The Sword of the Spirit Podcast

Eleventh Hour Workers

Broadcast on:
22 Sep 2024
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Thank you, thank you, thank you from our not really here live studio audience. Thank you so very much. And you know, folks, we are coming to you live once again from the Asylum Studios broadcasting from the pimple on the backside of Texas, the beautiful city of Eagle Pass and folks, it is a beautiful, absolutely beautiful Lord's Day here today. And I am so thankful that you're here with us, all of our tens of listeners right now. But hey, look, that's okay, folks. That's okay. Again, it is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Sunday afternoon here. And folks, you know, it is the Lord's Day and I hope that you made it out to church. And I hope that while you were at church there today, your preacher brought you a message straight out of the Holy Word of God. And I pray that through the preaching of the Word, that your heart was lit a fire once again for the Lord Jesus Christ, that you've renewed your love for the Word of God. And of course, renewed that burden that you and I should have for the lost and the dying that we come across every single day. Well folks, folks, I hope you guys had a great week. It's been a, it's been a, well, finally, my 13 straight days of regular work came to an end this week. And I was able to relax yesterday, had a great day with my dogs, my little kids, my babies. We had a blast just kind of doing stuff around the house here and, you know, the challenges. One of the things that I love about, about my two is that they don't let anything go easy when you're trying to clean a house, like, you know, every, every day I mop the floor sweep and all that stuff. And for some ridiculous reason, the two of them attack the mops. So it's like, it's, I'm trying to clean the floor and I'm trying to avoid them at the same time. And so of course, you know, I got figure eight all over the place and, you know, they attack, attack, attack and they actually wrecked my Swiffer. So I had to get a new Swiffer and I got to come up with a better plan, maybe lock them up or something like that. But it was hysterical. I loved it. It was great. We had a great time. And then last night, we had a fantastic meal, the three of us. And I made this beautiful sirloin steak for the three of us and came out absolutely perfect. The perfect medium rare, it was fantastic. We did that with some, with some, some potatoes, some scalloped potatoes and then some roasted tomato as well. Oh, just absolutely perfect. And, you know, for those of you in the inner circle that you all saw the pictures of that, that came out absolutely amazing. It was great. So I had a great weekend so far. And then of course, being able to spend time in the Word of God and get the Bible study ready for today was a challenge. This is something actually I started working on about a month ago and kind of put it aside for a little bit. Didn't feel like it was the right time to teach the lesson on it. But yeah, I took it out yesterday. I looked at it and said, yeah, you know what, I think it's time. So we got this thing ready to go for today. And so actually, why don't we get started with that? All right. Let's go with you. Would you take it and turn over to the book of Matthew, Matthew and chapter 20. Folks, I also hope you have your blackout coffee on hand. Not that it's not a pitch. I don't get paid by them, but blackout coffee is probably the best coffee I've ever had. So I go through probably on a weekend two pots of it a day. So this is pot number two. We got started here. So really looking forward to this and it's so good. Thank God for coffee. I love it. One of these days, what I think I'm going to do is I'm going to get a table set up in here and I'm going to have the coffee pot right, like maybe on the other side of the room there this way. I can just get up and go over there and get it. But anyway, Matthew chapter 20, Matthew chapter 20 and we'll begin in verse number one. For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a house holder, which went out early in the morning to hire laborers and to his vineyard. Now unless you think this guy is like a real Scrooge, a penny in Bible language is a day's wages. Okay. So whatever the wage was, I mean a penny a day is just simply again Bible language for a day's wages. So well he sent them out to the vineyard and when he agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, he sent them into the vineyard and he went out about the third hour, excuse me, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace and he sent them to them, go ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right, I will give you and they went their way. Again he went out about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did likewise and about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle and he saith unto them, why stand ye here idle, why stand ye here all the day idle? They say unto him, because no man hath hired us, he saith unto them, go ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. So when even was come, the Lord of the vineyard sent unto his steward, call the laborers and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came they were hired about, and when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But when the first came, they suppose that they should receive more and they likewise received every man a penny. And when they had received it, they murmured against the good men of the house saying these last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. But he answered one of them and said, friend, I do thee no wrong, didst thou not agree with me for a penny? Take that as thine and go thy way. I will give unto this last even as unto thee. