The Sword of the Spirit Podcast

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

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20 Sep 2024
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All right, and folks, we are live once again at the Asylum Studios broadcasting from the pimple on the backside of Texas, the beautiful city of Eagle Pass, and folks, what a beautiful night it is for a podcast just outside a few minutes ago with the kids and we were, you know, just taking care of business, if you know what I mean, you know, before the show gets started because the last thing in the world that I want to do is after the show I have to go out there and clean up a mess. So we try to make it out before we get started here. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't, it depends, I don't know, we'll see. And today we are rolling out or we're trying out the new Shure MV7 Plus microphone that we just had delivered last week and didn't get it quite in time to set it up for the show Sunday. So that's why we pushed it off to trying it out tonight. And I don't know, I can hear a difference in the cans. I don't know if you guys hear anything different, but it sounds to me to be a lot clearer for some reason than the much more expensive SMB7, whatever it is, you know, the other one. So yeah, so it's been, it's not bad. I like it. I do. I like it. But we'll see how it goes. And when we get some feedback on it after the show is uploaded later on, we'll make a decision on what we're going to do here. But again, again, another Thursday night, I hope you guys had a great week. I hope you had an opportunity this week to talk to some folks about the Lord, talk to some folks about their soul, especially since we are in the last days of the last days. And it's super incredibly important right now to be talking about these things. It's so, so important, especially when you look at what's going on in the world of politics. And I mean, if you are a student of the Bible, and I hope you are, you know, I hope that as you're listening here, you're learning some things. And I hope it's a blessing to you as you're going ahead learning. But if you are a student of the Bible, you have to look at what's going on in the world around us right now and realize that, you know, when I tell you that we're in the last days of the last days, man, I am not kidding. I am absolutely not kidding. There's a lot of crazy things going on out there in the world and everything going on around us. It's just, it's just one thing after another. And folks, all of this is laid out in your Bible. So I would encourage you, if you haven't been reading your Bible, you need to start reading it. You need to start getting faithful to the Word of God. And so I hope that you'll be doing that. Now in the days and weeks coming, we're going to be changing a few things around in here. So we're going to have a new setup pretty soon. I think I've got an idea of what we're going to do. So we might miss a couple of shows, but I'll let you know about that as we go through. And also something, I should probably save this stuff for the announcements later on. But that's okay, because who knows if we're actually going to do announcements today. This might be a little bit of a long show, so I might have to cut a few things out. But we'll see as we go along. But one thing that we are going to be doing is this coming Saturday, I'm really excited about this. A couple of months ago, we sat down with Jared Michaud, who is a Christian writer. And he had put out a couple of books that we talked about for, I want to say a couple hours, and really what a blessing it was talking to him. And we made contact over this last week, and we decided that we're going to get together again on Saturday. And we're going to sit down. We're going to record. It's going to be a pre-recorded interview that we'll do, a little chat we'll have. And so I am excited to do that. That's going to be Saturday two o'clock. And then we'll figure out when we're going to be airing it a little bit later on after we go through some edits and whatnot. So really excited about that. And I hope that you enjoyed the first interview we had with him. And now this one coming up will be even better. He's told me some really great things that he's been working on, things that are coming out and things that he's doing. So really looking forward to getting into those kind of conversations. Now earlier today, I was going through some of my emails. I got two particular emails that kind of caught my attention. And I was thinking, you know, we haven't done headlines in a while. Have we not? No, we have not. So I was thinking that perhaps we'll do a couple of headlines here. So what do you think? Well, Pope Francis and Kat Kerr are once again in the headlines and let's switch over to that browser. This way I could get up here. All right. Well, folks, Pope Francis says that it's a grave sin. I mean, really, is there any other kind of sin, to be honest with you? But it's a grave sin for a nation to reject masses of illegal aliens. Now I find this to be particularly interesting and I was thinking about playing the audio for you, but it's all in Italian. I might understand it, but maybe some of you will. I mean, I know we do have some listeners in Italy, but it would be pointless for me to play it. So I'm just going to basically give you an idea of what this is all about. So Pope Francis had a recent address to the public. The masses over there in Vatican City basically said that there are those who work systematically and with every means to reject migrants. And this when done with conscience and responsibility is a grave sin. Now what strikes me as interesting is that the arch here here and the ultimate hypocrite sitting on his throne over there in the Vatican, which is a literal fortress with some of the strictest immigration controls in the entire world, is over here talking about why doesn't he open up the gates of his own sovereign country right there? Why not? Why is it a grave sin for everybody else, but not for himself? Just some of the things that you'd like to think about. Just going around lecturing other countries, lecturing other governments about their policies on immigration while he sits behind his extremely high walls, locked gates and just criticizes everyone else for what they're doing. So I don't know folks, if you are a Roman Catholic, and look, I love the Roman Catholic people. I do not have anything against Roman Catholics themselves individually, but it's your system of religion that just irks me to no end. And if you don't have a problem with this, I mean, we got to do some serious praying. We really do. All right, well, I don't want to sit on this one for too long because I want to end our brief headlines with something a little comical, but yet sad at the same time. So we've talked about Cat Kerr a few times. And for those of you who might not know, Cat Kerr is our favorite pink-haired prophetess. She's an elderly woman, but she claims to have the ability to prophesy. And we've talked about some of the prophecies that she puts out on more than one occasion. Well, apparently she's out with a new one, and this one is quite interesting. And she sat down for an interview with a gentleman here. I don't have his name, unfortunately, but just how this man can keep a straight face in the interview that he's sitting with with her. I don't know, because as soon as I -- well, first of all, soon I saw the still picture of it. Unfortunately, I'm not equipped to share this with you in that way. But when I saw the picture of this, I laughed. There was just no way I couldn't laugh. It's just pathetic. But here's Cat Kerr. This is kind of a long clip, so I'm going to play quite a bit of it, but we'll cut it off at some point just to save time. But so basically here, Cat Kerr has said that God struck animals in the garden mute so they couldn't fall. They don't need to repent to be saved. No words. Poor Cat Kerr. All right, so let's see what she has to say in her own words. Hold it. Here we go. They don't have to get saved. They didn't sin. They didn't sinned. I'm sorry, Mr. Who are -- when they die goes to having children, are you talking about or? Yeah, our pets. Oh, your pets. Okay, sorry. I missed that. Yeah, I was just thinking about the pets. Your pets have a soul. They have a soul. Well, you know, you missed that because they choose and they have what they're going to do and it made me think of why my mind went -- my wife showed me a meme the other day. And I can't remember quite what it said, but it had all these, like, three dogs in the middle of the kitchen floor where the wife is trying to fix up her and the dog saying, you know, I don't remember what the meme said. Do you remember, Dream? All right. That's enough. I'm sorry. I can't. So, okay, first of all, I have pets. I have dogs. I love my dogs. My dogs are like my kids. But I also have a Bible. And I read my Bible quite a lot. And animals don't have a soul, okay? Despite what our pink-haired prophetess here has to say, animals don't have a soul. They have a spirit. And the Bible says that the spirit of the beast goeth downward. All right. So, I'm sorry, but the Bible is very, very clear. Only humans were created in the image of God. And only humans are held responsible for their sin, all right? It was -- it was Adam and Eve that were tested. It wasn't their pets, all right? So, I don't know where she gets this from in the Scriptures, but these are people that you need to stay away from. Folks, you need to stay away from people like this. They