Dom and Jeremy

Rattle Off 9-23-24

Broadcast on:
23 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

"You're listening to a Dom & Jeremy podcast, your boys in the morning on Mix 100." "First person to get through today was Val. Hey Val, um, I gotta know what was the highlight of your weekend." "You're gonna laugh at this, but so last week I, you know, got my, you know, one of the big closet organizers that you get, you buy and you think, oh my God, you see those pictures and they're always pretty and you're like, I'm gonna be all organized." "Yeah, yeah. Are you just saying, are you saying not so much?" "Well, okay. No, not so much. So you look at the pictures and you think, oh, it's gonna be pretty and then you, you know, you get a new house and the ceilings are really tall. I'm four feet ten and three-four. And I can't reach anything except the main level. "Oh no, you need like one of those library ladders, you know, the, you know, roll back and forth is what you need. Yeah." "Exactly. So I'm never gonna use the stuff on top because I can't reach it. I mean, I did get a step stool that, you know, clean on the top. You know how much work that's gonna be to, you know, kind of get it." "Well, just put stuff up there that you're never gonna use then. Put, put other stuff up there." "See, and that defeats the purpose 'cause you're supposed to be able to use all that stuff, be organized. And you know what I'm thinking is, just, I'm gonna throw a bunch of clothes away or give it away." "Yeah, and then you just give a bunch of empty shelves up there. You know, the stuff on top, Val, just put all your fat jeans and stuff up there, right? And so that will inspire you to stay in shape because you'd never be able to get to those." Or put your summer stuff up there in the winter and then flip-flop, you know. "Mm-hmm, then you only got to get on the step stool a couple times a year." "I'm not disagreeing with you, but all I'm saying is, those pictures need to have a, you need to put your size of your body in there and be like, is this what I want?" "Val, there are other things in your life that it sucks being short. Like you never get to healthy cereals, right?" "You know what, right? She's stuck with cocoa puffs for the rest of her life. You know, the thing is, what I love is that you do the three quarters, you don't round up to four eleven, you say you're four ten and three quarters, and that cracks me up. So, we give you permission to just fudge and say you're four eleven, okay? "Yeah, I tried that, but my niece always corrects me because she thinks she's taller than me. "She probably is taller than me." "But I'm shrinking too. That's the word." "Yeah, and that'll happen." "It does, you know. I was six feet tall my entire adult life, and I've been in like three quarters. I think your discs will compress as you go through the years, and so you'll shrink a little bit. Sorry." "Well, you're not starting very tall to begin with, so you're likely going to disappear." "We can put you in a little shoebox and put you up on the shelf there." "Top shelf." "We should play the game." "Val, let's play the game. You ready?" "Yep." "Ten seconds. Since we were talking about these during the trending report, in ten seconds, give us the names of five different types of apples that you see at the store. Five different kinds of apples. Ready and go." "Galah, red delicious, uh, garnish with." "Oh, yep. Oh, oh. Oh, no, Val." "Where's the greatest of all apples, Val, the honey crisp." "Hi, Chris, of course. I will have accepted caramel apple as well. Heck yeah." "Oh, that would have been good." "That would have been tasty." "You could have said iPhone, would we have accepted apple products?" "Sure, why not." "You know Val." "You know what's crazy though?" "What?" "I'm too short to reach the apples either, so that's--" "How can you even hold an apple with those tiny hands?" "You probably could hide behind an apple." "You guys are great. You make me laugh every morning, so thank you." "You made us laugh. You go have a fun day, okay?" "You too. Bye." "Bye-bye." "You know what?" "She milks that size. You know she loves the one she brought it up like four different times." "It's her thing, yeah." "That's her thing. I'm four, ten, and three quarters." "All right, cute." "Eatie, how tall are you?" "I am five-five." "Five-five, okay." "I believe that is the average height of an American woman, isn't it? Five-five? Could be." "I think so." "I think it is, seems right. Of course, you are above average in all other areas, naturally." "Absolutely." "What was the highlight of your weekend, Eatie?" "I had a friend over yesterday to watch the Bronco game, and made some good food, and watched a good game, and it was a great day." "What kind of food did you make?" "I made some chili, and some tacos, and corn on the cob." "Yeah, look at you. Let's go back to this friend. Who is this special friend?" "Oh, it's just one of my friends." "Just a girlfriend, huh?" "Yeah, nothing special." "All right." "Oh, okay." "I didn't know if it made me was a potential love interest, because you just said I had a friend over, and I didn't know if it was someone you were trying to woo." "No, now it's chili." "I really like to, but not happening." "You would really like to with the friend who came over, or somebody else?" "Somebody else." "Oh, okay." "Well, what are you looking more? Tell us what you're looking for." "Just someone to spend some time with, and go do things with, and I'm looking for committed relationships down the line, and I have the foundation first, though." "So true. Have you been married before?" "I was with someone for almost 20 years, and then she passed away." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. That's horrible." "Dang." "Well, you know what, we're going to send out positive vibes, Edie. I have a feeling sometime before the end of this year, this right person is going to come along." "Sounds good to me." "Two thumbs up. Good luck. Ready to play some rattle off with your boys?" "You bet." "All right, 10 seconds. Let's stay in the food category, Edie. In 10 seconds, five different foods that you could buy at the grocery store that come in a box. Five foods that actually come in a box. Ready, and go." "Hot pies, popsicles, let eggos." "Oh, no." "We just talked about cereal." "Sereal." "Sereal, yes, of course." "Mac and Jeremy and I were talking off the air about how you can buy soup in a box now, which is kind of funny. But the box tubes are actually kind of good." "They're better. Yep." "Well, you know, we enjoyed talking to you. We hope you have a terrific day today, Edie. Thank you for being here." "Thank you, boys. I hope you have a fantastic day as well." "Thank you so much. You be well, and thanks for hanging out. Here comes Blake. Blake, what was the highlight of your weekend?" "Well, when the storm came through, did some leaf peeping and drove up squat paths to Echo Lake area, and this huge fog rolled in, and it started snowing up there. So just driving through the snow and seeing all the fall colors was pretty sweet." "You did the most Colorado thing you could do." "So, Colorado. Awesome." "Okay. Well, something to see it left." "Well, something to see it left." "It leaves. That's awesome." "Okay, good for you. What do you do for a living, Blake?" "I'm an audio/video technician, so I'm headed down to the springs right now. I got your show on." "Yeah, that's nice." "I don't know. It's my first time calling in, but..." "Do you do a lot of mic checks? Mic check 1-2-1-2? Mic check 1-2-1-2?" "Yeah, we do some of that. We do a lot of cable management and just installation of stuff, that kind of thing, but yeah, it's been a good job." "I'm a fan of cable management." "Sure." "I like to zip tie on my cables, like make them look really pretty and everything." "I don't. I have a big fan of that. I need to do cable management, and I don't. It's an absolute disaster." "I'll tell you what, you can skip the zip ties, Dom, and you've got little velcro straps now, too, that you can get on." "Yeah, I've seen them, but I just don't do it." "It's a game changer in the world of cable management." "You know, Blake, when you mention audio visual, I think my seventh grade year, Jeremy and I both agree that seventh grade is probably the worst year of all for kids. It's horrible, and I was the new kid in a school, and I came about halfway through the school year, and so one of the classes they put me in, I was the AV kid for one period during class, so I was the guy who had to roll the TV down to the classrooms and stuff like that. I was the AV kid, and I'm going to tell you, there's almost nothing more embarrassing or humiliating than to be the guy who has to roll the TV into classrooms, and every other kid's like throwing spitwads at you, and stuff like that. It was horrific. It was bad, so I was AV boy. It's a scar I've never gotten over, Blake, you ready to play, or you rattle off. "Let's do it." All right. Since you mentioned this, we'll see how you do in 10 seconds. Fall began yesterday. What'd you say, Jeremy, today's the first full day? "Fold day, I believe is today, yeah." First full day of fall, 10 seconds, Blake, give us five things we commonly associate with fall. Five things we commonly associate with fall. Ready, and go! Leaves, colder temperatures, top averages, outdoor activities. Four crashes. What about football? Pumpkin patches. Oh, yeah. Chili in the crockpot. Hoodies. Blake. You have horrible fall management, buddy. Stick to cables. Oh, it's good to talk to you guys. I know. Blake, it was great to talk to you too, my friend. You drive carefully down to the springs, okay? Bye, Blake. All right, bye. Bye, buddy. Serious type. Very serious. Hello, Kim. Good morning. Kim was the highlight of your weekend. The highlight of my weekend was my son and his girlfriend were in from New York City visiting. So we got to do all kinds of touristy things. It was your son and who? Did you say his girlfriend? His girlfriend, yes. Do you like her? And don't lie to us. Do you like her? Yes, I like her a lot. Oh, okay. Is there a future there? Is he going to propose? Um, I think that he will, but he's also coming out of ending a long engagement. So I don't think he's in a hurry to jump back in. Did you like it? I think this one's the the real one. This might be the one. Did you like his old fiance? I did like her. She, no, no, she I'm seeing the kiss of death here. You liked the old one and that didn't work out and you like this one. No, they're very, very different. I did like the other one. I just don't think that they were meant for each other. Well, obviously not, I guess. When you say a long engagement, how long were they engaged? They were together over five years. Huh. What finally broke him up? Um, medical school kind of gotten away and, you know, so. Oh, all right. So your son's going to be a doctor. Is that my son the doctor? Is that what she's going to be a doctor? Oh, she was the one in medical school. No, my son is an investment banker. Oh, he'll be doing fine then. I thought what you were trying to tell us was that your son was in medical school and she wasn't like being supportive of his dreams or whatever. But it was the other way, right? No, no. Supporting her dreams. Well, she didn't think that he was even though they relocated to Texas and yeah. Oh, drama. It was. It was a little drama and but it's all good and I do like the new girlfriend and they're better suited for each other and I got to ask you what touristy things did you do while they were out here? Oh, we went up to Rocky Mountain National Park. We went to a Colorado rapids game. That's our company. That's good. It's very good. Yeah. So well, you know. Oh, yeah. That's so Colorado. I saw my first bear in Colorado. So I was excited. Wow. Not close up, I hope. Oh, you know, he wasn't too far away, but I was safe. They're sitting at all the warnings because they're trying to fatten up before winter now. So they're like into everything right now. The bears are out and they're hungry. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You ready to play some rattle off with us, Kim? I am. I'm going to win. You sound confident 10 seconds. Give us five different zodiac signs, five zodiac signs, ready and go. Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer, Libra, Virgo. Yeah. That's the one we got. Which one? Which one are you? Aquarius. All right. You are a winner. Good job. Kim. You nailed it. Well, very good. Listen, it has been a delight talking to you. Is your son and his girlfriend, are they still in Colorado? Or did they already go back? No, they had like six 10 AM flight. So we were up early. Thanks. Listen, you are delightful. Stand by and Josh wants to come back and tell you all about your prize. Okay. Sounds good. Thanks, boys. You're welcome, Kim. Thanks for spending your mornings with your boys in the morning.