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? Is thine eye evil because I am good? For the last shall be first and the first last for many be called, but few chosen. Alright now before we get into the rest of the message for today, I want you to head over to our website, sort of the spirit, sort of the spirit, head over to that contact section, open up that web form and send us over a message. Let us know whatever is on your heart, whatever is on your mind, any questions, comments, cares or concerns that you might have. And also don't forget to send over your prayer requests. Alright, prayer requests are very important. We received one just a few minutes before the show started. I've already prayed for the person personally and we'll do it when we get to our prayer list section. And then if you don't want to use the web form, that's totally fine. You can always email me directly at, that's And then secondly, also while you're on the website, if you would look for that support button on our homepage, it's up in that right side of the page that little pancakes, you know, just hit that, go to support and just remember something. This is a value for value podcast and value for value is your three T's, your time, your talent and your treasure. So basically all that means is that if this podcast and these live shows have been a blessing to you in any way, if you've received anything whatsoever of value from what we're doing here, would you please consider a donation to the show? Help us to pay the bills. Help us to keep things going. Remember something. We don't run paid ads. We're only monetized here on Rumble and we just recently started that and we don't have a very big following on Rumble right now. But so we really haven't generated any revenue from that, I think like 55, 60 cents or something like that. So I mean, every penny helps absolutely without a doubt. But we really are dependent upon our listeners to help keep this whole thing going. Because of the lack of support that we've been getting, we've had to terminate our text group list today with the last text group that went out. So going forward, you're going to need to, if you want to get the alerts for when the show is going to start, you need to get on our programming announcements email list which we'll talk about after the message today. All right. So again, if you want to help keep this thing going and we don't have to cut services down, please continue to consider to support the show. A donation in any amount is absolutely perfect and helpful. But if you want your name, shout out, you want to hear your name thrown out across this plane, well, your donation needs to be a minimum of $16.11. All right. $16.11. So pray about it. If the Lord leads you to do it, would you please help us out with the donation? All right. Father, would you honor the preaching and teaching of your Holy Word today? And Lord, I pray this in the presence of your Holy Spirit and in the power of your Holy Spirit. Father, maybe you learned today and grow thereby for it is in Jesus' name that we pray and we'll thank you for it in His name. Amen. All right. So now even though this is a kingdom of heaven, parable and if you've been around here long enough, you've learned by now the difference between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God. This is a kingdom of heaven, parable, which means its primary application is to the millennial kingdom of Jesus Christ. It's one of those, you know, it has a universal application, but its primary doctrinal application is to the future. All right. But there's a spiritual application here that certainly works for us right now. And so without a doubt, without a doubt, it would be our time and it pictures something about the church age as it progresses through the church age, the 11th hour. The emphasis of the parable is on the 11th hour workers. That would be us. We're in the 11th hour. I mean, folks, the bell is going to ring anytime. Nick, no mistake about it. We are in the 11th hour. So having understood that, there are some things that we can extract from this text that I think it will be really profitable for us. So number one, despite what a lot of your liberal theologians would like to think, number one, the Lord is a capitalist, all right, he's not a socialist. The Lord does not redistribute wealth. He gives it out according to his dictates and his desires, all right, that's what the Lord does as indicated in the story that's before us. Take your Bible and look with me over in first Corinthians in chapter three, first Corinthians in chapter three, you're going to want to keep your finger here in Matthew chapter 20 because we're going to be coming back and forth, but we're going to look at a couple of occasional companion passages as we go along, all right. So first Corinthians and chapter three, first Corinthians chapter three, it's a reference to the judgment seat of Christ and the time that when Christians, not everyone else, but Christians will collect their future rewards, all right. And we read over in verse eight of first Corinthians chapter three. First Corinthians three, eight, now he that planteth and he that water earth are one and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor for we are laborers together with God, your God's husbandry, your God's building. Now evidently as we discern a little bit of the cackling communist from California speeches, Kamala Harris over the course of this campaign, you understand that she is for wealth redistribution, all right. The Bible is not. The Bible says God will reward you according to your labor, you know, I enjoyed reading a story one time about a college professor who was dealing with with some, I think it was teaching a sociology class if I remember right and and many of his and this guy was one of those rare breeds in college, you know, especially in sociology, you know, he was a conservative and that's rare. That's rare these days and he was dealing with a group of students that had bought into the socialistic approach of redistribution of wealth. And so he used this, this particular illustration to hammer a point home to them one particular day and he said, is all right, now let me ask you this. How many of you in the class got an A last semester? Well, of course, several of them raised their hands and they're the ones who had A's. He said, all right, and how many of you got C's? Well, more of them raised their hands, you know, even more of them. He said, all right, here's what I propose. I propose that that all of you that got C's and all of you got that got A's, we're going to combine you and we're going to make all of you B's. You got it? Now, now, of course, the students that got C's said, yeah, man, of course, yeah, that's great. We like that. That's a good idea. They got the A's, do you think that they were in favor of all that? They said, now, hold on a second, wait, just a minute here, you know, you can't do that. You know, we worked hard for our A's. We labored for our A. While those guys rolled down at the bar seeing how much beer they can drink or they were at the, all the parties around campus, you know, we were the one in the library studying and that's, that's not fair. And the professor said, well, that's precisely my point. That's not fair. But you're for redistribution of wealth. Let's redistribute grades and let's see how that works out. You see, like God is a capitalist