The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

390 | Torah Portions Week 49 | Is Marriage Eternal? War Brides, Watcher's Wives, Cleanliness in Battle

Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

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17 Sep 2024
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Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

- Well, it's that time of the week again. Shabbat Shalom, everybody. My name is Noel Joshua Hadley, and of course, this is the unexpected cosmology. You guys knew that. Why is everything different? Why does everything look different back there? Well, I am coming to you from Virginia. Usually I come to you from either Charleston, South Carolina or the beaches of Florida, but this week I'm in Virginia. I just went through the entire family vacation, which isn't over yet, by the way. We're hanging out at the Smithsonian all week because the indoctrination is free. It's cheap. And so we're staying at a house here in Virginia. And I still have my Charlie Brown coffee mug because I never go anywhere without it. Wherever I go, I always take it with me. Anyways, welcome, everybody. Let's get right into it tonight. And I do want to point out a couple of things. First is this right here. Oh, wow. It's a big screen here. Let's see if I could scroll down. This is Song of Songs. And I think I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago. I forgot last week, unfortunately. But this is Pamela's latest translation that she came out with. And we will be doing a study on this in about three or four weeks. I'm going to begin going through Song of Songs. So if you want to pick up a copy now and you can have a physical one in front of you, the other book she just finished was Psalms from the Paleo-Hebrew volume three. Of course, all the translations she's doing is through the Paleo-Hebrew. And so there's that. This is really exciting to have this out as well. She's been just doing some amazing stuff recently. I'm really excited with all of Pamela's work. And I'll bring this up too, just before we get too deep into this. So support the unexpected cosmology's mission. I'm just going to kind of put this here. You can kind of see where we're at right now with what we have to make at the end of the month. As a community, one of the things I haven't wanted to do is put a large amount of pressure on the community to just pocket and support Pamela above what we're already doing. And I've stated month after month that whenever we meet our goals, anything above that will be a love offering. And I want you guys to know that we're not just, we're not just trying to pocket all this profit here. That's not what we're doing. Anything that we meet, our goal each month, anything above and beyond we give to Pamela. So two months ago, I think we were able to, we raised about 2,200 for her in the whereabouts. The next month was about 1,200, which was a $1,000 drop. And last week, I think 280 it was that I was able to pay her at the end of the month from what we were bringing in. So, and I'm not putting any, I don't want to put any guilt trip on anybody or anything like that. I just want to let you guys know that she's doing this amazing work, translating the scripture from the Paleo Hebrew, which is going to be the study tonight in Deuteronomy. And in fact, she does get paid for the books that sell, just so you know that. So if you buy one of her books, like you buy song and song, so on and so forth, that goes forward to providing for her. So that's all very important. Anyways, there it is there. I think the link is under this video. If, you know, if y'all puts it on your heart to provide for this ministry. All right, what else do we have on our list tonight before I get into the study? Tuck 2025 Passover Retreat. It's going to be in. Man, I am still like on vacation mode right now. So I'm like, what is the date? It is March 26th through 30th, 2025 put on your calendar. We still have beds available and a couple of rooms available. So if you would like to come by yourself, if you would like to come with your family, whatever, please get in touch with me. 'Cause I think it could be a little confusing for some people to ticket sales. What is left? What is gone? That kind of stuff. I will get with you. I will talk to you on the phone if you want. I will email you whatever you want. Let's get in contact. Let's work this out to get you there. It's going to be a great time next spring. This is going to be for Passover. And again, if you're celebrating a different Passover, don't let that stop you. Just come and celebrate Passover with us as a group. right here. Of course, this is design through the unexpected cosmology. Hebrew match, this is of course for all the tour believers out there looking for the Hebrews and shebrews. You're helped me to walk the way, the walk out the commands with somebody. So signing up for this is free. It only takes a few minutes. That's one of the ways you can of course, support what we're doing here. All right, well, let's get right into this tonight. Week 48, we're almost done guys. We got like three weeks left after this. And I know I say this time and time again, but going this week, the study was kind of painful in some ways and let me clarify what I mean by this. I have enjoyed these tour portions so much. They have enriched me and I hope they have enriched you and blessed you just going through this experience and trying to keep up with the current, right? Keep my head above water each week as they just pass and going through like four or five chapters per week. But what's been hard about this is that you're gonna see that this passage, this tour portion in particular has a lot of commands in it, like a huge chunk of the 613. And as you're studying going, there is no possible way. You could do a study on each one of these commands. I can't remember how many there are in this, but I could do a study, an hour or two study on each one of these commands. And so it's like you have to decide if I'm gonna do a two-hour chunk, a study, what is important for me to go through and not go through? And it's like, how do you decide in scripture what is important to skip and what, not to skip? You see my dilemma or what somebody out there needs to hear or not hear. So this is one of the reasons why when we finish Deuteronomy and we're gonna start a study on the songs, I'm gonna just start going through a chapter a week. I'm just gonna take my time. I'm not gonna keep up the tour portions. We're just gonna do Genesis one, Genesis two. And if I'm feeling especially frisky, I might take two weeks to do one chapter. I might do half of Genesis two in one week in the next week's finished chapter, J.D. See what I'm saying? So come back for that. And I just wanna go more in depth in the Bible. It's just so painful for me to go through this each week and just be like, okay, skipping that, skipping that. Don't have time for it. Okay, so I went through this here. This is, of course, I should mention the conference. I'm sorry, the retreat, the Passover retreat, not a conference, it's a retreat. It's gonna be in Arkansas. It's gonna be in the Ozarks. You can kind of see on the map there where it is, just under Missouri, just east of Oklahoma. It is in just north of Texas over there. And there's Hebrew match. All right. Drinking from my coffee, we're gonna get right into this Deuteronomy 21 through 25. Concerning domestic relationships. Starting from the top, if you will go forth until battle against your howling enemies and Yahumwah, your alahiah has given him into your hands and you have led them away captive and you have observed amongst the captives a woman of beautiful form and you have joined under her and you have taken her for yourself for a woman. Pause. What I'm about to read is what I would say to some of you is dating advice. Now, some of you are going like, what? What are you talking about here? No, I'm not talking about Hebrew Assumely, if you meet another Israelite, another Hebrew, the courting process would be very different. But this right here is talking about, this is not talking about when you go into the land of Canaan. They haven't crossed over yet and we have passages where he's like, you're gonna go destroy everything. This is saying if in later times you have moved into the land and now you want to expand the land and you're going to go out and go to war with other places and you happen to see a beautiful lady along the way, we call them war brides today, this is the way you should go about it. So you might be like, well, how does this apply to me? Well, 'cause none of us, I think, are going to go conquer another country, all right? Unless if you're like highly ranked in the Fed or whatever, which you're probably not in this community if that's the case. So I would say that what I'm about to read applies to like, okay, so if you happen to meet a beautiful lady, gentlemen, you happen to meet a beautiful lady and she is not Torah, she does not keep the commands, but you're like, you're interested in her and she's actually interested in you. Like she's like, okay, you keep this out of it, you eat clean, I can live with that. Before you just jump into a relationship and let's get hitched, let's get married, whatever, it's like, okay, well, let's go through this process. Let's see if I bring you into my life if you're willing to give up your guides and actually be in a covenant relationship with my guide, my awa hai hai. All right, so let's read. And you have brought her toward the middle of your house and have shaved her head. Now, remember, this woman is coming from a foreign land. It's kind of like a male order bride almost, except that you brought her back from your conquest. You've shaved her head and you have worked her nails, which is kind of interesting. And she has turned aside the garments of her captivity from over her and she has settled down to dwell in your house. And I'm guessing these garments of captivity is like she's mourning the loss. And there would have to be this process that this woman goes through where she, yeah, she's got to get over her guide. She's got to get, well, obviously her man is killed off here, which hopefully we do not do this, right? Hopefully you do not date a girl and kill off her man and take her. That being said, and she has turned aside the garments of her captivity from over her and she has settled down to dwell in your house and she has bewailed her father and her mother for a lunar cycle of days. And afterwards, in that manner, you will go toward her and take her to life and she will exist to you for a woman. And it shall exist conditionally if you have no pleasure in her and you have sent her forth into her own will and purpose. But selling you shall not sell her for silver and he will not act as master with her beneath because you afflicted her, all right? So good advice. So you find this woman in an exotic country, you know, war bride, bring her back. You think this is going to be great. She goes through the whole process of saying she will adapt to your covenant God. She's in it with you. You go ahead and get married and you realize, you know, we're not really clicking. This doesn't work. This relationship is not working. You're going to send her on her way. We'll talk more about divorce tonight. But it's saying that you can't afflict her, right? You can't be master. You can't make her a slave. She has a certain right now. She's actually a Hebrew woman now because we are under the impression that she has adapted to the covenant relationship with Yahuwaha. So she has all the rights of a Hebrew woman now, all right? She is now a Hebrew woman. She has been grafted in. You cannot treat her as a guiyim, all right? Even if you send her out, she's still a part of society. I think that's what it's giving her those rights, all right? And again, the idea here is that if you're living in the lands, you're keeping to the covenant. And we're not in the land today, but you guys know my view on the blessed land, the undying lands, the hidden wilderness. We're not there yet either. And if you're living in that land, in the greater realm where new, renewed Yurushlayim is, you better be keeping to the covenant. And if you're not, you're gonna be sent out. If two women exist into a man, now this is interesting because this follows like a domino effect after the war brights. So this is perhaps assuming that this man already has a wife. He's gone off the war. He's brought home a new wife. So now he's got two wives, all right? That's how I take this. This could have a different context. That's how I take this. If two women exist into a man, the one she is loved and the one she is hated, and both have brought forth into him sons. So again, the assumption is he already had a son with a wife. He goes off the war, brings home a new wife. He actually, he loves her. She has a son, does he hate the old wife now and the first son? No, he's got it. That's his first woman, his first son. She that is loved and she that is hated, right? But this guy now has a wife he loves and hates. And I would think that that would be pretty common within the Flegeness relationship. It's hard to serve two masters, right? It's hard to serve two wives. And the firstborn son exists a purr that is hated and it shall exist on the day he distributes the inheritance into his sons that which exists to him. He has not permitted to declare his firstborn the son of her that is loved over the face of the son of her that is hated, the firstborn. So again, the first wife that he married in his youth with that first son gets the inheritance. You can't erase that just because a new young hot babe comes along. For the firstborn, the son of the hated, he will acknowledge by giving to him the double mouth and all which he has acquired. Something for you, fellow Hebrews to think about in your will with your children, in the West, we kind of have this equal distribution between all the sons. But biblically, we see that there's this idea that the firstborn gets a different inheritance than the others. If to a man