The Todd Herman Show

The LATEST Trump Assassination Attempt; Thomas Massie’s Secret Recording of CDC Bosses Ep - 1841

Where were you when you learned about the SECOND attempt to assassinate President Trump? It’s very fair to call the attacker a mercenary on behalf of Ukraine with SEVENTY FOUR arrests.

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What does God’s Word say? 

Matthew 24:6-13 

6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
9 “Then you will be handed...

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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Ever wonder what makes Panda so special? Join us on Amazing Wildlife to find out. Giant pandas and their habitat are unique and beautiful and extraordinary representation of the natural world. And if you get that opportunity to sit and watch a Panda eat bamboo, you will be mesmerized. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on America's #1 podcast network, iHeart. Open your free iHeart app and search Amazing Wildlife and start listening. Well, anything happening? Good morning, everyone joining us live. If you're watching either listening later, we love you equally. Thank you for that. So where were you when you learned about the second attempt to try to kill President Trump? And where were you when you learned some of the details about this guy? You don't normally say people's names when they go out and do things like this because sometimes that's what they want. I don't even think this is what this guy wants. There is so much that's come about come out about him. For instance, it's fair, very fair to call him a mercenary. It's very fair to call him a mercenary on behalf of Ukraine. Very fair. 74 arrests. You think he was on there? What'd they say? The FBI likes to say he was on a radar, you think? How could he have not been on the CIA's radar in and out of Ukraine? Thank you so much to talk about this. We'll do this with the help of our YouTube channel, and with the great help of God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Let's just start here. Ryan Ralph, a former construction worker from Greensboro, North Carolina seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mr. Ruth, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest. "We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it's such a corrupt country," he said in an interview from Washington. That would be the New York Times having interviewed a guy who now is accused of trying to kill President Trump. So much has come out about this guy. And the Mockingbird media, of course, is digging in as fast as they can to begin to cover some of this stuff up. CNN did report on the shooting, at least. They recovered a backpack and a semi-automatic rifle that was described as an AK-47 in the preliminary reporting. And a GoPro camera, the last piece is very interesting because it suggests if there was such a camera there, that this individual may have wanted to record himself and a first person doing the shooting. So a lot of questions to be answered. It's the suspect they have the right person, it's not the right car. You know, the weapon that they have has to be processed for evidence and ballistics. If there's video on that camera, if in fact it was recovered, as we are told, what will that tell them? But that is what we are seeing right now. So Ryan Ruth will be going into court. At least we're going to get to hear from him. And there should be a whole series of questions about how a guy like this is allowed to go from the United States through Ukraine and very visibly in public. Act as a mercenary on behalf of Ukraine. See, it was 74 arrests and no jail time. It's reasonable to ask questions like this. Who is getting this guy out of going to prison with 74 arrests? How is he allowed to continue to do these things? And as you might expect, MSNBC and others are already calling for a toning down of the rhetoric. They're really serious about it this time. They really want to see the rhetoric toned down. Because of course there was another attack, an attempt on President Trump's life. So they got to calm down the rhetoric, but you will not believe who needs to calm down the rhetoric. It's not the left. It's not Kamala Harris. It's not the Mockingbird media. It's someone else. Who needs to tone it down in light of the fact of a second assassination attempt? We'll talk about that. I am headed down to SealFit. You know this. At the end of this week, I will be there in fact I'm leaving Wednesday to go down to SealFit. And when I get down there, I'm going to be around a group of guys and we're going to be in a team. And if God willing, I make it through that first 12 hours or rather when I do. That's my mindset. We're going to spend 48, no, 50 hours together. Constantly exercising, constantly moving. And I'm going to come back with a garbage bag full of clothes. This is going to be the stinkiest worst clothes that have ever existed. And people sometimes burn their clothes after SealFit. I'm not doing that man. I'm going to keep this stuff forever. After I thrive in this and get to hear Mark Divine, hopefully Coach Divine say you are secure and celebrate with these guys and go eat 10,000 calories since we're going to burn a thousand calories an hour. I'm going to take that garbage bag and I'm going to bring it in here. And I will show you my