and God rewards according to your labor and thus he's a capitalist. He rewards according to your labor. Evidently, there are some things that, and we'll get into about the 11th hour that's different from earlier labor because in reality, you know, God is fair. God does see things that we don't see. And that's actually a good subject for, for a message. I need to remember that one. Things that, things that God sees that we don't, gotta write that down. All right, there we go. Things that, things that God sees that we don't, interesting, right? All right, a little, a little off on a rant there. Sorry about that. Well, that's not all though. The Lord is constantly, constantly looking for workers. He, according to our text, he went out five times during the day to enlist anyone who would go out into the vineyard. All right. Five times he went out. He interrupted his day by just searching for workers. All right. Let's back up just a little bit and go to Matthew chapter nine. Matthew and chapter nine. Matthew chapter nine and verse 36. Verse 36. But when he, now the he hears Jesus, but when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd. Then he saith unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plentyest, the laborers are few. Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. The difficulty has always been a low volume of laborers. God's looking for laborers, laborers constantly, constantly. Well, what's the panic? The panic is the harvest is short lived. The harvest, when you're in a harvest, you got to grab it while you can, right? You got to get it while you can. Amen. Those of you that are listening, that work on ranches or farms, you understand what I'm talking about. You got to get it while you can. Now, if we're obedient to the admonition to pray for laborers, and that's what the Lord told us to do, pray for laborers, then shouldn't we be more happy to invest in them when they show up? Jesus said pray for laborers, okay, Lord, give us some laborers. And then all of a sudden they show up at the door. All right. Now, there's another thing I need to point out to you. The 11th hour is characterized by a lot of potential workers who are willing to stand idle. The 11th hour is characterized by a lot of potential workers that are willing just to stand idle. Look back over in chapter 20 and verse 6, chapter 20 and verse 6. And about the 11th hour he went out and found others standing idle and saith unto them, why stand you here idle all the day? Idle, all the day idle, a lot of folks are just kind of standing around idle. I mean, they're saved. They know the Lord. They go to church, but they're just idle. You know what the result of idleness is? According to Ecclesiastes chapter 10 and verse 18, it's decay. It's decay. It's just decaying away. Now I figured you're too old to work for Jesus when you're too old to breathe. All right, until then God sees a potential army. Some folks, even when they retire, unfortunately, retire from serving the Lord Jesus Christ and that's a tragedy. That's an absolute tragedy. God sees this vast potential army and some of you folks are so much more qualified to actually endear yourself to people and win people than I am. Honestly, you are because, and people who know me well, they understand this, and I'm pretty sure that when I say that you're going to think I'm being sarcastic and I'm not. I'm really not. Most of you folks that I know, you're sweet, you're nice, you're endearing. You're not like me at all. You're not sarcastic. You're not caustic. You're not. You're nice. You're nice. I mean, really, you have certain properties and abilities and dispositions that God can use. If you'd let them use them, let them use them. Look at me over in Psalm 126, Psalm 126, Psalm 126 in verse 5, "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy, he that go with forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Some of you have those unique properties and abilities to really care enough for people to win them to Christ. Why is that? Why is it that you're standing idle? Why are you standing here idle all the day long? Why? Why stand you here idle? So the eleventh hour is characterized by a lot of potential workers who are just standing idle. And then let's consider the excuse that was rendered. Let's look at the excuse. No man have hired us. No man have hired us. You know what that tells me? No entrepreneurial spirit in the spiritual world. What do you mean that no man have hired you? You're just standing outside the door of the unemployment office waiting for some bureaucrat to charge out the door and give you a little slip of paper that says, "Here's a red hot job for you. You better go get it, get it on the interview." I've observed a lot of Christians that are just standing around thinking, "Well, if the preacher could just manufacture something for me to do, well manufacture your own. Manufacture your own. Your preacher has a lot of things to do. I have a lot of things to do, my plate's full. I'm sure your preacher who takes care of a physical, actual church has a full plate also. Do your own manufacturing. Do your own manufacturing. During World War II, there was a pastor, just a simple country pastor in the countryside of Pennsylvania, and his name was Pastor Howell. Pastor Howell was a pastor in a little town of Pennsylvania. I don't remember the name of the town, but that doesn't really matter. Every day, through that little town, troop trains traveled to a place called Indian Town Gap, Pennsylvania, which was a departing place, what do they call that, a deep embarking location? I forget the word, but for the troops going into combat in World War II, they would go there, then they would get sent out to the European theater. Every day, that preacher would stand there, and he'd watch those troop trains just filled with young men going to Indian Town Gap, and it just wore heavier and heavier and heavier on his heart every single day. One day, he said, "I've got to do something about it. I've got to do something to get the gospel to these young men before they cross the Atlantic and fight in the European theater." Really, realistically, knowing that many thousands would never return, he said, "I've got to do something. What can I do? What can I do?" Finally, just overwhelmed with the spirit of grief about the whole situation, he called a meeting with the deacons in the trustees of his church, and he said, "I'm going to submit my resignation." They were in shock, and they were like, "But preacher, why aren't we taking good enough care of you?" He said, "No, that's not the issue at all, that's nothing to do with it whatsoever." He tried to explain to them his grief over these young men that were going to war without ever having an opportunity to hear the gospel. He said, "I've got to do something, but what are you going to do?" He said, "I don't have any idea. I'm just going to do what I can do. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I don't know what I'm going to do, but God knows, and God has a plan, and I'm just going to try to get somewhere in the middle of God's plan and be an accessory to God's plan." Well, he resigned to his church, he went down to Indian Town Gap, and he managed to lease some property right across the street from the main gate of that particular army base. With the help of some other Christians from his old church and from some local Christians, he constructed this fairly large outdoor tabernacle. It's just a roof and maybe a side or two, and he constructed that thing with the idea that they would just fill it with chairs from wherever they could find them, and they would just fill that whole thing up, and then every night he'd stand out there with a bullhorn preaching over the fence of that army base, hoping that someone would come out and hear the gospel week after week after week went by, and not one soldier attended the services. Singers were there, the preacher was there, everything was ready, but no one came. No one came. Then finally, in utter absolute desperation, he loaded up his 1939 Plymouth with Tootsie Rolls and gospel tracks, and he wrapped every Tootsie Rolls with a gospel track, tied it up with a rubber band, and he got about two blocks away from that main gate of the army base, and then he just floored it. He split the pillboxes of that base at about 60 miles an hour, and I'm not advocating you doing that. All right, that is definitely not appropriate behavior when you're entering a military base, especially in a time of war, but that's what he did. He got through the gates, and he jumped out of his car, and of course, there were soldiers everywhere, and he just started passing out these gospel tracks with the Tootsie Rolls to everyone that he could find. Of course, it didn't take but minutes, and two very, very large MPs had them on each side, and they grabbed them, and they hauled them over to the Provost Marshall. The Provost Marshall is the one who takes care of all these kinds of things that happen on the military bases, and they sat him down rather harshly in the chair in front of this Provost Marshall and told that army officer what they had observed and what had happened, and then he dismissed them, and that diminutive little preacher was before that man that had the authority and the power in that time and age to slap him into jail, and he said to the preacher, he said, "So what's your story?" And the preacher told him his story, exactly what I told you, and probably he went to some more detail, but as he was telling the story, tears came to the eyes of that Provost Marshall, and he said, "Preacher, I've got a godly praying mother down in Alabama," and he said, "I can't help but think what she would tell me to do right now." He said, "If you'll promise me on your Word, on the Word of God, on your mother's grave, you will never enter this army base that way again." He said, "I will promise you that your tabernacle will be filled tonight." Preacher said, "You've got to deal, you've got to deal." About 30 minutes before the service began, army trucks began to roll out of the main gate and over to that tabernacle, and men by the dozens and dozens and the dozens were unloaded and filled into that little old crude tabernacle, totally filled it up. Now I know you obviously couldn't get away with something like that today, but under military order, that tabernacle was filled every night, night after night, for the duration of the entire war. Pastor Howell said, "As he preached and he gave the invitation for people to come to the Lord," he said, "literally some nights they would have to take a mop and a bucket to mop up all the tears that were covering that old fashioned altar, tears from the young men coming to the Lord Jesus Christ, preparing to meet eternity. Hey, folks, you know what that preacher was, he was an entrepreneur. He didn't just sit around and say, "Now, Lord, I'm trusting you to give me a job." And no, he said, "I'm going to go out and create one. I'm going to create an opportunity and I'm going to ask you, God, to help me to tell me how to do it." The eleventh hour workers labored during a time of complaining and whining. I want you to notice everyone else is, "This isn't fair in our text. This isn't fair. They got paid the same thing that we've got paid. We've been working all day. They've been working for just an hour. It's not right. They were worried about their rights." You know, it's interesting because there's another church in the Bible that's worried about their rights. That's the Laodicean church. That's the church of the last days in Revelation chapter 3. Do you know what the word "laodicean" literally means? It's one of those words that were transliterated into our language. It means the rights of the people. Isn't that what everybody has so worked up today in this day and age? I've got my rights. It's my right to do this. It's my right. It's right. It's a time of complaint. Instead of complaining about the day's work, they should have been planning tomorrow's work. They were short-sighted in their vision. That's what 11th-hour workers are dealing with. There's a lot of things that the 11th-hour workers are dealing with that, you know, maybe folks way before us didn't have to concern themselves with. 11th-hour workers are often laboring during the time of gleaning, you know, just one here, one there. You know, the harvest is winding down. There's just a little bit here, a little bit there. You know, we don't see what happened in the days of D.L. Moody and Sam Jones that I talked to you about a few weeks ago. We don't even see some of the things that happened in the days of Billy Sunday and even later on with Billy Graham. You see, it's just a time of gleaning. But you know what gleaning's are? Take your Bibles and go over to the book of Leviticus, Leviticus in chapter 19. You know, God had some pretty specific instructions about what to do with the gleaning's. And here they are in part Leviticus 19 and verse 10. Leviticus 19 verse 10, "And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt out gather every grape of thy vineyard, thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger. I am the Lord your God." So they were under, ancient