The System is Down with Dan Smotz

452: Flipping Off the Feds w. Jeremy Kauffman

On today’s episode, Dan and Dave are joined by the very scary Jeremy Kauffman. Jeremy’s local affiliate LPNH recently shared a tweet so spicy that it seemingly “warranted” a “visit” from the “FBI”. Regardless of how you feel about the tweet, Jeremy’s man-handling of the Federal Agents was a masterclass. Let’s chat.Question everything. Stay uncomfortable.Lets get weird.Guest & Sponsor Links:Dave: Star Injury Attorneys: https://lonestarinjuryattorneys....

Broadcast on:
21 Sep 2024
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On today’s episode, Dan and Dave are joined by the very scary Jeremy Kauffman. Jeremy’s local affiliate LPNH recently shared a tweet so spicy that it seemingly “warranted” a “visit” from the “FBI”. Regardless of how you feel about the tweet, Jeremy’s man-handling of the Federal Agents was a masterclass. Let’s chat.

Question everything. Stay uncomfortable.

Lets get weird.

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[music] There is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty In a combat zone in any war zone around the world the first time this time We're in war? But let's understand So where the fuck are we right now? [music] All I ask is if we have to give these bastards our lives We give them hell the glory door The tragedy of our day is the climate of fear between lives One thing about these celebrate brothers building collapsing We draw that car and tell us that it's really good for that [music] I do not have sexual relations with it [music] That certain people we live with that We're confessing weapons of mass destruction I love the facts, we're guried up by it You'll take a handle of truth [music] I remember that we met two boys [music] [music] [music] Right in the morning, no, it's a big flood You ain't in it Ladies and gentlemen, welcome To the second episode of the week We were planning on doing something at some point later this week But we didn't, we assumed we'd be talking about, you know, the news Because there's been a few things that have, maybe a third assassination attempt I don't fucking know anymore And, you know, Jews are blown up pagers and Hezbollah pockets And all sorts of fun things going on in the world But, yeah, when things go on in the world That is two friends of the show It seems more pertinent to get in on that action Dave is here, as always, Dave, how are you doing, Dave? [applause] Great to be here, bud, second time in a week, feeling great about it Absolutely, you got any thoughts before we get into this? Anything you want to say? Don't worry, Jeremy won't hear any of this, so anything you want to say behind his back What? Broke up a little bit there, got any thoughts on what? You got any thoughts on this Jeremy Kaufman thing? I know, well, don't worry, Jeremy won't hear any of this This is just between you and I before we get into this Yes, let us plot the ambush Mm-hmm Uh, no, he's a genius and a great dude and a leader And we're lucky to have him on the show and in the movement For sure, now, before we do that, real quick, I gotta remind you guys About my favorite sponsor, you guys in the Diamonds Club People like John Windshower, Bob Seifert, drugs for robots Sean Van Beaver Hout, aggregate D's Somebody, J.C., Justin Savoy, Bonnie Jeffers, Adam Donald, Austin Taz Dan Yale, Sean Luke Picard, Stoney, S.D.G. Level 0, Jack Casey, Rick D'Rangivari Crick Costa, Tim Brown, Howie Snow and Brian McCloames, Sean Burnhouse, William Miles Many, many more, get your name on that list Have it right in correctly some day, going over to Patreon, got com/the system is down And you'll get more weird, more offensive, more weekly content I think we're doing a freak of the week this week because I haven't had time to dig into all these spicy news stories Cause I've been just following Jeremy around the internet a little bit And we're gonna talk to him But yeah, go join the Downers Club system's down and we'll keep the party going today Talk about some freaks and judging them accordingly And figuring out who is the freakiest amongst them all Now, our guest today needs no introduction He's been on a time or two before Because there's always something that he's getting in trouble for that we have to discuss He is a man of international mystery Because I believe before two days ago, everybody thought he was a fed But I feel like we might be able to put those rumors to bed by now Maybe not, we'll find out, but Jeremy Kaufmann Welcome back, Jeremy, how are you? How are things going in your life? Pretty calm? Yes, is this what I have to do to get invited back to the show? Was that your goal? Is that the whole reason for the setup? It's all for you, you're like my jilted lover And I thought how could I get to get attention again? That's right, yes, Jeremy and I have a bit of a past I'm not sure at this point how much I should be admitting that out loud Or just hoping that it goes away, but how's it going, Jeremy? You know, it's been going well It's been interesting to see a lot of the conservatives really embracing this I think that's different than that's probably the biggest difference from like 10 years ago Or 20 years ago and you know where the entirety of the conservative movement is amplifying this video Including Don Jr, although he later deleted it So maybe I'm still a bit too spicy for Don Jr You figured out what it was all about He did like two seconds of research She was like never mind, maybe not We don't know what it was about You know, the federal government didn't say And I think people who, you know, want to speculate why they came I think are doing exactly what they want You know, they want to create a chilling effect around speech So I think if the government is not willing to show up at your door and say This is speech that we need to investigate We shouldn't be doing the investigations for that Yeah, okay, so, you know, we know that You know, so I say a lot of things, can we, what thing was it? You know, it's very difficult to... Yeah, it's hard to say, I mean, it might be the obvious one But it also might be the other ones that were probably toned the line as well But before we get too deep into this, we're going to play the video in a little bit But I haven't heard from you, or like, not that I've reached out or anything We haven't chatted since that pork fest two years ago Where you, like, screamed at the guy for his kid dying or something I don't remember the details, it's all a little blurry But things have transpired, or I assume since then, I don't pay that close attention Did you get kicked out of the FSP, or did I dream that? I appreciate you giving, you know, the most charged interpretation of this That's possible That's what I do, you know that Yeah, no, it's perfect And obviously you're completely correct because you're never wrong about anything That's right The free state movement is going strong I would say more people here are paying attention to me than ever And I don't just mean in a gawking sense I think there are more people here who take my perspective on things, you know, than ever before So, and I'm going to be continuing to attend and speak at FSP events And the new executive director has been very friendly to me So, you know, I think people are human, you know, people make mistakes So, you know, I think it's a mistake for the movement to be focusing on this kind of thing This is what movements do when they don't have enough external enemies Because they can't accomplish anything, right? They start back fighting against each other, you know, they just play these internal status games You know, because there's nothing that you can actually achieve externally You know, you just start stepping on each other I don't know if you're involved with any movements or you see that kind of behavior But it's, you know, it's kind of human nature And so, you know, actually, since we're so obviously talking about the libertarian party You can see this in the reactions where, like, there's a whole bunch of, again, conservatives who were embracing this fully We're just like, this is the one to do, you know, this is how you stand up to it, federal leaders And there's a bunch of libertarians who had to, like, work in their built-up feelings about me Like, well, you know, I don't agree with everything Jeremy does, but this was great The fact that they feel the need to, like, toss that disclaimer in there Is revealing something, you know, about all that So, yeah, I don't know, that's my... I don't condone Jeremy's