The Social Contract with Joe Walsh

The Sad Truth: It's Not Surprising That Someone Would Try To Kill Trump. Not Surprising At All.

For 9 years, all he's done is spew hate, spread division, and incite violence. Every day. That's what he's done. Gone after individual people and groups of people in hateful, dangerous ways. So it's not surprising that eventually a sick, crazy person would resort to violence against him. It's wrong. But it's not surprising.

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17 Sep 2024
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No one knows better than HR that happy colleagues make happy businesses. With the world's largest online mental health provider, you get access to over 35,000 therapists, a match in as little as 24 hours, and that's not all. We onboard your people in days, not months with no upfront fees and pay as you go pricing. Now that's better. Better help business. Now get back to business with that podcast of yours. [MUSIC] America, we got to get back to doing what's expected of us as free citizens in this democracy. That means being tolerant, being respectful, staying informed, and being engaged. I'm former Congressman Joe Walsh. Follow me here and join the millions of Americans who are renewing their social contract with each other. The social contract, it's on us. [MUSIC] This is not an easy thing to say, but I think it's something that needs to be said. It isn't surprising that someone would try to kill Donald Trump. It's not surprising at all. I mean, think about it. Sit back for a moment and think about it. For nine years now, every single day, Donald Trump has spewed hate and spread division and incited violence like nobody else. Every single day for nine years. Ever since he came down from that escalator. Every single day, Trump has been hating on people. Every single day and everything he has said and everything he's posted, he's always attacking that person, this person, that particular group, this particular group. Every day for nine years, Donald Trump has hated on people. He's gone after people in ugly, cruel, divisive ways. Every single day. You remember earlier this year, Trump shared a meme of a hog tied in kidnap Joe Biden. Earlier this year, Trump shared that image and laughed about it. When Nancy Pelosi's husband was beaten by a hammer and almost killed, Donald Trump made jokes about it. Every day, for nine years, Trump has used his voice to spread hate and division and incite violence in this country like nobody else. No other figure the past nine years, no other public figure the past nine years, has spewed as much hate or spread as much division or incited as much violence as Donald Trump has. Trump spent like a juvenile delinquent who throws a firecracker into a crowd of people every single day. Trump's like a juvenile delinquent who takes a lip firecracker and throws it. Every day for nine years, he's been throwing that firecracker into a crowd of people every single day. That's what Trump's done. It's not surprising then that eventually somebody's going to go after that boy. Now please understand what I'm saying. It's wrong that anybody would try to kill Donald Trump. It's terribly wrong. Political violence is wrong. Political violence is always wrong. Political violence must always be condemned. It's wrong that somebody would try to kill Donald Trump. But it's not surprising. Be honest, it's not surprising at all. Donald Trump has been this country's megaphone for hate. So he's been doing it for nine years. He's been punching people for nine years with every tweet, with every truth social post, with every word that has come out of his mouth. I hate Taylor Swift. Everything this guy has said has been hate directed at somebody. At some group of people, Haitian migrants are eating your dogs and your cats. Trump's done this every single day for nine years. So it's not at all surprising that some bad, sick, evil, crazy dude would grab a gun and try to kill him. Look, you've got to wrap your arms around that. Everybody listening to me right now, we all agree that it's wrong. It's wrong for somebody to hide in the bushes on a Florida golf course with an AK-47 laying in wait to take a shot at President Trump. That's wrong. And that guy should be put away for life. And no matter your politics, we all need to condemn that. The point I'm making is it's not surprising that somebody would want to do that to Trump because Trump has been going after people every single day. I use that metaphor purposely every day he's been a kid, a misbehaved kid, a juvenile delinquent throwing a lit firecracker into a crowd of people sitting back and laughing at it. To think that somebody eventually wouldn't say, "I'm going to stop him. I'm going to grab that little boy." There's a lot of talk about who and what is responsible. The rhetoric that led this crazy guy down in Florida or the young kid in Pennsylvania to go after Trump. And I've said, and I'll continue to say, there is hateful rhetoric on both sides. Both sides are guilty of hateful rhetoric. Both sides are guilty of rhetoric that goes beyond the pale. And both sides have stepped into that pool, into that ugly deep dark pool where your rhetoric has directly led to violence, has directly potentially led to inciting violence. Both sides, all sides have done it. The point I'm making is no one has done it more than Donald Trump. And I will connect it. Who's to blame? What's to blame for that guy who wanted to assassinate Trump this past weekend? Well, first of all, that guy's to blame, and I'll say it. Second of all, Donald Trump's to blame. He's stood in the public square for nine years now, taking balls of hate and just throwing them at people. He's done that. He's purposely punched people. He's purposely made people the target of violence. He's done it over and over and over and over. He's done that. He's raised the temperature. Hell yes. He shares a lot of responsibility for a crazy, bad, sick dude who then would say, oh man, this guy's a mad man. This guy wants to end America. This