Daily Motivations


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23 Sep 2024
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I don't care how good you are in anything. You don't have discipline. You ain't nobody. Right. Nothing of discipline, because you give up under the slightest struggle of discipline. Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but do it like you love it. You don't have to feel good about it. You just have to keep going. The feeling will pass, but you will remain. You are greater than your feelings. Going to bed late and waking up early to work for a few days won't kill you. You're not going to burn out. You're doing what it takes. If you're one of those people that push work-life balance, just remember the people who like working a lot, don't care. I've never regretted trying harder at anything ever. Hard times last long, but an epic story feels like a lifetime. Fuck. You're motivation. Motivation. You need discipline, because motivation's not there every day. I'm missing motivation most days. Through discipline, through self-discipline, through repetition, through tons of repetition, the same thing that you don't want to do. That's the key thing. Through repetition of things you don't want to do, you develop like an armor for your mind. You start to armor your mind. You're like, "Okay, we suffer, we suffer every day." That's what we do. We do stuff that sucks every day, so then the suck stuff comes. You're ready for it. Motivation, you get to learn to exist without it. You have to learn to be your best self and your least motivated. And that's the tricky part about all that shit. Motivation is just a word. You have to have these different things in your mind on where you want to go and know that motivation's not going to get me there. 'Cause I'm not going to always be motivated. The discipline can seem like it's your worst enemy, but the reality is, discipline is your best friend. It will take care of you like nothing else can, and it'll put you on that path. The path to strength and health and intelligence and happiness. Tingles for discipline. Doing the thing, in spite of not wanting to do the thing, is discipline, right? You don't need motivation to get yourself up to go and do with it. Make the promise small, build it up step by step. Know that you are going to have setbacks. A habit missed once is a mistake. A habit missed twice is the start of a new habit. Never miss two days in a row. People would have known where I find my strength at, where I get my strength. I get it from a lot of places. But right now this morning, I'm getting it from... There's not a motherfucker that's up. There's not a car, there's not a person. Everybody's in their bed, sleep, dreading that it's a Monday. Hey, this is a Monday. And I'm loving it. I'm loving that whereby it's getting weaker, I'm getting stronger. It's not about to run and to swim into push-ups to sit-ups. It's about what those things do for your mentality. You don't get better on the Dagon couch. You get better about coming out here and getting up after every Dagon day. You said that discipline needs motivation for breakfast. Jocko said the exact same thing. Think about the things that you tell yourself, the lies you use to rationalize, taking the easy road. Taking the easy road and leaving discipline behind. Think about them. I'm trying to get to where I'm going. It ain't nobody going to stop me or whatever going on, to talk in it, the captions or whatever the memes. It can't stop me because it's a vision that I have and it's goals that I have to set out for myself, that I got to get there no matter what. The suffering before your mind starts saying we need self-talk. So what I tell myself is I go back to the months and years of preparation to get to that day. And I'm telling myself, the 3.30 in the morning, and I'm looking at my shoes and I want to go out there and run 30 miles. I have to in that moment of this self-talk of mindset, you got to find more, you got to find more, I once again calm down, go back into my mind in my cookie jar, I call it, and I had to reflect back on the shit I did to get here. And that becomes my self-talk. Self-talk does not work unless it is real. Most of us lie to ourselves in this self-talk. It doesn't work. It has to be real, it has to be something that you've done to make it really work. I'm doing something I don't want to do. Every time I start doing things I don't want to do, I grow. Everyone says discipline is so important, but they never want to tell you why. I'll tell you why. It's the strongest form of self-love. It's ignoring something you want right now for something better later on. Discipline reveals the commitment you have to your dreams, especially on the days that you don't want to. The future you is depending on the current you, to keep the promises that you made to yourself yesterday. Motivation is crap. People right now, maybe listening to this, they'll be motivated to go run. If it's cold somewhere where they're at, a lot of them shut that door, go back inside. That's motivation. It comes and go as how you feel. If you and your wife are good, if you and your kids are good, if you're good at work, you're motivated. I like the mother of whose life is imploded and got sh*t in life and says, "Still gotta f*ck it after today, man." Your attitude has a giant effect, not just on your life, but on other people's lives around you. To do anything successfully in life, you gotta want it as bad as you want to breathe. And if you want it that bad, if you're willing to give it that much, you get a big piece of what you want. And dreams do come true. Anything you want can happen and become a reality. So you, there are a thousand ways to say this, but listen, because I'm only gonna say it once. I flop for it, because no one gave it to me, because it was just me, me alone in the gym, me alone in the mirror, me alone in my head. No one did it for me. I worked for it, and I'm never gonna let someone else take that from me. Everybody just wants to be comfortable. Everybody wants to sit on the couch. I don't want to go outside. It's cool. I don't want to do this. It's hot. Like, you've got to do things that you don't want to do because you show your body that your mind is the boss. Your mind is telling your body what to do, and then you have control. Keep repeating. The consistency is the most difficult thing. Just turn it every day. Yes, every day. Do you ever wake up and you're saying, "I don't want to do it today." I fight against that. You know, it's the big challenge. It's when you're not willing to do something, but you have to do it. This is the main point. This is why I say our mind, it's a box of surprises, and you have to challenge yourself to be consistent. I repeat, sometimes it's hard. It's what many people say. You like to go to the gym every day. Of course not. It's not true. Nobody likes to go to the gym every day. But you have to do it. If I'm running on a treadmill and I get to mile nine and I get completely cramp in one of my legs, and I know I've told myself I'm going to run 10 kilometers today, he goes, "I will have to limp the last mile, even if no one's watching, because I can't let the demons in. And if I let the demons in, they'll show up in the 11th round of a championship fight when there's 50,000 people watching me in the audience. And I know, deep in my self-story, that I'm the type of person that quits when things get hard, because I got off that treadmill at mile nine when no one was watching. It would modify my self-story. The commitments we keep to ourself and what we do when no one's watching is the most persuasive evidence that governs everything we then do every day thereafter. What if... A lot of times, I'll be in a tournament at mile run or something like that, and I'm all jacked up. Body's broken, mind's broken, spirit's broken. I start to say, "What if I can pull this off?" When I first walked into the Navy City Recruiter's office, he looked at me and said, "It's only been 35 African Americans and 70 years make it through." You know what I said to myself? What if I can be the 36th? As to what if I can pull off a fucking miracle? What if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be? And just me talking about that, I have the hair going up on my arms, because it makes me just like, "What if?" You say, the emotionally immature man seeks out motivation to do something hard one time. The emotionally mature man uses discipline to do something hard a thousand times. Why is emotional maturity related to motivation and discipline? When you have emotional maturity, you realize that some days you're not going to sleep well. Some days you're going to wake up and you've got your schedule and everything's planned out, and the poop hits the fan. And whether things go well or not that day, the emotionally mature man will still do what he has to do to stack his wins, to focus on his purpose. Whereas the emotionally immature man will say, "Well, I didn't sleep well. I had nightmares, so I'll stay in bed. I didn't sleep well." Or, "It's raining outside. It's cold outside. I don't feel good. I just woke up and the airplanes hit the World Trade Center, so I guess I have to change my pattern of life." You have to stay the course no matter what. And it takes a high level of emotional maturity because your emotions dictate your motion. Every morning, every day of our lives, we have choices to make. You have the choice to stay in bed, to stay. Forget it. I'm not going to work out today or forget it. I'm not going to work hard today. You always have a choice every single day of your life. Don't make excuses. Don't blame any other person or any other thing. Bro, you've got to stop. You've got to stop with all those "I Can't Catch a Break" bull. All the time you're complaining, you could be instead hustling. You could be instead chasing your dream. You could be instead figuring out what you're doing wrong, trying to prove certain aspects of your life, getting together, reading a book, meditating, something. Something. But this "I Can't Catch a Break" is not helping anybody, and it pushes everybody away from you. And I look at it as like a rock, and you find this rock and that rock is you. And every day you fight, not wanting to get up, and you do it anyway. You chip another piece off that rock, and every day you eat the right foods, and every day you go to train, you train hard and hard and hard and harder, and you get up early. And all these things you do to start forming yourself, you're chipping another piece of that rock up before you know it. You get this beautiful piece of artwork that you built. You've got to do something to get control of your brain, of your mind. You've got to check yourself. I don't care how you do it. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance, request maintenance, and communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renters' warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check, rent collection, check, maintenance coordination, you've got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners' warehouse. Fall into big savings! All in the King Supers app. Get delicious Kroger pasta sauce or pasta for 99 cents each with your card. Then get flavorful large avocados for 99 cents each with your card and a digital coupon. Shop these deals at your local King Supers less than five miles away or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers, fresh for everyone, prices and product availability subject to change, restrictions apply. See site for details. I don't care if you if you set an alarm every 45 minutes so you can audit your thoughts. So you can audit what is influencing you. So you can control what's influencing you. Control the things you think about. You can actually control how you feel. You can control what you think. And you can definitely control what you do. Do not be a slave to influence. You've got to be the master of your mind. A friendly reminder that in three generations, everyone who knew us will be dead, including the people whose opinions stopped you from doing what you wanted all along. Imagine that someone you know achieves every dream and hits every goal they have. Years later, they get old and die. Two years after that, how much do you care? About as much as everyone else will, if you accomplish your goals and dreams, do it for you. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is permanent. And a lot of times you have to learn to perform without motivation. You have to learn to perform without purpose. You have to learn to perform a lot of different things. And that's what people think. They think I need to have this motivation to work out, to study, to be better. So if they don't have it, they just don't do it. You've got friends that like to party, right? They like to go out. They like to drink and go out to the clubs. You're on those people. Also, you start feeling that little urge. And you've got other friends that are disciplined. They are going to go to the gym early in the morning. They make you want to work out. If you aren't careful, you can slide down the path of least resistance. The path. Path to weakness. Who are you? On those days, you don't want to do things. It's easy to conquer when it's good weather. You've got good sleep and work's going good. The family's good. You feel great. Your body's not injured. Those are the easy days to conquer. But who are you almost days when all hell's broke loose? Your body's fucked up. Your sore. You're depressed. You're miserable. You're not the favorite person at school. You might be getting bullied. You might be falling behind in life. Who are you on those days when shit's all fucked up? That's the great divide. Those people who get up on those days, when everything's tough and still grind, that's the separator right there. Some of these motivational people are here. It's the funniest thing they'll want to me. They'll go and say, "When you wake up in the morning, pound your chest and look at yourself in the mirror and do all this bullshit." I hope it works. What works for me is that everyday resume, the things I know of a conference, the things I know I've done, real hard work, the real calluses on my mind, the real calluses on my hands. That's it. Be the guy who embraces the ugly, the miserable. Be the guy who embraces hard work, the grind. Don't be afraid of being heard. Don't be afraid of a sacrifice of some blood. You don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are, outwork yourself out. There's nothing you're going to say. There's nothing you're going to do. That's going to outweigh anything I've already said to myself. You, uh, that guy sucks. He's ugly. He's fat. He's just full of shit. I've already said that. You know? What do you think most people get wrong about motivation? They think it's a permanent fix. They think it's something that is a constant. They think that maybe once I get it, I'm going to hold on to it. And that's the thing that I was telling you that I always talk about. It's nothing that's permanent. I never forget one time I was running by a graveyard. When I was trying to become a fat and I ran by a graveyard and I looked out there and I have all these epiphanies, man. I've always moments of like this crazy man of this thought. I'm always by myself. I'm always deep. I can't thought about how to be better. I look out there. I'm like, man, I wonder how many of your mother was in there. Just are so upset with how you