The Todd Herman Show

Zach Abraham Says This Congressman Just Gave the Best Economics Lesson He’s Ever Seen in Regard to Government Ep-1839

Man, I've been waiting for a long time for someone in Congress to say it this way. Maybe it's because I see it this way and I want them to be like me. You will hear Representative Thomas Massie, talking about how he doesn't want to be an actor in a kabuki theater. Zach Abraham and I are going to talk about this. It's one of the greatest speeches I think in the history of Congress. And what about crony capitalism unconstrained by any form of morality? 

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Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Man, I've been waiting for a long time for someone in Congress to say it this way. Maybe it's because I say it this way, and I want them to be like me. This is Thomas Representative Thomas Massey, and he's talking here about, well, he doesn't want to be an actor in their Kabuki theater. And I would call him Mr. Massey. Can we be honest with the American people about what's going on here? This is political theater. I'm going to call out both sides right here. It's all posturing. It's fake fighting. We all know where it ends up. This is Groundhog Day. I don't care if the Democrat is the speaker or Republican is the speaker. We always get a CR in September, and then we get an omnibus. Sometimes there's a twist on that. We might get the omnibus before Christmas, but if we're not good, it comes after Christmas. You get to see the full video. Zach Gabrielle and I are going to talk about this. One of the greatest speeches I think in the history of Congress, and in terms of a lesson as to how our governments run economically, I don't think you could get better than it. And for Thomas Massey to say, he refuses to be an actor in their Kabuki theater. I love that. We'll talk to Zach Gabrielle. I'm about that. In the debate, economics, and what about capitalism, unconstrained, chronic capitalism, unconstrained by any form of morality? The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. My friend and brother Zach Caperham joins us. Zach, welcome back to the Todd Herman Show. Good to have you here. Always fun to be here, man. Yeah, he's sitting there watching the debate being all entertained before we get to the Massey clip. Did you sit there with the fam and watch it? Parts of it, I really, when you said parts of it, I get it. Yeah, I had to watch it. Yeah, no, and I watch parts of it. My wife and kids watched pretty much all of it. I got home a little bit later, but yeah, I find I used to be an absolute political junkie. And with the way things have progressed over the last, let's say, five to seven years, I've had I've become very protective of my mindset. You know, I've got a lot of things to handle, and a lot of a lot of people that are counting on me to keep my head on straight, and it is so maddening to me. It is so ridiculous to me. The trajectory is so appalling and scary to me. The amount of lies are so pervasive that it's a distraction, and it compromises my mental well-being. Like not like I'm worried about my health or something, but just, you know, when you're managing money, you got to see things clearly and you can't get emotional and you can't get ticked and it's just a mess, and I'll be honest with you, I don't think the debate went much different than I thought it would. I don't think Trump is a very good debater, and I don't really understand why he's seen his one. I will continue to refer to Trump, I think, as a really good doctor with horrific bedside manner, and you knew going into that, that ABCs, I'll tell you what last night did show me, though, Todd, it showed me what a respectable job I thought CNN did with the last debate. Compared to this? Yeah, this was a joke. My wife looked at me several times and was like, "Wait a second, is that a commentator or a journalist?" And I was like, "Well, supposedly a journalist," and she's like, "This is so unapologetically, she's like, 'I feel like I'm listening to people from the Harris campaign.'" So you go into that going, "I know what this is going to be, it's going to be Gotcha, they're not going to ask her any tough questions, they're going to shield her, they're going to step in and intervene when Trump's got her on their own." It's exactly what you knew it was, knew it was going to be, but it does frustrate me with Trump, though. I wish he was more disciplined and more formulaic. That's the word, right there, is he starts to make a great point, and then he doesn't close it down with some specifics. For instance, he was talking about, "Look, she has no plan, no plan, she's copied Joe Biden's plan, she's taking my plans, now it's my ideas, I'm going to send her a mega hat," and she actually laughed, genuinely laughed, as in that was a charming remark that the president made. And then President Trump didn't say, "For instance, I had no tax on tips on this date, she suddenly came with no tax on tips, this is her IRS who created the tax on tips. I said this on this date, she said, "Just give him two or three points where the president can say, crisply, cleanly, this happened on these dates." If you could get into a rule of three and five with her in these debates stating, say, "For instance, when they were challenging him on election integrity," and David Mirror wanted him to admit, finally, that he quote, "lost." President Trump could have said, "Here's three reasons why I don't think so," and they're simple and easy. We don't check voter ID, we don't check signatures, and we counted ballots that arrived after the day of election. There's three real easy ones, David Buret. Right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's so many different ones. I mean, for instance, look, the other thing to look at is some basic statistical analysis, which you could throw out there, which I mean, let's face it, I love math in a setting like that because you're not going toe-to-toe with the sharpest swords, you know what I mean? And you get math