Financial Affluence Podcast

Episode #009 – Unlocking Happiness through Faith and Positivity – The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

On this episode of the Financial Affluence Podcast, we explore the transformative power of positivity through Norman Vincent Peale's classic, The Power of Positive Thinking. Peale presents a Christian-based approach to overcoming challenges by cultivating self-belief, practicing gratitude, and embracing a faith-filled, positive mindset. Join us as we dive into the anecdotes and personal experiences that illustrate how these principles can lead to greater success and happiness.
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23 Sep 2024
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We leverage industry focus insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at Financial affluence podcast. Listen your way to riches. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ready to unlock a little inner power? We're diving into Norman Vincent Peels, the power of positive thinking today. This book, I mean, it's been a bestseller for decades, right? So we're going to figure out why its message is still relevant and powerful today, you know? Yeah, what I think is so fascinating about Peel is how he kind of bridges that gap between psychology and spirituality. He goes beyond his surface level positivity and really taps into this deeper idea of faith as a wellspring of self-belief. Yeah. And he does this by weaving in these really compelling stories. There's this one about a businessman who is just on edge, like about to totally lose it. And Peel gives him this simple affirmation from Philippians. I could do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me. And you know what? The guy turns his whole situation around. It's incredible. What I find so insightful about that, though, is how it wasn't just like repeating a phrase. Yeah. It was about connecting to this source of strength, like beyond himself. Yeah. And really shifting his focus from like fear to faith. Exactly. Yeah. It really shows how like even a simple shift in perspective can, when it's fueled by belief, unlock this incredible inner strength. And it can create tangible change in your life. I mean, that story really embodies Peel's whole idea of a reservoir of boundless power that exists within all of us. It's just waiting to be tapped. That phrase, though, boundless power, it's powerful. But what about those of us who, well, don't exactly feel powerful? You know, Peel seems to assume everyone's walking around just full of this incredible energy. But I think a lot of us really struggle with self-doubt. Oh, absolutely. And Peel addresses that head on. He really delves into like the root causes of negativity, you know? He talks about how it's that negative self-talk. It's past traumas, even difficult things he went through as a kid. Those can create these energy leaks. And then, you know, they deplete our vitality. And then we end up kind of self-sabotaging. And he actually gets like really candid about his own struggles with this. He shares this whole story about being this like, skinny kid trying to gain weight by drinking cod liver oil and like mountains of chocolates Sundays. It's surprisingly relatable. It is. And it's that vulnerability that I think makes his message really resonant. He's not just preaching from some pedestals. Like, he's right there with you, sharing his own journey of overcoming negativity and really stepping into his power. Yeah. And he doesn't shy away from the heavy stuff either. He talks about guilt, fear, and this thing he calls a self-punishment mechanism. What is that exactly? So basically, it's this idea that we kind of subconsciously sabotage ourselves. And it's because of unresolved issues, past mistakes, we're just like deep-seated guilt that we're holding onto. We hold on to all these negative emotions, and it ends up hindering our growth and our happiness. That really resonates with me. I think we've all had that feeling of being our own worst enemy. So what's the antidote to this whole self-punishment cycle? Forgiveness. And Peel is very specific about this. It's not just about seeking forgiveness from God or other people. It's about forgiving ourselves, too. It's about letting go of the past and embracing the idea that we can have a fresh start. That's powerful. This is where his prayer-ized, picture-ized, actualized method comes in. And I'll be honest, the first time I heard that, I was like, what? But the more I thought about it, the more it actually makes sense. It might sound a little, I don't know, old-fashioned maybe. But this technique is very much in line with what we call visualization or manifestation today. And Peel, he breaks it down into three steps. First, you prayer-ize. You take your worries, your desires to God. Then you picture-ize. You visualize the outcome you want to see. You're creating a mental picture. And then finally, you actualize. You take those concrete steps toward making it happen. So it's not just positive thinking. It's about aligning your thoughts, your actions, and your faith to create success. And he gives that great example of the woman using this method to get this safer marriage. Could you elaborate on that? Absolutely. So this woman, she was on the brink of divorce, just consumed by insecurity and self-doubt. And Peel, he advises her to start picturing positive scenarios with her husband, like him being present, loving, engaged in their relationships. She was essentially using visualization through this lens of prayer. Wow. It's amazing how a simple shift in focus, paired with faith, can be so profound. But let's dive into that a little deeper after the break. We'll be right back with more insights from the power of positive thinking on the deep dive. Welcome back to the deep dive. We're exploring Norman Vincent Peel's The Power of Positive Thinking. And you know, how its wisdom can help us all tap into our own inner strength. Right before the break, we were talking about Peel's prayer eyes, picture eyes, actualized method. And how this one woman, she used it to get this, transform her marriage. It really shows how powerful it can be to use visualization and faith together. And the amazing thing is, as she shifted her inner state, her external reality actually started to reflect that change. Her husband started spending more time at home and they were able to rebuild their connection. You know, it's a good reminder that our thoughts and beliefs, they have a real impact on our actual experiences. It's like Peel is saying that we have way more control of our lives than we think. That we're not just like passive bystanders, but that we're actively creating our reality. He even compares us to like electrical clocks all plugged into this universal power source. Exactly, yeah. And that power source, I mean, it's always there, but we have to actively choose to connect with it. And Peel says that we do that through prayer, positive thinking, and living in alignment with our values. When we disconnect from that source, that's when we create those energy leaks, you