lived your life. If you just regret how you lived it and I'm running a 300 pound man thinking, man, don't die like this, bro. Don't die like this. So people wonder where this shit comes from from me. It comes from such deep thought of trying to see what this is all about. What is this life all about? What am I all about? Why am I here? You know, I had to find purpose and my suffering. It had a purpose. It had a purpose. What if all of us took that attitude as we face a rejection and a Noah, we have a meeting and no one shows up or somebody say, you can count on me and they don't come through. What if we have that kind of attitude? The cause repossessed. Nobody believes in you. You've lost again and again and again. The lights are cut off, but you're still looking at your dream. Reviewing it every day and saying to yourself, it's not over until I win. You have to learn how to get up and do. You ain't got no 5k, no 10k. Nothing, nothing exists. Your life sucks. You're in the dungeon. But guess what, motherfucker? I'm still going to get it. But all of that noise is gone. It's quiet. And it's you against you. And now all those endorphins are gone. And I promise you may have been getting up early and getting after to go lose weight study harder. Guess what? It's louder, harder now. That repetition becomes a lot harder now. The most important question you ask is what pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for? Anything worthwhile is going to require some degree of pain and struggle. So if you're oriented toward the pain and the struggle, you're probably going to be more aligned with what you're capable of accomplishing rather than if you just orient toward the pleasures. It's easy to give up. You're real easy? It's the easiest thing in the world to do. All right, man, I'm done. I ain't going. I ain't going to keep going. I don't feel like going to work. So what? Yeah, man. Easy. It's very easy. But what's hard is going, yo, yesterday I got nothing from working as hard as I could. Nothing happened from that. I'm going to do the same thing again today, but I'm going to try to go harder. That's the hardest thing in the world. To get up every day and give 100% and be in the same position that you were each day, but mentally know that you're trying and trying and trying. That's a real, that's a real grind. I want to be uncommon amongst uncommon people. I want it to be the guy. I don't care if you can lighten. I'll keep you on a stand. I mean, once I went through this during this path of life, you ain't got a whole bunch of guys that don't fight me. I don't give a. I'm a warrior. A warrior is a motherfucker who says, hey, I'm here again today. I'm here again tomorrow. I'm going to be here the next day. I'm 50 years old and I'm still getting after it. It's a person that puts no limit on what's possible. Every day I wake up, I don't want to do something. I'm like, OK, man, do you want to be a bit today? Do you want to feel like a little bit? Do you want to walk around all day knowing that you could, but you didn't? There's no passion, no motivation. There's no, oh my god, man. This is no. It's every day of your life just doing. People talk about discipline and determination and repetitions and all this consistency. Why people fall off the wagon so often is because their mind is full of. There's no room in that mind for discipline. There's no room for consistency. They may do it once or twice, but then the mind takes over and that cluttered garage comes in. And then it's like a circuit breaker, man. A circuit breaker just overloads and sparks. Preparing to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Scheduling time to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Making it to do list for the thing isn't doing the thing. Telling people you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Messaging friends who may or may not be doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Writing a banger tweet about how you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on yourself and not doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on other people who have done the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on the obstacles in the way of you doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Fantasizing about all of the adoration you'll receive once you do the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading about how to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading about how other people did the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading this essay isn't doing the thing. The only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing. There was no talent. It was just try again, try again, try again. And that sucks, man. You don't need talent. You need discipline because I know there's so many people that have the ability and just refuse to get off that couch. Refuse to study a few more hours. Refuse to go deeper, to go further. And that's where I gained the advantage. It's so easy to be great nowadays my friend because most people are weak. Most people don't want to go to that extra mile. Most people don't want to find that extra because it sucks. It's miserable. It's lonely. It's the moments in life, the decisions you make on a moment to moment basis that add up to be the guy or not the guy. Tonight I did something that I feel more of a guy, for me, who I am, my guy. Life is one big tug of war and you don't win that tug of war by pushing the road. You have to pull that mother in a lot of times you have to pull yourself through life. This morning I did not want to get up, so I had to pull my out of bed. But guess what? The more and more I got into that run, each step into that run, I was trying to gain more and more confidence. But to gain that confidence you have to be willing to pull yourself out of bed, pull yourself out of a funk, pull yourself out of whatever life is throwing at you, to gain that confidence. By the time the run was over I was like you mother. I once again beat you, you've got to be willing to find the confidence. Stay in the fight, stay in the war, stay in the battle, over your mind. I'm telling you, you don't need to determine. I'm telling you it's worth it. Oh yeah. I'm telling you it is worth it. And you know what? You actually know it's worth it. That's why you're asking this question. You know it's worth it. You know it's worth it to have discipline, but you think there's an easier way. You think that it's something that people have. You think that when Jocko's alarm clock goes off, it's like, oh, just like my father taught me, I rise and I shine. You know, like, no, it's like the pillow feels soft and comfortable. Yeah. And the alarm clock is banging on my head and I don't like it. You know what? I know it's worth it to get up and get after it. I know it's worth it and you know it's worth it. Everybody knows you got to pay a price for winning, but most people aren't willing to pay it. They may pay it once, but literally you got to pay it every single day. And the crazy part about that is the price changes daily. Just like the stock market goes up and down. The price of winning changes on a daily, daily basis. And you got to be willing to pay that price for whatever it is on that day. So you want to be normal. So you just want to be like everybody else that roams the world, not knowing the power that's in them, being fine with being mediocre. You want to go back to who you were, huh, David? I don't like that, man. I have that conversation with yourself every day. Not every day. It's those bad days. Yeah, it's those bad days. I see a whole bunch of people walking around out here. We have no idea how talented they truly are. Now I'm talking about talent, like some guy giving the ability. Talent that sometimes you have to hone, you have to work on, and you have to harness yourself. And they just walk around on their phones. It's clueless to how powerful they are. The thing is with me is I don't give up. I don't give a **** when anybody says, or what anybody thinks. I have this mindset. I know exactly who the **** I am. I have my circle of people that I hang around with who know me and know what I'm about, whatever. And anybody else who doesn't like it or doesn't want it? It's not bad. There comes a **** day where push comes a shelf. Where being mediocre and being like average is **** burns and sucks so much. You can't deal with it one more day. And you get off and you create something. It's always been there. It's always been inside of you trying to come out. But you've never wanted to unwrap because there's too much pain and commitment. You are scared you're going to fail. You're scared if you started, you never finished it. You didn't want to tell anybody. You knew it was there, but you never wanted to embark on it. Until something hits, you get fired, or somebody else gets success. Remind you what you could have been. And then the **** bar is born. And no matter what happens, I'm never going to be in this boat again. And you get up and you go even get knocked and you just keep going. Keep going. You're a wild man. And life has never been so sweet. And you know, you learn from those mistakes. Those failures that you have are so consequential. And then you don't want that to happen again. So you've got to be either quit or get way better. This is what I believe. And I'm willing to die for it. Yeah. Period. You have to pick a path of discipline. I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Nothing. Motivation is a feeling that comes and goes. And it doesn't matter whether it's there or not. Discipline is infinitely more important. So no matter how you feel, get up and do what you're supposed to do. That's it. And that's discipline. It's not motivation. If you only did what you were supposed to do when you were motivated to do it, that's leaving it to chance. But if you're disciplined, you go to what you're supposed to do. That's the way it works. And this thing that people do, they avoid discomfort. It sounds ridiculous, but it just creates more discomfort. You don't realize that in embracing discomfort and forcing yourself to do something very uncomfortable that you can control like an ice bath, like a sauna, like a run, like a workout. You are eliminating another form of discomfort. I torture myself physically. I'm always working out. I'm always exhausted. I'm always taking ice baths. I took a sauna before I got here today. I'm always doing something. Always. I never have a day where there's not some kind of struggle. If I have a day where I just lay around, I'm like, this is weird. Like, it's one of the things that I have to do on vacation. When I get up in the morning, whenever on vacation, the first thing I do is work out. I'm like, I gotta do this. Otherwise, I'm not going to be able to enjoy this time off with my family. I gotta get up before everybody else, and I gotta work out hard. Look, when you're a kid, you're all potential. It's chaotic potential. It can manifest itself in any number of ways. And maybe you don't want to give that up. So you're like Peter Pan. You want to be a kid forever, because you don't want to give up the potential. And you look out in the world and all you see are Captain Hooks, you know, who've lost a hand, who were chased by death, because that's the clock in the crocodile. It's already got a taste of him. It's terrified by death and he's a tyrant. Well, I don't want to grow up to be that. So I won't be disciplined at all. Well, that's no good. Because the way the potential transforms itself into actualities through discipline. And I think psychologically, the advantage that gives me over a lot of people that I have been in competition with in different situations is it's difficult to take the first step when you look how big the task is. The task is never huge to me. It's always one brick. I believe and I learned very young that you don't try to build a wall. You don't set out to build a wall. You don't say, "I'm going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that's ever been built." You don't start there. You say, "I'm going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid." There will not be one brick on the face of the earth that's going to be laid better than this brick than I'm going to lay in this next 10 minutes. And you do that every single day so you have a wall. You write that motivation is crap. It's crap. Yes. Right. What do you mean? Motivation is kindling. So basically, what it is, is I may motivate some people a day for this four minutes I'm on TV. Yep. Oh my god, I'm a good dude. I'm going to do that. Great. But let's say it's real cold out in New York City. Let's say it's 30 degrees. You go all the sides, you get to the gloves on, you go for a five mile run. You're going to forget everything you said. Everything I said is gone. Yeah. That's motivation. So you write about how Rocky motivated you. Right. That movie motivated you. But you had to take it that next step. So how do you do that then? Well, the thing about it is, it's about being driven almost to the point where you're obsessed. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, turn off the lease at a rent collection, handling its request, maintain communication. Whew. Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. Fall into big savings. All in the King Supers app. Get delicious Kroger pasta sauce or pasta for 99 cents each with your card. Then get flavorful large avocados for 99 cents each with your card and a digital coupon. Shop these deals at your local King Supers. Less than five miles away. Or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers. Fresh for everyone. Prices and product availability subject to change. Restrictions apply. See site for details. When you get to that point of being driven and possibly obsessed, you no longer care if there's 30 degrees outside. And then the next day comes and you're back playing again and you understand that life has the cyclical nature of words. You know, what you do on Monday, it's fantastic, but then Tuesday is a bad day. But guess what? There's Wednesday. So are we just supposed to live our lives like this the whole time? Yeah. You know, versus just staying like this and understanding that it's really just a journey of evolution every day. It's just constant improvement, constant curiosity, constantly getting better. The results don't really matter. It's the figuring out that matters. Yeah, and we all get obsessed about the results. Now we get obsessed about like the output. Yeah. Not the input of not figuring it out and not like changing things. We're used to trial and error like the experimenting. If there's potential inside of you, which you know it's there, but you're too scared to tell anyone else about it, and you go on and on, get older and older and older and older, and the winners of our twos are the clothes. And you knew it could have been given birth to, but you never did it. I promise you, it will haunt you. It'll be more, it's a living nightmare, dude. That fact that you had the ability to do something and you're too weak to turn the key and start the engine on it is a greater disappointment and a greater burden to carry than any of this physical sweat equity. We're pain in the gym or sewer or sacrifice. All that is just nothing compared to a life where you're burdened by regret, guys. Emotions come and go. The important thing is to accept them all, to embrace them all. And then you can choose to do with them what you want versus being controlled by emotion. You know, a lot of times I've seen players, even myself, you know, when I was younger, being consumed by a particular fear and to the point where you're saying, okay, nah, it's not good to feel fear. I shouldn't be nervous in the situation. It does nothing but grow versus stepping back and saying, yeah, I am nervous about the situation. Yeah, I am fearful about the situation. But what am I afraid of? And then you kind of unpack it and then it gives you the ability to look at it for really what it is, which is nothing more than your imagination running its core. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I love that because what you're saying is that when you're dealing with something, it's almost like, how can I get to the root of it? Yeah. Because sometimes what we're dealing with, like you're saying, it's an imagination, an illusion. It's not really a thing. The next time you're facing a fear, the next time you're going against something, do that. They literally unpack it. Don't just settle for your first answer because the first answer is really the right one. It don't hide from it. You know, you got to be able to look at it and, you know, and deal with it head on. Yeah, I love that, man. I don't know what to do. It's like, that's okay. Nobody does. Go do something. Do the best thing that you can think of. Put the best plan you have into practice. It's not going to be perfect and it will change along the way. But it will change partly because you become disciplined pursuing the path. And as you become disciplined, you become wiser. And as you become wiser, you become able to formulate better and better plans. I've never really viewed myself as particularly talented. Where I excel is ridiculous, sickening work ethic. You know, while the other guys sleeping, I'm working. While the other guys eating, I'm working. Our minds are like, um, garage. And the garage, if you open a garage that's all cluttered up, it's all up. You can't put your car in there. You've got oats and you've got kids toys and shit where. But if you organize that garage and you put everything in its rightful spot, you can put that car in there. You can put two cars and you can put bikes in there. And that's like with the mind. People talk about discipline and determination and, you know, repetitions and all this consistency. Why people fall off the wagon so often is because their mind is full of shit. There's no room in that mind for discipline. There's no room for consistency. They may do it once or twice, but then the mind takes over and that cluttered garage comes in. And then it's like a circuit breaker man, a circuit breaker that's overloads and sparks. And our minds, that's our mind, man. It's like a circuit breaker that's so much shit. You keep on loading it. You can't put any more into it clear and space in your mind. So then you have room for all those discipline waking up early, taking those, because they do mean something. But we don't get to that dark matter that is keeping you from clearing out that mental garage. The separation of talent and skill is one of the greatest, misunderstood concepts for people who are trying to excel, who have dreams that want to do things. Talent you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft. Well, I don't know what to do. It's like, that's okay. Nobody does. Go do something. Do the best thing that you can think of. Put the best plan you have into practice. It's not going to be perfect and it will change along the way. But it will change partly because you become disciplined pursuing the path. And as you become disciplined, you become wiser. And as you become wiser, you become able to formulate better and better plans. There is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living. I'm sure people have told you to make sure you have something to fall back on. Make sure you got something to fall back on, honey. But I never understood that concept, having something to fall back on. If I'm going to fall, I don't want to fall back on anything. I want to fall forward. I figure at least this way, I'll see what I'm going to hit. I always knew that I could work hard enough. There wasn't an issue with discipline or there wasn't an issue with the ability to sacrifice or the willingness to sacrifice. Say, man, me and you are going to do this together. And you don't be on my first start slacking. I don't be on your first start slacking. And I'll never accept mediocre again. I'm always going to give you my 110%. That's the only thing I can ever say, solid day's work. That's all that will ever find peace in. If you guys do not do that, I promise you, your life will haunt you for the rest of your days. I hope you guys get what I'm saying. I'm going to tell you what, when once you get it, come on over this side of the fence. You don't see problems anymore, man. You see situations. You see possibilities. And you can't wait to get them started, man. You're like, why did I wait so long to engage? It doesn't matter about the past. It's today. What are we doing today? What are we going to engage now? And once we engage, we commit. There's no half commitment. There's no court commitment. There's no three court. It's full commitment. Once we engage, it's every day we engage. Because that's the better life. And the people you will surround yourself are like-minded. And they're better friends. Friends and family for life, man. They have your back. They're solid individuals. Doing solid tasks. Leaving a solid impact of legacy for other people. That's a solid life, man. It's your option, though. What are you going to do? There's no easy way around it. No matter how talented you are, your talent is going to fail you. If you're not skilled, you know, if you don't study, if you don't work really hard and dedicate yourself to being better every single day. Effort, dedication, work hard. Because the talent is not enough anymore. And if you don't dedicate it under percent, you're not going to reach the level that you want. For example, you arrive home. You have the lunch. You do it a quick nap. And you wake up. You play with your keys. And I have to go to the gym at least 30, 40 minutes. But this will make the difference in the end of the day. You understand? If you do not do that work, you miss one. The next day, it's two sessions as you lost. And I know in the end of the day, in the end, they're going to make a huge difference. This one year, my father had a shop and he decided for whatever reason that he wanted a new wall on the front of his shop. So he tore down probably about 16 feet high and probably about 30 feet long. He just completely tore the wall down. And my brother and I had to dig a six foot hole. For the foundation, we would mix in the concrete by hand. A year and a half. We were building this wall for a year and a half. Every day after school, we were coming. Mixing concrete, putting it in the hole, doing it. And it was just myself and my little brother. And I remember standing back, looking at that wall saying, there's going to be a hole here for every year. A year and a half later, we laid the final brick. And my father stood back with my brother and I. And I know he planned it. He says that he says he didn't. But I know he had the plan and his rightness for the past two years. But we stood back. We looked at the wall and he looked at me and my brother said, "Don't y'all never tell me that you can't do something." And walked into the shop. Because you have to want it. You have to want to be better. A few months ago, I said that I believe that if I chose to, I could be the president of the United States. And I think, as I've had a chance to intellectualize, why I said that. And I think that there's a certain delusional quality that all successful people have to have. You have to believe that something different can happen. So I close to three in the morning right now. You know, the thing is, man, it's always going to be a party. It's always going to be a time to celebrate and a time to join friends and for a data. I mean, the bars are always open, always open. Because how old you are, they're always open, you know? What's not always open is the opportunity to check the box in life. You have to achieve your dreams. That's not always open. How greatness is not this wonderful esoteric, elusive god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste. You know, it's something that truly exists in all of us. Man, hope ain't gonna get you shit because it's not in your hands. Hope is not in your hands. You can't control hope, man. You can't. You get belief. Until you callus over the victim's mentality, that the world is out to get you because of you are the only. You got to change that, man. Yeah, but you don't understand my life, David. Yeah, I do. That's the thing about it. And that's what I can talk about. But yeah, I get what you're saying. A lot of folks don't under, I get that mentality. I once had that mentality that no one understands what I'm going through. And if you keep that mentality, you're going to stay in the same exact spot that you're in. Let me teach you the real life, how it really is. The reason why you're a loser, the reason why you're not making it, and the reason why you're trying to go to all these, I go to all these conventions, speak all the time. I'm looking at an audience. These people sign up, sign up, sign up. And every year, go to a convention thinking they're going to learn something and different. No, you're lazy. You know exactly what to do. Exactly what to do. Because even me, in my state of, I can't read and write, I knew exactly what to do. It just sucks doing it. It sucks to do it. It sucks to wake up every morning of your life and say, God, man, I'm not smart. So guess what I gotta do? I gotta study the same shit that I got one of the highest scores in the nation on. And do it again, do it again, do it again. It's not just there. We're not on this stage just because of talent or ability. We're up here because of 4 a.m. We're up here because of two a days or five a days. We're up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way. If anything tried to bring us down, we used it to make us stronger. We were never satisfied, never finished, we'll never be retired. My high school English teacher, Mr. Fist, he had this beautiful quote and he read, "Rest at the end, not in the middle." And I took that to heart. I believe there's time for resting at the end. But for me, that time is not now. To have a dream, sacrifice for it, and never ever rest in the middle. Tired, 14 days, 13 days, whatever the hell it is. Don't mean nothing. Tired is only in the mind. You tell yourself, you're tired, you're going to be tired. I don't get tired. It's so easy to be great nowadays my friend because most people are weak. Most people don't want to go to that extra mile. Most people don't want to find that extra because it sucks. It's miserable. It's lonely. The struggle is real. It never gets any easier. You've got to get harder. After I ask the sky, I have to understand like why he works like that. So after the game, I'm like, "Hey, Kobe, why were you in the gym for so long?" He's like, "Because I saw you come in and I wanted you to know that it doesn't matter how hard you work, that I'm willing to work harder than you." God, I know every mother ain't going to do what I'm going to do. That's how you level up. For me, I was more miserable trying to make everyone else happy than I am now with everyone else unhappy with me. Because when nobody's looking, that's the time that really counts. That's the time that really matters. The working out at 5, 6 a.m. And then all the practices and all the extra conditioning. That work that you do every single day is key. Because that's what you're going to be able to fall back on. And that's just going to be able to rely on when push comes to shove. If a person would sit down and let their body relax, totally relax. And then start to visualize in their mind. See themselves the way they want to see themselves. Write out a description of how you'd like to see yourself. Start to read it. And read it. And read it. And read it every day. Carry around and keep reading it. The one point that all the great teachers all down through history have all agreed on. They've been in complete unanimous agreement on it. We become what we think about it. Now it may be fantasy at first. It might even appear to us as being a lie. But if you read it often enough, you'll start to believe it. And when William James said believe in your belief will create the fact you will see the person's personality change. I watch people in the seminars personality change right in front of my eyes. And all they're doing is starting to see themself different. They're starting to think different facts. This next generation is just such a group of people. I just, for the small group of savages out there. Run these kids right over, man. Run them all over. That was always my mentality. Nobody's ever going to f***ing out work me. So it should be yours. You out there that are listening right now. There's never been more opportunity than there is today. Getting up at four o'clock in the morning every day before anybody else and grounding my thought process is in the no one will outwork me. No one. Mother won't outwork me. I'll start with this. Two hands. Put no to work. I'm already working all of the hours that I'm awake. And I've already given up Saturdays. So the only thing that I have left is like Sundays and evenings. I am no longer going to be watching any football. And I'm no longer going to have Netflix at all. That's what I'm sacrificing. And I think a lot of people create these to-do lists when in my experience it's been so much more useful to write down all the things that I'm willing to sacrifice. Because if you sacrifice everything, there's nothing left than to do the one thing that matters. I discovered work ethic and how far I could push myself. And I discovered one immutable truth. I could get so good that people would be terrified to lose me. There you go. And in fact, Kobe has a quote, it's even better. Which is booze don't block dunks. You can get so good people can't stop you. I could go back to that moment and just not be afraid, just recognize that I look whatever could be out there, I could have it. A warrior is not always that. A warrior is a mother of a girl who says, "Hey, I'm here again today. I'm here again tomorrow. I'm going to be here the next day. I'm 50 years old. I'm still getting out of it." It's a person that puts no limit on what's possible. There is no excuse not being the hardest worker. Yeah, some let me figure stronger, faster, quicker, younger, whatever else. But there is no excuse to not be the hardest working worker there. And when you believe that you had the ability to do something, that the life that you're living right now is going down this direction, you can hate where it is. There is nothing else to do but to change direction. I'll believe that I cannot go that way anymore. I've got to go this way. And what do you have to lose? You know the outcome if you continue the same shit. Why not just commit one time in your life to something? See what happens. There are no losers in the world of passion and commitment to something. No one loses there. The losers are the people that sit the starting line and never initiate. It's a belief that some privacy exists. There's so many examples in the Olympics. And every day we see the common man