The Todd Herman Show

SealFit Handed Me My Butt; I Am DEEPLY Grateful for That Ep-1853

I spent so much time sharing with you my plans for the SealFit journey, and you were so kind to ask questions about it. So I'm going to tell you, I had my butt handed to me, and I've never been more grateful for that. There are so many things I would change if I were to do this again. And I was just saying this morning, I'm leaning very, very hard towards doing this again because my why has changed. It has to do with the men on that team, on my team. So I'll go through the embarrassing moments. I'll go through the inspiring moments, but I'm not going to give away a lot of detail about the workouts or the rules because I feel like that should be the province of people who actually go through what they call the crucible, the 50 hours. I'll tell you about my teammates who secured, meaning they got through, they thrived, they did it. And I can't communicate clearly enough about how blessed I feel to have had my tush handed to me on a plate.

What does God’s Word say? 

Genesis 2:18 NIV

It is not good that man is alone. 

Galatians 1:10 ESV  

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

1 Thessalonians 2:4 ESV  

But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts.

John 12:43 ESV 

For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.

Episode Links:

Trump Suspect Ryan Routh Left Note: ‘This Was an Assassination Attempt’; Prosecutors said the note and other evidence found at the scene show a need for Routh to be detained while the government builds its case against him.

Alan’s Soaps
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1h 11m
Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
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Train HVAC could save you over $500 per year on your energy bills. That means you're getting more without paying more. And you're saving more. If that's not fun, we officially do not know what fun is. Enter for more info on heat pumps and available incentives. That's It's hard to stop a train. So we'll get to some news, obviously. There's some news to talk about. But I spent so much time sharing with you my plans for the seal fit journey. And you were so kind to ask questions about it. So I'm going to tell you, I had my butt handed to me. And I've never been more grateful for that. There are so many things I would change if I were to do this again. And I was just saying this morning, I'm leaning very, very hard towards doing this again because my why has changed. It has to do with the men on that team, on my team. So I'll go through the embarrassing moments. I'll go through the inspiring moments. But I'm not going to give away a lot of detail about the workouts or the rules. Because I feel like that should be the province of people who actually go through what they call the crucible, the coral, the 50 hours. I'll tell you about my teammates who secured, meaning they got through. They thrived, they did it. And I can't communicate clearly enough. How blessed I feel to have had my tush handed to me on a plate. I know that's weird. We'll talk about this with the help of and God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. [MUSIC PLAYING] Today is the day the Lord has made. And these are the times in which God has decided we should live. I've got so much to share with you this week. Observations about being in the state of California, meaning almost everybody down there with whom I had a substantive conversation was a godly person. It was utterly, utterly humbling. And it reminded me that, man, I've been judging God something fierce. I have been just all over judging God. I mean, he may well decide to let California continue to decline into the mess it's become. And meeting these godly people there reminded me that God is everywhere and that by having this cynical belief that California cannot come back means that I've decided for God that he's not going to bring it back. There's so many things to share. This happens to people like me who do this for a living when we're gone. And we have all this input. Let me get to a couple of news items. So the latest guy to try to kill President Trump. So he left a note. And he said this is an assassination attempt. Now, it's a bizarre thing. He left it with somebody with a box of possessions. And then the person saying, oh, once I figured out who he was, I thought I better turn this in. There's never going to be anything that's going to make this make sense. But the FBI's decided to release the first page, which is effectively how he did it. Why would they do that? Do you remember this so-called trans shooter who went to the Christian school and murdered teachers and children? Do you remember how long it took to get that manifesto? And they came after Stephen Crowder for getting it. And Crowder only got part of it. Now the whole thing is out. And this guy's-- it's not his manifesto. They haven't released the whole thing. Just the feature part they want you to see. I just occurred to me, do you think they're going to do a better job of protecting President Trump when he's president? I mean, if God's willing, he makes it through the vote fraud, the attempts to steal the election, and probably another assassination attempt or three. Do you think that they're going to do a better job of protecting him when he's there? Why? Because then they'd have to let someone kill J.D. Vance as vice president. I don't think we should be thinking that this ends. That President Trump makes it into office. In fact, I think they'd be even more likely to let someone go get him if he makes it into office. If they can't block this election, there's nothing they won't do. And remember the way that Kamala Harris just obliterated Trump after the debates in the polling? Because she dominated the debates. So there's a new poll out, and it came from this-- I mean, granted, this is a very red meat-eating conservative organization called The New York Times. But here's what they show. This is polling averages time, sin, and polling averages. In Arizona, prior to the debate, Kamala Harris was up plus five. After the debate, President Trump was up plus five. If you're counting, that's a 10-point swing. Polling average, Trump was below one. Trump went up two in Georgia, time Siena. Likely voters. Trump plus four, Trump plus four, no change. Trump minus one, polling average, Trump plus two. North Carolina, Harris plus two. After the debate, Trump plus two. Polling average, Harris plus one, and then it became even. So they'd have to do something, I mean, in addition to attempting to rig the election. There's just one other news event, I was just reading about this, that-- remember we talked about the way that the Kamala Harris team is using fake news? Literally, literally, doctoring headlines from New York Times and ABC News, changing what they say, and then promoting them using Google AdSense, and no one cares? That's now illegal in the state of California. George Soros has created actual organizations that literally