed is understandable but also yeah he makes movies that are various budgeted very specifically so like they're not necessarily gonna put he's also he he's the guy that markets his own stuff right he'll talk about it all his podcast we'll talk about it very widely on all the socials and everything so he I think he knows how to craft a certain kind of expectation based on what limits he puts a lot himself but yeah the movie at least is not terrible by any means like it is perfectlywhelming as far as far as better coming of age stories go I also saw I saw my old ass which actually saw way back in March but it finally came out this week so I can finally just talk about it this movie was a hit at Sundance it features a young woman who at the end of a summer before things are about to change she has an interaction with her older self from the future played by Aubrey Plaza have you got either of you guys seen this movie I have not no I've heard about it but I haven't gotten to see it well it's quite good it's well-made it's directed by I believe Megan Park and no it's it's a it's a solid coming of age story that I think has enough working for it where the kind of the get the like the high concept premise doesn't feel like it gets in the way and it doesn't try to apply too much like logic to it to make that seem more important than it is because it's more about what that interaction is as opposed to why that interaction is and it works it works in the film's favor it's well well-made it's funny it you know has a heart it's good it's good movie I like it let's see a few more things oh winner I watched a movie called winner this is about the person reality winner that name might sound familiar it's because she was a contract for in real life a contract for the NSA who printed out things regarding the the the Russian hacks on the 2016 election and serve real time and all that it also might sound familiar because this movie was already made once last year and who she was played by Cindy Sweeney and then HBO original film now there's it and that was like a that that version of the film took the transcripts of the FBI coming to arrest her and like every every interaction was caught on tape was then turned into a screenplay this movie is a a more or less dramatized biopic involving this character that leads up to those events and then what happens afterwards and it's less good it because it plays like a standard biopic that has its kind of ups and downs and various kind of forms of drama that occur it's made of a sort of comedic edge which is okay I guess it stars what's your name the star of Kota you know I'm the name escapes me Amelia Jones I was right Amelia Jones yeah we're father silent when I think that's all right here they're father's played by Zach Galf and after some others played by Connie Britain so like it has a cast it like it has the semblance of trying to do something it just doesn't have anything to really say beyond what's obvious and it's like okay why do this especially what is already literally a movie about this person that's been made I can't speak to when one was made versus the other as far as all that kind of stuff goes but I will say it's just not that great it was a underwhelming so yeah last thing I'll mention slow horses is back on Apple the TV series with Gary Oldwood which I believe just won at least one Emmy which is good for that show because it's great I love this show it's great it's the the people in the Brits the the Brit government and what they're doing the what the what the losers that have been relegated to this small department headed by Gary Oldman are up to and it's great show and it's a fourth season and I'm happy people are watching I know it's like a UK import so that's why it's it's able to kind of sustain itself but it's a great six episodes and they're always really fun it's a great show happy back on all right that's enough please yeah we can move on let's let's get some trailer talk we're talking about one of the newest movie chairs the week when they're coming out we thought of it what have you we got a trailer showdown this week a video game edition because we have two movies I want to talk about here two movies I want to hear what you guys think and which are you you're more excited for first up we have Sonic the Hedgehog 3 this is the third sign of the hedgehog film it once again is directed by Jeff Fowler it once again features Jim Carrey Ben Schwartz James Mars didn't take a sumpter the return of Idris Elba as Knuckles among many other people and now joining the frame is Keanu Reeves as Shadow the Hedgehog which is is he like a cyborg I forget what shadows deal is he's more like a I want to say was he more like a clone oh man I feel like this might be a spoiler for the movie yeah I haven't played Sonic Adventure 2 in ages so I know it's like he's like a government weapon but I'm trying to remember like what his origin is but the I'm sure the movie will either have like its own explanation or will just go off the game regardless Keanu Reeves is voicing Shadow Hedgehog there you go that's one movie coming out soon next the other film that's facing off against is another video game movie of course which is a Minecraft movie that's what it's called this is from director Jared Hess it features Jason Momoa Emma Myers Daniel Brooks Jack and Jack Black as Steve I guess I feel like that I feel like that means nothing but at the same time is that a thing in Minecraft is like the main character named Steve it looks like it is actually now that I click on it I mean I think it is a playable character of the 2001 sandbox video game Minecraft so there you go learn something every day TIL there you go so what's mine what's a Minecraft movie about that's a question that somebody will certainly be able to answer it some point but it seems like there are four normal people that are like I guess transported to the world of Minecraft that's all I got Jack Blacks already there as Steve an expert at Minecrafting so yeah that's that's what we got so far so we have these two movies we have a sonic we have a Minecraft mark which are you more excited for sonic I mean I thoroughly enjoyed the first two sonic movies I think it's one of the one of I mean the bar isn't high with video game movies let's just put it that out there there correct statement yes yeah but the first you saw the hedgehogs are probably one of the better if not one of the I mean top five you know video game movies out there which like I said it's not a very high bar but they're all enjoyable and this one looks to be you know way more action-packed than the original I'm digging the Dragon Ball Z vibes RIP Akira Toriyama by the way yeah it's I like how you know they're setting up shadow I like how you know sonic tails and knuckles are all teaming up to take down shadow kind of reminds me of again going back to Dragon Ball super the final bout between the tournament of champions and you know it just seems a lot of fun especially with Jim Carrey back the Minecraft movie I mean other than Jason Momo was clearly you know fake hair doesn't look that interesting or good I mean it looks good for what it is considering you know how actual Minecraft looks like this one you know clearly they put a lot of money into the CGI budget it's not just bit blocks yeah they win that battle I mean it's not a very you know hard thing to do to make it look better than Minecraft but still it's like you know I got nothing out of this movie at all you know you see you know Jack back there and he's like I'm Steve and then and like and looking like Jack Black like he rolled out of bed put on a fresh t-shirt is like I guess I'm good to go yeah yeah exactly it's like oh it's time to start filming guys all right let me all right I'm ready all right let's do this he poured a Vin Diesel except Vin Diesel you know probably would have ended up showing up two hours late to the movie I mean I don't know that but yeah it's yeah it's it doesn't look good I'd rather you know watch the Sonic movie just because I know I'm most likely gonna have a better time at that than I would with Minecraft movie but I am willing to be proven wrong I'm open to the idea of being proven wrong but or enough I highly doubt it okay Lewis where are you with this this face off here are you are you are you ready to block it up or you're ready to go really really fast I want to go really really fast because yeah I'm more excited with for song now I'll say this is that interesting sort of side piece here is that my best friend is like one of the biggest sonic fans in the world he's he's got a sonic collection that I think it's like in competing in like the top three old time in the world it's like so he's he's a massive massive sonic fan so he you know I was asking him about like you know the trailer and he seems to be pretty excited about the sonic fans have really reacted well with these movies and you know I thought the first one was okay I did have a little bit of the issue that for video game movie also kind of felt a little road trippy sort of but then the second one I had a lot of fun with and I thought that the finale really kind of almost made me feel like what it would be like if you were in a final boss in a video game but you know it just it just seems like it's gonna have sort of the same atmosphere and look and feel of the other two sonic movies I think I think generally it's gonna be a fun movie it's you know when I'm talking about a movie that's gonna end up being like you know among my favorites of the year and didn't like that but it should do the job in entertaining me and I mean it's gonna be interesting to see how Keanu's voice work is though I do feel like I know sonic simple excuse me not sonic but shadow is supposed to be kind of like a little bit more somber and you know moody and stuff like that but I don't know like I guess it's kind of hard because they're in the trailer so like it's just like oh that's Keanu it was hard for me to just see that as shadow because you could tell it was Keanu's voice and that last part in the trailer with the Robotnik and his dad and so it's kind of like I don't know it was a little silly but at the same time it's kind of what you would expect for the for the humor they're going with whereas the Minecraft trailer you know I to be fair we sometimes we've gotten these trailers that look like they don't they make you feel like there's no reason for this movie that exists there's kind of cringe humor in it and then you see the movie and it turns out to be better than you expect so I'm hoping that that happens with this movie but it just it just felt so generic it felt like what you would expect them to do and one of the things that really annoys me even though to be fair sometimes maybe they can actually sort of pulled it off is that this feels like back in the 80s and the 90s where they would if they decided to adapt a cartoon or they decided to adapt a video game they would decide oh we're gonna make it that people go into the cartoon or people go into the video game and stuff like that and it's like I just find that it'd be such lazy writing whereas if maybe they had done this as an animated movie maybe they could have explored the world better and and really hit on the game you know more to be a little bit more true to the game that being said I do think the CGI looks like it's got potential even though I know there were some scenes where the green screen was really noticeable I hope the humor's better than what I saw in the trailer though because that felt that that part with the Steve joke and and the kids reacting just felt again it just felt like almost like the stereotypical thing of what you would think the trailer that you think they'd make to try to get a reaction out of the audience in a movie theater and yeah it didn't really and I just I want to say Daniel Brooks is in better stuff than this because she's just coming off an Oscar nominated performance so it's like I'm a little disappointed but hey I'll try to keep it open my maybe the maybe it's just a badly put together trailer and maybe that it turns out to be better than we expect but yeah I'm more excited for the song movie yeah I as I make points every time we talk about video game movies on this podcast I don't let myself have expectations for these because they burn me so many times so I just I just take things as they are when it comes to these with the Minecraft movie yes I agree it's not a very good trailer does it have visual effects in the works that seem to resemble the blockiness of a game I've never played before yes sure it looks like those bits that I've seen in like live action form that's fine the main issue I have already is director Jared Hess and I have a disagreement about comedy I find things funny and he does not know how to make me laugh so I am I'm already at a disadvantage here what it comes to him making another movie so there's there's not a lot for me to go on a Minecraft movie beyond thinking well it's a teaser maybe the trailer will show me something different but I I'm so far despite liking this cast honestly it's like no not a lot here sonic yeah but I'm with you guys like I like the first one fine I thought the second was like a fun improvements upon it as far as just knowing better how to do the things it's doing and I can only hope those there's even more growth of the third one where they continue to know like what they want to do with this thing and how to make it work I stopped playing sonic games before shadow was a character so I don't really have any attachment not that I have attachment to begin with to Sonic the Hedgehog because it's Sonic the Hedgehog but in the Rome of my familiarity it kind of ended with knuckles so it's like what else you got oh great shadow great I know I've heard of him we'll see how that goes but