with the odds against them, overcoming what people thought could never happen. And probably he didn't even think it. But there he stands victorious and a role model to all of us. I mean, oh my God, we want to be him. But before he was him, he was us. What got him there was an undying belief. And every drop of sweat that came out and every pain and ache and everything else. Was just a telltale sign. They'd get closer and closer to that dream that we were when we were kids of being a reality. Why not believe in it? What's the other option? There is no other option. It's a life forgotten, man. But like to know, what's the biggest key to your personal success? Who is hard? Of course, talent without work is nothing. You're going to lose sleep. You'll doubt whether it'll work. You'll stress to make ends meet. You won't finish your to-do list. You'll wonder whether you made the right call and have no way to know for years. This is what hard feels like. And that's okay. Everything worth doing is hard. And the more worth doing it is, the harder it is. The greater the payoff. The greater the hardship. If it's hard, good. It means no one else will do it. More for you. Why are you out running at 4.35 o'clock in the morning and not later in the day? Why do fighters do that? Because I don't want to do it. I mean, just if it displays how to do things that you don't want to do. I don't want to do it. I don't think I want to get a foreign run. I realize, man, if I want to be good, I've got to wake up in the morning. I've got to do the extra work. And I've got to show up when other guys aren't. And I've got to learn. I've got to continue to be open to learning. Focus on what you can control. Focus on what you're getting, not what anyone else is getting. Whenever you get an opportunity, you take advantage of it. You treat it like it's the Super Bowl. You treat it like it's game day. Go out there and treat practice like no one else does. You have no idea how great you really are. Because you are using such minimal, minimal of what you have. So in this job, you're looking for cockroaches, looking for rodents and stuff like that. And this next morning or this next night, I went to work. And I don't like cockroaches too much. I hit the motherload of cockroaches. And this restaurant got full of cockroaches and rode-ins and everything else. And I sat there and said, "This is my life." I said, "This is my life. You are exactly who the..." This is it. And I said, "This ain't going to be it for me." So in that restaurant, I quit my job. Left my canister in that restaurant, my spray canister. Got back in my EcoLab truck and I went home. And I started working out like somebody. I became the most obsessed person on the planet Earth. And then just worked like hell. I mean, you just kept it, put in 80-hour, 80-100-hour weeks every week. But all those things improved, the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40-hour work weeks and you're putting in 100-hour work weeks, then even if you're doing the same thing, you know that we will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing, screen-tenants, drive out the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's Warehouse. Fall into big savings, all in the King Supers app. Get delicious Kroger pasta sauce or pasta for $0.99 each with your card. Then get flavorful large avocados for $0.99 each with your card and a digital coupon. Shop these deals at your local King Supers less than five miles away or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers, fresh for everyone, prices and product availability subject to change, restrictions apply. See site for details. If you have one good day where you eat clean, you drink a lot of water and you like you did. You got that day, you woke up, you put your shoes on, you went for a run, you worked out your driveway, you got a good day in it. That's sometimes all you need to do and decide. This is what I do from now on. I have good days. Yeah. Tomorrow's going to be another good day. And then I'm going to force myself into another good day. And the next thing you know, I've got some momentum. My legs are all beat down, low was me tired for like s***. But guess what? I know. How about days off? One day but not today. Hang on a second, man. You can achieve the absolute impossible. You don't need great parents. You don't need like a private school. You don't need to have this humongous GPA and all those s***. What you need is the one thing I talked about my book, which is straight up brutal work ethic. You have to be willing to outwork everybody in the world. From the social group I had before I quit my job, before going all the way like ground zero to today, I talked to no one from that time of my life compared to today. And I was absolutely miserable and unhappy and unfulfilled. And I would say that the majority of those people probably don't like me today because I changed. I didn't do what I was supposed to do. He thinks he's so fancy now, etc, etc. And I think I'm just okay with that. And so I think coming to terms with the idea that I could be absolutely rejected by everyone I know. But like me, I was more okay with that because the alternative was I didn't want to live anymore. And so obviously there's degrees and there's continues and there's stages of where people are at with that. But as that being the taken to its logical extreme, what I'd rather live for them than live for me, I would rather be hated by everyone than like myself. Everyone does a few reps when it burns starts. No one goes the extra mile. It keeps going. Like no one's in here right now. Why? Because it's Saturday evening and it was my party. No one's in here. It's me. You know, no one goes the extra mile. The thing about traffic jams, guys, there aren't no traffic jams in the last mile of the race. It's just you and your shadow. In the beginning, everybody's there. All the pretenders and the contenders. They're all there. For the last yard of life. The last mile of the journey. Ain't nobody but you in the shadow. Traffic jams don't exist that far. Does everyone else start giving up? That's what I like too. The mental concept. I'm going that far. I love the physical high or the burn being released. I love the mental high that I've improved myself. I love the mentality that I'm defeating my competitors silently where they don't even know it. They're all partying. I'm out here getting ahead. I'm not good enough, smart enough. I'm not talented enough to do that. Some people are. Some people can start at one. Some people don't have to start at all. If you lack talent, you can't sit back and say, "I'll start in half an hour. I can't do that. I got to start now." I think it's really profound in terms of how quickly people move through life in terms of achieving the goals that they set out. How is that guy so young and he's achieved X, Y, and Z? It's like, "Well, what takes you a month to make a decision? We make it an hour. And then the next hour, I make another decision that takes a year next month." And so that's how you can go 30 times or 100 times faster than the "average person" who's overweight, has $1,000 in their bank account and is going to die at 70. And then after I get back from starting, I got started again. And then when I get done with that run or that study session, if it wasn't good enough, I got to go back again. Because repetition is what taught me everything. So you can honestly outwork anything. Reminder that if you want to be exceptional, you're going to be different from everyone else. That's what makes you exceptional. You can't fit in and also be exceptional. Both have discomfort. When you fit in, you have internal conflict because you're not being 100% you. When you're exceptional, you have external conflict because everyone sees you as different. Pick one. When your friends start to say, "You've changed." Remember, it's because they don't know how to say, "You've grown." I'd say just listen to yourself. Don't listen to anybody else. Not one person because God forbid anything went wrong. You can't blame other people. I'm start pointing the finger. Always know that you're only to blame yourself because you made that decision. And whatever you do in life, never regret it. Never if thoughts should have would have could have give everything while you can, when you can, and leave nothing to behind. No one's going to come to help me. No one's going to come to help me. It's just me against me, period. I didn't have them. Come wake me up at three o'clock in the fucking morning and say, "Hey, you got to get your shit in." I had no trainer. I have a nutritionist. It was the self-discipline that I had to survive. I was weak to thrive. No one's saying, "Hey, man, you're 297 pounds, man. I'm going to help you out. I'm going to help. Hey, man, you're fucking, you're not smart. I'm going to help you out." I had to work at all this. I had to overcome and it self-disciplines everything. If you don't have it, I don't look at you right now. I know you're capable of more. It's not discipline so much for me. It's all on you. It's all on you. The self-part. It was big. For the next two years, all I'm going to do is get a good grades. I didn't date. I didn't party. I didn't drink. I literally didn't leave my dorm room. I worked. I put my head down for two years and I just worked. So today, I decided to try to PR my long run. So the first half of the run, I'm feeling great. My mind is clear. Nothing going on. Think about nothing but just my running pace. What I'm doing, my breathing, everything like that. Get to mile 15. I turn around and the demons start to creep in. That never but walls creeping up on me. When you push so hard, something stops again. And I started to give. My mind started to break down. I started feeling my legs starting to hurt. I started feeling dehydrated. I started feeling sorry for myself. I started looking around. No one knows I'm not here running. Why don't you go ahead and just stop? Call your girl. I have to pick you up. And that's not quite a little. And this is when your mind has to change. You got to start thinking. I'm the prettiest mother in the world. You're dehydration. Your legs are all sore. You've got shins to place and stress fractures. No, you don't. You've got sore legs. Get out of your head and stay hard. I call the rocky cutscene. And almost every successful person that I have ever encountered has gone through not a month or a year. But many years of doing work without reward. Where they have to do things that other people find boring. And they have to sacrifice things that everyone finds interesting. That most people want to do during that entire season of their life. And they basically sacrifice a season of other things that they would prefer to do. To do stuff that they would not prefer to do. Because of the one thing they want most. And that's the rocky cutscene. And instead of lasting five minutes, it's usually the last five or ten years. I've never seen myself as particularly talented. Where I excel is I'm willing to die in the process of acquiring skill. There is no perfect time to start. You've got to start now with changing your life. We're all being tested in life. And guess what? This is one test you can't cheat on. We all have our own test. Some of us are obese. Some of us are depressed. Some of us are insecure. In the military there's a big old rucksack on the back. Had batteries, water, extra gear. Your extra gear is just a deal with the life. And the only way to overcome it is for you or your alone to face it. You have to do your best work when you're at least motivated. So those days you don't want to do it. Guess what you got to do? You got sick of the **** to do it. Like I want to see what you do when you're tired. Let me see how you push yourself. Come on, man. Get up. Get up again tomorrow. Get up again tomorrow. Get up again tomorrow. The next day. Get up, get up, get up, get up. Keep going. How long can you maintain a positive attitude? So what's the great divide of human beings? Who are you? On those days you don't want to do things. It's easy to conquer when it's just weather. You got good sleep. Work's going good. The family's good. You feel great. Your body's not injured. Those are the easiest days to conquer. But who are you almost ****ing days? When all hell's broke loose. Your body ****ed up. Your sore. You're depressed. You're miserable. You're not the favorite person at school. If I begin bullying, I'd be falling behind in life. Who are you almost days? What is all ****ed up? That's the great divide. Those people who get up on those days, we heard these ****ed up and still crying. That's the separator right there. Stay hard. We're here to get stronger. In order to get stronger, we must fail. Accept that. Know that. That who we are right now is not who we are, but where we are. We're going forward with the belief. Our belief guys drives us work out. Believe in the difference you can be. Stop being average when your potential is crying to come outside of you more than that. Two forms of pain. Pain that breaks you. And the pain that changes you. That's the pain of the change right there. That's the pain of progress. The pain that destroys you isn't ****ed. It's later in life knowing you could have been more. And all it's left is you in the keeping your tears of a possibility left. That you allowed to die. Own your ****ed blood, guys. You got every opportunity. There's no excuse not to be the hardest ****ed worker in the room. And all your diverse schoolwork. The gym, your career, your relationship, your needs attached to it. It's kind of me more than anything. That's your name. It's all you got. Play it out. What if you just never do anything? Is like maybe some people just need to stop dreaming. Maybe they need to accept their current reality and actually enjoy it. Because there's a lot of people in their 70 and 80 and they didn't do their dreams. And if they went back, they didn't do anything but that whole time they were dissatisfied because they didn't try. But what if they were just like, "I have a good life. I have a life who loves me. I've got some kids. I have a job that I don't mind it. Paste the bills." I mean, if you go back 500 years, there wasn't people like, "Man, this is my passion." It's like, "Dude, I'm just rowing a boat across a ferry. And that's what I do. And that's what my dad did and his dad did." Like, "This is how we eat." And so we have these idealized versions of purpose that I think Instagram and all this stuff kind of make terrible. But I think there's a lot of honor and work, period. And I think a lot of people fool themselves by thinking that what they do for some reason is not honorable. And I think a lot of it is like the internal versus externals work hard. I was saying what I was saying earlier about I believe these things to be true about the universe or the world. But a lot of those are like, "What do I believe about myself?" Which is like, "I can choose to do work in this way." Which then I can derive joy from. So like, if I'm just traveling shit, I can choose to be like, "I will be the best shit traveler." Because I believe that I will figure out how to do this more efficiently. And I will, you know, I will get better and I'll have cows on my hands and I'll have a better back and whatever. But I will do this well. And I think you can find joy and work if you decide to do it well. So on one hand, if you are, if your dream causes you so much pain, then you will quit what you're doing and do it. And if it doesn't cause you enough pain that you're not pursuing it or that you don't feel like you're in a cage right now, then maybe you're not in a cage. And maybe you just need to like the life you have and that's cool too. The other thing that's so interesting about being alive is that you're all in. No matter what you do, you're all in. This is going to kill you. So I think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting because do you have anything better to do? Worked on my gift. I realized that all of us are born with a gift, but you got to hone it. You know, it's just not, you're not going to become great. You know, greatness is upon you. And I realized that my gift wasn't going to create itself. My gift wasn't going to nurture itself. My gift wasn't going to perfect itself. That was something I had to do. And so, man, before you know it, we did a video that went viral. I think it's got over 50 million hits now. And we turned. You know, very few people bet on the underdog. But if you would have, you would have one big. And that happened to be we, us. We bet on ourselves. Sometimes you have to let other people's dreams for your life die, for yours to live. And for me, it was like when I, when I continued to every day not want to wake up, that was my wake up call, where I was like, either I continue to live this way and not want to be alive. Or I just risked the fact that I'll die to everybody else. And I think that that, like, it was the hardest decision in my entire life. By far, all this, all the hard stuff I went through, still the hardest decision in my life. If you make all the right decisions, but you have, like, you absolutely think that it's impossible for you, but you still do the right things, you will win. So what keeps me going? I've quit several things. I know what's on the back end of quitting. It's a lifetime of thinking about why the, did I do that? And I'm doing that no more. Everybody's great when they're not tired. The champions is when they're tired, that's when the real champions come out. That's when a real dog come out. 