are absolute lunatics, all right? How about we get away from that? And if you would, grab your Bible and head on over to Psalm 19, okay? Psalm 19. We're going to do some -- a little bit of a different arrangement here this evening. But while you're getting there, you know, just want to say thank you, first of all, to everybody that's listening in right now, that's watching on Rumble. Thank you so much for taking your Thursday evening here with us. We really do appreciate that. And you know, last week we finished our series on getting wisdom out of the Book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. So, I really do hope that it was a blessing to you as much as it was for me. Really do -- really did love to teach that lesson. It was something that, you know, it had been kind of on my mind for a while and never taught anything really specifically directly out of Proverbs, so that was a real blessing for me to do. And, you know, sometimes, you know, when I do these studies, you know, just because I'm sitting here, you know, behind the microphone, it doesn't mean I know everything. You know, I've learned quite a bit of things, not only about the Word of God, but about myself in doing the study on Proverbs, and I hope that that was a benefit that you had as well. All right. So Psalm 19 and verse 1, "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech and night into night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoicesth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it. And there is nothing hid from the heat thereof." All right. Let's go to the Lord in prayer. Father, we just want to thank you for your Holy Word and Father, I pray that you would lend us direction and discernment, understanding as we examine some really incredibly valuable things from your Word tonight. You've indicated to us that the gospel is all around us and it resonates even in nature. We fail to recognize that a lot of times. Help us, I pray, to be observant of that which you have put into place. Lord, we thank you that you love us and we thank you that you are never, never failing in reminding us of that. And Father, we thank you again for the night and the word in Jesus' precious name we pray. Amen. Well, the discussion of the verses that we just read is the firmament, which is the heavens. And everyone, according to verse three, regardless of where they live or how primitive or sophisticated that particular tribe of people or culture may be, everyone, everyone has been subjected to the testimony of what's up there in the heavens. Everyone can see it. The thing also suggests a prophetic tone, all right, in verse five, again, which as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoices as a strong man to run a race. Now, that's very, very similar to some passages we find over in the Song of Solomon that have to do with the rapture, all right. So this whole thing here is an indication that if you look really carefully up in the heavens, there's a testimony, a testimony of God's work and God's primary plan. And so I would call this tonight the gospel and the stars, the gospel and the stars. But before we get any further into it, I'm going to ask you to do just a couple of quick things for me. First of all, as usual, head on over to our website, sort of the That's sort of the spirit and head over to our contact section and open up that web form. Send us over a message. Let us know whatever is on your heart, whatever is on your mind. Any questions, comments, cares or concerns that you might have. And also, why don't you send us over your prayer request? Don't forget to send over those prayer requests. Now, if you don't like to use the web form, that is totally fine. You can always email me directly at, that's And then of course, the second thing I'd like you to do, if you would, please look for the support button on the home page. And remember, this is a modern value for value podcast. You can donate your time, your talent or your treasure. And basically what that means is that if this podcast has been a blessing to you in any way of the show, the video, the audio, whatever it is that you like to watch or listen to, has been a blessing to you in any way. In other words, if you've received anything of value from what we're doing here, would you please consider a donation to the show? You have to remember, folks, we don't run paid ads, all right? We don't have any sponsors. We're only recently monetized here on Rumble and our following is not big enough really to generate anything. Last, I checked Sunday, it was, I think, I think it was 50 cents. Today, I looked again, it was 55 cents or something like that. So we're not generating really anything to help in the immediate to help cover the expenses that we have with what we're doing here. Every penny helps and we're thankful for it. We do appreciate it. But we really are dependent upon our listeners to help keep this whole thing going. So if you haven't made a decision on whether or not you'd like to support the show, pray about it. See how the Lord leads you to do it. And if he does, if he leads you to do it, just click that support button and send over a donation in any amount whatsoever. Any amount does not matter. However, if you want the shout out, if you want to hear your name called out across the entire plane on which we live, your minimum donation needs to be $16.11. All right, $16.11. And you can just simply do that by clicking the support button, going over to the PayPal link there. You can just click that. You can make a donation through that. You can do it through cryptocurrencies. We have our crypto wallet up there as well. You could just click that thing and send over Satoshis to us, which would be a blessing. And you can do recurring contributions and donations or you can do what's just do at one time. However, the Lord leads you to do it. We would really, really appreciate your help and support as we go forward. All right. Now, with that out of the way, most of you have at least a vague familiarity, I would suppose, with what people call the signs of the zodiac. All right. And so, modern astrologers, not astronomers, astrologers base your horoscope on the signs of the zodiac. So there are 12 formations of the zodiac, and we're going to get into those momentarily. But if you would, take your Bible and go with me over to Genesis in chapter one, Genesis chapter one. Now, sometimes you get into discussions, or at least I hope you do, with unbelievers, or people who are doubters, even critics of the Bible. And they would suggest to you that there's no real solid evidence that the Bible is the Word of God. And what I try to do, and sometimes I'm more successful than others, and we can all attest to that, but what I try to do periodically is give you ammunition for your gun. I believe that's one of the jobs that I have as a preacher of the gospel, and as a host of a Bible-studied podcast. I want you to walk around with a fully loaded magazine. Just load it up, man, just ready to go. You know what I'm saying? But because when it comes to the truth, the more bullets you have, the better off you are. Now, sometimes people say when they're giving you a hard time about the Bible, just say, "Listen, you've got to throw these bombs out, and just let them scratch their head because they don't know the answer." Say something like this. Have you ever studied the signs of the zodiac? You know, that's all in the Bible. And then just walk away and just let them wonder about that. You don't have to give them an explanation or a full answer. Just let them wonder about it and let them think about it. You never know. You might spark someone's curiosity enough to go open the Bible and study it for themselves. All right. Now, in Genesis in chapter 1, and excuse me, verse 14, "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years." All right. Now, let me ask you a question. In that verse that we just read, what word is out of place? What word is out of place? What would you say? That word in that verse is out of place. Signs. Right? The word signs. Because you see, years, days, and seasons all have to do with time, don't they? Years, days, and seasons have to do with time. Signs don't. Signs don't. So, why signs right there? And let them be for signs. You know what a sign is? A sign is something carrying a message. That's what a sign is. A sign is something that's carrying a message. So, what God is telling you is that all that stuff that you see out there on grand display night after night after night, and I'm telling you folks, one of the things I love to do the most is to go out because where I live, it gets nice and dark, there's not a lot of the city light, and just look at the stars. And night after night after night, that display is on, and that display is carrying a message. And if you can just get the message, you see, you've got to get the message. All right? Verse 15. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so. And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. Now, I've got to tell you, I love that little, you know, it's not even a verse, you know? It's more like a postscript, you know? It just says, oh, by the way, I made the stars also, no big deal, except that God says that He's got them all named and there's billions of them, billions of them and He's got them all named. That's far out, you know, when you really sit there and you stop and think about that, that's really far out. Now, the study of astronomy is very, very ancient, you know? The ancients spent a great deal of time stargazing. Take your Bible and look with me over in Job in 38, Job chapter 38, all right? And when you get to Job, take a sip of my coffee here, I don't say coffee, like a typical New Yorker. In New York, they'd be in the coffee, the coffee, you know? But I say coffee. I don't know. I'm weird that way. I spent a lot of time when I was a kid trying to lose the New York accent. Sometimes it comes out, sometimes it don't. That's the way it is. All right, did I give you enough time to get to Job? Job 38? All right, let's pick it up in verse 29, Job 38 29, "Out of whose womb came the ice and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it? The waters are hid as with the stone and the face of the deep is frozen. Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Masseroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of the heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? All right, now, if you want, I was thinking about doing this, but Dr. Ruckman, actually in his study bible, has a great passage in his notes on this. But honestly, it's way too long to really kind of get into here. It'll take up all of this and we don't have time to read that. But I'm telling you, go home or later on tonight, wherever you are, read it. If you have Dr. Ruckman's study bible, read it. It's right there at the bible of that page and it is unbelievable. It's a great, great study note on that particular passage of scripture. What they're talking about here, though, are constellations. So clearly, Joe had some, I guess, limited understanding as to what God was talking about, I mean, he could identify the vocabulary, the words, you know, when God says, you know, what do you know about these constellations? Well, he knew something. He knew something, all right. Mazaroth in that text is a Hebrew word, which means the constellations of the zodiac, all right? That's what it means. And it goes, Job goes back to at least about 1800 B.C., all right? Job is the first, in reality, the oldest book in your bible, all right? So if Job goes back to at least 1800 B.C., you're talking over 4000 years ago, 4000 years ago, astronomy was a top subject, you know, a lot of people were studying the stars. Now, if God says there's good information contained in heaven, or in the heaven, and there must be, you may very well expect the devil to do what? To corrupt it. What don't you think? I mean, doesn't the devil corrupt everything that God says is good? Well, let's look in Isaiah 47, Isaiah 47. Now, in Isaiah 40, you know, God is talking about the downfall of Babylon the Great and Isaiah 47, and he gets down here, and he gets pretty sarcastic, you know, God's divine sarcasm. And I'm telling you, I love it. I absolutely love it. And here's what he says in verse 13, Isaiah 47 verse 13, thou art weirried in the multitude of thy councils, let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, all right? That's the horoscope crowd. Stand up and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. So God has pronounced some pretty distinct pronouncements of gloom and doom on Babylon. And then in kind of a sarcastic tone, he says, well, you know, well, how about your stargazers and your astrologers? You know, maybe they can save you, of course, you know, maybe not, you know. But verse 14, behold, they shall be a stubble. The fire shall burn them. They shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame. There shall not be a cold to warm at nor fire to sit at to sit before it. So, so clearly these verses, these verses indicate that the devil had been really busy influencing people to corrupt the gospel in the stars. It's there if you know where to look, all right? It's there if you know where to look. Now, you know, the headline for this whole story, you know, it's kind of like, kind of like reading a newspaper, all right? You know, and like we just did a few minutes ago, we talked to some headlines and went into the story. You read the, you read the headline, the story follows. Well, the headline here is Genesis 3, 15. And the rest of the Bible is the details of the headline, all right? So let's go back and I don't know if some of you are familiar with it, but you know, if you're not, let's look again over in Genesis 3 and verse 15. Alright, now in Genesis 3, 15, who is God speaking to? All right, who's God speaking to in Genesis 3, 15, to the serpent, right? He's speaking to the serpent and he says, I will put enmity. Now enity, that's, that's conflict, that's warfare, that's, that's strife, you see? And I will put enity between the in the woman and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel. All right, now that's the headline. And what's being presented here is the initiation of the gospel message. If you want to be all theologically, if you want to showcase yourself theologically, it's called the proto-evangelicum, all right? The first gospel, the first, the first presentation of the gospel message, all right? Now the first part of it is, is, is the woman is going to have a seed, but women don't have a seed. Do you know what that's prophesying? That's prophesying the virgin birth. So, so the virgin birth is prophesied here, but it also suggests that the devil has a seed, does the devil have a seed? Now I know, I know this is subjective, but, and you know, and we'll, we'll get back around to this one a little bit later on, but do you remember back in the 70s, they, they, they came out with a movie called, and they did a remake recently too, that wasn't anywhere nearly as good, but how many remakes really are, but another story. What is a movie called Rosemary's Baby, all right? And you know what that's all about? Well, when we get over to study Gemini, we're going to find out what that's all about, and we're not going to get there tonight, but when we get to Gemini, we're going to find out what Rosemary's baby is really all about, all right? And, and a lot of other things that go along with it. So, so the Lord here is, he's laying out the basic gospel message right here in Genesis chapter three and verse 15. And so, modern astrology, if you study the horoscopes, they start where they start in Aries, right? That's where they start. But again, but again, that's a corruption of the devil, because that's not where God starts. That's not where God starts. God actually starts at Virgo. I have a chart that I wanted to bring, oh, here it is, I got it. All right, because again, because I'm not set up to where I could show you like screen sharing and things like that. So, I printed it out here, and I don't know if you could see that. I think the light's kind of blurring it out there, but, but modern astrology starts up here with Aries, but God starts right here with Virgo, all right? Hopefully, we'll be able to see these images. Should have tried this out before with the studio lights on. All right, now what's interesting is if you study ancient astrology in a variety of cultures and civilizations, you know, they all, and this is kind of wild, actually, all right? They all have the same 12 signs, and they have it, they all have it in the exact same order. All right, so the idea, you know, quite clearly is that somewhere, you know, way back yonder, they all, you know, coming out of the Tower of Babel had the same information. That was the progenitor of various myths that evolved, you know, out of all of that, all right? In the temple of Echna, in Egypt, there's a portico, it's a great sky painting on the ceiling, which shows the whole picture of the zodiac, you know, and between the figures of Virgo, the virgin, and Leo the lion, there's a Sphinx, all right? And this particular Sphinx has the head of a woman and the body of a lion, and this woman's face is looking at the virgin, and the lion's tail is pointing at Leo. Well, what's that, what's that telling us? That's telling us the beginning and the end, isn't it? That's telling us the beginning and the end, and they all start at Virgo, not at Ares, where the modern astrologists start, but they all started Virgo, all right? You can go back to Rome and Greece, Persia, Syria, Babylon, or Egypt, you know, there's a remarkable phenomenon that, you know, all the nations have the same 12 signs representing the same 12 things placed in the same order. Now what's even more remarkable, and let me emphasize this, is that these signs look nothing like what they're supposed to represent, but the ancients all came to the same conclusion. Well, how do they do that? Somewhere, way back when, they must have all been operating with the same line of information, right? I mean, there's no other possible explanation for it, all right? So what do you say we, because I said all of that by way of introduction, so let's really get into this. I figure tonight we're probably going to get probably as far as Aquarius tonight, and if we do get that far, then we've done really, really well, but I don't know, we might not, but let's get started here. Let's talk about Virgo, all right? This is where the ancients always started with the signs of the zodiac right here at Virgo, all right? Now Virgo means the virgin, and every nation in the world, it's the picture of a woman. Virgo means virgin, it means it in Latin, it means it in Hebrew, and it means it in Greek, all right? Now hold on one second, my screen just blanked out on me, give me one second. We'll get right back to that, sorry folks, again, this is the sort of the spirit podcast, and it wouldn't be sort of the spirit podcast if we didn't have some kind of a technical blip here on the screen, all right. So again, same word in Latin, Hebrew, and Greek, and mythology, and here's this picture, here. Now