every move in life, but this one thing, I will say, that it was pretty based, yeah I don't condone all of my moves in life Of course Can I ask Jeremy to hear that? Yes, if you feel the need to say that about anybody, then you shouldn't be having that conversation Because, of course, you don't agree with everything Jeremy's done or said or anything That doesn't mean that you don't agree with something that he did But, yeah, to clarify, and to also not get kicked off of any platforms necessarily You put out, or somebody allegedly put out a tweet We're assuming, I know it's an assumption, who knows, maybe it was something else about statistics Or something that caused the FBI to visit your home, but we can probably assume that it was the one that was about Ladies and gentlemen, we are back And we're just picking up right where we left off The internet company messaged me four minutes after we started yesterday, apparently, and said The internet will be down for the next hour, exactly I don't know if any particular groups of people had anything to do with our shutdown But we went down, and then they texted me again at 7.40 last night and said That hour-long inconvenience that you were experiencing, it is resolved now But we left off yesterday with the setup to the tweet So I'll just, uh, Jeremy, Jeremy's back with us We're gonna keep going with this conversation as though nothing happened And, uh, Jeremy Kaufman, how are you, sir? I am doing great, you know, just trying to spread the message any way I can Yes, and you have some interesting methods, would you like to explain your most recent method, uh, where we left off yesterday? Well, you know, we don't, uh, you know, as we were discussing yesterday, we don't know why, for sure Yeah, we don't know who it was, or We'll buy my house, but they didn't say, they didn't say what, you know, again, like, maybe they're really upset About my post about Haitian IQ, for example, right? Like, I have, I have eight posts about Haiti, from the last week that are all now, it can't be accessed in the European Union So it's eight different tweets about Haiti, can't be accessed in the European Union And then I took a picture of one of them, and it was like, you can't access this in the European Union And then that one got taken down from the European Union So then I took a picture of that one, and I'm trying to see how many levels of pictures I can get in the European Union to ban But, you know, we're turning into, we're turning into the European Union, we're turning into Europe, you know We're turning into the UK, where the cops are going to come to your door Because of something you said on the internet, or may have said on the internet I might not even tell you why they're there, you know Yeah, there's no way of knowing exactly what it was that caused this visit But there was a post from LPNH that said, anyone who, Kamala Harris, would be an American hero Are you at Liberty to say that that was, are you willing to take credit for the post, even? Or is that a mystery also, who may or may not have done it? LPNH is a very strong policy of maintaining anonymity among its posters In terms of who makes various posts, because there are several people who posted the account regularly I am someone who does post to that account But we think, you know, as political dissidents, it's better to have this kind of posting policy And try to make that as much as possible I understand that Now, immediately following that post, whoever made that post, there was a visit to your house Not even a knock on your door, because you were there already waiting for them Let's go ahead and just play the video so we can just kind of discuss all this at once But if you're not familiar, this video has been making the rounds lately Of Jeremy being approached by two men who claim to be federal agents Hey, how can I help you? Yeah Who are you? I'm Agent O'Donnell with the FBI Can you give you a full name, please? I'm Agent O'Donnell with the FBI Is that sufficient to identify? Is there only one O'Donnell affiliated with the FBI? Wait, is that Justin O'Donnell in a skinny suit? Is that what that is? Okay, just check Could you please state your full name, sir? Could you please stop recording? No, it's the first member, right? Okay What's your name, sir? Say, could you stop recording? Absolutely not You can show me your name and identification, or I'm going to go back and set my house Okay I don't really want to broadcast my app Oh, this is going out right after you guys walk away So you can show me your name or I do, you can walk away Which one are talking about? I'm not going to talk to people who claim to be federal agents unless they can show me identification You see our badges I need to see, is your full name on that badge? No I'd like to see something with your full name, or I'm not going to talk to you I prefer you not to broadcast This will be going online as soon as you walk away Oh, I wouldn't want to talk to you I want to talk to you about you guys coming here Say you make a salary of, I don't know what Low 100k, you guys making six figures? Factor in 50% expenses, overhead maybe 100% expenses Talk about burning a couple hundred dollars an hour just here Let alone all the time you guys are spending To investigate something that you know is not against the law, right? Like you're familiar with, so then why would you come? Because you weren't going to make sure that there weren't any... No, you're common because you're part of a regime that does this kind of thing When you know laws aren't being broken, and that's an embarrassment, man Didn't you guys read the Constitution? Do you not believe in America? Like how do you do your jobs and go home? We appreciate it You're walking away Because nothing we did is against the law And you guys are fuckheads that try to act like bullies And I hope you go home and aren't best You can't even say your name on camera Because you know that what you're doing is embarrassing You know Americans that believe in the Constitution think you're laughable And you go home and you think about what you did today Go home and think about it, you coward Drive away Drive away Thank you for your attention You're not welcome You should be embarrassed You're right Embarrassing You guys are embarrassing Embarrassing Now Right out the gate I gotta say Jeremy, the first thing I thought of when I saw you tell them to go home Think about what you've done was this clip from Porkfest But that isn't supposed to be a comedy routine I'm supposed to be angry And I am generally not that angry that often But in fact that I'll do something new I've learned to do as a dad Just to tell you why I'm disappointed in you So A lot to cover here obviously First off, before we get into the actual interaction Whoever posted the tweet What was kind of the goal for that? What was the motive? You don't strike me, you've never struck me as a particularly violent person And the entire media and country took it as your threatening violence Is that true? Well, I don't, I think LP&H put out a clear statement That legally speaking, that was clearly not a threat And would not be interpreted by the United States government as a threat There's a lot of case law, you know, on this So even if that's what the FBI was there for What the FBI should be doing is Explaining to citizens why this kind of sentiment is legal Which it clearly is, because tens of millions of people say Similar things about Donald Trump all the time And LP&H has started tagging the FBI in some of these posts And they don't appear to be going around to these people's houses So, you know, I'm actually a little bit, I don't think It's a good strategy to use violence indiscriminately I think that'd be a bad strategy that wouldn't accomplish what you want it to accomplish Even if it's justified, I don't think it'd be a good strategy But it is interesting how People talk about the Second Amendment and how important the Second Amendment is That people like celebrating the Revolutionary War, the Pine Tree Riot You know, people will, LP&H even post this meme about, you know, shooting pedophiles Or, you know, this kind of thing And it's interesting that that, you know, it's like if you're okay with all the stuff in that sphere I don't see that kind of post as all that different Like maybe it's like on the scale of 10, that's like one notch higher on the dial But it seems roughly comparable to other types of posts that are in that direction But obviously other people felt differently You know, there were a number of people who