'Cause if you go pissed like a puppy, stay on the porch and let the back dogs eat. Let them all just feel past them hard. Every day is just constant improvement, kind of security, constantly getting better. The results don't really matter. It's the figuring out that matters. Do not give up. Do not feel like you're tired. Were you tired? Think of last year and think of that fucking record. Every time I get tired, or I think I can't go no more, I think I fucking record. That ain't us. We can make it. We got to believe we got to be mentally strong. When we tired, that's when we got to put our fundamentals together. That's when we got to be more focused. There's not a fucker that's up. There's not a car. There's not a person. Everybody's in their bed, sleep, dreading that it's a Monday. Hey, this is a Monday. And I'm loving it. I'm loving that whereby it's getting weaker. I'm getting stronger. It's not about to run in. Just swim in to push up to sit-ups. It's about what those things do for your mentality. You don't get better on the dad-gone couch. You get better about coming out here and getting the after every dad-gone day. We're not on the stage just because of talent or ability. We're up here because of 4 a.m. We're up here because of two a days. We're five a days. We're up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way. If anything tried to bring us down, we used it to make us stronger. We were never satisfied. Never finished. We'll never be retired. My high school English teacher, Mr. Fisk, he had this beautiful quote in the red, "Rest at the end, not in the middle." And I took that to heart. I believe there's time for resting at the end. But for me, that time is not now. To have a dream, sacrifice for it, and never ever rest in the middle. My personal goal is to squeeze every ounce of potential out of whatever I have. And I think that if you feel like you have potential left over, then it will each you alive until you do something about it. If you haven't gotten what you want, then you're not worthy of it. Period, and that's okay. Now you can admit that you suck and improve. Better to know you're bad for a season than pretend you're good for a lifetime. You're not making as much money as you want because you're not as good as you think you are. You're not struggling from imposter syndrome. You're a student and pretending to be a teacher. No students say they feel like frauds are trying to learn. You're a fraud when you get up to teach the class, and you've never done it. When you push yourself that hard, you sleep easy at night. That's not because you're physically tired. It's not because physically you're worn out. They sleep easy. It's not like going to be physical. It's just your brain and finally rest knowing you give it to you all. You have control of this. This belongs to you. This is yours. You're the captain. You're the master. You're the foreman. You're the general. You're the head. Don't give control of this to nobody. I got you the harder and harder you're working here. The harder and harder it becomes. You have a cheap failure out there. The second place isn't an option anymore, guys. The more you give in here, the more you get out there. Alright. Why would you not want to give it at all? What else are you going to do? Can you come here and kill it right now, or stay home on the couch? You know, watching the life pass by. I know it sounds like habitual while I say all the time. But sometimes you've got it ingrained in your head. What else would you be doing right now? Taking the time all? I'm taking the time to get ahead. It's just, that seems so simple to me. That solution now, no, the choice is there. If it doesn't seem so easy to you, it's because you don't believe in yourself. You believe in yourself. You want to be in here killing it. Because giving you that much more chance because you believe you can't come there. But people that don't come in here, because they're tired of stuff, or if people don't believe in themselves. That's why they don't see the asset of being in the gym the girl. They see as a waste of time. Because they don't believe they can never get there. So therefore, why take the precautionary steps to sharpen it in a home in the arsenal? It can really go to battle. Because they don't even want to go to battle, so they know they're going to lose. You got to get real darkish. You got to get down right folk if you want to make it. Now, like I was telling you before, if you want to be ordinary, you ain't even got to listen to me. Just go on about your business. Everything but money. Do you want a positive reinforcement? What do you want to make it when you go about your head? How do you want people to see you? Like that? You know? Or like that? It's your problem. This sh*t comes off. The sweat. Replaced by that? Best part about it. Because once you have this, you got this too. You scare sh*t people. People know that you had the ability to do this one thing right in letting your life. And they're willing to beg. You can do something else right till. They give you the opportunity. And you take your trained talents. And you marry them to the person you want to be. Last step's success. Once you have it all, you give it back. There's someone else flying his way up. That's a good way, wife. It's the fact all of you have extraordinary capabilities. All of you. You have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category. Do you actually want to do this or not? Because if you actually want to do it, what's going to stop you? Nothing. And if you don't really want to do it, what's going to stop you? Just about anything that comes up. Your excuses will take everything that you ever wanted from you. If you let them. Go try and accomplish something that's hard. You may win. You may lose. You may succeed. You may fail. I'll tell you what, you'll be better. If you avoid those things that are hard, if you don't accept that challenge, if you don't step up and step into that cold water, just get up. Move towards that challenge. Whatever that challenge is. And you're going to fail. And you're going to fail. And you're going to fail. And you're going to fail. And then you're going to win. So the goal was to be the first one at risk. So I set my alarm. I make sure I'm up by sunrise. I get out of bed. I put on my gear and I head downstairs. But when I get there, Kobe's already there. With ice back on his knees. Drenched in sweat. Now it took me a minute to figure it out, but this guy wasn't only awake before me. He had already worked out. He had just played in the finals days earlier. Meanwhile, I'd been off for months and I was still exhausted. What he had done that morning was incomprehensible to me. That dedication he had only days after falling short of an NBA championship. That taught me something I've never forgotten. Legends aren't defined by their successes. They're defined by how they bounce back from their failures. And if you're not strong mentally, you have no willpower. You're going to continue falling back in this hole versus the man that sits back and goes, all right. This is why I cussed. This is what is in me. This is what it took for me to be me. Sorry. It didn't take, hey, okay, we're going to do this today. No, this really sucks. This is real, dude. This is real. And every day I'm set back. I'm a setback. I'm a setback. I'm a setback. So this is why I would tell your boy. This is why the second I tell him. Every day you wake up, you're going to probably be set back for the first four weeks before you lose to a significant weight because the mind is going to be with you the whole time. There's no dopamine. There's no dopamine in there. I throw it as a parachute. You got nothing. Your hormones are shot. You have to envision something that is more powerful than you. Something has to get you out of bed. And you have to create it. It has to be false. 'Cause you're not it. You're a fat piece of shit. And that's the reality of it. So you have to create a false reality to live in that. Just to get to work on yourself. That's the reality. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen. Tenants draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew, sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me. I didn't know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumbakasina. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumbakasina is home to hundreds of casino-style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at to claim you're a free welcome bonus. It's and live the Chumbalife. Sponsored by Chumbakasina, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, voidware prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. You obviously don't want it bad enough. I became obsessed with being the baddest because I got ever created. In my back, I don't care. I believe it. And I was trying to tell them once you become obsessed with something. Obsessed. It's okay to be unbalanced for a while. It's okay. Don't be all this. Some people say you got to be balanced to be the best in the world at what you do. It's not about being a Navy SEAL people. The best at what you do, you have to be unbalanced to find every bit of energy and strength that you have to pull it off. Then you get balanced once you become great. How much harder will you work in this offseason now to get back to the championship? I pushed myself to exhaustion. I became the most obsessed person on the planet Earth. It was basically I had to invent a guy that didn't exist. I had to invent a guy that can take any pain, any suffering, any kind of judgment. Be called or be called whatever the in the world and be able to stand in the room and say go yourself. I had to build this callous mind and I built it through suffering. I built it through downright fucking just crushing myself. If it was raining outside at three o'clock in the morning, if it was snowing, the first thing I think is don't go out there and do shit. My instinct was we got to go out there. Anything that was horrible in my life that I would normally say no, that was inhumane at most people, I had to go do it. It's easy to give up. It's the easiest thing in the world to do. All right, man, I'm done. I ain't going, I ain't going to keep going. Yeah, the bit like going to work. The one, yeah, man. It's easy. It's very easy. But what's hard is going, yo, yesterday I got nothing from working as hard as I could. Nothing happened from that. I'm going to do the same thing again today, but I'm going to try to go harder. That's the hardest thing in the world. To get up every day and give 100% and be in the same position that you were each day, but mentally know that you're trying and trying and trying. That's, that's a real, that's a real grind. Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles. Quit. Don't quit. Noodles. Don't noodles. You are too concerned with what what and what will be. It's a saying, yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present. We are so worried about what other people think about us. You know, it's like, oh my gosh, what if they think I'm crazy? What if they think I'm over obsessive or competitive? And what if this is like, you're too much. This is just not healthy for you to be thinking this way, right? Yeah. How did you get your mindset into this alter ego to be comfortable being black mom, but like how did that happen? It's a good separation for me, you know, emotionally to be able to put myself in a place where at practice, when I'm training and doing games, I switch my mind to something else. I switch my mode into something else. It's go time, right? So that was my mental switch. It was like an actor getting ready for a film. You got to put yourself in that cage. When you're in that cage, you are that character. And then when you leave, there is something completely different. But when I'm in that cage, bro, don't touch me. Don't talk to me. If you want to be great, you want to be a bad smother ever at what you do, you're going to be misunderstood by everybody. Because you're going to be so fucking obsessed and so driven to get there. That's what it takes. It takes every second of your life. Anybody that says balance? Yeah, balance is important for a lot of people. It is. But if you want to go to the edge where people do not like you, don't understand you, question everything you do, you've arrived. When you are misunderstood to the point where people think you're psycho and you're nuts and you're this and that, why are you in the fucking gym at one o'clock in the fucking morning? You've got to do doing an op for 13, 14 hours after range of school, man, at the gym. What's wrong? You will never understand what is wrong with me. And when you get to the point where all you want to do is be successful, as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful. And I'm here to tell you, number one, that most of you say you want to be successful, but you don't want it bad. You just kind of want it. You don't want it badder than you want a party. You don't want it as much as you want to be cool. Most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep. Some of you love sleep, more than you love success. And I'm here to tell you today, if you're going to be successful, you've got to be willing to give up sleep. You've got to be willing to work off for three hours or sleep, two hours. If you really want to be successful, some days you will have to