will exist a son stubborn and bitterly rebellious, lacking obedience into the voice of his father and to the voice of his mother and he the father has again and again corrected him and he the son will not hear and be obedient toward him, then his father and his mother shall take hold upon him and shall cause him to go forth toward the bearded ones of his city and toward the gate of his place of habitation. And he the father has declared toward the bearded of the his city. Of course, you guys know that I love Pamela's translation which she calls them the bearded ones, the bearded ones. I'm growing up my beard right now. I'm trying to get it out there. But the bearded ones would be the elders. The bearded ones of the city and toward the gate of his place of habitation and he the father has declared toward the bearded ones of the city. This our son is stubborn and bitterly rebellious and he will not hear and obey our voice. He is a worthless squanderer and a carcer of wine then all the men of his city have overwhelmed him with stones and he has died and he will remove the noxious evil from your midst and all Yasha will hear of him and shall reverently fear. I will be commenting more on this if I can get through this tonight because I keep pausing to comment on it. This is one of the most criticized passages of the Torah. People will be like, oh, why don't you go on stone your children, you keep the Torah? Yeah, have your son's been disobedient to you? Better go stone them. That's not what it's talking about guys. This is talking about in the context of inheritance, right? That's in the same paragraph here. It follows the thought, right? You're supposed to give to your firstborn, from your first love, the greater inheritance but now what happens when you have a rebellious son who is still living with you in the land? Actually, in this case, in the city, not just in the land and he is a squanderer so on and so forth. He is not listening to your discipline and this is not talking about a little preschooler, a dear little kindergartener, right? Who is learning discipline? This is not going to be out in the adult. I'll be talking more about this here. And so it's idea is why is he still in the land? If he wants to leave the land and go off somewhere else and live in the pigsty, he's free to, but do not bring the pigsty to the land and pollute the land. And if you refuse to be in a covenant relationship with YAH, yes, you will be stoned because clearly this guy is committing sins that are worthy of stuff. Maybe he's an adult or maybe sleeping with someone. Who knows what this guy is doing but he is clearly being disobedient. He's still living with his parents. He needs to go out and do something else. Yeah, and we'll talk about this a little bit later. It's just, it's not what most people make it out to be. And if he will exist upon a man's sin, the judgment of death and you have executed him and you hang him upon a tree, his corpse shall not pass the night upon the tree for bearing you will bury him in that day for a cursed of Allahi'am is he who is hanged and you will not pollute the red earth which YAH Waha'i your Allahi'a gives unto you for an inheritance. Hmm, I'm hearing something messianic in there. Well, stay tuned. You will not observe the ox of your brother or perhaps his sheep driven away and have concealed yourself from them. Turning back you will return them until your brother but conditionally if your brother is not near toward you and you have not known him then you shall gather him the animal toward the middle of your house and it shall exist with you until your brother trampling about, sneaks him and you will return him the animal unto him. And like this you will fashion for his ass and like this you will fashion for his garments and like this you will fashion for all your brother's lost things which is lost by him that you have happened to find. You are not able to conceal yourself. You will not observe your brother's ass or perhaps his ox when falling down in the path and conceal yourself from them, raising up you will raise up with them since I will not be talking about this later. It's really interesting we're talking about the animal you will bring into the center of your house which reminds me of the Passover lamb which you're supposed to do as well but it's basically saying like when you find your neighbor's things not only you know it says here you're not to conceal yourself like you're not to hide like in the trees like oh I didn't see that there I'm just gonna kind of walk on the far side of the road and it's like no you see an animal of your neighbors as misplaced and you know who this is maybe you don't even know but you are to take care of this animal so dearly that the idea of bringing it into the very center of your house like you're going to take care of your neighbor's things you're not getting any profit from this, right? You're not getting any benefit from this except loving your neighbor. This is how you to treat your neighbor. I was reminded of a story this week maybe it's 'cause I'm in Virginia right now outside of Washington D.C. you know going to all the museums and such and I was reminded of the story that's given to us about Abraham Lincoln that when he was a before he was a lawyer and he was a grocer I guess he sold like alcohol which was actually very highly controversial for his political campaign and there's a story where somebody came and they bought something in his store I can't remember what it was it was like I don't know like 30 cents or something like that that they overpaid him and when he counted up they were already gone and apparently he walked like three miles to their house just to return the change and this just shocked everybody that anybody would do that you know it's just like it was just like 30 cents why not just keep it right but right there that would be obeying the Torah that would be the heart of the Torah that the spiritual behind the letter of the law that we are called to you know to walk five 10 miles if we need to to return one of our neighbors things even if it's 10 cents right now I guess in today's day and age you can just text them hey you left 50 cents should I return this and like nah I know you know you don't need to return 50 cents and you're like okay we're cool right the implements of a Gabor shall not exist upon a woman and a Gabor will not clothe himself in the outer garments of a woman for an abomination and say Yahwah your Alahiah is all who fashioned this now this is a fascinating word that Pamela decided to put in there she puts Gabor as mighty man or warrior now in most translations I was trying to talk to her about this this week and you know in most translations just talks about a woman's or man's garment that a woman will not wear and vice versa and this seems to be talking about a warrior and so I was kind of having the discussion with her so should women even be in combat situations what's going on I wanted to dig more into this with the Talmud the Talmudic literature and why that is so of interest to me is because in Israel today all women are required I think to join the service when they turn 18 and I'm kind of curious how the rabbinical community addresses this passage in light of that unfortunately I don't have that for you tonight but it's an interesting philosophical thought you know then my mind went to like Joan of Arc that kind of stuff you know was that an abomination for Joan of Arc for taking the official narrative with what happened if a bird's nest happens to come before your face along the way in any tree or perhaps upon the red ground with young birds or perhaps eggs within and the mother is reclining upon the young birds or perhaps upon the eggs you will not take the mother upon her offspring you will send forth the mother and the offspring you will take for yourself for the purpose and intent that it will be well for you and you have prolonged your days so could you I don't know could you say the same thing about chickens like you know there's always the story right if the chickens are no longer laying eggs you take the axe to their neck right I think that was like one of the plot lines in chicken run that the chickens realized that when they stopped giving eggs they would be sent off to the poultry department you know I don't know I guess I've never been under the situation where I walked down the street and I see a bird in a nest and with eggs and go oh I think I'm gonna eat those eggs but maybe some of you farmers more agricultural types will have experiences that this will definitely apply to your day to day existence how you take care of your animals if you will build a new house and you have fashioned a parapet for your roof and you will not place bloods upon your house if the Nefash should fall from above you will not scatter seed in your vineyard with two diverse things unless you set apart the abundance of the seed which you will sow and produce of the vineyard. This parapet on the roof we're going through so many commands so fast I pointed out like in my city of Charleston when you look at the oldest pre mud flood houses that survive that were not burnt down during the Civil War they all have this railing on the roof that's Torah you're supposed to put that there to make sure that your neighbor does not fall and get hurt on your property or there's a recompense. You will not plow with an ox and with an ash joined together you will not clothe yourself with garments made of two kinds of thread wool and linen one joined together I'm not going through this again because we covered this I believe is in Leviticus I had a big thing on it you will fashion for yourself how do you pronounce this? Gotta lay on upon the four wings of your coverings which you will cover upon her those would be your tassels if a man will I like to refer to them as angel wings and she called them the four wings here if a man will take for himself a woman and will go toward her and hate her and set in place for her a perverted work of speeches and lift up against her an evil name and then she'll declare I took this woman and I approached her and I did not find of her Bathu you lay on so in modern terms virginity of Batula so the context here is that say a man marries a woman under the pretense that she is a Batula she was set apart hasn't slept with a man he's claiming now he's putting evil words or what said what Pamela said perverted speeches perverted work of speeches to malign this woman on the basis of saying that she wasn't who she claimed well let's keep reading then she'll the father and the mother of the girl she'll take and lift up the Bathu Ulea of the girl and the idea is that it is a Pamela describes as tokens of being a Petula that is evidence of the woman having been a virgin or one who was separated from intercourse with the man the idea is that you go into your wigwam and you have intercourse with this virgin this woman and there's like a sheet that it would bleed out and the parents were to go and collect that immediately afterwards as insurance as a token to say look we deliver to you what we promised here is evidence we're gonna keep this and so if you're gonna make any claims later on 'cause you decided you hated her and oh wait yeah I know I held this back on the honeymoon but I discovered she really wasn't a virgin and I withheld that from the world for a couple years until it didn't work out between us the parents will come along and go nah ah we got this right here liar liar pants on fire then she'll the father and the mother of the girl she'll take and she'll lift up that blanket or whatever it was the token of the girl towards the bearded ones of the city at the gate then she'll the father of the girl declared toward the bearded ones I gave my daughter to this man to woman and he hates her and behold he has placed perverted actions of speeches to declare I found for your daughters no Bathu Ulayan and these are my daughters Bathu Ulaya and again that's the token of Petula and he has spread out the garment to the face of the bearded ones of the city and the bearded of the city shall take that man one who has slandered his wife and she'll chastise him and she'll find him a hundred silver shackles and has given the silver and to the father of the girl for he has lifted up an evil name upon a Bathu Ulaya of Yashirel and she shall exist unto him for a woman he shall not be able to send her away all his days so that's kind of interesting so again this I showed you the dating advice amongst the Go'im this is divorce advice all right I have commented and said to people that to your children never say anything negative about their father or their mother all right pick your role whether you're the father or the mother never say anything negative again this is just my advice because that parents gave life to your child and that child is going to have a relationship potentially with both parents and of course propaganda between parents is awful happens all the time how they you know they steer a child depending about the other which may not be true according to this if we're doing Torah right if it is truly we have circumcised hearts and this is a transformative document that if we get to the point that we divorce our spouse that we are sending them away not saying terrible things about them not saying wicked things about them which is total counter counter it's a total opposite of what a divorce is which then will beg the question why you're divorcing them right and of course we'll see that with Messiah and he says look the whole reason we Moses was allowed to give you this bill of divorce is because he knew how hard apart you had but if you have such a hard heart that you're going to divorce your spouse and send them away make sure it's not so hard that you're going to say wicked things about them there is the challenge but again I would encourage everyone out there even if you're already divorced and you want to do right I just encourage everyone to not speak about your to your children about their other parents who used to be married to who used to love who you conceived