SealFit clothes so you can see what they look like. And of course, it's going to stink to high heaven in here, except it won't. No, in fact, I'm going to turn off the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 device. I'm going to turn it off and let that stuff marinate overnight. So when we come in, we can absolutely smell it. And then we'll turn on the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 and see how quickly it destroys the scent. It does that by producing ozone in the air. Those ozone molecules, O3 molecules bond with the bad smell. In this case, the unspeakable smell of 50 hours of exercise and mud and sweat, et cetera, blood. And we'll see how quickly it all dissipates because when it bonds to the molecules that produce the bad smell, it actually restructures their molecular structure and it's gone. I'm going to save you a huge amount of money on the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 device for your home. Your Airbnb, BRBO, dorms, military barracks. Buy one, get one free. Go to, enter, enter Todd Bogo. That's T-O-D-D Bogo,, enter code to Todd Bogo and buy one, get one free. So there is a call for people to tone this down. MSNBC was fast to get into this game of toning down the rhetoric. Yeah. Do you expect there to be calls from within the Trump campaign to do that? Because he's going to reach out to his supporters and say, let's take this down. We do not know again the source of any gunshot or gunshots. We don't know who's responsible for this. The whole thing has yet to be 100% confirmed from start to finish how this all played out. But do you expect to hear anything from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric? Come down the violence. It will be a typical of the former president. Well, Alex, remember back to the assassination attempt from President Trump's life and how, you know, there was talk of a new tone. And then the Republican convention was by Trumpian standards muted. And it did seem like he was, you know, just trying to take it down a few notches. But then by the end of his convention speech, you know, we were kind of back to where, we started. So I don't know how long this could, you know, this moment of unity for the country where we come together and we say, I don't want any political opposition to be under threat of violence. It's not okay. Any threat of violence, you know, we don't want. I would love for us to have a unity type moment, but I think it's probably going to be pretty fleeting as we've seen in the past. Ryan Ruth in and out as he was of Ukraine. The CIA had to have the sky. They had to know him. It is impossible for an American citizen to be making videos like he did. We will show you a video he made with Newsweek. Newsweek has the video of him being interviewed by Ukrainian military. Why are you here? Who are you? Why are you here? He's there to enter the fight. He had his hair dyed in the color of the Ukrainian flag and the colors of the Ukrainian flag. 74 arrests, no prison time. He is able to get near an event. Well, it's not even an event. This wasn't even on President Trump's public calendar. So how did he know President Trump was going to be there? Maybe he camped out in the shrubs. Maybe he was able to be there for three or four days, waiting thinking that Trump might well come and play golf at his own golf course. Maybe that's it. That could be a reasonable excuse, but the secret service you think would walk the perimeter. You think they might even do a drone flyover? It is a reasonable question to ask this. Did Ukraine pay him to try this? Now I know the Ben Shapiro rule is you don't ask questions if you don't really have an interest in the answer because sometimes you're just still can racism. I don't think that can be an accusation here. It's a reasonable question to ask of a guy who is willing to go over and fight in Ukraine who is trying to gather troops for Ukraine from former Taliban fighters laundering their passports through Pakistan or Iran. That's tradecraft. Do you know how to do that? If someone came to you and said, "Hey, listen, I want to raise a bunch of, I want to get some troops gathered to fight in a foreign war, but I don't know how to do this. Can you help me get some passports laundered?" You just said, "Oh, yeah, yeah. No, that's easy." No, we'll go buy them in Pakistan or Iran. It's easy to do. Would you know the first step of that? Very few people would know the first step of that. The amount of money on the table for Ukraine, which is an utterly corrupt country, is unfathomable. Rand Paul last week told us that we are spending more on Ukraine than we spend on our entire Marine Corps. Is this not a reasonable series of questions to ask? And then this. How was it that this guy was able to stay in hiding, get shot at, and then seven and a half minutes later, he's finally captured? And is he going to live? No, it's a serious question. Is he going to live? He's going to be going to court today. Is he going to live through that experience? A lot of people are saying, "Is this when the Jack Ruby thing happens?" Now, the rhetoric. This is Claire McCaskill, and this is not an old clip. This is a very recent clip of Claire McCaskill on the TV and listen to what she says about President Trump. A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between Mussolini and the use of the terminology