The Todd Herman Show

The Lies of the ABC Debate “Moderators” Why “Transgenderism” Is Such a Convenient Place for Violent Men Ep-1837

ABC News doesn't deserve any respect. I mean, maybe that's been the case for a long time. It just bums me out in a way to know that they've completely turned from caring about having any believability. We'll go through some of that and also discuss why transgenderism is such a convenient place for violent men, something else the Mockingbird media refuses to cover. 

What does God’s Word say? 

Proverbs 19:9 ESV
A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.

John 8:44 ESV 
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Proverbs 14:5 ESV 
A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.

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12 Sep 2024
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ABC News doesn't deserve any respect, I mean, maybe that's been the case for a long time. It's just bottoms me out in the way to know that they've completely turned from caring about having any believability from one third of the country, half of voters. And I'd like to know the reason why, I mean, I have a sense of things. Yeah, ideological perversion is part of it, inbreeding is part of it. Being a member of the ruling class is part of it, but there has to be money at play. The business model of DC is brilliant. If you want more money, take more. You know who else knows it's brilliant? Big companies. Pfizer wants more money. They're going to take it and they did it by force. Okay, business model, but that's just pharma. Okay, people who make electric vehicles, let's take it by force. Let's go to governments and pretend that petroleum products are destroying the children. Even natural gas stoves in Montana are giving kids in Harlem asthma. Let's force people to, quote, purchase our products. It's a brilliant business model. And Washington, DC will sell that business model to anyone who could afford it. The mockingbird media may not be doing that, but they're big, big fans of seeing social media sites shut down. That is if they are not the right ideology. That is if it's the idea, it's a adverse to the ideology. If you want more money, take it. I got to think monies to play at this, but the lies are impressive. We'll go through some of that and also discuss why transgenderism, the lie of that, is such a convenient place for violent men, something else, the mockingbird media refuses to cover. We'll do this with the help of and God almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the emerald city exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. Let me give you a personal update before I roll into the show. I've getting emails, people asking me, "Hey, aren't you supposed to be at your seal thing? I am going to seal next week." And I also shared with you that I was thinking about just doing the 24-hour version of it. I've made the decision to commit to the 50-hour version. My concern has been the swimming that was the last thing to really recover from my shoulder surgery with swimming, and I didn't get started on it early enough, so I have concerns about that. I also am, let me say it this way, being reasonably diligent in focusing on performing two of the physical tasks I need to perform in order to stay there. The event is 50 hours if you make it past the first 12. And the first 12 is going to contain two pretty significant physical tests. Now, within that 12 hours, I don't know when these things are going to come in. I know they're going to come in. And what if this sounds particularly difficult? And I've done it probably 40 times during training, just to make sure I can do it. I've tried to make it harder on myself by doing it vested when I don't have to do it vested down there. It's pretty simple. It's run a mile in a nine and a half minutes wearing boots and these utility pants we have to wear, which are pretty heavy. Okay. Who cares? That seems pretty easy. Does it? On hour six, after what they do to you, then it's again, pretty simple. I understand it's a 10-minute rest, and then it's 10 strict pull-ups, full hang, so you could be fully hang of it down. Lats fully released. Again, it's 10 pull-ups. But again, what have you been doing prior to that? Then every in two minutes, you have to do 50 push-ups and 50 air squats. And then I think the run is last. Now, I'm looking at that saying I've done this a ton of times in training. Why am I freaking out? I'm trying not to, trying to control my emotions and look at this as something that, look, you've done this a ton of times. Yeah, you're going to be tired, but you know what else? You get a brother's surrounding you. You're going to have people rooting for you on your team because your performance affects your team's performance. There's that, and then there's a weighted Murph. This is with a 20-pound pack. It's a one-mile run. It's 100 pull-ups. It's 200 push-ups. It's 300 air squats, and then it's a one-mile run. They told me I had 75 minutes to get that done. The official program says 70 minutes to get it done. I've done that in 63 minutes on an air runner. But again, I went in fresh and caffeinated, and here's the crazy thing. I don't get any caffeine. I'm weaning myself from caffeine. I've had a quarter cup of bone frog today. The fact checks by ABC News Moderators 5 for Trump, 0 for Harris, and some of the ones for Harris were so, so easy, so simple, and we'll get to some of them that were just low-hanging fruit. Well, here's