The Todd Herman Show

BIG-TIME D.C. DEMOCRAT Insider says ABC May Have Rigged the “Debate” for Harris; FINALLY, Rep. Thomas Massie Admits it’s ALL THEATER Ep-1840

Why is Nikki Haley on TV? That's an honest question. Why is she on TV? Well, she has a claim and it has to do with her campaign and meddling, meddling, y'all. Representative Thomas Massie said something in a construct I've used time and again. He's finally admitting it's all theater. And we'll talk about that. And the great lie peddled by the Seattle Times is overrun with evidence to the contrary.

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Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Welcome to a live version for subscribers, a live version of the three stories episode of the Todd Hermann show. Why is Nikki Haley on TV? That's an honest question. Why is she on TV? Well she has a claim and it has to do with her campaign and meddling meddling y'all. There was meddling and finally some truth. We're going to spend some time on this one. Representative Thomas Massey said something in a construct I've used time and again. So maybe it's just me, maybe it's just my fragile, tiny little ego. But he's finally admitting it's all theater. And we'll talk about that and Kamala Harris, where she started her career. Well, it's kind of a cringy moment that is if you value morality. We'll talk about this with the help of our YouTube channel, and god almighty. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. And if you just watched, if you're watching the video version of this, that intro, that new intro, so well done, friend of mine, Tofor Paul, he and Niana, use God's money to build the studio that we do this in, man, that is so, so well done. The people in the establishment, they are very dear friends. And the biggest thing that concerns them is maintaining that friendship because it's a friendship of convenience. They are all, all, all under the same impression that they're all, all, all big headquarters of moral justice. It eludes them the degree to which they have been completely captured spiritually, of course, because Satan can blind them to that, but also culturally. Nikki Haley sat down for this interview and the person interviewing her is part of the power structure. She's part of the very, very, very dear friends. It's faced the nation and conversation between two very powerful women. And it eludes them that we are not as soft-minded as they think. You'll hear this conversation, you'll watch it if you're watching the video version of the show, and you will see Nikki Haley, face to face with a journalist who seriously, seriously believes that you and I are so carnival that some Russian propaganda that they claim went through Benny Johnson, it went through Dave Rubin, it went through Tim Poole, and those guys all deny it. And I'm sorry, I'll side with them when it's them versus the Maric Garland's Department of Justice. Incidentally, did you see that Merrick Garland says it's dangerous? It's dangerous to criticize the Department of Justice. That's weird because the First Amendment is all about being able to criticize government. It's not all about it, but it's predicated upon that, that it's dangerous when you can't criticize government. So the power structure is very, they're very dear friends, friends of convenience. And if you think about this thing they have, you know, that's a mob term, this thing we have, what is it, La Casa Nostro? They have a great thing going. In Washington, D.C., people are not, almost said, earn. People get paid three times as much as the people who pay them. There are no recessions. There are no economic depressions. There can't be. There never has been because if they want more money, they take more money. They need each other. So this idea that we are so soft-minded that we ourselves cannot form an impression of Nikki Haley absence, Russian propaganda through some posts that you may not even listen to or watch. No disrespect to them. They're all three very successful, obviously. We could observe world events and we could observe this that we don't win wars anymore. We are very capable of winning wars. We have the best equipped military in the world. We have the best trained military in the world, but we can also with our very own eyes watch as military training is supplanted with DEI, where you are bringing people in to serve in the military and then telling them that the country they serve sucks, that it's racist and it's inexorably evil. No one is going to want to serve a country that way so we can observe the reality of what's happening and form opinions that may well sometimes be backed up by Russian so-called propaganda. What they said the propaganda was, talking about inflation, well, that's propaganda. Inflation is real. Government policy and Nikki Haley's dear, dear friends in D.C. are making it worse. Talking about extra-given to certain races of people, we are watching this happen. All of us are seeing it. Some