felt very strongly, you know, as being against that kind of post There were one or two I have one here, actually Here's somebody who felt differently But with these people, let me debate Oh, what were one tweet, I went too far I'm a legitimate third option Nobody told them, I don't have the right clip Never mind, never mind, Dave's a fuck you, what else is going on Yeah, like we deleted that tweet and when LPH deletes a tweet That's what LPH is generally saying is that they don't stand by what was said LPH's strategy is to just kind of take shots, just go off the cuff You know, I encourage everyone on our team to push the envelope, essentially Because we're trying, we see the account as important, it's become this important tool in terms of marking the state in a certain way Which we see as important to what we're doing, we want New Hampshire to have this reputation I saw LPH posted a comment today, there was someone on NPR's replies Like New Hampshire, that's the Alabama of New England You know, New Hampshire's a much better state than Alabama But that's, everyone listening to NPR, I want to think that way about New Hampshire If you're an enthusiastic NPR listener, I want you to have a very negative opinion of New Hampshire I want you to feel nervous if you come here, I want you to feel worried about it I understand that side of things, but what about the side of things like, you're talking about strategy Is it good strategy to bait the feds into showing up at your door? Well, I mean, it does seem like the last couple of days have been relatively beneficial for New Hampshire on net I am always concerned about you hurting the good guys And there can be a trade-off function for what we're doing here in terms of You know, we want to make sure our people can continue to get elected and so on But this is the libertarian party of New Hampshire, this is not a completely separate political party You know, these guys can't win elections, these libertarian party people They're not really a very serious party, I mean, this is like a bunch of neckbeards And people who can't succeed in other political parties And so that's why they end up in the libertarian party So, you know, I don't think it's a big deal that this small fringe group is speaking this way So yeah, I mean, I think the last couple of days have been good for the freestad movement on the whole Although they certainly have been a little bit rocky and probably just have some downsides for some people Now, there have been upsides and downsides to LPNH And I've had fun with some of them, I'm a mall for the Happy Holidays and whatnot This one, even I didn't mean to throw David into the bus We both talked about it on last week's episode and we're like, this is, you know, a bit over the line I understand, like, pushing the line for the sake of testing your free speech bounds and doing all that But as far as, like, when libertarians in general are on lists for just existing because they disagree with it I understand that there are upsides to the marketing, to the extreme marketing that you're doing Do you think that the upsides outweigh the downsides of libertarians being more on that list in general The people not being able to, I don't know, if libertarians looked up and this type of thing pops up I know that I'm making all the arguments that all the losers have made in the past But it took me a long time to make it, it took up to the point of sounding like you're pushing the line of political violence For me to be like, yeah, that might be a bit much Do you think the good outweighs the bad? Since mostly it's, you know, talked about New Hampshire, again, I think it's good I want this reputation for New Hampshire, of libertarians being crazy You know, I don't, again, the message itself is the message itself a good message No, that's what we're deleting, we're saying that's not the kind of message that we want to put out there You deleted it, but then you defended it And I enjoyed your defense, so I'm not necessarily knocking it But did you delete it because you thought that because people disagreed with it within the party or did you delete it because Twitter was going to remove the account? Well, just before I answer that question, I think it's also important to recognize, at least in terms of what I'm interested in accomplishing I don't think there's any way it happens without being investigated by federal agents And without having federal agents be a part of our movement here Since we're winning through legal techniques, you know, I don't think it matters that much Like, I don't have the secret beliefs that I don't go around saying You know, I pretty much say when I believe, you know, really as much as possible to the point that it sometimes gets me in trouble I say it so much, you know, so I think it's better to take this idea that We're going to achieve this sort of radically libertarian society and federal agents are never going to investigate us or touch us And that's just historically untrue, you know, so I think I don't want to be bringing attention to people who are uncomfortable with that attention And I think that's something that LPH doesn't want to be doing generally But I think also for us to get the movement where we want it to go, this is something that's going to happen And if I can, you know, be a leader in that regard, or LPH can be a leader in that regard, you know, I think it's good Your LPH, again, LPH is not the group that's really getting anything done, we just draw attention, that's it So I just wanted to get that in, and then what was the next question? Do you feel like the upside outweighed the downside? What kind of answers that already? Sure, I don't know if there was more to that question then Now, how have the people in New Hampshire responded to it? Obviously the tweet was taken down I guess that was part of the rest of my question was more like is it because the people of New Hampshire were like, that's not really what we're going for? Or was it more because Twitter said we're going to remove you if you don't take this down? The most important reason, well, both are valid reasons, they're both factors, so one is many people, several people, you know, inside of the party Didn't don't like that kind of message, and I think that's correct, and also I do think you should try to follow the terms of service of the website that you're using You know, if you're going to stay on it, so it was both of those reasons, neither one specifically, that were why it was deleted You know, in terms of inside of New Hampshire, you know, it's funny, it's the people who, I think most people are much more focused on the reaction And it's mostly, you know, libertarian party people, and mostly, I'm not saying you guys fall in this category, but... Yeah, I'm only focused on my reaction, and my reaction was... It's mostly been libertarian party people who already have a problem with New Hampshire, already have a problem with me You know, I don't Yes, I know, that's why I should say I know you guys are in that category, so I wasn't trying to put you in that one But I think those are the people who are concerned about that, and I think it's a strange standard that people have to say, like, on courage violence in the abstract, and I will celebrate past specific violence But I won't pre-celebrate future specific violence, so you'll celebrate future violence abstractly, and you'll celebrate past violence specifically Future specific violence, you know, is the one At least in public, you know, at least on the internet Well, I'm the same person, Dan, you know, you've seen me privately, I'm basically trying to be the same person You know, there may be a couple... He's just as radical in private as he is online, don't worry, you guys We're all safe now I don't want anyone to know Dave, I want to give you a minute here, because, yeah, I threw you under the bus there, and then didn't give you a chance to What were your thoughts? We'll get into the FBI video a little bit more, but just on the tweet alone, do you got any thoughts there? Do you think we'll add to it? Yeah, we got a couple tweets, you wish you would have had that clip pulled up from last week, just kidding I can get it if you want, Dave No, no, that's okay, but you did just kind of brush over your interaction with the cable company, bro, when they texted you that And you sent them back that, you know, sternly worded message that was like this kind of tyranny will not be tolerated, angry emoji You should be allotted for that Sure, told the FBI Well, now I've got the masterclass