Basement Bar: Beers & Babble

When Inventories Collide!

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - The following podcast is brought to you by the Night Night Network. New Michigan's premiere spot to all your local podcast needs. (upbeat music) - Kill my - You pussy it. - You got it. (upbeat music) - Warning. - The podcast has led to a mature nature. Spencer and Eddie don't know what they're talking about and in no way should we take them seriously. They are idiots. In fact, this podcast should not be listened or viewed by anyone. But regardless, welcome to the Facebook bar, Beers and Battle. Cheers. - Doing pretty good on a buzz scale. Just getting started. Hoping to get to make you the right home. I don't know. (laughing) He's got to turn it to 11. You know, spinal tap, turn it to 11. We're going to turn it to 11 here. Welcome back to the basement bar, Beers and Battle. We have a fantastic show for you tonight all the way from Carlton, Michigan. Andy Torres. - Oh, you hyped me up, man. - Yeah. - Appreciate that. - Welcome. Thanks for coming on us. What do you think of the basement bar? - It looks awesome down here. There's a lot of cool mirrors. I'm not a huge state fan, but you got a nice collection going over there. It's fair enough. It's pretty cool. - We got, yeah, when Tony from the CrossFated Sports came down, he specifically wore his U of M shirt just to piss us off. So. - And he loved every minute of it, too. - Yep. - Have a stand now. Am I looking all right? - I don't know. - Yeah. - That type of shit. But no, I'm excited to have you. It's awesome. I've heard a lot about you. And he's been talking about you. So I know what you do for a living, but what do you do for a living? So everybody else knows. - Yeah, so I'm the materials supervisor at Glass Tender. Kind of worked my way up through the ranks there. ♪ I have to be material ♪ - I got a, I started there as a welder. I got like, go like a couple months into the job. - Oh, shit. - Kind of got real bad. They ended up calling me back for an office position. I was pretty quick on the keyboard. So I started as a refrigeration planner, and then they carved out a special seat for me being an MRP admin. Like coming up through all these steps, man. It's like I've really written a lot of the processes that we follow in my. - Oh, shit. - So yeah. - The reason we're awesome is because of you. - Got it. - All right. - That's a P man. - Yeah. - What is MRP? - I keep hearing about it. - Material requirement planning. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, yeah. It's not that it breaks. There's a lot of like checks that we have to do before we run it. So we're making sure we're only ordering the parts that we need to manufacture. - Hell yeah. - Yeah. - Beer manufacturing. I love it, man. I love when we get beer industry people on the show. - It's fun. - It makes a hell of a lot of sense. - Yeah. - Not like your whack ass fucking weed shit. - Yeah. - So that's how it goes. - I know. No, it's funny. I'm one of the few that just don't do it at all. I used to when I was younger a lot. And I did when I started, but then working with it every day kind of takes you out of love. - I'm sure. What I was going to say, like what's that like being in an industry like that? And then you're just like, yeah, I've totally lost interest. - It's just, I don't really know like, I feel like the industry in itself makes it too good nowadays where it's like back in the day, you could smoke and smoke and smoke and just feel good. Now it's like you smoke and you're like, man, I don't fucking, I don't want to read that. - It's just shins like bed. - It's a ton of bleed strong. - And you just have like, you know, low brick weed back in the day. - I'm waiting for the time where the industry gets so interesting, where they're trying to make you feel different ways. You know what I mean? Kind of like beer does. Like it's like, hey, yeah, it's like you can have this high ABV beer that really gets you drunk fast or you can have light beer. Like where's the light weed, man? You know what I'm saying? - There's no light weed in there. - Yeah, I know. It's just all like it's zero to 100 real quick. No, I just want to smoke a joint and feel fine. I want to like, I want, they should call it like concert weed. You know what I'm saying? You never want to be baked at a concert. You just kind of just want to feel good. Kind of like, that's why I drink at concerts to feel good. Like I have, you know, two or three or, you know, five beers there? - Two or two beers? - Yeah, yeah. I think we're just, 'cause I drive, like obviously, we don't get like a whole lot of good shows up here, but to try to do that thing where you're just like counting your cups and you just keep them stacked. And I'm like, oh, seven, I should probably stop right now. - Yeah, yeah. Seven at an hour missing. You're like, yeah, two more, you know? You're like, I'm fine. And it gives me an hour to like, yeah. Yeah, so I'm just waiting for that, you know, for that to happen. But other than that, that's why I just stay away from it. And I work in the weed industry and I drink a lot of beer. So, you know, I'm just walking around there like, hey, have you tried that? I'm like, fuck no, I haven't. - Yeah. - But it smells good, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - But we make a lot of chocolate, sorry. We make a lot of chocolate scummies. We do everything from the time we grew. - It's a fucking weed Wonka. - Yeah, I am. - We do Wonka. - Yeah. - Smakes in the chocolate. - I thought it was weird. You did that like funny role with the cane in the top hat when you came down. - Yeah, it was, yeah. It was kind of, it was nice. - A little nod to Wildness. - Yeah, exactly. Well, the best Wonka, as you could say. - Yeah, for real, man. - Yeah, no, Andy, he does a crazy amount out there. Like, you're so very relaxed and you're just such a calm, cool dude. But like, when you really look at what you do and the bullshit you have to deal with, I'm surprised that you can remain so even keeled. - It's a lot, man. It's what it really is. - It's like, that's why we drink beer. - Yeah, that's why we drink beer. - No, honestly, man, it's like, I have one of the best teams at that shop. Those guys really like are passionate about what they do. You know, our goal is just to make sure that our customers are satisfied, which is the assembly line, you know. So everybody playing their part, like really makes my job easier. It's not an easy job. I just wanna say that, but they make it easier. - How big is the team that you look after? - I think I have eight people. I have eight people in me. - Nice. It's very nice when it's a close knit team like that, you know. - These guys, I mean, like we handled the majority, all of the manufactured parts, you know. There are like thousands of SKUs and all most of the purchase parts. Like, Glass Center is still pretty like early in the phase where we don't have control of all the inventory. A lot of it's at the point of use. So like someone, you know. Assemblers have the ability to pull their own parts. And I'm slowly trying to like get that all, you know, back to us. - That'd be nice. Yeah, having like an inventory. Yeah. - Remember the guy I told you who's always working his ass off, blaring Disney tunes? - Oh yeah. - Yeah, that's one of his workers. - Oh nice. Nice. - Yeah, that's awesome. - Yeah, the guy's Kirtie's awesome. - Yeah, gets down and just fucking bust ass. - Oh yeah. - That's awesome. It's always a good, I have a six year old woman who loves our show, listens to it often. Shell. - Love her. - Yup, she was a buster ass today, but she runs circles around anybody. And we have people ranging from 21 and up. And she's the oldest, one of the oldest in the facility and she can now work anybody, it's insane. Yup, she's like, come on, come on. And she's looking at me and I'm fucking half dead. I'm like, relax. - Let me fucking grab a drink of water here. I can go take an eight hour nap real quick, but yeah. No, it's awesome to have people like that. They really have to keep it going. - Big difference is though, he's an refrigerator the entire time, which is how he looks like this. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Compared to the sauna. - Yeah. - I was just like, it comes in like a beach day and I'm here like, fucking 30 below us. - Right now I am, man. Like normally in our office, it's fucking cold. - He had the first time I'd ever seen it. He's got a fucking heated like keyboard pad fucking thingy. - What? - It gets frigid in my office. - That's sick actually. - Yeah, you can control it. Like it gets hot and you can rest on it. - Like you're mat and everything. - Oh, that's sweet. - That sad part is like, I need it though. The HVAC system in that, like there's three different offices and it's tied to the break room. Any time it's like, I don't know, 70 outside. It's like, it feels like 60 in my office maybe below that. - See, that's what they keep us at all times. - Yup, yup, yup, because we have chocolate, you know? And it's like, so I'm fucking cold and I cannot wait until I get like, well, I brought in my own space heater and got denied. They told me to take it home. They were like, nope, fire hazard. And I'm like, fuck you. - I brought in my fan and I'm real glad nobody knock on wood. Nobody said shit about my fan being in there. - I'm on the top, probably not. - Yeah. - But the heaters, they went through like everybody's stuff and we're like, look, we can't have these people. - Oh shit, was that not supposed to say it? - Do I got to cut that out, do you have a heat? - Probably. - No, I don't have it. No, the heater, ceramic heater. - No, no, no, I know, but your heating pad is fine. - Oh, okay. - USB, like, it's, okay, it's good. - All right. - I just want to know, because I make a mark to fucking put that shit on. - That's why I cut that, cut that, cut that. - No, that's just a warmer. We're talking heater. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I got fucking those, what you gonna call it? - Hand warmers? - Yeah, but they're electric, electronic. They're not like, you know, like where you take them out of the package. - The ones that we used for disc golf, yeah. - Yeah, but these are like, they're like two, they look like little bananas, but you hold them in your hands and then they can connect and make a foul. - You got a fucking hot dick? - Yeah, basically. - Just walk around. - Two micro-penises, just at all times. Like, they get hot. - Yeah, that's such about right. - Yup, sometimes you like gotta bring 'em up and rub 'em on the face. - Well, I'm gonna base one bar as beautiful as a man, but everybody. - Hell yeah. - No, it's fun. Well, I'm glad that we got to know you a little bit. Now we're getting to get into the brass tacks. - We always talk about what? - I have, go ahead. - Well, I have some shit. You're gonna talk about like what you've been watching, listening, how's the week, all that shit. - Yeah, all right. - So I have two things. One thing I, today, I've been trying to segment the network, figure out VLANs, and basically for security segmenting the network, okay? And I have a little local-wise network that's disconnected from ours. And I've been trying to fucking make it work. And it kept denying everything and I couldn't access anything, so I went fuck this, and I went to lunch. I come back, and everybody's in disarray. There's chaos. The network is down. Nothing's working. My heart went into my anus. (laughs) And I was like, what the fuck did I break? And I go into the closet, and Andy's like unplugging shit. - Oh, this is a work. - This is today. - Oh! - This is today. - Was it about two o'clock? - Yeah, I think I was in Hatcher's office, and he's trying to look stuff up, and we're like, what? - Yup, I was like, dude, I'll just look on my phone. - Yeah, I thought I fucking took the whole network down. I was like, oh my God, no. We, what the fuck was that? - No, I think those are my directions. - Oh shit. - You were, did they just say you were lost? - You were a lost. - I think you were lost. - Yeah, well I was fucking lost. I get into the closet, and Andy's unplugging shit and everything, and Tristan's like, he looks at me, and he sees my face, and he goes, don't worry, it wasn't you. I was like, oh fuck, thank God, Andy's like, no, he's like, for some reason, one of the sales guy's computer is just eating all of the bandwidth. Like, it's sucking all of the bandwidth away from everybody, and so, what were they running? - The backups, like our Synology backup, but it's not supposed to do that, and so we had to shut it down, and then instantly the internet came back, and I was like, holy fuck. So that was today, yesterday, I took an allergy pill, and I went to bedubs. - Why'd you do that, why didn't I know exactly that? - Aren't you deathly allergic? - Oh yeah, just a little bit. - Tiffany and I were having a conversation, and she's like, maybe it's just a food intolerance, and not an actual allergy. - So try it, yeah. - And yeah, and she's like, you know, and I was like, well, it has been a lot of years since I've had it, maybe it's like taste buds, and it's changed, and it'll be better. So I went to bedubs, and I got six Parmgar. Oh my God, they were so good. They were so fucking good. - I can imagine me having a chicken that's so good. - I got a bunch of phlegm and some heartburn. - And that was it. - Really? - I was like, let's fucking go. So I'm gonna keep, like, every couple of days, have a few wings, just to have a few wings, and see if I can build a tolerance that are, like, giving their kids, like, those little peanut pills. I could have a peanut allergy. It's like, well, maybe if I just, like, keep exposing them over a long time, they'll eventually grow out of it. - I'm gonna homeopath a chicken this shit. (laughing) - I don't know, maybe it's just, like, avoid death, like, a couple of months ago. - Yeah. - Yeah, that was fun. - Yeah, that was fun. Let's do it again. - Yeah. - We're really living on the edge, Eddie. - Oh yeah. - That's what I'm saying. - Yeah, that's right, man. - One day you're gonna walk and I go, "Where's that fucking chicken?" - Life is the highway. I'm going my way. - I'm going my way. - I died at the beat up last week. (laughing) - You're gonna be calling him, like, "Are you okay?" Yeah, I'm fine, why? Oh, fuck. - And I saw John Jans. I haven't seen John Jans in so long. - One of my last call stories included him. We're gonna have him on the show. He lives right over by Jake, actually, but-- - Oh, no shot. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great, great guy. He was on a swim team with me. We graduated together. Great dude was in the Coast Guard fighting terrorism. He was on their terrorist-like anti-thing for years. - Nice. - Yeah, fuck up a dude. Real good dude. - Fuck up a dude. - But I hadn't seen him in, like, 15 years. And he was like, "Holy shit." And he comes up with his kids. And I was like, "Oh my God." Yeah, he's really cool. And it was a lot of fun. So anyway, sorry. That's what I've been doing. - Only at beat-ups you can do that. - Yeah. - Only at beat-ups. They were bringing families and friends together. - That's right. - And they had October 1st on tap. - Yeah, they did. - It was good shit. - Yeah, they do. - Sorry. - I'm done, you guys. - No, you're good. I just, I haven't been to beat-ups in a while, but I did go to a place called Beef O'Brady's. - Oh, it's so good. - I lived in Saginaw for most of my life. - It's over. - Uh-huh. - I've still never been there. - It's so good. - Dude, I hear-- - Do you like chicken wings? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, fuck. - I got some of my fridge right now. They are my favorite wing plays and I've been there one time. - Oh, shit. - You gotta go, you gotta get those Philly Popper thingies at Hex. What do we have that night? - Oh, the egg rolls Southwest. - Yeah, the Southwest egg roll thing is holy. - Oh, Southwest egg rolls are good. - They serve 'em up with this sweet chili sauce. - Oh, it's pretty good. - For to die for type of shit. - I live a block away, so it's so good. Especially in the summertime, man, it's like, you know, late or even now it's starting to cool off. Like, I'll just, you know, take a block and walk. - Yeah. - Go for some food, they got, they got some pretty good stuff. - I wish I had beefy braides, sorry. - I wish I lived close to something like that, like a good restaurant. Like, I have the fucking shot and show. And I'm not saying it's bad, but there's no food. - You can walk down to the palace. - It's a bit of a trek, but you can walk down. - Yeah. - If only Hooligans opened again, then you go. - Oh, I'd be fucking living, dude. - Yeah. - But beefo braides, let me tell you. So we were there, we had a fantasy football draft with my work and it's not too far away. So I called up Rob and I was like, "Yo, got this draft, I'm going to beefo braides." She thought the name was hilarious. She was like, "Beefo braides." I'm like, "All right, enough of the shit. I'm hanging up now, but I'm going to go get drunk and draft football players." And she was like, "All right." Went there and we had these appetizers. They had these, I think they were called mott's planks or something like that, mozzarella planks, basically. They're like, "Cheez-Its." But they're huge. And it's just a slice of mozzarella that's fried. - It's, well, hold on. Cheez-Its like a baked piece of bread. It was just, it was like, let's say you slice mozzarella and it looked like a cheese-It, but it was in large. - Oh, okay. - And then they fried that shit. They gave you six of them with an array of different sauces. I almost died right there, right? I was like, "This is fucking amazing." - It was basically cheese-It? - No, it was basically like, it was basically like a fucking, what do you call them, like mozzarella sticks? - Yeah. - But instead of- - Mozzarella square? - It was a swank. They were called mozzarella planks, you know? It was like a slice, it was thick, that thick. - Right, so I got six of those and I was like, I'm fucking, yes, had three beers in the time that those planks came and went, right? And then the bartender came over to me and she was like, "You want another?" And I'm like, "Yeah, and I was having shorts. "I was having shorts." - Yeah. - But I had an array of beers. I had Octoberfest was my first one. - Nice. - Then I had a cherry wheat for some reason they still had that on tap. - I have to clarify, Sam Adams, Octoberfest. - Both, yes. - Fuck. - Both, both, both, Sam Adams, Octoberfest, Sam Adams, Sam Adams, there's a big, Sam Adams is top of the line. - I mean, that's the only one I've had and never really had the line. - Lining goes as Kamer. - But I'm not gonna lie, there's a shit ton of Octoberfest and that still is the best one. But, and then I had Sam Adams, cherry wheat. And then I went to, I was like, all right, what like domestics do you have? And they gave me a shit ton of shitty beers. So I was like, I guess I'll go with the best one, Miller Light. Out of their list, Miller Light was the best. She comes up and she was like, "Are you feeling all right?" And I said, "Well yeah, like I'm fine. "I haven't even ordered my entree yet." She was like, "Well, you've had three beers." Meanwhile, Derek said next to me. - Do you listen to our podcast? - Meanwhile, why are you counting? - Well, that's what I'm saying. Not only that. - She's like, "Ah, it's my job." - But meanwhile, my boss is sitting next to me, same age as me, on his