know, the ones that drain our reality and leave us feeling depleted. And he tells that story about the businessman, the one that everyone thinks is having a stroke. But it turns out he's just totally burnt out. Just carrying around a lifetime of emotional baggage. It's like a huge reminder that neglecting our inner world can actually manifest in our physical and mental well-being. And what I find really interesting is how Peel approaches the situation. He doesn't just offer like superficial advice or platitudes. He sits with the guy, he helps him unpack all those deep-seated fears and insecurities. And then he prays with him. Prayer as a form of emotional healing. That's powerful. It is. And Peel really believed in the power of prayer, not just to connect us to a higher power, but to help us heal and transform from within. And he definitely walks the talk. He incorporates prayer into like every aspect of life. He even suggests those, what does he call the minute prayers? Or like praying while you're just walking down the street. And it's not just about formal prayer either. He highlights the work of Frank Lawbach, who talked about like shooting prayers at people he encountered, setting out these little bursts of positive energy. It's a beautiful image, isn't it? And it just shows that we can connect with that source of power and positivity at any moment. Peel also talks about how important silence is for cultivating inner peace. Which in our crazy, noisy world, I mean, that's more relevant than ever, right? I love that suggestion he gives of like creating these pictures of peace in your mind. You know, like a peaceful valley or a moonlit sea, that we can just revisit whenever we need a moment of calm. He also talks about finding rhythm in unexpected places, like the hum of a machine in a factory. - It's like attuning ourselves to the rhythms of the universe, right, finding that sweet spot where our energy just flows effortlessly. And Peel believed that a deep connection to the divine, that that was essential to reach that state of harmony. He gives the example of Thomas Edison. Edison was said to have had incredible energy and focus. - That's right. And Edison's wife, she actually attributed all that boundless energy to his inner peace and harmony, that sense of ease and harness that Peel's always talking about. But how do we cultivate that? How do we find that sense of ease when life feels anything but easy? - Well, Peel gives us a whole bunch of tools from prayer and positive affirmations to practicing gratitude and surrounding ourselves with supportive people in our lives. You know, it's about creating that ecosystem that nourishes our souls and empowers us. - That makes sense. But let's be real. Not everyone has this like rock solid support system. And life, it throws some pretty tough stuff our way. So what happens when just thinking positive isn't enough? - That's where Peel's emphasis on faith as this like active force comes in. It's not about passive wishful thinking. It's about actively partnering with a higher power to overcome those challenges. - He tells that story about the businessman, the one eaten up with guilt over an affair and what's Peel's advice. Confront it, seek forgiveness from God and from himself and find peace. - It's about aligning our actions with our values and seeking wholeness and integrity. - And sometimes that means facing some really uncomfortable truths about ourselves. But it's in those moments of honesty, you know, and surrender. That's where Peel seems to suggest we really tap into our inner power. - Absolutely. And that's where we can really see the transformative power of faith. But we'll dive a little deeper into that after a quick break. Stay with us on the deep dive. - And we're back. Still diving into the power of positive thinking with expert speaker's name. Before the break, we were talking about, you know, facing those tough challenges and seeking forgiveness to like find our strength. - Yeah. - And it all comes back to being who we say we are, right? Like living with integrity. - Exactly. And Peel, he offers all these practical techniques to help us, you know, get there, including his, was it prayer eyes, picture eyes, actual eyes, method, which it's not like some magic formula or anything. It's more like a way to like, consciously direct our energy towards the things we want. - And he doesn't just keep it a personal goals either, which I think is interesting. He even talks about using it in groups like business meetings even. He describes these executives, I think they were, who started their meetings with 10 minutes of get this silent prayer and meditation. Before even getting to the problems they were trying to solve. - That's kind of cool actually, making that space for, I don't know, inspiration, like inviting some higher guidance into the room. Peel really thought prayer could unlock creativity, not just in our personal lives, but also in our work, our communities. - Yeah. Speaking of thinking bigger than ourselves, I love that he encourages that. Like praying for people we don't even like. He says holding onto resentment just blocks our own energy, you know? - Yeah, he tells that funny story about the grumpy guy on the train who like totally lightens up. After Peel starts, you know, sending positive vibes his way. Almost like those prayers shifted the whole mood, you know? - That's true, energy is contagious. - It is, and Peel, he truly believed in prayer. Like it could ripple outward and not just impact us, but the world around us too. - He even talks about like praying for random people he'd see from his train window. A farmer, a mom doing laundry, even just a kid with a lollipop. Just these little acknowledgments, right? That we're all connected. It's beautiful, really, that we're all a part of something so much bigger. - And that's what Peel wants us to get. You know, that we have access to this. - Boundless power. - Within us and around us. And it's not about ego, it's about tapping into something way bigger than ourselves. And using it to make life better, you know? - To live a more fulfilling life. - It's been really cool exploring the power of positive thinking with you today. Peel's message, it's from what, like the 50s, but it's amazing how relevant it still feels. - Totally. - He pushes us to think bigger, pray deeper, and never underestimate what we're capable of. - He reminds us that we're not stuck, you know? We have a say in our own lives. - So as we wrap up, I'm left thinking if Peel's right. And we really do have all this untapped power inside us. What could we accomplish if we actually believed it? It's something to think about. Thanks for joining us for this deep dive. And remember, the power to create a better life that's already within you. (upbeat music) - Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenant's draft at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. - Whew, sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444, because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. - What's next? 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