on how to deal with the FBI when they show up at my door for my outrageous tweets about media com, but yeah Exactly, no, I think I'm glad that Jeremy doesn't lump us in with just groups of haters, that's cool because that's not the case I make it a point to not denounce anybody or anything ever Certainly when people request it or demand it, that will never happen, so I've never done that, I never will And I also recognize man that our goals are somewhat different, you know, like he's trying to build a libertarian homeland, that's not my goal So like sometimes our strategies will diverge and sometimes they'll work together and that's still cool with me Also something that I'm coming to figure out is that you can try to influence an influencer, but you can't make an influencer do anything Candace Owens is a great example of this, and if Jeremy feels like tweeting stuff that's fucking, you know, right up to the line or maybe a little bit over Your best bet is to go, hey man, I didn't love it or a great job, but like... Good job sacrificing yourself on that hill, like good job for being the guy who pushes the line and tests it And is willing to put his name on that, but I don't necessarily condone it, but go ahead So, I'll just wrap it up with this, I've never come out and been like, I want to separate myself from Jeremy or LPNH Even like, when I see like the go back and pick crop stuff, I was like, oh, this is going to take me back a little bit I'm going to have to spend some time like explaining what he meant by this, right? Just like creating more work for me, it reminds me of Dennis the Menace, like in the beginning of the episode He'll do some shit that is morally reprehensible, you probably shouldn't do it, but by the end... By the end, he's flipping off the feds He looks really great and everybody tells him he's doing a great job and, you know, his hands are clean So I'll say, I didn't love that tweet, but... You cleaned up You really patched it up and I will say that in this particular instance, I will admit It looks like the juice may have been worth the squeeze I'll just say that not everybody is Jeremy Kaufman, not everybody is going to be that cool and collected when the feds come to your house So if you're going to be that antagonistic, be ready for that kind of shit, because that is what will happen And lastly, I'll just say this I just, even though it's cool the way that this turned out, I still don't think that that's good strategy Even though it might be constitutional, even though you have a First Amendment right to say whatever you want and acknowledging whatever the differences between his platform We know that these people don't care what your constitutional rights are That's not even in their purview But Dave, can you at least commend the canary in the coal mine who is like I'm willing to... I know what's going to happen He had to know what was going to happen 100, 100% I'm a fan more than ever of Jeremy and yeah, I'm grateful that he's influencing people towards libertarian thought And I'm glad we all should be like walking right up to the line and seeing what we can get away with Sometimes I think, you know, homey to homey, you're just a little bit reckless And I would ask you, I'm not demanding anything I would ask that you consider like the people that you're leading You know, we need liberty plus responsibility, or it won't work So lots of people look to you and go like, "Hey, this is what we should be doing, or we shouldn't" So it's like, I don't know, you already said, "Hey, that tweet doesn't represent LPNH and we took it down" So personally, like, that's already all I needed to hear, that's cool Not looking for an apology or anything to be anything on it I agree with that, and I think by the way, that's very... appreciate the very respectful of anything overly respectful feedback because... Well, I do want to know more about, like, your plan for this, did you know that they were going to show up? Like, you were clearly ready to go, so you had to have suspected Well, you know what's funny is, the LPNH has tweeted things that are, like, adjacent to this before, although, again, maybe the phrasing was enough different I put a link in the chat about how quick it is I think one word in particular was the most glaring one that you used, or somebody used You know, we tweeted about how great America is, because in America, it's completely legal You know, to say that it would be moral to lynch Kamala Harris, you know, and like, and you can't say that in the UK Like, that's why America is great, and that tweet, like, nobody even got mad at LPNH for that tweet Yeah, I didn't even see that one, and that's the same tweet, basically So, that, you know, I think it's something about that that one was just very, very direct and want And that, that made it a lot worse for people But to me, I see a number of other posts as being pretty close to that one So, look, one of the things you'd learn in business and as an entrepreneur is you meet the market Where it is, so don't get me wrong, like, I am observing the market reaction to this So, I'm not trying to argue when I'm saying that I don't see these differences Like, I'm trying to learn from this entire experience But to me, in my internal view, that tweet was, as I said, like, just, you know, maybe half a degree or one degree out of ten In your weaponized autistic view, which, as I've said before, like, your weaponized autism, it might get, it might stir up trouble But you are never without a defense for your stance Yeah, so, but as I said, it was a mistake So, when I'm asking, when I'm saying, I see it as similar, that's not me trying to argue that it wasn't, that that post wasn't a mistake We agree that was a mistake, I think it was 100% good that we took it down and so on, so, yeah Okay, can I get a quick question then? Go for it, too And I appreciate that, man Um, do you... Just when it comes to, like, do you view yourself as a leader in the movement? Yeah Okay, cool, you should, I mean that So, um... So with the tweet, like, you know, what's her head should go back to Africa and pick crops, or... And I get what you're trying to say, 'cause she was trying to make an argument for, hey, because of the color of my skin, I should get reparations Which is stupid, and we can make that argument But, do you think that, and maybe this newest tweet, like... Which, again, you already said... Well, I would go more about it, so let me explain the pick crop stuff, and so, similar to... We have, we have basically the sort of civic religion of America, you have two of its... Two of its, what is the word, sort of sacrilegious, not sacrilegious, the thing that would be sacrilegious to criticize Do you say sacrilegious? Sacrilegious? I like sacrilegious better. Yeah, so two of these sort of sacrilegious things, our one is... The World War II and the Nazis, as we saw with the reaction to Dale Cooper going on Tucker Carlson, and the other one is this sort of reverence and treating African Americans as this special class with special rules. This includes MLK, and how we look at the Civil War, and, you know, and all this is sort of a package. And, I think... I'm not necessarily interested in... retconning all those things, but I think it's important, I don't think that that... Those things being sacrosanct is good either. Like, I think we should be able to discuss World War II, frankly, and I think we should be able to discuss... African Americans and issues around African Americans, frankly. And the truth is that you can't. And part of why we do try to push the envelope in certain ways is we want to show that these views are in bounds for New Hampshire libertarian. And I don't even agree with a bunch of Dale Cooper stuff so far as I can tell, but I certainly don't have the reaction of this is offensive and the conversation shouldn't be had. Like, it's entirely... We need to have debates between people who have nothing to do with this conversation about this conversation. Yes, the amount of backlash... To be clear, though, I don't care about Nina Turner's feelings, and it would be perfectly reasonable to say, "That's ridiculous. You think you're entitled to the money because of your black skin? That's ridiculous. You're a rich woman in 2024." So that's fine. I'm not insulted by that. I don't think anybody else will. I'm just asking, like, do you think saying publicly you should go back to Africa and pick crops is helping the cause or hurting it? Well, we... Go back to Africa as a separate message. To go back to Africa message, again, I