like Vermin and the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship. The difference, though, I think, makes Donald Trump even more dangerous, and that is he has no philosophy he believes in. He is not trying to expand the boundaries in the United States of America. He's not trying to overcome a neighboring country like Putin is in Ukraine. He is not going for some grandiose scheme of international dominance. All he wants is to look in the mirror and see a guy who's president. All he cares about is selfish self-promotion. That's the only philosophy he has, which makes him even more dangerous, because he has actually set out loud that it would be over the past. It would be okay to terminate the Constitution to keep him in power. He said this. He actually said those words. And the irony is all of these supposed conservative folks that have populated the Republican Party all stood around and with their thumb in their mouth going, well, yeah, okay, I guess so. It's bizarre. So let's track this. In order to look in the mirror and say I'm president, Donald Trump is willing to get murdered. I mean, can he get more famous? Can he have more attention? Is there someone in the world who doesn't yet know his name? Or see his image. And as this always goes back to, we had a test drive. We got to test drive the orange man. And when we trust drive that orange man, guess what? He left. Terminate the Constitution or leave the White House, which one did he choose? Hours after this all happened, 60 minutes was back to January 6th. They ran a special last night on January 6th. Why? Because they want this. Remember last week we told you about the Seattle Times? They actually ran a piece in their newspaper saying that Trump falsely claimed that protesters took over a large portion of Seattle. He falsely claimed that. This would be the same newspaper that covered the murders in Antifa Stan and what they like to call Chaz. That level of lie, you cannot believe for five seconds that that's not going to get uncovered. This level of rhetoric, they cannot believe for five seconds that this is going to cause extreme people to go do these things. But I am beginning to doubt that this guy is an extreme guy. I mean, yeah, 74 rests. Ideologically obsessed. But I don't see any reason to look at this and say this is the act of a crazy dude. He's crazy with politics, but many people are. If Ukraine paid him to do this, what is that? It's treason on his behalf. What is it with them? There's going to be a third attempt. Things come in threes. Does this mean to you that God is protecting President Trump? It means that to me. Speaking of God, in this should just, I think, settle our minds. In Matthew 24 verses 6 through 13, we hear. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you'll be handed over and pure persecuted and put to death. You'll be hated by all nations because of me. At that time, many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will go cold. But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. Of course, the Lord Jesus was speaking at a specific time to some specific people. And we can apply the future. Wars and rumors of wars. We'll talk later this week about chat GPT making a prediction as to when the Lord Jesus will come back. Now, no one knows the day or the time. And to the credit of that computer, it actually made that clear. But the time it chose? 2023, which is over through 2028. I'm not going to believe chat BT for five seconds on something like this. But we're living at a time that we were warned about. Praise God for the warning about what this time is. There's much more to this, including why was this guy not? Why was there not full secret service protection around President Trump? There's an answer for that. And if you compare how he was guarded to how Barack Obama's guarded, it raises more questions than it does answers. Simply looking at how the Obama home is guarded versus President Trump's appearance at his own golf course. It raises a whole series of questions that will continue to ask. You'll forgive me if I'm a little bit seal-fit focused. You'll forgive me if I have a healthy form of anticipation. I'm doing my very, very best to not call it nervousness. Because I don't want to give my body the permission to feel nerves. I want to give my body the permission to feel, well, diligent, anxious. I want to feel anticipation. I also want to feel normal. Now, this has been a very, very weird week for me in that I took myself off coffee beginning Friday. And I did not like what it did to my body. So I'm going back on coffee because I didn't get the terrible headache that everybody gets. I didn't get that at all. I was off for three days. It was fine. I'm going to benefit from the coffee rush I get for the first 12 hours at seal-fit. And then I know, I know, I'm going to have the coffee crash. But guess what? I'm going to crash anyway, doing a thousand calories of exercise every single hour. Around guys who are stronger and better than I am. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus, look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free-checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. Cards issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA member FDIC, subject to credit approval. Offer subject to change. Terms apply. Why was there not full coverage over President Trump? Why was there not full protection over President Trump? Because he was not being guarded as a current president. Well, you've got to understand that golf course is surrounded by shrubbery. So when somebody gets into the shrubbery, they're pretty much out of sight. And at this level that he is at right now, he's not the city president. If he was, we would have had this higher golf course around it. Well, because he's not, security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible. So I would imagine the next time he comes at a golf course, there'll probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter. He wanted to say that Trump is not the sitting president. That's the sheriff. The sheriff's not responsible for this. He's answering questions he probably shouldn't be answering. He should be turning to the Secret Service to say you need to ask them why they didn't have full coverage on the guy. We're the sheriff's department. We don't get to provide full coverage like this. We don't have the staff to do that. If you compare this to Barack Obama's home and the way it's guarded and you see agents all heavy arms, heavily armed, around his compound, there's a big, big difference. And maybe President Trump didn't want these things. Maybe he didn't like the image of this. That's a possibility. The big question for me is how did this guy know that President Trump was going to be playing golf at that time? And if we find out that he was sleeping in the shrubs, well, then that raises a huge, huge question. How did he get away with that? The rhetoric that President Trump is being told to calm down. Kamala Harris actually openly joked about, well, it seems like killing President Trump in an elevator. She was on with Ellen DeGeneres. If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence or Jeff Sessions, who would it be? Does one of us have to come out alive? Jeff, so joyful. She's so joyful. What sort of person laughs at their own joke that way? Says something like that. "Sci-kill me." Who does that? Generally speaking, if you're laughing at your own jokes that way, you are probably a psychopath. I'm not saying she's a psychopath, but I think she might be a psychopath. Because psychopaths laugh at their own jokes that way. The rhetoric. Who's most responsible for the rhetoric? Let's think about this from a perspective of preparation. The Mockingbird media scripts everything. No one on newscasts is really just saying things that are coming out of their head. They're a teleprompist in front of them. There are interview people like Jake Tapper and others and Ellen DeGeneres doing interviews. But if you look at the news, many of this stuff is just coming straight out of a teleprompter. That means it's written in advance. That means there's editorial teams responsible for its review, and incidentally, there are often lawyers. Also responsible for that. Who's creating the talking points for the Democrat Party, which across the board are the same? Trump is a threat to democracy. Remember how quickly they went from riot to insurrection? Do you remember when they started to call it a coup? No, there were times when they called January 6th a coup attempt, and that just then wound back down to insurrection and then protest. Do you remember how quickly the talking points went out? That stuff's crafted. It has gone through layers and layers and layers of review to make sure they're using the right phrases. When they use the phrase threat to democracy, this is why. It polls well. It's a turnout methodology for their voters. It's a turnout methodology for the leftist base. That's why they continue to repeat that exact phrase time and time and time again. Now, you take someone who pops off on Twitter, like President Trump sometimes pops off on truth, social, or on Twitter. Sometimes he says some things in a provocative. Do you think it's been through layers of review? The fact of the matter is the Mockingbird media and the Democrats have plotted the strategy to call Trump these names. They decided at some point or another it was okay to begin calling him Hitler. That wasn't accidental. That went through layers of review. And they decided to do it anyway. This guy, Ryan, rests Lee Ralph. Do you think that you'd be on the CIA's, you know, radar? If you were recorded in an interview with Newsweek in Romania, talking about your role and why you wanted to be there, do you think that would put you on their roadmap? Are the radars, they say? Do you think we're going to see any answers from the CIA on this? Do you think that John Brennan retired CIA is going to be involved in the cover-up? Remember when President Trump was a Russian asset and the Hunter Biden laptop story was all made up and it was Russian propaganda? Do you remember this signed statement from intelligent officials saying that President Trump was a Russian asset? Are those seeing people going to come out and question whether this guy is a Ukrainian asset or a CIA asset? Well, we're breaking the Ben Shapiro rule again, asking questions, really just seeking information. Why are you here? 56 from the U.S. U.S. from North Carolina. Originally, still living in Hawaii now, so flew all the way from Hawaii here. So the question as far as why I'm here. To me, you know, a lot of other conflicts are gray, but this conflict is definitely black