in love in that moment negatively even if they're a wretched person just withhold those opinions that's just again that's me there's always exceptions to the rule of course and she shall exist into him for a woman he shall not be able to send her away all her days but conditionally if this matter exists true the Batula not being found for the girl then they shall lift up the girl toward the entrance of her father's house and the men of the city shall overwhelm her with stones pouch where she has fashion is shameful act of wickedness in her father's house at this point now she is you know she has she is not true to her words she claimed she was something she wasn't she has lied about something very serious and we'll get to more about that even if you're like well what if she was raped well we'll talk about that tonight and you have removed the noxious hurtful evil from your midst if a man be found lying down with a woman married to a but ale let me just see what the actual word is on this here um master or husband all right so that's always the context right then he shall die additionally the two the man lying down with the woman and the woman and you were removed wickedness from Yasharil that guy's adultery is such a horrid horrid horrid thing um if this has happened in your past you know Yashar gives um there is you know even there is different types of sins there's conscious sins and unconscious sins let's just say that in your past you have done these terrible things you are on this walk now you're on this journey you are in a covenant relationship with Yash it's serious now right maybe it wasn't serious 10 or 20 years ago and we will be held accountable for our sins but now it's serious don't ever let yourself get in that position guys like just don't do it um don't find yourself there ever because I think that even if we get away with it in this life and you're like hahaha I just slept with a married woman and nobody knows and I you know I'm good to go like even if you get away with it now I believe it's going to catch up to us like this sentence of stoning is a spiritual thing it's a sign of what is to come in the next life if a girl exists they betula betrothed to a man and another man find her in the city and lie down with her then you shall lift them up the two toward the gate of the city and shall overwhelm them with stones the girl because she did not cry out in the city and the man over this matter because he has afflicted his fellow's covenant woman so you have removed wickedness from your midst what just happened this whole passage is one of the most controversial passages I have seen this verse right here just ridiculed and people are claiming oh it assumes it assumes that if a woman is being raped in the city and she cries out that someone's going to hear and if nobody hears her she's going to be still know that is not what it's saying that is not what it's saying it's saying like look as uncomfortable and as terrible as this is to talk about rape if something like this happens if a woman is raped and you are you're telling this person stop no you do not have my consent and they're overpowering you and you're doing this and even you cry out nobody hears you okay it's not saying that you're going to be stoned what you do is you go report it okay you don't wait twenty years later and oh by the way this man's running for political office now oh by the way yeah he raped me back in nineteen eighty nine or whatever it's like no you go report this and say I was violated I was right that's in my opinion that's what it means to be heard in the city okay so the idea is is that if if somebody if you're not crying out and somebody comes and discovers you in the act the man and the woman they're both being you know they're going to be stoned it's because you're enjoying it right here it's pleasurable for you and they're like hey I know that's a married woman and that guy whatever all right so I don't think this is nearly as harsh as people make it out if if somebody sexually violates you even if they get away with it in that hour go report it and I know this is like the hardest thing to do right I know it's really hard to do it is the command of the Torah that you cry out and it is when you cry out time again that is when yah hears us late that's always one of the exciting things to read in the Bible like in Sodom and Gomorrah when that woman is being they put the beeswax all over and the bees come and sting her to death and it says she cries out and it said yah heard her cry or when Susanna cried out it was the same thing yah heard her cry so he hears us when we we cry out and that's what we have to do but conditionally if a man should find a girl that is betrothed in a field and the man with strength sees upon her and lie down with her then only the man which lay down with her shall die and into the girl you shall not fashion anything the girls without sin not being worthy of death for like when a man rises up against his fellow and he slays in a flash it is like in this manner in this matter for he found her in a field the girl betrothed cried out and there lacked for her a deliverer if a man shall find a girl who is again i think the concept is exactly the same here i think it's giving whether you want to say the city or the field the idea is is that if a woman cries out and it's a deliverer a deliverer comes great saves her if she cries out and the deliverer does not come she's still off the hook because she cried out and the idea is that she's she's still reporting this right because maybe she got pregnant right she's got it it's going to be a little awkward when she the belly starts swelling out and people like wait a second your betrothed what's going on right the assumption is that she's reported it and until uh... anyway so she's off the hook and into the girl you shall not fashion anything the girls without sin not being worthy of death for like when a man rises up against his fellow he slays in the flash it is like in this matter for he found her in a field the girl betrothed cried out and there lacked for her a deliverer if a man shall find a girl who is a betula who is not betrothed and he should seize her uh... and lie down with her and they be found then the man that lay with her show given to the girls father fifty silver shackles and she will exist in to him for a woman because he has afflicted her he shall not be able to send her away all his days all right now with this here again it it it looks terrible because people criticize this and go a woman is forced uh... to marry her rapist that's not how i'm reading this maybe it reads out it that's not how i'm reading this i'm reading this ago uh... if you're going to go and just sleep with a woman like that serious stuff guys like all you know she's not married she's not told it's not adultery but you're you're still paying you have to pay the bride price so you better make sure that you can sleep with woman that you know it's kind of like this idea of like you know handing the hot dog away you know no one's going to buy the cart right if you have hot dogs away well the torah tells you even if the hot dogs get handed away you're still buying the car all right so if you're going to go and sleep with a woman you better make sure it's worth it because you're going to pay the bride price for now ice i i think that this is consensual uh... that a woman may go like yeah i i don't want this guy's a husband now that would be almost unthinkable in the middle east culture because now she she has been violated and she'd like no man is going to want her now so there there is probably a likelihood that she's going to want to go off with the sky she's going to want to be taken care of and again this is speaking to israel here at this is not speaking to check them or the other types this is fellow Hebrews in a covenant with yah uh... you have to take care of your sister a man shall not take for himself his father's covenant woman uh... and he shall not remove his father's his name uh... father's uh... nakedness i think what is she put your freight what does it say cannot can mean wing or edge in the in the uh... see a man would arrange himself at night in his mantle so this would could be referencing the edge of the bed covering chapter twenty three the wounded crushed or having his testicles cut off shall not come into the assembly of yahwah the ever living a bastard shall not come into the assembly of yahwah the ever living not even into the circuit of the 10th generation he shall not enter into the gathered assembly of yahwah i was looking into the uh... the rabbinical commentary on this and surprisingly i wasn't getting a lot of those disappointed i thought they would have all sorts of like elaborate stuff talk about this i was seeing a lot and uh... uh... m_r_ rahu new yah or i guess a mobile shall not enter into the gathered assembly of yahwah the ever living not even into the circuit of the 10th generation they shall not enter into the gathered assembly of yahwah for time of long duration as far as the eye can see a proceed to the edge of the rising beyond over the matter when they did not come before you with bread and with water along the way when you were brought forth from michireen and because they hired against you balam son of bayor and uh... pathor of aram new ha rayam to curse you but yahwah your aloha would not consent to hear understand or answer toward baylam but yahwah your aloha changed uh... change for you the cursing into a barak or baraka a blessing for yahwah your aloha loved you usual not read about seeking after their shalom nor their excellence wealth prosperity all your days into a time of long duration usual not hold as detestable and at amaya for he is your brother that would be in a mite so you should not hold as detestable and eat a mite for you your brother of course the same goes for michireen you should not hold as detestable in egyptian or a matzar raya for you existed a stranger in his land sons which are brought forth of ease in the circuit of the third generation of them shall enter into the gathered assembly of yahwah the ever-living if an accountment go forth against your enemies then you have guarded yourself from all wickedness noxious hurtful matters if a man in your midst exist that is not clean for any accidental nocturnal pollution then he shall go forth toward the outside the cabinet i'll be it's showing a quick passage on this later concert he shall not come toward the middle of the encampment and it shall exist as a irab turns itself he shall wash with water and when hasha mosh goes down i'd be the sun he shall come toward the midst of the encampment and a land shall exist into you outside of the encampment and you shall go forth there outside and a paddle shall exist for you among your implements and it shall exist in sitting down outside that you will dig with her and turn back and cover over your excrements for yahwahah your aloha walks in the midst of your encampment to snatch you out of danger and to give up your enemies your face therefore your encampment shall exist kudosh sat apart and he shall not observe filthiness in you and to turn away from following after you this is so fascinating right here again i'll be coming a little bit on this uh... later on this is that the context here is you're going out to war and what happens when uh soldiers go off the war i mean they're thinking i'm gonna die they go you know that the women come into the camp they're going crazy with women it's like you need to be he wants you sexually pure he wants he wants your poop removed like he wants you to take your poop outside of the camp and uh... this course uh... reminded me this week of course i'm going to the smithsonian looking at all the fascinating stuff i mean i was finding everything from new armstrong's a spacesuits uh... to the dinosaur fossils whatever the even the evolutionary stuff whatever the throwing at me i was funny all really fascinating just dissecting everything and i came across marie at when that's uh... earrings there's a huge like just these crystal beautiful earrings and anyway is this the same reantuenette that uh... apparently lived at the palace of her side where they had no plumbing and they were of according to the stories there they were pooping everywhere in the hallways and the poop was actually coming out of the walls in the kitchen and when marie antuenette would walk along the the gardens poop would be falling off the walls and landing on her never mind she's walking through the trail of poop 'cause it was just all poop poop poop right because they didn't have plumbing i'm thinking is this the same reantuenette decided amongst all this poop was put on these beautiful you know i get a little glitter there in her ears with these like earrings that nobody uh... alive today almost could afford uh... i think you know i think the point here is that if they were they were clean if it was definitely the man a generation uh... and uh... you guys know i went through the suns of light versus the suns darkness a dancy scroll text which uh... talks about the the last battle in israel rises up to usher in the millennial kingdom same thing is going to be manna and if they are not sinners they're not pooping right they're consuming the manna they're not pooping and so they don't actually have to go outside of the camp something where was i and a handful existing to you outside of the encampment and you should go forth there outside in a power okay i already read that let me go down uh... there should be no filth in this filthiness or should be no in you marine antuenette you shall not deliver up a servant and to his arunaya one who was escaped toward you from being with his arun new year he will settle down to do well with you in your midst in the place of habitation which he should choose within one of your gates in a place that seems excellent to him you shall not press him a female consecrated into prostitution shall not exist from the daughters of yashirel and a male should not exist set apart as a male prostitute from the sons of yashirel seems