create fake news, such as pretending that Kamala Harris has received the Polish community's endorsement in Pennsylvania. No, she hasn't. And this stuff is pushed and trafficked across the web using social media ads, because, oh, it's not a political organization. It's a newspaper, guys. Early on, when we were trying to promote this podcast, I was told I couldn't promote it on Facebook because I am a political organization. I am a pack, not a talk show host, or a podcaster. And they're getting to do this on a massive multi-million dollar scale. I don't believe that President Trump is a god-inspired profit, but sometimes he says things that's more democratic. I wonder how many alarm bells went off of the CIA when he used the word fake news, the phrase fake news. I wonder how do people back there say, wait, he knows. He knows. He sends some things. When I started this journey to go down to the Temecula area of California to go to SealFit, I started training in March. And the first thing I did, the first SealFit training I did, in fact, was a 12-hour workout. And I think that was a huge mistake. And I want to explain what mistakes I made. I did not secure. I didn't get past the first day. I've left late at night on the first day. And I'll tell you why I left. There were two things that I decided were going to make me leave. One was medical. And the other was if I was harming the team or putting people in danger. Because there's no nothing worth putting these guys in danger. So I'll tell you the whole SealFit story, all of it, even the embarrassing parts. And I will tell you this, that I am 90% leaning towards going back. If I do that, there's a whole series of things that are going to change most of it in my mind. Most of it in my mind. Because it was my mind that failed me to a large degree. I mean, the 57-year-old body didn't help. But I'm also not going to throw away many of the prep things I did. I talked to some of the guys down there who wore seals after the event. Guys who've served our country in combat. And we just got to talking about injuries and what it's like. And there was a guy down there who's 60 years old and still beats the young guys in seal training. He's a buds instructor. He still beats them swimming. And if you looked at this guy, you'd look at his body, it is 28. Just unbelievable athlete. And I mentioned my shoulder surgeries and I told this guy about renew healthcare and what they do down there. And he said, this is something that combat vet should know. I said, I agree because so many guys who served in combat have so many problems that have caused inflammation in their bodies, injuries. There's that whole thing jumping out of a perfectly good airplane can screw a guy up. Yeah, particularly when you land in a tree before the shoots fully deployed. That happens. And getting shot a couple of times will sometimes flat screw up your body. It can also be work related injuries, construction injuries, even athletic injuries like mine. You're told it's surgery or pills that is not true. Check out and they're ethically, ethically sourced stem cells only from placentas and umbilical cords. The strain of cells I use and I've used it twice have never ever been near a modified RNA injection because that strain was created before those injections came out. It isn't surgery or pills. They will tell you if they can help you go to and tell them you're part of the Todd Herman Show podcast and or radio show family. It's I'll cut to the quick. When I arrived in Temecula to go do this event, I went through a series of steps to get there. One of them was I got extra hydrated. I thought, I went to a place and I had nothing against this place. I met the owner. He's a fantastic guy. I went to the hydro bar and I got an IV. It's called the Myers drip and they added to the IV a vitamin treatment, et cetera. And it was all about being hydrated because it just got enough an airplane that no two days before. I knew that that dehydrated to even if you drink a ton of water and electrolytes. So I'd made all these attempts to be hydrated. So we show up early in the morning at 7.30. And I get to meet my teammates. And I'm clearly oldest guy. And I don't know that I'm going to use names because I don't really have these guys permissions to use their names, although I guess first names don't matter. So Brian was the second oldest and then probably Connor and then Carlos and then Teddy. Teddy was definitely the youngest. And we're standing there's parking lot and coach Milney's there and she's one of the only the second only of two female coaches that I met at SealFit. And Milney has been through the Cacoro program. She's done the 50 hours. She is a flat star. And she starts to ready us kind of mentally for what's going on. But it was Brian who really he's been through this program a lot. Brian and Will, Will is an unbelievable athlete. Unbelievable man. And Will and Brian have seen this thing. So they're kind of giving us a heads up. And they kept saying like when a truck of OK, here it comes, the storm starting. Those are the seals. And I'm starting to build up in my mind like, oh, yeah. So this starts right away. Like the attitude starts right away. And we went and did some jogging warmups. And one of the things I didn't do and this came back to just destroy me is for whatever reason, I didn't warm my pushups up. I'm doing all these things but I didn't warm up my pushups. Stupid, stupid. I didn't then pushups in a week. Finally, it is time. And a seal, well, two of them, one guy in the lead, walked up, and he looked like if you were to take a bodybuilder and make him an athlete and make him just under six foot tall but about six feet wide at the shoulders, he walks up. And another coach is behind him a little shorter, but you're talking about a waist of probably 28 inches in a chest of something like 128 inches. And the one guy took the lead, he walks up to us and says, Hey guys, those of you wearing hats, take them off and steal them and maybe you'll earn them back. He looks at me and I'd written down my whys on my hand in black sharpie ink and I'd recently written the first initials of my teammates on my arm. I made that decision when I met these guys and realized, man, I already love these guys. So coach looks at me and goes, fancy tattoos, Herman. Yeah, coach, it's the team. Is it fancy tattoos? Which of our teammates goes, man, look at those pants. Those tight pants, you can move in those and already it's on. It's already on. And I'm standing there and Brian had warned me about this and I'm not going to tell you the details because I think this should be private to the crucible, but there's things you're not supposed to do with your hands. Brian warned me, don't do these things with your hands. And so the seal looks at me and he goes, it's OK to stand, but don't stand like this guy's standing. And he goes, that's your one warning. That came back to haunt me. That. So here it is. And now it's, I don't know what time. I mean, they took our watches. I have no idea what time