no it looks fun it looks like it has the same kind of chipper energy that the previous Sonic films do I am intrigued by the fact that Jeff Fowler has come back over and over for this like you don't see a lot of trilogies that maintain their directorial voice all the way through so that's fun you know that is it's like a win as far as that's concerned like this sonic movie that could have been a disaster and we all remember how sonic looked originally so it's a disaster and now it's turned into like this mega blockbuster franchise that's done well by you know this random assortment of actors and has made you know Sonic and Tails and Knuckles all very fun like I even watched the day I want to watch the knuckles TV show and Paramount I got halfway and stopped but only because life kind of took over so I haven't had a chance to get back into it but it was fun too yeah that's fair I love the the the musical segment at the bowling alley that was that was that was great it's a very like your life is not going to change by watching all of this but yeah it's half-hour spurts of this is fun you know I'm enjoying it yeah well yeah as well so there we are sonic 3 opens and theaters Chris this Christmas did December 20th and a Minecraft movie opens on April 4th 2025 hoping to make that sweet sweet Super Mario Cash I assume so we'll see how that goes for that and yeah all right let's move on let's get let's get to our the first of our two main reviews here for the killer's game it's terminal along to our best-case three months I don't want me to see my thoughts like that what brings you to my door any a contract executed what do you want retired me I've thought about doing this for years you killed my father this way I kill you and get paid to live for Joe flood that he's got to go to work it's gonna be weird whatever turns you'll I'll make them stay low I'll flood thank god there's been a mistake they switched your scan with another patient you're not gonna die but you might want to get your eyes checked that should have been some of the trailer for the killer's game based on a mid 90s novel there's been attempts at turning this story into a film with directors that included John Wu Wolfgang Peterson Alex Pois and Renny Harlan fittingly for an early September action film there's a point where Jason state that was gonna leave the film at the stands now however stuntman and coordinator turn director JJ Perry has put together this tale of hitman Joe flood played by Dave Batista who's convinced he's going by the wayside due to a terminal diagnosis he plays a hit on himself so his girlfriend can receive the insurance based on his death only to be told that he's been misdiagnosed of course that means he must now fend off a colorful assortment of assassins who are keen to give up on the contract put out on Joe's life Lewis I want to start with you are you a fan of a Batista what you think of the killer's game I'm a fan of Batista I think he's probably might be the best wrestler turn actor there is and I've been watching him I am a wrestling fan so I've been watching him going all the way back and I can tell you that his acting has definitely got him even better compared to when he was wrestling and I really really enjoyed the killer's game I enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting to I had a ton of fun with the movie this really strikes me because because you know the movie didn't do too hot at the box office but it kind of makes me feel like this is that kind of movie that drops on streaming month or a year down the road and then you can start here you're gonna probably start hearing from people complaining like wait I you know I didn't hear about this movie or how did this movie didn't do good oh yeah this is lined up to be number one on Netflix for two weeks in two years yeah it's bullet train all over again it's kind of it's it's I think it's a definitely audience friendly movie for folks who are into this sort of stuff I will say because I know that they've been doing a lot of the marketing going from the producers of John Wick you and I said this in my written review do not go into this expecting the kind of filmmaking that you get from the John Wick movies or even the action it's already the the way the action is choreographed but it's it's definitely more of a comedic action with that's with almost like sometimes I almost reached a salooning to this level and I was trying to figure out in my mind what this is sort of remind me of and I would say I'd tell say almost reminds me of like sort of the big climactic violence scenes in a Quentin Tarantino movie and I thought that the characters were pretty colorful you know maybe some of them you know were basically just there to kind of get killed but for the most part I didn't I like this step they attempted to create some aesthetic and a style and the way that they introduced the characters I had a lot of fun with Terry Crews character and his art where he he had to deal with the the Nimrod I think well was it a nephew or cousin or something oh yeah it just it's almost like watching this sort of rated or action comedic almost like Looney Tunes movie in a way but even through all that there's almost like this romance this love story and they actually try to make that room they try to make that room though the dramatic portions of the movie earning that they do take some time in the beginning with the romance and I appreciated that whereas maybe some other movies were just rushed into it it's a letting us really understand the connection that these two people are supposed to have but yeah I I would say this was just a full-blown blast just full-blown action comedy and I had a lot of fun with it all right well Mark is loosely alluded to killers game is currently burning up the charts of the box office but what'd you think I mean same I thoroughly enjoyed the killers game I didn't know what to expect from the trailer like we kind of alluded to with you know my craft movie sometimes the trailer doesn't necessarily a bad trailer does not necessarily mean that the movie is gonna be bad and I wasn't kind of impressed by the trailer but I came in thinking okay you know it's gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna have a lot of action you know Lewis said it like you know but he says probably the best actor wrestler turned actor ever and you know I you know I love his movies I haven't seen a bad movie from him yet you know knock on wood and Abe and I are big fans of Stuber I want to put that out there yeah so yeah likewise I love Stuber it was fun I actually rewatched it a couple weeks ago it still holds up with this coming out I was like I should watch super gonna have to watch that in a while I kind of did the same thing too after watching the when the trailer got released I watched Stuber again and like I say it still holds up but yeah it's as fun as you know I expected it to be you know all the action was great the comedy was great I didn't expect to have any you know like emotional feelings for it as much as I you know thought but you know the relationship between Sofia Buttella and Batista was nice dramatic addition to it and you know contrast to all the chaos and laughs that we have in in the movie I thought you know the world building was also kind of great like they gave us enough to kind of want to come back maybe if it does well and like streaming because you know kind of like what you know Ben Kingsley was saying is like oh yeah you know you kind of broke the rules and you know you're not supposed to do that so they're kind of like establishing that you know there's a game you know like literally in the title you know there's a game of foot and you're supposed to abide by the rules at all points and you know that app that they use is you know awesome - it's like you know tender for assassins and I thought that was hilarious like now swipe left I don't want that mission I'll swipe right I'll take that mission on but yeah it's I had a lot of fun with it and you know is it the kind of movie that you're gonna go in thinking you know having deep conversations live conversations about it after no I mean obviously not this is not that kind of movie we're about to be deep okay oh oh all right all right dr. Aaron is in the building but yeah I mean it's it's yeah it's it's a lot of fun that's you know it's the kind of movie where you just I know it's bad to say this but it's kind of the kind of movie where you just turn off your brain and then just let you know the fun entertainment just like take over and you're gonna have a good time and you know that's all you can really ask for in a movie like this yeah I I don't disagree with the with the sentiments what you guys are saying for sure like because I had a fun time with this movie I will say like whether not the trailers any good just the basic premise every time I like set it out loud to myself I was like this is so much fun like this is such a fun idea for a movie a hit man takes a hit on himself because he thinks he's dying and then he's not like yeah like cancel that's fun I am so like in for like that kind of silly it is I have a big soft spot for like especially specifically 90s era but like hitman comedies like that that's so like up my alley when it comes to if I want just like silly action stuff like that'll do it for me for example the big hit with Mark Walberg and all the blue diamond Phillips is one of my favorite movies because it just is and this this is not a you know this is it's not as good this is not nearly as good as that but it's still scratching that sort of itch as far as movies I just haven't seen like this for a while the other thing that had my attention was that it's director JJ Perry he obviously has been big in the stunt game for a long time he's worked on a lot of different films but he also directed the film Deschif with Jamie Foxe a couple years ago which I also was quite a fan of specifically because it's a good-looking movie whether or not you enjoy the Jamie Foxe plays a vampire hunter in LA film as much as I do I do think the action in that movie is particularly one like big kitchen fight that features Scott Adkids among others really does the job so like seeing him get like a bigger budget to work on a Lionsgate feature film that's coming out in like a September where I usually get like a crank or like movies like of your transporter I'm like yeah all right let's see this let's see what JJ Perry's got for me with Dan Batista who I also like quite a bit and yeah like you guys are saying I think the movie has the kind of fun it needs to have for this it very much feels like a dtv action movie that happens to have a bigger budget and I call that a compliment because whether or not you like the kind of direct-to-video action stuff out there it's rarely because like the story was that compelling or whatnot it's because the actions usually well filmed because you have a lot of stunt people involved in those movies a lot of people that just know what to do with the camera even if the storytelling is not like at the a-game you're not really coming to see that and that's what I wanted out of this movie knowing that it was again JJ Perry and this premise is so silly where I'm like hopefully the comedy matches what the action is going to be and I think it did I think the movie has a good sense of humor about itself and how it does things but it's also a great showcase for like all these good stunt performers so all of the Batista and Cruz and Batella you know like standard actors you have Scott Atkins you have Marcos Aurora who's in like John Wick 4 last year and this to be Eagle this is the Condor which I was really like what's it Daniel Bernhardt there's like there's a lot of like stunt people in this that are you know known in that space that are getting a chance to be in a bigger movie and I appreciated that I like that they all had individual scenes like you mentioned Lewis like they all have like introduction or scenes that kind of like give you an idea of who their character is or whatnot like it's it's neat it does that well it's colorful which is I'm also happy with I like movies that aren't allergic to having color in them we get so many bland blockbusters that like hate the idea of color so it's like this is nice like there's actual actually something to look at in this movie and I think the stunts and the action are like fun I I wouldn't say they're like technically amazing in terms of like I don't think they're trying to wow you with what the what like the elaborateness of the action but I think they are trying to entertain you as far as how things are pulled off whether it's Batista's shoving certain weapons and certain body parts or what have you I think it knows how to like satisfy an audience on that front as opposed to like a raid where those movies are you know so they're so focused on the the martial arts and like how skilled those characters are I feel like the the the wow factor in this movie comes from just like how fun it is to see the action unfold and Mark I agree with you I think the dramatic stuff early on with him and Batella just I think they have good chemistry and it's like if I don't know if I necessarily needed like Dave Batista being like a rom-com for half a movie like this is nice I don't mind saying this this is something fun here and to top it off I think he and Ben Kingsley have very good chemistry I really enjoyed their friendship I like Ben Kingsley can ham it up and he's certainly doing that here but I think he got he and Batista like they convinced me that they have a fun friendship so no I was I had a fun time with the movie I was I was I quite enjoyed it and can I add that I'm well I don't know well can we say kind of spoilers in this oh hold on how far are you willing to go well it's not really spoiler well I mean if