21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Tony Greenstein - Western Leaders Hypocrisy on Gaza Genocide

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22 Sep 2024
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TNT Radio guest host Basil Valentine speaks with author and Historian Tony Greenstein, to discuss Jewish anti-Zionism and its ties to modern anti-Semitism. They also discuss the number of recent journalist murders in Gaza and the measures taken by governments to protect hostages. They also evaluate the political and moral contradictions of Western leaders regarding the ongoing genocide.

More from Tony: X/Twitter Tony Greenstein Blog

▶️ ATTENTION: The Patrick Henningsen Show MON-FRI will be on summer hiatus for the next few weeks. Appreciate all of you who have been tuning in. We’ll see you all in due course.

Today's news talk and the voice of freedom, we're today's news talk TNT. And welcome back to the program where I'm delighted I'm joined on the line from Sussex by Tony Greenstein. Welcome to the program, Tony. Yeah, thank you, good to be back. Pleasure. First of all, anti-Zionism. There was a panel yesterday on another channel which you took part in, six very different conceptions, really, of anti-Zionism and what it means. But at least in the wake of Professor David Miller's victory in the courts, we can now talk about it as a subject, as a legitimate subject for conversation, particularly, of course, given that anti-Zionism is opposition to genocide right now. Yes, absolutely. Well, anti-Zionism has always been legitimate. It was the first reaction of Jewish people to Zionism because originally, when Jewish Zionism came on the scene because Christian Zionism was far older, Jews saw it as a form of Jewish anti-Semitism because the anti-Zibay said Jews do not belong in the countries where they live. And the Zionist said, yes, we agree. They belong in Palestine in their own ghetto states. A Jewish state. So it's always been legitimate. But of course, the establishment, which adopted the Zionist very early on, wants to delegitimize it because just as they want to delegitimize any opposition to the genocidal war in Gaza. And today, they're using Jews as the moral alibi for that war, which is why they're so concerned about anti-Semitism, not about any other form of racism, but anti-Semitism is the kind of false anti-racism as I've written of the ruling class. And that is true today as it has been for many, many years. So yes, we had a quick mistake. The irony, Tony, it really is, isn't it? People have been writing very rich groups into the Archbishop of Canterbury this week, asking him to distance himself from the board of deputies and the chief rabbi, because he seems to think they speak for all Jewish people in Britain when they don't. And indeed, again, a Welby's tunnel vision, his assumption that all Jewish people in Britain are fans of the state of Israel fully signed up to the Zionist project, is itself an anti-Semitic position? Yes, of course, because they want to associate Jews and therefore the Holocaust, because people think of the Holocaust when they think of Jews, with what's happening in Gaza now. That's the same reason that Germany is so enthusiastic about the genocide in Gaza. I mean, because historically, there's never been a genocide that Germany hasn't smiled upon. And that is true today of the Western nation. So I mean, we've seen the collapse of international law, the collapse of really any morality, we've seen the international criminal court, which is still differing of issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Galant. Remember, back to the beginning of the Ukrainian war, it took them one day to issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Putin, but they still haven't after nearly a year of genocide, issued arrest warrants against Israeli leaders. And to be quite honest, if they're going to issue a arrest warrant warrant against Putin, then they should be issuing arrest warrants against Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak, Kiyastama, Olash Shultz, and all the other Western leaders who are complicit in that genocide. So we've seen pure political and moral hypocrisy amongst our leaders, who've really given Israel everything they want. I mean, you remember the Biden's red lines were rapper. Well, Israel's been in rapper for quite some time, or where are the red lines? But they're now a sconce d'evre d'evre corridor. And so it goes on. I suppose the good thing about it is that Israel is meeting very heavy resistance in Gaza. It wasn't a walk through the park as they thought, and they've taken clearly quite significant casualties far, far higher than the ones they've publicly declared. So Israel is finding itself perceived. And that's why we're seeing the mass demonstrations in support of getting the hostages back because Netanyahu and the right wing in the cabinet, the hostages are dispensable. They're a price worth paying to once again try and eliminate Palestinian resistance. We've now seen the more spreads the West Bank. Janine, 70% of the roads have been demolished. Houses have been demolished. People have been forced onto the streets. We're seeing the replay of Jut Gaza. As Israel continues its ethnic cleansing project. So that is the reality we face today. A couple of points to pick up on. I would add David Cameron to that list of people who should be arrested, particularly since the source in the foreign and Commonwealth office told the Guardian yesterday that he sat on advice saying that it was highly likely Britain was complicit in international war crimes and crimes against humanity. He did nothing. That is worse than simply a dereliction of duty. In my view, it's criminal Tony, but are we going to get a knock on the door from the secret police for saying so? Well, I suspect you won't because you're not in Britain, but possibly. Not for the moment. Yes, of course, David Cameron is complicit in war criminals. So is Anthony Blinken, who is excused and covered for Israel throughout the genocide. But there are so many war criminals who have to pick and choose who you can prosecute, I guess. But at the moment, it doesn't seem to be much easier than for doing so. Well, I kind of thinking that the three judges responsible for actually issuing those arrest warrants of being lent on or threatened very possibly. We don't know without a doubt. Trump sanctioned the international criminal court. Whether he was in power, but I mean, the Biden administration is clearly and obviously putting maximum pressure on them. And that really just shows the charade of the Western justice system when it comes to it. It's not mutual. It doesn't simply look at a situation regardless of those pressures. It's very much the comes to the political pressures put upon us to say the contrast between Putin and what's happening now is so stark that you can't explain it other than by the fact that the ICC is in essence a Western creation and a creation of Western imperialism. And that's why it's