it is. And coach says, I'm going to run you down to the grinder. And the grinder is exactly that. It's a grinder. So we start jogging and I realize, I have no idea how long we're jogging. Now, I knew this was going to be the case, but I thought I was prepped for it, but I was not. Giving up total control will run until coaches stop running. And he said a gentle pace. I mean, I don't think it was even a 10-minute mile, maybe nine and a half. And we're jogging down. And then he stops us, drop, 10 push-ups. And all of a sudden, my push-ups are gone. I hadn't warmed him up. And I'm thinking, oh, dear God, this is push-up central, up. And we're back and we're running. And he did it again. And now, I ignored everything. Coach Divine's books talk about. I was totally self-centered, totally in my own head, not seeking the help of my teammates, not speaking on their behalf, not who yaws. I got in my own head. So we jogged down to-- and I don't know how long it was. I'm going to guess it was probably a two-mile jog. And we get down to the grinder. Now, here's what this was. And I wanted to have pictures for this, but we didn't get them ready. I'll share some with you. We're at this campgrounds outside of Temecula. And you saw the YouTube videos. Maybe you've seen some of the images. It's the topography of the desert in California. And there's all sorts of hills and sandy hills. And there's warnings about rattlesnakes. And then we go down to the grinder. And the grinder, there's the pull-up bars set up. There's the ice tubs set up. And then there's this block of terrible, dry dirt. And that's where they put us. And that's where the butt kickin' began. And there were two things I said that would make me quit. One, harming or endangering the team. Two, medical. And when this assault began, and these guys created the circumstance of chaos and war. Again, I forgot everything that I was mentally taught. My breathing was gone. And most destructively, I was only thinking about myself. And right away, that big, big seal came over and goes, "Hey, you're not looking good. "I'm looking at a performance drop here. "I'm looking at a performance drop. "You've got to bring it up." And then, dude, you're gonna weigh this team down. You are gonna really, really punish this team. And I'm talking about burpees and a movement I can't say, but it has to do with monkey. I'm talking about course push-ups and bear crawls and backward bear crawls. And as we're doing the bear crawls, diving into ice water. And I'm used to that, but then dive in and dive out and then do the next one. And then plank and push-up and then flutter kicks. And then V-ups. And I mean, all these movements are known, seal movements. So I'm not giving away things here. But it is, there's no rhythm. There's no predictability. And then there's the stop. Someone count 1,001 to me. 1,001, that's how long you have to get down. When I say get down and get up, when I say get up. Now down, up. And I'm just lost in myself. In Genesis chapter two, verse 18, we read, it is not good that man is alone. And I made myself alone. Everything they teach us, well, not everything, but there's so much about focusing on others. Part of that is to observe your teammates. And God bless these guys for beginning to focus on the team and a lot of times on me. And as my push-ups continue to suffer, I am beginning to think, I can't even string together five quality push-ups here. And that's in my head. I can't, I can't, I can't. Instead of, get warmed up. See, Coach Divine would teach us. Commander Divine, I'm getting warmed up. Fantastic, I'm getting warmed up. I'm here and there's, you know, spraying water on us and pouring water on us. And quite frankly, that was welcome. That wasn't a bad thing. That felt fine. But then then, then, then, this creeped into my mind. Because I heard it again from one of the coaches, man, you're weighing this team down. I'm glad you're not on my team. And I'll tell you the most embarrassing part of this. And I've even included the email in the show notes that I sent to Coach Mal afterwards because I want you to see complete transparency. And I can't wait to share with you what I got back from team members. So I'll tell you the most embarrassing part of this in just a second. I can't even believe I'm gonna admit this, but I will. Because I'm going to be honest with you about this experience because I want you to know because I spent so much time talking about it. Now let's get to the ugly truth. The truth right now in our world is very, very ugly. Commander Divine, a very legendary seal. He's a guy who started SealFit and runs it to this day. Commander Divine asked us at one point, "Are you concerned about the things going on in your world?" Well, you should be. And I won't go into more of what Commander Divine said 'cause again, that was a private event. But that's, I mean, who's not concerned about the world? My friend, Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer, Chief Investment Officer Boer at Capital Management is doing a free live webinar that's coming up on Thursday. And what Zach is doing is he's going to talk about the world events and how this is affecting people's portfolios, particularly if you're five, 10, 15 years from retirement. Your retirement portfolio is not built for a world where figurehead Biden uses, or the people who run him, uses Air Force jets to fly Zilinski into Pennsylvania a battleground state to campaign on behalf of Kamala Harris. That's an unprecedented event. Everything is unprecedented right now. There are no rules and current events are going to smack upside the noggin just like I got smacked at SealFit. They're gonna smack upside the noggin these retirement plans that were created for a time of peace, which is kind of what I created for myself and my training. Peace, huge mistake. So this is a free live webinar. Zach will talk about Boer Capital Management's risk management strategy and how they use active management of every portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility. That's how they manage risk. He'll talk about your portfolios and what's happening in the marketplace. This is a free event, but you have to register to attend, go to That's K-N-O-W, And now a kind word from my friend Russ who recorded this 'cause the government said you have to. - That's my advisor, the opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. Any references to performance of security so thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ in assessments involved risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results trek 24308. - So here I am, I'm wet, I'm muddy. And the thing that has been solid for me and asked my training partners, push-ups have been solid for me. They're gone. And it feels like they're not coming back. And this all adds up into here and coach say, "I'm glad you're not on my team." Guys, I stood up and said, "Drop on request." I couldn't believe that those words left my mouth, drop on request and we're an hour into this. I didn't even know I was