immediately, you're going to be over their head, but just run a standard deviation calculation on what, when this district wins, what typically happens? And what I would say, the way I would approach it, if I was him, is just say, "Look, the fact that no one's going to, the fact that you are sitting back, they're going, "What is there to look at? What is there to look at?" The same people that argued for four years that George W. Bush was illegally elected, right? And you never asked Al Gore to recant his statement that the election was stolen. Yeah. Right. And then B, just look at some standard deviation analysis of the election results and go look. At the end of the day, you can say whatever you want, but to sit there and say that there's no smoke here, right, and that's one of the issues that I have a problem with. I'm not an election expert or by any stretch of the imagination, but when you look at the election results from a statistical analysis standpoint, there were massive abnormalities. Now, abnormalities, a crime does not make, right? But to sit there and say that somebody's a loon because they're calling into question the veracity of that election, it's absurd on a mathematical basis. The anomalies were tons. Now, was it an anomalous selection? You can make that argument, right? During COVID. It was made anomalous with the forced mail-in voting. They made it anomalous. Right. Totally anomalous. And then the outcomes were massively anomalous to the point where you saw things happening that have never happened before in an election. And then to sit there and pretend like you're some cook because you're calling into the veracity of the election, I mean, if I think any responsible citizen should be concerned about the last election, if they have even the most rudimentary understanding of mathematics. Now, that doesn't mean that every concerned citizen needs to think it was stolen, where I think all reasonable people can kind of coalesce around is there were a lot of abnormalities. And I think that this probably deserves looking into in a more serious, unbiased way. Exactly. Exactly. And that's the issue I have was I'm sitting there going, look, guys, I don't care what side of the political aisle you're on. If you look at that map and you can't see the abnormalities or the potential, you know, the weirdness, and if you're not for really looking into it, if you don't understand how tepid and how loose and how fragile this voting system is, which really doesn't make any sense this day and age, right? And the same people that are claiming the veracity of the election is unquestioned is about completely legal. Right. They're also the ones that don't want to make voters have picture ID, you know, right? There's, there's fire, man, you know, and on the topic of debating when you're going to be facing three on one, then be able to have very clear statements like you just made. For instance, President Trump can say I'm the first president to win 81 million votes and lose, or a 75 million in lose. I'm the first president to win all the Bellwether counties, save two and lose, or, you know, and he could go through all of these to win Ohio. I remember that I don't forgive the exact states, but it's never happened before. Those combinations of events have never happened before. And those are things that can be on tip of his tongue, minor, more about the integrity things. I want to get to this massive video because both you and I agree. This was a fantastic moment to Thomas Massey. He cleared the air in Congress by coming out and saying, look, this is all pretend. It's all theater. You can clear the air in your home. I'm going to be staying then in a BRBO when I go to seal fit. I'm hoping this guy's got the, the oxyleaf tooth understore devices. He should. It's a really nice BRBO. He's a really solid host. If you have that or you have an air B and B, any form of rental or your kids are going to be out in college dorms, those places can stink to high. Well, low hell, really wherever you're at, long haul trucker, a home or you smoke and you've got cats, you can have an air filter running. They're super loud. They're expensive because you have to replace the filters two to 400 bucks every single year. The oxyleaf tooth understore device is an air purifier and it works almost magically. It produces 03 that's ozone, puts that into the air. Those molecules have magic properties. They bond to the bad smelling molecules and they change the molecular structure. No air filter does that. That's how it can arrest things like this smell of kid puke at a car and cat, you know what in a house. Go to, enter code Todd3. You'll save $200, get whole home coverage of three of these devices. That's, enter code Todd3. Here's the video from Representative Thomas Massey and then Zach and I will respond to the video. Can we be honest with the American people about what's going on here? This is political theater. I'm going to call out both sides right here. It's all posturing, it's fake fighting. We all know where it ends up. This is Groundhog Day. I don't care if the Democrat is the speaker or Republican is the speaker. We always get a CR in September and then we get an omnibus. Sometimes there's a twist on that. We might get the omnibus before Christmas but if we're not good it comes after Christmas. But that's what's going to happen and in the meantime it's political theater. We've got, it's good theater. We've got great writers. I wish they'd just come up with a new plot. It's the same plot every fiscal year. What should we be doing? It's already been discussed. We should have done 12 separate bills. We should have done 12 separate bills. But again, whether Democrats are in control or Republicans are in control, we never do the 12 separate bills. Why do we always spend at least as much as we did last year and why do we never cut spending? It's because Democrats want to grow the welfare state and Republicans want to grow the military industrial complex and we're eventually going to get together and they're both going to