Stacey Thomas Show

Stacey speak with the _Life Fix Coach__ Dr Kim


Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
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- Hello, and welcome. I am Stacey Thomas, author, ALS advocate, film producer, and talk show host. I'm here to motivate, educate, and entertain. Join me on YouTube every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Stacey Thomas talk show, where we have powerful discussions centered around health, relationship, careers, and everyday conversation. Follow me on Facebook. I am Stacey Thomas on Instagram. Stacey Thomas talk show, and don't forget, I can promote you too. Email me at Now, it's time for the show. - Hello, hello, hello, everybody. This is the Stacey Thomas talk show, and I am your host Stacey Thomas. And tonight, I have, once again, another very interesting individual who has blessed this platform. Previously, a few years ago, she was on and she's back because she's continuing to do great things. Tonight, I am gonna introduce you to Dr. Kim, AKA purpose mastery coach. If you guys have never heard of her, I'm sure after you meet her tonight, you will start to follow her. So a little bit about Dr. Kim, and you know, sometimes Stacey has to put on the glasses. Dr. Kim is a speaker, an international motivator. Dr. Kim has ghost written over 15 books for her clients. Seven books under her name, and her latest book is called "Are You Spiritually Exhausted?" Right? "Are You Spiritually Exhausted?" What a title are you Spiritually Exhausted? Let's bring Dr. Kim on. Hello. - Hi, how are you Stacey? - I'm fine, how are you doing? - Oh, good, thank you. - You're looking good, Dr. Kim. - Thank you. - Thank you, you are too Stacey. It's something about the women that you can honestly compare them to wine. (laughing) They just get better with time, right? (laughing) Hopefully so. (laughing) - So Dr. Kim, I always say I can never, I can never sell someone, or tell about someone the way they can tell about themselves. Tell us, Dr. Kim, along with what I've already said, what is it that makes you so awesome? - Okay, Stacey, I've been touring for about 10, 11 years with my own Dr. Kim's tour. And what I found is that people would come and then come again, and come again, and come again. And when people want me to come speak, they'll say, I still have your publicity picture, but it's been 15 years since I've seen you, and I still repeat what you say. And so I have a lot of energy, and I'm blessed to have wisdom too. And when people can hear the wisdom and then apply it to their life, they're like, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. And so I think that that is it. I have a lot of people that 10, 15 years, and they're like, your picture's right here. And I called this every day, it has been 15 years, and that's such a blessing to be able to do that. - Well, I'll say this for the years that I've been following you. There are things about you that people never forget, right? I love your hair to me, Dr. Kim, your hair alone. You're going to remember Dr. Kim. You're going to remember it. I mean, it's Dr. Kim. Obviously, you know that. It's something that, it's your voice. I've never been in a room with you, but I've heard about you when you come into the room. And it was because of what I heard about you is the reason that I first connected, reached out to you. I mean, I was told, seriously, Dr. Kim comes in a room and everyone's attention is on Dr. Kim because of her voice. Her voice, right? So I started following you, and when you say you say some of the things over and over, something that I have to remind myself, Dr. Kim, I put it in a post not too long ago, and I did say I got it from Dr. Kim. - Oh, thank you. - When things aren't going right, I remind myself how you said, I think this is how you said it, if you do what you've always done, this is gonna keep getting what you've always got, that makes me do something different. - Right, right, right. - Is that something that you, just out of the blue came up with one day, or is that something like you had to learn through life as you traveled this journey? - I think so. I think so, and I've been saying that for like 25 years, and if you always do, would you have always done, then you will always get what you've always got. And if you want something that you've never ever had, then you need to do something that you've never done. If you always think the way that you've always thought, then you'll always get what you have got. - And it is very, it's very true, and it will keep you active and looking for new things. It'll stop you from being in a rut to where, as what do I need to do differently? Because I'm not getting the results that I want. - Wow, a lot of people said and wonder about that. - Yeah. - And sometimes, you know what, some of us, we continue to do the same thing, expecting something to change. - I know, I know. (laughing) I want change in Dr. Kim. - I know, I know, I know Stacy. It's just like, you know, I always tell people, we teach people how to treat us by what we will accept from them. You know, if you accept it, then you're teaching them that it's okay to do what they're doing. And so, people will disrespect you. You don't say anything. They disrespect you. You don't say anything. You've told them that it's okay to disrespect you because you did not speak up. And so, a lot of times, like if you keep allowing it, they will keep doing it. And we just, a lot of times, we don't understand that. - Wow, wow. Now, the seven books that you have, are they on Amazon? - All of my things are on