in mythology, she holds a branch in her right hand, and in her left, she would have some sheaves of corn or sheaves of wheat, all right, which is a picture of what? It's a picture of fertility, all right? Now we've already read over in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15, so let's go over to Isaiah and verse 14, Isaiah chapter 7, I'm sorry, Isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14, Isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14, therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign, behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel, well, I mean, if you've spent any time in your Bible, this is a pretty familiar passage, but it's just a reinforcement of what's hinted at in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15 of virgin shall conceive. And you know, isn't it interesting that the gospel and the stars, the signs of the zodiac, that's where it all begins, right, right there, the virgin, that's the launching pad, that's the starting point, all right, now let's go over to Zechariah chapter 3, Zechariah chapter 3 and verse 8, Zechariah 3 verse 8, if you can't find it, don't worry about it, I'm going to read it to you anyway, Zechariah chapter 3 and verse 8, here now, oh Joshua, the high priest, thou and thy fellows that sit before thee, for they are men wondered at, for behold, I will bring forth my servant the branch, now if you're reading your text here, you're going to notice that the branch is capitalized, all right, all the letters, branch, the branch, the servant of God, the Lord Jesus Christ is being indicated here, all right, and so in mythology, again, this woman holds a branch in her right hand and in her left hand, she's of corn and wheat, speaking of fertility, propagation, multiplication, and so you must be born again, you must be born again, multiples and multiples, it just multiplies and multiplies and multiplies, all right, the first of three minor constellations in Virgo is a minor constellation called coma, coma, C-O-M-A, okay, and coma means the desired for the longed four one, someone's longing for this one, all right, it's a picture of a woman with a child in her lap, and you see, in all these civilizations of antiquity, they always picture, that's how they always picture Virgo, now you say, well how in the world did they get a woman out of this, I showed you the picture of it, like how did they get a woman out of that, all right, well, what's even a greater mystery is, how did they all come to the same conclusion, but they did, but they did, so the longing for someone, you know, longing for this one to come, now you remember the priest Zacharias and his wife, longing to see the Messiah, longing to see the Christ child, well, what did God say, he said, all right, here you go, I'm going to fulfill that desire, so it begins with a virgin, it begins in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15, all right, now Libra, Libra, means the scales, all right, Libra means the scales, in Hebrew it's mazinam, which means the scales are weighing, okay, it's a picture of one end tipped up the other end down, now if you've ever seen pictures of the signs of the zodiac, you notice that, it's scales just like this, let me show you, all right, it's scales, just like that, I don't know if you can see that, is that better, do you see it, all right, we're trying here, we're trying, well, eventually we'll get into the 21st century, all right, so you have the scales and their tips, kind of like that, all right, is that better, all right, so let's run some passages really quick, all right, head over to Daniel in chapter 5, all right, Daniel in chapter 5, now you remember the story, Bell Shazar, he's throwing a party, he's having a little party, you know, he and his buddies and you know, they're doing, you know, little wine bibbing and all that stuff, you know, they're all vibing, it's the word, right, that's what the cackling commulics to use, we're vibing, so and then as they're partying and celebrating all this stuff, then there's a hand that starts writing on the wall, all right, just a hand, nothing attached to it, well I would say that would be a little different, right, I wouldn't expect that, you know, all of a sudden, you know, in the middle of our Bible study tonight, a hand just showed up and started writing on the wall right behind me, you know, would that get your attention? Well, they got Bell Shazar, that got his attention, you know, the Babylonian emperor there, all right, and verse 24, Daniel 5, 24, then was the part of the hand sent from him and this writing was written and this is the writing that was written, many, many Teckel, you farson, and this is the interpretation of the thing, many, God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it, Teckel thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting, all right, so you're weighed in the balances and you're found wanting, now one of the stars in this particular constellation of Libra is called Zubin Al-Junubai, and that's an Arabic word and it means the price deficient, the price is deficient, all right, now crux, C-R-U-X is the first minor constellation which appears, and it's also called what we call the southern cross, all right, or familiar with that, and it shows up in the southern hemisphere and it's actually shaped like a cross, it looks just like a cross, in Hebrew it's called A-Dome, a dome, a dome, sorry, I got it, a dome, okay, I had it got stuck on it because it's spelled A-D-O-M, so almost like Adam but A-Dome, you know what I'm saying, all right, which basically means cutting off, all right, cutting off, all right, so now here's the idea of the thing, step one, a virgin shall bring forth a child, step two, the world is found deficient in its weighing, you know, we can't measure up to the mark, we always come out where our deficiencies outweigh everything else, you see, so we appear as the human race deficient, and so God emphasizes that over and over and over again, and there's only one thing that can balance the scales, look with me in Colossians chapter one, Colossians chapter one, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but by His mercy as He saved us, there's only one thing that can balance the scale, all right, Colossians chapter one verse 20, and having made peace through the blood of, through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself, by Him I say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven, the heavens declare the glory of God, do you get it, you see it, the heavens declare the glory of God, there's only one thing that can make up the deficiency of the sinfulness, the sinfulness of humanity, and that's the blood of Jesus Christ, which is the result of the virgin birth, all right, first Corinthians in chapter one, first Corinthians chapter one, now I know someone's gonna think, yeah I mean how do you know, you know, if the ancients had all of this, and how do they all figured it out, you know, based on, you know, on what, yeah how do they get this, you know something folks, they were a lot smarter than we give them credit for, they were a lot smarter than what we give them credit for, well you know they didn't have computers and they didn't have telephones and cars granted, but you know maybe they had things that were more valuable, maybe they had wisdom, that's more valuable, you see, we talked about that for the last eight weeks, seven weeks, all right first Corinthians chapter one and verse 18, for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God, so it's the preaching of the cross, the first minor constellation of Libra is crux, the southern cross, and so it's the preaching of the cross, and the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God, all right so Libra, Libra, all right now the next one, the next one is Scorpio, good old Scorpio, just out of curiosity, drop a comment of how many of you actually know what your zodiac sign is, I'm a Scorpio believe it or not, yeah I am, most certainly am, all right so you have, here's good old Scorpio, all right can you see that, yeah okay, and somehow they got that something to be a scorpion, you know, I guess with its head here and there's the curled tail looking to strike, you know, you ever noticed that, that's Scorpio, all right, well Satan in your Bible is described as a serpent, a dragon, a sea monster, a snake, and so on, and what's interesting is that we find, you know, just above Scorpio and its minor constellation is a strong man who's about to have his left heel stung by the scorpion, or the Scorpio and the scorpion, but his right foot is about to smash the head of the scorpion, now that constellation and the minor in it are part of the signs of the zodiac dating all the way back over 4,000 years, well where did they ever get that from, well they got it out of Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15, all right let's look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 14, Colossians chapter 2 verse 14, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it, all right, a little history, all right, when the Romans crucified people what they did was they wrote what was called a handwriting of ordinances, so in other words what they were accused of, all right, you know, or what they were found guilty of and they nailed it to the cross of that victim and so that's the handwriting of the ordinances, all right, now what does our verse say, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross, folks my ordinances were nailed to his cross, if you're saved your ordinances were nailed to his