Financial Affluence Podcast

Episode #002 - From Thought to Wealth: Manifesting Riches with ‘The Science of Getting Rich’

‘The Science of Getting Rich’In this episode, we explore the powerful teachings of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, a book that reveals how mastering your thoughts can lead to financial success. We dive into Wattles' philosophy that a clear mental image, combined with unwavering faith and efficient action, attracts wealth. Gratitude, he argues, is key to aligning with the universe’s creative force. Join me as we unpack the lessons from this timeless classic and discover how you can apply its principles to manifest riches in your own life.

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The Science of Getting Rich

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20 Sep 2024
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Ever get the feeling that, you know, maybe there's a secret formula for success, like a hidden code everyone else seems to know. Right. Hey, we're cracking open a book that claims it's got the answer. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Waddles. Okay, yeah. Now, before you picture, like, some dusty old textbook from 1910, right? Right. Let me tell you, this book is totally different. Okay. Waddles. He doesn't just say, like, work hard, you know, save your pennies. He dives into this whole philosophy of how our thoughts can, like, literally shape our reality. Okay. I'm intrigued. Yeah. Well, are we getting into, like, the secret territory here? You would be surprised. Waddles was actually way ahead of his time. Really? He was talking about all this stuff decades before the law of attraction became super popular. Yeah, the core idea is that getting rich is an actual science. Okay. With specific laws, just, you know, algebra or physics. So no magic lamp required. Yeah. Just some brain power. Exactly. All right. I like it. So, is it just about money? He's talking about abundance on, like, every level. Okay. Financial. Yes, of course. Right. But also in your relationships, your health, your creativity. He believed that when you align yourself with what he calls the creative force of the universe. Okay. That's when abundance just naturally flows into your life. I like where this is going. Yeah. But, you know, let's be honest, for our listener who's maybe slammed at work right now, got bills piling up, this whole, like, abundance is everywhere thing might feel a tad out of reach. Oh, absolutely. Waddles isn't saying you should just ignore your problems. Okay. He's saying that you got to start by shifting your thinking. He calls it thinking truth, regardless of appearances. So if someone's in debt, instead of focusing on that lack of money, they should focus on the potential for abundance. Okay. He introduces this idea of formless substance. The formless setting. Which is like the raw material of the universe constantly swirling with potential. Our thoughts, he says, mold this substance into our reality. Hold on. You're blowing my mind a little here. Yeah. Can you give our listener like a real world example of this formless substance in action? Okay. So imagine an architect who's designing a skyscraper, right? Okay. The steel glass concrete. Those are like the formless substance, like architects vision, the blueprints. Those are like our thoughts. Got it. So like the architect shapes those materials into the revolt. Our thoughts actually shape that formless substance into our experiences. Okay. I'm starting to see how this connects. But isn't this where some of those self help gurus get a little too? Here's the thing about waddles. He backs up this philosophy with like really practical steps. Okay. He's not just telling you to think positive thoughts and then wait for a money tree to sprout in your backyard. Yeah. Right. So spill the tea. What's the first step in this get rich equation? Okay. So the first step is gratitude. Gratitude. Yeah. That seems a little simple. Don't you think? Oh, don't underestimate the power of gratitude. Okay. Waddles he believed that when you focus on what you're thankful for, you actually shift your energy. Okay. From a state of whack to a state of abundance. You start to see all these opportunities. Oh. The ones that were always there all along. Right. But you were just too busy focusing on what you didn't have to even notice them. Okay. So instead of stressing about like bills, I should be grateful for like my comfy chair and my noise canceling headphones. Think bigger. Be grateful for your health, you know, your relationships, your talents. Yeah. The very fact that you were alive in a world that's just full of possibilities. Okay. And here's the really interesting part. Waddles didn't just want you to be grateful for what you already had. Okay. He wanted you to be grateful for what was on his way to you. Really? Before you saw like any evidence of it. Wow. That's next level gratitude practice right there. Right. Like saying, thank you for a gift before you've even unwrapped it. Exactly. It's about cultivating this unshakeable faith that the universe is conspiring to bring you good things. I like it. And that leads us perfectly to Waddles next principle, which is visualization. Okay. Let me guess. He's not talking about those cheesy motivational posters with like sunsets and inspirational quotes. Is he? Not quite. Waddles was very adamant about the power of creating a super clear, detailed mental picture. Okay. Of your desired reality. He wanted you to almost feel as if you were living it. Okay. Experiencing it right now in this moment. So it's not just about like wishing or hoping. It's about like really feeling those emotions of achieving your goal. Precisely. He uses this great analogy in the book. He compares our minds to a fertile garden. Okay. That whatever we plant in this garden, whether it's seeds of doubt or seeds of faith, will ultimately determine what grows. So if you're constantly replaying these negative thoughts in your mind, or focusing on, you know what you don't want, you're basically planting weeds in your mental garden. Exactly. And those weeds are going to choke out any chance for your dreams to flourish. Wow. If you cultivate positive thoughts, if you water those seeds of faith with gratitude and belief, that's when you create the perfect conditions for abundance to just blossom in every single area of your life. Okay. I am sold on this whole like gratitude and visualization thing. Good. But at some point don't we have to actually take action? Waddles wouldn't disagree. Okay. In fact, he dedicates a whole chapter to what he calls