it might be but I'm glad that you know in the kind of movies that the kind of hitman movies that are made nowadays if you have a handler and okay I think yeah yeah not out of ten times they're probably gonna betray you and I'm thought you know oh man I hope that you know Ben Kingsley is not that kind of like character that portrays Batista so that he can get the money he was man he was you know his bro like he's a mess like yeah yeah like I think the movie makes it pretty clear that like palm clementops like the big bad of this whole yeah oh yeah I think that's fair to say out loud but just a story old that it was the wrong diagnosis it's not because like I knew what the premise was but the movie takes its time to get to that and I'm like oh wow okay we're really spending a lot of time like not doing the thing and now and that's interesting because I would I could find that that could be that could hold a movie back for me sometimes it's not really a fault of the movie it's just more of like the marketing Abigail's like the most recent example of that right where we all know that the little girls of Empire spoilers but like you're walking to that movie and you spend a good amount of time not dealing with a little vampire girls you're like once you're gonna become a vampire and I like I think that movie is fine I wasn't as big on it as some people were but like and I wouldn't as I would say I was held a back because of so I actually like the time we were spending with the characters but I can see that being an issue where this movie it never like I was never I was never saddened by the fact that I wasn't getting to the action faster I was like I like seeing Joe Floyd try to make this life work for him and yeah it's also there's that seems like a book character he is and there's that see where he gets to the doctor's arms and the doctor tells him like what happened he has what's a Crutchfield Jacobs disease yeah and and I'm sitting there and looking at Dave Batista and he has like these big sad eyes he's looking at and he's looking down and like oh Batista he's doing he's acting look at the acting going on here yeah I like this well I think what they do is that they make you earn giving you know caring about first of all the the romantic sub-pod here sure and the and the friendship between him and Kingsley so what so it you know it makes you you know even though the you know there are characters in this movie that you know they have these cool little answers and they're clearly just there for action and to get killed and stuff like that but at the same time there are characters in here that they've made sure that it's earned for you to care about you can understand why Joe cares about them and why they care about Joe and then um you know and I will say that to me personally to me maybe the MVP was Terry Cruz because every time I especially as they build and build and build and we got to see more and more of him like I every single time he was came on screen I started to have a smile on my face because he's scared I just found his character and and the thing his character the storyline that he of what he had to deal with I just found it so entertaining his character is named Love Doll by the way yeah I know I agree with you I like I'm a big Terry Cruz guy in general I think he's just a really fun presence to be in anything so no I think they gave him a good amount of stuff to work with in the midst of you know what is their ridiculous plotline involving his character he's like yeah like you mentioned he's teamed up like with this guy's cousin who's like a wannabe assassin wannabe gangster type and he's you know lame and it gives Terry Cruz enough to do um and that's I think that certainly helps in a film where you have all these other stunt performers that you know you get their characters but they don't really have a lot to work with so at least you get like one of them that gives you a little bit more like for a movie that I should keep repeating is very dumb like I don't think we're unfair to say it's a very dumb movie but the step the steps that it's taking to like get to what it needs to do I do think it I think its aspirations are clear and it's able to reach them without either insulting me or taking too many shortcuts to get to where it needs to go I think it like it's it's the right kind of movie for what it's doing it's like if what those those sort of turned your brain off it's gonna pop corn entertainment as Mark said what if those movies actually try to make you care a little bit more instead of getting straight to the action yeah and you know like you said every they got you got to be kind of careful with that execution or you get the crap you can get the crowd like okay let's go but again I think was executed so well so it's you know that it's almost like you care about the characters and then all of a sudden with the plot really starts to kick in and the action really starts to kick in it's it's almost like it it makes it worth it it makes it worth it it's almost like going up if you're on a ride and it's going up that steep hill and then it just starts you know it takes that drop so it earns all the entertainment value out of it now that you've gotten to really know the main characters I agree like if you're talking about like movies like this that aren't knowing how to pull it off that's every expendables movie to me where I feel like they all like like I I'm not inherently against those because it's like if Stallone wants to get a bunch of action badasses from film and put them all into one movie that sounds great and whether or not I like those movies I think one and two I think two is the best by default but none of them are really arising to the occasion it feels like they all are missed opportunities to do something better with what that is I'm not going to say this is high art by comparison like it's you know it's doing the job that it needs to do but it is doing those things just better and whether that's because Batista just has a natural way about how he brings himself to this stuff or that JJ Perry is just accomplished enough as a stunt performer to just know where the fuck the camera is supposed to be and like how to make the action compelling because if there's I mean if you want to ask me about expendables movies I can't I could tell you a thing about the action beyond I guess they shot guns a lot like I don't I couldn't tell anything about those act sequences I think they all blend together state them has knives as Christmas I believe that's his deal he has his knives a lot but I mean there's just nothing there this movie I will I remember the killer's game like super well in a month from now maybe but like I still think I got satisfied with like how it came out just because of the the effort that kind of went into something like this that puts it in the realm of you know the better state the movies compared to the lesser types of those movies um do you guys like seeing the various stunt guys we have here are you guys fans of people like Scott Adkins and Marcus Roar and so these other guys are popping up oh yeah 100% any time you know we get Scott Adkins to be a part of the movie you know I'm a huge fan of his work you know like I had no idea that Scott Adkins was in John Wick 4 until somebody told me that he was the guy in the fat suit yeah and I'm like man that just shows me like he's willing to put in the work you know he doesn't have to be the star of the movie you know he can just be the guy that you know either the character beats up or he can be like a friend that you know sidekick or you know maybe down the road maybe starting his you know own thing I don't know but he's willing to put in the work and I'm appreciative of that I will say I wasn't I still wouldn't say like he's my top guy but I wasn't always the biggest Scott Adkins guy because I just wasn't seeing the charisma where like he's on DTV movies I'm like yeah I get wise you know he fights but like does he have like anything else but then in recent years I've seen some of the like the cooler stuff that he's beyond like understanding he's very talented no doubt he knows that he's a good fighter he knows how to make that shit look great but I saw a few movies that he's just legit like really fun and I saw what accident man hit man's holiday really fun I saw a vengement which is a really fun movie he's in the fourth it man triple threat he's the villain in I believe and that's another one that's like all the bunch of stuff like that's like that's a bunch of people that's Tony Jha you can always tiger Chen Michael Jai White like that's that big one that one picks ass so like it took me a bit and maybe I have to catch up on some other ones from early days as well but no I I'm more in on Scott Adkins now than I have been that said Marco's a roar I really like he was also in John Blick 4 he's like the big bruiser guy that he's that he's fighting like throughout that movie that guy's cool but he plays like this dancer hitman in this movie that I really liked I really like just like that I be what they what they set up with his character so there's some people here I quite enjoyed Lewis are you would anyone stick out to you I mean it was interesting to see so among the Scottish brothers the bigger one with the long hair is the wrestler right yeah he's played by Drew McIntyre okay yeah he's he's a pretty big wrestler he's had some big he's had big matches and storylines stuff he's he's currently involved in a pretty interesting storyline he's a great troll on Twitter he's really been able to use Twitter to really enhance wrestling storylines but it was interesting to see him in this and I thought he did a good job and everything but like I said a lot of these characters there's a good trick at these characters that they have these cool intros but it's not like we get too deep with them you know they're they're it's almost like you already know they're there for them to show Joe off and and get his kills and stuff like that whereas you know some other ones you get to see you get to get to know them a little bit more like mainly Terry Crew's character is obviously the one that stands out but among but yeah it was it was kind of cool to see Drew McIntyre I like the ladies in this uh the I don't know who the actresses who played the you have a you have a Shane the West you have a Shayna West and Lucy Cork yeah I kind of I know one of them's MMA for sure and I'm not sure I did the other one's just been a lot of stunt stunt work yeah Dr. Dynamic I thought the motorcycle the fight was cool the Koreans and the way they did their thing that was I thought was pretty funny but yeah but you know what again is that with one of the things that this movie does so good is that it takes the time and I don't know if they got this from necessarily from the book because I've never read the book but it's just everybody they made sure to have these very distinct characteristics to them so that even though they're even if they're just side characters are barely there they're just there for sort of fodder and failure they still sort of stand down because the way that the stop that they make sure that each of them has their own style their own personality and I really appreciated that no I don't disagree with you there I do think there's there's effort to diversify what we're looking at for a movie that's you know not terribly expensive and probably shot in oh I can see right here shot in Budapest it's like they there's work being done to be like yeah let's like make scenes look different from each other let's not just have like the same bland thing let's have fighters that have different skills you have like you mentioned like the motorcycle guys you have the women that have like a lot of like bombs in the gun you have the the Irish guys or the Scottish guys they're big bruisers you know there's just a lot of effort to you know the dance you have a literal dancer I and there's swords that look like there's just cool stuff as far as how to mix things up and like I mentioned it it while it can feel like a direct video movie that this happens to like have a bit a bit larger scope that does mean being like okay now we're like a secluded man castle for like a good chunk of the movie it's like I like the way it works around doing that kind of thing in the same way like well actually we're gonna have to talk about a blumhouse film but like blumhouse films are so closed off right it's usually like one main location or what not but then I do there the better ones can do their best with making that seem like there's a lot going on I think the movie pulls that off too it does that like feel more expansive than it actually is considering all of the characters that are like popping in and out of this thing and whatnot there's there's enough here like pong clementoff for example like she's pong clementive she's in like one room the entire movie right like there's no she never leaves that she film for like three days and she's done like there's no question about it um let's see anything else I think we we are all pretty positive I don't think there's too much more to expand on here yeah I mean I guess one last thing sure now that you were kind of talking about the different styles it kind of reminded me of a little bit of like MMA matches in terms of like and how the intros all give you a little introduction to not only the characters but they're killing styles yeah because you know like you said the Scottish guys are the bruisers you know the party girls are guns and explosives and knives you know um and it makes you think like okay so you know how is Joe going to kind of combat the this style how's he gonna combat that style because he's got his own style but you know I I like how that kind of plays into you know the movie and that kind of you know kind