third long island tee. I said, "Are you fucking getting, am I okay?" I was like, "This guy's yelling in this fucking restaurant. "You're asking me if I'm okay. "Pissed me off." So then she kept serving me, but yeah. Then I got these wings. I'm a big dry rub guy, big lemon pepper guy. - I love lemon pepper. - Oh, lemon pepper dry rub is the best. It beat up just really good, but at Beefle Breddy's, it's unreal. The shit, these traditional wings, bone-in hands, yeah. - You can't even have chicken. - No, no, but just the lemon pepper flavor, I'm not a fan of, or dry rub. - Oh, I love dry rub. Don't give me this. - I like wet, sloppy things. - Yeah, of course you do. But yeah, these traditional wings were like the size of the chicken itself. It's insane. Oh, they were so good. I don't know what they do to those chickens over there. Beefs, but. - I'll inject them with steroids. - Beef, probably. - Yeah, it's beefy. - Well, it's a shit ton of chicken, dude. I was full. And on Wednesdays, they do 10 for 10 bucks. - There you go. - Okay. - Or 20 for 20 bucks. - It's over there on Friday or something. - Well, then you won't get the 10 for 10, though. - Oh, shit. - What day's it on? - Wednesday. - Eddie, what do you do now? (laughing) - Yeah, true. - Bring your thousand. You'll order one wing and that'll be enough, I swear. - Oh, shit. - Yeah, but they have a lot of good shit, though. - We gotta push your tolerance, buddy. We gotta get you up there. - You can spend like two bucks on chicken and then get a burger on the side. - That's what I did last night. I got six of the wings and then a burger just in case, but I smashed a six wings 'cause they were so fucking good. And then I ate the burger. - Damn, I was like, I went full. It was like, show me your fat potential. (laughing) - You know, when you get done with a really nice meal and you're like, ah, I could die happy. - Yup, yeah, I feel like you're just on the brink of that. (laughing) Every time we have chicken, it's like, I can eat chicken, but I have to have an entire on prey afterwards. - Yeah. (laughing) - Yeah, maybe that's what saved me. Maybe that's, I just-- - It's not like a side salad, it's like an after entree. - After entree. - The burger was my dessert. (laughing) - Oh, we think it dessert? - Yeah. - I'll have a barbecue bacon burger. (laughing) - Jesus Christ, what? - Did you just add a whole rib, I, yeah, I, we met. (laughing) - Oh, shit. What about you? How's your week been? What you been listening to, anything fun, watching anything cool or? - Yeah, yeah, a little bit. So like the work week, it's gone by pretty smooth, man. This is probably like, I don't know, the most less stressed week you have, right, for the most less stressed week I've had in a while. - Nice. - Mondays went pretty well, Tuesday, you know, smooth. As far as watching, I recently got done binge watching Game of Thrones. - Yeah, yeah. - I didn't like, you know, get on the train when all that stuff was happening, but from season one all the way to like, I think it's eight or nine. - Yeah, eight or nine, yeah. - Eight or nine? Oh, dude. - It's good. - I was trying to like, do one and a half episodes every night. - There you go. - And then that thing happens where you like fall asleep and you're like, fuck, we're really. - Oh, you always gotta rewind. (laughing) - You know what shows good when you hate even missing a second of it, you have to go back and you like, take it a few seconds back and be like, I've seen it, but I'm okay with watching it, yeah. - We did that shit last time I was at your house. We fucking fell asleep halfway through that movie. - Oh, dude, I fell asleep at the beginning. I was like, I'm not doing this. - I'm done. (laughing) - That's basically my out to be like, all right, we're all gonna just watch a movie now and then I'll pass out. (laughing) - That's a good one, you know. - So, recently finished that. I like started an attack on Titan a long time ago. - Oh, it's so good. - I'm waiting for like the last season. The last season to come out dubbed, you know. You're just invested in like the voices after you've watched it. - Oh, 100%. - Yep, yep, yep. I'm at this point where, you know, they find Levi and then he disappears like off into the river and stuff. - Spoiler. - Oh, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler. (laughing) - For everybody else, we've all seen it. - Not like it's, yeah, it's everybody. You guys are-- - Tony is just screaming at us. - Should have watched this on the radio right now. - Stop it! - Yeah, as far as music. You know, with the changing of the seasons, man, it's like during the summer time, I was listening to like a hippie sabotage. I went to a electric forest. - Oh, did you? - Saw their set. - Yep. - Did not care for it. - Oh, that sucks. - And all that I-- - Got blue ball at the concert. - Because I had never heard them before. And then that kind of just turned me off. And then one day I was just like, "Oh, let's check it out." It, it, it's laughs. It's pretty good. - Just not good live. - Just not good live or maybe they had a bad set or whatever it was. - They could have been on the drugs too. You never know. - That too. I would make an attempt to go see them live again. - There you go. - Nice. - I really do like enjoy that. But now it's like the seasons are changing. I'm slowing it down a little bit. I went back to like listening to Rainbow Kitten Surprise. I don't know if you guys hear that. - Nope, not a bit. - Check them out. - Okay. - Like the name is suspect, but man. - It's a rainbow kitten surprise. - I don't even know what you would-- - That sounds like a baskins flavor ice cream. - That's pretty good. - Baskin' froppin'. (laughing) - On the years I've been going, what is that? - Fucking 20, 30, 40, something like that. - I didn't even know those guys until I saw a set up electric forest again like two years ago. They were on the line up and, you know, for a festival they'll release like, "Hey, here's everybody who's coming." It was a super long name and it looked really odd. And I was just like-- - I want to go see them. - That's gotta be something, you know. Before a festival, it's like, I love experiencing or finding new artists. - Oh, hell yeah. - So at work, you know, you're there for eight and a half, nine hours sometimes. I'm like, all right, let's queue these guys up, see what they have to offer. And man, I fell in love with them. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I like to wear kitten surprise. - Yeah, we're gonna have to listen to that after this back out. - I know right, yeah. - 'Cause I'm interested now, that is a long name. I like that. - Actually, we have the techno. - Oh yeah, we do, yeah. What have you been listening to recently, Eddie? - The book on tape, actually, Pastor recommended it. He's reading it right now. It's called The Anxious Generation. And it's all about how between 2010 and 2015, the highest rise of mental illness in human history, like tame. - Oh yeah. - And it's attributed completely to social media and massive online player games and loot boxes and all that, like that, just all that dopamine. - I mean, have you ever been in like a game lobby back when we were growing up? That shit was ruthless. - I would've made anybody want to kill him. - But see back when I did it, we had actual land parties where it was an online gaming. You would bring a Switch, not an Nintendo, like an actual fucking networking Switch and plug 16 Xboxes into it all around the house and everybody'd have their own TV or a couple would double up and shit. And then you play and then you run to the center and you have snacks and you fucking talk shit at each other. And then you run back and you play another, like it was still that you're getting human interaction and like you're still playing with people where now, everybody's so engrossed into the virtual world that kids are not growing up normal and they're not getting the human interaction that they need to get. - Yeah, they don't get their friends coming over from the other room and just talking shit through their faces. - No, they can't socialize fucking, we had a problem the other day where we needed to order a bunch of pizza at work and stuff and well, can't we just do it online? It's like, no, just call, just call, we'll get it done right now. - Do people get so anxious about just talking to somebody on the phone? - And pick up the phone and go, I want 16 large pepperoni pizzas, thank you so much, we'll be there in 30 minutes. Like, you know what I'm saying? - Yeah, shit, I forgot to give him the address. - Yeah, right, yeah, it's like, fuck. - I don't want to talk to them. - Why, what are you gonna do? What are they gonna fucking hate you? What are they gonna go, no, fuck you bitch, you ain't getting my pizza, it's a business. - I remember when the pizza portal came out and everybody's like, oh, I don't have to fucking talk or look at anybody, I can just go and hit my code, grab my shit, walk away. - Yeah, it's crazy. - I do get to hype on the pizza portal though, 'cause have you ever been to a little Caesar's and you're walking in? - I've seen it, yeah. - And they don't have shit hot already, that pisses me off. When you're like, can I get a pizza, well, can you wait five minutes? Bitch, what the fuck? - Yeah, it's gotten like bad. - That's what I'm saying, it's hot and ready. It ain't hot and ready no more, it's like, it'll be hot and ready in about five minutes. (laughing) You gotta give us a break. - Cold and slow. - Yeah, cold and slow. - So this is cocaine Jesus, rainbow kitten surprise. I wanna try a little bit of this here. - Mm-hmm. ♪ Listen and raise your hand ♪ ♪ Talkin' for your name ♪ ♪ Say, ♪ ♪ Jesus, Mary, Mary, and you are ♪ ♪ Are you okay? ♪ ♪ Sittin' by the work till you're