one. ABC News, this is from Dustin Gage at, writing on Twitter-X to make matters worse. Even ABC News recognized on their website that Minnesota has no restrictions on abortion. You know the ones who fact-checked Trump on this issue on that night? We, he says, don't hate the media enough. We can hate the companies, I guess, the names, the brands. We cannot hate the people there because Jesus doesn't let us do that. We're to love our neighbor as ourselves and to even love our enemies. And it's hard, it's hard. The after-debate party at ABC was intense and filled with joy because, you know, Kamala Harris is a joyful person. And we are here live on ABC with our post-debate comments. I'm Martha Raditz. It was a lively debate from the economy to abortion to Afghanistan. They had it all, and it was historic. John Carl. Fiery. Wow. Wow. Wow. That was, that was quite a debate. And I'm Jonathan Carl here with, of course, Mary Bruce and Rachel Scott. Our reporters across the news division have been updating our live blog, looking at some of the allegations made back and forth doing fact checks. You can find all of that on ABC But I would like to replay at the moment at the very start of this debate because it was quite a moment. The handshake. And if you look- Kamala Harris, something to say, thank you. I mean, quite a moment, first of all, because we hadn't seen a handshake, we hadn't seen a handshake in a long time. And she initiated that one. Yes, she did. I mean, not only did she initiate it, she walked over to him and sought him out, put the hands out, and also made the first world. And probably had a plan if he hadn't put his hand out either. Interesting. So, some more at the bottom one. What did you think? I think clearly what Kamala Harris wanted to do was be the candidate of hope. The candidate of the future. Donald Trump seemed angry within four minutes. I think we saw him going from very serious at the beginning, never really seemed to look at her, to just angry, I mean, really yelling at some points, trying to make his points. I don't think we heard a lot of policy and plans on either side of that. So President Trump is angry. What was Kamala Harris? She was pandering. She was condescending. She was smirking. All of it planned. All of it performs well. She did a good job of being condescending and smirking and pandering and giggling at him. President Trump is a genuine emotional character. I don't think he has the capacity to fake emotion, which to me is to his credit. Kamala Harris fakes everything. Her body language was practiced. The condescending looks at him were practiced. All of it was practiced on the fact checking. You know what? No one at ABC said, hey, did you remember that Lindsey Davis, one of the so-called moderators, she was a sorority sister of Kamala Harris. She got to have one of her sorority sisters pretending to moderate the debate. Shouldn't that have been said up front? Shouldn't that have been on the ABC screen all night? Lindsey Davis, ABC News, sorority sister of Kamala Harris. Do we really believe that RNC research and the GOP didn't know that? After all, she bragged about this in front of George Stephanopoulos. The consequences we saw, of course, the one on three debates. I do want to drill down on something you both brought up. The vice president brought up your tariffs, you responded, and let's drill down on this. Because your plan is what she calls as essentially a national sales tax. Your proposal calls for tariffs as you pointed out here on foreign imports across the board. You recently said that you might double your plan, imposing tariffs up to 20% on goods coming into this country. As you know, many economists say that tariffs at that level cost are then passed on to the consumer. As president Harris has argued, it'll mean higher prices on gas, food, clothing, medication, arguing it costs the typical family nearly $4,000 a year. Do you believe Americans can afford higher prices because of tariffs? There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born. I just want to clarify here, you're big up Springfield, Ohio, and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there had been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured, or abused by individuals within the immigrant. There was arrests of a woman for eating a cat. There are statements from eyewitnesses who said, "There was a van with hundreds of cats in it being driven by Haitians who got pulled over by police and then admitted to eating the cats." Yeah, put the city manager in a deal. I've seen people on television. Let me just say here. This is the people on television saying my dog was taken and used for food. So maybe he said that and maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager. I'm not taking this from television. I'm taking it from the city manager. The city manager. The city manager. The city manager. Again, the Springfield city manager. The city manager. There's no evidence of that. We'll find that. How would you deport 11 million undocumented immigrants? I know you believe that number is much higher. Take us through this. So five for Trump, zero for Kamala. So let's do some. Nine states, after Roe vs. Wade, the decision for the Supreme Court where they correctly pointed out that abortion is not a constitutional right. Nine states removed all limits. So abortion up to the ninth month, good to go. Six states, just the, John Solomon reports this, six states will allow doctors to let a baby die having