people think the privilege is right because it's been sold in as DEI. You know, the story and that's yet to be told. Of how the corporate world cooperated with, "Hey, let's call it equity," and when we flood the country with illegal immigrants and they can work at 40% the cost of Americans, let's call it equity, that that's yet to be told. So I want you to see this conversation or hear it between Nikki Haley's face-the-nation discussion. And it's all about how she lost her, how she lost her bid for presidency. It was meddling, don't you know? Here is Nikki Haley and what happened. This past week, a Justice Department brought a case against Russia regarding a $10 million disinformation campaign in which it was using, in part, right-wing media. Do you think that this isolationist streak is being fueled by the Russian state? The problems you are diagnosing right now that you are also saying Donald Trump is echoing in some way. Margaret, this is bigger than that. This is the tip of the iceberg. I'm sorry, I'm breaking down. You can't. You're not supposed to do this. I'm a professional radio host podcaster. This is bigger than the absurdity of this. You're talking about $10 million. The allegation is that tenant media had all of $10 million to spread around. And that they had Tim Pool, they had Benny Johnson, and they had Dave Rubin. And the charging papers, the actual charging papers from Merrick Garland's corrupt department of justice says that those guys were victimized, that they were misled. $10 million in an American presidential election will buy you a TV ad or two with any decent audience. You're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars. In total political spending, yeah, it's bigger than 10 million. It's bigger than tenant media. But Nikki Haley doesn't even stop. See, this is the big, this is their all good friends thing. Nikki Haley is not a partisan. She is a friend of, she's into friendships of convenience. Friends with benefits, political friends with benefits. Because anyone who's the least bit conservative would look. Matt Margaret Brennan at CBS News in St. March, you are a network that perpetrated some of the biggest propaganda in history that came from our own government. I am sitting in your offices where you said the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian propaganda. You said it was Russian propaganda that Joe Biden was mentally deficient. You pushed every form of anti Trump propaganda. That's far bigger than 10 million, 10 million bucks can't buy you a decent three day schedule at national television. And they don't have to pay for their airtime. They just get to spew this stuff. But Nikki Haley's not done. See, the reason you didn't vote for Nikki Haley is because you've got this soft mind. And God didn't give you a mind of strength. God didn't give you skepticism. God didn't allow you to take all spirits captive to Christ. Well, actually God did all those things. He did all of that. He didn't give us the Bible to look at and say, here's how foolish leaders act. And we can look at this. You can see the arrogance. We can see the friendship of convenience, the friends with benefits. So Nikki Haley continues. First of all, look at what happened in Hokal's office with the Chinese influence and what was happening here in New York. Look at the murder for hire plot on US soil, which I was named in by Iran. Look at the Russian disinformation, which didn't start this year. This has been going on for years, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea to some extent. They have spent years on the cheapest form of warfare, which is, how do you divide Americans and cause chaos? Nikki Haley had to be bullied in to recognizing the fact that boys are actually boys and girls are actually a girl. She had to be bullied in it. So if anyone softheaded, it's her. You divide Americans, starting with refusing to recognize basic truths, it wasn't Russian Propo. Sorry. I quit interrupting. Wait, can we have a we should create something with people like this? Nikki, I'm talking. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm talking. They have done that. When I was running my presidential campaign, the FBI had a separate hearing with me to let me know that Iran was meddling in our influencing the election with our campaign. They will bet you were to help to hurt me. The murder for hire plot named me, that's by Iran. This has been going for a long time and Americans need to wake up. Don't just look at Russia, don't just look at China, don't just look at Iran. The biggest lesson we need to take is when you look at social media, I bet you a larger percentage of those are foreign engagement. When I was in Taiwan, they could look at Facebook. Anytime Taiwan put something out, it was suppressed. Anything China put out, it was played up. Why is that? Our social media companies owe Americans from a national security perspective. How many of these foreign bots are dividing us? Every bit of our government