Tell Us A Story

Transformation Through True Emotion with Laverne Friesen

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

In this inspiring episode, we sit down with Laverne Friesen, founder of True Emotion Healing, who specializes in helping middle-aged men unlock personal empowerment and deeper connections. Laverne shares his personal journey through trauma, mental health struggles, and eventual transformation, offering hope and guidance for those who feel stuck and are searching for more in life. His 12-week coaching program, Transformation Through Honour, helps men discover their true selves and live the fulfilling lives they deserve.

Key Topics:

  • Overcoming childhood trauma and mental health challenges
  • Developing self-love and personal empowerment
  • Breaking through the stigma surrounding mental health
  • Building deeper connections and fulfilling relationships
  • Healing from childhood conditioning and trauma
  • How to live a joy-filled life through gratitude and personal transformation

Guest Bio:

Laverne Friesen is the founder of True Emotion Healing, where he helps middle-aged men who feel stuck or are searching for more in life. With a background as a first responder and experiences in farming and the energy industry, Laverne faced significant personal trauma, which led to a prolonged mental health crisis. After seeking professional help, Laverne emerged stronger and now dedicates his life to coaching men through his Transformation Through Honour program. Laverne's story is a testament to resilience, and his mission is to help others reclaim their lives and live the fulfillment they deserve.



#TrueEmotionHealing #MentalHealthStigma #TransformationThroughHonour #LaverneFriesen #TellUsAStoryPodcast #PersonalEmpowerment #TraumaHealing #MensMentalHealth

Join us for a transformative conversation with Laverne Friesen as he shares his hard-earned wisdom and guides listeners toward personal empowerment and fulfillment.

Social Media Promotion:

Listen to this episode and learn how Laverne Friesen’s Transformation Through Honour program can help you heal from trauma, build deeper connections, and live the life you deserve. Start your journey today!