think this is a great message. I think if you want reparations, this is a great offer, right? If you're mad that you're here, then don't be here. I mean, I'm generally against taxation, but this would be a money-saving policy to offer these people who are not net taxpayers. So for like a couple thousand bucks, we can get them off the rolls. We could free up some houses. And I think this should really end the reparations debate. So that one, I think, is just like that one, is square on. Taking crops, yeah, you're trying to be... You're definitely trying to be a little bit... - It's basic. - Trying to blow it out of your tongue. - It's Twitter. - Yeah. But again, I think there's a bunch of stuff around the Civil War and around African Americans that has the same kind of built up. You can't touch it. You can't talk about it, frankly. And I think it's got to be in town, in bounds to talk about these issues, frankly. And so the poster intended to kind of tear that stuff down and make it okay to talk about these issues in a, you know, in a, in a frank way. Jeremy, would you say it's kind of a litmus test? Like, as Dave mentioned earlier, you're both on kind of different goals here. You're trying to build a community of people that are cool. That's really it. That's the end of the line. Like, people who are cool to move to your neighborhood so that you can have a cooler neighborhood, not to belittle it legitimately. I would love that too. And that's a great goal. Is it just kind of like, if you can handle this? Is it a litmus test? If you can handle the spice that I'm putting out, then we can talk? No, you don't have to agree with these takes, nor do you have to believe them. Like, if you're cool to hang. If you're still cool to hang after this, this pushing of the line. At least with me personally. I mean, that's a me personally. Sure. But no, there are obviously people even inside of New Hampshire who have a problem, you know, with their stuff. But there are a lot, there are a ton of articles that printed a ton of mainstream journalistic out mainstream song word legacy. I always have to reprogram my brain. That one's been in my brain for so long. You've always got to use the right way. Corporate mockingbird, Illuminati media. You decide. So they printed, you know, a bunch of stuff about how libertarians have been concentrating in New Hampshire through the free state movement. You know, something like this sentence was included in a bunch of articles. And so far as I can tell, there's not another way to get that sentence included in articles. Like, I think we could cure cancer and they probably would avoid mentioning that, you know, it was free status. Because they basically are only interested in talking about us. If it's negative, because the whole press system is blue-coded and is very anti what pre-staters would believe. You know, so if there was some other roadmap for doing this, and this is something else issued all my critics. Like, do it better. Show me a better way of doing this. Like, I'm happy to learn from other people, to take someone else's lead. But I haven't seen another way of generating these mentions. And if you look at how often the free state project is getting mentioned in these places, a bunch of them are generated by LPH. And so someone's going to say, well, you only were able to generate them by doing bad things. It's like, yeah, that's the only way you can do it. So you're saying it's working. That's what I'm here. Jeremy, if LPH and all the work you guys were doing, if you knew for a fact that it was simultaneously, slowly but gradually building up FSP, whilst degrading the public opinion of libertarianism in the lower authoritarian 49, would it still be worth it, or would you have to adjust the strategy? I think there's no hope for libertarianism in America at large. So I would see that as still probably helping things, because whatever gets other people there is good. You know, even the libertarians that we do have, like Thomas Massey or Rand Paul, and I do think they should be considered something like small on libertarians, they don't really call themselves libertarians. I don't know if Thomas Massey is willing to call himself a libertarian, or if he just says, well, I have some libertarian, you might tell, I have some libertarian beliefs, you know? I'll play ball. And so, you know, if you want to rehab the name libertarian, you need to kill the libertarian party. Okay, you could kill the libertarian party, and then you could slowly rehab the name libertarian inside of the republican party, maybe. But otherwise, I just don't think there's a way to do it. And, you know, right now you've got two competing schools inside the LP that are sort of mutually incompatible, and they're both trying to, you know, one is trying to paint it with the gay brush, and an LP in age is trying to paint it with, I don't know, the bigot brush, the incentive brush, you know? [Laughter] With the, I mean, I wouldn't even, you guys aren't, would you say that you're anti-gay? Or just like the normal, are you down to hang brush? Which is my whole stance. Being gay is like wearing glasses, okay? You know, no one wishes their son has to wear glasses, but your dad so hate you because you need them, you know? [Laughter] That's the attitude. You have to say like the gay stuff, and it's so hard. We can't get, we can't get the temperature right on this stuff because people wanted... They want to add 11 on both sides. Well, it's a rhetorical, it's not a bad strategy if you want homosexuality, if you want homosexual marriage to be legal, or homosexual sex to be legal, or if you want marijuana to be legal, you say it's the best thing ever! You say gay people are heroes, and marijuana is a miracle cure, you know? You know, it's a much better strategy to take that approach than to be like, "Well, you know, marijuana is a mildly addictive substance that is probably mostly bad for you." Like, it's not that bad, but you know, that's a harder argument. You know, so similarly, like that homosexuality, we told this story about well, gays are just straight people with the bit flipped, you know? And they want to get married and have families, you know, just like straight people do. And some of them did, but most of them don't, right? The gay marriage has been legal for a long time, and now we have actual data on the rates of gay marriage. And gays don't marry at nearly the rates that straight people do. And there are a bunch of other differences among homosexual behavior. Now, I'm completely for gays being allowed to marry, I'm completely for it being legal for them to live their lives the way that they want to, but we told a bunch of lives to get them. We collectivizing everyone here. And so, you know, I don't know what you do about that. And now, if you tell the truth, people will also get mad at you and call you a big. I did a poll on like, which would you rather, what's like your least favorite for your son to be? And it was like ugly, short, gay, you know? And a bunch of people find, you know, they'd rather have their son be short than gay. And that's a conversation I think we have to be allowed to have. You know, as a parent, I certainly look forward to not going to force my kids to have children, but of course I want to become a grandfather one day. Of course I do. I'm not going to lie and say I don't. And if my kids are homosexual, then it reduces the chance of that happening. So I would prefer it didn't happen, you know? But I would love them either way to say the way that I love them if they're short, which they will be. So you just got to accept it. Yeah, absolutely. And as I said to Pete, Q, a couple weeks ago, you make a lot of points that I have a hard time arguing with no matter how uncomfortable I am with them. But we definitely got to get to this back to this FBI video because that's the main thing that we're talking about here. But before we do that, I got to give a shout out to a sponsor real quick. Have you or loved one been injured by some fucknuggets reckless driving, a tumble at your shitty job, or some other form of dumb shit outside of your control? Well fear not because today's episode is sponsored by a lawyer. Lone Star Injury Attorneys is an award-winning personal injury law firm that achieves maximum results for its injured clients. Max the Axe is not just a lawyer, but a hardcore Mises caucus libertarian and also a big supporter of this show in all of our bullshit. Max is the best personal injury lawyer in Texas, but don't judge him by his occupation or