Israel was under specific instructions, whether it was a vineyard or a wheat field or anything else, that they weren't to glean it. They had to leave the gleaning's for poor people. So the poor would come in after the major harvest had been accomplished and then it would just pick what's left, you know, free for the taken. But what's interesting is about this is that when God writes the Laodicean Church in Revelation chapter 3, he says this, he says, "You're poor and blind and naked, even though you don't perceive yourself to be that way because you're rich and increased with goods." But in reality, from a spiritual perspective, God's viewpoint, they were poor. They were poor. You know who the gleaning's are for? For the poor. For the poor, but you still have to go out and get them. You still got to go out and get them. Even if we're in the time of gleaning's. You've got to get out and exercise a little sweat and a little bit of labor. Gleaning's are for the poor. When you find a real harvest, which is rare, but occasionally you'll find one, you have to invest in it. You have to invest in it. And then finally, it's my last observation and this is going to be a short one today, folks. I think we'll even make an hour tonight. My last observation is simply this. The eleventh hour is a picture of the age in which you and I live. And consequently, there's a spirit of the age. You know, everything has spirits connected to it. You're aware of that. How many of you remember that when you were in high school and remember a thing they would talk about frequently was what? School spirit, right? And you remember before football games or the season would start, they would have these big pep rallies and whatever. You holler and carry on and the coach makes a speech and the captain of the football team makes a speech and the cheerleaders cheer and it's all, "Hoorah, hoorah, hoorah," and all that kind of stuff. And maybe, before the homecoming game, you'd have all that stuff. You know what I'm talking about, right? And what do they call it? They call it school spirit, right? That was just trying to build up some enthusiasm, you know, for the event. That's the whole thing. But there are spirits attached to certain things. For example, if you're a history student, you know that there is a spirit of industrialism that swept across America and you know, you know, we got into an industrial age and a manufacturing age and an age of invention. Prior to that, there was the pioneering spirit where people piled into wagons and got on horseback and muleback and everything else and they came across this country, not even knowing all the dangers that were in front of them, but they would just overcome with this certain spirit that seemed to compel them to go westward, a pioneering spirit, an adventuring spirit. And you know, if you date even further back into the Reformation, there was a spirit that was connected with the whole Reformation and the publication of Bibles that eventually, you know, really landed itself into a tremendous spiritual Reformation. Now the Apostle John over in 1 John tells us that there would be a spirit of the last days and he calls it the spirit of the Antichrist. It's a wicked spirit. It's an evil spirit. It's a denying spirit. It's a lying spirit. It's a murderous spirit. Everything that you can possibly say negative about it is connected to it and attached to that spirit. We live in that spirit, that time period, and God says for those that are willing to fight and overcome the spirit of the age, that's the 11th hour worker, there'll be a reward. There'll be a reward. Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for tonight. We thank you God for your blessings. We thank you for the preaching and the teaching of your Holy Word. Father, we ask you to bless the remainder of the show today. God, please, for all those that are listening and watching, God, please, please. Overcome that 11th hour spirit, Lord. Put it to each one of us, your 11th hour workers, that spiritual entrepreneurship, that willingness to do the work to sweat and to labor so that we may reap the rewards at the judgment seat of Christ, that we may see souls saved and enter into glory. And Father, we'll thank you for it in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, folks. So again, like I said, it's going to be a short one today, but this is the tongue tide. This is the sort of the spirit podcast. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share it with your friends, your family, and your followers. So a live show every Sunday at 3 p.m. Central Time and 7 p.m. on Thursday, evenings for our Thursday night Bible study, where could you find us on our website, sort of the spirit You could also find us on all of your modern podcast apps like podcast guru, and so many more. And also right here exclusively on rump well, what can we say exclusively? We're on rumble. I think we're streaming on locals today and X as well, Twitter, whatever. So that'll be, I think, a first. So don't forget to like, subscribe, and share it, all right. And we're going to take our break when we come back from the break. We'll get into our prayer list, we'll do some announcements, and then we'll wrap this baby up. All right, folks. Thanks for being with us. We'll be back right after this. Stay with us. [MUSIC] So ye my Savior, so ye my Savior, so ye my Savior, so ye my Savior and God. He died on Calvary to a tone for you and me, and to free us from sorrows great mode. He was extended, he was extended, painful he nailed to the cross to the cross. Then he bowed his head and died, thus my Lord was crucified, to a tone for a wound. O, that was not all. [MUSIC] Jesus, I'm bleeding. Three dreadful hours in great pain, while the sun refused to shine, when his majesty divine was derided, in sultan and say. So ye my Savior, so ye my Savior, so ye my Savior and God. He died on Calvary to a tone for you and me, and to free us from sorrows great mode. To free us from sorrows great mode. This podcast is hosted on, an intelligent podcasting platform that you can use to host unlimited shows and episodes and have unlimited downloads. Pothom comes with many intelligent features, like, which automatically creates transcripts, chapters, suggests titles, show notes, detects people, and creates clips. You can use unlimited for all your episodes and all your shows. Go check it out and start your free seven day trial at I would, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my bed. When I feel our friend, think of us, my will, still, you're there right beside me. Nothing will I fear as long