man wants to divide us. This man is so cruel and so mean. I got to do something. Trump's gone after disabled people, cruelly. He's hated on the LGBTQ community with cruelty. He's endangered other politicians, other public figures. I hate Taylor Swift in all caps. He's gone after Haitian migrants most recently, lying about them, lying about them, and those Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio and elsewhere now live in fear directly because of Trump's lies. So like this talk about who's responsible, is it the left and the Democrats rhetoric because they don't like Trump, excuse me, Trump started this. I don't know any Democrat, I don't know anybody on the left who wants Trump dead. Every Democrat, everybody on the left wants Trump to lose and they'd sure as hell love him in jail for the crimes he committed, none of them want him dead. If you're Donald Trump and you decide nine years ago, I'm going to go after my enemies in ugly, hateful, insightful, dangerous ways and I'm going to do it every single day. I'm going to fire at people every day. I'm going to personally attack people every single day. I'm going to put people's lives in danger every single day. If you're Donald Trump and you decide to do that, well, then I'm sorry Donald Trump. That decision, that behavior has created an environment where a lot of people hate you because you've been hating on so many people. Look, my point is it's not surprising and even you Trump supporters should acknowledge it's not surprising. Trump got in a boxing ring nine years ago and Trump decided to put the gloves on and fight people. What people can't fight back and many of us have fought back in the public square. But is it surprising that a crazy, sick, evil person would fight back with political violence? We talk about how divided this country is. We talk about the level of hate in this country. We talk about the rise of political violence in this country. Nobody. I say nobody is more responsible for the division right now for the division in this country. The level of hate in this country and the potential for violence in this country, nobody is more responsible for this than Donald Trump. And all of you Trump supporters, what, who say no, no, no, it's not poor Donald's fault. It's everybody going after Trump. It's everybody who's going after Trump. What? Your guy is such a wuss. He can't handle the heat. Trump gives, he can't take it. Trump punches people every day. Trump punches below every day, below the belt every day. Trump punches below him. He hits down every day. Trump hurls and has hurled personal insults at people in this country every day more than anybody these past nine years. But excuse me, people can't hurl personal insults back at him. Trump calls the media the enemy of the people. He's been doing that for nine years. The media can't hit back. It's like there was a guy on Fox News yesterday that said never in our history, I'm going to get this wrong, but he said never in our history have we had a public figure so targeted like Donald Trump, so targeted for violence like Donald Trump. However I think he said never have we had a politician whose life was in more danger than Donald Trump's. Well excuse me, Trump created that by deciding nine years ago when he came down that escalator that he's going to declare war on everybody, okay, so he's a target. He's targeted everybody else. It's not a surprise. I guess what I'm saying is this, Trump has been the megaphone for hate in this country. It's not surprising guys that a lot of people hate him and hate what he says and hate what he does and does he not bear any responsibility? Bryant you created this Joe. Does he not? Does Donald Trump not carry any responsibility for what happened to him over the weekend? None. You mean then and if you say that Trump supporter. If you say that Trump has no responsibility for somebody wanting to kill him, then what you're saying is Donald Trump has carte blanche to spew hate every single day and people can't hate him back. Donald Trump can personally insult people. Donald Trump can laugh at Nancy Pelosi's husband when he was beaten almost to death with a hammer. What you're saying is Trump has a right to do that. But nobody has a right to then personally go after him verbally. Nobody has a right to hurl hate at him. And again, let's be clear. So everybody understands what I'm saying. It's not surprising that some madman tried to kill him. It's not surprising at all. What that madman did over the weekend is wrong. He should be put away for life. Political violence is always wrong. If Trump is that juvenile delinquent, and I believe he is, who every single day for nine years has taken a lit firecracker and thrown it in a crowd of people, if that's what Trump's done every day for nine years and I believe he has, nobody in that crowd of people still has a right to grab that little boy and kill him. That little boy needs to be defeated at the polls, at the ballot box, that little boy should be shunned. And if that little boy, even if he's a juvenile delinquent, broke the law, he needs to be put in jail. Nobody in that crowd of people has the right to physically try to harm that little boy. But it's not surprising that in that crowd of people day after day over the course of nine years, listening to that megaphone of hate, it's not surprising that over the course of nine years, some crazy dude in that crowd, some guy in that crowd who's off, off a little bet, says, screw it, I'm going to go after that juvenile delinquent. And that's now happened twice. And yeah, I do blame Trump for what happened to him. He stood in the public square and said, I'm going to hate on people. Okay, fine, Donald, you had a right to do that. Trump's had a right to use his platform every day for nine years to hate on people. But then when somebody, some crazy dude says, I'm going to hate on you. I'm going after you. You helped create that situation. There's a level of hate in this country that this country cannot sustain. And we're all responsible for it. Nobody is more