go up and guarantee it. And both parties are just fine, letting the bureaucrats do their thing, which should be our thing according to Article 1, Section 8 in the Constitution. We are empowered with these things. Most important of the things we do is the funding and that's the big lever we have. It's sat through now almost two years of hearings in this Congress where we've exposed lies at the CDC, shortcuts at the FDA, unconstitutional gun bans at the ATF, over prosecution of January sixers at the DOJ, targeting common citizens at the FBI, spying by the NSA, illegal mandates for livestock by the USDA, targeting plant, or transgenic plant vaccine at the NSF. And censorship, the censorship industrial complex of which the NSF is part of, automobile kill switch at the DOT. Now these are all things I think most Democrats are just fine with this kind of totalitarian state that the bureaucrats are pushing on us. But Republicans at least pretend to be against these things but what are we going to do this September? We're going to fund every freaking one of those things that we have exposed. That is the tool that we have is the funding. Why are we funding things we don't like? We don't have to. Well it's because we're addicted to spending and this doesn't do anything about the addiction at all. So let me touch on 1.2 here that I think is important. A couple years ago, or a summer and a half ago I suppose now, we did something where we allowed the debt limit to be increased. But as a condition of that, we said if you do a CR that lasts past April 30, everything's going to get cut 1%. And that to me seemed like at least a little tangent fiscal responsibility was creeping in. But now I noticed that this CR, instead of going one year and giving us time to do the 12 appropriations bills, is going to go six months. Now let me tell you what's going to happen because this goes six months. Number one, it ends in March 28th, on March 28th. Well the automatic cuts happen on April 30th if the CR went past that. So that is exactly why the speaker chose a six month CR. So we don't have even the chance, a threat to this town, it's a threat of a 1% cut. We don't want to even, this is like T-ball, the 1% cut is on the T and Republicans won't even swing at it. So instead, we're going to do a six months CR instead of a one year CR. That sets up this another crisis next spring where we can do another pretend fight sometime around March. And that fight will, it'll be the same fight regardless of who wins the presidency and who's in charge of the Senate in the House and we're basically going to get pretty much the same result. But that's six months from now, in the meantime, we can kick the can down the road, all of these things that we've exposed and all of these hearings are going to continue to get funded. But wait, there's a bright shiny object on this CR, I've never seen one of these. I have never seen a bright shiny object attached to one of these must pass bills. Oh wait, no, it actually happens there always is a bright shiny object, a bobble if you will. There's a little something to get excited about. This save act is going to save us all, right? And by the way, this is good political theater. I do like this part of it that we're going to see almost every Democrat cast a vote so that illegals can vote in our elections. I mean, that's pretty clever on the part of our speaker to set that up, make you all take that vote. But here's what he's going to do after you take that vote. He's going to take it off. The bright shiny object goes away. It's Lucy in the football again. And the American public is all revved up. Yeah, we're going to get to save these elections, we're going to stop the illegals from voting. Really, how are you going to do that in like six weeks? I think they're already registered if they're going to vote. Some of them probably already voted. This save act ain't going to save anything. And particularly because it ain't ever going to become law. It's a false promise to get all the Republicans half pregnant. And then you're going to get fully pregnant by the end of September when you vote for this CR that is not going to have this, I hate to break this to you. I mean, the Democrats already know this, I'm not telling you anything special. I hate to break it to the Republicans. You ain't getting the save act. It is not going to stay on this bill. Why? Because we're going to cave, we're going to cave. Is it a fight worth having? Absolutely. It's a fight worth having. Make those Democrats say they want illegals to vote. Make them take that vote as many times as you can. And then make them go to the ballot box in November. But that's what it is, is political theater, folks. We all know where it ends up. We've seen it. I've been here 12 years. I've seen it 12 times. I refuse to be a thespian in this failure theater. Zach, it's a masterclass. And you know, my particular thing in there is finally someone's admitting it's all an act. Finally. Yeah. Well, hey, you and I have had this conversation many times and I, I know my clients are tired of hearing it every single year, I get asked about the CR and the budget and what's going on. And I'm like, guys, let me, let me, let me ruin the ending for you. Okay. They're, they're going to pass a CR. No one's going to vote against it and the budget will go up. The deficit will increase and we'll move on. Right? Like, and, and it's, and it's, and it's, he, he, he hit the ball out of the park and he also illustrated one of the things that we've been preaching to our clients and I've been preaching to, to, to pretty much everybody to listen, which is listen, we always want to manage risk and we always want to be careful in investing. But when you have a government that literally has no constraints, the media is no longer a constraint, either party for the most part on a fiscal level is not a constraint to either side. Right. The citizenry isn't, uh, you know, there's a great quote by Thomas soul, which is talking about why politicians are such great liars and we're one of