survived an abortion attempt. So if a baby at the ninth month has survived an abortion attempt, it's perfectly illegal to take that little baby and set it down on a cold metal table and let it sit there. Let the child cry, maybe roll off the table and bang its head or die from exposure. Kamala Harris's roommate says, oh, that can't happen. She was not a state in the union. She was either wrong, which is pretty possible or lying, which is also, well, not just possible, but likely. See, we're at the only ones who've seen these things. There were undecided voters at CNN found in their panel and they found out that there's something that they didn't know about Kamala Harris and things they can't do now because of Kamala Harris. And they did talk about the economy. President Trump won that section. He won it very, very handily. In fact, I was thinking about what David Mir was saying about tariffs, national sales tax. This is the same network that consistently pushed for Obamacare a massive tax on healthcare. This is the same network that pushes for more and more taxation. Every time they panic or pretend to panic about the pretend government shutdowns with our pretend debt ceiling at play, at that point, they just pretend that companies pay taxes. And here they're saying, well, economists say this, this cost we passed on to consumers. It's a bait and switch tactic and it has to do with an economy where there are no rules. You understand that your retirement fund was created for a time where there was rules. If you're five, 10 or 15 years from retirement, your retirement plan was created for a time when companies profit and law statements mattered, where it mattered if they were being wildly overvalued in comparison to say their revenue growth, such as a trillion times over. That used to matter. That creates a very risky environment. Add that. Add to that the coming election. Add to that the attempts to limit the food supply and restrict that add to all this. Your retirement plan was created for a different era, a different time in America. My friend, Zach Gabraham is putting on one of his free live webinars. It's going to be focused on how current events affect retirement and how they could affect yours. He'll discuss this in detail, Bohrk's approach, which is actively managing every single portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility, and that is, in fact, their focus. That's why they're doing the free live webinar on current events, because Zach's focus is risk management. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual around any specific security, any references to performance of securities or thought to be materially accurate. An actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. This performance doesn't guarantee future results Trek 24308. This is important to remember that we are voting for the leader of our country, and not who we like the most or who we want in our wedding party, but who is actually going to make our country better. And we're in an incredibly unique situation where we've had both of the candidates in office before, and we've gotten to see what they do. And when facts come to facts, my life was better when Trump was in office. The economy was higher, inflation was lower, things were better overall. And now with Kamala's administration, things haven't been so fantastic. And she's saying she can fix the problems that her administration has caused, but I just don't know if I can afford to take that risk. Were you leaning towards the former president coming in tonight? Probably. And did you inform in 2016 or 2020? I did. So undecided going in leading church Trump and the deal is sealed, but a seal, the deal is sealed. Yes, that's the way to say it. We're not prepared for this at all, because Kamala Harris is supposed to be, what did Matthew and Martha? I'd say the candidate of hope, hope for what hope for a continuation. Here's another fact check that they could have done. President Trump correctly pointed out that Kamala Harris doesn't have a plan that she literally, her people literally copied and pasted the Joe Biden economic plan from his website to theirs. It's not just the words. Even Yahoo News looked at the actual source code, the metadata. It's a literal taking of Joe Biden's policy plan and pacing it into Kamala They could have said, mad invest president, actually President Trump is right. This was done today. It was on Yahoo News. They wouldn't do that. Here's the deal, Kamala Harris doesn't have a policy plan. She has desires. Here's what she also has, customers. Kamala Harris's customers are massive, massive companies who want more Haitian immigrants and Hispanic immigrants and other immigrants, Islamic immigrants brought into the country and secreted around their facilities because that game is now out of the bag. A lot of this is about recruiting costs, lowering recruiting costs for companies so that there are people being brought in as refugees. There's your equity. Hey, it's equity. The Haitians should be able to live in America too. It's not fair that they live in Haiti. They should be able to live here. That's equity. It's equity. They should get a head start financially. After all, it's not a head start. They're just being put up or other people are. That's equity. These big companies who play the DEI game, they pony up to say, hey, you know what equity allows us to hire people at 40% of the cost of Americans, even though Americans are underwriting the cost of all the benefits