cross, he who knew no sin became sin for us, isn't it fascinating how all of this stuff works, the heavens declare his handiwork and the handiwork of God is not just nature, the greatest handiwork of God is salvation, that's the real handiwork of God, all right, so you know that will move right along here, now let's get to Sagittarius, my sister is a Sagittarius, Sagittarius, this is Sagittarius, you can't see that, no lighting, anyway Sagittarius is in there, I'll show you the zodiac sign of it, all right, so that's Sagittarius, all right, that's a centaur with the body of a horse and the torso of a man and that's how that's pictured, but you know what a centaur is, it's a horse with the trunk and body of a man on it, and he's a man with a drawn bow, that's how it's pictured, all right, he's got a drawn bow, you see that, I don't know if you can see it up there, but that's what he has, all right, fascinating, go over to Revelation in chapter 6, Revelation in chapter 6, so we have a virgin bringing forth a son and his name shall be called Emmanuel, humanity is found deficient, weighed in the balances and comes up short, there's a scorpion, that's about to, that's about to strike, but there's a strong man in the minor constellation that's about to stomp on his head, and so Sagittarius, all of a sudden shows up, the second most prominent personality in your Bible, next to Jesus Christ, which is the most prominent, but the second most prominent personality you'll find in your Bible is the Antichrist, and he has typed and so many, and pictured in so many different ways, 18, this is a trip, 18 different personalities in your Bible type the Antichrist, 18 of them, beginning with Cain and working all the way through Judas, 18, what's that, 6 plus 6 plus 6, 18, right, that is the math, isn't it, all right, 6, 6, 6, the number of the beast over in Revelation chapter 13, but getting back to our friend Sagittarius here, in Revelation chapter 6 and verse 2, and I saw him behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer, all right, that's the Antichrist, now some of the commentators have made a horrible, horrible mistake in identifying this rider on the white horse is Jesus Christ, no, the Lord Jesus Christ comes on a white horse, but he doesn't have a bow, he's got a sword in Revelation chapter 19, amen, this one has a bow and a crown is given unto him, all right, so the Antichrist comes and he gets a crown, he gets a temporary rulership over the nations of the world and so naturally the Antichrist is introduced into the equation, you know, that's the devil incarnate, that's the enemy, that's the adversary right there, all right, and the Lord is painting the entire picture of history and bible prophecy in the signs of this Hodiak, that's far out man, you know, I don't know about you, I find this stuff fascinating, I really do, I truly do, this stuff just blows my mind sometimes, all right, so, so that's Sagittarius, all right, that's my sister at the Antichrist, now we're kidding, because I know my bible enough to know that that's not true, she may act like it sometimes, but Capricorn, all right, Capricorn, Capricorn is usually translated as the sea goat or the goat fish, all right, and it's depicted as a goat with a fishtail, all right, now I'm sure you've seen it, but this is the constellation of, that's the constellation of Capricorn, I don't know how they got a goat fish or a sea goat out of this, but a goat with a fish's tail, but this is another rendition of it, I'm sure you can see that one a little bit better, right, yeah, I think so, all right, the goat, get the goat's head here, the fishtail, and all that, so, and they superimpose that over the constellation, again, I still don't see how they pulled that out of there, but all right, take your bible, go to Daniel chapter eight, Daniel in chapter eight, if you would, now, now Daniel's a book of prophecy, but it also encompasses, you know, from our viewpoint, a great deal of history, not from Daniel's viewpoint, you know, everything from where he was was, from where he was standing was, it was future, all right, but a lot of what he saw as futuristic is now history to us, you see, because it's transpired and it's already taken place, not all of it, that's a given, not all of it, some of it's still futuristic, but what has become history to us is simply a picture of things to happen again, so in other words, history is recycled, you know, history repeats itself, and so, you know, we see a little bit of that here in Daniel in chapter eight and verse four, Daniel eight, four, I saw the ram pushing westward and northward and southward, so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand, but he did according to his will and became great, and as as, as I was considering, behold, and he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth and touched not the ground, and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes, and he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power, and I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with collar against him and smote the ram and break his two horns, and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground and stamped upon him, and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand, all right, now goats don't have hands, right, delivering out of his hands, obviously this is a metaphor, it's obvious, all right, these animals are pictures of human personalities and nations and people, all right, now let's skip down to verse 20, all right, verse 20 here, the Lord does a little bit of interpreting for us, you know, he doesn't just leave it to any possible idea, all right, verse 20, the ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of media and Persia, okay, so these these are these are Persians, the ram, and the rough goat is the king of Grisha, and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king, now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation but not in his power, and in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up, and his power shall be mighty, but not his own, not by his own power, and he shall destroy wonderfully and shall prosper, and practice and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people, all right, now what what what God is telling you here is is historically from again from our viewpoint that that ram with the two horns is a picture of the Persians, the he goat with the horn between his eyes is is Greece or Alexander the Great, now if if if your student history you know that that's exactly what happened, all right now keep in mind though that Daniel is prophesying and what he prophesied came to pass hundreds of years later, Alexander the Great destroyed the Persian kings, but now God excuse me now God goes on to tell us in in verse 23, and in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up, that's the Antichrist, and so what's happened in history simply portrays in type and picture something that's that will happen once again, and so so this this goat Capricorn is a picture of that very thing taking place, now Alexander the Great is a demonstration of the failure of the political kingdoms, okay, but that's not all, this thing is a fish, it's a sea goat, it's depicted as a goat with a fishtail, so somehow a fish enters into the equation, go with me to first Samuel and chapter five, first Samuel chapter five, now if you know me at all you know politics intrigue me and and I'm going to tell you something folks, that Bible, that Bible gives us a perspective that you know the world just doesn't have, and so what's being demonstrated here is a failure of political kingdoms, Alexander the Great and all of his might destroyed the Persians, the biggest and largest and mightiest army in the world, but he couldn't control himself and ultimately his kingdom fell apart and was divided into four pieces, now not only is the political spectrum of the world due to fail, but so is the religious part of the world, they're due to the same failure, okay, and that's pictured in the fish, the goat is the politics, the fish is the religion, you say well how do you know that, I'm glad you asked, first Samuel chapter five, first Samuel chapter five, and the Philistines took the ark of God and brought it from Ebenezer unto Ashdod, when the Philistines took the ark of God they brought it into the house of Daegon and set it by Daegon, now Daegon was the Philistine fish god, all right it was their fish god, they had you know well the basis of it was a fish but they you know but they tend they tended to humanize it with human parts in the trunk of a fish, verse three, and when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow behold Daegon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the Lord, and they took Daegon and set him in his place again, and now you know this is almost humorous, I mean you know God has a sense of humor, you know you have to appreciate that, you have to appreciate that you know God has a sense of humor, and when they arose early on the morrow morning behold Daegon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the Lord, and the head of Daegon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold, only the stump of Daegon was left to him, therefore neither the priests of Daegon nor any that come into Daegon's house tread on the threshold of Daegon and Ashdod unto this day, but the hand of the Lord was heavy upon them of Ashdod and he destroyed them and smote them with emrods, should I explain to you what emrods are, let's just say they had a serious need for a lot of preparation age, all right, and