the reasons why because when people are willing to readily believe lies, then only liars end up in office, you know, and, and he was illustrating all of this, but it's also one of the reasons why it's going to help people look. If you're not getting the gist of how this is going to work, you're not paying attention. Now this doesn't mean you go out and buy assets writ large, but this is why your principal fear should not be looks and certain things are going to crash. There's, you know, you're still looking at a market that's got laughably inflated valuations on so many different things. Um, like I've always said, there's a lot of great things that are being ignored that I think are going to come in very handy, but, but the way this ends or, or, or, you know, and for that matter, every great, you know, empire has ended this way. It's through inflation, like, like meaning, um, if, if everybody's a well, you could have another great depression. No, you know, you won't. There's no political will and people go political will for a depression. What do you mean? And I go, there's no budgetary constraints. It's too easy. You're going to have the Fed print a, print a couple of trillion dollars. You're going to send out some more fiscal stimulus and some PPP loans. Guys, this ain't ending with soup lines that could be due to inflation, but it ain't going to end in soup lines and the depressionary collapse. The way this is going to end is the average person can't finance their own lifestyle. Right? That's what's happening. Yeah. And, and, and he illustrated the reason why there is no, and you're so far along the path now that any short-term financial pain that came from financial restraint, meaning people need to understand, well, the deficit's out of control. I totally agree. They need to rein it in, but we need to be able to take the pain with that, meaning there will be a recession. It would be a pretty hardcore recession. I think it would be on par with 0809, right? If you, if you really tried to institute, uh, spending restraints, but here's where we are, right, we're at that point where people are voting themselves larges the state treasury, right? And, and, and the politicians know it, nobody's got the political will. And when you're living in a world of a fiat currency, like don't be afraid of collapses, right? Be afraid of not being able to afford things. Exactly. And that's, that's the principal threat. Yep. And what I love about Massey Singh as well is when he treats it as theater, you can unfold this in many, many other ways. For instance, our, our, that was so much of our fabric is built upon these words that give us comfort. Well, you know, we've got a debt ceiling. Oh, that's good. Um, because without a debt ceiling, you could just continue to raise the debt and that word ceiling, that means something. I mean, I don't know how often you raise the ceiling in your house. I do mine like every the week because this is, well, we raise them. We raise the roof. You know, we're a good music going on in the house, you know, social security. It's secure. It's, they, I mean, give them credit for being at least clever marketers, uh, in the way they name things and the way they market this to people. You mentioned inflation. I want to get to this because there's some fears about, and this is taking it straight from CNBC medium term delinquency fears is unexpectedly hit for your high. Well, have you unfold that Zach does this with the help of coffee? I don't get to have coffee right now. This is insane. I'm having to wean myself off coffee. I can't wait to come back from seal fit. I intend to take all the bone frog coffee I would have drunk while I'm at seal fit because there's no caffeine allowed there. So if you see me becoming very, very low is because I'm not getting able to have my caffeine. So I'm going to take it. I'm going to bathe in it and drink it. Now that's gross. I'll, I'll clean out the bathtub like where Kamala Harris puts her collard greens. She says she cleans her collard greens in the bathtub. I'll clean out the bathtub really well, fill it with coffee, drink my fill and then get in and bathe in it. There's going to be a missing bone frog coffee. This is a great time for you to try the goat locker blend. This is a very dark French roast. It doesn't have any of the bitterness of the Starbucks stuff any and it was a three-year process. Tim Crook sink, the founder bone frog coffee. He's a retired Navy seal, former buds instructor. Three years of experimentation, he and Dave Stewart, Dave created Settle's best coffee. They went through to even be able to release this blend comes from a great tradition in the Navy. The enlisted officers could go into the goat locker and even the big deal admirals had to knock to get in full on cool. Go to, get 10% off your first purchase, 15% off subscription coffee and my suggestion, load up for fall with a whole bunch of goat locker, So unexpectedly, Zach, the, the, the, the rise over median term delinquencies, here's the headline, inflation expectations rise over median term as delinquency fears unexpectedly hit four year high, totally unexpectedly that where they'd be delinquency. Was that unexpected that in an environment like this that you might have people hitting delinquencies in terms of house loans and car loans stunned? Are you? Yeah. No, not really, not, not at all. And, and the, the, I think people keep looking for this, that kind of data and that type of news to lead to, you know, more economic problems, more stock market carnage, things of that nature. And, and I really don't think that that's the, I don't really think that's the trajectory we're on. And I think it's perfectly illustrated by the, you look, I think you can find the genesis of this going back to '08, '09, right? Like meaning, I think that, you know, I think the middle class folks in this country used to be a focus. They're not anymore. They're not. It's not the elites. It's about the rich. It's about all that, because when you look, if you break it down into demographics, it