that weak. And so coach Mel comes up and she goes, "Stand over there, stand over there." And I walk over this place. She goes, "No, no, no, don't stand over there. "Come and sit down on this stretcher." I sit down and she goes, she goes, "I want to feel sorry for you." But she told me you trained for this. I said, "No, coach Mel, I trained for this." She goes, "Then it's not your body. "This is your mind, Todd. "It's your mind. "You have 15 seconds to get back in there. "Decide, decide. "You're going to leave your team. "That's hurting your team. "You can leave your team and I got up and I went back "and I got in and no one said anything." Even the coaches didn't say anything. And man, they could have destroyed me at that moment. I couldn't believe I did that. But then something happened. I remembered the team. And as we're going through these movements again and again and again and they're getting harder and he's introducing more of them, this happened. I looked up. Everybody was struggling. Not to the degree to which I was. And some guys were flat killers. I had never saw a couple brothers there. I don't think they, I mean, it's hard to make them struggle. They are so solid, it's so strong. A couple of us were. Including a couple of guys I looked up to and I look up to everybody in that team. I began to focus on others. One of the teammates got pulled out of formation. He was made to sit on a log and I don't remember the exact words because it wasn't aimed at me. But all of a sudden one of our teammates is pulled out of formation. He's made to sit on a log and enjoy a cool drink of water while he counts out commands to us. And one of the guys in the team still in formation said, "Come back, come back, come back into the team." And he says, "Coach, can I go back?" No, no, you needed rest. I saw that you were a dog at it. You needed rest. So you drink your water, but you count out those commands and don't you go easy on them. And my teammate starts to sit in it because no, no, no, no, you sit down. You need rest. You rest while your team works. And man, the brother is not like this. And here's the other aspect to this. Now, as I began to look at that, like, oh my gosh, look what they're doing and it won't say his name. Look what they're doing to him. And then they just got all over another guy and I mean, I'm talking about two seals surrounding him and they're on him and that focusing on others thing then had this, the ability to say, "You got this." The ability to look at a brother and here I am and my push-ups have been gone, saying to a brother, "You got this and then will." "Will," said to me, "out of breath, muddy, dirty." I'm so glad you're back. You're important to the team. (scoffs) Wow. Important to the team. (scoffs) Something changed. I don't even know what it was. Except I can explain it this way. We bonded to that, obviously. Eventually, the assault ended. I don't know how long it went on. Probably a lot shorter than it felt like. And then, having faced that moment of stupidity and desperation and what I would refer to as cowardice, no one said to think about it, we just proceeded. The way this day unfolded and the events that went through it showed me something about myself and my training that really, in one hand, disappoint me on another hand really, really informed me of something and it's why I felt such utter gratitude. The day went on, it got hotter, the movements got harder and we eventually went for yet another run. And once again, and this was Coach Clint, who was leading this, there were two coaches down there, Coach Rob and Coach Clint, Coach Rob the bigger of the two. And Coach Clint leads us on this run. And again, I'm gonna run you somewhere and you'll just stay with me. So the run is to a point where we go and we eat lunch, MREs and it's sitting down in the sand and Coach Clint says, you're gonna have, I think he said 25 to 30 minutes to eat. So eat it all and they demand that you eat all your food. Now here's where I should have been cued into something but I wasn't. At lunch, we had a chance to talk as guys. And to assess some things that had gone on and gone wrong. Here's a couple of them. I kept violating that hands rule. And every time you violate a rule, Coach Rob wrote it down in a book and then it's pay the man. Now that doesn't sound like a lot, oh you're gonna have to do 10 extra burpees and you might have to stop and do these monkey movements. I can't say in the show and you're gonna have to stop and do this on runs or carrying these huge weights and I'm not gonna say in what form we carried them because but man it was incredible. You do that for 50 hours and all of a sudden you have 15 violations, that's 150 more movements which doesn't sound like a lot until my brothers who made through this event, 50 hours, we're still paying the man for my infractions. And for things I did. And I asked Coach Rob when we were getting to him and I said, hey Coach, is there any way I can earn that back? Can you take that out on me? Can I pay the man? He goes, nope, nope, nope. One team member messes up, everybody pays. Sorry, no he didn't say sorry, he doesn't say sorry. We sit down and eat and we're kind of comparing food and it was an amazing mental relief that the coaches were gone. And I'm sure this is on purpose. This is the okay, we just beat the garbage out of you and we're gonna let you breathe. After lunch having drunk, somewhere on the order of three quarters of a gallon of water and having hydrated all morning long, having showed up had 30 cups of electrolytes. I couldn't pee. I don't know what time it was, I'm guessing noon, I don't know, I couldn't pee. And that concerned me a little bit because I'm a guy who generally pees a lot, sorry for the detail. We started to talk about how we could improve as a team and internally, a young man named Teddy. And he and I had an exchange in the parking lot before we began and suited he and Brian because we felt like the seals were really gonna target Teddy. Something he made a decision that changed the course of this event for me. And I am so utterly grateful to Teddy. Youngest guy on our team. (laughing) I felt like a kid, a little boy, because I had the view behind us so I could see everybody's six and I saw coach Rob Walken on. Guys, coaches, coaches, coaches here. So we clean up lunch and we, and I don't remember how we disposed of it, but we stand up and well, this was something that happens back at the, I should have mentioned this, back at the grinder. They gave us our gear, our packs and our dowels, which they call weapons. They gave that to us, okay, go put those out, go put those out in the grinder and we set them down and come back and coach Rob says, look at that. Look at that! Arrange that the right way. And at that point, we didn't have a class leader. Who's the leader? Who's the leader? I don't remember which one of us stood for that. I know it wasn't me. Someone took lead and we went through and we lined the bags and I'm talking to the logo goes on this side, the handles going