he smote them with emrods even Ashdod and the coasts thereof, so basically they had some extremely difficult difficulties and problems as a result of capturing the ark and putting it into this temple that was dedicated to their fish god, and the fish god kept falling over, so that's a picture of the ultimate destiny and failure of the religions of the world, so all of that which man constructs whether it's political or religious, and of course they're all synchronized and worked together anyway, but they're all doomed to failure, all right, and that's all pictured in Capricorn, all right, let's go to Deuteronomy in chapter 4, Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 16, all right, now here's a warning to abstain from any type of or any kind of idolatry, all right, verse 16, lest you corrupt yourselves and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged foul that flyeth in the air, the likeness of anything that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth, and lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seeest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, should it be driven to worship them and serve them, which the lord thy god hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven, so the inclination is on the part of depraved humanity to worship the sign rather than allow the sign to just give the information that it's designed to do, so the sun and the moon and the stars, the signs of the zodiac, all that stuff ultimately becomes an object of worship, okay, it looks like we're doing good, we're gonna get through Aquarius, all right, that was my destination for tonight, that was my goal, that's what I hope to do, all right, so Aquarius, Aquarius, now if there's anything that might remotely picture what it's supposed to be, it might be Aquarius, because that's you know, kind of sort of looks like like a guy, you know, running, well, right, you can't see it, all right, that's fine, well, Aquarius means the water carrier, okay, in Egypt, the constellation was thought to cause the Nile to bring forth the annual floods, okay, Aquarius tends to appear in the northern hemisphere in the spring, and so they basically said, well, that's what brings the Nile River with its annual floods, that's where we gain our water for our irrigation, for our crops, and so on, it's the brightest, its brightest appearances in the spring, now some of the names applied to this particular constellation are the lucky one of the king, the luckiest of the lucky, or the lucky star of hidden things, so basically it's all wrapped around the idea of good luck, all right, you know, good luck, good fortune, good destiny, well, we've got the gospel, mankind found wanting in the balances, the adversary showing up in strength over and over again, the adversary is being demonstrated because he's real, he's a murderer and a liar from the beginning, but you see, all of that is in preparation for Aquarius, now Aquarius, it's said to be wrapped in unusual mystery, you know, there's really not a lot that's understood about the constellation of Aquarius, so take your Bible, go with me to Ephesians 5, Ephesians 5, and while you're turning there, I'm going to give you a little bit of a history or a little bit of mythology that goes along with Aquarius, all right, now in Greek mythology, Aquarius was Ganymede, a cup bearer to the gods, all right, Ganymede's story is told in Aquila, so his position was essentially to pour wine for all the gods on Olympus, you know, a function that, you know, far removed from the initial importance of the water bearer as it first arose in Babylonia, in fact, the constellation seems to have represented water in a number of cultures, number of the ancient cultures in Egypt, like I've already indicated, you know, they thought that it had something to do with their annual floods of the Nile River, and again, the names that are associated with the lucky ones, the lucky one of the king, the luckiest of the lucky, and so on and so forth, it's a good indicator of something that we need to take a look at, Ephesians 5 and verse 26, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the, with the washing of water by the word, all right, what's he talking about, verse 24, therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, all right, so the church, verse 32, this is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Do you know what the church is? The church is the water bearer. Do you know what the water is as defined in the verses? It's the word. It's the word. So do you know what we are? We're the water bearers. The water carriers, the water boys, you know, we carry the water, the water of the word, and we carry the water to thirsty people as pictured in Jesus' conversation with the woman at the well in John chapter 4. But you see, that's not all. The church is also a mystery. The church is a mystery. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church and the church, returning with Jesus Christ is when the mystery is completely unfolded. That's when the mystery of Aquarius is finally seen in clear focus when the church returns with Jesus Christ. All right, so there you have it. There you have it right there. Now I don't know about you, but you know, I really find all this stuff fascinating, you know, incredibly interesting. Well, next week we'll try to finish this. It's going to be a short series, I guess. We'll see. I mean, I don't know if we'll get through it all or not, but when we get to Gemini, you know, we're going to spend a lot of time in Gemini, because what you're going to find in your Bible is going to blow your mind. Blow your mind, looking forward to it. Our Heavenly Father, we want to thank you again for the preaching and the teaching of your Holy Word. God, thank you so much for the gospel and the stars. Thank you, Lord, that the heavens declare the glory of God. Thank you so much for that. Thank you for your word. Thank you for the salvation that's pictured for us and the stars. God, thank you. We love you tonight. And we ask you to bless the remainder of the broadcast today in Jesus name. Amen. All right, folks. So this is the sort of the spirit podcast. What we're going to do is right now we're going to take our break. And when we come back from the break, we'll get into our prayer list, do some announcements and wrap this whole thing up. All right, don't forget, folks, this is a live show every Thursday night at 7 p.m. Central time. And every Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Central time, you can find us right here on our website, sort of the spirit You can find us on all of your modern podcast apps like podcast guru and And also, you can find us exclusively streaming video on rumble at slash S O T S podcast. So check us out, drop a comment. Don't forget to smash that rumble button. Smash that thumbs up. Give us a give us a good review. Help us to, you know, affect the algorithms here is get the show noticed a little bit more. And, you know, so we can get the gospel message out because the more you help us do that, the more people hear the gospel message, the more people can get saved. And we can earn those, those, those, those, those jewels in the crown at the judgment seat of Christ. All right, folks, this is again, the sword of the spirit podcast. Don't forget to like, subscribe and share it with your friends, your family and your followers. That way, you'll help us spread the gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And we'll be back right after this. Stay with us. [Music] You are God. You are Holy. You are Savior and King. My Redeemer who is faithful and true. For my songs of joy and comfort, for the song that I sing. Now I lift my voice in praise to you. All I desire, all I'll never need. You are life and breath to me. You are God. You are God. We all might all might, but forever say. You're created by the heavens, yet you call me by name. You are God. My Redeemer. Send your son to die for me. Jesus sacrificed his life to set me free. Oh, what mercy. What wondrous grace you send your son to take my place. You are Lord. He loved, led Lamb of God. Emmanuel. God with us, resurrection and the life. Light of the world, brown of glory, bright and morning sun. You are God. You are God. You are the day and someday soon I'll see your face. As I join the happy fire before I let go. Singing holy holy, for this the land that was saved. Now and forever you will reign. You are God. God in all my day. You are God. This is Jared Misha with the Modern Apocrypha podcast and author of the book Bright Star. And you're listening to sort of the spirit podcast on and Hello America. It's your favorite president of all time according to very reliable sources. I've done it all. Built skyscrapers, written bestsellers, and even had my own hit reality show where I perfected the art of the catchphrase. You're fired. Ring any bells? Of course it does. It's fabulous. It's famous. It's fantastic. But even more fantastic is the great sort of the spirit podcast. Joe is a great teacher, folks. He really is. You should listen. You might even learn something which would be great. Make Bible studies great again with Joe and the fantastic sort of the spirit podcast. Oh master let me walk with you in the holy paths of service free. Tell me thy secret helped me bear the strain of toil the fair Teach me thy patience still with thee In closer deer a company in work that keeps faith me in strong in truth that triumphs over all Oh master let me walk with you in closer deer a company Oh master let me walk with me or let me walk with you in hope that