of ramped up the excitement for me because I'm thinking okay so these guys use motorcycles how you know how the F are you gonna like you know combat that because you're just a guy so are you gonna you know take a weapon and then you know kind of beat down and as they're trying to buy so kind of like makes you think in your head like okay you know how is he gonna do that and then you know when it happens you're just like oh man that was so cool on how they did that and I think that's one of the big reasons why I enjoy the movie so much is because you know is because you know the action kind of you know played out as much as I thought it was gonna be chair yeah I hear and I agree um yeah all right I think we can wrap this one up move on to our next thing so the killer's game is currently in theaters now blowing up the charts as we mentioned uh when do people go and see the killer's game lose when do people see this movie well I mean I I guess I'm just gonna have to recommend that folks do what they're not doing and go check this out I think I think this is a movie this is a pure popcorn flick movie you go with the fellas or you go on a date night or something you know um as long as as long as you don't mind like that sort of gory rated R action comedy uh and you'll have a lot of fun with this so I I definitely recommend that this is worth a night out at the movies with okay mark how about you yeah same go support go support yeah I don't know I mean I was gonna say um I don't know if there's I mean you mentioned it's a book I don't know if there's more books to this series in this series based on what I've read it feels like this was an idea that someone had for a movie they couldn't get that going so they turn it into a book and then that knowing that the book would probably get optioned so they could become a screenplay eventually for a movie so yeah it's not like an expand there's not like the killer's game you know floods revenge but yeah um you know go support um you know I kind of want to see a sequel to this and see how you know Joe and um he got so he is mazy um life unfolds you know after killer's game well I'm with you guys I think I think like a bat and a dollar theater will be good for this one for sure like it's it's fun it's fun to watch my audience and the audience obviously will be very expansive when you go see it um but I think I think the movie gets the job done I like Batista I'm happy seeing him leading films even if it's not like the most challenging compared to other things he's done I still think he's having a good time here uh and honestly it's fun to see him smile you don't get to see but he's a smile all that often so it's a safe smile at a movie even the movie acknowledges that the movie's like it's free of your laugh like it's like uh so good stuff all right well let's move on now let's get to our next review for speak no evil cold water therapy proven to remove the immune system and we didn't bring our swimsuits oh that's all right you can keep your knickers on you shouldn't be shy Louise got a great buddy oh how are you Louise is a great woman I've always wanted a family like yours mom something's not right with him no what is wrong with you I want to back up the cart and I want to leave now oh no that is really bad luck that should have been some of the trailer for speak no evil in 2022 critics and audiences had the chance to see the Danish film speak no evil from director Christian tasroff the acclaimed back film had led to blum house snapping up the rights and hiring director James Watkins to direct and write a new version in this two years later update an american couple with a daughter uh befriends a free spirited british couple with the sun once back home the americans receive an invite from the Brits to spend a long weekend at their remote farmhouse in the countryside once there wall hospitable and seemingly well meaning the oddball behavior and escalating tension turn this friendly visit into a nightmare mark you already mentioned that you had just watched the original version as well in preparation for this film so i'm curious uh where are you with uh with this film and especially in the the nature of uh seeing it as a remake i enjoy the american remake more than the original version and i thought the original version was um slow but methodic in the way that they were telling the story about you know these two completely like different couples like they are the total opposite you know of you know each side of you know the spectrum like one is a fun loving couple who make love all the time the other one is you know deprived of all that but you know act happy just for the sake of you know making appearances in front of their friends and you know un un you know for the american version they kind of played it off in a more comedic route where you know the way that scoot McNary and mckenzie davis you know react to um james backboy and um i forgot the other woman's name um but seeing them react to each other you know brought a lot more laughs and entertainment than the original did like i was more um i saw why scoot McNary's character you know kind of gravitated towards james mackaboy's character than i did with the um the original uh danish actor and you know everything just comes to ahead way quicker in the american version where with the particular twist in the movie you don't find out near towards the end of the original which um i'll have to admit is way more impactful in a sense and the original had a way more effed up ending than this one but you know in terms of entertainment you know james mackaboy completely kills it in this character and you know he brought a lot of you know intensity to the role he brought a lot of you know charisma to the role as well as he normally does in these type of um roles and he honestly was one of the main reasons why this you know i like this one better than the original because if it wasn't for him then you know it would kind of feel the same way or not work or the uh comedic elements wouldn't as work as well as it did or you know without him on there so i thought you know this one worked out better than the original and i loved the um uh the the thrills of it you know i thought it was um a little bit more thrilling than original too and yeah it was i thoroughly enjoyed it all right hello so how about you have you seen me did you see the original okay so it's i'm kind of in a special situation where i have not actually sat down to see the 2022 day initial original however a couple weeks ago it just so happened that i was watching a video a very interesting video essay on a social anxiety horror and they actually brought up the original and sort of went story be by story be so i basically know what happens in the original um but i haven't actually sat down and watched the entire runtime and from what i saw uh in the essay about the original you know i was wondering going into this remake how american nice it would be in comparison because traditionally european horror is willing to go to certain places that american horror is maybe a little more uncomfortable going with especially particularly with with certain finales oh yeah and the the i was i i just after knowing what happens in the in the Danish film i thought are they really gonna go there with the with with the american version and i will say that the remake is definitely an americanized version there's a little it's it there are things here that are a little bit more comfortable i think i won't be more comfortable for american horror audiences compared to what european horror artists are maybe a little bit more willing to um take in from their horror movies um but at the same time even with that i do think that it captured sort of the atmosphere that the first that the original movie is going for that and then this is something that i really appreciated it's not really your standard horror movie in that it's not necessarily so much about jumpscares it's not necessarily so much about people suddenly dying all over the place from the very get-go it's it's basically all about that creeping so so social anxiety that that awkwardness that that just trying to be polite even when you know that you're in an uncomfortable situation the person's being rude and uh you know it's interesting that marx said that he could that he felt that this one was more comedic and i don't doubt that in that the audience i watched this with was snickering and laughing at some of the uncomfortable moments i have to say for me personally i had a hard time laughing and snickering at those moments because i sort of just i really felt the uncomfortableness to the point that i just it's like man i but at the same time at a certain point because it does sort of you know this there's there's incident after incident after incident at a certain point it does get to a point where and i think this is this is probably an issue also with the original based on what i saw uh in the video essay it does get to a certain point where you're as the viewer like okay like i i could only take so much or come on now it's are you really gonna let that happen or or take that bs excuse uh but regardless i do appreciate that it decides it's not good your traditional horror now eventually this version does sort of get more traditional uh particularly during the the third act um and i will say that for me personally and again i have not actually sat down and watched the entire runtime of the original uh but knowing the differences between the two movies for me personally i would i would probably like this one more than the original because at the end of the day i as much as i enjoy horror i do i do have a certain cup of tea and that cup of tea is that it has a certain ending um and and the places that the Danish one goes um are it make me just a little bit too uncomfortable compared to this one um but i again i i did like this for the most part i did really i just appreciate the fact that it is that like the original it says we're not going to miss it did the horror here it's just a pure uncomfortableness that you're going to be watching us the audience and i think makavoy i also agree that makavoy i think is the mvp of the movie easily and it's it's just amazing how this guy can just turn the switch from being the the likable you know protagonists in some movies to just being this like he's he's throughout this whole movie even when he even when you don't know the twist or the twist that hasn't happened in the movie you feel like the dude's almost like this taking time bomb ready to go off which makes it uncomfortable and yet at the same time he can be charming at the same time which all you did sort of added this extra layer of uncomfortability for me watching it but yeah i i like this and i really do appreciate the fact that you try to do something different than what you would get from you know other horror films so i've seen both films and in regards to this film it's no secret that the universal has aggressively marketed this film since memorial day um they've with the trailer with everything i missed the press screening this week because i chose to see the killers game instead uh because they put it on the same day because they hate me and i was half expecting to see the trailer for this movie before i watched this movie like that's how that's how much i was i was it was like an old friend i was waiting to see it he didn't show up this time around so i i mean i guess we don't have to see the trailer anymore um i'm in a bit of a position here where i you know i see movies and i take them as they are but when you see a remake of a film that's only two years old and mostly in english it's harder to separate like wanting to judge a film versus judge a film based on what you already know because there's another version of it it happens time again and i'm being as fair as possible i just talked you know what i'm about to tell you about all this movie this movie and everything and obviously you know movies could be judged on their own but there is a context that has to come with that right and you know mark you saw you you i mean you like this movie plenty and you just didn't you just saw the original so it's not impossible to do this thing but i will say compared to you mark i wasn't a fan um i am not against this movie as far as i don't think i don't hate it by any means i don't think it's terrible i will say i think the first two thirds of this thing work well enough i think the the effort to build a kind of dark comedy of manners is interesting even if i'm well aware of the beats it's walking because again the original movie does pretty much most of the same stuff i was still into it because yeah i think the performances are solid uh mackaboy not a stranger to this kind of thing but he leans into his charms as well as his kind of devilish undercurrent that's going on with him like that's that's good stuff McNary playing this kind of you know lame guy i've seen him do that and i like McNary so it's like yeah he's fine i will say though i think but kenzie davis is very good in this movie like i put her right alongside uh mackaboy as far as the kind of work she has to do to make this character work and i think and i think you know if you want to like those of you but just mentioned like the kind of the limits that come with how much you can accept before you're like getting the fuck out of there uh i do think this film does enough of a good job along with i do think this is like where you know characters don't know they're in a horror movie i think the the i think there's enough effort being put into these performances where i can buy them staying around as long as they could especially as a white couple um the there's that kind of stuff is entertaining regardless of the remake or not like the the watching the kind of you know the