this side, make sure that everything is lined up and it's five, four, drop, drop! Boom, back into, I don't remember what exercise is, back into the screaming, oh, fix them, fix that! And so we arrange everything. And then there's this calm, come over here. You stand there he goes, look at that. Does that look nice? Attention to detail, gentlemen. And coach looks at me, he goes, hands. (sighs) Another one for Herman, goes in the book. Gonna have to pay the man. So fast forwarding out to this lunch and here comes coach. Get this stuff take away and up pulls a truck. Still your gear and we are fanatical at this point. And I'm like the one value at this point I'm adding is I'm looking at, oh guys, guys, guys, this has got a spread out and two inches between the bags and we're making sure I do not want to pay a pill on this. And the truck is filled with sandbags and an implement I'm not going to mention because this should be secret to seal fit but it was an implement I've never used before. Kind of a sacred implement, honestly. And the sandbags come out, we're on this incredible sandy area and we are going to bare crawl sprint and pull these sandbags up to the point where these sandbags weighed more than the bodies of guys like Will. But prior to this we had to make our own sandbags and Brian had warned us about this and I'm not going to go into detail but I'll tell you this that one of my brothers had a challenge getting a sandbag closed. And we have to like tie a knot in this canvas bag or not canvas but this bag and he's not getting it done. And his hands are starting shaking because Herman what am I doing wrong? It's like I got to spin it more man. I spin it more on the bottom and the seals are all of them. Hey, no one's waiting on you, don't worry. It's not like you're going to pay a tab. It's not like you're going to have to pay the man. You've got 30 seconds, 30 seconds. And it's tying a sandbag. But under that pressure and I'm watching him shake and then we have to pay the man 'cause 30 seconds went by. And for some reason to my utter shame, this brother somehow made the decision to bear crawl away from us. And I think he just wanted to face coach 'cause he knew it was, you know, we're going to get into a circle. We're going to pay the man. Coach says, why is he on his own? Hey, why is he on his own? I mean, he made the decision to go over there. That's a separate thing. Who told you to do that? Did you get told to do that? Why is he on his own? I think it was Brian who decided to own it for us. We failed him as a swim buddy. See, you never go anywhere alone, ever. And here's his brother out there on his own. So the sandbags are filled. They go on our pack. Now we begin this evolution of doing these bear crawls through this ridiculously deep sandy dirt and pulling these sandbags that eventually ended up to about 185 to 200 pounds. And we're pulling them with a stick rope and it was a difficult evolution. And a couple of times my knee dropped before I got to the line and coach Rob was actually really nice. I mean, it was like, what dude, what happened to you? And coach Rob said, I remember knee across the line. That's all he said. The youngest member of the team made a decision. And guys, this would have felt like pandering if it was in any other circumstance. I'll tell you about this in a second. Despite all these challenges and despite me getting in my own heads and not getting the results I sought out of CILFIT physically, I wouldn't change a thing about nutrition. And I'm convinced of this, that the routine that I had made it possible for me to get through this, and I lost six pounds in that 12 hours. And I'm talking about legitimate pounds, not water weight. It was that rigorous. And I know that my process of getting this back is gonna be the same as it was to get down to this 9.9% body fat. And it is a routine. Part of my routine is mass times. This is a dynamic set of digestive enzymes created by my friends, Matt and Wade by Optimizers. They took 243 experiments to get this right. They won't put the breakthrough label in anything until it's truly a breakthrough. So how is this a breakthrough? Well, first of all, if you have broken through, let's say losing a bunch of fat, put that a bunch of muscle, you do not want to lose that muscle, right? You want to can maintain a strong metabolism, right? You want the digestive comfort, right? This is all the things massimes provides. They did a test at a Bosnian, no, pardon me, birch International University in Bosnia. And what they found out was people who used the proteins combined with massimes, that is people who ate food combined with massimes, saw a 1200% increase in the amount of amino acids in their bodies compared with just their digestive systems. Amino acids are the building block, the sustaining block of proteins, particularly branched chain aminos. You can have all of this right now, even as you listen to the story of my, my having my butt handed to me at SealFit. I wouldn't have been able to last as long as I did. Without this, go right now to to get your bottle of massimes with 10% off. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. That's starts your journey to better health today, As we began this evolution, and we were going through these bear crawls through the sand, and then every round, every round we had to be as fast or faster than the previous round, or we went another round. Or we're gonna pay the man. And it's fast, fast, fast. You're talking one minute 40, one minute, one minute 50, two minute 21, and these are six guys. Everybody has to pull the bag. Now, pull the rope. Everyone has to bear crawl back and forth, and Teddy got next to me, purposely. And despite the load on his respiratory system, I'm with you, Herman. I'm with you, Herman. I'm right here. I'm right here with you. At the beginning of that day, if he'd done that, I would have been furious. How dare you pander to me? This is an incredible act of love. Between rounds, between rounds, some of the guys that I think Brian started this, between rounds, when we got a little bit of rest, we pop up off the ground, and everybody says, "Hands, hands, hands." It seemed to me. I'm the big violator, and I'm looking at going, "Hands, hands, hands." I'm participating in this as well. And I became Johnny organized the bags. Somehow this got my thing. Wait, no, logo's this side. Wait, no, it's not six inches apart. So we're jumping up off the ground, and I have my hands, hands, hands. (sighs) And then this implement came out. Well, first of all, we went, and I won't, I said I wouldn't give away the workout details, but we did some passing of sandbags, a 75 pound bag and a 50 pound bag around this circle, and the seals do what they can to make it simple, but when your mind's just like messed up, it took us a couple of evolutions to get that right, but then we got this. I couldn't believe we got this. (sighs) One of the coaches said, "You guys are actually getting better." I forgot this. Back in the grinder. Coach Clint had come over to me