pretty straightforward um... you know if if anyone is in a covenant relationship and this is assuming i guess in the land itself right the idea is that if you're living in the land you're going to be living according to the covenant if you're not living according to the covenant you need to leave the land or you will be uh... something bad may happen to you so i'm reading this is saying there should be no prostitution in the land right when you go into israel better not have prostitutes there and of course you know almost all the prostitutes back then really would deal with uh... other god you would go to some pagan temple to the prostitutes it wasn't like you know they had necessarily red light districts back then uh... so it's basically like saying hey i'd better not see prostitutes in your land because there's probably some sort of pagan god worship going on you should not bring the gain of a prostitute or the wages of a barker into the house of yahua and she calls that a dog that's like i love how much translation said a dog she calls it a barker into the house of yahua you're allahia for an about offering say this on uh... record today when i was going through the uh... museum the smison museum of art today i was like a kid in a candy store i wish i mean if i were to get lost in this museum i'd be totally fine just pick me up in a few days just leave me there with like a loaf of bread or something and they have drinking fountains i'd be good to go and i'm carrying my little daughter through the museum and she was obsessed with barkers with dogs and she was always looking for them in every painting and so we'd enter a new room in each room would have like a dozen paintings and there's like you know hundreds of rooms and uh... and she would always see the dog before i did she was like panting and barking was really cute here a little two-year-old girl barking like a dog but uh... she was always looking for them anyways uh... the or the wages of a barker into the house of yahua you're allahia for an about offering for additionally both of these are an abomination to yahua you're allahia you shall not a press by lending with usury until your brother usury of silver usury of food usury of anything upon which he may add the bite of interest upon a foreigner you will lend with usury but until your brother you shall not a press by lending usury for the purpose and intent that yahua you're allahia made iraq you in all you extend your hand toward upon the land where you go there to possess her if you bow in a vow offering to yahua you're allahia you shall not delay to complete him for trampling about seeking yahua you're allahia will ask for it from you and this will exist in you as sin and if you leave off or desist the vow it shall not exist to sin in you this is one important reasons yes yes nobody know right and and this is also i think one of the important reasons why like when you hire labor you know you were supposed to pay its sunset like you you don't hold wages from somebody when if you agree that you're going to pay them at a search time you pay them right uh... that which issues for out of your lips you shall keep and you show fashion like that which you have vowed and say yahua you're allahia even the spontaneous offering the word which you have set in order with your mouth if you come into the vineyard of your fellow and you may eat grapes such as your nafash desires ensues say uh... satiation but you shall not give any into your vessel if you come into the grain of or corn which is standing in the stocks of your companions field then you may pluck off the ears into your hand but you shall not swing a sickle or weeping hook toward your companions grain or corn that is standing in its stocks i'll be talking about that hopefully we get to it tonight the eighth speech of masha chapter twenty four additional instructions regarding domestic relations the man takes for a woman and he has possessed her but it exists conditionally that she does not attain favor in his eyes because he has found some matter of shame or filthiness then shall write for her is uh... sappar like a book of cutting off and given into her hand a paper a bill of divorce and he shall send her fourth from his house and she goes forth from his house and she walks and she exists into another man and the man following after hate her and he writes under her a bill of divorce or a sappar of cutting off and he gives it into her hand and since her fourth from his house or perhaps that the man which falls after should die the one which took her unto himself for a woman her first husband which sent her way shall not be able to turn back to take her to exist under him for a woman after she is unclean for that would be an abomination to the face of yahoo while the ever living and you shall not cause the land to send which yahoo what you're all about gives to you for an inheritance man there's so much going on tonight uh... so you notice here how it transition from the woman to the land itself this is a big uh... debated passage talking about divorce because we know that yahoo what actually gave a bill of divorce to israel and of course i believe revelation is also the handing of the bill of divorce to juda and i think even the eschatological in times hasn't happened yet people will agree with that they just think it hasn't happened yet i believe that juda was given the bill of divorce in seventy eighty the idea here is that they were kicked out of land uh... and i get asked this all the time when we'll be going back to israel i don't believe so i believe israel's done i believe that the idea of getting that they handed the bill of divorce is that you remove from the land and this is why it's so important to understand the greater realm uh... what the blessed land undying lands uh... i call it the wilderness the idea that we have this huge chunk of land out there in the cosmological model material world uh... that is only where spiritual entities can go where immorals can go this is it uh... an ancient idea that goes all the way back to uh... the flatter cosmology uh... biblical Hebrew cosmology uh... that's uh... that you have to have a circumcised heart to go there because that that's the idea of that like the land's done right now if you need to spill out for you with what we just read is that's this is this is the tour right this is what it says this is not what no saying it's saying that if you divorce your spouse uh... and she goes off with another man you can't take her back now if she goes off with another man and uh... i'm sorry if you divorce or she does not go up with another man she lives a virtuous set apart but who live you can take her back at that time uh... and you know it also it sucks i mean it it's a it's a shame but it's a shame that the divorce happened to begin with right and there are consequences uh... you know you obviously you divorced with the full intent of i'm through with you i don't want to take you back again uh... so you guys can discuss that that is that would be by what i would go by i i don't ever want to divorce my love my wife i love her i known her since high school we've been married for over twenty years and i hope you grow all together live together i have no desire no thought to ever do that but i also understand that if i did do that and i want to take her back if she's gone for another man it's a horrible i don't think about it so let's move on if a man takes for himself a new woman he shall not go forth with the army and he shall not be taken away passing over and to him for any matter he shall exist exempt at home for one year and she'll make joyful his covenant woman which he has taken if you recall this is one of the uh... requirements that a general which would also maybe be a priest but a general go for uh... fourth in front of the army at the battlefield and say hey is anybody here that anyone get married within the last year he did leave the ranks now i don't even know why you're here like why were you training with us you should be off with her go home enjoy your wife or entire year and that's the torah various instructions on doing what is right usual not act roughly taking as pledge the handmills or the upper millstone for he who does so takes a nephash as pledge if a man be found carrying away captive in the fast from his brothers the sons of yeshrael and so doing him binds ropes upon him and sells him the thief shall die and you shall remove wickedness from your mitts well i mean it seems to me like this is saying that uh... you know yoseph's brothers you know they they thought they were doing something better by not killing and they wanted to murder the guy uh... which you know could have been a death since it's in itself but it's this was bad to what they did right i guess they should die uh... for doing what they did keep watch on the mark of leprosy to exceedingly garden to fashion like all that which the priest the levi it's teach you like that which i command them so shall you guard call to mind that which yahua your allahaya fashion for mariam along the way in your going forth from the dream if we were to say that leprosy is purely a physical thing uh... then it's saying that you show you should make sure you know people look out and make sure there's not leprosy among your people but if we also recognize that uh... biblically it brought up mariam here that which is interesting it's giving you context he got it because of sin there there is a a spiritual underlying to this whatever's happening biblically with leprosy and so when i read this i read it like okay keep watching keep guard that leprosy is not spreading among the people the underlying sin sinfulness of leprosy and i i've done studies on that on what what i think spiritual leprosy is i'd have to of course refer to those again but you know just it we are to to guard the tour within our community our Hebrew community within israel and make sure we don't see spiritual leprosy coming in uh... if you lend upon your companion alone from anything you shall not go toward his house to exchange his pledge you will stand out of doors in the man which you loaned and to him he will bring out outdoors toward you the time pledged and conditionally if the man he'd be poor afflicted richard he will not lie down upon his thing pledged turning back you will return to him the thing pledged like the going down of hoshamash the sun and he shall lie down upon his garment and brought into use you will exist virtue uh... piety right doing to the face of yahoo wahaha your allahaya you will not act violently defraud a press a highling the poor richard afflicted in needy from among your brothers or perhaps from the strangers which are in your land in your gates in his day you will give him his wages in hoshamash will not go down upon him for he's poor richard afflicted and he lifts up his nephosh over him that he is not cry out against you toward yahoo hobby ever living and this exists upon you a sin so i talked about this earlier tonight idea you know you make sure that someone gets their wages you're not you know having them work for you and you know don't you know that they're not able to eat this is really interesting because that that's a scary thought like if somebody cries out against you they are your accuser and they're crying out to yahoo wahaha and he hears it like he's holding this against you guys like we need to take this seriously um... how we treat other people um... and you know according to paul in roman chapter two he's coming for his own house first before he would i i see so many people in Hebrew roots in the torah movement and they just they they come in they they really do become like for a terrorist they become like the judizers that were claimed to be and they turn their nose down at the going into gentiles and like i can treat them in a certain way and that kind of stuff and it's just like man like if we're understanding like the profits and paul and all the stuff like he is coming to judge israel first he's coming for us first before he goes for the gentile so uh... yeah that's a scary thought and a fear of y'all type of uh... scary father shall not be put to death over the suns and the sun shall not be put to death over the fathers good to know a man shall be executed upon his own sin you will not turn aside judgment for the stranger or for the bereaved a father and he shall not take as a pledge a widows covering it and you have remembered for you existed as servants in egypt in much matine and yahoo hai yor alahaha redeemed you from there upon this reason you're commanded to fashion this matter if you cut off weeping your harvests from your field and you forget and amar in the field and that would be well an omer you will not turn back again to take it for yourself it shall exist for the stranger for the bereaved a father for the widow for the purpose and intent that yahoo hai yor alahaha shall block you in all the work of labor of your hands if you beat out your olive tree you shall not examine the bowels behind yourself each he will exist for the stranger for the bereaved a father and for the widow have you guys ever seen an example of someone beating an olive tree it's really interesting that they literally beat the street and all of fall down and have a big blanket when they catch it in the blanket and i think it's saying there that if the olives like fall maybe bounce out or they come behind you you're not to reach around behind you and grab them those are for all the poor right there to nab so we read earlier tonight that you know you're not to go into a stranger's field with like a like rules to like cut down you know to plow their field you can glean stuff but you're not allowed to plow yourself in your own field you can plow it but anything that can be gleaned you know could be hand picked or whatever picked off the ground you're to leave for the pork he's got it if you cut off your vineyard you shall not glean following up yourself it shall exist for the stranger for the bereaved a father for the widow and you have remembered for you existed a servant in the land of a dream