Sheep Get Sheared

Should You Vote for Trump? Cutting Through Election Year Deception

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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Anyways, reason I bring it up is because the state is like Tammany Hall back in New York's heyday. Was it New York or was it Chicago? I want to say it was New York Tammany Hall where the whole thing was incredibly corrupt. All you got to do is look at the fact that the illegal aliens are pouring over the border and when Trump says he wants to stop it, people are like, "Ooh, it's racism." Not that doesn't make sense, but that is racism. A previous officer, Lieutenant Governor of California, look at that. I was right, mayor of San Francisco. You see that, ladies and gents? I know what I'm talking about. I know, right? Crazy. Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to the Sheep Get Sheared podcast. I'm your host Austin Creed and don't worry, I'll get my camera fixed in no time, but let me tell you something. Today's show is probably going to trigger a lot of people, I know some of you are uninterested in politics altogether and I can totally understand why considering that it's a dog and pony show to a very large extent because at the end of the day it doesn't necessarily matter what the people say, it matters what the delegates say, it matters what the people in big tech, big pharma, big ag, etc., where all the money goes, we'll get all that stuff. But the main question of the day that I want you to really ponder my friends is this. Should you vote for Trump? I might say, Austin, why are we focusing on Trump? I'll tell you why we're focusing on Trump. Because not since Ronald Reagan, if we've seen a man actively trying to get assassinated, a guy like Trump is literally getting fired at by all sides. Not just figuratively now, not just rhetoric, not rubber bullets, actual ones, flying at this man, literally taking one for the team, and so I'll ask you, even if you're politically uninterested and you probably want to turn the show off because you don't care, you're like man the whole thing's a giant fix, a giant con job, look I'll blame you, really don't, reason being because the whole system is designed by big money for big money. This is true, which is one of the reasons why a lot of people hate Trump, the reason we're going to focus on him is not because I think he's a messiah, I don't, he's a man, he's not some demi-god, he's not a-god, he's just a man. That being said, let's look at the opposition. We got Kamala Harris, who believe it or not, I actually grew up in the San Francisco Bay area, and so she's a pretty known quality to me, I know who she is, I grew up around her, not physically, but in the area in which she was DA, before that she was just some nobody before she found Willy's Willy, at which point she then suddenly became DA, and you know, I would recommend you looking to her past because I know it, I recommend you do your own research because some of you're probably not going to believe me if I use names if I show you what it is we're talking about, but you know what, you're probably not going to want to believe me and I don't blame you, I really don't, reason being people's minds are largely made up, and to a large extent, people don't want to hear what we're talking about, they want to hear that she, like look, oh hold on a second, my camera's not working, but I'll show you my screen on my desktop, let's look at this, let me share the screen, hold on, give me one second, hold on, you're going to have to bear with me on that one, but look at this real quick look, look, only good things, look at this, deadlocked, imagine having an entire machine at your back and you're deadlocked, how wild is that, how unbelievably wild is that, stronger debate, she actually didn't do that bad, in all honesty, she really didn't do as bad as I thought she was going to do, despite the fact that she had everything going for her, so you know, there's that aspect too, I cannot get past this whole thing of elect me, it all fix all the problems and it's gonna be great, blah blah blah, meanwhile what has she been doing, she could do it right now, she's vice president of the United States right now, and yet she has the nerve to pretend like she needs to be elected to the presidency to change things, man, you're already in the, you're already in the White House, in the West Wing and you want to sit here and tell us to people that you need to be elected for you to change anything, my friends, the reason I'm telling you, I'm not telling you to do anything, I hate it when people tell me what to do, frankly, but when I ask you, should you vote for Trump, I mean, you know what, I looked up Kamala Harris on Google, the Oracle of our time, not Oracle the company, but as in everybody looks to like the Oracle of Delphi, they look to Google for answers and prophecies about everything on earth, so you know what, I'm gonna look up Donald Trump on the, on Google and let's see what comes up first. Let's see what he gets, hold on. Oh, all right, let's see here. A bunch of pictures, this age. Oh boy, look at this. 45th president, his website, polls. Honestly, I thought there'd be more things about him being clear on quote convicted felon, despite the fact that in my opinion, the whole thing was a giant sham. Anybody who doesn't know who Stephen Crowder is, the latter with Crowder team, shout out to them, they were, they do undercover stuff. And if you haven't listened to them, they're, I go to rumble and watch them, rumble's gonna be your best bet for watching them. They're not paying me to bring them up, but they brought up a DOJ investigation on how the whole thing was according to a insider and a gigantic fraud. And it was censored by a big tech. It was censored by all these entities that don't want you to hear what we're talking. They don't want you to hear what we're talking about. No, they don't. They want you to think Trump's a Nazi, Trump's no good, Trump's gonna destroy the world. But in fact, it's just not true. Why is Gavin Newsom trending? Let's go down the rabbit hole real quick. California's minimum wage increase. Oh, it would be a job killer. Oh, no kidding. And then he says, guess what? The opposite happened. Oh, I can't stand this lying creep. I can't stand him. He's such a gigantic fraud. Oh my God. What do you mean? It's a what do you oh my God? Is anybody a know that Gavin Newsom, Mr. Sacred and Mr. Movie Star is related to Nancy Pelosi? Oh, did you not know that? Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's related to Nancy Pelosi, the queen of hearts in my estimation. Y'all ever seen the old movie? Alice in Wonderland? Yeah, his auntie is the queen of hearts. He's 56. Holy crap, I thought he was like 40. That's funny. Before he was a governor of California, he was mayor of anyone wants a guess. Anyone anyone? San Francisco, that's correct. He was mayor of San Francisco. And his nickname was any to some new some because he was so in favor of gay marriage, which is so antiquated by today's terms. I feel bad for a lot of gay people, actually, we're not not I'm thinking about it. We'll go down his rabbit hole for two minutes. Why? Because it's my show. Why the hell not? And because it's a stream of consciousness show. This is like, if you were sitting here and my camera was working, it'd be like we're having a conversation about this whole thing. Anyways, the reason I bring it up is because the state is like Tammany Hall back in New York's heyday. Was it New York or was it Chicago? I want to say it was New York Tammany Hall where the whole thing was incredibly corrupt. All you got to do is look at the fact that the illegal aliens are pouring over the border. And when Trump says he wants to stop it, people are like, Oh, racism, not that doesn't make sense. That is racism. Previous offices, Lieutenant Governor of California. Look at that. I was right. Mayor of of San Francisco. You see that, ladies and gents? I know what I'm talking about. I know right crazy, absolutely crazy. Believe it or not, I actually know what I'm talking about. Okay. Oh, God, is there anything else I want to actually want? I don't want to go down the Joe Biden route and hold today. He's not even a real and the dudes of complete. He's six three. I didn't know that gas prices in California. Oh, don't get me started on gas prices in California. Gas prices in California are a complete disaster. And the reason being because in California, they have extra restrictions, extra loopholes from which to jump through that they don't have in other states. That's why it's so much more expensive. And that's one of the reasons why people hate Trump is because he was energy, we were energy independent under Trump. And now we are not reason being because they, you know, a lot of people's best friends, Joe Biden decided to go over and kiss the ring of the Prince of Saudi Arabia, the King of Saudi Arabia, and say, you know what, we're going to just pump more oil and we'll buy it. Despite the fact we don't need to do it. Despite the fact that nuclear energy is a great, great source of energy of clean energy, not just energy as a guy who worked with nuclear weapons in the US Air Force. I can personally tell you, we need more nuclear assets in this country. We really do both for energy and both for defense, in my opinion. Anyways, you don't believe me, go look over in China and look at the fact that they're building more silos as we're trying to fill ours in. But hey, we don't politics doesn't matter, right? Not important, right? To my friends, this is why I'm talking about this today. This is why we are having a conversation about this today, not because I want you to beat you over the head with all believe what I believe. Oh, I'm trying to give you a perspectives because this is, we are surrounded by propaganda, lies, distortions, and bull crap every which way to Sunday. Look, you mean to show, hold on a second, hold on a second. Let me go to the main page of Google, give me one second. And we'll just look up news, you know what, instead of telling you, let's let's show, I like to show not tell. Let's do this. Not, not, not, and, but a Bing, but a boom. Let's look it up. Let's look at it. News today, you see the headline on here in Google that I typed in? Let's see what they got. In the words of the giant head from Rick and Morty, show me what you got. I want to see what you've got. Well, here it is. Let's see. NBC says, Oh God, did you guys see this? This is some hilarious crap. Y'all see the Israel blowing up the the pagers and the walkie talkies? You know, I've never seen that. It was like some Acme crap between the wild coyote and the roadrunner type stuff where they put a pager and the pager would just blow. It's on a video. It's so funny to watch. And the only reason it's funny is because it's Hezbollah terrorists that are getting blown up. And that's super graphic, by the way, it's not like they're showing them getting blown in half or something. No, it's not like that. But literally, it's like the Acme stuff from the Wildy Coyote in the roadrunner. Literally is what these pagers and walkie talkies were if you look up the videos, which I would show them, but I probably would get banned off of YouTube for showing them to you even though they're not graphic. But yeah, that's what NBC News is talking about. What was our headline? Let's look at the headline. What might happen next as if Oh, it shouldn't happen again. What do you mean? We're trying to get rid of terrorists. You schmucks. You know what terrorists Israel launches strikes on Hezbollah in wake of device explosions. I don't understand why people are hating on Israel so much for that. I understand that a lot of the world, they don't like Jews, they don't like Israel because there are a lot of them learn from the the amazing individuals from the 1930s, the the socialists in Germany in the 1930s who were horrible disgusting