Sheep Get Sheared

Has Abortion Commandeered The Culture?

Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
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Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the sheep get sheared podcast other hosts Austin Creed and my friends I'm on the road but you know what I think we need to address the elephant in the room because everywhere everywhere I turn whether it's the news social media favorite people I like to listen to on YouTube rumble etc I can't turn around everywhere I turn whether it's Kamala Harris Trump everybody's talking about abortion everywhere I turn there it is abortion there it is all if you don't like abortion and you don't like women and you can't have of an opinion if you don't have a vagina and why turn it's all women are voting with their wombs a dog are people surprised by this to the most part oh I know oh I know there are outliers oh yeah I get it yeah there are a couple activists to do a good job yes and a couple of suburban women inner city women in between you know for every one of them there's a hundred to a thousand who completely and amently disagree how have we descended to the point where people are voting with their appendages what happened what happened to the society man what happened to this country what happened to this culture well you know the answer it was exploited it was sold out from within you know there was a time in American history where we didn't have the technology we have now we didn't have all these wonderful toys and trinkets and everything and people had you know muskets and people rode horses you know like the good olden days right and what I look and I see the history especially of a lot of the Native American tribes and how they the cheats of certain tribes sold out their sold out their tribe for booze for guns and some silverware I look and I see that nothing's really changed all that much nothing's really changed when you look at the fact that we're being sold down the river by people who sold out to big pharma to China to North Korea when you look at these people who sold themselves like prostitutes to people for money to preach certain policies but people empowering certain positions I'm not surprised by the what we have in the White House we have in Congress what we have in the in the courts all around this country I'm not surprised by it but you know let's get down to the nitty gritty details let's not focus on the stuff we can control as men let's focus more on why is it that we have a woman who was trying to get an abortion who went to North Carolina she doesn't make it unfortunately she doesn't she passes away unfortunately and then people want to blame Donald Trump and I look around and I say wait a minute hold hold on hold the phone hold on hold on a second you want to sit here and tell me that we've gotten to this point where women are gonna blame dudes especially guys like Trump for policies meanwhile then they're literally butchering children and you oh yeah yeah I said it oh you don't like it oh it's too bad that is too bad because we're being exploited gentlemen we're being blamed no matter what we do no matter what you do as a guy it's your fault one of my favorite Disney movies is the old the old movie bugs life what the reason why is because Hopper is one of my all-time favorite villains because he's such a master of fear he cultivates this image of he's so he's such a dangerous edgy guy when in fact without his buddies is in his cronies he's nothing but one of my favorite lines he has when he's trying to teach the would be Queen and from Princess Atta I think was her name trying to teach her how to be a queen he says I could you try to blame flick the main character and he's like ah first rule of leadership everything is your fault and that's stuck with me you'd be surprised amount of stuff you learn when you're a kid and it just sticks with you you just you remember it even if it's most the most inconsequential stuff you remember it the reason being because it's impactful because it's something that you are resonating with your soul and you have a given up on it and when I look at the society today I look at the fact that people are so polarized on issues are not even fully educated of especially when it comes to abortion how is it that all the the incompetent lesbians I know some people great people who happen to be lesbians they're actually very educated women and they're great but why is it what these witches these people who don't want to have children or either old women or lesbians incompetent ones at that and they want to see here and they want to pretend like abortion with huge issue for them meanwhile they're never gonna need one because they can't have one you know what I'm saying it makes no sense to me that's like a bunch of gilded men talking about how oh we need to we need to protect men's reproductive rights meanwhile you hear nobody talking about men's reproductive rights nobody cares about men's reproductive rights when was the last time you heard anybody talk about the reproductive rights of men oh yeah men reproduce - oh yeah oh yeah how else do you explain that you need both a sperm and an egg to create a human being not just the egg not just the individual who incubates said egg no no no there's the other side too who anyone was last time you heard anybody talk about men's reproductive rights you didn't because they don't and yet they want me to get up on my show it's like hi everybody we're gonna talk today about women's reproductive rights and how they matter so much to you even if that has nothing to do with you at all best dudes they don't care about abortion they said they sincerely could care less and I don't blame you I'm not gonna sit here and be like oh you need to care about abortion let me tell you something man you want to you want me to fight for your rights okay cool oh what about my rights what are my rights at oh well oh oh you see you're a privileged right man and you you are all the rights in the world oh really then why is it I get to have no say on this abortion issue but I got to support you but then I also can't have an opinion you see