Amazon, but I also have like motivational CDs and, you know, downloads, yes. But all of my things are on Amazon. There probably a few of them might be a little scattered on there, but yes, they are Stacy. - And if they go to the website that we have up on the screen, will they be able to find your CDs? - If they go to my website, yes, they can. And they can buy from there. - Yes, ma'am. - It's your voice. - Yes, ma'am. - It's your voice. If you were a little closer, I'd be making appointments to lay on the couch. (laughing) - If they get some counseling. (laughing) It's your voice, Dr. Kelly. (laughing) - That's nice. And it is, that's nice. Thank you, Stacy. - Okay, so the last book, the last book that you've written, are you spiritually exhausted? Before we really get into why you're here, can you tell us what, give us a little synopsis of that book? - Are you spiritually exhausted goes into the everything, the everyday things we do that exhaust us? And one of the things that I, you know, talk about and drama exhaust us. It exhaust us. But one thing that I talk about in there, that I like and often, it does surprise people that undone business will exhaust you. So when you have something to do and you don't do it, it stays in your mind. I gotta do this. I gotta do that. I gotta do that. I gotta do this. And you're actively working. Sometimes it's better to not put it down, than to put it down. Sometimes it's better to not even believe that you're gonna do it than to write it down and think you're gonna do it. And so undone business can exhaust you. It might be better to just not do it right now than to say you're gonna do it and then you don't do it. Yes, and, you know, another thing that exhaust us is people pleasing, you know? We're trying to get people to like us. Oh my goodness. And we put all of this energy into them liking us. And the more we try to do that, the more they don't like us. And so we tend to be that way. And that's, you know, and it will exhaust you because it's not an energy that feeds you. It's an energy that takes away from you. Wow. It's interesting you said that because, you know, there was a time Dr. Kim will, I went somewhere one time and this lady says to me, "Be careful, Stacy." And I said to her, "What do you mean?" Well, I said, "What do you mean?" She says, "Stacey, people can feel your energy, your spirit. And people will drain you." And I just thought that was like really odd. Yeah. And I said, "I'm sorry, but what do you mean?" She says, "Because you put your focus on them, they will drain you." So Dr. Kim, when you say we allow other things or things that we don't do to drain us, I'm sorry, but how do, what do I, what do we do? You say, "Don't say you're gonna do something, don't what?" Yeah, basically a task, whereas yes, it's better to not do it than to say you're gonna do it and it's undone. But Stacy, I love your energy, okay? And I love you. I've always loved you. I love you. I've always loved you. And you know, Stacy, and your energy, the, if who you are, is who you are supposed to be. So when we talk about purpose, your energy is very much part of what you're supposed to give and what you're supposed to do with other people is in your energy because your energy is very powerful. And so yes, we have to be careful that people don't drain us but there's a fine line of being careful and then not doing it at all because when it comes to your energy and when you give out, Stacy, then you will, you will get energy. Your energy comes really from you. And, but when you, when it's overboard or when you feel like, oh my gosh, you can always tell when someone's just, just, just greedy for what you've got. And then just like, oh, this doesn't feel right. But yes, Stacy, you've got a wonderful giving, kind spirit and I, and I love it. And it's just who you are. - Well, thank you very much. I get it from Dr. Kim. (laughing) When it comes to people, right before we take a break, I want to say this tie back into what you said. So when it comes to people and you know that people will drain you and there are things that people want you to do. And I know there's a possibility I won't do it. You're saying rather than say, I'll get to it, just don't say I'll do it. - Well, Stacy, yeah, but I'm talking about like personal things that you want to get done. - Okay. - You know, tomorrow I want to clean my bathroom. And then so you're sitting there and you, or tonight I'm going to call my sister. So sometimes it's better when you write it down to do it, it can take your energy until you do it. So if it's not a life situation, you might want to write it down when you know you can do it and not pre-write it down and learn that you're not doing it. It can take your energy because undone business is still active in you. It's working, it's still in the back of your head. I gotta do that, I gotta do this, I gotta do that. You are still active in it when you haven't done it but you want to do it. So, and that's, you know, and I think that lets us be a little bit more free, you know, to where as if I don't do it, I'm okay. And if I do do it, I'm okay. But it's harder on me to expect me to do it tonight than to do it, to write it down and then I'm mad at myself because I didn't do it. - Yes, ma'am, I get it, I get it, I get it. We're gonna take a break and then we're gonna come back and we're gonna talk about what you have going on and how it can bless others. - Okay. - Stay tuned, people. - Calling all herbalists, healers and wellness seekers, join us for the spiritual herbalism conference October 4th through 6th at the Weeks Bill