and white. This is about good versus evil. This is a storybook, you know, any movie we've ever watched. I think a situation here where, you know, the Ukrainians and the rest of the world are caring and kind and generous and unselfish and take care of one another and it's just a matter of, you know, we need to stand up for that. That is the most important thing in the world is just to show human beings that we're kind and we're caring and that we take care of one another and that the world is united so that we feed each other and make sure that, you know, we all move forward as one collective whole unit. So, you know, we feel the pain of one country's favor and their conflicts and we enjoy the successes of other countries that are doing good and we all work together and for some reason, Russia does not grasp this concept that we're, we're all one unit. And we have to get along and work together and, and, and the normal human beings. This is 2022 we have to work together as it's, it seems asinine that we have a leader in a country that does not understand the concept of, of being unselfish and being generous and being kind and just the basic moral values that are required by human beings these days. It blows my mind. There's a question for you. How does the news week in the New York Times make the decision to platform him? Or that's what we're told is you don't platform crazy people. Over the weekend, I was relaxing a little bit and I watched a video that's, it's just an interview with a guy with a band that I used to love. To some degree, I still love their music, the posies from Seattle. This guy, Ken's Dreamfiller was one of the founders of the posies, one of the chief songwriters. And he was accused of sexual assault. He was four women or so, came forward maybe seven and accused of some pretty bizarre stuff, really violent stuff. Other women came to his defense, none of them said he's a good guy. His current wife, who is there in a, she calls it an ethically non, non-monogamous relationship as marriage. In other words, not a marriage, they're married, but he gets to sleep with other people. I was watching this interview simply out of curiosity because he told a lot of stories about the posies I didn't know. And I saw one of the comments to the guys who did the interview. I don't know who's a bigger coward, Ken's Dreamfiller or you for platforming him. Why did the New York Times platform him? Why did Newsweek platform him? The CIA, we know, pitches news stories. We know they write news stories. We know they co-opt reporters. We know that they have people acting undercover. Their cover story is reporter or PR agent. Why would they want this guy seen? Maybe so he could be helped. Maybe so the New York Times could help him be more public about what he's doing. Maybe that was an advertisement. I mean, remember what they wrote about him? Ryan Ralph, a former construction worker from Greensboro, North Carolina seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mr. Ruth, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them. In some cases illegally from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest. We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan since it's such a corrupt country. He said in an interview from Washington. Where? Sorry, where was he? Oh, he was in Washington, D.C. With who? Did he meet with members of Congress? Did he take meetings at the FBI or the CIA? Oh, well, we couldn't possibly find that out. I mean, it's not like we could go back and triangulate to cell phone information. That can't be done. That can only be done when your 72-year-old grandma who walked into the Capitol on January 6th took a selfie from behind the velvet ropes and prayed to God and then left. That's the only time we can do that, and we're still doing it years later. The series of questions about this guy are so serious that it's time to take a cultural break. Remember when Andrew Brightbrot said culture swims upstream of politics? This may seem a distraction, but I promise it's not. It goes to the obsession with bad-manning President Trump with Orange Hitlering him. Yeah, we're going to go back to cats. I promise there's a reason for this. I promise there's a little bit of comedic relief. A guy took a great, great shot at making fun of the whole situation about cat eating, and then we'll bring it back to the seriousness of this. Because it is super, super serious. So again, forgive me for being seal-fit focused. I don't know what happened to me when I stopped drinking caffeine, but I couldn't sleep. Legitimately could not sleep. You would think coming off caffeine, I could sleep. Even my blessed magnesium breakthrough didn't do it for me. And I talked to friends and said, "Look, you're pretty meccan, you're kind of a machine." I mean, you work out these days, you work out at this level, you constantly do this. You eat a very specific way. Your body's used to eating four to five thousand calories a day. You just count out caffeine. Yeah, you know what? You can't sleep. Then I got this lower back thing, where my bed didn't feel good. And I'm starting to figure this all out. My body is used to such a high level of exercise that my abs are used to being really toned. The rest of my body's being really toned. I think it's falling apart because they don't exercise. But this gave me a taste of what