as you are near, please be near me to the end. I would, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my bed. I would, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my bed. I will not forget your love for me and yet my heart forever is one to bring. Jesus be my guide, hold me to your sign, and I will love you to the end. Nothing will I fear as long as you are near. Please be near me to the end. I would, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my bed. God, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my bed. You're the light unto my bed. This is Jared Misha with the Modern Apocrypha Podcast, an author of the book Bright Star, and you're listening to Sword of the Spirit Podcast on and Rock of Asians, Cleft for Me, Let Me hide Myself in thee. Let the water and the blood from thy rib and soul. From thy rib and side which flow, O be you see, the double cue, cleans me from its guilt and love, nothing near, my hand I breathe, simply do that cross like me, nothing near, my hand I breathe, simply do that cross I clean, make it come to me for gently, for gently, for gently, for gently, for gently, for gently, for gently, for gently, for gently, for gently do you see, the double cue, is a lamp unto my feet, simply do that cross like me, nothing near, my hand I breathe, simply do that cross I clean, Oh, Rock of Asians, Cleft for Me, Let Me hide Myself in thee, Rock of Asians, Cleft for Me, Let Me hide Myself in thee. Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen. Hey folks, welcome back to the Sword of the Spirit podcast. This is Joe Rusiello. It is great to be with you. Once again, here on a beautiful, beautiful Sunday afternoon in Eagle Pass, Texas. And so let's see, I'm going to get into our prayer list here momentarily, just need to pull it up. I had to run out to the other room there, I had to go check up on the kitties, I heard them barking and I think Chuck was at the door for some reason, which is not unusual, but so I went out just to check up on that, I refilled my coffee so I'm good to go there, I hope you guys are too. So let me pull up the prayer list and while I'm doing that, folks, if you have any prayer requests whatsoever, don't forget to send them on over to us, head over to our website, That's You can use the web form or you can email me directly at Alright, so on our prayer list, we're still praying from Micah, Candy, and Eddie for a salvation. We're praying that the Lord will reach down from heaven and save them and bring conviction to their soul and to their hearts and minds and they would call upon the name of the Lord. Also, going down our sick list, we are praying for Yisena, who's undergoing chemoethic treatment for cancer, Maricella with heart troubles, Rosa with heart trouble, Lorena, who's fighting cancer, a second round of cancer, there's a lot of cancer on the prayer list, Emmanuel, who's fighting bone cancer. We're praying for Ruth, for her help, excuse me, for her health. We're praying for Ashley with heart trouble and we're praying for Guadalupe with cancer and we've added Carol to the prayer list today. Now, I don't know if you remember, but a couple of weeks ago, we prayed for Carol after a vehicle accident that she went through and so we're praying for her now. She was diagnosed very recently with lung cancer, so we're going to pray for her as well. We're also praying for Henry for direction and clarity and a hedge of protection about him in his life and walk with the Lord, for Angela, for direction and clarity in her walk, for Ashley, for peace in her heart and soul. Larissa for employment opportunities, Claude for family needs, Eddie for addiction, same Eddie from our salvation prayer list, praying for Ed for his overall health and well-being, and then also praying for Isabel, who's a single mom and had some unspecified prayer needs. All right, let's go to the Lord and prayer. All right, our Heavenly Father, we want to thank you so much for the gift of prayer. God, we thank you for all of those on our prayer list. Father, we thank you for those that have consented to allow us to pray for them corporately and God for the for the several who have not where we lift them up to you in prayer as well for all of these needs. But Father, today we pray for Candy, Micah, and Eddie for salvation. Lord, salvation we know is the single most important decision they have to make. And God, I pray that your Holy Spirit would bring conviction upon them and Lord that you would just touch them and God that they would call upon Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Father, moving on down our sick list, Lord, for all of those that are on our sick list, God, we pray that your healing hand would be upon each one of them. And today, Lord, we want to lift up Carol specifically, God, because you know, she's new to our prayer list. And Lord, I just lift her up to you. And God, I pray that you would give her grace and show mercy, Lord to her, to her family. Lord, give them strength as they go through this difficult time right now. And Lord, I pray that your hand would be upon her and you would bring healing. God, we also pray for all of those on our sick list as well. We pray for Zosania, we pray for Maricella and Rosa, Lorena, Emmanuel, Ruth, Ashley, Guadalupe, Lord, we lift them all up to you today. God, we pray that you would just touch each and every one of them. Father, I pray that your hand would be upon them. You would give them wisdom and discernment as they chart the courses for their treatments. And Lord, I pray for the medical professionals I'll be working with them as well. I pray that you would use their wisdom and the skills and the abilities that you've blessed them with in this particular field to help facilitate their healing. Father, we just pray that you would just be a blessing to each one of them. Lord, meet every need that they have. Father, we also pray for those in our general prayer list. We pray for Henry. Lord, we pray for the hedge of protection to be about him as he leads his family. And Lord, we pray that you would give him wisdom and discernment and his walk with you and his ministry. And for the decisions he has to make regarding his family and his life and employment. Father, we pray for Angela as well. We ask Lord for direction for her life and for clarity and her thinking process. Father, we pray for Ashley for peace in her heart and soul. We lift up Laricity, Lord, for these employment opportunities that she's looking for. And then Lord, we also pray for Claude as well to meet the family needs that he's expressed to me. Lord, we also want to pray for