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on this episode of tell us a story my parents were members of a cult where I experienced a lot of abuse that crisis led me to the brink of suicide where I would plan out my death every night but I was saved by my three-year-old daughter that scared me and I believed I was broken so I sought out treatment as soon as I got therapy I went through divorce I can't describe it because when you have no hope and then all of a sudden you have this hope and it's like a warm golden hug from the universe so how I've been able to change my mindset so that even in the most stressful times I can see the benefit to me or the opportunity that's being presented. Welcome to tell us a story the podcast by Belmont City Press where entrepreneurs and sales professionals share their journeys insights and strategies for success. In each episode our guests reveal how they've overcome challenges establish their brands and leverage their stories to promote their businesses so you can too. I'm Red Hilton your host for this episode. Today I'm joined by Leverne Friesen who is the inspirational speaker and founder of the True Emotion coach so Leverne tell us a story. At the True Emotion coach I help middle-aged men achieve personal empowerment build deeper connections and cultivate fulfilling relationships. My ideal client is someone who wonders if there is more to life and seeks fulfillment aiming to heal from childhood conditioning and trauma and create a supportive community. Discover more about me at and reach out through the contact form to start transforming your life today. Well thank you Leverne and we'll make sure to put that in our show notes so people can get in contact with you but if you could just sort of bring us to where you are and how you got to where you are today. Absolutely so my journey began on a rural farm in a remote area of northern Alberta Canada and my parents were members of a cult where I experienced a lot of abuse including sexual abuse and a lot of family violence that impacted the way I believed who I was and especially with my worth. I grew up wanting to help people not realizing that that was coming from a place of believing I would be a good person or I had value if I helped other people. I went into law enforcement in my mid-20s and about 10 years later I experienced a prolonged mental health crisis. That crisis led me to the brink of suicide where I would plan out my death every night but I was saved by my three-year-old daughter who would wake up every night and sleep beside me and as I felt her presence and her body beside me I knew that I had to fight on but I didn't know how because the stigma of mental health was overpowering. Approximately two years into that crisis I was involved in an emergency where I was unable to function at the ability I expected of myself. That scared me and I believed I was broken so I sought out treatment and in therapy I discovered how my childhood had affected my thinking and how my childhood wounds were now resurfacing in the form of a mental health crisis. During that time when I was suffering I reached out for help and told the one person in my life who I thought would help me how bad it was and that I was suicidal and that person looked me in the eye and said I know but then walked out of the room and so I know the absolute level of despair that nobody should have to experience and so going through that crisis created a very empathetic individual and gave me a lot more understanding in how to give me a lot more understanding about how everyone is suffering and how our childhood conditioning creates the adult that we are and creates negative imprints in our mind that affect us negatively in our adult lives and it keeps us down per se with limiting beliefs. So after my prolonged mental health crisis I immediately went through a divorce as soon as I got therapy I went through a divorce and then right after that I experienced another psychological injury which forced me from my career. All of these stressful instance and life-changing events were events that propelled me into more healing and to more personal growth and self-discovery about myself. At each stage I learned more about who I was and how my childhood had affected me and the most recent one within the last year was heartbreak and that was the catalyst for actual deep inner child healing which allowed me to become the happiest person that I've ever been even though even though I thought I was happier many times in my life and so that's how I got to the place where I am today where I am now coaching other people and transforming their lives. Well that's a powerful story. You said that you got some help along the way from different people. Can you talk about the help that you received to get to this point? Yes absolutely so during my the darkest part of my struggle I didn't get that help and part of it was because I didn't reach out and part of it was because the people I did reach out to weren't equipped to handle that they were emotionally unavailable. When I started seeing a therapist she's a professional and she was very instrumental. She was key to my healing but perhaps the biggest impact that any single person had on me was a former colleague who saw the symptoms in me and reached out to me just to let me know that he understood what I was going through and that that power of that pure support of the peer that understands what you're going through I can't describe it because when you have no hope and then all of a sudden you have this hope and it's like a warm golden hug from the universe and that single instant from that man that lasted five to ten minutes gave me the hope to power through and it for the first time in over two years I knew I was going to be okay and so to me that illustrates the importance of being aware of everyone and how we all struggle and being the person that someone might need in a time of no sorry and being the person that someone would come to in a time of need. Sure I often say that when someone is struggling we always say to them you know reach out if you need anything but sometimes we need to recognize that people who are struggling can't reach out and then we need to recognize it and reach in and and go to them. Talk to me about how your experience and the help you got sort of comes through in your coaching. Absolutely so first of all it's the understanding and the empathy that comes with it because I have been through so many traumatic experiences in my life and witnessed so much trauma and experienced so much suffering per se in my own life I can understand and I empathize with people. The other side to that is is through all of these stages over six years I learned a lot of tools and I learned a lot about myself and a lot about how people operate and how they think and how we can improve ourselves the little changes that we need to make that turn into big changes and I'm very patient with that because you can't make changes overnight everyone wants to sell a coaching program or you know change your life well it doesn't happen overnight because we're we all have this childhood conditioning that we've been doing for 30, 40, 50 years and we have to slowly make these little changes it's like turning a ship it gradually turns into a different course and I had another thought sorry that's okay it'll come back to you but while you're thinking can you sort of explain how someone might recognize that it's their inner child you