The Todd Herman Show

Three Videos of Events the Mockingbird Media Pretends Aren’t Happening; Biden’s Bosses Used YOUR MONEY To Get Revenge on Elon Musk Ep - 1842

There are three events that the “Mockingbird Media” claims are NOT happening. This is part of a cycle that they cannot understand is killing the journalism business; and praise God that it is. It is time that the so-called journalism business dies so it can be reborn.

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What does God’s Word say?

John 14:1-14

Jesus Comforts His Disciples14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” 8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”
9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the...

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman Show, three video events or videos of events a Mockingbird media pretend aren't happening. Joe Biden's bosses use your money to get revenge on Elon Musk and the Pope just called Jesus Christ a liar. You can use those words, but that's exactly what he did. We'll talk about this with the help of our YouTube channel, and with God almighty. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. And if you've heard that new outro, I mentioned it last week. If you've watched it on video, utterly gorgeous work. The music composed by the guy filling in today for Niana, also the guy whose talents built the video studio that we have here in conjunction with Niana. His name is Tofor Paul, sitting here with me today. Thank you for filling in. Great to have your talents here. There are three events that the Mockingbird media claims are not happening. And this is part of a cycle that they cannot understand is killing the journalism business and praise God that it is. It is absolutely time that the so-called journalism business die so it can be reborn. You know, as we're reborn in the Lord Jesus. It is not a business just limited by sin, although it's a sinful business. You remember this cycle that is almost now world famous in terms of conspiracy theories? It's not happening. It's a right-wing conspiracy theory. It might be happening. It's happening. And it's a good thing. We're going to see this cycle play out in a lot of these events that the Mockingbird media is pretending is not happening. We'll go through three of them right here real quickly. There's a low-income mother talking in Springfield, Ohio about some things that are not happening. How are the Haitians making enough money to outprice everyone that lived here before that? You get assisted living. You get food stamps. You get government home with vehicles and everything else while everybody else has to work for that before you even come in. How long have you been living here in Springfield? And Springfield itself over seven years. Seven years? Yeah. What are your thoughts on the rapid influx of Haitian migrants that moved in around the neighborhood? Honestly, I'm not a fan of it just for a simple fact. See how that trash can is right there? Right there. Right. Every Haitian house you go around is honestly filled to the brim. There's trash that leaks out onto the corner everywhere, but we're expected to live clean environment. And it's kind of hard to do that with that. And then on top of that, with the rise of immigrants and they get assisted living freely, it makes it harder for people like me or somebody else who doesn't get assisted living to find affordable housing at a decent rate. Are they driving the housing costs up around here? Yeah. Yeah. I like it. What are we talking? Okay. Honestly, in my opinion, it'll be a surprise if I don't get kicked out so they can boost up the rate on this place. They'll probably fix it. I see. Get it where it's looking better and boost the rate up on it. They pay 1,200 a month and I pay 775. 775. Because it's not fixed up. Got it. So how are the Haitians making enough money to outprice everyone that lived here before that? What do you, food stamps, you get government home with vehicles and everything else while everybody else has to work for that before you even come in? This isn't happening. The part that's not happening is reasonable concern. No, it's racism. It's racism. It's jingoism. It's stupid-isms. Does that lie to you sound stupid to you? She sounds like she's very, very well of the economy that the world bosses have created. And this is why we talk so much about the China model, that thing the companies love. They love Democrats because Democrats decided to go all in on corporate fascism, all in. That word means something. That phrase, corporate fascism, it means that governments and companies become one. These NGOs who advertise these jobs through exclusive networks to Haitian immigrants did that for the employers. You had this one organization, Haitian Bridge, went from about quarter-mill in the bank to about 28 million in the bank. How did that happen? Government monies. Well, we need to make sure these people get jobs. And the government, as that lady just explained, will subsidize their entire living. So companies are hiring them at 40 percent of the costs. See, it's not racism. They're going to make it racism. There's a reason for Springfield residents to feel resentment. Now as Christians, this is really hard. We cannot hate our enemies. We