going into their pockets. So that dynamic is a play across the country. That could have in fact checked as well. Why are they here? Why Springfield, Ohio? The model of Washington, D.C. that to force you to purchase products you don't want from companies you don't like it, prices you can't afford for services you don't need extends into forcing you to pay taxes to have people come and take the jobs that should be advertised to you to work for companies you can no longer support. They are customers of Kamala Harris. Of course, pharma is a customer of Kamala Harris. Of course, the military contractors are customers of Kamala Harris. President Trump is not a guy that goes out and takes relationships like that. He's based upon personal loyalty. Let's admit that. One of my huge challenges with President Trump is his demand that we be loyal to him. I am loyal to God, country, team. And I view presidents as employees, but President Trump isn't out seeking customers. As a president, Kamala Harris clearly is, Bernie Sanders would admit it. But one thing about state level socialism is it's great for big business. He was asked about Kamala Harris hiding her Marxist roots, so to speak. I'm Vice President Kamala Harris as a progressive. She has previously supported Medicare for all now. She does not. She's previously supported a ban on fracking now. She does not. These Senator are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think that she is abandoning her progressive ideals? No, I don't think she's abandoning her ideals. I think she's trying to be pragmatic in doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election. My own views is slightly different. I think that in America today, there are a lot of people, rural people, working class people who no longer believe that the United States, Congress and government represents their interests, who are dominated by big money interests. So I think that there is something wrong personally when we are the only. The big money interests, the big money interest he's talking about, I just described, customers of Kamala Harris. Now, of course, in all of this, there's a wild, wild series of conspiracy theories. One of them has to do with the earrings that Kamala Harris was wearing. I mean, it's silly. They're earbuds. Very silly thing. No one could ever believe it. I mean, you've seen the images, right? You've seen the images. Kamala Harris and these white earrings, and there was this meme on social media that they're listening to devices that she could be getting coached by her team. So stupid. Oh, hold on a second. Yeah. Mike Bens responding to John Solomon. Wait, John Solomon is a full on straight news reporter at just the came out of the Washington Times and the associate press. In fact, you know what, John had been the AP bureau chief, the associated press bureau chief in Washington, D.C. I mean, that's the elite of the elite journalists and John Solomon went out and reached out to the company that makes earbuds or earrings that are actually earbuds. Well, gosh, here's the quote. Just the news requested comment from Icebox Sound, the Munich-based company that sells the earrings, quote. We don't know whether Mrs. Harris wore one of our products. The resemblance is striking. And while our product was not specifically developed for the use at presidential debates, it is nonetheless suited for it. Multi-Iverson managing director of Icebox Sound told just the news on Wednesday, quote, "To ensure a level playing field for both candidates, we're currently developing a male version that will soon offer it to the Trump campaign. The choice of color is a bit challenging, though, as oranges not go well with a lot of other colors." That's a certainly smart thing to do PR-wise to get your name of your company into the news, but the comparison actually is striking. There's another comparison that I find very, very striking, and that is what Citizens on YouTube or TikTok or Twitter videos know that the mockingbird media did not know during that debate. Things they should have known. In fact, I don't think this lady works for ABC News. She's doing the video from her car, but she was apparently aware of something that ABC News wanted to pretend to not be aware of, although everyone there had to know it. It's a clearest day that they had to know it. It is a clear thing that you need to know about your business, particularly if it's Airbnb or BRBO or your house, if you smoke, you have cats or birds, anything that produces these terrible smells, maybe you own a pet store, maybe you own an office place next to a pet store, maybe you have a gym and it's small and can get sweaty in there, or maybe you're like us in this studio where we can't have the windows and doors open. We're in here all day, and you want to be able to have fresh air, but you can't bring in air. What you can do is you could run an air filter. That way you couldn't hear yourself or your employees or your partner's talk. You couldn't do a podcast because it would blow out the sound of the podcast, plus you'd have to purchase air filters, replacement filters, every year for two to four hundred bucks, a shot. Don't do that. Do what we do in our home and in our studio, what listeners and podcast viewers have done in their garages. They've used it in their cars to clear out the bad stink in cars. They use it in their businesses like their health clinics. It's called the Oxyleaf II from Eden Pure. It is a device that produces ozone, and those O3 molecules