here to Center in Brooklyn, kicking off with the black herbalist convergence on October 4th, a powerful evening of celebration and community for black herbalists and healers. The main conference follows on October 5th and 6th offering workshops, networking and more focused on having a healer in every home. Attend in person or online, get your tickets or sponsor about how to attend you today at nycspiritual See you there. - Welcome back, everything. Thank you, everyone that's tuning in. And for those of you who are just tuning in, I am the host of this show, I Am Stacey Thomas. And you're watching the Stacey Thomas talk show. And tonight we have with us Dr. Kim, also known as the Purpose Mastery Coach. Hello. - Hi, Stacey. - So the big question, the big question, well, first of all, tell us before I ask the question, what is it that you have going on and that you're offering people? - Okay. Stacey, before I tell you exactly what I have going on, many times people will come to me and they're like, I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm in a rut. I do the same thing over and over again or I'm not happy, something's missing. And people will say, I know that I'm supposed to do something great, but I have no idea what it is. Stacey, every single person has a purpose. And your purpose is not my purpose and my purpose is not yours. And there is no one, Stacey, that can do your purpose like you can do it. Now, because people are so, living every day is hard and I don't know how you feel about it, but it is getting harder, it is hard. We live in a bunch of chaos. And so one thing that, and this is not in my book, are you spiritually exhausted? But if I was thinking, I would have put in my book that one of the biggest things that can exhaust you is when you are trying to do, when you put energy into something that you're not supposed to be doing, when it's not your purpose. I mean, I mean, you're trying to make it who you are, but that's not who you are. And so what happens is that you're trying to make it work and you're trying to make it fit and I wanna be like that or they say I should be like that, but it's not who you are. And then you put all of this energy in trying to become something that you were never created to do. And so what I'm doing is that I am offering. And for the people, if they say that they heard me from your program, they will have $100 off. I'm doing it for 179 to where if you do not know your purpose, if you do not know why you are here, if you know you're supposed to do something great, but you have no idea what it is, you can have a session with me for 179. That session usually goes two hours and I will reveal to you your purpose, your destiny and what you have been called to do. And because it's a shame when you live and life is so hard and you become everything everybody else wants you to be. And then you're about to die and you're like, I'm not even sure what my purpose was, but whatever it was, I didn't do it. I mean, to live in this world without the gifts that God has given you. Because see, many people don't understand that, you know, your purpose is as big or as small as you make it. God gave you a gift, you see. And what you do with it is completely up to you. You can take that gift and you're like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna change the world and this is how I'm gonna do it. Are you gonna say, yeah, I know. I know I have a way with people. I know people like me, yeah, I know. And it could be not that big of a thing. And then if you don't want it to be a big thing, then it will not be a big thing. If you plan on changing the world, then you will have the vision to change the world. When you have a gift, it is placed on you. And then it is up to you what you do with that gift. You know, I believe that, you know, people say, I have my purpose, I wanna welcome my purpose. Most people don't know what their purpose is. And many, many people don't really understand that they have been gifted and anointed with a specific purpose. To where is, like I said, nobody can do it but you, but a specific purpose of what God has given you to do. And that you will have to go and find it. I mean, usually it's in us. It's usually what you tend to do as a child. When you were a child, I'm sure that Stacey, you were lovely and kind. I would think that when you were a child, that you got your feelings hurt easily, okay? And I know, Stacey, that you and who you are and what you are supposed to give is not new, is what you did when you were a small child and then life came and distractions came and things came. And now your purpose is God and you're trying to get things off of you to help reveal what am I supposed to do? Where is my mark of success? So see, that's another thing. We talk about purpose and I am a Christian and it is Christian focus but we talk about purpose but your purpose is the area that you can have success in. And we don't see it that way. I mean, it's like, that is the area that you can guarantee that you have success. I mean, you could be in the interview and you can say, you know, I am gifted and they may not understand all of it but you could say something like, I am gifted in working with the younger population. I'm gifted with teenagers, they tend to like me. To where as that is your gift, teenagers love you. It is something about you that speaks their language. And when you create a business with teenagers, you have favor. Oh my goodness. And you will prosper and things will work for you because you have tapped in the gift that God has given you. A lot of times we are