Eddie. Lord, I know we've been praying for him for salvation now for some time. And Lord, we were hopeful, Lord, that he started to be responsive to it. But Lord, we also pray that you would give him victory over these addictions that he's been struggling with as well. And then Lord, we also pray for Ed for his health, his overall health. And then for Isabel, Lord, this single mom who has some unspecified needs. Lord, we just lift her up to you and we lift all of them up to you today. Lord, we ask you to meet all of their needs according to your perfect will for them and for their lives. Father, thank you so much for all you do for us. Thank you for the blessings of the podcast. And thank you for all of those that are watching and listening right now live. And for all those that will be watching and listening later, God, we thank you for each one. Lord, we ask you to bless each person according to their needs. And then Father God, we just ask you to just guide our steps as we go through the next several minutes of today's show and then as we continue to study for our Thursday night Bible study ahead. Father, thank you so much for all you do. And Jesus name, we pray. Amen. All right, folks, once again, if you have any prayer requests whatsoever, please don't forget to send them on over to us at Or you could always send them over to us through our web forum on the website. All right, how about we get over to do some announcements? Alright, so Thursday night Bible study every Thursday night at 7 p.m. Central Time, 8 p.m. Eastern. We started a short series, probably two or three shows on the heavens declare the glory of God, the gospel and the stars. And last week we talked about the gospel message, we looked at some of the signs of the zodiac. And we demonstrated through scripture and through the signs themselves, how when God said the heavens declare the glory of God, he certainly did. And the glory of God, God's handiwork is the gift of salvation. And it's right there in the stars, if you pay careful enough attention to it. All right, also sermon Sunday broadcast every Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Central Time, 4 p.m. Eastern. Now you can find us on our website at That's Also, you can find us on all the modern podcast apps like podcast guru,,, and many, many others that allow the simultaneous live stream. So you can check us out there or right here on rumble You can find us on locals also. And I think we are streaming today on X as well. And we'll let you know how that goes. And we'll determine if we're going to continue on doing that as well. Alright, now folks, if you're in the Eagle Pass area and you're looking for a good King James Bible believing and Bible teaching church, why don't you consider paying us a visit over at 1st Baptist Church of Eagle Pass. We meet at 664 North Monroe. Our Sunday school hour starts at 10. Our worship service begins at 11 Sunday evening services at 6. And our Wednesday night Bible study meets at 7 p.m. Now for more information, all you need to do is head over to Facebook and take a look at the church's Facebook page. A lot of great information on there, also information about the podcast as well. And we're really thankful that the folks at 1st Baptist have allowed us to use the church's Facebook page to post information about the show. We don't have a Facebook page, really not looking to get a Facebook page. So, you know, we'll see how all that plays out in the days and weeks ahead. Alright, folks, if you are interested in prepping, I want to tell you about the Contra Radio Network. The Contra Radio Network is a single podcast that houses nearly a dozen talented podcasts and vidcast hosts and artists from around the country who release content daily. The Contra Radio Network releases 15 to 20 shows a week. That's a lot. That's a lot. And all, of course, is all depending on current events. And there are no issues that are off limit. You want to break down of current events, they got it. You want to know more about preparedness and self-sufficiency? They got that. You want a guy driving around ranting like a lunatic? Strangely enough. They got that too. You want more Bible studies? You want more politics, sports, camping, firearms? The Contra Radio Network has it all covered. And you can find them at,, and also wherever you get your podcasts. So, definitely check them out. And you'll find us on there as well. We've been partnering with them now for almost a year. And it's been a real blessing to have contact with those folks, great bunch of people. You're going to find a really good, really are going to find a lot of good stuff on that. So, check them out. All right. How about War Tribe Armory? We didn't mention them last week, but we'll do that this week. So, the War Tribe Armory is a local business right here in Eagle Pass, Texas, located in 3037 US57. If you are looking for a sour coat engravings, cleaning, stippling, restoration, refinishing repairs, FFL transfers, a custom build, gun sale, magazine, holsters, or trade-in. Here in Eagle Pass, War Tribe Armory is the place to go. Veteran owned and operated business, check them out at War Tribe Armory on Facebook, War Tribe. Armory on Instagram, and email them at War Tribe Armory 1133 at And just so you know, a couple of our listeners have used them to do some work on their firearms, and they are extremely pleased with it. They do fantastic and beautiful work. Check out their Instagram, check out their Facebook. You'll be really pleased, and definitely check them out. All right. Armory 1. Armory 1 is a good friend of ours. Carl, the owner, is a personal friend, and Armory 1 provides Texas license to carry certification and leverages over 30 years of military and law enforcement experience in instructing students in the safe use of firearms. Armory 1 also offers numerous courses on self-defense with a handgun, active shooter preparedness, home defense, and more. If you want more information about upcoming classes, listen right here, because we'll let you know when they're coming up, and also visit to get more information. All right. And then I mentioned earlier in the show our programming announcements email list. Now, again, this is today's text group was the last one. We will not be sending out any more text messages for the start of the show. All right. So if you want to stay informed about showtimes and information related to programming, get yourself on the program announcements email list. All right. Just email me at, or use the web form, send it on over to us, make sure your email address is correct. I'll get you added to the