over this reason i command you to fashion this matter and so i you know how does that work for those of us in modern farming communities where the tour is not the law of the land and you don't have poor people just like you know waiting to you know glean the field and stuff like that and i think again the instead of just going by the letter of the law going aha it's a loophole i don't have to give any of this the poor because there's no poor here to collect it because they don't know it's an intrusion on your land they're gonna get arrested for that right uh... how do we work out the spiritual component of this now i i don't say this to uh... to both i'm just giving this is an example uh... you know you know you know how you just you're not supposed to know what your left and right hand is doing so i feel almost bad that maybe i shouldn't say this uh... but something my my wife and i have done i think i did mention this live a few months back we have a local library uh... by our house in charleston and in this library they have a fridge that they stock for the poor people and it started breaking our hearts because we would go there in this fridge would be empty or they would be like some sort of like farmer that would come by and they would just put cabbage in that just you know which is great that there was a farmer that wanted to put their cabbage in but it's like the poor coming in the game cabbage and we're just we decided every single week we want to stock this fridge and we were going and just buying like nice stuff i mean boxes of strawberries and you know potatoes and corn and onions and all you know all these different things all healthy things and um... and that you know the library started noticing and you're like what are these people that are doing this and and it i guess the word started catching on and people were driving from great distance distances come get the food and it would get to the point where like we were trying to stop the fridge and people are all waiting there with their bags to run in almost like this example the poor people behind you and they're trying to run in and get it and it just what i'm getting at here is that you know there are ways when we to obey the tour the spiritual uh... reality of the torah uh... the the the deeper truth you know the esoteric beyond the exoteric uh... there are ways that we can fulfill this um... even if we're not farmers right or even if you are former today you see what i'm saying you're not going to have the poor sitting around with bags collecting your stuff off the ground he if he will exist a dispute between men and they come toward judgment then the judgment the judges shall justify the righteous and he shall declare guilty the wicked unconditionally if the wicked exist as a son to be disciplined then the judge shall cause him to fall down and show have him smitten before his face like in a number according to his guilt he shall smite him forty strokes and shall not add more let's see should strike him over there these with too many wounds and your brother be counted detestable into your eyes now this isn't always easily done you know i mean there are clearly you know there are laws that are broken people steel the murder these kind of things you catch them in the act they're wicked you judge this is talking about people that are disputing and you're sitting there as a judge going out i wasn't there i don't know now everybody here who is a parent you are in the situation constantly if you have multiple children and there you know he said she said but no but he did it first he i only hit him because he did this and they're like well i only did this because he did this and you're just like oh my goodness like this you just you just both go to your rooms you know you don't know how to judge a situation and one of like that's unfair and you know you're condemning me in accusing me in this cut i know cuz i have this discussion with my ten-year-old sons constantly i actually have this talk with them this week i gave them the example uh... in the diddaka which is the teachings of the twelve i really like the diddaka it's not real popular in torah crowds i really like it and it's basically it's like kind of like a handbook a manual uh... for i i know that's what the tour is but it's like a very simple manual that you can read in like fifteen twenty minutes did to instruct these congregations or spring of everywhere this is how you do with situations this is you know this is how you baptize this how you do these kind of things and it it says in there that if you have two people in a congregation that's our disputing and not getting along that you're to remove both of them big both have to go uh... because if you allow them to remain in the gossip the slander the leaven it grows in the sun is going to grow all through your congregation and then you find a church split happening now a bunch of people are leaving now they're all going to other congregations and saying about spreading lies and untruths and gossip about this ministry over here you see how this works we see this on the internet all the time uh... and this is why i try not to listen to any of this stuff coming from the layman i mean i i i want to hear it from the ministry itself address and uh... and so the idea is that you're to remove both parties and tell they either make up or the the righteous one comes for well how do you determine that it's the example of solemn and saying to the two mothers well just you know what let's cut the baby in half that you each get one it was a brilliant actor because the the false mother was like yeah kill that baby and give us each one right that she didn't love that she just didn't want the other mother to have the true baby right it was a spirited jealousy she wanted to destroy that baby so that the the true mother and the true mothers like no please just give her the baby i want this baby to live don't hurt the baby i will give this baby up for this life to continue in solomon was like that's the true mother right there and so in these situations when you uh... online and you have to remove someone from the two people from the congregation that's the true test because one of them is going to be like uh... this is so unfair and this person deserves it and you guys are hypocrites and you guys call yourselves christians and you see the rots and fruit and they're just like you know it's and i'm i'm a martyr and i did nothing wrong and then you have the other person and he's like you know what i'm so sorry i take responsibility i don't maybe agree with this judgment but you know what i take responsibility for what i did and what can i do to change this and you like boom there's the righteous person right then you bring him back into the group that's how you could do these judgments when you cannot possibly judge otherwise and you see a person's fruit and it always comes out and sometimes maybe they both have good fruit and they make up and you bring them back in settle easily done there it is all right you shall not muzzle the ox when he tramples threshing the corn if brothers settled down to dwell together in one of them dies now this gets really interesting i hope to spend time talking about this and there exists a lacking into him a son then the covenant woman of the dead shall not go outside into a stranger her brother-in-law shall go in unto her and he shall take her unto himself for a woman now i i soon that this is all consensual uh... and this is giving this is giving the woman in a lot of ways rights not to have to go off and come across the two right like she is still taking care of she is in the inheritance you can't just exclude her from the family just because of the brother died and the son which she brings for shall exist is first born and he shall rise up over the name of the dead so his name shall not be wiped away from yeshrel so think about the situation uh... for those of you out there uh... now i don't have to worry about this because i first of all my brother and his wife do have no love for the Torah so they would you know if i have if my brother died at the funeral and i'm at the funeral she was like slapped me silly for suggesting this you want to come into my bed i'll give you an air for your brother she luckily she has uh... a couple sons so never have to have never have to worry about that very awkward conversation this is under the assumption here that you have multiple brothers the oldest dies doesn't have an heir now you have problems how do you distribute up the uh the inheritance i i think the the um yeah the idea is that they're all still living under the same inheritance at this time um the the woman has a right to go to the next brother and say i want to have an heir from the firstborn son give me an heir and the younger son has to do his duty and sire a child with her um and raise this child getting no benefit whatsoever financially this this child is now being raised by him which he has to love not hate he has to love this child and he's getting nothing for it he's actually losing inheritance he would otherwise get and by the way um keep in mind here that a lot of people look at the situation oh the man's just getting more sex he's gonna it's like actually can you imagine just think for some of you some of your in-laws and you have to go i don't mean be crude but like you have to go sleep with this person and you're like i don't even like this person like how long is this gonna take like what what's your reproduction reproductive schedule here i'm taking away from a family we're gonna have to go sire this child i hope we get this right in the first time because i don't want to repeat this month after month like this isn't necessarily enjoyable um but this is you know a part of the commands um and i hope to talk more about this tonight um let's see oh but conditionally should the man take no pleasure in taking for himself his brother's wife then shall the brother's wife ascend toward the bearded ones and she shall declare so keep in mind when this is no pleasure like he's like yeah i'm not taking you as a wife but you're you're on your own forget it i'm not giving you anything i'm not gonna spend time with you in bed i'm not giving you an inheritance or anything you're on your own she's gonna go to the elders the bearded ones say my brother-in-law refuses to raise up for his brother a name in yashirel he will not consent to perform the uh yabam and the bearded ones of the city shall call out to him and she'll set a word in order toward him and he shall stand and she'll declare i have no delight in taking her and his brother's wife so now he has to acknowledge us in front of the elders so now he's being super obstinate by this point this is you see a repeated thing here like the the father that has to stone his son because he is obstinately refusing his authority the authority of the Torah even in front of the elders this guy if he's getting called before the elders he knows what's coming this guy knows he's probably read this book and he knows i'm it's not going to go well for me and yet he goes there anyways obstinately says in his heart yeah i want nothing to do with her like he's far gone and his brother's wife has drawn near toward him before the eyes of the bearded ones and she has drawn off his sandal from over his foot and she has spat in his face and she has pronounced an allowed voice and she has declared so-and-so shall be fashioned to the man who does not build up his brother's house and his name shall be called out in yashirel the house of the drawn out shoe so he's he's he's so doesn't want to be with this woman he has so much contempt for her that he would he knows that his name will be a name a shame going forward and he's taking that route rather than one of loyalty and um an honor if men shall contend together in a man and his brother and the so two men are fighting and the covenant woman of one approaches to snatch her man from danger so she's there to try to save him but then there's a catch she's pulling him away from the hand of the attacker and she has stretched out her hand and she has held her man's attacker strongly by his private parts now keep in mind here she's stretching out her hands this is this isn't an accident uh accidental oops she brushes up against them you shall cut off the curved hollow of her hand your eye shall not look upon her with pity you figure I mean I've never heard of this happening uh to anyone that I know I mean we've all heard of Lorena Bobbitt with her husband but I'm assuming that Jan knew that the situation would arise that within Israel somewhere in its history this would happen so because it just seems like this is so bizarre but apparently we figure in some point in history this did happen and they're going like oh this is why this is in the book so we can deal with this he shall not exist to you in your bag a stone and a stone a great and a small he shall not he shall not exist to you in your house and a f uh fah and an a fah a great and a small he will exist to you a just wing stone complete whole sand he will exist to you a just a fah complete whole sound for the purpose and attempt that he make longer days upon the breadground which Yahuwah your aloha gives into you for any who fashions this all than just fashioning or an abomination to Yahuwaha your aloha that concludes today's reading of the Torah portions that took a lot longer than usual but you know I mean I could end the the recording right here and I think we did a thorough study on this because I gave so much commentary on this but I will with a remaining time give what inside I have now these pictures here are from the liberation of Paris 1944 I believe it was and we see a common theme here that when the men marched into Paris the women were throwing themselves at the soldiers and I'm not here I hope you guys know I'm not here to mean any of these women I'm not here to you know you know look down upon them this is a interesting scene that it did happen in fact when my grandfather before he died he died in I think it was 2010 whereabouts might have been 2009 