really is only, you know, the 40 year old, 40 year old and younger crowd, primarily 35 and younger that are having the delinquency problems, you know, just because everybody else, if you own a house, if you own a stock market account, right? If you're invested, if you're a baby boomer, you're getting far more benefit from the inflation than you are on balance, right? Obviously, there's exceptions, but you're getting far more benefit from the inflation than you are getting, then you're getting any help from it, or you're getting pain from it. So, but, you know, at the end of the day, this is, if you look at, we're not legislating based on the middle class, like we used to, we're not, right? You just see the way to, you know, look at Fed policy, look at the Fed constantly talking about inflation being too low for so long, right? Then they finally get it. This is not new, right, meaning wealthy class always does well from inflation, and the reason they do well from inflation, if you're worth a hundred million bucks, okay, and your cost to living goes up 20%, 25%, who cares? Especially if your asset base increases by 35%, right? Like it doesn't have an impact, meaning you have tons of elasticity in your budget, and I don't mean to, like, but you and I are similar in that way, meaning we're not rich, we're not wealthy, but, you know, the increase in cost, you know, my lifestyle personally is not changed in Iota because of inflation. But you know, if you're on the lower end of the income scale, it has. And my life's not probably should change. Well, I mean, I look at the supplements I buy, man, I look at my protein, you know, it's a $35 pack of powder. So far, I mean, probably should, and probably be suiting God's money a little better in that regard. But no, but there's a mathematical thing, though, Todd, like, yes, it changes and it kind of gives you sticker shock a little bit, but when we look at what that change amount is, as a percentage of your annual income, it's not statistically significant, right? Where if you're at the lower end of the income, if you're at 85 grand a year, 90 grand a year trying to raise kids, a 15 to 20% increase at the gas pump and for food, more than that on food. But but that is a significant draw. That is a significant percentage of your of your disposable income. So you know, and that's what nobody will say is that all of this bad policy, this reckless spending, these endless deficits and all this stuff, look, it's on the back of the US middle class. Like just it is full stop and you can't debate that and when you're talking about policy and policy being built for the elites, let's dig into that a little bit because that's a very, very interesting topic and it can also lead us into this next discussion. I want to have with you a bigger discussion about crony capitalism unmoored by any faith. I mean, any, any morality, God knows it's not Christian morality. We'll talk about this with Zach Abraham. Here's a way that you can employ a Christian morality in the things that you purchase super easy. And it's not a company that goes around saying they're Christian company, but they have Christian values in that vote, those values are that all lives matter. Let's go through a checklist. You're going to use soap for the rest of your life unless you intend to stink like a freak. If you don't tend to stink like a freak and you're going to use soap for the rest of your life, how about if you buy it from a small company who actually matches your values? In this case, a company born because the owners wanted to create a place for their son to work because their son is hated by the world in some ways. Not really, but that sort of thing. He is very high in the autism spectrum. He is effectively nonverbal. He's been through 18 operations at the age of 13 and doctors said, let us kill this baby before he before he's born. John and his wife said no. And as Alan age, they formed Alan soaps for a place for him to work, but not just him. Other kids and young people like him. So his brother Ian works there now. There's a young lady. She's in her twenties. She's deeply deeply impacted. She works there now. That's a mission. All lives matter. Your soap company, your big soap company you buy from habitually probably makes their products wherever. These products are made in the United States. The soap you buy from whomever, these big companies is probably made with a bunch of chemicals, not Alan's. It's made with all natural ingredients by a family with three generations of soap making expertise. All of this 100% of it adds up to this. If you're not buying Alan soaps at, you're making a different decision and it's a decision that probably doesn't match your values., 10% off your first purchase there. So Zach, you're talking about policy being crafted for the elites. Economic policy based upon inflation is okay, endless deficits are okay, endless debt is okay, because these people benefit from that. They benefit from endless debt. They benefit from inflation, but then there's also legislation like forcing people to purchase products they don't want from companies they don't like at prices they can't afford. That's big legislation, forcing people to get injected with things they don't want. So on behalf of the elites, what else do you see in terms of that? Well, let's again, let's go back to 0.809 and let's look at it from a very simple perspective. Okay, you have a financial crisis that was effectively caused by idiotic policies in the late 90s, 98, 99, the repeal of Glass-Steagall was a big part of that. As a matter of fact, the financial crisis couldn't have happened unless Glass-Steagall was repealed in 98, I believe. Don't remind people Glass-Steagall is because some people don't know. Glass-Steagall was the post-great depressionary piece of legislation that worked phenomenally, by the way, that mandated that consumer banks, investment banks, and insurance banks, insurance providers had to remain separate, because you couldn't be all in one, right, for pretty obvious reasons. Okay, so