how backwards this is my friends on top of the fact that if you look at all the abortions that have happened you know many people we have extra people we'd have to serve in the military in this country how many people we wouldn't we would have instead of having new import illegal aliens in this country by the trainload what why do you think they're coming in here answer because a there's not a birth rate sucks which would be different if the abortion was not as mainstream make no mistake about it and number two we look at the fact that they don't have voter ID laws in this country I mean I have to spell this out for you can you add one plus one and come up with two two plus two one come up with four I know you can you listen to the show you must stop me stupid we see here's a problem too many people vote based on emotion and that is where the exploitation takes place that is where we have the problem because when you're voting emotionally you're voting based on how you feel not what actually makes sense so that you could actually take care of the community you see all these things line up you know I like to talk about books and movies and stuff like that that I like to read and listen or watch or whatnot what about a favor to 40 laws of power and in the 40 laws of power Robert Green talks about how innocence equality is used as a stealth tactic to subvert the people at the top who are talented and to uplift the mediocrity to uplift the people who are not going to get there on their merit it undermines the idea of a meritocracy and the same idea that we go to the intellectual marketplace of ideas and we have people who want to talk about how they deserve a voice and they deserve this may deserve that first of all nobody deserves anything you earn what you get in this life that's number one but number two they want to pretend like their opinions more important than anybody else is because of things that had nothing to do with them like they're skin color like their racial background like their sexual orientation a lot of these things people don't choose you might debate me on that and we can have that discussion because there's a place for especially about the orientation part but when did we get to the point where having vagina or a lack thereof became credentials to have an opinion how do we get to the point where if you if you dare to have an opinion as a guy about abortion you're you're like hitler install and stuffed in the one with mouse a tongue sprinkled in there and you're you're this and you're that you know all the the the terms of feminist like to use if correct me if I'm wrong but was it not the dreaded white male especially along with the dreaded blackmail in this country who gave women the right to vote who ended slavery who created progress towards laws that made it a crime to be your wife they made it a crime to financially hold your wife hostage that allowed for no fault divorce all the things that men now despise they gave to women because they wanted women to feel safe they wanted women to feel represented correct me if I am wrong but I can guarantee you I am not why could I do my due diligence my friends and this is exactly why this whole argument is so stupid but yet it's turning the election right now why do we get to this point well I mean I could go down though you know maybe we should do a whole whole episode about how the big lie of women's suffrage on voting reason being because you want to believe that according to the you know public schools and their revisionist historians they want to teach you that oh we don't people are evil the white man's a devil colonialism is bad almost the other one oh yeah capitalism is no good all these things they spit on there was a time in America when the right to vote came with conscription to the military oh yeah oh yeah you missed that part they didn't tell you that part yeah there was a time when the right to vote came with conscription and that was one of the reasons why a lot of women yes women they didn't want the right to vote why because they knew they'd have to be conscripted into the military to get to right to vote and they didn't want to do that that is until the idea of wait a minute while we just give them all the cash and prizes with none of the backlash none of the responsibility and we just you know let's just let them vote let them vote no conscription no responsibility no written debt to society nothing just just let them vote just just let them go ahead now you can tell me that it's overdue and that it was important and what not I'm not a year to talk about that so much as I'm here to talk about how when you bend the rules you change the rules of engagement you change how society operates it doesn't happen in a vacuum just in the same way that this abortion issue is not happening in a vacuum and it is affecting the lives of millions of people both born and unborn by the way and then people want to sit here and tell me that if I have a penis I can't have an opinion well you know what you're the problem why because what if I told you oh you know what we're talking about male stuff you can't you're a woman you can't have an opinion you wouldn't like that would you of course you wouldn't oh when it comes to you you want to turn around and tell that to men why well I mean sigmared Freud told us right singland Freud talked about the idea of penis envy oh yeah oh did I just bring up sing with Freud the father of modern psychology yes I did oh yeah it's I did in fact he's very relevant he's so relevant that people today are getting paid to disprove his theories they are getting paid to call him a quack in a in a moron the same way they did to James Watson and Francis Crick the co-founders of the discovery the double helix the clay gusset the DNA DNA structure oh yeah and guess what he said a couple things that were politically incorrect they canceled and they took his lab away it took his Nobel Prize away and did everything to discredit him and ruin him not because they disproved what he said but because they didn't like what he said the same way that people do that to good guys like me guys like you all day every day because we are we