know and in past traumas that needs healing and not something a little bit more modern or contemporary. Absolutely so there are often situations in our life where it makes sense to us and we can we can make sense of the situation logically but there are emotions attached that don't follow that logic and so when that's happening we can understand that our adult understands the situation but there's a wounded inner child that is crying for help or the situation reminds the wounded child of some trauma or conditioning or pain from childhood and then that's why that where that emotion comes in that doesn't make sense to our adult brains and that's a really good indication that there's something there that you should be working on to heal and be happier okay thank you so in your coaching and in your experience with people that you are working with what is often a misconception about what you do or what people need that you often find yourself educating people about. There's a lot of people that think it's a quick fix there's a lot of people that and this is a big one for me that believe you can just change and yes you can change by but it's never long-term but when you when you change your conditioning and your childhood beliefs and your limiting beliefs that were created and childhood that's when you affect long-term permanent change you have to you have to go deeper it's it's not it's simple but it's not easy and it's not quick. Yeah sometimes you know the solution is fairly simple but it's not easy and that could be challenging for people. Talk to us about what we would find at your website it's true and we'll put a link for that in the show notes but talk about what it is that you have for people and some information they might be able to find there. For sure the easiest information to get is to sign up for a newsletter and I have a personal growth blog where I share a lot of my story a lot of the tips that work for me there's information on my coaching programs I have a 12-week transformation through honor program and I use all the steps and the tools that changed my life permanently in that program and I have two options available one is a coached program and one is kind of more less personal guided program with still some accountability. There's information on on who I am just as a person if you want to get to know me my story is there and information about my public speaking that I do as well I love talking to corporations and organizations on how mental health affects their employees and some of the small things to look out for and that how small betrayals that we don't think are betrayals are actually killing us in the workplace. Interesting okay so talk to me about what people would find at your blog what is it you're writing about you said about your story or getting to know you that sort of thing what sort of education information would they find at your blogs. Vaccinable tips on how to improve their life whether it's to change their thought pattern just a little bit to start perceiving life more positively because if you're always in a negative or victim state you can't you can't be happy if you're a victim if you're perpetually a victim. Other actionable states I'm a a breathwork work instructor as well so sometimes I throw in some breathwork tips or meditation tips just wellness tips on improving your life. Okay and you said that you are you've been doing some speaking as well what is sort of your signature talks or some of the things that you talk about at corporations or just in front of audiences. Absolutely so the one thing I love to do is share my story because it has some highs and lows that are very compelling and it'll draw the the audience in and capture their attention and then I relate my experiences in the workplaces how I screamed for help how I was showing what I was struggling through and how that wasn't received and then how I was left alone and then I relate all of that and then I I in all workplaces are very similar whether they're first responder workplaces or they're corporate America in cubicles workplaces are very similar because people are very similar and I point out behaviors that have been normalized that are actually quite toxic to people and when someone is suffering it's it's a trauma informed basically a trauma informed awareness course or chat so people are more aware of how we're all treating each other and how negative that could be and when we think it's just normal we've sort of normalized things that should not be normal absolutely and talk to me about you had said that your experience is sort of colored your you know your coaching and how you approach things as people are going through the coaching you said you have a couple of different programs and everything else what is their goal what is that what is it that people sort of come to you helping to solve they want more fulfillment in life and and oftentimes they don't know what it is they want they just know that there's something better and they want to be better and so they get that they get more self-awareness they get self- discovery which leads to empowerment because when you know who you are you truly are then you can actually you empower yourself to go out and do what you want to do and it's as someone who never had self-empowerment for many years when you find it it's very empowering it's funny how that works isn't it yeah yeah it's it's pretty cool yeah how did you land on your ideal client after I had transformed my life and I had transformed my life several times as I grew with the last time the growth period I went through was very profound for me and I knew that I had to but I also was eager to share my discoveries with the world and so I created the course with the me of seven years ago in mind that the course that someone who was very similar to me in age and gender and you know possibly upbringing could take this course and become who the person I am today is I think you know I think your childhood trauma is quite profound can you speak to how sometimes we don't have to have something as profound to have it impact us and that's okay as well absolutely and I think a lot of people write off their childhoods as being good because their parents are loving parents what we don't what we tend to forget is is that we only operate with the ability or the tools that we have and that's what our parents that we're doing and a lot of things that were common practice in the 80s and the you know 70s and even the 90s are not good for raising children are not good for that childhood development and we we have this negative conditioning also oftentimes our parents even though they're loving they do things that make sense to them and make sense to other adults but as when perceived from a child's point of view the child is being neglected however that might look whether it's emotional physical and that child grows up with a on where a sense of unworthiness a sense of having to prove themselves to others always trying to find validation from external sources even if they're not aware of it sometimes we are aware that we're doing it sometimes it's further on the spectrum and shows up as addictions of some sort but it might show up as anything and for me it showed up as as overeating a lot because I was always trying to fill a need and so yeah that's how the childhood trauma might show up but it might be little tea trauma a bunch of just small things that weigh us down so you can you know throw a big rock on some