influencers, press and media need to say how many of these foreign influencers are buying people, and what are we doing to protect us? Nothing. No one's talking about TikTok, Biden and Trump both said they were against TikTok. They're both on it now, Kamala's on it now, China loves it. America needs to wake up when it comes to foreign actors. Wow, foreign actors are terrible people. She works in DC. She's a creature of DC that pretends we have a debt ceiling. You want to talk about propaganda on the nation's Capitol Republicans and Democrats debating a spending bill ahead of a government shutdown and discussion about raising the debt ceiling. There's no ceiling if you're raising it constantly. Mark Penn is a very weird cat. He is a very smart, very difficult to follow dude. I got to meet him when we sold our company Crowdverb to WPP and Penn was the big boss there. Very strange man. Not unfriendly, just weird dude. He was a Clinton strategist, 1995, 2008, advisory to Bill and Harry Clinton, chairman of the Harris poll and CEO of Stagwell Inc., he's a Washington, DC insider, a liberal through and through. He wrote about the political debate. You want to talk about election regging? The presidential debate. When referees put their thumbs on the scale, this isn't the Wall Street Journal. The game changes. The results have to be thrown out. We're robbed of our time and democracy's drained of its meaning. A presidential debate shouldn't be a stage wrestling match. It should feature two candidates on a level playing field so voters can make up their minds for even interference. Anything less makes a mockery of our institutions. ABC should have fact-checked both candidates or neither. Fact-checking only one was the worst possible decision even a Democrat can tell a whopper. Time and again we find the supposedly neutral Democratic institutions have been corrupted by bias. Democrats or debate moderators must check their biases and seek to be scrupulously fair or they shouldn't do the job. They should observe strict rules and come from a variety of networks. Most important, they shouldn't interfere but rather trust voters to make their own decisions. ABC undermined the system for everyone. And again, this guy's a big time Clintonite. And that there, I know that doesn't sound like a rough language to you and me but remember, they're dear friends. Friendships of convenience. I can tell you, you want Washington DC in a nutshell, I'll give it to you. When I was working back there, the parent company had a contract with some nuclear plants. And we were bought in to help defend nuclear from a reputational perspective and we used our tack to help them understand these communication grids and how do people understand the safety of nuclear. Do you know that right next door, they were working with the groups that were trying to take those nuclear plants down? Right next door. Under a different corporate heading in a different team of people, kind of, kind of, sort of. I don't even think that the groups were unaware of this. I don't think anyone was deceived. Oh, you're going to do the best job you can for them and the best job you can for us because they're all dear, dear friends. When we look at what's going on in DC and you grow to understand that they're all dear, dear friends, all the stuff is going to begin to make much more sense. Nikki Haley is one form of truth. Another is seeing Kamala Harris back in the day when she was servicing Willie Brown. The Washington DC is made up of people like Nikki Haley, dear friends, friends of convenience. So it makes sense that someone named Kamala Harris felt well at home, not in Washington, DC, but Sacramento, California. This is back in the day when the television cameras were out doing a profile of Willie Brown, a lovable rogue, pay careful attention to the young woman, they approach and say, are you his daughter? He's a rogue. All right. And he is the guy to play a play at lifestyle. Flashy clothes, fancy parties, fine women. Oh, hey, that's fast car. Can't be Harris. You should come now on address me as the mayor. If ever a man and a municipality made for each other, it is this man, this place. There's Kamala right next to him. A friendship of convenience. She fits straight into that town. What does friendship mean from a biblical perspective? It means holding one another to account. It means if your friend is straying, you're there to say, hey, brother, you're straying. It means when a friend comes to you and says, I want to make this moral, I want to bend God's rules this way. You say, that's not bending, that's breaking. It means that you're there to listen and not try to fix because you know God does the fixing. It means that you're loyal. It means that you tell truth wrapped in grace. What does friendship mean in Washington, DC? Well, I'm sure there are some real friendships there. The most important friendship though is this, is between the Republicans and the Democrats and a common enemy. That common enemy is human skepticism and a populace that could actually come together and look back there and look at one key issue. One key issue. Imagine this. If Americans could look at one key issue together, they get paid three times as much money as we, the people who actually pay them. God tells leaders, use honest weights and measures, don't Lord your power over others. It doesn't get more indicative of Lording power than that. Maybe that should be the issue in which we come together. Story number three, we're going to spend some time in this because it is both glorious and entertaining and I'm hoping it's not my ego that's making that for me because it is so good. Thomas Massey is going to speak some words about DC. They are pretty much a following that we're just talking about. Dear, dear friends of convenience, he is coming into a room full of people and he's going to stink to place up toss a stink bomb. Actually, he's tossing rhetorical, fresh air, sort of fresh air that we have in our studio that I have in my home, that my friend has in his medical clinic that listeners and viewers to the program have installed in their workplaces. In fact, I just got a note from another guy. This guy sells used cars and he wrote me, his name is Mark. Dear Todd, my name is Mark. I sell used cars. Please don't think of me that way. We sell high-end vehicles, many of which have been in estate sales. These vehicles are fine cars and vehicles and yet they've been stored away in garages and allowed to get musty. I heard you talk about the Eden Pure device and about several of them for our shop. Now when we get ready to four car, the last step we take is to run the Eden Pure device within the car. You're exactly right. Any smells from previous owners, musty time and garage is gone and I've noticed that this lasts a long time. That must be the ozone as you've talked about. I've turned to you for political advice, it's good to know I can turn to you for commercial advice like this as well, but what came you out to the shop one day when you're in the market for a new vehicle. Again, these are fine cars, including this one I think you'll love. And look at that. It's a 1964 Dodge. Thank you, Mark. Appreciate that. This device is not an air filter. An air filter can't do that to a classic car. An air filter is too loud to have in your business, particularly if you're a medical provider like my friends or medical providers and they put these in their businesses. If you have an Airbnb or a VRBO, you do not want your guests being confronted with the smells of the last guests. If you smoke, hey, please, Lord, please find a way to stop. If you haven't yet stopped, the Eden Pure Oxha Leaf 2 in your home will negate the smell of cigarettes. It even negates viruses. How could it do that? Because it produces ozone and those O3 molecules float through the air and they bonds to the molecules create that create bad smells. They change the molecular structure when they bond. Let's go back to basic high school chemistry becomes a new molecule, which you end up smelling is a scent that's like the day after a thunderstorm. I'll save you 200 bucks right now on three of these devices, whole home coverage, whole business coverage or a whole bunch of classic cars. Go to, enter code TOD3 and you just save $200 on whole home coverage and you can breathe a breath of fresh air again,, enter code TOD2DD3. This is Thomas Massey and he is formulating his thoughts in a way, expressing them in a way I've done for years in relation to Washington, DC. Maybe that's why I love it so much. Can we be honest with the American people about what's going on here? This is political theater. I'm going to call out both sides right here. It's all posturing, it's fake fighting. We all know where it ends up. This is Groundhog Day. I don't care if the Democrat is the speaker or Republican is the speaker. We always get a CR in September and then we get an omnibus. Sometimes there's a twist on that. We might get the omnibus before Christmas, but if we're not good, it comes after Christmas. That's what's going to happen. In the meantime, it's political theater. It's good theater. We've got great writers. I wish they'd just come up with a new plot. It's the same plot every fiscal year. What should we be doing? It's already been discussed. We should have done 12 separate bills. We should have done 12 separate bills. But again, whether Democrats are in control or Republicans are in control, we never do the 12 separate bills. Why do we always spend at least as much as we did last year and why do we never cut spin? It's because Democrats want to grow the welfare state and Republicans want to grow the military industrial complex. By the way, Democrats are catching on to, wait a minute, we are missing out on some customers in that military industrial complex. What we could double triple quadruple are revenues to ourselves. If we got to be a pro-war. We should step into that. Thomas Massey, great, great statement, but maybe just a little bit behind on that part. Do you see what? I love this so much. This would be like you sitting at the Thanksgiving table with the whole family saying, you know what? This is acting like Bob Carroll. You guys hate each other. You've been married for 40 years and you hate each other's guts. Why are you sitting here? Are we going to pretend honestly that you're a raging drunk? We all see you like that's the, what, eighth glass of wine? Why are we pretending? No, mom, mom, Bob Carroll need to work on this. Guys, fix your marriage. I love you, but quick, quick pretending over here, please stop that. And Uncle Dave, leave here and get help, man. We've been pretending with you for 10 years that you're not, you know, under the boot of this alcohol. You're my uncle used to throw the football with me. I love you. I mean, maybe that's not the way to approach it. You know, we're pretending we get together once a year. I don't know you guys. I wish I knew you cousin Mike, man. Used to babysit me. I never see you anymore. I mean, do you even know where I live? I mean, I know we're at the grandma's house, but do you even know where I live these days? No, you can do that in a loving way. I think Thomas Massey's doing it in a loving way, but the fakery affects all of us. Like Uncle Dave, your kids drink. They're my age, dude, and they're your little boy and little girl, but they're my age and now they're drunk. Massey continues and we're, we're eventually going to get together and they're both going to go up and guaranteed. And both parties are just fine, letting the bureaucrats do their thing, which should be our thing, according to Article 1, Section 8 in the biggest mistake and smartest fake mistake Congress ever made. So they can have time to front fundraise and they can have time to line their political coffers. They turn things over to the bureaucrats. Bureaucrats now make law and the way this is all reversed is if a bureaucratic agency creates a dictate unless Congress challenges it, I think it's a 90 days and now think of this, non-elected people say, hey, let's make a new law. You know what? Let's make a law. Cousin Dave can't come when he's drunk. Let's make a new law. So let's just write it out and we'll sit it here and the elected representatives, if they want to challenge our power, they have 90 days. You know who does that? Those companies, you have 90 days to challenge our denial of your claim. Metasher just did this to me, with my shoulder surgery, beginning of the year, or what, no end of last year. Metasher just came along and said, yeah, we know this was a long time ago, but we've decided no. That's a preexisting condition. It is because I want a year between MRIs. It doesn't seem like a preexisting condition seems like it was a new condition. In fact, when my surgeon said, dude, you actually need surgery now, that seemed a lot like a new condition. And then they said to me, you have 90 days to appeal. And here's the three ways you can appeal. These are the only things you can appeal on period because we make the rules, but we're meta-share. We're a Christian health care answering service. We're Christian sharing healthcare costs, got it, got it. Well I signed up. I pay them. I play by their rules. The bureaucrats are treating us this way. And they treat Congress this way, they're treating us this way. We made a dictat. You might be able to challenge it, but you only have 90 days. I think it's 90 days. Massey continues in his discussion. Constitution. We are empowered with these things. Most important of the things we do is the funding, and that's the big lever we have. It's sat through now almost two years of hearings in this Congress, where we've exposed lies at the CDC, shortcuts at the FDA, unconstitutional gun bans at the ATF, over prosecution of January sixers at the DOJ, targeting common citizens at the FBI, spying by the NSA, illegal mandates for livestock by the USDA, targeting plant vaccine, or transgenic plant vaccine at the NSF, and censorship, the censorship industrial complex of which the NSF is part of, automobile kill switch at the DOT. Now, these are all things I think most Democrats are just fine with this kind of totalitarian state that the bureaucrats are pushing on us. But Republicans at least pretend to be against these things. At least pretend to be. Another metaphor. This is just trading out of your lunchboxes, or your lunch bag when you're a kid, and if you're a carried school lunches, but you go to school, my mom gave us homemade treats, and every single time we had lunch, she made sure there was something that would classify as a treat, a brownie, a cookie, but it was always something she made so she could control the ingredients, whereas our friends, well, they had Twinkies, and they had hosts as fruit pies, which are neither fruit nor pies. They had candy bars, et cetera. Now, part of this was that they were from far wealthier families that could afford it. My mom couldn't afford it, so you'd sit in your trade. And I remember that two of my mom's homemade delicious, by the way, chocolate chip cookies, they could get me a Twinkie, and I always felt like a jerk when I did that. In fact, I would eat the Twinkie and think, that's gross in comparison to mom's cookies, but I was a kid, third grade, trying to fit in, oh, Twinkies are good. In Washington, D.C., understand this, Democrats put things out there like kill switches, and chemically, surgically, mutilated kids. They toss that all out there. Part of it are things they want, but what they want most of all is to please their customers, so they have a bottom line, like any business. We said, you know what, Planned Parenthood said they need these outcomes or willing to pay this much money to get these outcomes. The unions need this. Big business needs this many illegal immigrants who are being given this much in benefits, so that they can work for 40% less. These are the revenue targets. This is what we need to hit for a clientele. So let's toss some things out there, and we know they're going to get settled. It's like a contract negotiation. Sometimes when you're negotiating a big contract, you'll toss something out there that's meant to be offensive, so that the party with which you're negotiating, come on, we're not giving you that. No, no, this is, this kills the deal. No, no, I have to have this. No Brown NMMs. We're frickin' Van Halen over here. No Brown NMMs, M&Ms, and the company you're negotiating with says, we can't do that. Oh, you know what, if we give this up, well then we're going to need these following concessions. It's theater. So he's right when he says Republicans could at least pretend to care about these things. Back to Thomas Massey. But what are we going to do this September? We're going to fund every frickin' one of those things that we have exposed. There it is. That is the tool that we have is the funding. Why are we funding things we don't like? We don't have to. Well, it's because we're addicted to spending. There it is. We're addicted to spending, and that's our business model. Remember the business model Washington DC is this. If they want more money, they take it. It's a fantastic business model, and they do this in closed rooms. There are places, there's the Republican Club and the Democrat Club, I forget the name of the, oh, it's a Capitol Hill Club. It is actually attached to the Republican National Committee, and there's a bridge. You can go from inside the committee into the Capitol Hill Club. I think it's the second or third floor. You take the elevator up, you walk across the bridge, you go down. That way, all the filthy stinkin' citizens don't see you and the media. Then there's places where Republicans and Democrats meet together, and in closed doors, they whisper things in the dark. Things that are never to our benefit, that are always to theirs. And remember this, if you are a denizen of Washington, DC, one of the many Hill staffers who watches and or listens to this program, remember this. Everything whispered in the dark. Then they be shouted from the rooftops. God sees every single, underhanded, lying, duplicitous, harmful, ungodly trade you're making. So we may not get justice in this lifetime, but justice has been had unless you repent, and yeah, I can honestly pray that you do repent. Story number three is about the biggest lie in the most hilarious lie, the, uh, uh, saddle times, one of the worst newspapers in the entire country has ever done. They became an absolute organ of the left through, I think, Bill Gates' money. And I know, I know Bill Gates gets, Bill Bates gets blamed for a lot of things, but they set up a system in the watch, in the Seattle Times, and they actually bragged about this. It's in a, it's in a publication called Post Alley, where Frank Blethon, as I recall from memory, Frank is the publisher of the Seattle Times, got it through inheritance, as I recall, from memory. And Blethon, I believe, was in this article in Post Alley, breaking about this new business model. And the business model was they would have certain companies or organizations underwrite their news gathering on certain topics, like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came along and kindly helped a whole bunch of newspapers around the country, you know, figure out how to cover COVID the right way. There were other organizations that might come along and say, "We need to make sure that you're covering climate catastrophes the right way." So we'll just pay for the coverage. We don't want to have anything to do with how you covered, of course. Of course, we, a group that believes that the climate is going nuts, that there is a climate catastrophe, that the earth is going to burn down, we will not have a common home. Human beings will cease to exist. We're going to give you tens of millions of dollars, but we're fine if you say we're wrong. No one believes that. No one can believe that. But on this single