during eight count burpees and said, "Herman, if you do them faster, they hurt less." And I copied that coach, good copy, and I started to do them faster, and my burpees were not great. And I found a lucky penny. It's the weirdest thing. Like, wait, is that a penny? And the burpees, I'm looking, I think that's a penny. Coach Clint came by and he said, "I couldn't believe what this meant to me." Good job, Herman. At the same time, I found that stupid penny and I kept that penny and I'm gonna have it made into jewelry or have it embedded in my skin. So they bring out this implement and we are going to carry what will turn out to be something started with 135 pounds, which doesn't sound like a lot. Eventually became, and I'm guessing here, probably 185, well, maybe 200 pounds. And Coach Rob says, pick it up. And again, it's a really sacred implement, which is why I'm not saying what it is. And we carry this thing as a team. There's six of us, four of us carrying it at all at one time. Every time we sit it down, we pay the man. Through sand, sand hills, over a fence. And ultimately, we start walking up this black top road through the campground and now it's hot. It's really, really hot. And we're having to communicate with each other really well. Coming up behind you, Will. I got the weight in three, two, one. We switch and we're talking to each other. Talk to me how we doing, even I was doing this. My wicks, my grip's going, I need to switch. I need to switch now. And we're switching on the fly as we're carrying this sacred implement. Talking to one another, at one point, this really, really made an impact to me. Will, who is an unbelievable force of good. All these guys are and will never spoke a negative word. He's shorter and stature than most of us, but taller in spirit than me by a long shot. And one of our guys was saying, up on the left, up on the left of this implement. These have come up, it's leaning over. We can't drop these things. And I realized, well, wait a minute, I'm taller than Will. I'll lower my side, I'll lower my side. And Will looked over and goes, thank you, brother. I was ashamed it took that long. So we go up this huge hill up into the desert, up into the desert mountains. And then coach tells us to set it down. Now, now the work begins. Now we're gonna run up this massive tall desert hill, but in after the style of the seals and the military. Packs off, weapons down, we take them off, take your sandbags out. These are the bags that go inside of our packs. And we pull them out. And again, I'm like, guys, guys, guys on the fence line, let's organize these things, I can't do anything else. So why don't I do this? I'll be like the Karen, I'm the house cleaning Karen. And we're all playing these support roles. And the second we set them down, like if it was hands, hands, yep, okay, right. We take the sandbags out and we go through this evolution where we have to run up this hill. And it's an easy 400, maybe 600 yards. One of the coaches is up there. Coach Rob is up top, coach Clint was down below. And coach Clint says, okay, that is a hot LZ up there. They need ammo, it's your job to get them there. It pays to be a winner. Now that's the code word for this is individual effort. Now you are racing each other. Teddy and Connor are great runners. Connor is a triathlete and Teddy is just a flat young stud. We're running up the hill and Teddy says, should we be tactical about this? He sacrificed what could have been more rest for him and so did Connor. So the rest of the team could have a shot at being first in these things. And it was an evolution at which I was really comfortable, I felt good and I came out mid-pack. Again, wouldn't, well, wouldn't, I don't know that it wouldn't have happened because that's actually a really good event for me. Carrying heavy objects 'cause it doesn't take any skill, balance, cleverness, it's just work. Like, at least I could do this, I can carry a 20 pound football. And we're running and we run up to our coach Rob is and then coach Rob's on his radio. Oh, LZ's changed, guys, back down. First guy here, leave your sandbag, everyone else down. LZ's changed. Now we run down and we're gonna drop the bags and coach, 'cause okay, you know what? They only have room for one ammo at a time. Gotta go back up. And now I'm resisting doing math 'cause what I wanna do is okay, how many rounds is this gonna be? I'm gonna pace this, knock that off. Look around, how's the team doing? Someone charted the chant, present, positive, optimistic as we are running present, positive, optimistic, present, positive, optimistic, we're doing this and man, we are beginning to meld as a unit and we got up to the top. All of us are there, coach Rob has us hold these sandbags up and he has us hold them for a long time and then he says, go. And we run down and I couldn't believe it and I want to believe it because teammates gave me a break. I came in, I think, fourth in that. We continued our climb with this sacred implement. Now this was, at this point, several hours after lunch. It was a long climb, guys. And as we're going up the hill, coach has us stop and do this movement called monkey blankers. Monkey blankers. You squat down, you put your hands under your toes and then you elevate your hind end up and down. 50 of them. And then drop into push-ups. So I am doing this and I get a full body cramp that starts in my left leg, goes into my groin, locks up my back, locks up my core and I scream. And I fall to the ground and everything stops and every brother surrounds me and even the seals were concerned. Herman, Herman, what's up? I just full body cramp and I can't breathe. And the medic, Curtis came over and he put salt tabs in my mouth and he said, I was just going to toss him in his mouth. He shed his mouth. I don't wish him toss my mouth. So I take these salt tabs and I chew them. He gives me these electrolytes. He goes, kill this, kill this and I drink it. And I'm laying there like trying to stretch out and I always wait, push-ups are next, right? I go, this is blank and blank. Now all of a sudden I've got the bad cursing mouth again. This is, hey, I'm down here for push-ups. Let's do the push-ups. You know what happened? My push-ups are back. Because I was loved and I started to enjoy this. My push-ups are back. We do a couple of rounds of these things and keep having to pay the man. And then Coach says this, you have one hour to make it back to the grinder. One hour. We start to carry this thing down the hill and every time we set it down we have to pay the man. And then Coach stops us. That's the hill. That's the hill. That's the one I was looking for. So he sets it down, he lets us rest for a second. And I said, I asked him a question and it was a really, really interesting answer I got. See, at this point up on the hill I made a couple of jokes about myself and they're rough language jokes. I mean, this is not a polite talking crowd. Godly man, but look, it's, look at the environment. And made a couple of jokes about being old and my anatomy, et