go throughout the air. They bond to the molecules from bad smell like cat litter, like cigarette smoke, like sweat, like the last people that rented your Airbnb or your BRBO, and they change the molecular structure. They negate the bad smell and replace it with the scent that we all like after a thunderstorm. That's why it's called the Oxyleaf II thunderstorm. I'll save you two hundred dollars and provide you a breath of fresh air right now. Go to, enter code Todd3, and you will save two hundred dollars on three of these devices, whole home coverage, and beyond that. It's, enter code Todd3. So the earrings. Listening devices. Could that be why Kamala Harris was scribbling down notes as President Trump spoke? A woman on TikTok. Social media knew something about this debate that the people at ABC News wanted to pretend they didn't know. This is one reason why people are willing to believe that Haitian immigrants are eating cats. I mean, there's the video of people saying the Haitians are eating cats. There's people testifying that, hey, the Haitians are eating cats. One of the reasons people are willing to believe that is because we don't believe the mockingbird media, because they hide very simple facts from us, very material during this debate. This lady knew. So I'm finding out this morning that the one of the moderators, the lady that was up there is actually Kamala's sorority sister. So you have the sorority sister, and then you have her best friend that is one of the ex. So now we know why there was a three on one debate. So we know that it was a bias debate. No questions as I saw you celebrating for nothing because she never did get to her policy. She never answered any questions. They never fact checked her on anything. I want to bring something else to your attention because a lot of people are distorted in knowing what a real leader is. See, Trump is a real leader. A real leader is not perfect by any means. One of my Christians out there, you know David in the Bible wasn't perfect. You know Paul wasn't perfect, Noah wasn't perfect, Solomon wasn't perfect, Abraham wasn't perfect. I mean, the list goes on and on and on, King Cyrus. None of those leaders were perfect, but nonetheless, there were leaders. See, a leader shows up. They don't hide from the people. She's saying that she's the part of the people that where were you for three and a half years. So beautiful, beautiful. Oh, by the way, she appears to be female, which is real and appears to be black, meaning white adjacent. She's a, how would you do that? White, Hispanic. She's a white, black, well, she's attitudinally white. Let's put it that way. Let's use the language of the left attitudinally white, but she made this wild cling that Lindsey Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala Harris. Where would you get that? Oh, hey, what if you got it from ABC News themselves that was filmed during the time of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden being installed? Lindsey Davis, Robin Roberts is right. It's a sorority thing. I don't understand at all. So you have to explain it to everybody. Sure. You're a sorority sister of Kamala Harris. Right. Well, you know, pearls are a symbol of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, which she pledged while she was at Howard University and the strand of pearls, a symbolic of the unity and the sisterhood. Okay. But on this day, there's actually a Facebook page of women who say where pearls on January 20th, 2021 and hundreds of thousands of women are apparently bearing pearls in support. Hey, look, that's that lady. The fact checks during the debate were obnoxious and to a lot of us obvious. The fact is the Trump campaign had to know these things. The GOP had to know these things and they decided to go into the environment. Anyway, why don't know? Here's a theory that persisted in Washington, D.C. for years. Send your candidate into an environment like that. And when they're attacked, it's going to outrage people. It's going to take the Republican base and fire them up. Probably did that. But who is affected by this moderates? This can never again happen ever. You need to be opinion people period. You need to have a conservative and a liberal. They need to be expressly that. They need to be on the panel period. Never again can we allow this because it affects undecided voters. So does hidden information. The propaganda of silence. Fact of the matter is this. When David Muir said, well, we've checked with the city manager, there's no credible evidence of cats or dogs being eaten by Haitian immigrants, we check with the city manager, the city stick and manager. Here's something else they could have said during the debate because it does happen that the media has been talking to the city managers of the city's like Springfield, Ohio. Mayor of Springfield, Ohio and Brian Heck is the city manager and they both join me now. Good morning to you both. Mayor Ru, tell us what's going on in Springfield. Well, what we've seen is just such a quick increase of our population over the last five years. You know, like you said, up to 15 to 20,000 immigrants have come across and into our community. This has overwhelmed our safety services and caused great concern for our community. Wow. And we've seen testimony from people saying that Haitian immigrants who don't know how to drive, not their fault, they come from a fallen, my judgment, satanic little island. He's saying that they've been overwhelmed. These people don't