fallin' down ♪ ♪ Jackin' everybody laughs ♪ ♪ Don't you break ♪ ♪ Don't you break ♪ ♪ To a cold day Jesus ♪ ♪ And I'm like, ♪ ♪ Cause you've gotta make no money ♪ ♪ But you ain't big, big, big, big ♪ ♪ Callin' for you ♪ ♪ Or just callin' for your name ♪ ♪ You wanna live, live, live ♪ ♪ Callin' big, big, big, big, big ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Hold up, hold up, oh, oh ♪ ♪ And I'm gonna let you do it ♪ - Hell yeah dude. - That shit jams, I'm gonna look more of that up. That's really good. - Me too. - That I like that groove. - That grunt man's got a great voice. - Yeah, really. - Yeah, yeah. That's some good groove. - Is it mainly how most of the songs go right there is just like that? - That's pretty good vibe, yeah. - It's like a gospel hype. - Yeah. - Like a hype gospel type of music. - Hell yeah. - That's like cocaine Jesus, man. - Yeah, that's true, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - He's high on life. - That's what I'm sayin'. He got into that little white powder and he's just like, "Oh, oh, oh." (laughing) Like he fist bumpin' in the back. - Nice. - So when COVID happened, these guys were supposed to play at that festival and they ended up canceling the festival. - So we missed out on seeing them that year. - Oh, yeah. - There was no festival. The following year they were lined up again and man, I was just like lost in this other set and my aunt, who I go with, she's like a couple of years older than me, she introduced me that old festival. She had to basically drag me away from this Gris set, which is EDI. - Oh, I know Gris. - Yeah, yeah, I like Gris. - Yeah, so at night, man, the lasers are goin' off, we're at this one set. She's like, "If you don't go to rainbow kitten surprise "that you've missed out for a year already," she's like, "You're gonna be really mad "with yourself in the morning." She's got this whole story about how she dragged me through the forest. (laughing) I'm kind of messed up, just checking out lights and things like that and gettin' distracted. - We can taste the color. - We finally get there, man, and it's kind of like a hanger-based situation, right? There's this kind of half-dome thing. They've got a sand at the back half of the set, and I just get there, dude, and they're jammin' out, and I take my shoes off and my socks. I start dancing, and I'm like, "Tina, take your shoes off." And she's like, "I'm wearing a boot." She's laced up all the way. (laughing) I was like, "Ah, that's socks!" And I just kept goin', man, it was awesome. - Dude, heaven sand at a fuckin' concert would be amazing. It felt so good, man. - Oh, was she the one at your house at night? - Yes. - Yeah, yeah, really, yeah, she's fun. She's cool, man, she's like my best friend. Shout-out to Tina. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Thank you, Tina, for being out. - Tina, yeah, bein', bein'. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - No, that's awesome, though. I've never been to EF, but I've always wanted to go. - Man, being in Michigan, you should try it. We've met people from all over the world. - Oh, fuckin' so many people travel to electric forest. - It's a beautiful concert. - Yeah, I've never been. I got a shout-out to Mickey. - Yeah, Mickey. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. He goes every year. That dude's, you and him will get along great. He has that kind of same vibe, yeah. - Is that like, hooligan's Mickey? - Yeah. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a good guy, real good guy. But I don't know, any music festivals, I don't know if I've gone to festival, I've been to a bunch of concerts that, oh, I did go, so it wasn't a music festival, but I went to the Oddball Comedy Fest back in 2014 at the Pine Knob there. - Yeah. - And it was like-- - Still Pine Knob now? - I know, right, it was DTE then, but-- - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's always been Pine Knob, yeah. - Oh, it was so cool. Somebody had a complete replica DeLorean out front, like back to the future with the fucking flux capacitor and the plutonium shit on the back-- - That wasn't like the original, or was it, like when they went from the future back-- - It was true. - When you could throw in the fucking junk-- - Back to the future, too, yeah. - Junked it, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Everyone was just throwing a garbage at it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - You're like, fly, fucker, damn it, yeah. So that was cool walking in, and then there was a bunch of people that played, and I can't remember half of them. I drank a lot, but I do remember Flight of the Conchords and Jeff Ross and Jim Jeffries, I believe, was there. - Nice. - And then who closed it out? - Hayward Banks. - Dave Chappelle. - No ways! - Yeah, so I've seen Dave Chappelle live, dude. It was fucking awesome. - That's awesome, that's crazy. - It was a little bittersweet because it had just come off of his, like, ruckus that had happened in New York, where somebody was, like, filming 'em or throwing some shit or some dumb stuff, and so they were very adamant of, like, we don't want to see a single phone out when we're out here or whatever. And he comes out and he's like, "You motherfuckers!" He's like, "Detroit!" You know, it's not Detroit, but yeah. Yeah, it was, oh, dude, it was so much fun. It was such a great sight. - Every, like, big name that comes to Michigan and plays, it's just like, "Oh, we do want Detroit "and you be up in fucking Trevor City." - Certainly, yeah. - And you'd be like, "All right." - Yeah. - Yeah. - I guess. - Yeah. - You always hit those people in the crowd. - It's not Detroit. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, Detroit. - Royal Oak, but close enough. - Yeah, yeah, you'll be super close. How we doing Detroit? Nope. - Clarkston, but close enough. - Oh, that's funny. - Oh, that's funny. - What about you? You've been at any music fast, sending any big-ass concerts? - Well, I'm playing one this week, and I'm super excited about, but-- - You're playing one this week, I am. - Holy shit, not only does he go, he plays. - I do play. - Oh, fuck. He's gonna, Andy's gonna be at that one. That's right. - Oh, really? You're gonna be at the old Smigfest? - Oh, dude, I'm trying to, I was supposed to go camping, but honestly, I'm running into a dog sitter situation, so yeah, I can't-- - Happy pets are welcome, as long as they're your responsibility. - Yeah, they're, he's pretty cool. - Our dogs are not welcome. They have to go somewhere around. Other people's dogs are welcome. - You board your own dogs for this festival? - Yeah, because it's their fucking psycho. We love to death, but they're psycho. - They don't act right around the water, so when people-- - Oh, yeah, people go in the pool, they think they're drowning, and they're just like, "Boom!" - So my brother's dog does this thing. He's like a half, what, like, doodle, or something. - Okay, yeah. - So we had my niece-- - One of them? - My niece is-- - One of them? - Barbara shits the doodle. - My niece's first birthday was at my mom's house. She's got this huge in-ground pool. - Yeah, yeah. - And like, so there are kids and grownups jumping into this pool. In this dog, who could stand up and easily be like six feet tall, is just like booking it around the yard and then hopping in after these people. - Oh shit. - It's hilarious, yeah. Thankfully, they don't jump in after anybody, but they get damn close, and they're like, "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!" - And they won't stop barking. - Won't stop, yeah. So that's why they're leaving. - Yeah, but if you could bring your dog-- - Yeah, absolutely. - I probably wouldn't bring him. He would be cool, he'd be chill. He's just like, he's an older boy now, man. - Oh, yeah. - 14 or 15 or-- - He's like, "I'm trying to find that comfy-ass spot to sit," and pretty much. - I don't see none of them around here. You don't know what I mean? Yeah, that's how it is. - Yeah, yeah, it's gonna be a great last-call story. Next time we record. - Holy shit. - 'Cause of this weekend. - We got a keg, and we're ready for the back of the week. - Yeah, we, one of the engineers lent me a glass-tender fucking-made keg-erator, which is gonna be amazing. We're getting ideal party stores hooking us up with the keg, - Nice. - Yeah. - Did you get a single door? - Double door? - Single door. - Just a single, we're getting one half barrel and another on reserve. - Okay. - Just in case, so. - Yeah. - Yep, we've got that, we've got Roger, he did the deck. He put the fucking Edison lights up, they're so pretty. We got a port-a-potty coming, we've got fucking signs out there already with a-- - Where is Roger? - I know, right? - I'm looking forward to meeting this guy. - I know, he comes, he, when he wants to, so. - We're really opening it. - Hopefully. - That guy seems like a toolbox full of crazy. - Like, he's just all like dead jokes. - Just one line of this. - Dude, he's super amazing. - Yeah, I know, we need to get him down, but he's working, he's gonna work in all day, he might be fucking passed out by now, I don't know. - Well, I know he was smashing some fucking pizzas. - Oh yeah, that'll get you. - Speaking of smashing shit, I think it might be time. - Is it time? - Beer of the week! - Aw, I fucking love this time. - Mmm. - Beer. - I'd have a beer for you, beer of the week. (upbeat music) - Hey, we're back, man. - All right. - No, I'm just kidding. - All right, we never left. - So, beer of the week is corktoberfest from Brew Detroit in Detroit, Michigan. - No shot. - It is a 5.7% ABV. - It's not like Bob Seger playing in fucking Cadillac when he's like, "Add to Detroit!" - No, not Cadillac, but no, I'm just kidding. - Or a kiss, Cadillac town is