and he knew he was getting close to death and he decided he wanted to write his memoirs of World War II we all knew that he fought in the war we all knew he went to the European theater we all knew he brought home murk uh souvenirs from the war including like a like a German Nazi gun other things like that and but he never talked about it and in fact a lot of that generation never talked about their time in the war and so we're all getting excited that he's going to talk about he writing his memoirs about what happened in the war finally he finishes it he publishes it you know like you know private books he hands each of his his two sons in each of his grand sons and we're reading this and we're we don't know what to expect we're thinking you know this is war right like it's he's he's going up into France Normandy invasion there's probably gonna be bullets you know brazing by and all that kind of stuff now keep in mind he got there just you know I think a week or two short of of the d-day invasion and he rolls right into Paris and uh his experience was this it was women his entire duty was in France and he wasn't on the front and it was just women night after night after night after night after night after night and did I mention when he went down to the south of france to the uh to the beaches down there and uh and we were just like we read this bingo we went uh thank you for your service uh grandpa thank you for your service to your country and for giving up your life in this war and uh but anyways so he got the uh yeah he a lot a lot of fun with the war brides and of course he married his wife during the war but uh why am i showing you these pictures well the liberation and women according to the normal 21 you know I started out talking about you know good dating advice um so so again the the tour portion is called key uh t- uh t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t in the modern Hebrew a camel is always coming down on me for calling it the modern Hebrew you guys know what I mean by that but it means when you go out right so the idea is you're going out to war just like the soldiers did a d-day and or uh I should say world war two and of course there's a similar thing too with uh Vietnam the Korean War a lot from that generation they went over to Asia and they married Asian women all right so uh let's see here what passage is this from oh yeah this isn't a total contrast okay so the going out is in regard to an optional war outside of the land since war instructions for conquering the land would not allow the taking of any captives and you know like civil war history in this in this country there's very different rules there uh than maybe going off to a different a country because you're fighting amongst your brothers here versus going off to others right now this is in total contrast to what you see before you right here when they're going into Canaan it says you shall not leave anything that breathes alive so that was the instruction for Canaan but they were free when they went to these other countries if they found a woman that uh they liked they could bring her home it was totally fine so let's compare this with what we're seeing in second king's chapter nine and when Jehu and i'm reading from the modern English and when Jehu had come to Jezreel Jezebel the Jezebel we all know the Jezebel spirit the queen Jezebel heard of it and she put paints on her eyes and adorned her head and looked through the window now to save time i won't read the rest this is the passage where of course you know she falls out the window and the dogs eat her alive nasty scene but what i wanted you to see there is the idea is she's putting pain in her eyes and looking out the window now this is what would happen to soldiers when they would go and conquer of course they're men are dead and remember what we read last week that if in a city they were to give you their shalom you also offer their shalom but and of course they would then be servants for you uh you're not to kill them but if they're like we are not going to give you our shalom and they are coming up to battle you're to kill them but you know you can have pity on the women but as you're marching through the city what these women would do is they would put on their their finest jewelry their finest seductive garments and they would paint their face and they would look out the window the problem with this is that y'all knew that these women were trying to not just seduce you they were trying to lead you towards their gods and this is why the process is so important if you're going to date a gentile if you're going to court a gentile you make sure that they are willing to come into a covenant relationship with y'all before you ever make them your official wife you see what i'm saying you make sure that you may have met while they had that makeup on and they were being really seductive and so on so forth but you make sure that's washed off you make sure you they go through that whole process and they're willing to leave that lifestyle behind them here's a passage in proverbs about the crafty harlot and of course in in proverbs it contrasts the the proverbs woman versus the this is proverbs seven there's two types of of course women in proverbs those of the the the harlot versus those of wisdom and there a woman met him with the oh yeah so he's actually here proverbs Solomon is looking out the window of his house and he's seen this interesting scene where there's a man late at night he's wandering the streets and he knows that this man is putting himself into the way of temptation like this man is going out to be tempted and this woman is there to meet him now the idea of this harlot is that she's a married woman and he should know better and he says in there a woman met him with the attire of a harlot and a crafty heart he was loud and rebellious her feet would not stay at home at times she was outside at times in the open square looking at every corner and so she caught him and kissed him and in fact it says right here in verse 19 for my husband is not at home he has gone on a long journey and that's always the idea of a harlot right and this you know this is clearly adultery now the interesting thing about painted faces is that and this is a replay of the watchers this is what we see happening in Genesis chapter 6 so in the Aramaic Targum you can see the the the Masoretic lined up with the Aramaic Targum right here it says in chapter 6 it says the sons of the great saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and painted and curled their hair was curled walking with revelation of the flesh and with imaginations of wickedness that they took them wives of all who pleased them now again i'm not coming down i don't want to come down on any women here i hope you guys don't think i am it is interesting that that kind of the curled short hair started becoming really popular in like the 20s the 30s you know when with the flappers and when women started putting on all this makeup they were moving away from that very conservative woman covering her body in the big dresses and they were showing more skin they were showing their ankles more of different parts of their body cut their hair short curled it you know make up that kind of stuff but what's fascinating about this here is that before before the watchers came down the sons of the great they saw these women they were already with painted faces what does that say what's going on here well of course i believe that a zazzle i introduced this to the women to seduce them let's see what else i have here so we see that here in Enoch chapter 8 it says a zazzle taught men to make swords blah blah blah but he gave bracelets and ornaments the use of paint and the paint here i think is context of makeup right not just like painting on canvas because it says the beautifying of the eyebrows and stones are very valuable to like kind so the context of the paint is the beautifying of women and of course all sorts of dyes and so a zazzle introduces this to humanity but interestingly enough he seemed to have introduced this before the watchers came down and this is what actually attracted them down and this is why uh yeah why he's like okay look i've seen this play out in history i know how this goes so if the instance does occur that you see these beautiful women like this you got to go through this process all right uh and we see here in juby's it says that the the angels of elihim saw them on a certain year of the juby on this specific juby that they were beautiful to look upon and they took themselves women of all whom they chose let's see i'm not going to go through some of this here for lack of time uh what does this say oh yeah this is a really good so encouragement here mark chapter 10 verse 29 then yuhushah looked around and said to his talmudim how hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of alahayam and the talmudim were astonished at his words but yuhushah answered again and said to them children how hard is it for those who trust and riches to enter the kingdom of alahayam it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for rich man to enter the kingdom of alahayam and they were greatly astonished saying among themselves who then can be saved but yuhushah looked at them and said with men it is impossible but not with alahayam for with alahayam all things are possible then kifa began to say to him see we have left all and followed you so yuhushah answered and said assuredly i say to you there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my sake and the gospels who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions and in the age to come eternal life that many who are first will be last and let's last first what he's talking about here is this idea that um i think we can all relate to this that in other passages says like he who does not you know the english will be a little strong in the language but he who does not hate his father and mother you know to follow me is not worthy of me right so all of us who are on this journey of following his commands we all have family who has maybe broken relationship with us um and it in order to put them first we would have to get rid of the Torah right but we put the Torah first and as a result we have broken relationships we have parents who maybe don't speak with us anymore old spouses or children or whatever you guys are you guys all know these uh situations and the idea is is that we are actually coming into a family so we are these are now for example the women who maybe they wore the makeup whatever all these kind of things and now they are putting all that aside they're in a covenant relationship with yah we have left all that behind behind us now um this is here a um if you guys remember i went through the study on sleeping beauty in the sake of divine i said this before i think a lot of people kind of got turned off all sleeping beauty like what can i learn from this it isn't one of the favorite things the my most favorite things that i ever researched there was a lot in there talking about the the arch type or the arch type of the fairy tale and uh seeing the uh in this context here like look at this picture of the idea of the princess in in exile in the woods and how all of nature kind of surrounds her this divine being with nature and we see the same thing with um adam and chafwaha here according to the book of creation i want to just read you this here and it's saying that this is the uh the uh proverbs 31 woman according to what uh eve was created for and it says now allahayam enlighten the person's name is fan bar concerning the woman saying so let me just say here so in this context in the story uh eve the eve of the story is a pre-existence spirit being it calls her a wraith but she fell in love with the adam character and uh she wanted to be his woman and she chose to take on flesh to become his a rib partner and it says this woman was drawn from her compatible boat in a realm of beauty through the yearning aspirations of men her coming accomplishes something which would otherwise have taken countless generations for earth is more fitting for men to learn manly things than for women to learn womanly things what does that mean it means that woman herself the true woman capital w woman comes from heaven like she is um she is when you look at when you look at like the animal kingdom for example the the the women of the animal kingdom are more plain they kind of they blend in with the bush ride they're camouflaged they're not like human women human women are unique and separate from all of of nature whereas men are kind of like utility knives right like they're they're they're they're you know they're called cavemen for a reason right they're they're made to survive in nature and stuff but women there's something about womanly nature that comes from above and so the great thing here is that again the idea that a woman has to be a seductress or you know a whore or a you know vanity with like makeup and all this kind of stuff like that that's that's not coming from above that's coming from a zazzle that is his counterfeit woman that attracted the watchers and still attract men to this day but there is a type of woman the was it the Proverbs 31 woman that I'll read from here but let's hear see what Paul has to say in like manner also the women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame-fastedness and sobriety not with broidered hair or gold or pearls or costly array right so being a true woman of yach being the heavenly understanding the heavenly counterpart where woman came from is understanding that these things came from a zazzle they are not for and again I have no problem I don't want anyone to think I have a problem with makeup or or jewelry or that kind of stuff all right but that is not what makes a woman that is not where she finds her identity but which cometh become a woman professing godliness with good works let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence why did I just read that I'll tell you for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression notwithstanding she she shall be saved and childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness and sobriety if you guys saw the the thing I did about a month or two ago on the feminine holy spirit and I brought on Jason Beck I brought on Mel her youtube channels Mel loves yah and I brought on Michael and Jason Beck specifically commented on this passage and he is under the impression based on his research that the earliest text of first Timothy do not have basically these lines but let the woman learn in silence with all subjection I do I suffer not a woman to teach but those were actually added like a century or two later kind of interesting that the the text actually flows more naturally without those so just take that for what it's worth but here's the depiction this description of a worthy woman a probably 31 woman an excellent wife who can find her for her worth is far above jewels see there you go so it's it's almost like a an elevation above anything any gems that you can find on this earth you know women are obviously attracted to jewelry but again that doesn't make the true woman right the true woman comes from above from heaven the heart of her husband trust in her and he will have no lack of gain she does him good and not evil all the days of her life she looks for wool and linen and works with her hands in delight that's the spindle right that's what she puts between her legs and she spindles in the yarn coming out is like the idea that she woman though woman comes from flesh from man she doesn't come from the earth as Adam did and it's through woman that she clothes man right she actually gives birth the man she gives him his flesh it's really interesting how this works and so the idea that she's working with the spindle and this yarn comes out this fabric and she is actually knitting this into the what we call the warp and wolf of eternity it's a beautiful picture i have the chance today to see some tapestries some medieval tapestries i was so thrilled to see them in person and these were all made by women and so it's interesting that even though the art world belongs to men the tapestries belong to women so when you see a tapestry pay attention they're actually they're awesome very often very gruesome and violent like they they could women could be violent let me tell you uh but pay attention to the story they're telling because it's from a woman's perspective it's really interesting she is like merchant ships she brings her food from afar and she rises while it is still night and gives food to her household because as you know a mother's work is never done and portions to her attendance she considers a field and buys it from her earnings she plants a vineyard she surrounds her her waist with strength and makes her arms strong she senses that her profit is good her lamp does not go out at night she stretches out her hands to the distift and her hands grasp the spindle there's the spindle again she extends her hand to the poor and stretch she stretches out her hands to the needy she is not afraid of the snow for her household for all her household are clothed with scarlet and there's that idea again right women men men's role is to protect the woman and to house her right cover her be a covering over her but ultimately women they clothe men it's kind of interesting they actually not just do birth the birth canal but actually in the spindle and actually making clothes for men kind of mentioning how that works all right i think you can read on with proper 31 all right two women one love the other hated so contextually this passage follows the soldiers bringing home a new beautiful wife from war which might infer to an older wife at home i did comment on that and this might be where Proverbs 5 comes into this it says rejoice with the wife of your youth right don't forget the wife that you had in your youth let her be is the loving hind and pleasant row let her breast satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love and why will thou my son be ravished with a strange woman and embrace the bosom of a stranger okay a second context and in fact an overarching theme would be would infer a gashirell's family and infertility it's really interesting how we see sarah rivka and rachel they were all they all had infertility issues now in a pliginous society the barren woman was often compelled to share her husband with a more fertile rival right so again she she's under a lot of pressure she's not delivering and so the man goes off gets another woman be like okay fine i'll get a first born through this woman that's that's a lot of stress for any woman to take apart in right and uh and often the barren woman would use her handmade to bear children for her in a kind of proto surrogacy we saw that with sarah using hagar rachel uses belha and then in turn lea uses zopa so we see here in uh what passage is genesis 29 it says and laban gave to rachel his daughter belha his handmade to be her maid and he went in un in also into rachel and he loved also rachel more than lea and served with him yet another uh seven years and when yahoo has saw that lea was hated he opened up her womb but rachel was buried that's interesting now of course you you guys should hopefully know the context and if not just wait till we get to genesis 29 in a couple months from now uh but um you know he wanted he loved rachel he wanted to marry her he ends up with lea and lea is uh gives the firstborn son but lea he hated and this is where it comes into the tour is like look even if you love another woman more whoever you have that firstborn son you got to take care of that woman and take care of that son you cannot exclude them just because you love so and more and it gets him into trouble because look what happens uh this comes from i'm pulling this from jasher chapter 41 he says yeah a cove loved him joseph joseph more than any of his sons well who the joseph come through not through lea came through rachel he was the first born of rachel and of course rachel only had two sons the other would be bingerman for he was a son of his old age and though his love toward him he made him a coat of many colors he didn't make his other sons a coat of many colors of course we can discuss uh what was it really a coat of many colors or something else but it was something specifically made for uh the son he loved and not the others who were before him and when joseph saw that his father loved him more than his brothers he continued to exalt himself above his brother and so we know this is not going to end well and he brought into his father evil reports concerning them again that's not going to end well and the sons of yakov seeing the whole of joseph's conduct toward them and that their father loved him more than than any of them they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him all his days of course ends up with him being thrown into a pit soul and slavery it's interesting that this passage in deuteronomy seems to cover this flow of events but also uh the death penalty that should be brought on anyone who sells his brother right so it's this whole deuteronomy passage seems to play into uh that family struggle we then see this with the rebellious son we saw how um if he is living in the land he's living in the city with his parents he is rebelling against the Torah he refused to be obedient he's brought before the elders still obstinate he's to be stoned to death we see some interesting uh similar stories with nadab and abihu they were devoured by fire for being disobedient i believe they were drunk among other things they were of course bringing in their own fire apart from the rua kakadesh we see in first Samuel chapter now this is of course yeah waha i think showing example of eternity what will happen even if we think we get away with it now if we are rebellious children this will happen to us we will be consumed by the fire just as they were we see in first Samuel 2 that um and yahwah visited hannah so that she conceived and bear three sons and two daughters and of course her first child was Samuel and he's brought to the temple to live and he's brought under the charge of Eli who was very old and he heard uh and heard all that his sons did into yesharel and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door the tabernacle the congregation so they're having sex with these women in the tabernacle wicked thing to do uh and it said not withstanding they harken not into the voice of their father because yahwah would slay them i think you know obviously they got it in the afterlife they were done away with just as they should have been in that life apparently they i don't think they were stoned to death i don't think i could be missing a passage where they were these women at the door of the tabernacle interestingly enough yahakov does mention them in his book the epistle of james when he talks about the mirror that a man goes to the mirror and he walks away and forgets his own image and in the hebrew text it mentions specifically the water uh like the water basins and so these would be the women that would be at the door of the tabernacle with these water basins where you would richly purify yourself and so these sons it's not that they're actually going to these women who are there to purify them and actually lane with them which is even almost worse i mean it's just a horrible thing that they were doing um we then see again i read this to you last week where now Samuel's grown up and his own sons are being rebellious and it says the name of his first born son was Joel in the name of his second abigah they were judges in bearishiva yet his sons did not walk in his ways but turned aside after gain which it just says in this passage we're not to do as well and they took bribes and perverted justice she's total total content towards the Torah towards yah and as a result israel they didn't say uh well their corrupt judges let's do away with them let's follow through with the Torah and do away with them and get new judges that will not perverse justice they're like yeah we don't even want yah anymore we don't want his Torah we want kings for ourselves we went through that last week but in these instances these were rebellious sons who should have been dealt with and they weren't the Torah was not being upheld now let me give you another example uh this comes from what is this okay well i don't need to go over this let me let me just skip ahead oh we see this with king uh interestingly enough uh yah i think to show king mercy he had king leave to the east to the land of nog which they say is the east of edan and of course edan as far as far east as you can go i think according to a lot of ancient texts unless if we're going with the Mesopotamian region which might be it but he goes further east than the east and that's to the land of nog and i think uh yah if he was to spare him in his obstinents he he had to wander there because if he were to stay there he would have to be executed so we get this here with the parable the lost son and you guys all know the story i'm not going to read it to you but what happened is is that the son uh takes the uh the inheritance of the father before he's dead huge slap in the face he goes off to a distant country and that's the key here all right he goes off to a distant country he is not living in the land he is living in a pigsty the fact that he's in a pigsty tells us he's not an Israel and so again this you don't this law does not apply you don't go off to oh my son ran off to uh to i don't know just pick a country a tylen or something right and he's living in sin over there so let's go over there and execute him no that is not it now if he is in the land and he is being obstinate then you can follow through that passage due to rami however it says here if you go all the way to the end he says he says he's going to go back to his father and he says i have sinned against heaven and against you i am no longer worthy to be called your son make me like one of your hired servants so now we have a scenario where the son is returning to the father and of course this is a story of Israel returning to the father of course the older son is Judah and and the father runs out and embraces him that kind of thing happy ending for Israel not so much for Judah because Judah interestingly enough who remained in the land remained with the father did not spend the inheritance at the end of the story it it ends in or in the parable ends in tension because the father of the father invites the older son into the feast and the the older son is protesting says i'm not going in there and it's almost like the wedding feast and it's like well wait a second Judah where you it's almost like Judah was lost that whole time as well that even though the the older son was close to the father on the property does not mean that the older son received salvation but Israel came back around so something to think about all right hanging from a tree let's talk about this real quick you can see past you can see pictures here of my own home city of Charleston for those of you who have come to Charleston and i've taken you on a tour of mudflood Charleston you will recognize this park here this is down at the boundary and this is actually where the civil war began where the confederacy was firing upon fort sumpter actually they were firing on the harbor as well but the confederates came here to or the the charlestonians came here to watch the beginning of the civil war and you see this interesting octagonal shaped bandstand here when i had a lot of commentary on this but this is where according to the stories they hung pirates the pirates would come in they would try them it says right here in this i showed you this plaque near this spot in the autumn of 1718 steadfast bonnet notorious gentleman pirates and 29 of his men captured by colonel william ritz met their just desserts i like how it phrases i had read that to you they met their just desserts after a trial in charge famous in american history and it says that they were hung from the trees there now what i've been