list. This way, you'll keep getting the information when we send them out. All right. Again, unfortunately, because of the decrease in the amount of donation we've been getting, we've had to cut certain things. And the text group, all the software that we use for that, we have to get rid of it. And we have to end our subscription to it. So today was the last one. So if you're on the text group, please don't forget, send over your email address so we can get you back onto this email list. All right. It's really important. You want to stay in the know on this stuff. All right. We're not going to sell your information. We're not going to share it. You're not going to get spammed. You're not going to get things you're not interested in. All of your information stays secure here with me. And then, you know, probably the best part of it, too, is that it's free. It's not going to cost you a thing. So head on over to the website, email us your email address, and we'll get you added to the list. All right. So we are our socials are Twitter or X at the SOTS podcast, TikTok, Getter, Instagram, Truth Social. And here on Rumble now and live on locals as well. So we look forward to connecting with you folks there, too. Now, I know locals, you know, a lot of hosts, they have a membership fee to get the stream on locals. I don't do that. All of the content that you that you see here will be on locals as well. But if you want to follow us there, that's fine. We'd love to have you there as well. The more distribution we get, the better for the show, the better we get the gospel message sent out, the more people have the opportunity here, the gospel, the more people have the opportunity to get saved in these last days of the last days. So we appreciate all the support you guys have been given to us all this time. And thank you so very much for it. All right. I think lastly before we head out, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Again, thank you to all of the folks that have been sending in donations. Again, any amount helps. We did not have any donations at 1611 or more. So no shout outs for that. But thank you so much for the folks that did contribute this month. Thank you so very, very much. And also thank you to the folks that have been streaming Sats to us on the modern podcast apps. Now, Sats are just micro payments of Bitcoin, kind of pennies, really, but you can get yourself hooked up to that too with these modern podcast apps. And you can go to or to get yourself set up with one of these things. It's really, really simple to do. I did it. I'm an old guy. I figured it out. You can do it too. One, two, three, I was set up. I used GetAlbi and GetAlbi connects to all of these apps. And it's really easy to do. So you should definitely check it out. All right. And finally, finally, before we go, and I know somebody out there said, Oh, thank God, finally, before we go, just want to say thank you once again to the Lord Jesus Christ, first of all, for the gift of salvation for saving me 24 years ago, this past July. And it's been a blessing, and it's not something I would ever regret. And yes, we've had our ups and downs. Yes, we've had our mistakes. We've had our failings. But you know, the more I fail, the more God shows himself faithful. And I am truly thankful for that amazing, amazing gift. And folks, listen, if you're not saved, you can get saved today. All right, all the Lord asks is that you put your full faith, trust and confidence in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and that alone for salvation. Just admitting to God that he's right, you're wrong. That's all it takes. That's all it takes. So don't go to hell. Don't spend an eternity in hell. Eternity is a very, very long time. Very, very long. And I'm not trying to say that in a flippant, diminutive way. It's a long time. There are people that are in hell right now that have been there for over 6,000 years. And it's not letting up. It's not getting any easier. There's no opportunity to get out. So don't go to hell. Please don't go to hell. Put your full faith, trust and confidence in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask him to save you and he will. He will. Also want to say thank you to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to serve him and in this capacity. With the podcast, it's a real blessing. It's a platform that we get to talk to folks about the Lord Jesus Christ all across this plane. 84 countries across this plane are able to access our web, our podcast, and have been listening. And I'm incredibly thankful for that. It is such a blessing to know that. And just got to thank God for it. And I hope and I pray that folks are getting saved. I don't know. I won't know until I get to the judgment seat of Christ. And I'm hoping that I will. I will see that folks have gotten saved because of what we've been doing here with the podcast. So thank you to the Lord for that. Also, thank you to all of you from the praying for us through your prayers. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your prayer support. What a blessing it is to know you guys are praying. And, you know, please continue to pray for us here for the show, for the podcast, for the ministries that are attached to the show. Also, please continue to pray for all the folks that are on our prayer list. And just remember, especially the ones that are in need of salvation, that's so important today. So very, very important. So please don't forget them. Also, thank you to all of you who have been supporting us financially from the very beginning. We have a few folks that are recurring donors to the show. Thank you so much for your contributions. It's been a real blessing. Really do appreciate that. You really help us keep everything going. And also, of course, to all of our listeners, every single one of you who have been faithfully listening in to everything that we've been doing. Thank you so very much for that. We really do appreciate it. You kept us on the charts at Good Pods. Number one on five categories. What a tremendous blessing that is. All right, folks, that'll do it for us for this Sunday afternoon, our sermon Sunday broadcast. Don't forget, head over to our website, sort of a spirit Set us over any comments and prayer requests. Also, look for that donation button. And if you can help us out with a donation in any amount, we'd appreciate it. All right, folks, make Bible study great again. Go podcasting. Keep a steady stride. And win the lost, no matter the cost. God bless you. Take care. [Music] [Music] [Music] Well, that's about it, really. [BLANK_AUDIO]