effort being put into how far can we push this family before like they snap i like that stuff i think it's entertaining it's uncomfortably funny in the right sort of ways there's a lot of me raising my hands in the air like come on like they're that kind of like the reaction that the movie wants me to have what we get towards the yet and now i will i will say i'm not going to spoil either film i will say though i have to dance around a lot of stuff so if you're absolutely like trying to not hear about this movie but you said it'll just do a podcast but anyway just know that i'm going to be skirting some stuff uh so if you want to pause and go see the movie or whatever do that come back later um i don't need this film to be bleak and nihilistic in the way that the original is oh yeah i don't need that to make this movie work however i do think if you want to talk about how americanized this movie is compared to the original it goes to 11 like it goes completely in a different direction in no manner that just frankly did not excite me i think for being a thriller by the time it gets to the thriller elements that are like heavily steeped in what you typically get out of a horror movie it felt very bland and generic i the the idea of mackevoy being such an intense character before you know all hell breaks loose i was into that but by the time it does i felt it was undercut by the fact that things became not too difficult for the family that's facing up against him like i it was hard for me to feel like this guy's terrifying when they're you know out home alone in him like every step of the way because like like if this guy is a certain way like he's been this successful but like this yuppy family is able to kind of bypass some of this stuff it just kind of really ruin the the tension for me which i think is a shame because i do up until that point i was like all right like we're doing the same thing but i it's doing well enough on its and to be its own kind of bit but yeah i what what gets me and i want to hear from you guys about this two degree as well i'd obviously it's hard to like not delve into it exactly but the majority of the audience that's watches this movie is going to accept this as like the primary version right like it's a big universal movie it's very splashy everyone's seen this trailer so by the end of this whole thing this is the version that people are going to walk away with and be like oh yeah that was a pretty intense horror movie and that fugs me because there is another version of this movie that want to see what an intense horror movie looks like watch the first movie like this movie i feel like it it goes it goes in such a sharp different direction than the other and doesn't do enough to justify why that's okay so i'm just kind of left being like uh i just i i'm left like just be feeling bitter about this whole thing where it's like i given how things end in this new version it again i don't need it to be like the worst things possible but it does feel like people get off kind of light in this thing uh without too much cause to affect them where another one doesn't is that fair to this movie i think so i guess i feel like if if blum houses taking what seems like a dare to remake speak no evil i don't feel like it really fulfilled the challenge of doing that or am i crazy like what do you guys think i think i i think you're i think it's fair what you're talking about because there is again in the third act after this movie has done things like the original uh and and again as i i have the re-area i have to repeat that i have not actually sat down and watched the entire original i've only i i just basically know what happens because of it i happen to see a video essay on it but it it does something unique that it's i think it's almost genius in that it's it's not typical horror it's just about you being uncomfortable about these red flags that are happening with this couple these all the social awkwardness and everything and eventually the twist is gonna hit and when the twist hits on this one compared to what happens in the original it does really become very standard and generic i do i would definitely agree with that and i think you do make a good point that it almost the stakes almost feel lessened they should because it's like everything just starts starts to go well for our protagonist um whereas you would think in maybe another script they would write this sort of terrifying moment where it looks like things are going really bad and things it's all gonna collapse uh for them um but it's i think so i think it's fair to point that out um at the same time i i think they were always going to sort of have this ending because again i do think american audience especially because they really were trying to market this to a mass audience um they were they the ending and where the original goes it's not something that's easily digestible by american audiences in comparison but i do think there is an argument to be made that you still could have changed up the ending but not had things go so generic throughout the entire third act uh because it does at a certain point that does that third act does sort of drag into just things constantly happening in the house um until finally they finally end things at the end there um so i i understand where you're coming from and it's one of the things that it's it's one of those things that's difficult for me because i would i i like that they won a different path than they did in the original but a lot of the different stuff that they were doing in the lead up to that third act does basically just go away in that third act that's my other issue like if if there was a point to changing things around then that would be more accepting of the fact that it doesn't go quite as far as the original does but i just don't think it does i don't think it really has anything to offer beyond you know some obvious themes involving you know the social politeness and stuff like that that's i do appreciate you tap dancing around what we're trying to talk about yeah because i know this is not easy when you again we're talking about a movie that's a remake of a film that only came out two years ago and it's mostly in english easy to watch yes and and and the thing is is that it is sort of interesting in that you know everybody's talking about it the biggest difference between these two movies is that they do something different in the third act so we have to be very careful uh but you know all i say is that i think there's people out there that can maybe put two or two together of when we say americanize compared to where some of these european i mean i mean i think you can infer certain things from this but i i do think there's specifics to what the first mark you know this for sure you've watched it there's specifics to this for sure that we're not getting into but i mean it's like there's a lot of stuff that grows out of that original thing but uh mark i want to hear from you i want to i want to know your side of this because obviously you're you like this more than the original it what do you what do you think about the kind of the differences i'm leaning into i mean i agree i get your point um the way that you kind of um compared to is how i compare the original ring and ring goo uh both are excellent and but to american audiences the ring will always be you know the you know the prime example of you know that movie and so real quick if people if people don't like what i'm saying about this movie wait till they hear our commentary on the ring next right now and go on um but to me um with the original i didn't think it did not feel like a horror movie at all like throughout and to me it felt more like a drama between the two couples then you know an actual like horror movie um if i didn't see all those you know f and ads for speak no evil prior then oh you know if i really tuck it up hard yeah yeah like that's fair that's because i because i like i watched the original before you know just because i because it was getting good reviews it was on shutter i'm like all right let's see this and i didn't know what it was up to i didn't know what its moves were so like it's like why is this on shutter in the first place kind of thing like it's on shutter so i'm sitting there being like well obviously there's going to be something that happens but yes there is like a there's a build that i just don't know what that build is necessarily going to be that yeah you can't replicate that if you already know the mood the story so yeah exactly so as someone who is familiar with the story things to all the trailers that was you know put in our faces for the past six oh god it feels like six months now um seven yeah yeah three years has been older than older than the both movies combined yeah it's it's like i know what the story is so i know that you know the man i know was danish and the other one was dutch i forgot which one was the macaboy side but uh oh i see what you're saying um yeah the the i think it's a dutch side that's the the danish couples the good family the dutch side is the bad the bad family okay okay yeah so the dutch family you know i knew that's the macaboy side so i knew like you know at some point they're going to show that they're you know the bad side because that's what the trailers have all led us to believe to be fair i watched austin power is a gold member with michael kane and he says not to touch the dutch so i already knew that for no good anyway don't trust the dutch and um yeah so i knew you know what the thing was going to be but i didn't know what the twist was i was waiting for it the entire time but the entire time i was watching the original i was just thinking this does not feel like a horror movie at all i saw you know kind of like the um the layers that the original um actor for the macaboy character was playing like he played it like so even keel but i can kind of sense that he had kind of like a dark side to him you know that he just kind of like you know it lets it peek out for a little bit and that but pulls it back in and and i'm gonna compare it to like another japanese movie which i love in a door um which is audition where it's like you know you know i mean not you know but it's it's kind of like a slow burn to very slow burn throughout but it's the ending where it just gets implanted in your memory forever because everybody you know who has seen audition remembers what that ending is and i promise you it's going to be the same thing with the original speak no evil as well you are going to remember what that ending is and yeah it's it's something that i feel like only cinephiles like us three in here will appreciate because you know it's one of those things where you know you get to see you know what horror movies are like um you know overseas and it's like what um what uh bong jiu hos is like you know if you can get past like that one-inch barrier you're gonna be introduced to a whole you know new suck like good things of like movies out there and he's right and you know i wish i would have liked speak no evil better but i thought you know unlike audition it wasn't as intriguing to me as it was you know with audition it's just i was just like man why are they gonna get to it when are they gonna get to it when are they gonna get to it and when he gets to it it's like oh crap wow when it got to it they really got to it and with speak no evil like i was entertained throughout even though watching the original version i knew what the thing was gonna be but i had a feeling that you know things would be different because you know american audiences just you know like louis said like would not accept that ending at all i i keep thinking about this is that it an example to bring up would be funny games yep that's where i'm going they did you know that same sort of that original european film is uh uh it's dark it's very dark and then they made an american remake and they decided you know there are a few differences between the two movies but they decided not to sanitize the ending that compared to what we saw with this to it so it's credit they're both made by michael hannocky as opposed to speak gleeville which has a different director for both right gorilla yes sorry but um you know it's there is something to be said that you lose the point because i i i understand and grand and again i i only know this because of a video essay but i understand the point that the movie is making because of the the whole idea of this is all about the the the uncomfortableness of being around and ignoring red flags and stuff like that and and that and just that that gut punch of a comment that's made at the end of the original um whereas when when you that comment comes up in this one it doesn't have the same you know it doesn't have the same punch because they've decided to go a different route in the third i so i think there's something to say that yes you've sanitized it for and made it more palatable and accessible to american audiences or maybe the people like me who generally armed as into i i like horror but i don't want horror to get too dark towards the end uh personally just just my cup of tea but you maybe arguably maybe lose that big humph that big uh thing that you're supposed to walk away from that you get from the original yeah i mean i'll say it because i funny games certainly came to mind for obvious reasons for me but i will also mention there is the the strangers remake that came out earlier this this year and that film is worse than this um and but it has a similar similarish issues where it's a beat for beat repeat of the other version of strangers but with like mild changes that weirdly sanitized that that film and it's like why uh like why why why why do this of less style i just don't understand um and there's two more that we'll