location. Max is an avid defender of liberty and justice in whatever state you got fucked in. If you've been injured and you're asked needs saving, go with the pros at Lone Star Injury Attorneys. Visit LoneStar Injury or Google Max the Axe. Consultations are free and you don't pay a single dime unless you win. Once again, go to LoneStar Injury and get your ass covered. Thank you, thank you. Now, going way back about 40 minutes to my last question, did you know that this would happen? Did you know that the FBI would show up at your house or at least people dressed in FBI gear? Do you know if they were FBI? I mean, there's so many questions. But did you know when somebody posted that, when you saw the hubbub online that... They were definitely FBI. One of them has been positively identified. People found photos of him aging a Donald. Okay. I think his name is Scott O'Donnell. Justin. I mean Scott. Yeah. And of course we did. I mean, we're brilliant. We're playing 5D chess at all times. And, you know, I would never lie on a podcast unless it was necessary for my purposes. So you definitely know that they were coming. That's what you're saying. Final answer. Yeah. Final answer. I mean, the video would indicate as such and I would imagine that you had some indication that something would happen if something were posted. Yeah. But there's no way of knowing. Who knows? But let me see. One of my favorite responses to this, there's been a bunch of pushback, obviously, but one of my favorite responses was... Let me find it. Brian Krasenstein, who said thank you FBI. Hold on. The FBI just visited the home of Jeremy Kaufman, the owner of @LPNH account, who tweeted at... We've already read the tweet. He then posted a poll asking if I should be deported for calling him out for his ridiculously violent rhetoric. This guy is a total jackass as seen in the video below and should be banned. I mean, first and foremost, he should definitely be banned. But the question why the first answer that comes to mind for me is how rudely you treated those federal agents. Jeremy, would you like to respond to that? Well, I stand with the majority of people who answered that poll, and I think the Krasenstein brothers do, in fact, need to be deported. Look, why would you like to... Can we all just like get on the same page with accelerating this sort of division, this self-assortment? We don't care how long. I don't even want to fight with libertarians. I was talking about David Smith on his show. We don't need to fight with libertarians in Louisiana. Let Louisiana be the gay, furry state for public nudity who wants homeless people in parks or whatever. We could start clustering our beliefs. We could use states for their intended purposes and allow states to diverge. So the only reason these battles become existential is because we have to fight for all of it. And so because there has to be one set of rules for all of America, then we have to fight these existential battles. Because there's one libertarian part, one national libertarian part, it all has to go in one direction. Then we have to fight these existential battles. That one's much less important existential battle, but it is nonetheless an existential battle. But there doesn't appear to be a path to compromise. One of the possible paths to compromise to me is this sort of self-sorting. And I think that's the healthiest thing. Because then we don't threaten each other and then we can be comfortable with each other. So there are behaviors that I'm interested in policing on my block or in my neighborhood that I don't care at all about outside of that. And people can do things that I would disagree with tremendously. It's not a right. And if we could have that attitude more, then that can be bidirectional. And then you don't have to worry about me ruining the libertarian party. By the way, this is the eighth time I've ruined the entire libertarian party. Yes, it's been dead so many times at your hand. Dave, you got any thoughts? It's been a bit. I was just kind of curious, man, and I've debated Dennis Pratt a little bit on this. And I love the Free State Project, man. I love that you guys have each other and it's a great thing that you're doing. But I guess I would just ask, like, what is it that leads you to believe that the regime would ever let you have your own libertarian homeland? Like, as the rest of the country is on a suicide mission and all the things that you love and cherish are very unpopular. Why would they let you have that? They won't. I mean, in a sense of, like, are they just going to do -- like, we do have to be prepared for -- I'm not saying some type of civil war necessarily. But I think that as we continue to get successful, I do think tensions will continue to escalate. I think it's still early. I would hope that we sort of have a playbook here for minimizing violence, for keeping it to a minimum. But there is no civil rights battle, battle for independence. And I mean, I say battle, I mean, I don't mean, like, necessarily on a violent one, but you have some sort of fight for some sort of social change that didn't involve at least some small amounts of violence, whether that's than us or the other way around. So I don't -- this idea that you're going -- that we're going to achieve this vast social change and it will be entirely peaceful is, I think, unrealistic. I'm not trying -- again, this isn't me trying to backdoor some kind of thing. But if you're talking about -- because we're -- I like to brag about how great New Hampshire is. I mean, on the continuum of where I want to be, we've only made it a small step, you know? And so I do think that tensions, you know, will continue to rise. But there is evidence that this kind of thing is possible. And I've also been trying to learn more about sort of past parallel movement. You know, I was looking up the population of Israel, the population of Jews in the land now known as Israel over time. You know, and they were able to get from five or six percent of the population to 80 percent of the population. You know, we can debate their tactics, but they did it, right? They did it. And so, aside from some of the other strategies, I've got Irish and Jew, two of the two of the two successful liberation movements in both of my ethnic histories. And I -- Both have had things that they're better at and things that they're worse at and you just take them from both. You know, so I mean, obviously the IRA was a, you know, viciously violent group that -- and they created a culture where if you went to jail on behalf of the IRA, it was like the most laudable thing. It was the most prestigious thing that you could do inside of the IRA culture was to go to jail on behalf of the IRA. Now, I don't think we're at that stage. Again, I'm not saying that we don't need to be pipe bombing politicians cars. You know, we're winning elections and so on. But you do want to create a culture that's -- that is positive towards people who are risking themselves to advance, you know, the group cause. That seems like the kind of culture, you know, that you want. And I am a -- I am a NAP libertarian. I believe in these kinds of things. So I'm not, again, for sort of indiscriminate violence or culture of violence. I don't even -- I don't want to go back to some sort of honor culture where we're fighting and killing each other over small threats. We could use a bit more honor maybe, but I -- you know, I'm not -- I don't glorify some of these -- some of these past. But I think that it's not -- that there has to at least be -- we have to look at history and we have to appreciate -- like, we have to face reality, okay? Like, that's -- what I don't want to do is -- like, just because I'm uncomfortable with something, I don't want to, therefore, believe wise. But there are beliefs that I have that I'm uncomfortable with the fact that I have them, but just as far as I can tell, they're true. It weren't comfortable for me to adopt, but I'm always been someone who's interested in the truth at the end of the day, you know, what's true. So I would like -- I very much want a libertarian homeland. I very much want to create a libertarian order, a libertarian society. And I would like to do that with as minimal violence as possible. Maybe we'll be the first group to do it with none, you know? But I want to. I want -- I'm not going to give up on one ticket, you know? Sure. So I'm going to work backwards from, "This is the end state that I want. How can I achieve it in the way that's most compatible with my values and my moral?" Yeah. Now, you