we passed that post-great depression. We didn't have any significant financial crisis for the next effectively 80 years, okay. We repealed Glass-Steagall in 1998, and it reaped of inside baseball because the chief of Citibank at the time was a guy by the name of Sandy Wile, actually, and his protege was Jamie Diner. Yeah, currently they had a JP Morgan, and at the time, he merged, and it was a direct violation of Glass-Steagall at the time. He merged travelers with Citibank, okay, direct violation. Within the next six months after that merger came through, Glass-Steagall was repealed. Okay, guys like Sandy Wile and Jamie Diamond don't do things like this unless they know what's going to happen, right? You don't take that kind of risk. So A, inside baseball, we repealed that legislation, and shocker within the next 10 years we have the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, okay. So then the other thing they did was an addendum to the Community Housing and Reinvestment Act. This was in 1999, where they loose and lending standards, right, and we all know that story. That definitely fed into it, but I think you really see it in the response, right? The response to 200809. So first of all, '0809, what did they effectively do? They bail out to the tune of about $880 billion, all the big banks that created this mess, and even allowed them to pay out bonuses, right, with that money, okay? And then in response to that, all the banks have to tighten lending standards according to the new accounting rules and the adjustments they made to GAP and all that kind of stuff. And then they drop rates to zero, okay? So when you're in the middle of an economic malaise, you tighten lending standards, then you drop rates to zero, great, but the only people that can access 0% money are people that have the balance sheet that can justify it, right, because you tighten lending standards. So by the time the average guy's balance sheet heals to the point where he can actually afford a new house, housing prices have already ripped 50 because the rich went in there and bought up city blocks of the stuff on 0% money, right? And it was zero risk for them because the rent costs that they were paying it out were far greater than the carry costs of the debt that they were carrying because they were doing it historically low rates, right? And so every turn you sit there and it's sticking it to the middle class at the benefit of the rich and the elite and the banks. And I think some of it can be chalked up to just stupidity, which they do have that in mass running around Washington, D.C. But then you've got your power players behind the scenes and know exactly what's going on. We were loaning. So the American people lost a whole boatload of money in the housing crisis. Some people lost their houses, people lost their ability to buy houses for a decade. Property owners got screwed. They got screwed out of rent, they got screwed out of mortgages or rent, I should say. And then the fix to this is, "Hey, let's loan a bunch of money. Let's make this zero percent interest rate available to people who don't need the money. They don't need loans. They can go buy as many houses as they want for cash. They don't need the loans, but let's give them the loans, just the economy back up this way. And we pay off our friends who already got paid off with bonuses for crashing the economy. Yeah, and then we legally prosecute people for mortgage fraud, but not a single person goes to jail from the banks that issued it. Meaning you issued a no job loan, you didn't verify it at all, and this is all on the lender. Are you kidding me? The whole thing is a joke, but you'll constantly see them. The person that pays the price is always the person that is insignificant to their ability to stay in power. Meaning they don't care if Joe Smith down the street loses his house. They don't want to tick off Jamie Diamond, though, because he's going to put $20 million in their reelection campaign, and you just see it at every turn. You sit there and you watch, "Okay, here's a chance to make the right decision, nope, they do the opposite." And look what they're doing now to come for our kids. This is another elite move, and it's once again back to our good friends and pharma. Zach and I will talk about this, and while speaking of pharma, let me make just this promise to you. Utter promise. I have gotten to know the people at Renew Healthcare. I know them well. I consider them now friends have been the part of our to Mexico twice. That's two weeks I've spent with them, hours and hours and hours and many, many phone conversations with them. I've talked to a ton of patients who've been there and had things like lower lumbar pain. They were told, "By their surgeon, your only path to being okay is getting cut open." I know at least three people I've met down there who came back and said, "That was not true. I did not need to be cut open." I went down to part of our out there for about four days. I got ethically gathered stem cells from umbilical cords and post-centsis only. The strain of cells I use have never, ever encountered a modified RNA injections. How do I know? Because these stem cells were gathered before those were ever introduced to the world, okay? They couldn't have been touched. When those stem cells enter the body, they immediately destroy inflammation. Then they build. In the case of these three patients who had lower lumbar issues, one was a professional golfer with a career at risk. He's back to playing in the Masters. Another is a builder who lives in the North Idaho area with his career at risk. He's back to going out and monitoring his men and supervising and doing some of the work himself. The third was a woman whose hobby is riding horses. That was gone for her and then it was back because of the stem cells at Renew.Healthcare. If you're being told you have to have surgery, pause and decide whether you really want to go through the risk of being cut open or if you want to go down and get this done with a pretty non-invasive