see what happens so i i guess um but that that film annoyed me for a lot of reasons and but like what you're just mentioning as far as like the you know the thesis of the film like why are you doing this and it kind of repeats then you're like what was all this for like it that just so you can kind of say the same stuff again like i don't know it's just like a it's a nothing movie this by comparison it's not a nothing because i do think there's a lot of effort going into different aspects of it and i think that the intentions are in the right place i just disagree with what what it feels like it's trying to set up yet doesn't know how to pay off um which is exactly what i said about beatle juice beatle juice with its many many subplots that doesn't know how to pay off um this movie funny like you could you mentioned funny games funny games what gets me there is that's a movie from you know that's 1997 at this point the original one and since the remake is exactly the same it's saying basically the same stuff that's a movie that's commenting on these kinds of movies specifically this American version to speak no evil so when i watch this movie and i see it basically pull its punches compared to the original speak no evil i'm just thinking funny games a movie from 1997 has satirized this very premise to the tea like it's already done so i'm like there's just no teeth on this thing and that's what it comes down to for me like i'm happy to see mac avoid putting this all in i you know this cast is fine like it it's well made it shot well it looks good it's you know it's a bum house films it doesn't cost that much but the english countryside doesn't exactly look shitty so i mean you have plenty of production value but at the end of the day like i'm still like at a five like i get i don't hate this it's you know a two and a half stars movie like it's whatever but i do think for a film that does you know a good job leading up to where it goes if if if if the point is to just like we're gonna bring you to a certain point but then you know say don't worry we're having fun here okay but i've seen that movie a lot guys i've seen that movie tons of time seen that kind of horror movie all a lot of times where you see all this terrible stuff happen that's like that's every slasher movie one final girl escapes and this is worse than that because there's more than one final girl it's movie so it's hard it's just hard for me to get on board with this film for being like we're taking this other movie and you don't even know what's going on in that movie and this one's like but we're gonna remove that we're gonna chop some of that off and do something else i just that so that's like it's it puts me in a but that's why i'm saying at the beginning of this whole review i'm having knowing the original it just puts me in this hard position to be like how do i how do i how do i say go see this thing when i'm just like vehemently against like the choices it makes but mark you liked it more so what can i say i mean and i know i'm in the minority i know it has good reviews i don't i can't say that all the critics have seen the original so they know what they're talking about but i do but it does have it does have good reviews overall so what do you know i'm on an island it just goes to the point where it's you know i mean it just shows like everybody just has different tastes we all have you know um like you like the original better i like this one better and you know they're all for like different reasons and you know it's it's pretty much you know here is what we're telling you what these movies are are about and if you want to watch the original before watching this one you know go do that if you want to watch this one you know the american remake you know go and watch that do you want to watch both and compare and contrast you know well means like go and do that because i did that and you know i just wanted to come in with a judgmental you know thing of like okay how is this compared to the original like how i compared ringer with the ring originally so you know that's that i mean that's pretty much you know what i don't know if you guys agree with me on that but that's pretty much what you know i feel like what we're trying to like get out there with you know the comparison between the two is just like you know here is what we're telling you what it's about make up uh you're all mine to see which one you like best i mean and i hear what you're saying i would say it's not a matter of i need one to be better than the other i yeah yeah i i don't i don't think you're saying that's necessarily i know it's more i want this one to be able to exist alongside it knowing that they both have strengths for like how they've approached this story yeah and and i think that's the best thing a lot of remakes can do where they're not trying not there's no remake that no filmmaker is trying to one up somebody else's movie i like to think that's my optimistic side showing greatly but i do think that holds true i know i don't think there's you know i don't think any filmmaker sees an original movie and it's like i'm gonna make that look better um because that's obnoxious now filmmakers can be obnoxious so again i would just try to be as optimistic as possible this movie to to me um i feel like if that that's where the heart was for making this sure great but the film that i watched i just i don't think it serves as a compliment to the other film at by at in in its in its entirety i think it does a good job of kind of replicating a certain experience because again i was reacting out you know when the fucking girl leaves the damn toy somewhere and like god damn it like i had the same exact visceral reaction i did in the first time i saw that uh it's like you're inherently like get the fuck out of there and they're not leaving it's like all right i do oh i got um but at the end of the whole thing just with what all it's set up and what it's trying to do i just yeah i couldn't i couldn't quite get there um i know for a review like this we we we focus so much on where it goes which i don't always like to do but it's kind of like it is kind of a thing to really talk about with this film but were there other aspects that you guys like enjoyed about speak do we leave like i mean you mentioned makavoy a lot everything but like with the what what else about this film like did you enjoy it was what what other aspects of this movie were you found out i i just think the biggest thing that i appreciate that it didn't really just rely on so many like jump scares and stuff like that like it did i do think there was a even though eventually as we've talked about but didn't do death now about that this that there was a decision made to go different routing the third act i do think that it tries to recreate the the fact that the movie is it's going to scare you by making you uncomfortable not so much necessarily having things pop out and stuff like that now maybe it it wastes that in the third act as you can make i think you can make an argument for that but the fact that it it decides to mean to the social anxiety is something that i really appreciate about the film um you know especially considering that they did attempt to americanize it compared to the original mark any other uh thoughts regarding the film um no i mean he hit it on the head to that mckenzie davis is the other co-nvp of the movie too she she was freaking great in it and um yeah other than that good to go all right well um got myself all riled up about this movie which again i think is mostly okay i know i don't begrudge anyone for enjoying watching this movie there is a satisfaction that comes of seeing how this thing plays out i would just say see the first one and then like wait a month and then see this or watch this one to be like if you're in a good mood then watch the one during uh the original during october it'd be like i'm in a dark mood and you'd be like oh that's why that's why that's why he was saying things like this um well if that without all of mine when people go and see this but this was the number two film of the of the weekend behind of course beetle juice beetle juice because it's still making ducats of money uh but when when should people see this do you lose uh well i mean again this is i i think this is for a certain audience uh so if if you're one who you want your horror to be all about jump scares and and and high body counts and stuff like that this might not be your cup of tea but if you're willing to see if you wouldn't try something out that's kind of new and there's something different i do think this is worth a matinee showing um even though i i i like this but i i i will admit that i'm not sure if i'll ever go out of my way to rewatch fair enough mark basis um yeah i would wait until matinee as well as much as you know i said i really enjoyed this movie um i still feel like you know it is a good like matinee flick to watch all right fair enough um i just kind of said what i feel i i feel like you know grab shutter watch that original and then when this film drops onto peacock in a month or so you know then then then shake it out then if you if you feel so compelled um what crazy character will McAvoy play next is what i'm asking though that's that's the real it's the real question at the end of the day here um but yeah all right cool we've talked a lot about speak new evil we talked about killer's game it's time to move on now and it's it's time for oh it's time it's time for games that is of course quite your applause that was of course the improv theme for games um and i have a game for you guys this week it is designed by Abe who is unfortunately not here but he gave me his game and the only sad thing is that i don't get to play it also because i actually like this game a lot um this is the IMDB search game i'm gonna i'm gonna read pay attention these are important rules i'm going to read to you now okay so this week's game is another is all hit this is what Abe wrote this game was another entry into the IMDB search engine game we have reviewed two movies in one star's James McAvoy whose nickname is Jamesy boy in honor of Jamesy boy the word i have entered into the IMDB search engine is boy each of you Lewis remark will take turns guessing the movies movie titles that have the term boy in it keep in mind boy is singular and not plural so no boys in the boat will be found here ah no boys in the hood no boys in the hood yes it's a singular use of the word boy these are all well enough known movies so so nothing tricky i have pulled the top 10 movies from this search if you guess the top movie you will get 10 points second movie nine third eight and so on and so on we will go at least four rounds or until someone is clearly running away with the game okay all right so i have the list of movies here so mark i'm going to start with you what do you think is IMDB's most popular searched movie with the word boy in the title boy in the heron boy in the heron is number one on the list yes look at that you got the got the top one right away okay that doesn't be the game's over there's no plenty of boy movies yeah yeah all right Lewis your turn what do you think is uh another highly searched movie with boy in the title about a boy about a boy is unfortunately number 14 on the list so no points there out of the top 10 surprises sound low i i know sorry all right mark back to you the boy the horror movie with the creepy looking doll the boy is number eight on the list yes there you go good guess all right Lewis beautiful boy beautiful boys number four on the list yes damn it took my next so you're on the board all right mark here next pick oh sissy took beautiful boy i'm going to say the boy too just because that was the first thing that came to my mind um it i believe it's what broms the boy too yeah yeah i think i'm not seeing that any it's out of the top 15 so no that's not honest at all yeah i figured okay okay Lewis back to you that's my boy that's my boy currently on Netflix i know that because i decided you know what i'm gonna watch this movie that's my boy because i never saw that one all right because there's a few out of saddle moves of like this looks terrible and i was right it's terrible um this is uh number six on the list you get five points for that one so there you go you're mark here at 13 Lewis is catching up at 11 ah next pick here so it's just movies right it's just movies oh i was gonna say um because i was gonna say if it's tv shows boy meets world but there was boy kills world boy kills world is number two on the list yeah those VOD numbers really rocking that one to the top i guess it's number two that's a huge jump right there look at that ah all right Lewis you gotta make some good guesses here okay here we go um tommy boy tommy boy is number 10 on the list that's a good one so we got one point unfortunately that that's two but it's still on the list if this was if this was uh 1997 oh man that'd be pretty high i'm sure the kids need to watch more classics yeah okay mark back to you oh man oh oh man i don't know i got nothing nothing is coming to my is that what's gonna yeah if i'll go back to Lewis but if Lewis also has nothing then i'm gonna i'm gonna start giving hints but okay so but mark you got no no guess you sure no gas no gas Lewis back to you donner blank has a boy on the title right my but it can't be plural can't be plural has to be boy right i'm gonna throw out something random okay the boy in the stripe pajamas number seven on the list ah boy the stripe pajamas four points right there red just somebody hit me just like that all right there's still one two three there's three left you guys have not guessed mark back to you i just came up with something yeah i don't know if it's going to be on there because it is kind of old but to add