cannot hate these immigrants. We can hate what's going on. We have to love everybody. That is a prescription from Jesus. We have to do that. But we do get to say, why don't they have to follow the same laws? What's happening? We'll turn into racism, because there'll be some people who connect this to the color. Why? Because in America, race is color. We're not talking about a racial issue when we talk about concern that Haitian immigrants might be eating cats and dogs because they're eating cats and dogs, as video evidence shows them actually barbecuing cats. That's a cultural thing. Black is not a race. It's a color. But in a country where white people are the oppressor and black people are the good virtuous people, that dynamic will cause people to view this racially. Some of them, unfortunately, already are. I think I've played the video for you of a guy who had terrible things, racial things to say about the Haitian immigrants, disgusting. You'll get more of it. See, one of the things that's not happening is the government's stoking racism, stoking class on class warfare. That's not happening, except it is. You just saw an example of this. Remember the Gateway Hotel in Texas? The attorney general there has announced that he's going after non-governmental organizations for bringing in illegal immigrants into the country, including gang members. Video footage shows some things that are happening that simply aren't happening. I'm going to show you some of the conditions that people were living in, and they say it wasn't like this long ago. You can see that there are splatters. Something dried up there. We're not sure what it is that there are splatters all around. She's suggesting it's blood. I mean, that's what it looks like. It looks like splattered blood. This area onto this wall, it appears to be red, brownish, dried, seems like something splattered across this wall. You can also see that some of the mattresses that are out here, a lot of mattresses junk just in this area, and you can see that there are slashes in some of these mattresses. You can hear that there is music playing. There are people living still on the first and second floors, despite the least presence today. This is where owners tell me that they're no longer allowed to have habits. This was housing, apparently, Tren di Aragua gang members, the same gang members who haven't taken over any apartment building, certainly not in Aurora, Colorado, and certainly not in Texas. This is local ABC, not national ABC. I wonder why that is. Already open when we came up here. It looks like it was recently inhabited. There are shoes on the floor, the air conditioner, still running, the bathroom light still on. We also noticed on this floor something we didn't see on the other floors, but there are security cameras and use signs. You can see that security camera right there. So when the authorities decided to look into this and the attorney general decided to shut it down. What had been going on? Security camera caught several images of busy hallways this summer, including this one where the man in the middle appears to have blood on his shoulder. Tenet, Louis, for Selly told me, seems like this or why he left. So you were literally run out of your home? Yes, it was. He said it started when he was asked not to allow other people in the building access to the roof. As you can see, they just busted a lock open and they gave access to the roof right through this area. And if you're one of those five young paint tubs that we right down here from up there, and I just clearly miss me and I backed up to my room and I've been my fear for them came to this point and they tried to hit me with a crowbar. Do you see the commonality? The Haitians aren't necessarily going around and hitting people with crowbars, but you've heard the testimony of people at City Council meetings about them crashing into dumpsters, crashing into buildings because they've been apparently given cars. They don't know how to drive. In this case, probably illegal immigrants, according to the attorney general in Texas, gang members allowed to take over an apartment building and how are they treating people. See, something that's going on that's not going on is people who are criminals are being shown. There is no accountability. You are a special class of citizen. So do as you will. The Haitian immigrants being brought into the country 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 at a time are not being told we don't eat cats here and they're not being put up on a level playing field. No, that's equity. Equity. Giving them a head start is equity. Giving them a head start and destroying a housing market is equity. Christopher Rufo found more video footage of stuff that's absolutely not happening because remember in Aurora, Colorado, gangs are absolutely not taking over buildings like the whispering pines apartments and it casts this case, the security footage shows apparent gang members having taken over a floor, forcing their way into a door, forcing their way into an apartment, beating up the people inside. Remember, we were told, this is stuff that's just really not occurring. Yep, kicking a guy in the face, kicking guys going to be lucky to live. Was it three, four on one? Oh, here