responsible for Trump. And look, I voted for Trump in 16. I understand why people are drawn to him. I understand that Trump supporters wanted a guy who would punch CNN in the face. I get that, right? I understand that. But that doesn't excuse or protect Trump when he stands in front of his supporters and says, CNN is evil. CNN is your enemy. When Trump says shit like that, Donald Trump is directly endangering everybody who works for CNN. He's got a right to say it. CNN is the enemy of the people. Go down the line, man. This is what he's done for nine years. And all of you defending Trump, why do you treat him like a child? Well, he's not responsible for anything he does. We are all responsible for what we say and do. CNN is evil. And they are the enemy of the people says, Brian. You're wrong, Brian. But respectfully, you've got a right to live in that hole you're living in, man. You're wrong. It's not surprising that somebody wants to kill Trump. Trump has spread hate and incited violence in this country over the last nine years more than anybody else. This dangerous environment we're living in, Trump didn't create it. Trump has made it as dangerous as it is. Trump more than anybody else over the past nine years. Look, Trump, look, I've said this before. America is divided. Trump didn't create divide the divide. Trump is just the ugly byproduct of the divide. Our politics is broken. Trump didn't break our politics. Trump is what happens when our politics is broken and ugly, cruel, horrible, hideous human being. And maybe that's the point. This Trump is such an ugly, horrible, cruel, hideous person. Come on. It's not surprising that, I mean, Trump every day for nine years has manifested cruelty. My God, he's used his office when he was president to personally go after individual Americans with hate. He did this. He's no victim. Maybe that's the most controversial thing I'll say this morning. Trump's no victim. Trump created this climate where he has enabled really sick people who hate him to want to go after him. If you spew hate every single day against Americans, you don't like. And that's what Trump's done for nine years. If you do that, don't you dare be surprised that a lot of people hate you. Donald Trump, don't you dare be surprised that a lot of people hate him. Donald Trump should not be surprised at all that he is the most hated and the most despised political figure in America today because that's all he's done is hate on people. That's all he's done is despise people. That's all he's done is try to divide people. It's not surprising. No one knows better than HR that happy colleagues make happy businesses. With the world's largest online mental health provider, you get access to over 35,000 therapists, a match in as little as 24 hours, and that's not all. Be on board your people in days, not months, with no upfront fees and pay as you go pricing. Now that's better. Better help business. Now get back to business with that podcast of yours. Look, second point I want to make and thank you everybody for listening to me this morning. There's a difference in political rhetoric. Like there's a difference in what political rhetoric is directly responsible for violence. Directly incites violence. Like let's look at a few examples. Like when Donald Trump lies and said I won the 2020 election, it was stolen from me. When Trump lies like that and repeatedly puts that lie out there, I won the election was stolen. I won the election was stolen. I won the election was stolen. Trump did that in 2020. Trump did that after the election. When you repeatedly put out that lie and then January 6th happens and people go, your supporters go to Washington to overthrow the stolen election, your rhetoric directly led to January 6th. Donald Trump directly led to January 6th. He lied. Like it was, we all have our opinions. I think Trump's a threat to democracy, I do. I think the Democrats are trying to destroy America, others say. Those are our opinions. On January 6th, before January 6th, before during and after the 2020 election, it wasn't Trump's opinion he was putting out there, Trump was lying. It was factually untrue and that lie was believed by his supporters. That lie is still believed by his supporters and that lie led his supporters to go to the Capitol on January 6th and try to overthrow an American election. So there's an example of rhetoric that directly incited violence. I'll give you another example. There are a lot of Haitian migrants living in Springfield, Ohio. Trump's out there lying about them. Trump's out there saying that these Haitian migrants are committing crimes everywhere and they're eating cats and dogs. Trump is out there saying that, JD Vance is out there saying that, that is a lie. That is a lie and nobody, nobody listening to me right now can verify that or give me any proof because there is none. But that lie, another lie of Trump's and JD Vance's, that lie that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio are committing crimes everywhere and eating your cats and dogs has led to direct threats against Haitian migrants, has led to schools being shut down, certain small businesses being closed, bomb scares, Haitian migrants receiving personal threats. There's an example of political rhetoric that has directly threatened a group of people. There's an example of one of Trump's lies that has put a group of people in danger. And if anything happens to a Haitian migrant in Springfield or any other town or city in this country, Trump is directly responsible and JD Vance. Their lies have directly led to potential violence against Haitian migrants. That's all, that's all one type of political rhetoric lying directly inciting people to do something. When Donald Trump says, Haitian migrants want to eat your cats and your dogs, Donald Trump is telling you do something about it. Do something about these Haitian migrants. When Donald Trump says the election was stolen, Donald Trump is telling the supporters do something about it, take that government back, overthrow that election. That's