sins are shine and ray far down the future's broadening way. In peace that only thou can skip with thee, oh master, me living in love. Oh master let me walk with you in closer deer a company in love. Well amen amen amen and amen. All right I had to shut the AC unit off that's why I was flipping around for a second there. All right folks well I mean I hope that was a blessing to you because it really was for me I really really enjoyed putting this together and this was just like I said I am fascinated by these things these you know when you get into the deeper things of the Word of God I'm telling you the you know just the fellowship the sweetness of the fellowship with the Lord is just absolutely amazing and it's it's just something that man how could you not be excited about this you know what I mean how could you not be interested in this this is just amazing and it's it's it's what's even more incredible about is the fact that it's right there in your face right in front of you you know it's it's it's just man it just blows you away it really does and like I said before just wait until next week wait until next week that I'm telling you when we hit gem it by the time we get to Gemini your mind's going to be completely blown out completely blown out because I guarantee you what we're going to talk about is something you probably haven't heard before so it's going to be quite quite the show so I hope to catch you guys all there again next week. All right so this is once again the Sword of the Spirit podcast and we are going to be getting into our prayer list right here so don't forget if you if you have a prayer request send them on over to us just head over to our website click on that contact button send it on over to us or you can always email it to me directly at all right so as always we pray for the folks that are in need of salvation first and foremost that's the most important thing because it is the most important decision that anyone will ever make for their entire life because it has eternal consequences folks it has eternal consequences you could reject Jesus Christ you could go about your merry way throughout life but but when that day comes and you breathe your last here and you close your eyes on this earth you're you're gonna wake up in hell in hell that's simple there's no in between there's there's no there's there's nothing that no holding place no no no county lock up so to speak you're going to hell and that's where you're going to be for eternity and you're going to stay in hell until the great white throne of judgment and then from there you're going to get cast into the eternal lake of fire and the the the incredible thing is is that so many people so many people are going to be cast into that eternal lake of fire when they didn't have to the gospel is such a beautiful message and is so simple all you have to do is put your full faith trust and confidence in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that's it that's all it takes putting your full faith trust and confidence you know one of the greater things one of the greater torments of hell and I've said this before and it bears repeating one of the greater torments of hell is going to be when when people realize that salvation was so simple that it wasn't a complicated system of rituals and works it wasn't it wasn't your baptism folks you can get baptized 70 times seven it's not going to take your sin away it's not going you're not going to get saved all you're going to do is get wet you're gonna get waterlogged that's it that's it you know so it's not your baptism it's not taking it's not taking a little wafer and that that's going to save you that's not how you get Jesus Christ inside of you you get Jesus Christ inside of you by putting your full faith trust and confidence in him and what he did for you on the cross of Calvary for the blood that was shed for you to pay for your sin that's the that's it that's the only way you get saved so you're not your baptism it's not any good works that you do it's not your church it's not your particular religious denomination it's you know it has nothing to do with any of that it just has to do with Jesus Christ Jesus Christ alone and what he did for you for God so loved the world that he gave has only begotten son that who so ever believe it then him should not perish but have ever lasting life please folks put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ today don't go to hell hell is the worst place imaginable hell is is not the party place that that that people would like to make you believe hell is the worst place imaginable hell is eternal fire and torment eternity is a very very very long time don't go to hell it's up to you god gave you the option you can either believe or not that's up to you and again if you choose not to believe you choose to reject the gospel message and you wake up in hell you have no one to blame but yourself that's it nobody else you cannot blame god because god gave you the way out and you chose to ignore it so please get saved today don't go to hell now on our salvation prayer list today we're praying again still from mica candy and eddie and we're praying that the lord will draw them in and then it would get saved they would accept that gospel message and then on a sick list we're praying for yasenia for chemotherapy treatment maricella triple bypass surgery rosa with heart trouble larena with cancer a manual with bone bone cancer uh Ruth for her overall health uh ashley for some heart trouble uh and uh Guadalupe Garcia with cancer and then we're also praying for uh on our general prayer list we're praying for henry uh for uh direct direction and clarity in his walk with the lord we're praying for angela for the same direction and clarity uh ashley for peace in life and soul uh larissa for employment opportunities clawed also for uh employment and family needs uh eddie dealing with addiction uh ed for his health and well-being and isabel uh for some unspecified uh prayer needs all right so again folks it's so important to pray it's part of what we do as christians as a born-again believer you are supposed to be praying for folks all right to bear one another's burden this is one of the ways that you bear another's burden as you pray for them you week with them when they when when that's required you comfort them when that's required you pray for them always so let's go to the lord and prayer our heavenly father we want to thank you so much for the gift of prayer we thank you god that we're able to approach the throne of grace and that we're able to uh open up our hearts for folks that are in need of your touch god tonight we pray for those on our salvation prayer list mica candy and eddie god we pray that you would just touch them draw them into yourself and lord that you would save them god i pray that the holy spirit to bring conviction upon their hearts and minds and or they would call upon the name of the lord jesus christ to be their savior they've heard the gospel message they know the truth god help them to accept the truth and god we pray for those in our sick list god we pray for each one father we pray that your your hand would be upon them we pray god that you would just touch their bodies you would bring healing god that you would give them a measure of grace as they deal with the medical problems that they're associated with and god i pray that also you would give them wisdom and discernment when it comes to the course of treatments god i pray for those uh that are that are caring for these folks god i just pray that you would just use their skills and abilities and lord you would bless them in a powerful way that uh that they would be able to bring that that that care that level of care that they need and then god again of course we pray for their healing not only their their physical healing but their spiritual healing as well father then we also pray for those in our general prayer list god i pray for uh direction and for clarity for for henry and for angela god i pray that you would just give them wisdom as they uh as they as they tackle the issues of life that are before them father i pray for henry as uh as as a as a new dad again and god i pray that you would just put your hedge of protection about him and lord that you would just lead him as he leads his family uh not only in in his everyday life but his ministry as well god i pray for uh i pray for for ashley lord i pray that you would just give her peace in our heart and soul god i pray that you would bring comfort there and lord give her wisdom and discernment as she uh as she goes about lord we pray for luresa for employment opportunities we pray god that you would open up something for her god we pray for claud for his family needs and lord we pray that you would put that hedge of protection about him as well and then father we also pray for eddie uh struggling with addiction god i pray that you would give him victory over that and not only uh the victory over the addiction lord but also that you would save his soul and lord we pray for ed for his overall health and his well-being god we just lift him up to you today or we ask you to just touch his touch his body and bring him healing father we also pray for uh for isabel for the needs that she has uh for the needs that she has in caring for her children and and in her life father we have just lift them all up to you today at lord i ask you just to uh meet all of these needs according to your perfect will for them and for their lives and father i pray also for the podcast and i thank you so much for this