exhausted in life because we are putting our energy in things that we're not supposed to because we are not clear about what our purpose is. - Dr. Kim, it's hard sometimes finding your exact purpose. So when we think about our purpose and we run around, maybe we're ignoring it, maybe we're trying to see it because we're too focused on something else, what do you think happens to an individual that never realizes what their purpose is? - You know, oftentimes, and that's most people like I said Stacy, but when you are not fulfilling your purpose, there will be a sense of unsatisfaction in you. There will be a sense of I need to do more. I need to do more. I'm not sure what it is, but I need to do more. There will be, you will know that there is more. Your body, your mind, your heart will teach you that is more, but you will many times don't know what that more is. And so what ends up happening is that you live beneath where you're supposed to live. And let me say this real quick. Stacy, you're right, it is hard finding our purpose. We have to undo some things in order to find the purpose and get it back that your blessing is your curse and your curse is your blessing. So you are blessed when you use your purpose, but if you don't use your purpose, then the elements of your purpose will start picking on you. What I mean by that is that it will end up being your curse. See, your purpose, oh my gosh, will end up picking on you. So you might, and I told you, I said Stacy, I said, you're beautiful and I love your spirit and it is so real, but what will end up happening is the fact that you care about what people think, the fact that you are naturally kind, you will start not liking that about yourself. You're like, gosh, but I wish I could say this. Oh my goodness, I wish I could do this. Are people like, gosh, she'll agree to it. She doesn't care. The very thing that is your purpose will show up negative in you and it will be, I don't know why I'm like that, but I hate being this. It's like the thing that is supposed to be, your ultimate success will end up being what you don't like about you. And it will be what other people don't understand about you. - Wow. - Yeah, it will become your curse. - Wow. - Yeah, so out of the many things that you have been teaching, now you're offering a one-on-one with you. - Yes. - Let me say thank you for offering the discount to those that are watching the show. And is this what I was told when I said, what will we talk about? And when you said about the three secrets you must know to activate your purpose. All of this, including what will happen when you don't know your purpose, this one-on-one session with you is to help someone realize what their purpose is. - Yes, and like I said, we will go through a pattern of different things. And oftentimes we have to undo what has been done. And we will go into the people in your life that you need to get rid of because you're focused on this toxic relationship. And that's where your focus is. So even your purpose will be distracted because of the people you need to let go of. And we'll talk about that. And we will talk about how to undo what has been done so that you can see and it can be revealed, you are gifted in this area. This is what you are supposed to do. And what I will do is I will also give them their warning signs and what they need to look out for. And I will give them things that will bless them in their purpose. And so I will lay out for them, their their life cycle. And to be really honest, Stacy, when I reveal that purpose, it should not be anything that is far. I mean, is something right there? You know, it's not real far. It's something right there. It's right there. I mean, I mean, you kinda know it, but you don't know it. It's never been revealed like, this is my purpose. This is my gift. Oh, well, I didn't know. I mean, it's like, it's not that big of a thing. It will not really, it won't even surprise you because what we do, and it's because let me say this, we tend to be copycats. - Oh my God. - Yes, ma'am people. - Yes, ma'am people, yes, ma'am. - We do what other people do. - Yes, ma'am. - And because that's comfortable with us. - That's what we do, yes, ma'am. - Other people don't talk about how to activate your purpose. We don't talk about how to activate your purpose. If other people don't talk about this, then we don't talk about this because we have a need to want to be accepted by other people. - Yes, ma'am. - Even if we say we don't. - Deep down inside, you do? - Even deep down, the number one thing that teenagers want is to be accepted by other teenagers. - Yes. - When we are at work and everybody hates us, we'll say, well, I don't care, but you care, but you care, and what happens, Stacey, is that because you care, they are riding in the car with you at night, and they're coming into your house with you at night, and then they are cooking dinner with you at night, and then they are in the shower with you that night because emotionally, you are taking them home with you because why you care? Because it's about mind versus, it's about mind over matter, and if you don't mind, it really won't matter, and so we tend to. We don't stray far from the mediocracy and the average that everybody else do, and we want to be accepted, and we want to be understood, and we want to be somewhat light, so we do, but other people, too. And somebody like, well, I don't dress like other people, I'm talking about to where as your lifestyle, we tend to follow in the path because we believe, well, as if everybody's doing that, it must be okay for me to do that. If