Kistown, USA. - No shot? - Yeah, really. - What is that? No shot. When did that start? Fuck that. Stop you when you're fucking Instagram, God, anyway. Cheers. - I'm soft, man, I'm just kidding. - It's warm. - Oh. - Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. I bet it'd be great cold. I bet it'd be good cold. - Who brought that can? - Me. - That's not-- - No fridge in sight for him. - It's not great. - It doesn't know about ice. - It's not, I mean, we love ideal party store, but all the fancy beers are on a shelf. - Yeah. - Not in the fridge, so. - It's skunky. - It is. - I'm not a fan. - I don't like it. - I bet it'd be better cold, so I'm gonna go with a one seven five. - Yeah. - One five in a year. - Yeah, one five. - Yeah, one point five, that's not all right. That is unfortunate. - I'm gonna drink it 'cause it's free. - Me too? - Yeah, anything free for me. - If it's free, it's for me, yeah. - Yeah, that's true too. - Yeah, no, no, no shot against ideal party store, but thank you to them. - Thank you. - No shots, no shots. - Johnson or Salzburg. - It's just like auto correct for no shit. - Yeah, no shot. - I mean shit. - What the duck? - Yeah, exactly. (laughing) - Yeah, and so I got it, let me get one more, hang on. - Not it, the second one was worse for me. - Even the smellism. - I like how he smelled the mic like it, that could have affected it, you know. - It's rubbery. - It has a very like. - What are you tasting? - Like a polyurethane fucking flavor to it. - Well, it looks like polyurethane. - Like, you know, if you look a window, like that's kind of what it's fucking. (laughing) It's kind of what it tastes like, man, that fucking. - I can say so much, but I'm gonna shut the fuck up. - You know what I mean, I know those have you way. (laughing) - I used to work in certified window licker. I used to work in Daytona project, building 100. And Dow, we made 80% of the world's polyurethane and primers, so. - You did? - It's like ingrained in my system, that fucking smell and. - Oh, so when you taste it, you're like, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah. - Back in the day, when you ate shit, did it taste like polyurethane? - When I ate shit? - Well, when you just ate stuff. - Oh. - Like, you'd take a bite of a burger. - Kind of, everything did have a rubbery twinge. Which is probably why we were hammered most of the time. - Yeah. - Yeah. But anyway. - Beer trivia! ♪ It's right, ladies and gentlemen ♪ ♪ The basement bar, beers in battle ♪ ♪ Bring to you ♪ ♪ Beer trivia! ♪ (audience applauding) - All right. - Beer trivia. Markable choice. First person to raise their hand. - That's gross. - Vodka. - First person to raise their, I didn't know those were fucking vodka's. From that, from that, I thought, so, sorry, side, side. Have you ever seen a fifth before? - No, no, no, no, no. Hang on, hang on. - Hang on, hang on. - Vodka shaped bottle was vodka. - Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on. We played in a golf outing a few weeks ago with Dean and Jake. - Yeah. - One of the prizes I got were these little bottles. - Oh, you got that? I thought you got little bottles of-- - Like, I thought you were platinum. - I thought, I was like, oh yeah. I went to have one of those the other night and I was like, this is fucking vodka. - Oh, that's terrible. - This is not beer. I am sad now. - And you have like 24 of them, don't you? - Yeah, I got a whole fucking thing of these and I was just like-- - You're not at the festival. - I know, right? Yeah, I mean, yeah, really anyway. - Stay away from me, give them to Dennis. - They were not but platinum. Say we're just platinum. - Damn. - All right, beer trivia, multiple choice. When was the first lager brewed in the United States? 1840, 1750, 1630, or 1867? - Yeah, 67. - No. - Okay, good man, I'm glad you hopped on that one first. What was the second option? - 1750. - Yeah, let's go with 1750. - No, it was 1840. - 1840, the first US lager was brewed in 1840. - Before the Civil War? - By John Wagner, who had a small brewery in the back of his house on St. John Street in Philadelphia. - Can you even count that though? It's like just some guy brewing in his tub. - Wagner brought the first lager yeast. He brought the first lager yeast to the United States from a brewery in Bavaria. - Oh. - Bavaria lager? - Good to know. - Yeah, 1840, John Wagner, thanks for bringing lager, which is the number one beer in America. - Yeah. - Budweiser, Budweiser, all that. - Well, once Raj comes down I have, well did I talk about Cornelius yet? Did he say? - No, he didn't say Sherpett. But did I talk about Cornelius Johnson? - Yeah, I don't. This was kind of like, I feel like I've been making out of like a smoker or something all around. - Oh, yeah. - Like a cigarette, like a chain smoking. - What you gotta-- - What you gotta get us to? - That's it. Sorry. - What did you say to me? - What did you say to me? - Did I tell you about Cornelius Johnson? - Yeah, 'cause we talked about Yukon Cornelius. Who, Craig, Newthok. So it's exactly like Yukon Cornelius. - Oh yeah, he just means like a longer mustache, right? - So I already asked those trivia questions. - Yes. - Fuck. - But you can ask it to him, he didn't listen yet. - Oh yeah, he didn't, but the listeners will hear it twice. - Oh, yeah. - Well, we're not answering. - Fuck yeah. - We only, oh, I gotta tell ya, sad panda. So our platform updated the analytics and it was like, oh shit. So it turns out about 80% of what you thought you were getting are just bots. So we have five. We have five listeners. Brussels is apparently a bot. - No. - I know, I was so sad. That's why they never reached out, even though we've talked about them so much, Brussels is literally a fucking bot. However, Germany is real. Russia is real. And that's about it. So do you think Russia's just trying to get some insider information? No, I think they fucking, Nastarovian drink beer. - Well, we can believe that, but if they are getting inside, insider information. - I don't know what information they're getting. - Fuck you. (laughing) - They're just trying to hide in their mouth. - They're just like, they hear that line, and I was like, these guys are idiots, and they're like, ah, if I got to have it. Fuck, well. - I know, I wish I knew more. - I texted Roger and I was like, I have trivia, come on. And he's probably like, oh yeah. Comes down, it's the same fucking trivia. Anyway, you ready for this? - Yeah. - What is the capital of Kentucky? - I feel like I should know this. - Everyone should, but it's hard. 'Cause he thinks it starts with an L, but it doesn't. There you go, there's your hand. - That it doesn't start with an L. - Right, so it's not Louisville. - 'Cause I said Lexington, and then he said Louisville, and they were like, no, it's. - Frankly. - How is this? - Frankly. - Oh, it's just about to, I'm like, how is this a beer trivia question? - No, it's not a beer trivia question. - No, it's not, it's just a trivia. - These are just trivia. - Yeah. - All right, what's the second planet from the sun? - I should know this too, 'cause. - It's tough, isn't it? - I was in elementary. - This is the only one I got right. ♪ I'm your power ♪ ♪ To you ♪ ♪ To you ♪ - Oh, fuck. - Good, nice hint, nice hint. - Mars is the third. - No, we're the third, third planet from the sun. - Third planet from the sun, motherfucker. - Yeah, second planet from the sun. - I was like, you know, I'm starting out here. I want to get to like, I need to ride home. - Second planet from the sun is Mars? - No. - No, literally, fuck. - Venus. - Venus. - He said it, and then he went, ah, fuck. - You can always see it, you can always see it really clearly right next to the moon. It's always the brightest star closest to the moon. - That's true. - Now, here's the last one. - So the Civil War was the most important American war that I was only in America. But it was the most important war we've ever stepped our foot in, right? - Well, I would say the revolution of the Civil War. - I know, but the Civil War is one of the most. It is, you can look it up, I promise you. - I would say one of the most. - Okay, but that's what it is. - Anyway, it's one of the most important wars, okay? Yeah, give me one of the four years that it lasted and you get it correct. - Are you asking just me? - Yeah. - Yeah, 'cause that he knows. - Yeah, fuck dude, I don't know. - Give me just a wild fucking guess. - Let's see, slavery has been like 18. (laughing) - I don't know, 1847. - Oh, clothes. - 1861 to 1865. - Damn it. - No. - 'Cause I said 1865, but I'm drunk. And I meant 18, he was like 19. What the fuck? And I went, you know what I meant? You know what I meant? - Didn't give it to him though, no point for it. But I was the closest without going over. So like, I think it's true. - Yeah, that's right. (humming) - Dude, fucking, I love the prices, right? - This is a bomb-barker. - Oh, bomb-barker, was it? - Yeah, bomb-barker. - The funny thing is, bomb-barker joined in the '80s. Like, it was a robot from then until Drew Carey. - Oh, stop it, stop it. You know how Drew Carey took over? - That's why he beat Adam Sandler's ass. - Yeah, the price is wrong, dude. - There's nowhere, that's, here's some trivia for you. So when they had bomb-barkers do that scene, he was like, the only way I'm gonna do this is if I get to kick the shit out of you and I win the fight. 