in somebody's backpack and weigh them down or you can fill their pockets with a lot of little rocks and weigh them down and still have the same effect wait is weight absolutely well I'm glad you're here I'm glad you at least had the awareness to get yourself to a better place thank you Leverne if I were to ask you what is your Monty and for those who don't know Monty is our mascot here at Belmont City Press and he sort of is a sort of a beacon of hope or understanding or you know just sort of what sort of your little phrase that you carry with you that you could share with our audience today there's no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone do that for me one more time there's no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone so tell me how you came to realize that well I realized it gradually over time when I realized that all my experiences had shaped me into who I was when I first realized it though was coming out of my mental health crisis and I realized how different of a person I was and how much better of a person I was and how much I liked myself more than I had previously and so I have used that mantra as a lighthouse for me anytime that I'm struggling because I know that the struggle is gonna make me stronger and it's gonna make me better and if if you're sitting on the couch in your comfort zone watching TV you're never gonna get any better so growth and comfort interesting can you talk to me about being worthy feeling that you're worthy yes we are all worthy but we don't always realize it and for me I used to do whatever I could to get that validation from other people I overworked at home and at at the workplace and I gave everything of myself and I have a mental I had a mental health crisis to prove it and that's where that got to me when I set boundaries and I started taking care of myself and started looking after myself the way I should and talking to myself the way I should then I began to realize that I was worthy and I was worthy of having a better relationship than what I was in I was worthy of having a better job than what I was in and we are conditioned to accept what we have I was in a horrible relationship once and I remember driving home from work one day and I was not happy and I'm like well you should be happy you're in a relationship you've got this you've got this you've got this and no those are limiting beliefs reach for the sky because you deserve it and that is probably the hardest thing to overcome is that conditioning from when we when we were born as early as we were born there's been little tidbits of conditioning that's been reinforced and then we reinforce it ourselves with their negative talk and by the people we surround ourselves with and so when you wake up and you're 38 or 40 years old and you realize I'm not happy chances are because you don't feel that you're worthy of that happiness mm-hmm well thank you for that so let's take a moment and get to know the Laverne behind the Laverne I like to kind of do a little rapid response I'll give you two choices and you tell me which one speaks to you the most are you ready I am all right summer or fall summer okay all right laptop or dust you love the heat I love the heat yeah I don't know we could live together a little over okay like I don't if it's hot outside but I have a very small range between 62 and 68 if it's colder than 62 I'm cold if it's hotter than 68 I'm I'm hot so I I have this very small window it can be whatever it is outside as long as I have that range laptop or desktop laptop I like to take my laptop and go work outside in the sun oh really yeah I love it I'm a desktop I don't know unless a laptop I have a phone that's it um do you like drama or comedy call me okay I'm with hundred percent laughter is the best medicine it is it is um let's see hot or mild there's only one right answer mm-hmm well depends how hot though I like hot sauce but if I ask for salsa or am I a restaurant I ask for it mild okay because that's that's that's the safe bet mild is the right answer just so you know I think ketchup is spicy so I am that person um let's see morning or evening person morning okay there is something blissful about an early morning outside the birds are chirping and there's no noise yet I think you're more apt to find peace and solitude in the morning then you are in the evening yeah I think that's a lot of the draw what about train or plane airplane I get to I would get well actually I've never been on a train other than like transit in a large city but I could see myself getting bored really yeah I've I've taken a 28-hour train ride and it was it was fine it was I had no pride was concerned but it was fine it was fine so I suggested if you can what about the gym do you do it at home or at our facility at a facility all right and you like to swim or ski hmm I have to pick one you can't do them at the same time so if you're like you didn't go outside and do swim or ski I mean if you can that's great I mean I guess you get jet ski or ski off the back of a boat but if you you know cold weather skiing or swimming in an ocean or something which is which is more liver and speed I'm gonna stick I love the water so I would probably be swimming and I like cold ice baths and I live close to the mountains here so I can go to the mountains and jump in a glacier river every once and all so interesting all right so you know about our guest a guest question so the guest before you left behind a question for you to answer on the show so are you ready for your guest a guest question yes all right what do you like most about yourself oh man how I am so positive so how I've been able to change my mindset so that even in the most stressful times I can see the benefit to me or the opportunity that's being presented hmm that is a good quality and I'm going to assume that that came about by hard work in some determination and some actual I don't want to say effort but some conscious thought of what it is that you're doing and how to get there absolutely so much so much work so one more time for everybody give us your website it's www true emotion dot CA true emotion dot CA and the name of your company is the true emotion coach yes all right and you have a course and you have two different courses there's a bunch of information and and stuff that they can find at your website and for today what is your final thought is there anything else you want to share with our audience or is there anything that you can you know sort of teach or give to our listeners today as a way of inspiration or or education yes there's always hope it's always going to get better all you need to do is take the next the first next step and someone understands what you're going through somebody wants to help you you just have to find that person and I've experienced this in my life many times but there is always hope and I can assure you that there is regardless of how bleak it might look right now well thank you for that Laverne I appreciate your time and I've enjoyed our time here together your time is extremely valuable and I hope I honored that here today thank you you did all right thank you to our listeners if you have a story to share visit tell us a story podcast calm if you're an aspiring author a seasoned business owner or looking to elevate your personal brand visit Belmont said he pressed calm for expert advice on writing your own success story trust the next chapter because you are the author now tell us a story you