him samler uh i think add him samler was in it grandma's boy grandma's boy's number nine on the list hey look at that two points all right there's there's three there's two more you have not guessed oh yeah that's so Lewis back to you two more the last boy scout the last boy scott is number 15 oh no points shame black tony scott denied oh thanks okay mark back to you um and we have to take another pass on that okay nothing is coming to mind all right luice if you don't have anything i'll give one hint i i i need to think like a gen z or something is this well i'll say this um you mentioned you guessed boy erased if you as recall that was a year where there were multiple movies involving evolving like children in peril to some degree or some kind of recurring theme it's hard to not give it away but yeah if you guess boy erased there's another movie that has a remarkably similar title and then there was another movie after that that also had a markedly similar title and they all came out around award season and i think none of them got nominated for any because i'm not mistaken there's also the other movie on here is from a Oscar winning writer director i'm i'm trying yeah yeah that's like okay okay so yeah i'll give you i'll reveal what's left and then we'll go over the scores here but the other two movies were beautiful boy beautiful boy being so wait danny said i said for beautiful boy you said wait oh i think you got that mixed up i don't think any of us said boy erased oh you said beautiful boy my bad okay well oh wait i okay i got i got i got one now boy you raced i got i decided by putting in the wrong i put in the wrong i put in the wrong slot on the sheet i see what happened but none of you picked up on that it's either so okay you got one more point than you had all right all right okay so there so that year but yeah there was beautiful boy there was also boy erased and then there was Ben is back like there is those three movie that all came out pretty much around the same time to the point where he's like wait which one is which which one's drugs which one's gay therapy and which one's also drugs it's all the above and the other film was taika waititi's boy oh oh never even heard of that which was number three and it's a really good movie you should see it is that one of his that's that's that's is that's is that before or it's before it's before what we do in the shadows it's it's his second film do i think what eagle verse shark i believe is his first movie um yeah because boy's 2010 um but yeah boy good movie check it out uh so for that with all that my louis uh you came in second place here of 17 points mark paces you're the winner this week with 24 points on kobe congratulations congratulations good job uh the other ones you guys that were just outside the top 10 were of course the boy next door bubble boy baby boy oh boy oh boy boy two or now granted these are outside the list you would have gotten no points for this but those are other ones that were on consideration so there you go this this game just tells me that people seriously didn't watch movies that came out before they were bored or something because staff was a very very a lot of reasons he buys there that's the iMDB search game for you that's that you can't really exactly explain but you kind of can't but you're also like wait huh uh that's how we play that game uh so a thank you for creating that game that's a fun one that i really like playing that game so i hope to play it again soon um all right let's move on now let's get us about now feedback feedback feedback feedback this is where we go with the various questions answered on our facebook page so we've got a podcast we have a number of questions the listeners they gave us some answers and they gave us some questions that we might have some answers to as well louis mark feel free to throw in any answers you might have as i go over these first question we have here what's your favorite film about vacations that go wrong michael lee friend of the show writes the cabin in the woods mark off my friend of the show writes a perfect getaway is a lot of fun gotta love ole font just whether he has summer rental and the great outdoors both john candy movies but i always love these two david maloof writes let's see break down an underrated kurt russel film joyride paul walker and steves on and candy cane they can see a great little under the radar thriller from 20 2007 the ruins guilty pleasure and does mid-summer counts as a vacation movie because it's the creepiest most unsettling horror movie in recent memory they go on vacation um chris has national lamp who chris cleland has national lampoons christmas vacation um and philipur writes the impossible favorite films about vacations that go wrong oh all the national lampoon vacation movies vacation and european vacation and christmas and let's not forget christmas vacation too secret of eddie sisland or whatever the fuck it's oh wait no is that a real thing oh well i didn't go to theaters but yes there's of course let's all let me find the exact title so i don't get this rock christmas vacation too no national lampoons christmas vacation too cousin eddie's island adventure that is that has that cannot that's not a star randy quaid it's on you can get a two-pack dvd with christmas and christmas vacation too something tells me that is not a john hues you know of course not he probably thanks for making that clear yeah i like really nailed that one it also has for a little eric idles in it um ed asner's in it it's got some people oh eric ed what are you doing in that movie man the poster is one of the most obnoxious posters you can it's just it's cousin eddie leaning into the frame like looking right at the camera and then the whole family behind it with their arms crossed and it's like and they're like they're standing on an island um it's that's a choice any vacation movies you guys lose any any vacation movies you're at uh i i'm drawing a blank i mean for some reason i keep thinking of uh and this is a real old the trip to the moon from 1902 i mean those guys go up to the moon and things do i want to those classic vacations you take next to another being attacked by aliens and stuff um what's going on a vacation um i mean technically does fifth album account i mean they go on a quote-unquote vacation trip they went they would accrues the floss and paradise which i guess of course is a vacation yeah i mean technically sure all right uh next question we have here what are some great movies featuring bad friends michael lee writes this is the end alan Aguilera has a whole list here front of the show you're rights mean girls made selina a simple plan skris solina jesus christ a simple plan scream this is the end star wars revenge of the sith and the craft philip heard writes dignin in bobble rocket and dame beluf right so the good son with Elijah would of a coli hulkin a perfect getaway the second time that movie come up from two different people let's have a getaway with steves on tippity all of that bad influence of james pader ron blow what about bob we've richard drive us in murr and bill mary although technically they're not really friends even though bill mary ends up marrying richard's sister into the movie spoiler alert um christ clearly writes he has heathers and he has empire strikes back with lando i call foul on this one that it's saying lando's not the bad friend of the scenario the criminal smuggler that came up the empire chasing him he's the bad friend on solos the bad friend of the scenario but fine what are some other great movies featuring bad friends panochia i mean he listens to those guys he thinks that there is bodies and yeah he knows he's turning into a donkey yes it's a perfect example i agree with this i mean as i'm looking at my ironman poster captain america civil war i mean they're not the best of friends by the end of the movie yeah yeah that's fair um i mean and also other stuff like super bad um any like teen comedy stuff you know pretty much is all bad friends but always bad for it they're they're sometimes they just make a decision that maybe not be the best one at the time um offer when mikey and nicky with peter folk and john kesibetis um that is a really good friendship movie about hey one of these guys is not like the other um all right next question we have here what's your favorite blum house horror film luke thompson friend of the show writes the one where they're in a single location trying to find the bad thing and it shows up at the end thank you luke marcoff my rights insidious i love it it rejuvenated the careers of wann and wannell and i appreciate how it looks at a tiny one point five million dollar budget it is also a lot of fun and features of epic jump scares can not sing a friend of the show tall can insidious by far but the next closest will be creep one and two chris cleland prates probably hush uh which just got a like a big announcement for a giant 4k deluxe release for director mike lannigan mike lannigan who just won the audience awarded tiff by the way yep um he also has soft and quiet and the bit oh soft and quiet good god that movie talked about being frustrated uh in the bay um david luke writes black phone and the visit immediately come to mind and have been uh philip heard writes happy death day to you if you're a blum house horror films i'm just going to say get out right away and yeah that that was going to be my answer get out um also i had a ton of phone with megan but three games i still need to see that but yeah before but three and two comes out yeah but three and two i know i mean conjuring will always be up there for me that's not blum house though it's high it's not blum house that's one of your brothers that's it that's just one doing stuff my bad strike that don't edit edit that out keeping it in doubling it um but yeah insidious is also really good yeah i think kind of the person city is for sure hey but by the way i believe black clansmen is technically a blum house movie so is lip lash and that's why i ask the question favorite blum house horror films specific oh oh right we're all you smart alex out there trying to i don't want to be i know what i'm doing i know what's going on here oh happy death day happy death day yeah the first one here you guys like that more than i do but there enough um i'm in the minority i'm very well we're uh okay very good next question we have here what's your favorite tense film about kids in danger kennoff singer tall can back again writes john or jurassic park poltergeist and the orphanage michael he has aliens chris kliddland has the city of lost children he'll appear as pan's labyrinth and david bluf writes jurassic park mic drop favorite tense films about kids in danger god syllabus mega long yeah i've jet jaguar didn't show up who knows what happened same with the uh uh uh uh uh all monsters attack right did they got bullies yeah yes if he didn't befriend a big big little godzilla enough and almost every almost every camera film Lewis you're in good company because mark is also a big godzilla fan so i am although i don't know it as much as the others but i really love watching the movies um i mean exorcist technically that's a kid in danger right there old full fucking headstones around that's not good for health that that's what ela barkins at oscar all right is i said oscar that's not good for health it's really mellow about that one the vomiting and the pissing that's a different story but the headspace it's like it's not very good oh oh uh yeah it's chapter one oh yeah there's so many some kids in danger in that movie um i mean it's not really a horror but you know the goonies also comes to mind too where are they in danger yeah we're cutting in danger i mean they were doing risky stuff i mean i mean they got captured you're not right until you know they're threatened at gunpoint and then they walked the plank what do you think what so let's talk about the goodies for a second let's take a let's take a classic goody side bar here all right let's so let's do this by the end of the movie the what's the family like the bad family with the mom and joe panda leoni um the spore like the sporellies or something like that it's yeah something like that i just remember sloth hey you guys the um i'm gonna get it because i need to have this the the frettellies the frettellies they so they they they all get to the pirate ship right yeah this is the most important part of this podcast they all get a pirate ship if they have all the treasure and everything and then the frettellies arrive like actually we're here now we have guns and swords and so we're going to force you to walk the plank now i get that this is an ambling kids movie i get that they're not going to shoot children in the face and be like here's all our treasure and we can bury these bodies in the sand but what exactly is the goal at that point in the film so they make these kids like walk the plank and then they're in the water then what like the kids can swim like what was the next step in that plan that's what yeah but a ship is faster than kids swimming yeah but like so what is that the frettellies plan they're going to take the ship that doesn't appear to have any way to leave because it's stuck inside of a cave they're just gonna what just assume the kids are just in the water forever like is that the idea but they they didn't strike me as high iq individuals let's just say yeah that's true too i mean they they start to be like they break Robert Dobby out of jail so i mean they know how to do that up here they can they can do a prison escape remember they figured the kids just they didn't know how to swim and then well that that didn't turn out the way they thought i think they they chain up two of them right they chain up i think um oh brolin and uh brolin