know how to drive. We've seen the testimony that they're running into buildings and dumpsters and flipping their cars over. And the mayor seems to be saying, wow, you know what, our safety services are overwhelmed. We saw citizens saying that. This is Rob Ru on Fox News. He's the, he's the, the mayor. He seems to be saying that, yeah, it's an unsafe situation. Everything but cats and dogs getting eaten because that couldn't happen. Brian, you're the city manager, tell us more and how it, how this influx is impacting the city. Yeah, certainly. Thank you for having us on this morning. You know, when we see a 25% increase over a three year period work community, we do not have the capacity to sustain that and it's taxing our infrastructure. It's taxing public safety. It's taxing our schools. It's taxing health care. And as JD Vance spoke on, it's taxing our housing. We had a housing shortage well before this immigration crisis that's impacted our community. And this has just made it a hundred times worse. So this is the same city manager who said there's no credible evidence. Now maybe he's busy dealing with a crumbling city and maybe trying to get some help. But maybe also does not want the focus on this. Now, there is a very, very strange comparison to all of this. And you might think it's very, very tenuous. When we started the program, I told you, and it's in the title of the program in the show notes, it said, the lies of the ABC debate, so-called moderators and why so-called transgenderism is such a convenient place for violent men. Why would we bring these two together? Well, I think the story's important. I also think there is a fascinating throughline to this behaviorally. I'll share what I mean. Shared with you at the top of the program that I am headed into the SealFit Experience next week, shared with you that as a reasonable person might be, I find myself feeling a sense of anticipation. And I would like to say nerves, but it's really just a reasonable concern for an unknown thing. People should feel this way. It's a perfectly natural way to feel. And it's perfectly natural to, well, I guess, be kind of freaked out about one aspect to this. I'm going to have to do this all without caffeine. This didn't, I didn't ask this question. I should have asked this question. I didn't. This is my fault. But in our last Zoom call, we were talking about fueling during the event because they provide us food, and I think the first day is just the first 12 hours is just MREs, and after that, it's actually some pretty good food. And I asked this question of the guy who runs our calls. I said, Hey, by the way, is there any coffee there in the meals? No, none for 50 hours. And then he said, Hey, dude, if you're not weaned off a caffeine, you should start. So yeah, you know my beloved bone frog? I had a quarter cup today, tomorrow I ain't going to have none. So to be a really interesting experience, when you get the podcast product tomorrow because I ain't going to have none said properly, I'm not going to have any. It's not just the caffeine I miss, though. I used to be that it was just the caffeine. If you're a longtime listener used to listen to me back in the radio days, local radio days, listen to the national shows now. Thank you for that. You know that I used to drink a Mason jar. In fact, two Mason jars in the morning each time with four scoops of Folger's coffee vial. And my thing was I don't care. It's a caffeine delivery mechanism. Then I got invited to try bone frog coffee. And I loved Tim Cruickshink, the founder and CEO, retired Navy SEAL, buds instructor did three deployments on our behalf. I loved him the moment I met him because he was humble and caring and asked questions and wasn't wasn't proud. He spoke openly of his love for Jesus and his Christian faith and how that's driven his walk. I so wanted to like the coffee. I was terrified it wouldn't be any different from Folgers. When I got it, I couldn't believe how good it is. I'm taking some to a friend of mine as new place gift, you know, a housewarming gift. And I'm going to take the goat locker blend. It's described as a very dark roast and it is very dark, but they spent three years making sure it's not bitter as you head into the fall season. Can I recommend this coffee to you for your events and for your own personal comfort? There's all sorts of other blends. It comes in K cup. It comes in pour over comes in drip are the yeah that I say, K cups. I said that comes in espresso. Go to get 15% off your first purchase there and get 10% of your first purchase 15% off subscription coffee and enjoy the fact that every bag says on a God country team, it's So here's a town of 60,000 people and they pour in rushing across probably over the border with that handy dandy CPB app or illegal immigrants can skip the process of going through the border and just landed an airport. And they have utterly changed and the residents there say they're destroying Springfield, Ohio. Everybody knows that doesn't work. Everybody knows that people who have lived their entire lives in a tribal situation often run by cannibal gangs in a constant state of desperation in a place where people do skin and eat cats are going to go into an area like Springfield when they are not going to be assimilated. They're going to stay amongst themselves by being encouraged to do that. They're going to be given enough money to live and live pretty comfortably. And if they take a job, then it's just gravy. Everybody knows