comes another guy. So Christopher Rufo confined this stuff with the mockingbird media cannot because it's not going on. Although, remember this, remember the cycle. It's not happening. Well, it is. No, no, no, that's a right wing conspiracy theory. Now we're at the stage of it might be happening. We're already at the stage of it's a good thing. No, we're already there. Bernie Sanders said years ago, years ago, years ago in an infamous clip, you know, people talking about food lines being a bad thing. They're not. The food lines are a good thing because now the rich can stand in line and wait for food like the poor, we're already at the stage of it's a good thing. This is equity America being taken down to the level of nations like Haiti. Well, that's equity. You can't just bring everybody up. As George Soros famously said, America needs to be brought down a few notches. That's equity. Story number two, Joe Biden's bosses are using your money to get revenge on Elon Musk. And do you remember the days when Elon Musk was obviously a hero because he was doing the green thing, producing electric cars, that was going to save the world. I mean, technology can do that. Technology can be great. We use technology in this studio at my home. Many of my friends who are in the medical business are now using this in their clinics. It's simply to make sure that when your customers or in this case, guests walk into the studio. Since we can't have the windows and doors open, we don't want it smelling like a place where a guy's been speaking with coffee come out of his face for six hours. We want it to smell pleasant. And it does. It smells like the day after a thunderstorm that can be guaranteed for your Airbnb, your BRBO homes, your vacation homes, your RVs, your dorms, military barracks, if they're allowed in there. This is not an air filter. It's not expensive like an air filter, which costs you two to 400 bucks every single year to replace the filters. It's not loud. It's relatively silent. In fact, if you listen, you can't hear it. In a world class studio, you can't hear it. You don't know because you're outside the studio, but inside it smells like the day after a thunderstorm because floating around inside here are O3 molecules, ozone. They're magic. They attach themselves to other molecules and then change their molecular structure. So cat litter no longer smells like it, cigarette smoke and please quit smoking if you haven't. That's gone. And if the last guest in your Airbnb or a VRBO, cook something delicious to them, but kind of noxious to other people, that smell is gone. Here's what I'm going to do is I'm going to save you huge money by one. Get one. Go to, enter code TOD BOGO. That's T-O-D-D BOGO, buy one device. Get one., enter code TOD BOGO. Back in 2020, and this comes from a guy who was on the board of the FCC. He knows something about these things. It's Brendan Carr, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission, Senior Republican and the Five-Minemore Commission, previously General Counsel of the FCC, a Commissioner from the FCC writing about revenge. In 2020, the FCC secured a commitment from Elon Musk's Starlink to offer high-speed internet to 640,000 world locations for $1,300 per location in federal support. After revoking that award in 2023, the government is now spending in the ballpark and upwards of $100,000 per location. If you're keeping track, they're spending 10 times as much, so they don't have to do business with Elon Musk, even though Starlink is a different company from Twitter-X, and Musk doesn't own it alone. He uses some media reports on this. Another operator, Texas-based Big Bend telephone company, won a $24 million grant to deploy fiber to just over 100 locations. While this would imply a cost of nearly $231,000 per passing, Big Bend said in a press release the project will actually cover around 312 locations, which would lower the per location cost to just under $77,000. Wow, that's a big savings. And tell you remember that Elon Musk was willing to do this for $1,300 per location. E-N-M-R telephone cooperative is receiving a $2.6 million grant to deploy fiber to the premises networks to provide high-speed internet access to people in the Baca, Guadalupe, Harding, and some other locations. EMR will make high-speed internet affordable by participating in the FCC's Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity programs. This project will serve socially vulnerable communities in blah, blah, blah, blah. For more money, 10 times as much as Elon Musk was willing to do this for. See, this is plain, obvious revenge, using your money to punish Elon Musk for saying things that, well, aren't to be said, in ways they're not to be said, and then for backing orange man bad. Remember we talk often about the China model, actual corporate fascism, government and companies becoming one? Well, here's MSNBC, they're talking here about doing something to Elon Musk that might seem unthinkable until you remember that these companies and governments have become one. This is Roger McKamey, author of Zuck, waking up to Facebook catastrophe, musician Moon Alice and doobie decibel system. Here we go. Roger, let me ask you about something we posted on NBC about a month ago, written by David Ingram here, the headline says, "Elon Musk's misleading election claims accrue 1.2 billion views on acts." False or misleading claims about the US election that Elon Musk has posted to acts have generated nearly 1.2 billion views according to an analysis published Thursday by the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate. So, pause. I think Elon's suing this organization that's allowed to operate with dark money. They're allowed to be relatively anonymous. They obviously have an ideological point of view and they're quoted unskeptically by MSNBC. So here's what Moon Alice says. Researchers from the Center say they identified 50 instances this year when Musk posted election claims that have been debunked by independent fact checkers but spread widely on the app anyway. Again, no surprise to you, but he actually controls the algorithms. People have said ever since Elon Musk has taken over certain people's accounts don't get amplified, other things do. This is a guy who said he wanted to take on own X to make it a town square, to make it a public square where voices were not squelched. Now it's being used for exactly the things you wrote a book about that almost wrecked some of our elections. So the critical element in thinking about Elon Musk is like any American, he has a right to his own opinion and he has a right to express his opinion. However, that right is not unlimited and he is under some special limitations that wouldn't apply to normal people because his companies specifically Starlink and SpaceX are government contractors and as such, he has obligations to the government that would for any normal person and should for him require him to moderate his speech in the interest of national security. So what you have is somebody who runs really strategic defense and aerospace projects for the federal government who's actively undermining the government which is paying him and somewhere in there is a legal case that needs to be prosecuted. Roger, somewhere in there is a legal case that needs to be prosecuted somewhere in there. Yeah, we certainly can't have people who run big companies going out and saying things that are political, you know, to undermine the government. It's like when, you know, the boss man of Disney goes out and does the government's bidding. This is to push kids into the lies of gender abuse. We can't have that. Wait a minute. We can. That's narrative supporting. We certainly can't have government actors undermining the government, you know, like saying things like President Trump is a Russian asset with a bunch of intelligence officials. Some retired, some active signed that document. That's not undermining the government. That's undermining belief in government. Elon Musk shouldn't be prosecuted for questioning the election. He's an American citizen. Having a government contract doesn't turn you into a drone. It's not undermining the government to question it. The First Amendment doesn't say you have a right to undermine the government. You have a right to redress grievances. Some of us worry about things like not checking voter ID or allowing ballots to be counted after the election closes, even when there's no date stamp on them. Some of us think that's like wrong. Elon Musk is one of those people. The threat of prosecution for speaking wrong thing, it's not just in America and it's not just Elon Musk. Elon Musk will be harder to get to because he's a billionaire. There's a teacher in Ireland named Enoch Burke, remember this? He was arrested at a hospital school because he refused to go along with gender lies. A politician in Ireland, a guy named Simon Harris, was walking around glan-handing and got asked a simple question, "Do you have anything to say about the teacher who's been put in prison?" Now he's literally running. He's literally running away. Stop to shake hands and she asked if Enoch Burke can ask to run. If you ever find yourself in a position unable to answer a question like that, you are on the wrong side. Fact is this, the government in Ireland is using taxpayer money to get revenge. On the Irish, for undermining the government, because the government has said, "Hey boys are girls, what they're really saying is this, we determine what's true." That's even what they're saying to Elon Musk, "You are saying things we've determined aren't true. You don't get to say things that we have determined to be untrue." Quick question. Remember in the Bible there's this famous question, "What is truth?" Do you remember that? The Lord Jesus, just about to be put on the cross, from an official says, "What is truth?" Well, He was looking at it. God is truth. You can keep trying to destroy truth, but you are in a war against something you don't understand or recognize. You're in a war against God, because God is truth. And number three, I grew up under a cafeteria Catholic mother, and that phrase means something. My mom is famous for taking things she likes about the Catholic faith and embracing them, and part she doesn't like about the Catholic faith and discarding them. I love my mom. I saw this weekend. I tried to see her every weekend. I'm very grateful for the sacrifices she made in raising us. Great mom, lovely woman, and I'm going to miss her, but she dies. But like many people, she decided to leave the Catholic Church, because it simply wasn't any longer radical enough. In the case of my mom, it has to do with same-sex attraction. That sacrosancter her. The Bible has it wrong. Well, in fact, my mom, like many, will say, "Well, we just don't understand." The Bible actually says same-sex relationships are good. That's actually what it says. It's not in the Bible, but we can read between the lines. You would expect that from entities, say, like chat GPT. Chat GPT thinks its nose when the Lord Jesus is returning. This is from 100%, and they went and asked chat GPT, "When is the Lord Jesus coming back?" And they think they know. It went through a series of scriptures showing in this article that, of course, we never know the time of the day. Those countless countless scriptures reminding us, "We don't know," that here's what chat GPT said. They came out analyzing some scripture with timelines, Daniel, prophecy of Daniel, the fig tree generation Matthew, and they came down to a timeline that they predict. Now, no one knows this, and no one knows the time of the day. But here's what they came once they synthesized the information. Short-term estimate, 2020 to 2030, well, the Lord Jesus is here now. They don't know the date. These are these estimates, midterm estimate 2050 to 2100, long-term estimate beyond 2100. They seem to think the near-term estimate is the best guess. But this is a computer system. And to its credit, or the credit of the designers of it, it actually recognizes the fact that scripture says no one knows the time of the day. Now, I expect Silicon Valley to engage in this sort of heresy. I don't expect the pulp to do it. It's raised in the home of a cafeteria Catholic, but I was brought to faith through a fantastic, I call them an evangelical Christian, an evangelical Catholic family. That's a weird phrase. Here's what I mean. My friends who allowed me to live in their home for almost two years, the father of that home is the guy who brought me into radio. I get to ride around in the car with he and his son, his son, his mic, my brother, very much like my brother. And I got to hear him describe good radio versus bad. They meant to me a God family, and I'm endlessly thankful for the fact that Gary and Karen have communicated to me that they view me as a fourth son. That is an unspeakable honor and a great blessing. They're very Jesus-focused Catholics. And together, they now have something like 35 or 36 grandkids being fruitful to multiplying. And they know all of them, they spend time with all of them. So I am not a Catholic basher. I'm not going to bash the pope. I'm simply going to point out that he's satanic. That's not bashing him. It's being clear. He's calling the Lord Jesus a liar. Going to war with Jesus is not something that I expect the leader of the Catholic church to do, but at least rhetorically he's doing that. And if you are not with him, you're against him. It's not a war people should want to enter. I'm not going to war this weekend or anything like war, I'm going to seal fit in outside a corner out of California. It's called Temecula, California. I'm going to start this out at the Lake Vale Resort. We're meeting. I don't know where we go after that. I know that I've decided to absolutely thrive at this event. I know that I've decided to be medically removed, if at all. And I know that I have to make it through these first 12 hours. Obviously, to get to the 50th hour, you have to make it through the first 12, but in that first 12, there are two significant physical tests I'm going to have to do under a great, great stress. I mean, it's one thing to do some pushups in a test and some pullups. That's something I've done countless times, but after I've already done 400 pushups and something like 800 burpees and God knows how many miles of rucking and running and I'm wet and tired and sandy and cold and I'm doing this at one o'clock in the morning. How am I going to perform then? Don't know. I'm going to find out. I do know this. I took three days off caffeine. I didn't get the caffeine headache. I didn't get the caffeine pains and some things changed in my body. I didn't like. So as of today, I'm back on caffeine and guess what the source is? Right. Bonefrog coffee. Created by my friend, Tim Cruickshink, a retired Navy SEAL who did three deployments on our half in war at war. Each bag on it says God country teams starting with God because that's how Tim views the world. Coffee inside of it is mentored by or paraded by a legend named Dave Stewart, who started the saddle coffee business. He started saddles best coffee. In other words, you get 10% off your first purchase of bonefrog coffee when you go to bonefrog coffee dot com slash Todd, 15% off subscription coffee. And don't be surprised when this arrives at your home and there's a note in there from Tim himself. He values customers that way it's bonefrog coffee dot com slash Todd. This is the pope speaking in an event and he's has to be translated because he's speaking speaking in his language, his native tongue. And the translation I've checked time and again, it's accurate. Here's the pope effectively calling the Lord Jesus a liar. Yes, it's okay to discuss and to join him because every religion is