cetera, and it was this humanizing thing where we started to even relate to the coaches a little bit. And after I got up from those cramps, my guys didn't say anything other than the glad you're back. So I'll tell you this thing I said to Coach in a second and then I'll tell you about this hill. And then when I realized I think I'm in huge trouble, huge, huge trouble. Now, I'm going to send and I'm getting, I bet you that the team is watching this. They all have, or will, as of this morning, they'll have free subscriptions to everything. And I'm going to send down to Coach Mel and Coach Clint and Commander Divine, Coach Rob. I'm going to send down some bone frog coffee to them. Obviously, I mean, three of those people are seals. So I'm going to send down some coffee from bone frog coffee, Tim Cruickshink's company. Tim is a retired Navy SEAL. He did three tours of duty on our behalf. He was a Buds instructor, I think, for three years. Tim will get all of this. I can't wait to debrief with him. He and I are talking later today. And the coffee comes in a wrapper that speaks to SEAL dumb. God country team, that's how Tim lives his life. And it is an unbelievable team focus. He hires vets every time he can. He works at Veteran owned companies every time he can. He didn't go out and get a bunch of junk coffee and put a cool label on it. Some other companies do that. He had this coffee created for you under the tutelage of Dave Stewart, who's a coffee legend. He started Seattle's best coffee. And the coffee speaks for itself. If you want my recommendation, there is a light rose called Doorkicker. Though it's light, it's the most caffeinated blend they have. It is probably my second favorite. My first favorite is called Goat Locker, which comes from an amazing, amazing tradition in the team community, in the Navy and brother of the Navy. Go to You get 10% of your first purchase, 15% off subscription coffee. So his coach is letting us rest before we're going to go run this hill. I said to him, "Hey coach, do I own the record for hand violations? Do I own the record?" And he goes, "Oh, through this camp? Yeah, I go, no, I mean, overall I go, "Oh no." I go really good, "Yeah, you know what's worse?" I go, "What?" He goes, "There's people who don't care." "What?" He goes, "Yeah." "Yeah, we get some real blanks through here who don't care." Like, you're already begging me to let you earn it off for your team. That's not gonna happen. But there are people who just flat don't care. I said, "I bet you guys want those guys out of here." He goes, "Oh, we get them out of here." "Yeah, we get them out of here." He's standing there. "I started to put my hands in place two nights ago." I caught, and we're talking about the violations. I caught myself in coach Rob actually laughing 'cause you know what, I'm gonna give that one to you 'cause you caught yourself. I said, "Well, I'd love to see coach, thank you." We run up this hill and he arranges us in the order that we ended that last evolution and I was fourth. And he said, line up an order of your ranking in the team. I'm like, "Well, you five stand here. I'll walk down the hill about a quarter mile like in the last place." And no, it was no, no, in according to the race. So I'm in fourth place. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna start with number six, number five, number four. And we're gonna see if number one can catch all you guys. So we run up this hill and this was probably an 800 meter run, but man, it was straight up. It was brutal. And at this point, I've got cramps all through my legs. And I promise you, I'm not making excuses. I'm describing to you the circumstances. My hamstrings are cramped, my calves are cramped, my core is cramped, and I'm gonna make this through. I gotta run this run. So I run and it gets to the top and in my space, not that bad. And I actually get, once again from coach Clint, hey, you're bringing it. He said, no, nope, nope, I got to hear this. Oh, praise God for this moment. He goes, okay, that's putting out. That's putting out. And coach Clint gives us a break. He goes, hey, take a break. We're gonna pay the man in a second, and then we're gonna run back down. And then decide to go pee. And I can't. I don't know how long we were into this, but it was a long time. And I'd finished my gallon of water. And I'd had three bottles of electrolytes. And I believe six salt tabs. And I said to Brian, I go, man, I can't pee. And Brian says, you have to tell the medic. I go, oh, he's gonna make me leave because you gotta tell him. So I'll go to Curtis. I go, hey, how concerned should I be that I haven't peed? He goes, that's not, you meant at all? I said, yeah, since I got here. Yeah, that's not great. You're way behind that hydration. I said, Curtis, I had 30 cups of electrolytes before I got here this morning. And I've had all my water. Okay, it's not great. We'll do what we can do. I can't give you any more salt tabs. You're gonna get super sick. And he gave me some, gave me another bottle of electrolytes, which he carries on his body for us. And we started the climb down. We ran down and then we carried this implement down and then we got to have lunch and stretch. And when I was stretching, it became so bad that I couldn't breathe. And I'm not wanting to put this on the team 'cause I know what's next. It was the one event I wanted to do so badly because it's actually a great event for me and that's Murph. And I know that this is coming. I can see it. I can sense it. Brian had told us normally when the sun goes down. So I'm trying to stretch this out. I'm hanging up and I cannot breathe. And the lockup is so bad that I literally want to scream. So eventually I went over to Curtis and I'm like, "Argy like this, here's what's going on." And he pulls me aside. He goes, "You're not going to hear this. "I do not think you should continue." Now from a guy who quit for 30 seconds, I can't cry tears but the tear ducts are open. No, Curtis, he goes, "No, look, it's up to you at this point, "but not for long." If I see more full body cramps, I have to pull you medically. Right now it's up to you. What's the risk? Are we talking rapdo? Rapdo is a condition where you've broken down enough muscles, usually from small muscle groups, that there's way too much protein and muscle matter going through your kidneys and it can kill you. I had a friend went through this and she had to be in the hospital for three or four days and it was really scary. Is it some rapdo? Yeah, it could be rapdo. What's he going to do? He could be in dialysis by the end of the day. Oh. It's a bit dehydrated, man. I've had like two gowns. I mean, I'm now two and a half gowns of water and he goes, "Herman, again, I hate to say this, "but your age makes this harder." It's up to you, but if I see more body cramping, I'm pulling you. I'm looking at my team and they're getting focused and they're getting ready and I should have gone to them and said, "Guys, here's where I'm at," but I didn't because my calculus was this. They don't