stay up three days in a row. Because if you go to sleep, you might miss the opportunity to be successful. That's how bad you got to want it. He said before about how you build up self-esteem and confidence and stuff. And there's this quote from one of my friends, Alex Homosi, that says, "You don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are, outwork yourself out." I love that phrase, "Uncommon amongst uncommon men." There's moments where you don't want to do this. Which is why it's so interesting, because you do it. Right. You do it without any reservation. You just go through it. Right. But you always talk about it. I don't want to do this shit, but you always do it. That's it. I can't really think of perform without purpose. And so many people, they need to have a 5K, a 10K. I need to have a course in front of me. I need to have something in front of me for me to get my fucking ass up and do some shit. And that used to be me. And nowadays, you know, past 20-some years, I don't need purpose. We're all looking for this golden purpose. Is it this, is it that, is it making money? Is it my family? What the fuck are the purposes you? We're not on this stage just because of talent or ability. We're up here because of 4 a.m. We're up here because of two a days or five a days. We're up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way. If anything tried to bring us down, we used it to make us stronger. We were never satisfied, never finished, will never be retired. My high school English teacher, Mr. Fist, he had this beautiful quote and he read, "Rest at the end, not in the middle." And I took that to heart. I believe there's time for resting at the end. But for me, that time is not now. My next dream is to be honored one day for inspiring the next generation of athletes to have a dream, sacrifice for it, and never, ever rest in the middle. When you're passionate, everybody cheers you on. They're stoked for you. Oh, you found your passion? Awesome. Follow your passion. Live with passion. Be passionate. Chase your passions, everything. Like, passion, passion, passion, passion. Passion's good. Like, the world's gonna be like, "Yay, passion." Right? When you're obsessed, they're like, "Well, you gotta be so crazy." Why can't you be satisfied? Why do you always gotta get things so perfect? Why do you spend so much time here? When you're obsessed, people think you're nuts. So it's different. And it's like, I always tell people, if no one thinks you're crazy, you're not yet operating to the outer limits of your potential. You're not there yet. Go do something. Do the best thing that you can think of. Put the best plan you have into practice. It's not gonna be perfect and it will change along the way. But it will change partly because you become disciplined pursuing the path. And as you become disciplined, you become wiser. And as you become wiser, you become able to formulate better and better plans. What do you think most people get wrong about motivation? They think it's a permanent fix. They think it's something that is or constant. They think that maybe once I get it, I'm gonna hold on to it. And that's the thing that I always talk about. It's nothing is permanent. Nothing is permanent. And a lot of times you have to learn to perform without motivation. You have to learn to perform a lot of different things. You have to learn to perform without purpose. You can't be interested and you can't be obsessed. Interested is a hobby. Kobe Bryant was not interested in winning championships. He was obsessed. An obsession comes in the small details that nobody pays attention to. And I have a saying, interested people watch obsessed people change the world. One of the things I recommend to young people, especially true for people in your 20s, is that you should push yourself beyond your limits of tolerance in your 20s to find out where it is. How much can you work? How disciplined can you become? Like can you work 12 hours a day? Can you work 8 hours a day? Can you work 3 hours a day like flat out? Where's your limit? How much work can you do and how much socialization? You should find out. Push yourself past and then back off to that point where it's optimally sustainable. It's good to think about that as a goal. It's like you're trying to discover what your limitations are when you're in your 20s so that you can hit that edge so that you can sustain yourself across the decades. And so, yeah, because you don't want to have too much fun. All right, too much fun takes you out. You don't want to be the oldest guy at the disco. You know, it's not fun being the 40-year-old at the singles bar, precisely. So you want to make sure that what you're doing is age appropriate and you want to push yourself in every direction that you can. But you should be doing that with an aim in mind. It's like you're trying to make yourself into a better and more competent person. And so, some discipline along with the findings is a good idea. It's either you have it or you don't. Yeah, that sounds like excuses to me. I mean, you got to figure it out, right? If you really have an obsession to figure it out, you will figure it out, right? And every puzzle is constructed differently. All right, AI situation when he came into the league was different in mind. Mike's situation in Chicago was different in mind, right? Everybody has a different puzzle, man. You just got to figure out your own puzzle. It's interesting to think about like the sliding doors of like, if you go to Charlotte, if you stage a ride or if you know what I mean, right? Hey, man, listen, the better you get, the easier it gets. You right now, the phase you win is called growing pains. And what you don't even realize is that the game is trying to test you right now. So I see how bad you want it. You didn't the game going to reward people who can't handle hardship or adversity? No, that's not how it works. The grind ain't meant to be easy. That's why you're going to appreciate it so much when you get through it. But I remember we were playing against the Lakers, Tom. You know, like, I always try to outwork people, right? That's just how I made my mark. So the game was at seven. It's like, you know what? I'm going to come to the stable center because we're playing. This is when Lakers had Kobe and Shaq, okay? This is, this is like the championship Lakers. So now I'm going to get there in three o'clock. I want to make sure I make 400 made shots before I go back into the room. And then I say, and this all night, I get ready for the game. So get in the car, get to the gym, get there. And as I'm walking onto the court, who do I see? I see Kobe Bryant already worked now. And I'm like, okay, it's kind of cool. It's Kobe. It's not Kobe, you know? And, you know, so I put my sneakers on and you ever get lost in what you do, where you end up like, wait, this has been an hour and a half. I'm just, I'm here, I'm in it. So once I stepped my foot across that line, I started working out. And so I worked out for a good hour, hour and a half. And when I came off after I was done, I sat down. And of course, I still heard the ball bouncing. I looked down like this guy's still working out. He was working out, like, it looks like he was in a dead sweat when I got here. And he's still going. And it's not like his moves are nonchalant or lazy. He's doing like game moves, you know? I sit there and I unleash my shoes. I'm like, oh, I see how long this goes. I sit out there and watch, another 25 minutes. And he got done. He said, okay, you think I've seen enough? Go play, you know? Come back, get in the sauna, get ready for the game. That game, he drops 40 on us, okay? And after the game is over, I'm like, I have to ask this guy. I have to understand why he works like that. So after the game is, I'm like, hey, COVID, why were you in a gym for so long? He's like, because that's all you come in. And I wanted you to know that it doesn't matter how hard you work, that I'm willing to work harder than you. Wow. Consistency, consistency, consistency, man. That's the name of the game, bro. Don't get much simpler than today. If you keep going every single day and don't stop, your competition will fall off, bro. These ain't cut like you, bro. They ain't ready for prime time. They ain't trying to really get it right. They take days off, this day off, that day off, they lazy. I'm tired of it. No, grind every day one foot in front of the other, but I promise you, let me laugh at these folks, bro. Give it a year, watch what happens. The bike got easier. I was able to run more. I went from like one mile, one mile is a great accomplishment, two miles, and then from two to three was a big one, then I went from three to six. And then they have a warning order that they give people to get ready for buns. And the whole thing was running six miles five days a week, and that was my goal. And so I just kept, I failed, I go back to scratch. I used some positive motivation. I have like one day where I'm like, I can defeat. But I started realizing this is part of the process, this is part of the journey. I had to realize this is part of my process. The process is saying, I got used to, I'm not good enough. If I'm not good enough, we always say that, I'm not good enough, let me try something else. I'm going to make myself good enough. And that became my mentality. I'm going to make myself good enough. And so I misunderstood a lot, but that's all it came down to. I made myself good enough. And the days I couldn't run that far the next week, I would do two with days. So on the running, if I ran a quarter a mile, I'd wait a couple hours, it'd haunt me, bother me. I'd try to run a half mile next time. Same day, you can do more than this. If I had to walk, I had to walk. It just became just a process of grinding and grinding. And grinding is not even a good word for it. It's not even a good word for it. And just going further and further. And then when I got through running, I go to the bike. I go to the pool. If I got tired somewhere, my legs were tired, I go to the gym. And I developed this crazy workout where I was doing volume. Like two, 300 reps of like very lightweight people. I said, "How come you don't have any like loose skin?" My workout routine in the gym became sick. I gave everything. I gave everything to who I am. And that's why I'm people, I don't believe that. I don't believe it. I gave everything. And when you get everything, you have no regret. People didn't understand me. People don't understand me now. I don't give up. I know exactly what I was doing. I'm not crazy, I'm not this and that. People try to title me and label me. No, I had something to fucking do. There's so many people that have the ability and just refuse to get off that couch. Refuse to study a few more hours. Refuse to go deeper, to go further. And that's where I gained the advantage. It's so easy to be great nowadays, my friend, because most people are weak. No, you're out running on a track, working out and you started talking to yourself saying, "Man, my knee is really sore right now. Maybe I'm doing too much. Man, I need to back off. You know, my lungs are burning. Maybe I can just slow down here. I'll do an extra two sets tomorrow. You know, it'll be okay." Right? That sort of stuff. Yes. Like, that stuff's dangerous. Yes. And that's when you just gotta say, "You know what? I'm not negotiating with myself." Yeah. The deal was already made. Deal was made. When I set out at the beginning of the summer, I said, "This is the training plan I'm doing." I signed that contract with myself. I'm doing it. You know, throughout that process, you'll start talking to yourself like, "Man, I gotta... I think I need to... Maybe if we... Nope." No. This is not a goal. Shit. That's a goal. Yeah. You have to learn to train your mind well beyond motivation. If you have motivation, that's great. That's some kindling to the fire. All it takes is a little bit of a spark. You can burn a whole forest up. But motivation, you have to learn to exist without it. You have to learn to be... You have to be your best self and you're least motivated. My philosophy is, why I'd be normal when you can be the best? I don't know what to be normal. I want to make the difference. So everything I do, I want to make the difference. Because when I make the difference, I'm the best. And that is not arrogance. That is confidence. To get through where I became. To get through where I'm at now. There's nothing but pride I have for myself that I can't really... I can't really show people. Because I have this face, I have this face that they see like, are you happy? What's wrong with you? I'm driven. I'm obsessed. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is permanent. And a lot of times, you have to learn to perform without motivation. You have to learn to perform without purpose. You have to learn to perform a lot of different things. And that's what people think. They think I need to have this motivation to work out, to study, to be better. So if they don't have it, they just don't do it. Hey, bro. You better get ready to buckle up. Because this... You're no easier, bro. Once you think the grind gets easier, come on, bro, you silly, man. This grind is only for the strong ones, bro. And if you weak, I suggest you go ahead and leave. It's tough, but it's true. Be safe. You need to just keep living. Listen to the pain. It's both history, teacher, and watch and tell them. Pain teaches us who we are way. Sometimes it's so bad we feel like we're dying. But we can't really look till we die a little county. People don't get it. There's great joy in the grind. Great joy in the suffering. It totally cleanses your body out, man. If any kind of hate makes you grow up. What I want to invite you to do, what I want you to consider, is that every single time you go and do something hard, that's the story you've told yourself, that it's easier said than done. You know, it's kind of hard to do that. Well, it's supposed to be fucking hard. Look, if growing stronger, if growing stronger and building muscle, we're getting easy. You'd have no reason to go to the gym. You'd have no... There would be no growth if there was no challenge. And I'm answering your questions. Every question I'm answering, I'm with you. But in the back of my mind, all I'm thinking about is all the times I could have won those matches that I lost by not bringing my best mindset. You're haunted by all the opportunities that you missed, by not bringing your best at that time. When you could have won, but you didn't win because you allowed life to interfere with that one shot. When you're sitting there, getting ready to serve for the match. And your mind is not thinking about where that ball place needs to be, but it's thinking about your family this, or this at work or that at work. That's greatness. Greatness is your recall on every single shot that you missed throughout a 20-some year career. Every shot, you can go back and say, "I was here." This person was in the red shirt there. Greatness is being so aware of the time of life in the second that went by, and you can recall like it was yesterday. Greatness is being able to go back there, not making that same mistake again and being haunted by it. There really are only two macro-level motivators that we have in life, and that's pleasure and pain. I want people to understand is, "Okay, so if nature only gave you two things to motivate you, pleasure and pain, why would you eliminate half of them?" And so most