opportunity thank you so much for the gospel thank you so much lord that uh it's right here before us in the firmament above us father we thank you so so much lord for the gift of salvation lord help us to uh help us to live that that life that uh you have called us to help us as believers to be good witnesses for the lord jesus christ and father will thank you for it and uh lord we ask you to bless the remainder of the of the night as we move forward here in jesus precious name we pray amen and amen all right folks well again if you have any prayer requests whatsoever just send them on over to us head over to our website sort of the spirit podcast dot com sort of the spirit podcast dot com and when you get there use the contact form to send them on over if not use the email address at info at sort of the spirit podcast dot com that's info at sort of the spirit podcast dot com all right how about we get to some announcements all right i apologize there i forgot to mute the mic before i cracked open the water bottle sorry about that but uh folks thursday night bible study every thursday night at seven p.m. central time eight p.m. eastern and we are doing a short series maybe two maybe three weeks on uh on uh the gospel in the stars uh the heavens declare the glory of god so we're uh gonna be talking about that for the next couple of weeks and uh so far tonight i think tonight it's been a real blessing and i and i hope it was for uh not just for myself of course but for everybody listening and watching thank you so much for that message lord also want to say uh our sermon sunday broadcast every sunday afternoon at three p.m. central time four p.m. eastern time and uh so where can you find all this well you find us on our website at sort of the spirit podcast dot com sort of the spirit podcast dot com or you can check us out on any one of the modern podcast apps like podcast guru and and uh fountain dot fm uh you could also uh find us on rumble exclusively on rumble at rumble dot com slash s o t s podcast and actually you know what i can't say exclusively on rumble because now we're also uh live streaming on uh locals as well and uh so you could uh you can find us on locals dot com as well and uh we look forward to uh connecting with everybody there all right now if you are in the eagle pass area and are looking for a good king james bible believing and bible teaching church why don't you consider paying us a visit over at first baptist church of eagle pass we meet at six six four northman ro sunday school starts at ten worst at eleven sunday evening is at six p.m. and our wednesday night bible study is at seven p.m. now for more information just head over to the church's facebook page just log into facebook search for first baptist church of eagle pass and when you find it you're gonna get a lot of really good information and you'll also find some updates occasionally about the podcast so uh again this is not a ministry of first baptist church this podcast this is i'm just a member of the church with the podcast and the church allows us to use the church's facebook page to uh to distribute it which is a blessing so again thanks to the folks over there all right now uh folks if you are interested in prepping uh i'd like to tell you about a partner of ours uh we have been broadcasting along the contouradio network now for almost a year and uh it's a blessing to be a part of that uh that um that uh uh oh my goodness in the multitude of words there once if not sin remember that we've been broadcasting along with the contouradio network for about a year now and uh we are really happy to be a part of the network and uh very very thankful that they invited us to do that and uh the great thing about the contouradio network is it's a single podcast that houses nearly a dozen talented podcast and vidcast hosts and artists from around the country who release content daily. the contouradio network releases 15 to 20 shows a week depending on current events and there are no issues that are off limit to any of these patriots now if you want to break down of current events they got it you want to know more about preparedness and self-sufficiency got that want a guy driving around branding like lunatic and again it is not me so please stop emailing me about it uh if you want to hear more about politics sports camping firearms bible study the contouradio network has it all covered and you can find them at the that's or wherever you get your podcasts all right armory one now armory one is uh is a business a business right here in texas that is owned and operated by a good friend of mine uh carl and texas armory one provides texas license to carry certification and has over 30 years of experience in military and law enforcement and in the instruction of students in the safe use of firearms armory one also offers courses on self-defense with a handgun active shooter preparedness home defense and much much more for upcoming class schedules just head over to to get more information and also you can stay tuned right here and as we get information we pass it on to you all right uh also don't forget to sign up the programming programming announcements email list all right uh very important uh we are coming to the end of the text group i believe that the last text message will go out for sunday for sunday show that will be the last of the text message groups uh so uh if you want to continue getting updates about the show email me that info at sort of the spirit podcast dot com or use the contact form off the website this way we can add you to the email list it's important if you want to keep up with what's going on now with the list uh you know it's just going to be about uh programming announcements so for example if we have to do a cancellation or a or a day take a day change or a time change or if we have a guest or anything like that we're going to send out the email for that and we'll also be sending out the emails for the show announcements at the start times so um so if you want to continue to receive that you have to email us get yourself on the list so you stay in the know we're not going to spam you we're not going to send you stuff you're not interested in receiving and we're only going to send you information about the programming all right uh and it's free so it's not going to cost you anything to do it so just do it all right get on the list all right uh socials uh twitter x whatever tick tock get our instagram truth social and now on uh locals as well all at sots podcast or at the sots podcast all right uh birthdays none to announce uh thank you to all of you who have been sending in donations uh if you are sending a donation under $16.11 we're not going to give a shout out but if you hit that $16.11 mark or more we will shout your name out across this beautiful magnificent plane on which we live and uh so again thank you to the folks who have been contributing god bless you for it and thank you so very much you really do help us out i mean we were able to send out a bible this week to someone who had requested it uh it was always a blessing to do that and we can only do that with your help through the donations all right also thank you to the folks who have been streaming sats to us on the modern podcast apps thank you so much to get yourself a modern podcast app head over to modern podcast or podcast all right and uh lastly before we go again just want to say thank you to the lord jesus christ for the gift of salvation for making it so simple for providing a way out of hell for those of us that believe and thank you just so very very much for this opportunity to do the podcast thank you so much for uh the platform that he gave us you know this the podcast now has heard in 84 countries around the world that's a blessing that is an absolute blessing and uh you know you don't know who you're reaching you don't know you know and if we're reaching out and and you're getting saved and you're listening to this you're getting let us know this way we can rejoice with you please do that uh so again 84 countries it's it's just absolutely amazing absolutely amazing also thank you to all of you who have been praying for us thank you thank you thank you god bless you for your prayers please continue to pray for the show for the ministry for uh for for all the folks in our prayer list please pray please please pray for them especially the ones that are in need of salvation extremely extremely important all right also thank you to all of you who have been supporting us financially even from the very beginning thank you so very much for it and god bless you for that thank you for being a part of what we're doing here and of course to all of you all of our listeners who listen to everything we've been putting out faithfully thank you so so very much for it god bless you and please continue to listen please continue to like subscribe and share it with your friends your family and your followers so that way you'll help us spread the gospel of the lord jesus christ all right folks i think that will do it for us tonight thank you once again for taking the time to be with us head on over to our website sort of the spirit podcast dot com click on the contact section send us an email send us your prayer requests also look for the support the show tab and if you can help us out with the donation in any amount you would really really appreciate that all right folks make bible study great again go podcasting keep a steady stride and win the lost from out of the cost god bless you good night good bye so so so well that's about it really [ Silence ]