everybody think about that, it must be okay for me to think like that. And although you know that inside of you, you have a voice saying, you're supposed to do great things, you're supposed to take over the world. You have a way with this and that. Now, how are you going to execute that? You need to work your magic so it can make you successful, because it's something in you that you don't have to learn. It was deposited in you. It was deposited in you before birth, and it's either probably not there, but there, or it's very little there. You're just, you're good. - Thank you. - No, no, you're not. - Okay. (laughing) - We're going to take another break and we'll be right back. - Hey. (laughing) - Calling all herbalists, healers, and wellness seekers, join us for the spiritual herbalism conference October 4th through 6th at the Weeksville Heritage Center in Brooklyn, kicking off with the black herbalist convergence on October 4th, a powerful evening of celebration and community for black herbalists and healers. The main conference follows on October 5th and 6th offering workshops, networking, and more, focused on having a healer in every home. Attend in person or online, get your tickets or sponsor about talk attendee today at nycspiritor See you there. - That is one event I have been proud to promote, and it's just something sometimes that, because of some of the people I connect with, they're out of state, and it's hard, you know, to be a part of what you see happening. Oops for the people that are tuning in now. Who just came in? I am Stacey Hot Thomas. I am the host of the Stacey Thomas talk show, and we are talking to Dr. Kim. So if you're late, please feel free to do the replay and see exactly what it is you can get from working with Dr. Kim. - So Dr. Kim, thank you again for blessing my platform. Once again, the one-on-one session that you're offering, tell us about it, how we can sign up. - Okay, Stacey, my email is there. Dr. Kim at the Dr. Kim, okay? So you can email me, and if you let me know that you were on, you know, you were watching this, or when this gets on YouTube, you saw me on YouTube, if you mentioned Stacey, I will take $100 off, and it will be $179, and we will unravel, and I will reveal the purpose in you. And then in that, like I said, I will lay out for you, the things that you should watch, or the things you should be aware of, or the things that bring you success, I will lay out for you in your life as far as what you need to do. You know, Stacey, one thing that I always say is base your decisions on your level of peace, and then allow your peace to make the decision for you. - Wow, and please forgive me, but for some reason, we have been getting comments, and they are not posting on this platform. So I am gonna say a couple of things, okay? So Dr. Kim, but Tisha Campbell says, let's see, and we always want confirmation from others when we already have been confirmed. - Yes. - And that's something you said, right? - Absolutely. - We have someone saying, talk about it. Look at me trying to act like I know how they say it. Talk about it. Let's see, it's not talked about, and I'm glad you're talking about it. Well, at Tisha, Dr. Kim is just one of those people. If you follow her or decide you want to check her out one day, Dr. Kim talks, but give me trying to sell you again, Dr. Kim. Dr. Kim talks about real things, things that we may need, but we don't know who to go to and talk to. - Right. And I just, for LaTisha, and LaTisha, you're so right. And like I said, we don't want to stray too far from what the world gives us. But our world is dangerous, is chaotic. It is energized by chaos. It is mean. It is, it is, it is getting worse. I mean, but the bottom line is, LaTisha, there is something in you that will work for you, it's there. And if you want it, it can be revealed and you will know and it will shine for you. And because other people will say, well, LaTisha, you are, you're so bold, girl, you're too much. To where as, a lot of times we end up taking that person one to bold, I'm trying to not say things. And maybe you do need to coat how you say it, but you need to know that you are a leader. And that is why you have the tendency to be outspoken. To where it's not a curse. Now you may have to decide how to say it and what to do it. And maybe you need to love them first, but it's not supposed to be your curse. It is the way that you can become successful. It is your gift. It is your gift. So LaTisha, thank you. - Thank you beautiful Dr. Kim. You will do this again one day. - Okay. - Just email me and tell me that you won a session and I'll contact you. - Yes ma'am. So for those of you watching, her information is in the comments and they're on the screen. If you cannot for some reason find the information, get me up on Facebook, email me. I will direct you to exactly how to touch base with Dr. Kim. Dr. Kim, I am wishing you the very best. - Thank you. - And thank you once again for coming on our platform. - You're so welcome. - Have a great night beautiful. - Sweetheart. - Bye bye. - I am Stacey Thomas and you've been watching the Stacey Thomas talk show. And I like to say thank you. If you missed part of it, you can hit the replay on Facebook or you can head over to YouTube, check out this show and some other shows. And I do have another show that Dr. Kim was on and she's always given great information. As always, I remind you don't stress too much about yesterday. Don't worry too much about tomorrow because if you do, you just might miss living today. Everyone have a great night and thank you. [ Silence ]