also were notoriously holding up Trump signs at the Libertarian Convention while Trump was there saying -- and you've spoken out in favor of Trump immediately following that -- are you still in that camp? Do you have a message for why people should vote for Trump and why shouldn't people look at your -- or LPNH's posts as just radical pro-Trump rhetoric? Well, I don't think that helped. I don't think -- right, Don Jr., quote tweeted me and then deleted it. So I would gather that's because I'm a character that is perhaps -- Because he did a quick Google search immediately following -- sharing the stuff that goes. Because we can file that one under-based, but I'm fragile. Yeah. So -- and yes, from my value frame, Trump is a socialist, but I think he's by far the best choice. There is -- there are only two canoes that can win, right? Harris or Trump? Trump is way better than Trump. Chase. We have -- I mean, I think the big thing that some -- and some libertarians aren't here yet is recognizing how captured these institutions have become by this sort of -- you could call it the blue power structure. This left is the authoritarianism value structure, you know, where it's not -- it's not just the FBI, the colleges and the universities, the journalistic outlets, where the big tech companies, where these are 90%, 95% Democrats. And at that point, you don't need a conspiracy. You don't need one. Like, the conspiracy creates itself. It doesn't need to be planned. It doesn't need to be directed. You know, and there's -- I'm a little bit skeptical of Trump's ability to actually do it. I'm kind of more hoping some of the other people around him, like Vance or Vivek can do it. But there's some hope that Trump can do it. There's no hope of anyone else. And I mean, I already think America's future is not that bright, but if you're going to have any hope for it, it would be that these people have some chance of fixing it. I mean, in terms of why to vote for Chase, you know, like your chases, I think Chase quite literally is a leftist infiltrator who does not understand libertarian theory and does not hold libertarian values in his heart. And that's the thing that I wish I could get some of the better libertarians to see, which is these words, freedom, and liberty -- when he uses these words, he doesn't mean the same thing that I would mean when I use these words. And so I think that it's very dangerous for people to say that, oh, yo, he's the best or he's libertarian on policy. I think it's a bad idea for anyone who cares about the future of libertarianism or the libertarian party to be supporting him. And the libertarian party is also going to be in a little bit of trouble here because he's going to be bringing in a bunch of people who aren't, again, who don't understand libertarian values, you know? So I read libertarian values, which you talked about with Dave Smith the other day, distinguishing the right versus the left libertarian. Like you said a bit ago, the libertarian party is basically a collection of people who are just like not good enough on these two parties, but then we've got this collection of people who still lean right and still lean left. So he's going to bring in -- you're saying he's going to bring in more people who are a little bit more left leaning as far as the libertarian large tent spectrum. 100%. I mean, very left leaning. Chase is about as left as you can get, right? When he talks about gun rights, it's always gun rights in the context of, you know, the minority figure, the homosexual, the whoever. You know, there's no celebration of excellence and achievement, you know, and family values and these kinds of things. And there is someone -- there's a typo that's attracted to libertarianism because it permits this sort of lowest common denominator behavior because it kind of does. And that's, you know, that's why they're in the party. And you can see a bunch of these people. You can go to the libertarian convention and you can see a bunch of these people. And that's not why I'm a libertarian at all. If these people -- and again, there is a truce here, but it involves these people recognizing themselves, right? Because I can recognize myself. I can recognize where I'm different. I can call myself a right-wing libertarian. These people can't call themselves left-wing libertarians. And if they can't recognize themselves, the gun would go off. If I had to choose between Trump and Biden, the gun would go off. And libertarians praise that as a good thing. It's like, no, it's a dishonest thing. Or at least it's a dumb thing because there's obviously a better choice between the two. And that's where we're at. We don't have a third choice. And so this idea also -- there's so many dumb things, ways from these libertarians to think about things. Like, you're trying to create a movement around a coherent ideology. If you're trying to do that, then it's important that you be growing in a way that doesn't let the ideology fall apart. Like, you've got to recruit people. You've either got to recruit people who can actually understand the ideology and propagate it, or you've got to recruit people who can follow people who understand the ideology and not give the followers a say. And, you know, how the party is controlled, essentially. Which kind of takes me back to, is it a litmus test in your spicy tweets? Like, if you're down to hang, then at least, like, if you're down with these tweets, then at least, we've got some sort of understanding that at the very minimal, this is a joke, and you're cool with that joke, but at the greater it's -- >> Yeah, I don't think my tweets -- some of the LPNH tweets would be the best litmus test for whether you're a right-wing libertarian or not. Like, I'm sure they're a right-wing -- I'm sure they're libertarians who are right-wing libertarians who don't like some of the things that LPNH. >> Sure. >> Either, so I wouldn't use that exactly. But, yeah, these -- the left-right difference is very real. It's what underlies the differences between all the various libertarian factions. It's why we're fighting over open borders and immigration right now. And it's why -- the left libertarians, you know, just find, you know, Trump so abhorrent that they would vote a bunch of them voted for Biden, right? The reason magazine had six-to-one ratio of Biden voters to Trump voters in 2020, which is crazy, right? Six-to-one, whereas in the movement at large, it would be probably around nine-to-one of people who voted for one of those two. It would be around -- probably in the movement at large would be nine Trump's for everyone Biden in 2020. And so these left-wing libertarians, they love presenting their version of libertarianism as centrism. And that is -- right, the reason magazine is not, you know, not the left libertarian magazine. They try to present themselves as the centrist stewards of libertarianism. And this is the reason that they need to be disdained and attacked. If reason was like, we're a left libertarian magazine. I think what they're doing is great, right? Because they do -- some of their journalism is decent, but it's that anything that touches the left-right divide, immigration, racial issues, whatever, gender issues, then they present these left-wing takes as centrist takes. And it's dishonest, you know, and it makes me not like them because it feels like they're being sought. So, Jeremy, real quick, we'll have you on the screen. Can you give me your ten-second thought on Chase Oliver? If you had to make a Chase Oliver ad, you and I have made ads together, and Chase Oliver rejected me for ads. So can you give me, real quick, just the best script for Chase Oliver? So, I'm making up a script for now. You're working on Chase Oliver's campaign. All right, so if I'm working on Chase Oliver's campaign, okay, have you ever felt like America is not full of enough gay race communism? Have you ever wanted a president that could bring world peace by sucking a leader off? Have you -- I'm just spitballing here. This is how we actually write the ad. Keep going, keep going. Have you ever thought that the biggest problem with America is that it doesn't have 10 million more Haitians in your city? Do we have the solution for you? Do you want legal marijuana? All right, that'll do. I did have one more question. What's your recommendation for people? I know you've got a different strategy from what Dave and I have from other people around the country have. You know that, to some extent, kids are watching while somebody think about the children. What is