thing. It's a needle that I didn't even feel go in my arm. In fact, I've got video of me saying, "Wait, are you going to inject it?" And the Harvard certified surgeon who injected me said, "Done." I've done this twice. I stand by it and I stand by them as ethical people. They will tell you if they can help you or not. Go to Renew.Healthcare. It's r-e-n-u-e.Healthcare. Tell me your member of the podcast or RadioShow family and there you go, Renew.Healthcare. Weight loss drug Saksendra, effective for kids as young as six study shows, so is Azempic. Zach Gaborham, they're trying to get that approved for kids, Azempic and Saksendra to help kids as low as in age as six. Go get this in. By the way, one of the guys who's pushing the Azempic, I had Greg Glassman. We recorded an interview with Greg. He's the founder, former CEO of CrossFit. He shared with me that apparently one of the guys who did the Azempic push, one of the scientists showing how good this is for kids, you know what else he pushed? Sugared cereal is better for you than beef than having a steak. Same dude. This stuff, man, you work in the area of big business. You help people invest in companies, you're a fiduciary. This couldn't be more poisonous or bad for multiple reasons than these. Number one, telling a kid they're too fat is going to label them for life. Number two, be mobile. Eat reasonable things. Have unstructured play. Get off the stinkin' devices, right? Don't eat sugar all the time. You're not going to be heavy, 99% of people, 95% of people aren't going to be heavy. Little kids with their metabolism can be juiced up by all these activities, but we're going to shoot them up with these drugs and pharma companies can do this and sleep at night. This is unmoored from any morality, just a pick up Bible verse. Do under the least of these. There you go. No, and it's criminal, because people know the fact that doctors writ large aren't standing up and saying how ridiculous this is, why stop there? Why not just give all these kids ritalin? That's an appetite suppressant, how's this any different? We don't know what the long term impacts of it are. This also doesn't develop good, healthy, heating patterns and things. The unfortunate thing about this though is that we as a populist, but probably not the people listening to this or you and I, but we as the populace bear a lot of the responsibility for this, because we have consistently abdicated our own responsibilities for the expediency of government fixes and for somebody to tell us, you know, look at society today, right? Oh, oh, big is beautiful. No, it's not, it's unhealthy for God's sake, right? You're a walking heart attack, okay, you just are. And if I tell you anything different, I'm not being kind to you. I'm not being tolerant, I'm literally, I'm lining your casket with velvet padding, right? That's what I'm doing. And it's said, the whole thing is that, but I mean, you look at, you look at the, my wife was showing me something the other day on a community forum. Somebody was asking on the community forum, what doctors around here will give children under the age of 12, the COVID shot. When people are this right, right, you deserve the government you're going to get. So we could constantly blame the government for it, which, you know, I obviously have no shortage of blame for them in, in my own thinking, in my own, you know, way of looking at the world. But at the same time, people need to, like, you know, you're, we're adiocracy. Remember that movie, Adiocracy. They've never seen it, but I know the theory. Yeah. It's, it's what we are. It's, it's, and I'm not, it's not a good family movie. I'm not saying. But for those of you that have a kind of a darker sense of humor, what's funny, what's horrific about it, not funny, is that what was seen is this kind of, you know, a lampoon type, you know, silly take on the future. Go look at it now, go look at it now and, and, and how scary it is to where we're going. And unfortunately, what enabled that in the movie is the same thing that's enabling that in society today is just laziness and stupidity. I've seen, I've seen the clips and how it relates to today and, and I can already tell it's spot on. I gotta share something with you. When our daughter, um, so does he get an eating disorder and we started to recognize with deep concern, we kids, when they get these, um, these disorders, they're often a year ahead of the parent and even understanding how deep it is, they'll start to share with you things. You know, my daughter would say, Hey, I can't be happy until I'm a hundred pounds an Asian. I'm like, well, the Asian part is going to be hard. Secondly, you're a competitive athlete and, um, you have an incredibly athletic body and a hundred pounds is going to be like, maybe kill you, um, because you're a competitive athlete and very successful at it. And we'd have these conversations. She was already a year ahead of me in like, what could I do radically? I think I should start starving myself for 30 days as to start. She's reading about how to make herself throw up, but not hurt her teeth and not get acne. She was already a year ahead in these planning. So she said to me, I had a, um, on radio, at a, um, a fat loss partner, weight loss partner. And it's great, great people, great people, uh, phenomenally good people. And she knew I did this. She knew that my wife went through the program. She knew I went through the program. She said, I want to do it. So honey, you don't need to do this. Please, please, please, you work with these people, please. So I called the guy around and said, Hey, look, here's the deal. Let me send you pictures of my daughter and I sent him pictures of her speed skating and videos of her speed skating. I said, dude, she's a phenomenal athlete. Like that girl does not need to lose weight. Period. I said, look, if I bring her in, can you have one of the female healthcare providers tell her that genuinely? So he shared the videos, the pictures and she called me, she said, Todd, number one, your daughter's