trying to get to the bottom of is how long were they hanging on those trees because um they they're supposed to come down before sunset and be buried in the earth but what i know about pirates what they tell us in official history is that they would hang them there for a very long time to warn everybody else don't accept the fate of the pirate and of course it says that curses anyone uh who remains in that tree now here's an interesting story here in joshwood 10 and uh yahushwa does this he said open the mouth of the cave or bring to me those five kings from the cave one of these kings was the king of yerush laim they bring him forward and he hangs them and it says in verse 26 and they were hanging on the trees until the evening and it happened at the time of sunset that yahushwa commanded and they took them down from the trees and threw them into the cave so right there you see yahushwa obeying what it says in dude oronomy they are not to be hanging from a tree uh beyond sunset you're to take him down and bury them and he threw them into cave which i guess is his way of burying them in the earth uh here's uh from the gospel of peter and it says this of course pilot washes his hands i think i covered a little bit of this last week Herod then he hands them over to Herod and Herod's like okay i'm going to execute him hands them over the jews the jews do their thing with him and it says yosuf the friend of pilot and of adenai had been standing there and knowing they were about to crucify him he came before pilot and requested the body of adenai for burial and pilot sent to Herod and asked for his body and this is what gets interesting it says and Herod said brother pilot even if no one has asked for him we purposed to bury him especially as the sabbath draws near for it is written in the Torah but the sun should not set upon one that has been put to death now those are two different things the sabbath versus this command he's quoting from dude oronomy Herod he's saying oh we would we would actually bear we would take him off the tree off the cross before sunset don't you worry you're pretty low base off actually that's not what they were going to do i think the gospel of peter makes it pretty clear that they had worse things even after they just demolished his body i mean even before he was crucified he was you know he was a dead man he was the Romans don't crucify someone before they crucify him right they they crucified him multiple times and when he was dead there on the tree the cross whatever you want to call it i think that they were planning to leave him there i think they were planning to do worse things to him and so they were really pissed that Pilate handed his body over to Yosef and again this is more evidence that Pilate and the Romans did not crucify him because have they done so it would go against the law even beyond Pilate's control they could not hand his body over to any family to joseph or mathea anybody else he would his body would have been the property of the state and they would have done whatever they did to him but um so there's that all right cross dressing we have so much to cover tonight i'm running out of time i just go over this really quickly um here are men and kilts and i want to point out that i think our whole our whole idea is kind of flipped because up until very recent times in this modern short season men wore dresses if you want to call them that like men wore kilts and that was a very manly masculine thing to do uh men in biblical time you know they girdled their loins right and they wear these long atogas things like that and pants uh modern pants really i think uh if we're going with official history it dates back to the chinese the chinese invented pants for writing i'm not coming down on pants i mean i wear pants right but they were invented for writing horses but um it's kind of an interesting thought with um when we have this discussion about men not wearing women's clothes women not wearing men men's clothes and the only way i would sum this up is that i think fashion changes from the decade to decade to decade through the centuries and i think we all know the way men dress the way women dress and i think within every culture there are some naughty no-no's if we're taking the torah and internalizing it right as a transformative document we know when we're dressing like a man or a woman uh but i just want to throw this out there you know this is pretty badass that um i don't know i guess i want to wear a kilt maybe i'm just a little jealous maybe next week uh for my next tour portion you'll see me in the kilt who really knows maybe i should just take up kilt wearing that's pretty awesome and these were of course they identified as e-frame you know um these the scots the highlanders they all identified as e-frame all right i'm going to escape i already talked about rape versus adultery covered that you could see i had some mary magdalene stuff they don't have time for that unclean um unclean leanness and battle i've covered this in the war scroll it talks about uh it covers deuteronomy chapter 23 here that if you're going up the battle uh that if you're unclean you're sexually impure whatever it is you are not to go to battle because your guardian angel is going with you yah is going before you just something we don't think about man and this is this the the worst rules and in times event right which i believe happened in the 500s but it's an in times event telling us that torah was not done away with uh the cleanliness law still exists and there is sign of righteousness something here about eating from the fields and vineyard i think i covered this i'm out of time guys i want to end on this note tonight one woman multiple husbands the woman at the well and pre-existence because you know i had to bring this into it and so we've had this discussion a lot in this group this idea of um a woman the older brother dies she has no heir and so she wants to use the other brothers to bring about the the heir uh through her husband her deceased husband and it's this is really interesting because i really think this plays into pre-existence i have this this notion that you know each one of us we were created at the very beginning and the first day all at the very beginning we're in the sea of souls and when you look at you know read passages about the sea of souls it it does it and again i don't want to stay on crew but i kind of see it as kind of like a kind of a like seaman i guess kind of the same kind of thing that the seeds are planted and it's just this the sea where all the souls are and each of us are are to come to this earth at our appointed hour and we were all assigned for the hour over here and so i've put forward a lot of ideas that those of us here we have a kind of an entourage like i have my wife here on this earth i have my children i have my parents i have my friends around me and is there a connection between on earth as it is and have a meaning that let's take it to messiah for example he had his 12 disciples we read that the the in new Jerusalem over the gates are the names of the tribes yet the very foundations are the apostles so it's almost saying like the the foundations of renewed Jerusalem exist before the gates i would assume and that the apostles are down there and i i just wonder if messiah's entourage on the earth was something that existed in heaven and i've even commented on this with Mary Magdalene who of course i believe is a patrol i found some fascinating art today in the in the museum medieval art that just just still just showed that to be the case but is she the daughter of Zion that is talked about uh earlier was it Isaiah what does it talk about the daughter of Zion i can go back and look at it but is she the daughter of Zion did she pre-exist in heaven and that you know she had this role to fulfill on the earth so covering this here the woman at the well you guys know the story she had a bunch of husbands and messiah points out but the man you're currently with isn't your husband so and so forth it appears as though that this incident that these multiple husbands she was with may have been a series of brothers after this incident in the book of the not serene really the i i i sell this book is the book of the illuminators and it says that the one who had remained with you who should said master i am puzzled this woman this is the woman at the well at many husbands tell us which one will be her husband in heaven and he who should said in heaven there is neither marriage nor giving in marriage now you guys are all familiar with this quote but here he class he clarifies it in a way that makes so much sense and continuing he says for there the promises of marriage are fulfilled okay so what does that mean well let's keep reading he says to one she must incline more than towards the others and if he inclines likewise there is union of ruach but unions of the ruach may be either weak or strong and another disciple or tamarim said what if he who is not her husband and he who should answered him marriage is not of the flesh nor made by the words of men it is of the ruach and they who are joined in ruach and flesh in the sight of yahuwahat let no man seek to lightly put apart now all through this book he he criticizes many who are legally married but he says they're just fornicators like they're yeah they're legally married but their spirits are not united they're just fornicators and it's it's very hard to have this union of ruach of spirits um but he's giving this example here that um in this light there is uh there is these spirits that are attracted to each other and i'm under the impression they may have not even been married in this life i could be wrong about that i'm willing to be wrong he seems to be saying that like you you know the purpose of marriage is fulfilled the promises of marriage is fulfilled in this life and that he says to one she must incline more than towards the others so there's these five brothers who she was with or these five men and and in heaven she's going to kind of steer towards one of them and i am again i've said this time and again i think that this is why Deuteronomy comes into play because the the woman of the deceased husband who is the older son she's not necessarily in love with any of the other brothers they don't flatter yourself she's doing this because of her love for the deceased husband she is going to sleep with you to get a child for her husband again i think a pre-existence soul that would really be tied with her husband and you know in in the afterlife she still is going to be inclined to go and i think this is a hard thought for a lot of us when we think about you know we have our our lover our wife you know i'm going to die and it's a it's a hard thought for me to think that you know if i die my wife might go and have another husband and you know at the end of the day it's who is her spirit going to be more entwined with right that's who she's going to spend eternity with all right so uh i think that's pretty good all right i'm going to end on that note tonight so i hope you guys enjoyed this and this was a little bit different for me tonight because as you can see i have i have a different environment behind me i don't have two big computer screens in front of me usually i have one screen over here and another over here and i could look at everything that's happening on youtube and i don't have that so it's a little disorienting for me tonight i hope this was good for you guys i hope you guys enjoyed this and again thank you for making this a tradition in your home and you know i didn't start out saying this i i um but i want to start every torporation just you know thanking yah for for being here and it all comes down to him this is why we're here we're here for him we want to learn from him uh we want to dissect his word and you know there's a i was thinking about the scene from the movie Robin Hood uh Prince of Thieves Kevin Costam in the 90s and you remember there was that more that more individual played by Morgan Freeman and he freed him from torture in a dungeon in Jerusalem and immediately the more he owed him a life debt and and Robin was like no no you're free to go he's like no you don't understand i owe you my life now i'm at your service and he follows him all the way back to England and today in the modern world there's like there's just that is a foreign kind like why would you owe anyone a life debt like that why would you be a slave to somebody just because they did this nice thing for you right but that's how i think of my relationship with yah i mean for me i see myself as that more i was freed from the dungeon i was freed from shiel i was freed from death uh i was i was get pointed the you know i i have fallen from uh grace and messiah came to just show me the way not only do i oh yah yahwah uh my life debt because he created me like i he deserves my life i would not have a life i would not have consciousness of my existence i would not be here right now enjoying this beautiful world that he created uh if it weren't for him so right there i owe him my life but not only that because of what yohushah hama shiok did as he atoning sacrifice as my high priest my metallic priest and king um i owe i owe him my life debt and it was something continuing for all eternity he he deserves everything and so that's why i'm here i hope that's why you're here and um let's go forward into the Sabbath day with rest and um i got a lot more coming next week a lot to look forward to and just one more reminder it's getting i had a long week i'm really tired i'm just family vacation it was great time i'm exhausted if y'all puts it on in your heart please please please uh can pray about it consider giving to this ministry be a part of yah's blessing uh rebekah's depending on it i'm dependent upon it my family's dependent upon it and of course um Pamela as well she translates these books uh really really really needs it as well and it's a great blessing to her so love everybody thank you for being a part of this we'll do this again next week can i everybody