'Cause originally, it was Adam Sandler kicking the shit out of a bomb-barker. - And it's like, how can you reimagine that? - And I know, and Adam, like him and Haud about it, but then it was finally like, all right, I guess. And that's what it came out to be. And it's fucking brilliant. - It is. - In the next words, he was like, yeah, that was better. (laughing) - Price is wrong, dude. - Dude, fucking hits him with a piece of fucking helm. It's so amazing. - So good. - I love how when Drew Carey took over the prices, right? Everyone was like, I fuck this, I want Bob Barker. And then he actually turned out to be a good host like 10 years later, 'cause he was still going and people were like, why are you still, I guess it's okay. You know, he was like, all right, he got better. He got better, but Bob Barker was a fucking G. He would throw in those like, slights to people when they fucking rolled the big wheel wrong. He was like, oh, 15 cents, sit down, get to the left. - What's your favorite price's right game? - Oh, climb the hill. - Well, everyone would say Planco, but yeah, the yodel and the Planco, Planco's mine. - Planco, yeah, of course Planco, because there's no like, skill. - We have our own Planco, right? - We do have our own Planco, yeah. - Favorite game on price is right. Honestly, it was probably just the bidding on how much shit was worth. - Really? - The bidding. - Yeah. - Yeah. - To be able to get on stage. - I don't know why, man. It's just like, yeah, it was just like that time to me. - Basically, it's like, 'cause there was this whole thing about some dude, right? Who was like gassing all that shit. - He know it all. - Yeah. - You are noted, Jesus grim, and he cried, how drove my mind. - He knowed it all. - He knowed it all. - He knowed it all. - He knew every price of everything, like how they did their algorithm. Like it was insane. He studied the price of, price is right. And he was like, yeah. He went on and literally won everything. - Yeah. - And it's just, I don't know, man. It was just always funny too, to see like people bidding, and then someone's like a dollar, or someone would be like, - Oh yeah, they'd ask that. - 500 Bob, and someone's like a- - 501. - Yeah, 501, or 499, it's like, you dick. - Like 9,723. - The 499, if someone bid 500, someone bid 499, everyone was like, you fucking dumbass, you either get it from- - Yeah, like go one over, I see either dead on, or you're going- - Or you're going without going over. (laughing) - And you hear ding, ding, ding, at the 499, you're like, ah, yeah. - You're like, am I the guy who said 500, you're just like, fuck. (laughing) - That's 499, or 499. - I'd be so pissed, if someone's like, actually it's 499. - Ding, ding, ding. - 499. - And you're like, you fucking kidding me. Oh, holy shit, I'd kill that person, I would. (laughing) But they did have like a mini game where you guessed like grocery prices, remember that? They were like, can't assume. - Over three bucks, or under three bucks, you know what I'm saying? - Oh, over under, the old, over under. - Over, under, yeah, that was a good one. Or the, we had to make a car, I remember that one, where it was like, it was almost like- - Oh yeah. - Tic-tac-toe type of deal, yeah. - My favorite was the episode of "Hi," I met your mother when- - I thought we were talking prices, right? - I know, when Barney went on to the prices, right? Because he thought Bob Barker was his dad. (laughing) And he fucking nailed every price without breaking a sweat. He was just like, $4.99, or $2,343. And like, dead fuck on, and then won both showcases. And Bob Barker's like, this is the greatest prices, right in history. And he's like, I've waited 25 years for this moment. He'll be like, hi, dad, or whatever. And he's like, get the fuck off me. (laughing) - Man, I met your mother. - That's such a good fucking show. - Oh, it's amazing, yep. - I wanna introduce, so we finished our show. I wanna introduce Tiffany to United States of Terra. You guys ever watched that? - Nope. - Kobe Kalei. (sighing) It's about this. - What's that streaming on? - Paramount Plus or Hulu. - That's why I don't know anything about it. - No, I like it. - But it's an older, it's probably 15, 20 years old show. But it's about this girl who has DID, multiple personalities. And it's a comedy, and it's all her, yeah. And it's fucking awesome. - It's awesome. - It's so good. - Yeah, it's so fucking good. But yeah, sorry, I don't know why I went there. Drunk 80D? - Yeah, you were like, price is right. - Fuckin' have you heard of this one? (laughing) - Oh, 'cause shows, about great shows. Sorry, that's where it was. - Oh, we were talking about great shows? - No, we weren't, but that's where it happened. - Well, here it is. - That's where it happened. This is how it happens. Have you not heard this show before? - Oh, I've tried. (laughing) - It's tough. - It's tough. - Have you ever turned on suits at all? Suits is good. - Dude, it's fun, so my Aunt Tina always is talking about that show. She's like, we've been watching a lot of suits. - She's in love with Harvey Specter. - That's like what we have with each other is that anytime we say like some legal phrase or whatever, she's like, "I've been watching a lot of suits." - Yeah, I know how to, I told Sam at work, I was like, Samantha, I said, "You were literally Donna." And she was like, "Thank you." - Oh, that's a compliment. - That's a compliment, yeah. - 'Cause she, you know, she gets shit fucking done. Like, yeah, she does, she's great. - Donna? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, Donna's great. I have no context, I've never seen suits. (laughing) - Oh, no. - I've never watched it. - You're just here just fucking. (laughing) - I wasn't leading you on, I was just saying like, Tina's watch suits, so I know of suits. I'm just-- - I know of it. - You dig into it, you would like it. - Yeah, it's really, really good. - We burned through that. - It's funny. - I'm so burned in there. - Tina's given me that suggestion and I'd never taken her up on it. But now that I'm hearing it from other people, I'm like, all right, yeah, cool, it's just gonna be great. - Yeah, once you hit, you know what, I haven't watched it, she'd be like, fuck you. - I'm like, no, I've literally been watching suits. It's not just the phrase like watching other suits. - Yeah, it's awesome. I'll fucking, oh, is that your shout out? Was it a sad shit? - What? - No, you got shout outs here. - Shout outs, oh, shout out to Alex Day, our youngest IT guy, the programmer. This motherfucker, do you hear what he did? - No. - This guy figured out how to fuck to take GT designer stuff. So if you go to our website, you can design your own bar. - Layout a bar. - Layout a complete bar, whatever. He figured out how to take those 3D models in code and export them into AutoCAD, into a perfectly drawn bar for the salespeople so they don't have to manually do it anymore. - Hell yeah. - They just fucking export it and there, yeah. - Same with some fucking hours there. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But he started listening to the show and he told me today, he was like, "Hey man, yeah, I really like your fucking show." I was like, "Yeah!" So I figured I'd give him a shout out dude, yeah. MSU fan grad as well, MSU grad. - Yeah, yeah. - I do feel like IT goes like pretty unnoticed unless someone's like, "The printer's not printing. "It's not working." - The joke is, "God, everything, you know, "nothing ever breaks. "What do you even do here?" Or it's, "Why is this always broken? "What the fuck do you even do here?" That's one or the other. - Yeah, yep. Yeah, but shout out to Alex and then shout out to Austin again. - Nice. - Yeah, fucking dude. - And shout out to Germany. Mine of Freund, from Germany, from Munich. - I'm trying to go to Germany soon. - Oh yeah, I'm gonna go to Iceland if I feel that. - That's just Wunderbar. - Alejandra moved out there. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Alejandra, she is friends. - This chick, it's fucking awesome. - She's awesome, she's awesome, yeah. - So, yeah, I was trying to make it out there before the end of this year. - Why the fuck did Alejandra go to Germany? - So that was always in Germany? - Well, he didn't even want to go back. Like this was always part of her life plan. - Oh shit. - Yeah, she was like a caregiver out there and then like ended up coming back to the US. - Oh snap. - Her parents moved from Columbia to Florida. She came back. She always wanted to go back, man, so. - Oh yeah, yeah. - That's what they did. - Nice, good for her. - I've been doing the Germany, Germany. I've been doing the German every night on Duolingo. - Oh yeah? - Oh yeah? - I've been trying the Spanish. - Have you? - It's not working out so well. I just suck at Spanish. - Don't see it at all. - I feel like it's a part of me and I should know some of you. - So I go to Tokyo, Pina, and Konsoboku. - Nah, man, when I was in it, I went to Columbia. - He goes, "Nah, man." (laughing) - I am fat, touch my penis with your mouth. - No. - Oh, good for you, for saying that. - Oh, great. - Yeah, man, honestly. - And then I was correct in saying that, man. - Yes, nah, man. So smooth. - He knows it. - He's fucking with you. - When I went to Columbia, I had to learn a phrase very quickly, which is donde esta al banjo. - Where's the bathroom? - Where's the bathroom? - Yeah, nice. - We ate like kings there. It was-- (laughing) - So you're like, "I have to shit. Show me your fucking bathroom." - That's pretty much what I should have just learned. - Yeah. - When we went to Cancun, I tried to learn a few. I was, you know, Los Anto, I'm sorry, was a big one. - All I got was a one-survey support of all. - One-survey support of all. - Yeah. - Oh, I forgot the Uno. - Fuck. God damn it, I wish I could take it back. No, actually I don't. They were serving fucking, was it Doseki's? - It was Doseki or Doseki Amber. Those were the only two options of beer in Cancun. - Yeah. - Isn't that shitty? - So I had, I was drinking fucking-- - I feel like those aren't even like imports, right? Like-- - No, that's just-- - They're domestic. (laughing) - That's what I mean, like, you get that shit here, like very easily. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What if it was, what if it was like, ah, it's not domestic area, it's like, the fuck that went in, it went down the street? Yeah, I got the fuck. - I know, right? - Yeah. - No, but I was drinking margaritas, like frozen margaritas. - Yeah, there you go. - Fucking good. - That-- - Roger'll fuck a frozen daiquiri. - Dude, that-- - He'll fuck it and fucking up. - Yeah, that's his shit, man, man. - Frozen daiquiri's. I looked at Boojo, got that one fucking daiquiri machine, I was so pissed, that commercial one, that when they were selling all the fucking shit off, I was like, "Damn it, I wanted to get that for Raj." And he was like, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." - Those things are like 300. - Invite him over, man, be like, "Okay, you got it for like, "100 bucks." - No, they're 600. For the fucking commercial ones. - Oh, yeah, I am. - He got it for like 100 bucks. I was like, "Motherfuck." - Damn, what an ass. - Damn it. - Yeah, Mr. Cancel on our show, he was supposed to be on the show too. - Ah, Jesus. We've had a lot of cancellation, I don't know why. - Thank you so much for being here. - Dude, I'm happy to be here. Honestly, like, I don't know, I'm not like very good at public speaking or anything like that, but this isn't public. - This is not literally conversation. - It is very nice. - You're having your buddies at the bar. - Yeah, yeah, it is. That's great. - Well, go ahead. - And you're doing a great fucking job. - Oh, thanks man. You're about to do a better one. - I always think of like, I'm like a huge, it's always sunny fan, so. - Oh, yeah. - I'm just trying to-- - I'm a trash man. - They were trying to like, start a podcast and data torpedoes and they're like, "Dead hair." (laughing) They like invite, like, cricket in to like, suck on some lemons or it's just dumb shit. - My top two shows in my entire life are always sunny at number one. And then the opposite number two, yeah. - I respect that. - Sunny is fucking amazing. - It is hilarious. - He's a guy. - Him and Charlie day together. - Oh, yeah. - Just like, it's unreal. - Oh, the gruesome teaser. - Dang man, master of the nightmare. - Oh. (laughing) - Champion of the sun. - Yup, yup. - Master of karate and friendship for everyone. - Dang man, Ryan used to sing that shit all the time. - He's a G, his brother used to sing that shit all the time. - He'd just go, "Dang man." - And then you'd hear from like, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah." - Hell yeah. - Fight her up the nightmare. - Oh, fuck. Oh, it's so good. Fucking hell. - You, did you come with a fucking-- - Yeah. - Did he come with one? - Oh, yeah. - Damn. - Look, I tried to prep. I was like, I've never been on a podcast. I was like, Eddie, what's the format? 'Cause I know there's none. - There's none. (laughing) - Yeah, man, so it's time for last call. - Last call, dang dang dang dang dang dang. (bell ringing) - Last call for alcohol. (bell ringing) (upbeat music) ♪ This is the last call for alcohol this evening ♪ ♪ Drink up, drink up, drink up and order again ♪ ♪ This is the last call for alcohol ♪ - Last call for alcohol. All right, I'm gonna kick it off here. So this was many, many moons ago before I was married to Tiffany. And I was working at Dow at the time, I remember that, but we were out with a couple buddies and I were out at Midland Street. We were at Lucky's Pub and Lucky's always had karaoke. So I'm out there singing some karaoke and there's these two girls and they start eyeing us up and everything and what have you. So we went over and talked to them and sat down and started having drinks and we all are doing karaoke, whatever. Bar goes to close and I look around and my friend is gone. Her friend is gone. And so it's just her and I. And she's like, hey, my friend left me like, you know, do you wanna go back to your place or something? And I was like, all right. So we went back to my place. Things happen. And then she's like-- - You can put them in here. It's like, (laughing) - Then she's like, hey, can you give me a ride home? And I was like, yeah, yeah, that's fine. It is three, three 30 in the morning at this point. - It's a good time to go home. - Yeah, she's like, can you give me a ride home? And I was like, yeah, I said, where do you live? She's like, Sandusky. And I said, Ohio. And she's like, no, Michigan. I went, where the fuck is that? And like, we were talking to her. She points at her hand and she's like, here. And I went in the thumb, by the way. - I was like, is that like, Port Huron? She's like, just north of it. She's like, we take 46 straight to the lake here. - It's just a straight shot. - Yeah. And I was like, oh, okay. I have to be at work at seven a.m. So, we get in the car and we fucking go. We go all the way. And I drive and I'm drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive. Finally get there, drop her off. She gave me some money for gas. I was very happy. I was like, okay, thank you. I fucking turned around and... - Never seen her now. - Never saw her again. Made it just, just in fucking time for work. Walking to work, changing my uniform, clocking, immediately go to the Port of Potty and fall to fuck a sleeve for like two hours. Work my shift is a 12 hour shift. I fucking go home. There's another 50 on my floor that must have fallen out of her something. And I was like, oh, am I first? Something, yeah. And I was like, all right, man, it's good. And then passed the fuck out for almost a full fucking thing. - Holy shit. - It was wild. I was like, I didn't know the fuck. That was one of the most midwest shit I could ever have done. It's 3.30. Can you give me, I guess, where he lived, two hours away. - Fuck, dude, that's four hours free. - Oh, yeah. - Like they're in bed. - Dude, and I had to hustle 'cause I had to be at work at seven, like fuck yeah. Dude, it was, yeah. All the 46 all the way 'til it fucking ended. - I got a thumb story for you. - She's very nice girl though, very nice. I would have been like, where's your friend? 'Cause I will take you to her. - She's close, I know that. - Yeah, I got a fucking out in the thumb story for you. So we're chilling down here at the old Rogers pub. And we're chilling, we're drinking, we're drinking hard. We're fucking, well, I'm not hammered quite yet, but all my buddies, we're drinking these mugs that can hold about two beers each. So we're just getting after it, getting after it, getting after it, getting after it. And we get a call from my buddy my long time buddy, way, way, way back. And he's out and sea-bling. And he said, hey, the fuck are you doing right now? And I was like, I haven't spoken to you in like eight years. I haven't spoken to you in like eight years. What the fuck, what's going on? And he was like, you need to get the fuck where I am right now. And I said, why? And he goes, there's a lot of beer, there's a lot of pussy, there's a lot of fun. And I was like, well, I like beer, and I like fun, so where are you at? (laughing) - But he prefers weed. (laughing) - You can't fucking say it! - I'm an engaged man, I can't. - Well, yeah, but this isn't the before times. - Oh yeah. - So anyway, so I was like, fuck yeah, three-fold, let's go. No, anyway, so he's out and sea-bling. So we hucked up in the truck, Fat Checker was there, and then another one of us. - This is Dennis. - Dennis, right? - See, I love how he knows it, Fat Checker Dennis. - I'm trying to, man. - A little fucker. - Do you see Fat Checker? - Do you see where Fat Checker, Dennis is? Yeah. (laughing) - I love this guy. (laughing) - Oh, yo, probably seen him this weekend. - Yeah, no shit. - Yeah, this is gonna be great. - Don't be like you motherfucker. - You'd be like, wow, you actually showed up? - No, I'm just kidding. (laughing) - Anyway, I had to take drink. So we get in the car, we head out, and we get to this party, hillbilly party. People are like, yeah, dude, you can go shoot a nine mill back there, you can come up here and do a keg stand, or you can go into the house with all the fucking hookers. And we were like, what? - We're like, is this like a dream land? It was like Cedar Point for like 21-year-old horny people. - Redneck Disneyland? - Yeah, it was, basically. Shoot a nine mill back there, do a keg stand up here. ♪ You wish upon a slide ♪ (laughing) - Basically, that was his plan. But yeah, we did our time there, and we came back here and after that. ♪ In the frontoy in the butt ♪ (laughing) ♪ Wake up in the back of a truck ♪ (laughing) (laughing) - Oh no! (laughing) Oh, I love it. So after that wondrous fucking Disney wet dream of a fucking party, (laughing) I remember seeing Dennis like back up against that fucking wall, sitting down, and I was like, oh, he's gonna have a bad night. But yeah, that was a fucking, that one right there. Right by that fucking jukebox, just sitting down, just fucking dead to the world. And I was like, yep. And he slept there all night, so that was a good time. But that was my, yeah, the last car store. I remember out in Seabwing. We drove all the way there just to have some fun, just to come back like five hours later. - Oh yeah, we would have been there for 15, but then I went there. - I've had a few parties on Seabwing. Did you like hook up with somebody and be like, I live two hours away. - Can you give me a ride? (laughing) - I'll drop a 50 on your floor. It'll be 50 more when I get there. Please. (laughing) - I didn't base any. (laughing) - It's just straight shot. (laughing) - It's past Quantica Sea and straight on till morning. - It's North of Saginaw. If you go straight North, you hit the water. (laughing) - I'm being a piece of shit. I'm sorry. - New York! - Second weed shop to the right. - The fucking