and kara green and yeah yeah uh so like i guess they're trying to drown some of such oldie i think i think it's just an underestimate as you know i'm trying to say i don't yeah i get it yeah they're underestimating the kids i i know that the logic of the movie is it's shilly don't worry about it and yeah they're just trying to make them like drowned but you don't have to take that seriously because chunk immediately comes and saves the day still i'm just thinking about that a little bit anyway this has been goony sidebar okay so back to the feedback thanks question we have here who are some sort who are two cinematic assassins you'd like to see face off mark off my rights i'm cheating a bit but martin blank versus billanell from uh healing eve would be cool dame maloof has john wick versus the punisher versus martin cube blank versus anton shigor i feel like she uh wick wins that situation i feel it i feel like wick wins every situation yeah i feel like he's gonna yeah i mean shigor is pretty i don't know her but fill up her rights but obviously del Toro staccario versus anton shigor and chris keland has the bride versus nikita versus black widow i feel like less like thinking of my own and more like interrogating each of these answers for like 40 minutes we don't have that time so who are some as as we like to see face off okay i'm gonna just throw out tom cruise from collateral who can he face off against though well he already meets the transporter once in the in that fucking meeting of the movie so let's see let's say that there's a a separate universe where where where tom cruise does murder jamie fox and jade i think it's smooth if they've added that subway and goes on with his life and then a later on he once again encounters frank martin from the transporter and they have some kind of beef like oh wait you didn't give me the right suitcase or something like that and then they get into a fight and that's what i want to see i want to see how that plays so that is a that's a good one too remember in my scenario at the end of the movie when you're really hopeful that jadey fox makes it alive he does it and he gets shot in the face repeatedly and then jadey pick it also dies and then tom cruises like well that was a rough night and then he goes on to that that's the that's the version of this world that i've been uh visioning right now to make this frank martin crossover happen oh man it's funny because of how sad it is that jadey fox jadey pickett smith me murdered horrendously at the end of a subway train unless it oh i thought you're saying that it's sad that we get to see them go up against each other but yeah that okay yeah that is sad no that's just high entertainment of watching the tom cruises jade the statham thing that allow yeah the other thing is just really sad making it hysterical and then you think back to everyone else that died mark ruffalo that guy that fell out the window that's um a Baba shaka henry at the jazbar that they're all dead he had such good stories too um what's his day um well i can uh bruce mcgill getting shot in the leg at the club basically collateral rocks guys what i've tried to say did you have any other ideas let me worry should i just move on to this question i i got i got i would uh let me think about this uh ah um good lord i forgot his name um from the trap trap uh oh the butcher yeah the butcher versus peter laurie from n okay all right you got you got me hooked with the m part right there like i'm already on board just saying more peter laurie as says his character in m verse versus the butcher okay that'd be such a like a socially awkward interaction like these two loner guys they're like mysteriously back into each other it's like these two dudes who know what it's like to have to every everything closing in around uh-huh no i like it i like where your head's out there all right next question couple more who would be an ideal filmmaker for dave vautista to collaborate with film heard rights by sanderson chris gooden has christopher quarry dame beluf has michael bay james cameron sofia copola adam samler harmony karen it really took a turn why would you do that to him i'd see all of these movies by the way he plays like like an adam samner movie he's what like he's like a bodyguard for adam samler who plays like a like a tech millionaire who just goes to like different islands of his friends because that's how adam samner movies work their their comedies in dave vautista's there i watched that sofia copola he's like i don't know a divorced dad who has like a daughter and she was a lot of music harmony korean about what that movie is i guess like vautista has like neon hair for some reason i'm just envisioning something where you're just really high yeah yeah that sounds like right yeah he was he his bald head is now neon for some reason he's constantly high and he's like admiring people from afar in a bad way uh i'm gonna say christopher nolan vautista and nolan okay yeah i'm just saying christopher and another one that comes to mind is uh pta pta perfect i'm thinking tarantino or somehow scorsese sure put him in yeah he's he's he's worked with some some top top directors yeah oh yeah yeah for sure do you build a villain we have three times now with this boy um well i just had one what i was gonna say um oh shane black put a bit of shane black thing he's already done one to hit man comedy put him in some other like dark comedy thing where he gets to like be some guy that can like meet up people that's also really sarcastic about it i'd watch that too okay last question we got here what are some films you forgive for their lesser qualities because the stunts are action more than makes up for it davis beluf writes any fast and furious movie two matrix sequels pacific rim uprising chris cleland has a tonic blonde and philip heard has hottari so films that you like despite the fact that they're not great otherwise but their stunts and action art just make up for it i mean the the fast and furious movies is probably like the best example yeah those movies going as crazy as they are basically was keeps them in any way shippers format or all i'm hearing is you guys aren't family that's what i'm hearing i i made it for the family i mean i'm family i'm family to a point i mean i told you this many times there and i'm a huge fast and furious fan i'm unapologetic about that but i also realized these movies aren't great but i love it for that they're the definition of fast food fast food movie that's what they are like i i don't i actually with with the exception of one or two of them i i don't outright dislike them and a big part of that is because of some of the entertaining stunts you know sometimes those stunts are clearly unrealistic and take CGI like literally jumping a car from building the building uh while the building is collapsing i saw these things happen in a movie theater therefore they happened my answer is like most jackie chan movies like i don't think even jackie chan's gonna be like yeah we really really nailed the story this time around i think like he knows what he's doing like police story is super fun but i wouldn't say police story like is amazing because of the intriguing take on police corruption i think i think it's amazing because jackie chan uh hops on the back of a bus with a fucking umbrella queue yeah man just stay on without killing himself so like our like operation condor has like cool wind tunnel stuff i mean like i think there's a lot of jackie chan films that i think would really fit this category i mean if you're gonna go that route then any michael bay movie or um zach snider movie too yeah and now you say that let me ask you this what's something impressive stunt action wise in a zach snider movie that you can come up and i'm not saying that he doesn't have good visuals or that his action isn't good i'm just curious like what's like when you say the action in a zach snider movie like what's the thing that immediately comes to mind 300 that'd be a good one shot the one shot scene in 300 where it's like a side you know um essentially like a side scrolling yeah no that's that's a perfect example and i'll give you that easily because i think yes i think that's the one area where it's like okay yeah that's the thing it's trying to do and it doesn't yeah i just think that so many of his movies are loaded with action but i can't tell you a lot about what those action scenes really add up to and a lot of this movies yeah yeah okay good point like i've seen seven hours of rebel moon i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't tell you anything that was a lot important about the action seven hours god yeah between up between the between the fucking two regular cuts and then the two fucking directors cuts i mean you watch the directors i've been conservative with that number oh it's it's so much there's so much booby do you need to go to therapy after that now i watch it and i live with with better things oh man i watch it out of rebel ridge and then got made but then then then his snider bros attacked me for saying something about that for what watching a better movie yeah yeah it was the kind of thing where they you'd have to search to find what i said to be mad about it and they did because that's the that's the kind of fancy has um so there you go i can attest to that we got a couple more questions here that are asked to us uh so get over these briefly or quickly uh mark off my rights did you eat yogurt or buy old spice because of terry cruise no little question i i like terry but uh i do not use old spice and i am not a yogurt guy i mean i listen to making a way downtown walking fast faces pass and i'm homebound doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo so terry cruise got you to buy of it as a Carlton CD or uh is that actually know the words and you know fair enough proudly pick that song karaoke and sing the hell out of it at karaoke a lot fair enough i will say i do you i do use old spice but i can't say it was because of terry cruise but i'll i'll give him a tangential nod and say good job um last question we have is from david beloof he writes i only have one question who's your caddy all right what i don't know if he's referring to a certain actor that's not beetle juice beetle juice or so the else exactly uh general i mean i play disc golf i guess so i generally caddy myself uh but yeah that's good my my caddy is will smith from bell there that's who my caddy is yeah the the bagger bagger Vance himself but no and he's working at they're working at the country club in this season of of bell air so yeah he's probably we don't see enough we don't see enough caddy work on that on that show though the season the season of bell the season of bell air that teases that it's going to become a crime drama have you so you finished bell air yeah i oh my god i finished the whole third season it has the craziest finale yes that we do not have time to get into but it's a crazy finale like i was trying to explain to my wife i'm like it basically is becoming a crime drama even i had a long discussion about bell air last week because i needed to fill a bit on things that happen anyway that's feedback feedback feedback thank you very much for throwing in all the questions as we got there and that's going to do it for this week's episode about now there any you can find everything i do over at my personal sub stack page the code is all my reviews and stuff end up over there i am the editor-in-chief at we live for my movie reviews why so blue you can find my brilliant criteria reviews which i have a few coming up pretty soon and i am on all the socials and errands ps4 Lewis Mendez where can people find more of you online? Mendez movie takes you to my sub-stack there is a free and paid tier but you get plenty of stuff even with the free tier got my movie reviews oscar projections which i'll be updating that tomorrow not that we have the tiffle audience award uh and i have a film set matter series where i kind of look at trying to create a film canon for any amateur film historians uh in terms of my social media you can find me on facebook instagram threads uh twitter slash x or letterbox Mendez movie rpt very cool mark paces we're going to be able to find more of you uh you can find me at pac-man nr7 on instagram twitter or x whatever you want to call it uh threads to and you can also now i mean i've had letterbox for a while but now i'm starting to put stuff on it so you can find me at x the letter x dragon elite on it all right very good you can find all the other other episodes about now i'll throw it in one iTunes audio phone spotify and stitcher feel free to email without not podcast or on all the socials says about podcasts says i own to work podcast says i own out now on this work podcast as well um great um car mark louis thank you very much for joining me this evening thank you thank you for having us yeah thank you very happy to have you guys both on here look forward to having you back again next week's show next week will be uh i think special because i am going to be up in the northern california area meaning that abe and i and possibly another special guest will all be within the same room recording together uh what we will talk about we shall see but there is a transformers one that comes out there is a wolfs that comes out briefly in theaters there's a never let go there's a number of things out there so we'll see what we talk about but just know that this should be a fun and possibly even rowdy or show than this week's was so uh stay tuned for that but once again thank you guys for being on thanks to the listeners for listening and until next time so long and good night everybody's out with like a lemon tree i'm just smiling down upon my enemies do the shit i love it on a daily ♪ Say you hate your job ♪