not only gone just after African dictators. They are easy pickings. When it comes to the responsible, there is absolute immunity. Yeah, no, I'm afraid you're right. I mean, I've called it a global constitutional crisis, quite frankly, but it's one that the corporate media prefer to ignore just as they prefer to ignore the killing fields in Gaza. 42 people killed today. There won't be a single word about it on the BBC tonight. I shouldn't wonder. But if 42 Israelis had been killed today, it would be all over the headlines. For the next week, the wailing and gnashing of teeth wouldn't stop. We're going to take a very short break for the headlines. When we come back, I want to talk about the arrest last week of Sarah Wilkinson and the words fail with Tony as to how she was treated. We'll be right back after the short break. Want to be a part of the conversation? Then let us know on the TNT Radio Interactive live chat room, letting the fuse for freedom and we'll come back to the program without further ado, Tony. Rishi Sunak, of course, draped himself in the Israeli flag of October the 7th and said to Benjamin Netanyahu, we want you to win. I don't know if the situation in Gaza with children drinking out of public puddles and cats and dogs eating the remains of people who've been blown apart is of what he had in mind. We all hope that there would be a sea change under the incoming Labour government, although I didn't really bet on it, put it that way. But it seems in terms of the crackdown on a reportage from Gaza, something that Israel has been very keen to do, something highlighted by Jonathan Cook in his latest article. The tentacles have spread to this country, as well as killed 170 odd journalists in Gaza. More than we're killed in the Second World War because they don't want what's happening there to get out. Now they are using the same tactics to strangle journalists in the West. Richard Medhurst was arrested at the airport when he came to speak to an event. As for Sarah Wilkinson, the desecration of her mother's ashes at the refusal to give her medicine for Crohn's disease, I mean the litany of frankly offenses committed against her during her arrest last week on terrorism charges breaks new ground in Britain and entirely the wrong kind. Well yes, I mean that's right. I mean I was arrested on the 20th of December last year under the same provision of the Terrorism Act section 1218 or the Terrorism Act 2000. They're using the allegation of terrorism in order to silence anyone who speaks out. And they've done this by prescribing not just the military but the political wing of Hamas, which is outrageous. There's no justification whatsoever. Hamas is the elected government of Hamas by the Palestinians. You may like them, we may not like them, but that is the situation. And if we'd done that in Ireland and a prescription pain, which was the political wing of the IRA, then there would have been no good Friday agreement. But the police who were so eager to implement an obscure clause of the Terrorism Act, because it was only introduced in 2021, a remarkably reluctant to implement and enforce the International Criminal Court Act of 2001, which makes support for or aiding war crimes in this country or abroad. And the fence, there is no attempt to enforce that. So the police picking shoes, which piece of legislation, they wish to implement. And that's clearly a political decision. And what happened to Sarah Wilkinson, who I know very well, is an absolute outrage. She's not a terrorist. She's never been part of a terrorist group. But she's a not an advocate for Palestine. And that's why she has been picked up and subject to this quite horrendous raid. I mean, my experience was the police were quite polite and courteous, but in her case, I mean, they've been downright abusive. They've stolen, she says, 200 pounds, they trash the urns, they let the place in a complete mess. They refuse to give us, you say, her medicines, they refuse to give her any food. I mean, that behavior is outrageous. But I'm the care starmer. Well, starboard is really just a continuation of the issue soon, that, I mean, that you couldn't put a piece of paper between them quickly. So it is not a surprise. No, it isn't. Sama seems intent on creating as many enemies as possible, you know, amongst the British people, certainly. What do you think the future holds? I mean, we have to keep talking about these issues. We have to keep campaigning, marching, so on and so forth, in spite of this repression. But what I'm disappointed in is that so far, and correct me if I'm wrong, I've seen no pushback from any so-called left-wing labor MPs, or from any aspect of the sort of establishment left-wing media, shall we say, about Sarah's treatment. Well, I'm not sure there is any left-wing establishment need here, unless you're referring to the guard in the nuts. Well, sorry, I'm sort of mean tribute, but you know, the new statesman, maybe, you know, those were the days, Tony. I don't think the new statesman counts as left-wing by anyone's judgment. I know I think there's even a meeting in support of Israel amongst the establishment. Israel is the West's guard dog in the Middle East. It is the guarantor of the stability of the corrupt and repressive Arab regimes. Israel, in a sense, is the linchpin of the West, and therefore they will go to any lengths and they will excuse any actions by Israel, because they don't want to destabilize it. But the reality is, I think, and Yvonne Papay is writing this, that Israel's time and existence as the Jewish state is extremely time limited. It is an inherently unstable state. It's clearly, even within the central population, there are massive divisions, and it has shown that without American support, it cannot even defeat the Palestinians. I mean, the Americans have been pouring weapons in to support the generous side, like there was no tomorrow. So I think that I think we are looking at the beginning of the end of Zionism and about time, too. And of course, there will be people in the Jewish establishment, like that racist rabbi if Ryan Mervis, who will complain that they're not killing enough, and that she was supplying more weapons. I mean, this is the kind of degeneration of the Jewish religion, or the Orthodox Jewish religion, as perpetuated by the Jewish establishment. I mean, the man is really without any moral excuse or justification, but that's what's happened. Most of the Jewish religion has been so analyzed and Mervis is part of that. Anyway, I hope that is of some help. Yeah, that's great. Tony, thank you very much indeed for your contribution. I'm looking forward to having you on for a deeper dive at some point in the not too distant future. Tony Greenstein, thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you very much. Bye. Bye-bye. There he goes. That's Tony Greenstein. We're going to take a short break when we come back a bonus. Brian Hesham MacLean joins me with the latest from the Lone Star State of Texas. We'll be right back after this short break. [Music]