have a silent majority in this country make no mistake about it you are part of the silent majority odds are reason being because you're not a crazy whack job who is out there on CNN MSNBC Fox News etc screaming about how we need this and we ought to have that and we should get everything for nothing because I want it I'll give big pharma more money because you know we need to give them more money even though a lot of times they're only making you sicker you know it's looking Robert F Kennedy's speech but we're on the long march and I use the term long march very poignantly we are on the long march the words of mouths they tongue towards a quote more progressive society and to make it on with you have to break a couple eggs and that is why we're seeing what we're seeing sacrificial lamb here sacrificial lamb there and before you know it they're trying to put the guy the whole buffet for themselves my friends I'd love to hear you talk about this issue in the comments I'd love to hear about it I guarantee you I want to get shadow ban I'm gonna get shadow ban to the shadow realm on this topic why cuz I'm a white guy with an opinion and people don't like it versus if I was some TikTok skis or we would have 15 abortions and I was talking about how great it is to get Planned Parenthood to sell baby body parts which they do on the black market by the way allegedly I'd go viral tomorrow I still messed up the world is man they being exploited around the clock by the lies the rhetoric the propaganda it's unbelievable to me but then again I mean there's nothing new under the sun right this isn't anything new it's just taking a new form and all of you who are older than me you know this you've seen it you were around for the 60s garbage you were I read it I read about in history books some of you lived it some of you lived in the aftermath in the 70s 80s and 90s now we're living in a new time because of the Roe v. Wade overturned and now people are going insane you have guys like Tim walls talking about oh yeah we should be able to board the kids after birth oh yeah going uh Kamala Harris a prostitute a prostitute or you guys you got clip call her a prostitute or instead of a prosecutor he didn't even catch himself either oh it was so good oh my god it was fantastic I laughed so hard at that one but I don't understand this my friends why in the world we've gotten to this point where the logic is dead in America people don't want to hear about logic and reason and philosophy in history then I want to hear about how do you feel today if you don't feel good well here's a pill you don't feel good I'll tell you what you want to hear because you deserve it what do you mean you deserve it you deserve nothing nothing you deserve a watch us up on Coney Island I once heard look it up my friends I love to hear what you have to say let me know what you're feeling about this election cycle thus far because we're gonna be commenting on it more and more as time goes on because it's only getting started we still have two months to go with this garbage and no little thing it's gonna end on election night it won't it won't end then it'll keep going because whoever wins god forbid Kamala wins because all of the feminist witches are out there and the beta cuck men are out there who vote for this witch who her only her only accomplishment is getting us sleeping her way to the top in my estimation but we'll see we'll see what happens Trump out here but almost getting a sauce date again media covering it up people saying it's staged but you're sick pieces of garbage all in the lot of I can't believe how in the world you get off saying it's fake what do you mean fake I don't think that even though Trump is narcissistic which is true I don't imagine the guy who loves himself as much as Trump does would put himself at an actual death risk I can't imagine him doing that see most people who use the term narcissistic don't even know where the term comes from they don't know the story of narcissist from Greek mythology who where they then named the flower after him oh yeah most people they don't know even they don't know that story why because they're uneducated they don't even know what the where they're using comes from but my friends I think I've said enough on this topic for now we'll re we'll revisit it you mark my words will revisit it but I think it's important I'm about to get to the gym I got to get my workout in before I go into the office got to get some sales today and my friends if you're not going into the gym if you're not trying to keep yourself healthy throughout this whole horrible time throughout this turmoil time you got to focus on the things you can control trust me I understand wanting to get worked up about things you can't really do anything about but the end of the day we have to look out for ourselves we have to look out for ourselves first before we can look out for others you're a bit of an airplane and then fly a tent intelligence you put your mask on first before you put somebody else's mask on same thing said in your life you can't put your life together and don't say here and try to tell me how I should be putting my life together me while you ain't doing anything to make yourself better I don't want to hear it because you're a liar and a hypocrite and a grifter and I don't want to hear it my friends let me know what you think about this issue I don't care if you have a vagina a penis neither and you're an alien freak job I don't care what you are I care about what your opinion is because on this show everybody gets to speak up even people who want to make fun of me for my Jewish heritage on the show go right ahead I don't care think my ancestors suffered and and went through all this these horrible things and all this adversity just so I could succumb to a bunch of douches on the internet absolutely not my friends I'm gonna head into the gym I just pulled into the gym parking lot I'm gonna go get a good pump in the gym you let me know what your opinions are you let me know if all you think I'm right on totally off somewhere in between I'd love to hear it you take care of yourselves I'm out of here have a great day peace