city that might sleep sometimes. - Do you move fast? - I'll tell you what. - Fuck New York. - If I slept that night, I don't remember it. - Jesus, let's hear it. - So I was, I was working at Glass Tender, refrigeration planner. I had three roommates at the time. - This was early. - Dude, this was easily, I was probably around 20. So here's the funny thing, right? I told my mom I was doing this tonight. She stopped by before I headed out here. - Nice. - And I hit you with that. I just want you to be safe. - No, I was laying out this format like, oh yeah, they do the last call to the store. - I'm gonna start listening to the show. - Dude, uh-oh. - That'd be hype. - That'd be hype. - I'll invite her. - Hi Andy's mom. - Kathy. - Hi Kathy. - Hi Kathy. - So, we love you. She's like, oh my God, what story are you gonna tell? And I was like, well, there's one I remember from the hills in Saginaw. She's like, oh, you're not gonna tell the New York story? And I was like, I fucking totally, yes. - Yes. - Hills. - I haven't been back, I've been there once. - Never went back. - We used to go there every year for my birthday for all. You can eat fish, man. - Steve, shout out to Steve. - Steve's still working there. - Yeah. - This will be up to you guys. There's a two for here on the table, but like, my mom was like, you're not gonna tell the New York story. And I was like, holy fuck, I totally forgot about the New York story. - Oh, I want to do York story. - I was like, I was like, we're gonna have class tender. My mom was like, hey, your grandma from Texas is gonna fly up to see her brother in New York. I'm gonna go see her. It's like, I don't know, 1130. I was like, when are you going? She's like, today, in like an hour. And I was like, oh, great. - What? - Yeah, so I was like, well, I wanna go. I was like, let me see if I could get it off. I asked my boss at the time, like, hey. - Who was that? - Pam, Pam, Pam Patton. - Oh, I don't know. - This was well before your time. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - What was your middle name? Was it Triple P? - I don't, I don't know. - Pam Patrick. - Damn, fucking. - Pam Patrick. - Pam, Pam Priscilla. - I said, Pam, Pam, Pam. - Pam, Pam, Pam. - No, you're saying Pam. - Ah! - With the D? - Pah! (laughing) - So, like, Kobayashi. (laughing) So I was like, hey, you know, I wanna go to New York if I put in, like, you know, can I take off early for the day? She said, yeah. I went home, asked my, one of my roommates at the time who worked second shift. I was like, hey, man. He was close with our family already. So I was like, hey, man, I wanna go see grandma in New York. You wanna, you wanna roll? You wanna go? He's like, let me make a call real quick. (laughing) Sometimes, sometimes he like, you know, would either call in to work or like, he would have his nephews, his sister's sons. He was like, all right, cool. I'm ready to roll. I pack a bag. This dude brings, like, six pairs of shoes, 12 different hats, like two different bags. We're taking my Santa and I on-- - Is this your girlfriend? - No, this is my boy Blake. - I'm just saying. - All that shout out to Blake. - Anyways, yes. (laughing) Basically, pack like a woman. - Yeah. - So, we had out there, we crashed somewhere in between like-- - Sorry, sorry. - Here in New York, between here in New York, we crashed somewhere for a night driving out there, wake up, hit the road again. We get to New York, we separate from like, my mom and who she's with and then it's like me, my boy Blake and my brother Dan. And we waste no time. We're like, first fucking open door. Like, dive bar, going downstairs. We're not even in Times Square. We're just like, let's get a beer. Dan doesn't have his ID. We start shooting pool at a pool table and we're like, don't worry, we'll grab the pictures or whatever. We start getting your pictures, 25 fucking dollars. - No, 'cause we weren't in Times Square. We were just, as soon as we got to New York-- - No, anyway, give it a name. - As soon as we got to New York, we're just getting shit faced, like immediately. It's probably, I don't know, anywhere from like noon to like three in the afternoon. (laughing) So-- - All right, good. Good, good, good. - I don't know how they found us. We ended up getting like, tanked at the Times Square and TGI Fridays. - Good. (laughing) - I love the TGI-- - Oh, dude. So it's funny, 'cause like, when I see that spot in movies, I'm like, I gotta get out of there. I gotta get out of there. (laughing) So like, when you're watching like Captain America and he wakes up and he's like, in Times Square, I was like, oh, I was there. I don't know how my mom ended up finding us and I'm just like, wrecked. We had already stopped at like, we stopped at like a shoe store or a hat store. I had like this big plastic bag full of shit sitting on the drink, on the bar and they're already kicking us out. - On the drink table? - I've spilled a drink on my brother. He's wearing white shorts. I'm blaming him. Like, why are you wearing white shorts, bro? (laughing) - Yeah, true, true. So I'm like, I'm so sorry. I was like, I never get like this. I'm from out of town, blah, blah, blah. I'm signing the check. I leave a big tip and then I go to grab the bag and I just like drag it off the bar and I-- - And I'm on the hook. - So I'm just like, there's like six, eight, 10 glasses, just falling over the corner and I was like, I'm so sorry, we're leaving. So we end up going to this jazz plays called "Beady's Barbecue" and they serve fucking chicken wings, man. - Oh. - What they also serve are like huge ass, fishbowl style margaritas. - No, no. - And they have this like clip-on little plastic bullet that clips onto the side of the glass. The last thing I remember is like, them bringing our wings and we're all taking a cheers, right? And I take the bullet out of the margarita and everyone's like, cheers in, blah, blah, blah. I shoot that thing back and I look at my buddy Blake. He's like, you're supposed to throw in your drink, man. I was like, oh shit. - Oh, so now you have-- - That was literally the last thing I remember. (laughing) I wake up, dude. - Fucking love it. - The fucking sun is out. We're sitting in a parking lot. - Nice. - In the backseat of a car that's not mine. - Oh shit. (laughing) - Oh shit. - And I'm like coming too and I like look over and I'm on like the driver's side passenger backseat, right? - Yeah. - My boy Blake's over here. Apparently we had like met up with some girls that he knew and they're in the front seat sitting in like the parking lot of a hotel. I don't know where we're at. - Hell yeah. - I was like, oh my God. I was like, where's my car? He's like, where's your brother? I was like, where's my car? (laughing) So. - Fuck my brother. - Dude. - Dude, dude. - Where's my car? - So this, I swear to God, dude. This was like, dude, where's my car movie? Get him to the Greek and like hang over all the one movie. (laughing) So I come to find out my brother like commandeered my car. I messed up, Blake's messed up. He's trying to get us to like the hotel that my mom's like, yeah, we're staying at this hotel. - Yeah. - This dude drops my car off. Mind you, the hotel's in Newark, New Jersey. - Oh, shit. - So we're not even in New York now. - No, yeah, yeah. - So we wake up outside the city not knowing what's going on. I ended up finally getting ahold of him. He's like, oh yeah, when four square was huge, you'd check into places. - Yeah. - He's like, yeah, I made your car a four square. That's how I knew like, you know, we could find it the following morning. We roll upstairs, dude, Blake's throwing up in the toilet as like, Dan's getting ready. I'm just trying to stay alive at that point. We have to go find my car. We see my grandma in New York for like maybe an hour. And then I have to drive my ass home. - Oh, poor grandma. - Kind of like halfway there, passed out. Blake takes over the last couple of hours. We pull up to the house. He gets out, I get in the driver's seat, I go to work. Like this was all that shit. - Yeah, but waking up in New York, New Jersey was probably by far like the worst it's ever been. - The most down bad. - You were like, I can't breathe. You're like, I'm breathing, but I can't breathe. - I didn't know where my car was. I didn't know where my brother was. - I didn't know where I was. - Where's your brother? - Fucking, where's my car, Dan? - Dude, where's my car? - That's awesome. Jesus, that's a fucking New York story. It's scary to be that drunk in New York, man. - That's a fucking last-call story. - I will say, shout out to my brother, Dan, man, because we could have ended up in a terrible situation. - Fuck yeah, for Dan, fuck yeah, for four square, baby. - Fuck yeah. - Fuck yeah. - Dan, that's a good one. - Hell yeah. - Cheers to you for that. - Man, thank you so much for coming on the show tonight. This has been fucking awesome. - Yeah, dude, I had a lot of fun. - Yeah, what is what? - That's Tina. - Oh, podcast? - Oh shit. - Come on out. - No, no. - Yeah, oh damn. Thank you so much. Thank you to our sponsors to Ideal Party Store on Salzberg and Johnson. Thank you to I want that kettle corn. - Yes, sir. - And thank you to Hayden Cobbly Drywall, and as Ernest Hemingway said, always do sober, what you said you do drunk. - Cheers. - Cheers. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Did you enjoy this episode? Then check out more at at Michigan's premiere podcast network. (upbeat music) - Hold up. - Do you love terrible B movies? Fans of wrestling and power rangers? Step into Amityville Studios and join Rick and Eric for some side splitting laughter and great banter on why to arrange a conversations. Find it where all podcasts can be found. Why to range of conversations with Rick and Eric. (upbeat music)