acting in a certain way. Acting in a certain way. That sounds kind of vague. What does that actually look like in practice? Okay. So he talks about a carpenter who wants to build a beautiful house, right? Right. He can visualize it all he wants. Right. But until he picks up his hammer and nails, it's just a daydream. Okay. Acting in a certain way means taking consistent and deliberate action. Okay. That's aligned with your goals. So it's not just about working hard, it's about working smart, working with intention. Exactly. Right. And this is where Waddles gets really interesting. How so? This is the importance of finding your niche. Okay. I've heard that term thrown around a lot. But what does that actually mean in this context, like in the context of getting rich? It's about identifying the work that you genuinely enjoy. Work that feels more like play than a chore. Yeah. You know, Waddles believe that when you align yourself with work that resonates with your soul, you tap into this level of creativity and energy. Yeah. That's just not accessible when you're stuck in a job you hate. Yeah. I mean, when you love what you do, it really doesn't feel like work. But what if you're not really sure what your niche is? That's where the science part comes in. Okay. Waddles believe that everyone has these unique talents and passions. Right. And it's just a matter of experimenting, exploring, being open to new possibilities to uncover what truly lights you up. And maybe that discovery process, that journey of self-discovery is part of what attracts people to this book, even after all these years. Absolutely. It's a timeless message, really. Yeah. I've covered a lot of ground here, gratitude, visualization, action, finding your niche. It's a lot to digest. It is. But I do have one, like, burning question here. Okay. What's that? Waddles wrote this in 1910. That's right. The world has changed a bit since then, wouldn't you say? You're not wrong, which is why it's super important to approach his work with a critical eye. Okay. Some of his ideas are timeless. Right. But others might need a little updating. Of course. That's for a century. Okay. So which parts should we maybe take with a grain of salt? Let's unpack that for our listener a bit. Okay. So you're saying that while the science of getting rich has a ton of timeless wisdom, we got to do some reality checks too. Exactly. For example, Waddles, he was not a fan of competition, like at all. Really? He saw it as this, like, fear-based scramble for a limited pie. And I remember, he was writing this back in the early 1900s, a time of massive monopolies and trusts. Right. So his whole distrust of, like, cutthroat business practices, it makes sense, you know? It does. In that context at least. Totally. So then how should our listener be thinking about competition today? In a world that's, like, constantly telling us to hustle and, like, crush the competition? I think it's about finding that balance between healthy competition, you know, the kind that actually fuels innovation and that doggy dog mentality. Yeah. It just creates this toxic environment. Right. Waddles' point is that when you're operating from this place of abundance, you don't see other people's success as a threat to your own. You realize there's enough out there for everyone to thrive. I like that perspective. It kind of reminds me of that, quote, "A rising tide lifts all boats." But even if we're being honest, some of Waddles' other ideas about, like, business in general, they feel a little stuck in the early 1900s. Definitely. Like he had some strong opinions about big corporations. Yeah. Which, again, in his time, totally made sense. Right. He dreamed of this world where, like, everyone was an independent business owner. Right. But today, we get it. Yeah. The corporate world, it plays this huge role in our economy. Exactly. And not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur. Exactly. It's about finding what works for you. Yes. Not trying to fit into some, you know, rigid mold. Right. So for our listener who's at home right now thinking, "Okay, I'm ready to put these principles into practice." Yeah. Where would you suggest they start? You know, I always tell people to start with what, like, resonates with them most deeply. Okay. If gratitude is really calling to you, then start a gratitude journal. Mm. If you're more drawn to visualization, carve out a few minutes each day. Yeah. Really try to immerse yourself in that feeling of, like, achieving your goals. I like it. It's just consistency and intention. And don't forget about acting in a certain way. There you go. It's not enough to just, like, dream it. You got to do the work. You absolutely do. I do. Every action, no matter how small it might seem, it becomes a step toward the reality that you were creating. Mm. And remember, this is a journey, not a race. Right. Right. There will be setbacks, there will be detours. Right. Definitely going to be some moments of doubt along the way. But as long as you just keep coming back to those core principles, the gratitude, the visualization, the aligned action, you're on your way to unlocking your own version of abundance. I love that. So to wrap things up here, what is the biggest takeaway you want our listener to, like, walk away with from the science of getting rich? You are not a victim of circumstance. You have the power to shape your reality through your thoughts and your actions. It's about, like, shifting from that mindset of scarcity to a mindset of abundance. Right. It's a competition to creation. It's about aligning yourself with that creative force of the universe. Yeah. And then allowing it to work through you. I love it. And on that inspiring note, we are going to leave you with one final thought to ponder. If the universe is inherently abundant like we've been talking about and wants to see us thrive, why do some people still struggle even when they're, you know, really trying to follow these principles? It's a question that waddles isn't fully answered. That's true. That's the one that we can all explore further on our own journeys. Right. That's all the time we have for today's deep dive into the science of getting rich. We hope this episode has sparked your curiosity and inspired you to unlock your own inner tycoon. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, drop the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew. Sound complicated? Runners' warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualified tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination. 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