people think that life is about avoiding the pain. I'm here to tell you right now, in a very controlled fashion, it is about really experiencing the pain, learning from it. Pain plus reflection equals progress. Failure has been achieved. Thank God. Now, the only place to go from failure is to win. You have to achieve failure. You have to take it that far. Nobody wants to go that far. It's too scary. You know something? I got news for you. That's where winning is. It always has been. The one thing I would tell them is, and I would tell them to get a tattooed on your arm, like, and it would say, it's supposed to be fucking hard. I think finding uncomfortable moments and embracing uncomfortable moments are one of the most important things a person can do in terms of understanding themselves and understanding how they think. And if you don't do it, if you just avoid it, you have that uncomfortable moment, you just start boozing, or you take some pills or something, and you just avoid it. You're never going to figure out what was going on in the first place that led you down that weird road, where now you find yourself crying in the fetal position on your bathroom floor. Like, how did you get there? Like, are you looking at it, or are you just going to take it up? Scream to me the other night. "Hey Will, I want to be an actor, man. I want to be an actor just like you." You know, usually people say stuff to me like that. I'm like, "Yeah, man. You know, you do this. Give them an encouraging word." But I was just sitting here thinking, and it dawned on me, 99% of people that say stuff like that are not willing to do what it takes to make their dreams come true. The Marines have a saying, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die." And that's just real. At the center of bringing any dream into fruition is self-discipline. You know, something as simple as food and eating, it's not about your body as much as it is about your mind. It's getting command of your mind to be able to choose actions that are in your own best interest. Every day we are choosing. It's not in our own best interest, right? So if the world is attacking you, and the world wants to fight you, and the world's trying to hold you down, so you're going to kick yourself in the balls, so you will stop yourself from getting what you dream. Self-discipline is the center of all material success. You cannot win the war against the world. You can't win the war against your own mind. Do you think discipline in and of itself? Fall into big savings. All in the King Supers app. Get delicious Kroger pasta sauce or pasta for 99 cents each with your card. Then get flavorful large avocados for 99 cents each with your card and a digital coupon. Shop these deals at your local King Supers less than five miles away, or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers. Fresh for everyone. Prices and product availability subject to change. Restrictions apply. See site for details. Welcome to the Ghost Bunny Podcast. I'm your host, Bridget Marquardt. Throughout my life, I have made up my goal to explore haunted locations in an attempt to justify to myself the existence of ghosts. I want to use this podcast as an opportunity to chat with people about their paranormal experiences, explore haunted locations that I've always dreamed of going to and revisiting legendary locations with a new perspective all while infusing these explorations with expert commentary and insight from industry professionals. And don't forget to subscribe to Ghost Bunny Podcast. Is the route or do you think discipline within the framework of a direction? Because you had the business, you had the vision for who you wanted to be, you were pointed towards that and discipline got you there. If somebody's not pointed anywhere, would you give them different advice? Yeah, I think I would. I think that if someone has a zero plan, zero future planned out and ahead of them, they don't need to just implement discipline in their life. They don't need to go out and learn 10k a day for 70 days or train twice and drink this much more and do this. I think they need to take the first little step, whether that's trying to figure out what it is that you want to do. What are you actually good at? Everyone's good at something, right? If you can leverage that one thing, then make it become your life. Eventually, it will lead to success. And I'm sure like, you can, I'm sure everyone can be successful in a field of what they do. I don't know what the timelines are on that. It could be 50 years, it could be 10 years, it could be one year. You see, like, singers blow up out of six months of singing, but you'll see a business person like me blow up after 12 years, or you'll see a businessman that sells cars and it'll take into 35 years. There's no timeline for it. It's just about taking that first step, whether that first step is leading the book. Mental health. Going for a one. Like, whatever that thing is, just give it a go, just try it, see if you can stack it up and if you enjoy it, keep going at it. And eat some motivation for breakfast. You don't need motivation. It's great if it arrives. It's some extra fuel on the fire. But discipline is the thing that you need. What would you tomorrow want you today to do? You tomorrow would want you to keep that promise just up. There has to be something, this is what I'm talking about now, because this isn't a hack. This has to be in you. Something in you has to wake up. And usually, the only person that can wake it up is you. Sometimes you can read a David Goggins book, because I was all this and then a lot more of up. But if you don't have a little flame, you know, just that, just barely, you're done. I can't, I can't lie to it for you. And that's the harsh reality of this life that I want to get across so fucking bad. You can watch me. You can watch you. You can watch Grogan and Cameron Haynes, all these motherf*ckes. You can go to 20 Robins and f*cking bullsh*t. All this sh*t. Do all this sh*t. If you, you can keep going back and keep spending money and spending money and spending money with no results, you can wonder, wow, maybe then they go try out David Goggins. He ain't gonna f*cking help you. You have to explore, examine the insides of yourself. And what do you really want out of life? Your friend, a lot of people out here, just don't want it. So guess what? Have fun with your life. It's a lot easier to sit around and make a list of what you're going to do in the future. What's easier? It's easier to take out a pen and a piece of paper and write things down. And so people will substitute that action for the action that will actually change them and make them better and move them closer to that version of who they know they can become. So let's just be careful. Just be careful. Be careful of getting caught in that planning phase of who you can become. Be careful of that planning phase because the planning phase should be about three seconds long. And then it's time to go get after it. I can't move before you're ready. I'll tell you where big dreams go to die. They go to the planning place. Preparing myself. And it's the biggest con job we work on ourselves. There are so many bones of big dreams in that grand chart where people, there's always going to be a set of reasons to wipe. [Music] When you want to achieve the highest goal of all time, you are going to have to learn how to get your ass kicked all the way up that damn mountain. If I want to be way up here, it's going to take a bunch of small micro failures along the way. But you have to understand that that is part of the process. The reality is when you do things that are easy in life, you don't value them as much. When you do things that are difficult and that require you to dig really deep, then you value them more. It's easy to quit. It's easier to try something that's already been done before. It's harder when you don't know what the end result will be. It's harder when you face the uphill challenge and you deal with it. Face it head on. It's where you build confidence in yourself. That's where you build your own self-esteem. You know, things are giving you. You never have a sense of how difficult it is to actually earn it. Revert hurts more than discipline. Because when you're disciplined and you act on the things that you're supposed to do, you won't ever have to look back and say, "Dang, what it could've should've?" So do it now so you don't have to do it later. The most powerful voice you'll ever hear is the one inside your own head. Because that voice is often fueled by fear and insecurity. Your mind can remind you of the past. It can criticize you and make you question your self-worth. But you can change that. Don't be afraid to question the stories you create in your head. Focus on what you want and you'll start to see opportunities where obstacles once were. You get up in the morning. What are you going to do that? I'm going to win the day. Well, just by saying that you're going to win the day, you ain't going to win the day. It's a jungle out there. See, most of us, we come out to compete every single day. The jungle comes to win because the jungle is always prepared. You know, the things that you think about all the time, that you don't tell anybody, right? You can do that though. You actually can achieve it and you should believe in yourself. You should believe in those things because they're there for a reason. They're not in your mind. They're not in your heart just to be there. Whenever you feel negative or unhappy about anything, you say, "Wait a minute, I'm responsible. I'm responsible for my life. I'm responsible for what happens. I can't change the past, so I'm not going to spend a second worrying about the past." Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Your biggest enemy is you. People don't understand this, you against you. The only person that gets in your way is you. Nobody else. I think stock is a signal that you've stopped growing. And when most people feel stuck, they don't understand that it's tied to a fundamental need for growth. We believe it's an existential crisis and we blow up our lives. For most human beings, what actually will get you feeling like you're not stuck is having something in the future that you're looking forward to. Learning anything gets you back in touch with a fundamental need. It makes you start to feel like things are moving, and from that place, a feeling a little bit more empowered, you'll be able to make better decisions about what big things need to change your new life. Your current situation is not your final destination. There's more to your life. And I know right now it's hard for you to believe that, but I need you to believe it. Like everything you're currently facing is building you for something greater. You're more than your struggles, you're more than your pain. I know you feel like nobody understands you, nobody gets you. I know you feel alone and isolated. So I want to tell you, I'm proud of you for not giving up when it's so easy to. I know what darkness looks like. I know what it feels like to be alone, but no motivation, no drive, no passion. And what has to come out of your fucking soul in the darkest of times. But if you are able to get up every morning, have no passion, no drive, no motivation, and still get up with that kind of fire. You will be successful in life. I guarantee you that. The darkest place someone can be is standing still. The darkest place someone can be is when they are alive, but they are not living. The darkest place someone can be is when they are no longer making progress. Everyone talks about the destination, but very few people talk about the journey. That's where the iron is forged. In the monotony of doing the right thing day in and day out, your part of the deal is to keep showing up for yourself, to stick around and see what happens when you really go all in. Don't just settle for mediocrity. Just hold up your end of the bargain and watch how life will turn in your favor. You can't avoid the peaks and valleys in life. They say you can't avoid the peaks and valleys in life. Life will always have the ups and downs, so make peace with it. How hard are you really working? I don't know about you, but I don't encounter many people who are completely committed to their craft. In our society where it is very unpopular to have a sickening, completely committed, dedicated work ethic. It's not the norm. I believe people who think this way don't know what it's like to push yourself to the limits. Don't know what it's like to work your absolute best. Give everything you have, sacrifice, commit, work hard, and that feeling of growth, of progress, of even reaching a milestone in your journey. How amazing that feels. Sistency is even rarer than talent or enthusiasm. Every January 1st in the gym, rock up and everyone's keen to do something. They've got these new years resolutions, they're all enthusiastic, and some of those people will be talented. But how many of those people end up being consistent long-term? Death is not waiting behind that door right now. Every second you are between life and death. One day it just stays with this, then this is going to happen. So in the moment where you realize it could be my last action right now that I do, having this type of sort on the mind could be your last, hopefully. Makes you wake up to really focus on the things that are important for you. Because many things are starting to fall away when somebody tells you you look only for one moment to live. Many problems that at the moment people are caring about, they will just disappear, then they wake up and realize this shortness of life. How precious it actually is that we are able to be here. Live your life the way that you want to leave your life. Ladies and gentlemen, as I speak to you right now, if you had 90 days to live, how many of you will make some radical changes in your life? If you look at Nelson Mandela, if you look at Mother Trace, if you look at Mahatma Gandhi who died with under 10 possessions, these people were world changers, these people were radical optimists. These people suffered because the root of the word passion means to suffer. They suffered for their dream, they suffered for their values, they suffered for their cause, they suffered for their followers, they suffered for their greatness. Game of life are people are going to hate you, they're going to cry, they're going to scratch you, they're going to bite you. It's just the part of life and instead of taking everything personally, you have to see that it's like a gladiator battle and that some people are bad, some people are good, some people are not, are in between. But stop taking everything personally and try to learn from it. So if you make a mistake, what you want to do, if you have failure in life, something didn't go right, you want to have the ability to look at it inward and say, what did I do wrong? And a lot of people don't have that inner strength, but if you want to be successful, if you want to get ahead in this world, you have to develop this skill, you have to be able to look at yourself as if you were somebody else, as if from the outside and say, here's how I could improve, here's what I did wrong the last time I did it. Great life is in front of you, it's not behind you. What you did back then was learn the lessons to get you to where you are at this particular moment right here. Do you know, man, that you can actually mess your life completely