it'd be like to live with neuropathy or lower back pain. Man, if you are living this way, God bless you for being able to get through it. I mean, sleep should be comfortable. The last two nights, it's been really torturous to get any good sleep. If you've been in this situation for a long time, you've probably heard some things. It's just going to have to be surgery. That's it. Or drugs for the rest of your life. I am here to tell you that's not true. Last night I was thinking, "Okay, here I go back down to renew. .Healthcare." I legitimately in my dream thought, "Okay, how quickly can I get down there?" Get stem cells in my lower back. Now, why would you do that? Because so much of this is caused by inflammation, which once that starts, that can then begin to degrade your lower back, the tendons, the muscles around your lower back. And if you're being told it's surgery or pills and you're headed that way, please, please, please put on the breaks. Simply go to and talk to them about your medical situation and how ethically gathered stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords, period, never anything to do with abortion, how it can instantly reduce inflammation and then go about rebuilding healthy tissue, given the power of these stem cells. The strain of stem cells I use have never touched the mRNA injections. How do I know? Because those strain of stem cells came out before the mRNA injections. Pause, don't give in to surgery or being undrugged for the rest of your life without checking this out. Go to, that's Culture is upstream of politics is what Andrew Breitbart told us and it's true. They have built a culture around President Trump that anything he says are the words of a madman. You remember during the debate when Kamala Harris was doing exactly as she practiced for a couple of months, looking at President Trump with a mocking, pandering, condescending gaze. And when he talked about people eating cats, you remember the look on her face. See, that's it. He's completely unshelved. Well, since that's happened, we played for you on the program. A lot of people saying, "Yeah, I watched them drive up with a van full of 100 cats. I watched them get pulled over by the cops and questioned about this. I don't want to play it on the program because I find it disturbing, but there's a video of a guy just up the street from Springfield barbecuing a cat, preparing to eat the cat. In Haitian culture, they eat cats. They use them in religious ceremonies. I mean, a satanic religion, but it's still religion. They eat people. So when President Trump said these things and it was treated with this just disdain from David Miller, well, the city manager says that's not happening. But people say it is. We'll play some of this clips later this week of other people saying, "Yeah, my neighbor's dog was taken in Eden. My neighbor's cat was taken in Eden. It is happening." This guy decided to take a comedic look at this in pushing back on culture. In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there. They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there. People of Springfield, please don't eat my cats. Why would you do that? Eat something else. People of Springfield, please don't eat my dog. There's a catalog of other things to eat. They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there. They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the cats of the people that live there. They're eating the dogs. That's a dog, by the way, that he's an auto-tune. It says, "The streaming revenue from the song will be going to the Clark County SPCA." They're eating the cats. Somebody made from streams. We'll help animals at Springfield, Ohio find a loving home. That's a cat that's auto-tune. They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there. They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there. I got to ask a question. Christopher, Topher is in here filling in for Indiana's invocation. On a scale of one to ten, you know this stuff. You're a great musician, producer. How hard is that on a scale of one to ten? One being super easy, ten being super hard to do it that well. Twenty hours of work to put that together. It's awesome. So, culture's upstream of politics. What is Kamala Harris in culture? What is she? It depends on where she is. If she's in Detroit, she's a black girl from Detroit. And I use the phrase "girl" on purpose. She's a seventeen-year-old black girl. If she's speaking to Silicon Valley executives, she's a grown-up woman who was the attorney general of the state of California. She was down south and she did it. She put on the full fake black accent. Who is she in culture? Who has the Mockingbird media made her to be? What is she? Let's start with this. She stole this race from Joe Biden. She black mailed him out of the race. She stole the role as the nominee. She got zero votes. She seized power. But who is she in pop culture? Do you remember about six weeks ago when I told you that they decided that she's joyful? They determined that her laugh was annoying. Do you remember the long piece that CNN did about her laugh being a detriment to the Democrats? Her personality being a detriment. Her inability to go above one percent in the last presidential primary being a detriment. So they took her weakness and made it her strength. That's joy. The entire campaign