all one type of very direct, insightful, dangerous rhetoric. The other type of rhetoric is just over the top political rhetoric. That's not directly responsible for any violence like this. I believe Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. I believe that. I've said that every day and I'll continue to say that. That's my opinion. Now I can back it up. I can tell you why I think he's a direct threat to democracy. But that's my opinion. And I think it's based on a lot of fact. But if I put that opinion out there and then some crazy whacked out dude wants to kill Trump because he thinks Trump's a threat to democracy, that's not my responsibility. That's not my me directly inciting that. And it's just like, look at what Donald Trump said yesterday. Trump supporters listen up to me right now. Did you see what Trump said yesterday? Trump yesterday said Democrats are trying to destroy America. And yesterday said Democrats are the enemy within. Again I disagree completely. But that's not direct insightful political rhetoric. If somebody believes that Kamala Harris is the enemy from within, if she agrees with Trump and she tries to go take out kill Kamala Harris, Trump's not responsible for that. I'm not responsible for anybody out there who agrees with me and believes Trump is a threat to democracy if they go do something crazy. And Trump's not responsible for anybody crazy out there who agrees with him that Democrats are the enemy from within. And they go try to do something. You see the difference? Directly lying about something, directly inciting people to do something, man that's bad. But voicing your opinion, Trump's a threat to democracy. Democrats want to destroy democracy. You may think that's over the top. You may think that's hyperbolic. That's political speech. That's provocative rhetoric. That's people's opinions and people in this country are free to express their opinion. And the answer is never never to shut down or censor speech. The answer is never to say Joe Walsh cannot say that Trump is a threat to democracy or Donald Trump can never say that Democrats want to destroy this country. No, Trump has every right to say that. And I have every right to say what I say about Trump. We don't want to censor that political rhetoric. We do need to do a better job of protecting our candidates for president. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, any major party nominee for president should have the same level of security that the sitting president and vice president have. That should be our focus to make sure Trump is safe out there, to make sure Kamala Harris is safe out there. But it's not to censor anybody's speech. But do you see and do you understand the difference? Do you? The 2020 election was stolen. That lie. Then directly leading to his supporters believing that lie and then acting upon that lie. That's not Trump's opinion. That's a lie. And it led to violence. Haitian migrants are eating cats and dogs. That's not Trump's opinion. That's a lie. It's factually untrue. And it's led to potential violence against Haitian migrants. That's the political speech. Again, I don't want to shut down or censor any speech. But that's the kind of political speech that we all must condemn and stop. By the way, those are lies. But expressing your opinion that Trump's the threat to democracy or Democrats want to destroy our democracy, man, the American people need to be smart enough to figure that out and either agree or disagree. And we live in a free country. Thank God. We live in a free society. There are always going to be wacky, sick, nutty people who do wacky, sick, nutty things who believe the same things we public figures believe. We're not responsible. Trump's not responsible. I'm not responsible for what they do. Trump is responsible when he lies about an election. And when this election comes along now, and I'm closing, baby, when this election happens, and if Trump loses, and Trump again refuses to accept the results of the election, which he will do, it doesn't matter if Trump loses all 50 states or if he barely loses by a whisker. It doesn't matter. Donald Trump is a traitor to this country, I believe, because he'll never accept the will of the people and him not accepting the will of the people. And then on November 6 and 7, when Trump again says this election was stolen, and he says that repeatedly as he will this year again, Trump again will be directly responsible for whatever his supporters do who believe Trump's lie. If you're honest with yourself and you ought to be, we all ought to try to be. You know it's not surprising that somebody, it's not surprising that somebody would want to kill Donald Trump. He's been the face of hate in this country. Nobody hates better than he does, nobody divides us better than he does, nobody incites violence better than he does. He's done it every day for nine years. Not surprising that somebody would want to shut him up. It's wrong, political violence is always wrong, but it's not surprising. He's responsible. He's responsible because he's the one who's been spreading this hate more than anyone else. Have a wonderful day. My email, by the way, Joe Walsh, I'll change it later, Keith will change it later. Joe Walsh, white flag at, it's still the old podcast name. That's all one word. Joe Walsh, white flag, all one word at Shoot me an email with your constructive criticism, of course, good, bad or ugly, and make it a good week. Thanks for listening. Be brave. Thank you for listening. Remember to listen, share, and follow the social contract with Joe Walsh on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and everywhere great podcasts are found, and be sure to leave a five-star review. This has been the social contract with Joe Walsh. Mr. World here, just watching a scary movie with my eyes covered, which reminds me my eyes are also covered by my vision insurance, and I need to hurry to eyeglass world and use my benefits by the end of the year, you know, before they expire. 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