up? You can jack it all the way up and you can turn around and get it right. What type of reality are you even living? What type of reality are you living? Are you living a proactive reality where you're continually problem-solving and looking at all the different ways that you could manipulate, guide, or push your reality that you want in your favor? Or are you living a reactive reality? Where you just continually allow what is going to happen happen? Well, I can tell you right now, if you live in a reactive reality, you need to stop because if you really want to live the life of your dreams, you have got to start living a proactive reality. So if you're in the woods and you don't know where to go, start walking. You've got to start walking because the perspective is not going to change. You have to start moving forward. You have to start taking steps in order to improve your vision, improve your perspective, change your perspective, make some kind of progress. And worst case scenario, you figure out that you walk the wrong direction. Okay, now you can walk in the other direction and that's going to be fine. But standing there lost and not doing anything is just waiting to die, waiting to starve to death. Don't let that happen. Everything that you are, everything that you're becoming is a resilient pad of growth. On that pad is a launch. That's where you take off. That's where you find out what you're really made of. It's not about waiting until the end. And one day you'll go after it, make today day one. Today is the day that I decided I wanted to be great. So I'm going to do it. I decided I wanted to go after my goals, after my dreams. That's the mindset that you have to have. Because today is the day you were given breath. I'm here with a purpose and live on purpose. Not often your resume of where you've been, but on the die, direction and understanding of where you're going. There's a call on you. It's time for you to answer it. Taking responsibility doesn't mean you blame yourself. It means you become accountable for everything that happened. Because it's the only way to improve. It's the only way to see real progress. If you're constantly blaming something else for your circumstances, it means you're giving up the opportunity to be in control. It might not be your fault, but it's your job to make the most of every situation and do the best with what you have. So do it. Take responsibility for all of it. Because that's when things start to get good. You know, there comes a day, man. Everyone's going to have this day. There comes a day where being average, being mediocre, is just sickening to you. There's just sickening. It makes you want to throw up. Because you've seen people with far less talent than you. As you're growing up with them, there are childhood bodies, wherever else. They didn't have what you had. Yet now they're going to become something that you haven't. There comes that day. It's either when you're young, you know, and it strikes you in the baseball field because you're sick of striking out. Or it's when you get fired from your fifth job, you know, when your wife and kids are on your ass because they don't have support anymore. There comes a day where push comes a shove. Where being mediocre, being like average, and just burns, it sucks so much. You can't deal with it one more day. And you get off your ass. And you create something that's always been there. It's always been inside of you trying to come out. But you've never wanted to unwrap because there's too much pain and commitment. You're scared you're going to fail. You're scared if you started, you never finish it. You didn't want to tell anyone about it. You knew it was there. But you never wanted to embark on it. Until something hits. You get fired or somebody else gets success. Remind you what you could have been. And then the kid's bark is born. And no matter what happens, I'm never going to be in this boat again. And you get up and you go even against knocking. And you just keep going, keep going. You're wild man. And life has never been so sweet. It's time to unwrap the potential you can be. It's within you. It's within every single one of us. And the people that have risen to that level were no different than any one of us. It's as they believed it and they're willing to work. They're going to ask off to get it. Wasn't about the potential. It wasn't about the genetics. It was about the perseverance. And it wasn't about being the hardest in worker in the room. That's what got them there. And it didn't happen overnight. I'm not talented. It was life and death. Either you live or you die. Which one do you want, Tom? That was the decision. In the corporate life and in the gym. But if you want something bad enough. If you want something bad enough, you can't let anybody tell you you can't do something. I'll repeat that. If you want something bad enough, you can't let anybody tell you you can't do something. Not even yourself. A lot of days I'm like, "Oh, you can't do this, Tom." Oh, shit! Let me show the alien. I would have arguments with myself. I could do it. People doubted me. I doubted myself sometimes too. You know what? I watched Arnold fall down. Nobody remembers when he fell down. Arnold wasn't the glorified winner as he was in the first '73, '75. He got up. I don't make him a famous film star. He became governor. He kept getting up and getting up. I saw Trump do the same thing. I saw a lot of these guys I admired in business. Do it. And that's what it takes. To do anything successfully in life. You gotta want it as bad as you want to breathe. And if you want it that bad, if you really need to give it that much, you get a big piece of what you want. And life and dreams do come true. Anything you want can happen, become a reality. I believe that sincerely, and I'll die on that thought. You know, you must hope and believe in yourself. If you ever want to see what that hope can turn into, let that belief can turn into. By doing this, every day, be pedatively, those are the measures that lead to the big moments of success that every season like. No one sees the struggle in here. No one sees the hardship. The early mornings you get up. No one sees any of that. They just keep your hands raised or not. And if it is, oh, what a great guy. Oh, I wish I could be that guy. I wish I could be that guy. But they're not clapping. What should they be you? At five in the morning when you get at bed, with pits and rain outside to come and train for that hand to be raised. They don't want to be that guy. They just want the glory. And that's the differential of a champion. In adversity guys, it's what you find care of here. You will lose yourself and you will never find your way back because you gave up too soon. You will lose yourself because you didn't think you had it anymore. That ooze! I'm meant to fight! Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. 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So sign up now at That's Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. V-G-W Group, voidware prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. And you will fight into battles of your life, and some you will win, and some you will lose. But if your heart is beating and your brain is functioning, and your eyes are open, ladies and gentlemen, get out there and fight for your life. It's hard to deal with it. It's challenging to deal with it. You don't think you got it? I say you do got it. I say you must have it. I say you will have it. I'm telling you right now, ladies and gentlemen, if you are not focused, you are never going to see the goodness and the greatness that you have within yourself. But greatness does not come overnight. Greatness requires work, and hard work is how you get it. There's no time for being lazy. There's no time to say I'm sorry. There's no time to say I can't go any further. When you truly want to adapt and adapt, every situation requires some kind of attitude that you can endure it. Attitude adjustments are necessary. So when these things happen, when certain circumstances come in your life, you must continue to believe that, hey, it can only last for so long. You're not going to always have a supporting cast with you. Not everyone is going to stand with you. Not everyone is going to support your ideas or your dreams. Sometimes, ladies and gentlemen, you just got to stand alone. You got to go after it with your own mindset. You have to be truthful to who you are inside. Sometimes you just got to do it alone. When you're standing on your own two feet, and the storm is coming in, you still got to stand. When it starts to get too tough for you, and you don't seem to have the mental capacity to fight through the pain and agony, you still got to stand. And sometimes, you just got to stand alone. But being alone doesn't mean that you're all by yourself. It means that there's still something connected to you. You have some unique qualities that are attached to you. But do you have the ability to wake them up? We all have unique gifts. We all have special talents. We are going to do great things. Not everybody is going to stand with you, not everybody is going to support you, not everybody is going to be by your side. So when you're standing alone, make sure you stand with a pure heart, with a great mindset, with faith, with understanding, that you do have something that you must do. Being alone gives you power from time to time. That does not mean that you are in it by yourself for a long time, but just enough for you to be able to rectify something within you. And when the time comes for you to get out and show out, there's nothing that can stop you. Because you have developed something within you that no one has ever seen, maybe no one would ever understand. But as long as you understand it, then you keep going. You keep trusting. You keep believing. When it comes to the work ethic, that's when you have to dig deeper. That's when you have to work harder. That's when you have to shut out all the noise and all the naysayers. Sometimes, ladies and gentlemen, you just have to be quiet and listen to your passion. Listen to your heart. Listen to your truth. Because when it's all said and done, when this is all over, you are still the only one that is left standing. Ladies and gentlemen, when you get to a point in your life, and you feel that you have hit the end of the road, when you feel that you don't have the strength to carry on, then you have to find another source of power and strength. Wherever your mind is right now, if it's not building you up, if it's not making you better, if it's not making you stronger, you have to disconnect it. Learn to walk alone sometimes. Learn to be strong when you need to be strong. Learn to understand that not everybody will be with you. Stop looking for other people to lift you up when you are down. Remember, many people in the world got just as many problems as you do if not more. Not everybody cares about your problems. Not everybody wants to hear your problems. Sometimes, you just gotta say, you know what? It's up to me now. I have to be the one to take the steps. I have to be the one that makes the mistakes. I have to be the one that may fail from time to time. But I mustn't never give up. When everyone else wants to quit, I will stand. When everyone looks down on me, I will stand. When everyone thinks that I don't have what it takes, I will stand. I will stand as long as I can, but I will not bow down. I will not give up. I will do my work. I will make everything count each and every day of my life, for my life is in my hands, and I must be willing to do what I must do to get what I need to be in my life. I refuse to say that I don't have it. I refuse to say that I can't do it. I refuse to say that can't matters to me. Ladies and gentlemen, what just can't have to do with you? Have you ever got to a point of your life when you look at something you just said? I can't do it. Well, guess what, ladies and gentlemen, you will never do it because you believe in not getting it done. You believe that can't matter more to you than you matter to yourself. Just because you felt it couldn't be done. You surrounded yourself with things that did not matter. You let other people and other obstacles stand in your way, and you refused to challenge yourself. You refused to say this is my day where I must do what I got to do. For me, for my peace of mind, I got to do something I can't wait for it to happen by itself. If I'm looking over here to the left side, if I'm looking to the right side hoping for someone to rescue me, you're going to be waiting a long time because other people got other things they got to do for themselves. So when you're standing alone, make sure you have the right mindset within you to know that, hey, at the end of the day, I must stand, I must work, I must believe, I will fight, I will work, I will push, and I will never quit on me. This is the time where you must be able to get to a point that you've never been, to be able to get to a place that's never been seen before. To be able to believe that no one could touch you. Get inside of yourself, get in tune with who you are, trust in who you are. Stop doubting yourself. If you really want to be the best of yourself, then know that you are the best at what you do because there's no one like you. No one can do the things that you do. No one can stand like you do. No one can take away your power because your power belongs to you. So don't give it up. Don't give it to someone else. Don't let anything or anyone take away your power. Don't let anyone steal your peace of mind. Don't let anyone say that you are not worthy because you are. As I said before, standing alone doesn't mean that you are by yourself. Know that there is a higher power. Let's be real, ladies and gentlemen, there is a higher power. There is something out there that got you here right now. I'm not talking about people. I'm talking about something that is beyond this universe. I'm talking about something that is good. I'm talking about something that is great. That is why you exist because none of us exist by ourselves. But we have to have the ability to know that we don't need everybody to be somebody. We don't need everybody's approval to be approved. You just got to know that your work and your mindset and your faith and what you do right now matters. How you pursue your life, how you go further in your life is what you put inside of your mindset and say, "I am ready. I must go forward." And if I look back, I'm too distracted to see what's in front of me. So the challenge is, let them come. Be tested from time to time. You may not always pass the test, ladies and gentlemen, but as long as you are breathing, you will be challenged. You will be tested. And sometimes you got to just do it alone. So go on about your business. Be the best of yourself. Let not anyone hold you back because this is the day right now that you are above the nonsense. You are above the naysayers. You are above the negativity. Let it just be you. If it's just you, then let it be you. But don't you bow down to nothing because if it didn't build you up, don't allow it to tear you down. Carry on the good fight. Be strong each and every day of your life. And from the bottom of my heart, conduct your business. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, drop out the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew, sound complicated? 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