Financial Affluence Podcast

Episode #008 – The Power of Thought – As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

On this episode of the Financial Affluence Podcast, we explore the profound wisdom of James Allen's As A Man Thinketh. This timeless book delves into how our thoughts shape our character and circumstances. We discuss key topics such as the effect of thought on health, purpose, and achievement, and how cultivating positive thoughts can lead to a more fulfilling life. Tune in to learn how the power of thought can transform your personal and financial success.
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23 Sep 2024
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We leverage industry focus insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at Financial affluence podcast. Listen your way to riches. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, everyone. Welcome back. You know, I love it when a deep dive request comes with, like, an actual artifact. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Today's one of those days we're tackling As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. A classic. And you sent in a sixth edition from 1908. Wow. Plus some recent research on how the book's ideas are holding up. Well, it's a classic for a reason, right? Even after all this time, Allen's ideas about the power of thought, they really connect with people. Totally. So our mission today, if you choose to accept it, is to unpack Allen's core message and see how it stacks up against what we know today. Deal. I'm in. Let's do it. OK. Right off the bat, Allen hits us with this line. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Talk about a mission statement. I know. What do you make of that? It is so simple, so straightforward, but it really gets to the absolute core of his whole argument, which is that our thoughts, they are the very foundation of our character. He doesn't just tell us, though. He shows us how so vivid imagery. He compares thoughts to seeds. OK. He says, and I quote, "As a plant springs from and could not be without the seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought." I love that. So basically, our minds are gardens and our thoughts are the seeds, and they determine what grows. Simple as that. I love that analogy. It really brings it home. It makes you realize we actually have a choice in what we cultivate in our minds. Exactly. And speaking of cultivating that research you mentioned, it calls, as a man thinketh, a foundational text for self-help and personal development. Isn't that something? It's like he was, way ahead of his time. He was. The research even says that Alan was hinting at what we now call cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT. Yes, CBT. Exactly. That idea that our thoughts have a direct impact on how we feel and what we do, that's fundamental to CBT. And Alan was on to that over a century ago. OK, you ready for another big idea? I may move it. Alan says, it's not just about who we are, but the circumstances we find ourselves in. OK, so our thoughts shape our reality. He uses the garden image again. Oh, I like that. So planting good seeds leads to beautiful flowers, delicious fruit. Those are our desirable circumstances, right? Right, makes sense. But then, it's those weeds grow. And you end up with a garden full of weeds. Exactly. Which let's face it, nobody wants. OK, so obviously, right, we can't control everything that happens to us. Life happens, but-- But we can control how we think about it. Yes, and how we react to it. That's where our power lies. It's not about, like, wishing things into existence. Right. It's realizing that our thoughts actually shape how we see the world. And that influences our actions. Which then impacts our experiences. It's all connected. Absolutely. Yeah. And you know what? Research actually supports this. They've done studies that show that positive thinking is linked to better outcomes in our health, relationships, even career success. That's amazing. It is. Speaking of health, Alan goes so far as to say that our thoughts directly affect our physical well-being. Interesting. He even says, the body is the servant of the mind. Wow. Which, I know, that might sound a little out there for some people. Yeah. But he argues that impure thoughts can actually manifest as disease. Oh, wow. While pure and happy thoughts can lead to good health. OK, so like a healthy mind, healthy body kind of thing. Kind of, yeah. Interesting. And we're learning more and more about this mind body connection all the time. Like in that research you sent, it talks about the placebo effect, which is fascinating, because it shows how even just believing in a treatment can lead to real physical changes. It's incredible. It is. It really makes you think. It's true. It really is amazing how much power our minds have. Right. And while we're talking about the power of thought, Alan was a huge proponent of having a purpose, like a central aim in life. Yeah, he wasn't a fan of just drifting along. Not at all. He actually calls it a vice. He does leading to failure. Exactly. Well. But those who have a purpose, he says, can overcome weakness and actually achieve their goals. Yeah. I love how he frames it as this active choice. Like you have this mental energy use it. Absolutely. Don't waste it. Which actually that brings us to another fascinating point. The power of visions and ideals. Big dreams. Right. But he doesn't see them as just like pie in the sky dreams, but as actual forces that can shape our reality. I like that. And he uses some pretty compelling examples. Oh, yeah. Like what? OK, so you've got Christopher Columbus discovering a new world. OK. Nicholas Copernicus, completely revolutionizing how we understand the universe. Right. And even Buddha, after years and years of focused effort, achieving enlightenment, it's mind blowing. To think that all these people, they had these visions, these seemingly impossible dreams, and through sheer will and focus, they made them real. It's true. It's incredibly inspiring when you think about it. Totally. And what their stories show us is that what we might think is impossible. Might just be possible. Exactly. It just takes that persistent effort, that laser focus, and a clear vision. And believing in yourself. Yes. That's key. You have to believe you have what it takes to get there. It's like that saying whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. Exactly. A power of belief, am I right? It's huge. And it ties directly into this idea of positive self-talk. How interesting, how so? If you're constantly in that negative head space, telling yourself you can't do something, you're probably right. But if you cultivate a positive inner dialogue, if you actually believe in yourself, your abilities, you're way more likely to push through challenges and actually succeed. It's like having your own personal cheerleader up in your head. Love that. Okay, so before we wrap this deep dive up, gotta talk about one more thing from as a man thinketh serenity. Ooh, yes. Such an important one, especially these days. Right. So Alan describes serenity as the state of being calm at peace. Okay. And it comes from self-mastery and understanding. He uses this beautiful imagery. He says a calm man is like a strong tree in a thirsty land or a sheltering rock in a storm. Wow. So it's about finding that strength within that allows you to weather life storms. Exactly. And it's not about being passive or ignoring problems. It's about choosing how you respond. Okay, I like that. And this really resonates with what we know about mindfulness and managing our emotions, you know? Right. It's about recognizing our power and that we get to choose how we use it. Almost like Alan is giving us this toolkit, you know? Totally. A toolkit for building a better life. Yes. And it all starts with our thoughts. He's basically saying you've got this power. It's already inside you. Use it. Right. And the best part is it's timeless, right? Because as a man thinketh was written over a century ago. Over a hundred years. But its message is still so relevant today, would you agree? Absolutely. It's such a good reminder that we're not just along for the ride. We have the power to choose our direction. It all comes back to taking responsibility for our thoughts. 100%. We can dwell on the negative, let our fears hold us back. Yep. Or... We can choose a more positive mindset. One that empowers us to grow. And it's not about pretending that everything is always perfect. Right. Or ignoring problems when they pop up. It's how we choose to respond to those problems and those imperfections. Exactly. We can choose to look for the good, to focus on finding solutions, and ultimately to learn and grow from our experiences, whatever they may be. It's about shifting our perspective. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful. It's so true. And when we use that power intentionally, we can create a more fulfilling life. A more meaningful life, one that we're excited to wake up to. I love that. So as we wrap up this deep dive on as a man thinketh, let me leave you with this. What's one area could be your health, your relationships, your career, whatever, where you want to see some real change, some positive growth. Think about how you can use these principles, these ideas, to make that change happen. What seeds of thought will you plant today to create the garden of your dreams? That is the question. And on that note, this has been awesome. Thank you so much for this deep dive. My pleasure. Always happy to talk about the power of thought. And thank you for listening. Until next time, keep those minds strong and those gardens growing. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tennis, drop the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Your house is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination? You've got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. 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