beautiful. Number two, she's a stunning athlete. She's got, I, I wish I ever had a body like this when I was at age. So it took her in. They weighed her on a body composition scale. She hit her eyes. She was afraid to see what she weighed because she'd put in her head that there's a perfect number for a girl, her age. You know what it was? Average. Yeah. She wanted to be average. They measured her height. She shut her eyes because she wanted to be average and they got done and she sat down with this lady and I was across the room and I knew what she was going to say. She said, you are perfect. Your body is in such good shape. You don't need to lose any weight at all. And you really, really have a beautiful athletic form and I can't recommend any weight loss. I'll give you some food to take home that you might like that's super high protein and very healthy for you. I'll give that to you like some snacks and stuff, some protein chips and like sweet foods and oh, I love sweet foods and so my wife or my daughter left with this bag of sweet protein bars and some chips and stuff. Zach, we walked out to the car. We got about five feet. My daughter started crying. She's disappointed. No, she said, I'm not obese. Oh, yeah. Yeah. She started to cry. I said, no, wait, obese. She said, the BMI says I'm obese. The body mass index is a obese. Yeah. Right. You have been speed skater for six years. You're nationally ranked speed skater. You have muscle development. Yeah, you're not normal. Right. Well, guess what? Good way. I want to be average. So part of her desire was to lose the muscle, right, to be average. And these vultures come in unmoored by any form of morality and they're going to pray upon the least of these fat kids, right, heavy kids. And sometimes that's a stage, man. I was a rolly, pully little goof before I started to do sports and stuff. I was a little butterball and that changed. You have to invest in businesses. That's what you do is a fiduciary. But there's got to be a corner of hell for crony capitalists like this who are going to use governments. Because you know, once this is approved for six-year-olds, you know, it's going to be pushed. Oh, yeah. I mean, well, yeah, just like the COVID vaccine, right? Right. And at the end of the day, you know, at the end of the day, it's evil. Let's just call it what it is, right? Because it's coming in with a, you know, I coach kids, right? And it'd be the equivalent of teaching these kids work around as opposed to teaching them how to really do something, right? How to actually get better at something. And it, to me, it's all fake, right? It's all counterfeit. And you're not really helping. And then, and you look at that, what do all these, what do all these things that have in common, right? They all result in higher profits and more money for billionaires and multinational corporations. And like the fact that we're even okay, it's ridiculous. So now we're promoting the starvation of six-year-old children because that's what these drugs do, right? And they start teaching. That's what they do. Right. And so now we think that's a good idea. How about we eat a sensible diet, we put down the remote control, we put down the video games, and we get out, and this is the problem that when we start abdicating personal responsibility to the federal government, they don't answer to you, right? And the question is, like, with the federal, they don't answer to us. They don't care. This is a permit bureaucracy. But what I'm looking at is the media writing about, "This is approved for six-year-olds study shows." Is it a good idea? How about that? And they take it, and you know this ends up in, it ends up in Obamacare benefits. It ends up in Medicare, Medicaid benefits, which I know are for older people. And it's going to be in government school programs. You watch them pitch just to the schools. You watch them sell this through well-kid stuff. It's going to be in the schools and there'll be teachers who get a rake and school districts who get a rake. One day, just remember this, that this period of time we're in, to us it seems like everything. Let me ask you a question. Zach, do you remember the shoes you wore on your first day of kindergarten? Oh, man. Probably not. No, no, I don't. Right. I want you on your first day of kindergarten, I bet your shoes, your pants, your shirt were a big deal to you. Oh, yes. And then when I got home that night, I put the shoes back in the box. Right. Right. You got to keep clean. Right. Right. So we all had that. I remember my first day of kindergarten was a place my mom works. I remember how nervous I was and what a big deal was, you know, but I don't remember what I ate that morning. But I'm going to bet I said, "This is the first day of school. I have to have the perfect breakfast." This period of time with all of these companies doing this stuff, that this is the most important thing. We need our kids on these pills and what we're looking at with this debate and the corruption we've talked about and the inflation we've talked about and these dishonest companies. You know what this is? In eternity with the Lord Jesus and the new heaven and the new earth, it's a blip of a blip. It's our kindergarten shoes. When you and I brother, we've been in eternity in the new heaven and new earth for the equivalent of a billion years because we're not going to be years there. You and I may meet as souls and I bet you, one thing will never come up, Zach. You remember that debate? We will be such different beings, praise God for that. And I appreciate you coming on. Always great to get wise counsel from a good friend, Zach Abraham, Chief of the Desperator Board, Capital Management. Go to, big, big show coming up, current events in your retirement. Go to I can't say more otherwise. You have to run your disclaimer. We'll leave it that way, brother. Thank you very much, man. Hey, fun as always. Thanks for having me. Go with God's good grace. This is the Todd Herman Show. Now please do this. Go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]