individuals, they learned from them that apparently if you can just blame the Jew for everything, everything in your life will be fixed. But apparently it didn't work for them, but apparently they think it'll work for them. Let's keep going down the list of stuff. Man charged for threatening to torture and and delete Supreme Court justices. Who wants to bet the guy that or gal who the guy who did this was not a registered Republican. Uh, Alaska man, I love how they put the Alaska as if the imply that he's a Republican. I highly doubt it sounds like the typical Democrat to me. Uh, because if it was if it was a guy who looked like, Oh, I don't know, Timothy McVay, they would put his picture up and say a white male who was a Christian who went to this church, who went to this university, who was at everything, they'd be putting it up everywhere. But the fact that they're not doing that shows you that it's not that most likely. Uh, he's 76 pieces, 22 federal charges. See, this is the couple propaganda I'm talking about. They're not telling you who did it. They're not going into detail about it. They're just giving you what they think you need. This is the problem, guys. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Teamster leader. Oh, God. I don't want to talk about that. CIA officer gets 30 years for drugs and other crimes. No, I don't want to click on CNN. I don't want them giving me more more propaganda than I already have in my life. Thanks. Everywhere I turn, I feel like I'm being surrounded by it and it just being completely encumbered by it. It's disgusting. Uh, let's see here. What else we got? Uh, we're talking about RVs. Awesome. As if we're not. Why is there not one thing about Trump getting about Trump, almost getting assassinated like two days ago? Why is that nowhere to be found in the news? If it was Kamala Harris, they'd be talking about it every day from now to like forever. Um, that's it. See what I'm talking about? Look. Uh, walls and vents. Look at this. I'm showing you what's on the new speeds. Not one word about stuff that's actually important. That's cut rates. Oh, I'm sure they'll tell dad, even though they're the ones that caused it. Wow. Congratulations. You're fixing a problem you created. Wow. Great, great leadership. Uh, Harris leading Trump, Nate Silver. Nate Silver was the guy who said that Hillary Clinton was going to beat Trump. Look how that went. Who cares what Nate Silver has to say. He's a schmuck. A pots and nobody. What's this now? Stock market news. S&P 500 was up 2% great. I mean a nickel today, guys. Wish me. Tell me good job, Austin. You made a nickel today in the stock market. Oh my God. Um, look, what is it? Let's go to the next page. What else we got? Uh, Kentucky Highway. What is this? This is what's news. Donald Trump said he will not sell his true social stock. Oh, would you guys hear about the guy right before Trump almost got assassinated the first time, not second somebody? And I won't say who you can look it up for yourself because they probably sue me. Uh, just look up and do your own research about who shorted the truth social stock big time right before Trump got shot hoping he was thinking he was going to get deleted because the truth social would tank if Trump got forbidden. Um, got took a dirt nap and met the reaper. He bought the farm so to speak. Look at who shorted this truth social stock right before Trump got shot and you'll see a little more behind the curtain than what people will tell you. But again, you don't hear a new story about it unless you look at alternative or independent sources like I do because guess what? They don't want you to look into that. Just like you think that the two attempts that have already been happening are just lone wolves. Meanwhile, the second guy you have barely heard anything about him probably because he was a huge democrat. Oh, yeah, they make it to make his a Republican when he literally had a Biden-Harris sticker was a new crane trying to get everybody from around the world to fight against Russia and saying that Trump was a threat to democracy on X before for a year on Twitter and X for years. What else we got here? Mortgage and finance rates got so over it. I know it's bad. Sheriff posted mugshot of 11-year-old charged fake school attack. Oh gosh. People want to say it's about guns. It's not. It's about drugs. How do you explain that 50 years ago they had rifle teams in this country and every high school in America and nobody was getting shot? Answer because they didn't have riddle in and SSR eyes that are now affecting growing boys and girls in schools. Then you add to the fact that whenever something like this happens people get their manifestos get published or hidden depending if they're a transgender when they get hidden and they became become famous overnight. My friends, this is why I think we need to have this conversation about whether or not you should vote for Trump. Not because we're talking just about Trump but because we need to cut through the garbage and the bullshit and we need to have a conversation about what it is that you're consuming news wise in this election cycle and how you will frame what is to come because the Democrat media machine is going to keep pumping you full of pause pumping you full of lies propaganda and half truths that are spun every which way to Sunday except tilted towards the truth and it is your responsibility just as it is mine to get a balanced perspective so that then we can make the most educated and proven decisions for ourselves. My friends I encourage you to do what I do which is consume all kinds of different right left and center news sources that you know what's going on and what's to come. Take care. Let me know in the comments what you think. I'd love to hear it. This is a very polarizing issue for a lot of people so if you want to vent you want to talk I welcome you to do so. Until next time, look forward to seeing you again. Take care. I'm out of here. Peace.