lie, the Seattle Times has jettisoned any pretense of anything other than being a house organ for, well, leftist Democrats or, I don't know, I don't know, Satan. I'm joking. I'll show you this in a second. The corruption is so, so, so intense that it can really have a deleterious effect, a really negative effect on your retirement. If you're five years from retirement, you probably didn't start building that money up five years ago. Unless you had to restart, you had a financial catastrophe, and in that case, God bless you, you've done it five years ready to retire, then in all likelihood, you spent a lifetime storing up that money, investing it and cutting costs. If you're 10 years, 15 years, same thing, you didn't start last year with this. So that stuff, that money was stored. Your retirement system was created during a time where current events were very, very different. We weren't involved in multiple wars. We weren't funding both sides of a war between Hamas and Israel, which is biblical in scope. We weren't chemically and surgically mutilating kids. We weren't forcing people to purchase products they don't want from companies they don't like. At prices they can't afford for services they don't need. That's now commonplace. None of these events were going on. So your retirement portfolio was also created for a time where there were rules about the economy, such as if a company's profits are growing by 8 percent a quarter, the cost of its stock is not going to grow by 80,000 percent per quarter, and yet that's happening. So your retirement account may well be a relic. It may well be a relic. Here's how to find out. My friend Zack Cabraham is doing a free live webinar coming up the 26th of this month at 330 Pacific time. He's going to talk about current events and how they're affecting retirement accounts, how they might affect him in the future. He'll talk about a more capital to manage approach to this, which is centered upon risk management by actively managing every single portfolio, which can reduce risk and volatility. This event is free, but you have to register to attend. The easiest way to register is on the web. Know your, K-N-O-W. Know your Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual around any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ investments involved risk and are not guaranteed. Class performance doesn't guarantee future results, Trek 24308. This is an actual tweet put out by the actual Seattle Times with a picture of President Trump. Are you ready for this? Trump falsely claimed during the presidential debate Tuesday that protesters took over a big portion of Seattle during the Capitol here organized protests in 2020. These falsely claimed, let's see if we can find some ways to maybe, you know, what would you call it? Fact check the Seattle Times. Let's start first of all with some nuance, organized protest. It wasn't a protest. There were protests and then there were riots and turning over police cars and burning them in the streets. Here's, oh, well look here, here's a different source and it's a softball approach to this. Welcome to the Capitol Hill autonomous zone where Seattle protesters gather without police. Hey, that's the Seattle Times that that's, that's, that's the same newspaper. Hey, look, they're calling it the autonomous zone. Who else did that? In Tifen Black Lives Matter Incorporated voted or be to call it shop, which by the way, had a double entendre intended. They said it at the time, chopped our heads off French Revolution shop. They voted against that because Chaz was cooler. So the Seattle Times played along. Yeah, Chaz is cool. Let's call it that. So apparently there was this autonomous zone where so-called protesters gathered to that police because the police said, we don't care. Nope, because they were allowed to take over that part of the city because the failed mayor Jenny Durkin said don't go in there. They got to take over police station. They got to seize it as well as some of the personal effects of the officers like their wedding rings. They got access to personnel files because they were in there for about a week. Maybe the Seattle Times just has something that could disabuse this of all this. Here's another tweet though from the Seattle Times, this on a 62220, breaking, shooting, the second 40 hours was reported Sunday night in the area known as chop or Kappa Hill occupied protest. One person with a gunshot wound was in serious condition at Harborview Medical Center. Wait, that sounds really chaotic. And there they are using the name agreed upon by Black Lives Matter Incorporated and Antifa again. That sounds really chaotic. In fact, if you watch the events live, there were many, many, many instances where there were shoot and move fights, gun fights. And the Kappa Hill occupied protest. In other words, Antifa stand. But then the Seattle Times reports this, new capital residence and businesses sue Seattle for extensive harm they've faced as a result of the city's failing to disband chop. Wait a minute. Wait just a second. That sounds like there was an area in Seattle that became completely chaotic that destroyed businesses and homes and the police, the city failed to disband it. This is beginning to sound a lot like protesters took over a big portion of Seattle during the Capitol Hill organized protests in 2020. It's beginning just from the pages of the Seattle Times. What was that thing about not lying? You shall not lie in less orange man. Is that in there? Is that the new American standard version or is that the, is that the Raphael, is that the Reverend Raphael Warren at first? No, that's the, I'm sorry. That's the Reverend Al Sharpton version. His translation and you know, probably the top expert in the world on Antifa. He responded to this tweet from the Seattle Times. This is disgusting gaslighting from Bonafar and our editors at the Seattle Times. I was on the ground undercover as their own reporting at the time stated six streets in a densely occupied a business and residential area were overtaken by armed force. The extremists belong to BLM Antifa groups. People were killed in the chaos and anarchy lasted there for weeks. Black teens were called white supremacists and shot up. Yep. One of those teens was, I think 15 years old murdered and the police and first responders couldn't get into render aid because the so-called protesters wouldn't let them in. If you're looking at some of the visuals, you can hopefully see someone using a range finder in order to figure out where they're going to need to shoot. You can see people carrying guns, openly carrying AR 15s. You remember the fun case of where a Seattle rapper pulled his Tesla up and incidentally, his recording studio was underwritten by taxpayer dollars. He pulled his Tesla up and was handing out AR 15s on video and no, in fact, the anti-gun Bob Ferguson, the so-called attorney general there and Jay Insley, the so-called governor, did not in fact have him prosecuted even though it's illegal for you. If you're at a shooting range in Seattle and your uncle, a 40-year cop wants to bar your gun to shoot it and you hand it to him, you just committed a felony and so did he. I think it's a felony or a misdemeanor. It's a crime. No, you have to do a background check on your cop, the uncle, your uncle, the cop, and I'm not talking about Uncle Dave, the drunk. Here's another. This is also from the Seattle Times. Two teenagers shot in Seattle's chop autonomous zone. What's this? It's a map. Wow. You know what? It's a map of Seattle. So it's a large map of the area around Seattle. It shows Seattle and then within it shows. First of all, it shows the globe, Washington state, then Seattle. Then look at this. It shows this entire region, including two parks. Well, it's actually one park, but two separate versions of the park, areas of the park, the abandoned police station, one of the most populated residential business areas in all of Seattle, the Broadway area. And all of it taken over right there on the edge of the Antifa stand area was my therapist office. She'd been practicing in Seattle for 33 years. And that was the thing that made her quit and she was a staunch liberal in many ways. Seattle staff, Times reporter Lauren Gurgles contributed to a report that reads. This is just part of it. The end of it. There are only four shootings, including the killings of Anderson and 16-year-old Antonio May's Jr. were reported in and around the chop zone, known as been charged in May's death. The violence led Durkin to clear the zone using heavily equipped officers and tactical vehicles from Seattle police and other agencies with the threat to arrest anyone who stayed behind. Dozens of protesters were arrested. So if you're keeping track, Donald Trump falsely claimed during the debate that protesters took over a large portion of Seattle during the Capitol Hill organized protests. But none of that's true since the Seattle Times, even though their own report said it took heavily equipped officers and tactical vehicles to shut down shop that after four shootings. They forgot about the rape. They forgot about the murder. The young lady who was murdered by having nails hammered into her head as this guy named Travis live streamed it. They forgot that one. They forgot about the street preacher who was tackled and sexually assaulted on camera. They forgot about the attempt to burn down a car repair and body shop for high-end cars. They forgot that part. There aren't enough words to describe the Seattle Times and the lie that it is, but there is one word that matters, the word of God. And they can't even succeed on, well, none of us do. We all should fall short, but not all of us broadcast lies of this nature at that volume. And thank you, Lord, for reminding us there'd be times this is these where people ignore sound teaching and want to find teachers who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk. the Light of Christ. (gentle music)