need this in their head. Okay. I drank another two and a half gowns of water before I peed and Curtis was there every minute and the guys did Murph and I had to watch. No, I didn't have to. I got to watch. Ultimately, three of my teammates secured. They went 50 hours. You know what's crazy? Is I am just as happy this morning as if I had secured? I don't think I could be happier. If I were to do this again, it would be based upon a new why. And I'll tell you about that in a second. Right after I read you the email, I wrote to Coach Mel and I believe this was Sunday morning when I wrote this. No, Saturday morning. No, it is Sunday morning, I see it here, no. Dear Melanie, I've been praying for Carlos, Connor, and Teddy as the crucible nurse, the end mark of 12 noon today. Brian checked in with me, blessed him and we both need to check in with Will. My podcast and my experience would be called seal fit handed me my butt and I'm deeply grateful for it. I will record it Tuesday morning. It would be celebrating the amazing men on that team. I will be confessing all the ways they'd disappointed results, even the horribly embarrassing ones from which I committed to learning and growing. Then I make a request of Commander Divine to get some pictures and stuff that we can use on later podcasts. I wrote them PS. In case you're curious, as I'm planning the cast, this is the theme of this morning. The only way for people like me to thrive in that environment is to raise all previous habits and to immediately open ourselves to absorb the strength offered by others. The meaning for me, my training is insular, self-focused, self-controlled, self-indulged. My mental game is ponderous and wondering. I didn't understand that dynamic before Friday and it got slammed down my throat in a way I needed. When I let myself be absorbed into that team of strong men, my push-ups, symptomatic of my psyche, as you succinctly and bluntly and perfectly said to my face, came back. When my team rallied around my challenges and substituted their better mental focus for mine, I grew from their strength and was able to actually contribute. Not be last on a couple of evolutions, regain some center, hear good job Herman from Coach Clint, laugh as Commander Divine spoke of and truly enjoy the struggle. If I make another attempt at seal fit, it will be because I need it, not because I want it, want means squat in the world of the crucible. The global meaning for me. The men and women in our Cecil forces community are far more extraordinary than I ever came close to grasping even though I'm blessed with friends from the teams. The selflessness, the absolute drive, mental toughness, willingness to give all to a team is a nice thing to think you have, but most of us don't and can only develop through God's grace and through programs like seal fit, though there is no program like it. She sent me the most unbelievable note in response and I didn't ask her permission to read it, so I shan't, but I can tell you this, to be called brave and strong and adaptable and courageous, and to have her say, you went until you couldn't and that's what we would expect. It means a world of me, to me. There was something else that happened. Early in the day, one of our teammates walked over to the area where the coaches had their trailer set up and coach Rob Steppi goes, "Hey, this one's on me. "I failed to explain that this is our side, that's yours. "You stay over here, you don't come to the side of the street. "Am I understood? Good copy, coach." So having a couple of brothers who had to, one brother had to pull out for medical reasons, too, and a brother did not succeed in an evolution, so close. Dang it, I thought he was gonna get it. So we all three are out and I'm standing there and I hear this from coach Rob, Herman, Zula, come and eat, please, please come over and get food. Walk over and this ship some food and I'm standing there, coach Rob walks up because Herman, you know none of that was personal. "Oh, oh my gosh, yeah, yeah, no, I'm so deeply grateful to you. "I learned so much from you. "You know, coach, I enjoyed every minute of this now, now." Coach Clint came over and said, "You did good." Coach Rob said, "You did great." I said, "I don't feel that the results were great," but he goes, "You pushed." So we expect to stand there and eat with them. To talk a bit about our families, the careers. That moment is very high on the scale, but one other stands higher. There's so many, so many. Connor during Murph said, "I'm finishing this for you, Herman." But there's one moment that stands out above all of them to me and it was from all six of us were together. We did make our hour taking that implement down the hill. One of the guys spoke and said, "Will you look at that view?" The sun was going down in California, over the desert hills. There's a winery. There's a great vineyard somewhere down there is the grinder. Crazy. To admire that at that moment. I said to Coach Clint, "It was walking by me." The moment's like that ever happened in combat. He said, "We should talk about that one day." Will. Conrad, Carlos, Brian, Teddy. If I do seal fit again and I'm leaning very much towards it, it will be because I want to be a man worthy of standing next to you on the 50th hour. In fact, I might need to be that man. I do want to remind that, Aaron, particularly myself, from John. Chapter 12, verse 43, "For they love the glory that comes from man, "or than the glory that comes from God." But you guys couldn't have that strength without God gave you. In your love and support of me, I felt God's presence. And I was the one who wanted you to feel his presence through me, maybe in my most profound failure. Although maybe you did, I haven't talked about it. I can't wait to talk to you tonight. Coach Divine, Coach Rob, Coach Clint, Coach Mel, thank you. I needed that blood kick. I've never been more grateful to have my blood handed to me. This is a Todd Herman Show. Please, go be well, be strong, be kind, make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. And I know, remember to just end this with the word of God, but who you are to my brothers who secured and to everyone, everyone down there. You probably think heat pump systems are boring. Train heat pumps are fully electric and highly efficient, engineered to maximize your comfort and minimize your energy usage. Train HVAC could save you over $500 per year on your energy bills, and thanks to rebates and incentives going electric can cost the same as a traditional air conditioning installation. And to, it's hard to stop a train. We have a huge hole in our nation's roof. The Watch Dog on Wall Street podcast with Chris Markowski. Every day, Chris helps unpack the connection between politics and the economy and how it affects your wallet. There should be only one priority for our lawmakers. America is spending $3 billion a day in paying off our own interest. You only need to be voting for candidates who can address this problem. 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