became about joy, distributed talking points. Who is she in culture? She's a blank. To some people, she's a hardcore crime fighter. To some people, she wants to bail out the BIPOCs because equity. To some people, she wants to build an even bigger wall on the southern border. To other people, she knows walls are madness. They don't work. Who is she? She's who the TV ad say she is in the districts in which they're targeted. Who is President Trump? To conservatives, many of us, he's the best possible option given the two choices. To many of us, he's a guy that God uses in the most unique ways, including shielding him from a second assassination attempt. He's a guy who understands how utterly corrupt. At least the intelligence services are. Culturally, who is he? Binary. He's either your choice or he's literally Hitler. I don't know that Ryan Routh is insane, but I know this. It's impossible that those same intelligence services didn't have him on the radar, as I like to say. Culturally speaking, where's Hollywood on all this? Remember John Legend? John Legend is a great songwriter or at least performer. He's being turned on. Well, that's one way to put it. I think he turned on the Springfield residence. It's from Springfield, and he made a statement to speak back into Springfield. I'll give you a little detail on this because I think it matters. Hello, everyone. My name is John Legend, and I was born as John R. Stevens from a place called Spring Total High. I'll spring total high. You may have heard of Spring Total High this week. In fact, if you watch the debate, we were discussed by our presidential candidates, including a very special, interesting man named Donald J. Trump. Now, Springfield has had a large influx of Haitian immigrants who have come to our city. Now, our city had been shrinking for decades. We didn't have enough jobs. We didn't have enough opportunity. So people left and went somewhere else. So when I was there, we had upwards of 75,000 people. And in the last five years, we were down to like 60,000 people. But of late, during the Biden administration, there have been more jobs that opened up. More manufacturing jobs, more plants, factories that needed employees. And we're ready to hire people. So we had a lot of job opportunities, and we didn't have enough people in our town of 60,000 people to fill those jobs. And during the same time, there have been upheaval and turmoil and Haiti. And the federal government granted visas and immigration status to a certain number of Haitian immigrants. So they could come to our country legally and our demand in Springfield for additional labor, met up with the supply of additional Haitian immigrants. And here we are. We had about 15,000 or so immigrants move to my town of 60,000. Now, you might say, wow, that's a lot of people for a town that only had 60,000 before. That's a 25% increase. That is correct. So you might imagine there are some challenges with, you know, integrating a new population. New language, new culture, new dietary preferences, all kinds of reasons why there might be growing pains. Making sure there are enough services to accommodate the new larger population that might need bilingual service providers, et cetera, et cetera. So there are plenty of reasons why this might be a challenge for my hometown. But the bottom line is these people came to Springfield because there were jobs for them and they were willing to work. Here's the detail. John Legend is speaking apparently from Los Angeles or Beverly Hills. He is wearing a beautiful. White robe. Like a bathrobe. And I am not kidding when I say it is gold embossed. I don't know that it's actual gold, but it has a gold embossing on it. In behind him is a beautiful home. And if you look out the left side of the screen, there's a beautiful view. Looks like the lights of downtown Los Angeles. You don't live in buildings like that without tons of security. You don't live in Los Angeles neighborhoods like that without three or four gates stopping you from getting in. I have a friend of mine who lives out here in North Idaho and he's a billionaire. And if you go see him at his home, you go through one, two, three, four gates. What you don't see when you go over to a big party, unless you know where to look, are the security people surrounding the house, particularly as kids. John Legend, speaking this way to the citizens of Springfield, Ohio, lacks a little bit of information or doesn't want to say that information. I'm going to say he lacks it. He kept saying jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. Do you remember what we talked about last week in regard to the financial corruption here? I'll tell you about that. And then a couple of clips on the state of the Secret Service, including something from Dick Blumenthal, a Democrat Senator on what they've learned about the first assassination tent against President Trump. Can you imagine in a sane world what a second attempt to kill the leading Republican candidate for president would be doing to the stock market in a sane world? What would it be doing? If your retirement account was created, let's say 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 30 years ago, it was created during a time of relative sanity. The current events today have grown that completely out of whack. If this guy was fact was a Ukrainian mercenary here to kill President Trump, what should that mean for your stock market? It should mean upheaval, will it? Probably not because of the sugar rush, because of the way the heavy hand of the federal government all over this to make sure that figurehead Biden's time in office doesn't have any economic catastrophe, but eventually math will win. Eventually, math will come back. When? Just before you retire? My friend Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer at Bullwork Capital Management, is doing a free live webinar to talk about current events and how it can affect your retirement portfolios, and how actively managing each and every portfolio, which is what Bullwork Capital Management does, how that can reduce risk and volatility and even help you grow in areas that other people are shrinking, particularly on the topic of inflation. There's ways to make money on that, even for us normal folk. This is coming up on the 26th of this month at 3.30 Pacific, it is free, but you have to register to attend. So go to, that's K-N-O-W, Investment Advisory Services offer to track financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide specific advisor recommendations for any individual or in any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed, past performance doesn't guarantee future results, track 24-312. Dick Blumenthal, he is a Democrat Senator, and he spoke about the corruption, the corruption that John Legend missed. Well, he's talking about the corruption in the Secret Service. John Legend missed the corruption in Springfield. You have the same corruption done by the same people. He talked about jobs, jobs, jobs in Springfield. Do you remember we told you last week and showed you the receipts? Of the fact that these jobs were hidden from Springfield residents. The jobs the Haitian immigrants were given were hidden from Springfield residents. Why? Because the companies who understand the China model, forcing people to purchase products they don't want from companies they don't like for services they don't need, prices they cannot afford. They understand the beauty of the China model. They love these influx of so-called refugees because they're getting huge, huge federal subsidies. 2,200 bucks a month, sometimes 10 grand cash to move in. So employers get to hire them for 40% of the cost of an American. So they just flood them into these areas. There are whole groups of NGOs, non-governmental organizations, who were promoting these jobs through networks to Haitian immigrants. Hidden from American workers, though many of these jobs were promoted by the government. This wasn't a Springfield lacking people to work. This was the decision to not hire people from Springfield. That's the same corruption as our financial system done by the same people, the mobbed up entities, who run the world. Dick Blumenthal talked about corruption in the Secret Service, or at least he hinted at it. I think the American people are going to be shot, astonished and caught on what we will report to them about the failures at the Secret Service in this assassination camp, the former president. This was the first attempt. We have called and astonished by the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to be more forthcoming to be as candid and frank as it should be to them in terms of providing information. We are going to absolutely insist on the truth and the whole truth in documents and personnel as members of the United States Senate, but also as citizens. I'm not going to go into what we have learned in specifics. I'm giving you my reaction, and we will have a report very, very soon that I think will absolutely shock the American people, which should, about the lapses and lives in the protection that was afforded that day. The same CIA, the same intelligence services that are helping to track you making $600 transfers via Venmo to people, failed to track a guy with 74 arrests in and out of Ukraine, fair to call a mercenary. They failed to track him when they easily could have done that. Well, let me revise. They probably were doing that. If you're in and out of a country like Ukraine, you are in the press as a mercenary working with the Taliban. You're probably on a whole series of databases, like how about flights? Tulsi Gabbard is on an extra security list because she's a domestic terrorist, Tulsi Gabbard. This guy was able to get a rifle onto President Trump's golf course. Though logic would tell you, if they've deemed Tulsi Gabbard, a domestic terrorist requiring extra security checks at the airport, a guy who works with the Taliban to funnel passports through Pakistan and Iran, he might be a security threat, given his 74 arrests, and given the fact that he's been in the media a couple times, easy to track. Is this another instance where they decided to let one get by? Until I see otherwise, that's my operating theory. Instance number two, let's just let one get by because everyone thinks we're stupid anyway. Lord, thank you for choosing to protect President Trump again, and through that, protecting our nation. Thank you, God, for always, always, always. You know, it's right for us even when we don't understand it. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Ever wonder what makes Panda so special? Join us on Amazing Wildlife to find out. 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