your recommendation to libertarians or just people that you want to inspire at large? Is it to depost something that will get the feds to show up at your house? Is that what kids should be doing? Is that what parents should be doing or something else? I don't know. I mean, try to find a network. If you can't -- everyone does need to visit New Hampshire and check it out because I think if people visit New Hampshire, they've got to come at least once. I think that's something everyone needs to do. But if you can't get to New Hampshire for whatever reason, family reasons, job reasons, whatever, I think the best thing you can do is try to find some kind of peer network, some kind of support network for you locally. I actually think it doesn't make that much sense to focus on politics in a lot of places. There might be some other states where it makes sense. I'm not going to go state by state. I'm not saying don't focus on it anywhere. But certainly if you're trapped in a pretty blue state, I would focus more on finding a peer network, finding ways of dropping out. I think if you're not going to play to win, then dropping out is about strategy, trying to obscure yourself, trying to be less legible to the system itself is an okay strategy. I think it's almost impossible to achieve real political change and say New York state. Yeah, sorry Larry Sharp. Free men die free says fake super chat LP and the LPNH was the best way to expose the regime libertarians no libertarian who pays attention to the sinister actions of the state would reject six semper tyrannis as an idea. Yes, kind of a litmus test sort of concept there. Dave, I want to get I want you to finish out here because I took some issue with the tweet you took more issue with the tweet. I want your your final question then we'll let you here we go. I only cared about the tweet because one of my larger goals is to not turn the country libertarian I'm not trying to make 50 and cap states. All I would like to do is maybe just shift public opinion a little bit backwards like I'll take conservative constitutionalist bill of rights, you know, the epicenter of the American libertarian experience. That's why they have propaganda is so hard and I would argue man like for your project to thrive and have a shot like it is it behooves you to make sure that the authoritarian 49 are, you know, while they might be not as free as New Hampshire like we want to keep that spirit alive so that you can thrive. It's like a microcosm for LPNH and the larger libertarian party, you guys are going to be the best because you're the most free. Right, you should be walking right up to the line and you should be leading the charge and inspiring everybody else. So it's only when I see like those couple little slips, I go, damn it, now we're going to have to do a little whatever, you know, it does make me feel bad when I make situations worse for other people who I like and respect. So when we or when we do that, so it's not something that's definitely downside and that's not something that I want to happen. And so I am sorry to be apologize. I totally believe you and I'm a huge fan. And like you said, dude, there's so many people in this party. We don't want to be around them, live near them. I'm with you on that. And even there's a lot of hardworking people in the party, but there's a few like truly exceptional, really creative people that can like really move the needle. And I think you're one of them. So that's all. I just want to see you thrive and crush it out there, bro. So keep up the great work. And thank you for giving us content for the podcast to talk about because I'm not going to do that shit. And I'll definitely talk about it when you do it. So continue. Jeremy, where can people find you? Thank you so much for being here working people find you at the whatever projects you're working on and anything else. Tell me the tell me the federal supermax you can catch me. Give it a week. Jeremy coffin. That's where I'm very active. I'm launching something new. It just has a landing page up, but you can give me your email address. If you're interested, it's called a So people are curious about what I'm going to be working on next. That's really my new project. And what was that? How do you spell it? I can't tell you. It's like a caliber first in check as to whether you can get it. I did not pass this litmus test is what you're saying. You can get it. I can tell you that it's a crater on the moon. So that helps. Oh, well. Okay. Did the moon landing happen, Jeremy? Almost certainly. Yeah. Oh, God. All right. Well, it's fine. Whatever. Another day and other time. Jeremy, thank you for being here. For doing the canary and the coal mines work and keep up the whatever you want to call it work out there, man. Thanks for getting us your time and have a good one. And to all of you out there. Thank you so much for being here and hanging out with us. Sorry for the inconvenience of, you know, the dropped balls on yesterday's technology, but today's technology seems to be working well. And hopefully yesterday's technology will remedy some of the future technology problems. Dave, it's been fun. You want to do some, some quick frick of the weeks? I've got so many, so many mams to talk about at this point. I got a little bit of time. Okay. All right. We'll do a little bit. If you want the bonus, go get it. Dave, where can people find you? You can find me on the, on my front porch yelling at two feet. No, I'm just kidding. Please don't come to my house. I don't. Leave me alone. No. Me too. Please. I know you guys are watching. You're still alone. You're just talking. No, that was great. I really enjoyed that, man. I feel like we, you know, squared that. I was a little upset last week. Sure. Didn't even know that was him. But what a good dude. And yeah, you can find me on Twitter as well at Dave versus Goliath1 and YouTube as well. Go follow me there. And you can find me @tsidpod on Twitter. Thesystem is is the website. is the email. Feel free to send me all your hate mail. And you know, if you're a fed out there, I mean, you know harm. I mean, I mean, nobody any harm because we're on the internet. Thanks for hanging out, everybody. And sorry about the inconveniences. We're going to keep this party going and we'll see you all next week. And also, we have a big rage against the war machine rally next week. I feel like I should play that video. Dave, should I play that video? I shouldn't play that video before now. Probably should have been. Yeah. All right. Well, we're going to end on this. This is where Dave and I will be a week from today, basically. This is rage against the war machine 2024. And then what's the rally on Sunday that we're going to be at? Rescue the Republic. Yes. All of them. Good times. If you're in the DC area, come check us out. If you're not in the DC area, be on the lookout because we're going to be putting some shit out. We're going to end on this, come party at And we'll see you guys next week. Question everything staying comfortable. We'll talk to you then. Be bad. Have fun. There was never an exit strategy. No glide paths out of Afghanistan. There was an intention to stay indefinitely. Lots of people were benefiting. Not the American people. It was certainly not our soldiers and Marines. My hate coming to Washington DC. It's where our once humble, limited government republic came to die. It was murdered by an establishment that only served their own self-interest. We talk about ending the wars. They talk about bringing our troops home. When? When? When? They know that we have the power to make them stop. Let's permanently break the back of the DC war party and bring our troops home from their endless and undeclared adventures around the world. It's a tremendous amount of animosity between myself and the G.O.B. who was ran around talking as if they're on calls and governing as if they're John McCain. Enough is enough. They're tired of being lied to constantly. They're tired of being looked down upon by these leaders. They don't care if you're right-finger left-wing. They don't care if you're a cattle-clad trucker or progressive social justice activist. They don't care if you're a libertarian or a communist. All they want you to do is be out here to rage against this sick, satanic, neoconservative war machine. Negotiate now. End this war. [MUSIC] The system, everyone's a victim. Doesn't matter if you're black or white, I hate you all. Here is how the system, violence is a symptom. Fighting for what's right, but somehow everyone is wrong. [Music]