a way to arrive at God. Sono de una comparachione sono pome de verse lingo de verse, if yo me pera livareli. Sort of a comparison. An example would be there sort of like different languages in order to arrive at God. Madio a de opportunity. But God is God for all. Ecoma deo a de opportunity. Noissiamo tote fili de deo. And if God is God for all, then we're all sons and daughters of God. Wow. The people that the two. But my God is more important than your God. Very good. Is that true? Two solo deal. You know, so it will be coming only way pera livare a deal. There's only one God in each of us is a language, so to speak, in order to arrive at God. Because we're going to ask you, but we're going to want to know some man who's going to be in the court of Christian, you know, we're going to have to say, come in. They're different paths. And that's it. And that's it. That, that should kill you. If you're a Christian, that should chill you and you should understand he's satanic. False teachers, the pope is a false teacher. It's not hard to prove John chapter 14, verses one through 14, Lord Jesus, do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. My father's house has many rooms. If they're not so, what I've told you that I'm going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I'll come back and take you to be with me, but you may also be where I am. You know the way to the place I'm going. Thomas said to the Lord, Lord, we don't know where you're going. So how can we know the way Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except for me. If you really know me, you'll know my father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him, Philip said, Lord, show us the Father. That will be enough for us. Jesus answered, don't you know me, Philip? Even after I've been among you such a long time, anyone who's seen me has seen the Father. How can you say show us the Father? Don't you believe that I am the Father and the Father's in me? The words I say to you, I do not speak on my own authority, whether it is the Father living in me who is doing His work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father's in me or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I've been doing and will do even greater things in these because I'm going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask of my name that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it. He's describing a one ship. He's also describing something else, the path, period. This is not about language. Islam is not a language. It's a set of beliefs. Those beliefs are absolutely distinct and different from and at war with the Christian faith. It's not a language. It's a set of beliefs. Judaism is a set of beliefs. Now, at the cross of our points, I think we all know much of the Old Testament is from Jewish faith, the Jewish Talmud, et cetera, but there's a parting of the ways. The Lord Jesus was and is the Messiah. That's what the Christian faith says. You can't debate that. You can pretend it doesn't say that, but you are pretending. What Jewish people have wrong is that the Messiah did come. He does offer redemption. He walked with us. What the pope is saying here are the words of a false teacher. He is exactly the person about whom the Lord Jesus warned us. If he's not removed by the bishops, the bishops are okay with this. The Lord Jesus has said about his church when he was speaking to Peter, Peter confessed that the Lord Jesus was in fact a Messiah. And the Lord responded to this by saying, "It's upon this rock I build my church." Now, we in the evangelical community interpret that to be the rock of that statement. Peter, the rock, Peter means rock, his name has been Simon, the Lord renamed him Peter. It's upon this rock I build my church. We often interpret that to mean the rock of the statement that you are the Son of God, the living Son of God. You are the Messiah. That's the rock. That's what we interpret it. Catholics have interpreted it to be that Peter was the shoulders in which the Lord would build the church, the first pope. What did Peter, the first pope, so to speak, believe about Jesus. He also believed he is the way, the truth, and the life period and that no one gets to the Father, but through him. He walked away from Judaism, Peter did. He embraced the risen Messiah, the Lord Jesus, the pope, the satanic. If the bishops don't remove him, they are too. The Lord Jesus said his church would stand until the end of the age, and not even the gates of Hades would prevail against it. Right now, I can't say I believe that the Catholic church is his church. I think it will be again. I think a new pope will come and the Lord will change things. If not, my Catholic friends have a lot of praying to do. The family I mentioned that helped bring me to the Lord Jesus, this great Catholic family, some of them have gone off to a new Catholic church with Latin Mass and without insane statements like this. To see a pope called Jesus a liar, that should kill us, and we should pray for him. He's spiritually fallen, he's become captive. May God help him. This is a Todd Herman show. Lord, thank you for reminding us to be on the lookout for false teachers like the pope. Now go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]