and can look and say this is destroying things. These people are not in culture right here. They're not being asked to enculturate. They're not being asked to become Americans. This is going to create up a constant divide. You're building a country within a country. This is going to destabilize the city. This is going to destabilize this country. Everybody knows it. And they do it anyway. Everybody knows that men are not women and yet society is being told you will pretend that men are women. Everybody knows that men commit more violent sexual acts than women. Everybody knows this. Everybody does. Her Majesty's government keeps track of the rate of sexual offenses. This is Her Majesty's prison system data, rates of sexual offending. Now, pay attention to this. Sex offending rate of women, 3 per 1 million, so in a pool of 1 million women, 3 will commit a sex offense. Sex offending rate of men, 395 per million, in a pool of a million people, 395 men will sexually offend. Sex offending rate of men who think they're women or pretend to be women, 1,916 per million. That's about six times that of men, it's far more than women at 3 per 1 million. What is that? 900 times more, 950 times more than women. In England, like other places, when men who think they're women or pretend to be women commit a sex offense in prison, it's not recorded as a man doing it because there's no men in prison. That's a woman's prison. Her Majesty's going to have to clean that data up because they forgot to cleanse that bit of data. I'm not going to use his name because people like this often want their names used, but the guy who went to shoot up the school and succeeded in killing six people in Georgia. He expressed that he wanted to go target an elementary school because he was frustrated with the treatment of so-called transgender people. He said this according to the media reports on a discord account that's associated with him. This matches perfectly with the presence of violent men in the world of so-called transgenderism. Yesterday we spoke about the fact that bullying is very, very bad. It's far different than it is nowadays. I'm not excusing what this guy did. I just wanted to call reference to that that yesterday we talked about this aspect of who he became, not to excuse it, but it existed. Why is it that violent men so often hide within the alive transgenderism? Because they have deputies. Because their desire, they're sometimes deep psychological need, in the case of autogonophilia, to be seen as women so they can reach sexual arousal. That's what autogonophilia is. They suddenly have deputies, and those deputies will escort them into places where they can intimidate women into pretending they're women. There's also this special class of people, a man who is going to be continually physically abusive or mentally abusive to women is likely to have narcissistic tendencies, if not be a full-bred narcissist. Many of the men who go into transgenderism are going in for narcissistic reasons. I can force you to pretend that I'm a woman. I can force you to say things that I may have. I can force you to let me into your spaces. I can force you to let me see you naked because society will back me up on this. When you take a group of people who have a mental illness like this and you make special rules for them, you end up causing, "Oh, look, division, sometimes hatred." We can't hate the man who pretend to be women. The Lord tells us we need to love our enemies, but we can look at the dynamic. If you have any doubt at all that this country is being forced through a cultural revolution dividing and conquering, setting citizen against citizen, look at all the many ways. It's happening. I saw Nikki Haley the other day saying it's Russia, Russia, Russia that's doing this. There's no doubt Russia wants to destabilize this country. There's no doubt China wants to destabilize this country. I expect them to do that. I do not expect ABC News' moderators to go along with that, although I should expect it. We should all expect it. See, the Lord is very, very clear about division. He's also very, very clear about lies. The ABC moderators are not moderators. They weren't. They were participants. Three biblical verses bring this back to where everything belongs, and that is the Word of God. Proverbs 19, verse 9, "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish." John chapter 8, verse 44, "You're of your father, the devil, and your will is to do your father's desire. He was a murderer for the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he's a liar and the father of lies. This case, the Lord Jesus was speaking to technical bureaucrats, religious bureaucrats, and he was saying, "Look, you don't accept me. I am God. I'm Messiah. You're not accepting me. Therefore, you're still of your father, the devil." Proverbs 14, verse 5, "A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies." Satan is a liar, a thief, and a murderer from the beginning, and he was the author of the original division between us and God. He did it by destabilizing our belief in God. By calling it into question, surely you won't die. And ever since then, he's been destabilizing. That should tell you something about this cultural revolution and its spiritual roots. Lord, thank you for telling us there will be times like these. Thank you for reminding us what liars are like. Thank you for the opportunity to speak your word in a setting like this. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC]