Unleashing Leadership: Unlocking Greatness and Embracing Change

Lemons Are For Lemonade

Broadcast on:
19 Sep 2024
Audio Format:


- Working with the team and being visible and accessible fosters trust and open communication.

- Building relationships and understanding team dynamics is crucial for effective collaboration.

- Isolating oneself can lead to missed opportunities and limited input from others.

- Face-to-face interactions are valuable for building strong relationships and creating a supportive work environment.

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Chapter Markers:

00:00 - The Importance of Working with the Team

06:26 - Building Trust and Open Communication

09:19 - Creating a Collaborative Work Environment

11:31 - The Value of Face-to-Face Interactions

[MUSIC PLAYING] Well, this is different than the banana. It's a lemon. Lemon's a banana. You can-- Remember the banana thing? Lemon juice on a banana. Would it still brown? Mm. Experiment, who wants to do the experiment and comment? And what's next? Well, this is unleashing daycare today. We're just trying to get ourselves through today on the heels of our last conversation about staying out of petty stuff. Anyway, this is unleashing leadership. I'm Travis Moss, the UFC playing group with our co-host Dave Nurchie, our chief operating officer over at seed. And this podcast is all about how we read good books. We take away good ideas. We talk about how we've implemented them, or look at them with our business, and how we just try to get the most out of personal and professional growth. And today's book that we're working on is "Build" by Tony Fidell. And our big takeaway, as Dave was alluding to, is the lemon story. Literally, why does everybody need it? People just want to email that work. So if you've read the book, if you're filing along and build, there's a whole bunch about that damn dancing lemon that used to go across the bottom of the email, whatever. Whatever it did, it was the little dancing lemon that the engineers thought was great. And so we're going to dig into that today because I think it's a very good message. And as always, do us a favor. Like or subscribe to us wherever you are listening or watching. If we get enough people to like or subscribe to us, we might get some new sponsors and we'll have money to buy David Nudas, so it stops shaking. While he's talking, it's such a powerful speaker that just like makes the whole room vibrate. But anyway, we appreciate it every time you do, like or subscribe or forward and onto a friend that helps the algorithm, helps people find the show. And we do a sponsor for today. Thank you, our media, Inc. They don't pay us though, that's the parent company. We just have to show for them because-- Well, we own that company and that's what we say we're supposed to be doing. But anyway, NQRMedia, Inc., the parent company that produces this podcast, where we on a project statically bring things to light that need to be talked about. We've got the Ditch the Suits show, which is a word-winning show. We've got the One Big Thing podcast. And then we've got the Catherine of College planning. And then of course, this show. And we've got some new things coming out maybe next year. So some fun stuff. Check it out, following QRMedia actually. And then you would see all the different shows pop up just by following that, and you could do that. Anyplace you can find podcasts, or on YouTube, or on our website, wherever you want to go, check it out. But back to this dancing lemon issue, and why anybody-- they literally, they're talking about, OK, the engineers are so excited to build this lemon. And everything's all about how they figured out to build this little lemon guy that dances across your screen. And nobody could care, so they're-- What did the lemon actually do? Yeah, and that was the point. It's like, I just want an email that works, man. I don't give a damn about the lemon. In fact, that's annoying. If you were to go log into your email, and your email's always down, and there's always a dancing lemon, wouldn't you just be pissed off at lemons all the time? Yeah. You try to figure out how to get it off of your screen, I think, at some point. Yeah. Yeah. But why-- so why did they think it was cool? Because they could do it. Because it's a lemon. I mean, come on. Who doesn't think a lemon on your computer screen dancing across the bottom of it is cool. It's awesome. Yeah, some nerd in a room someplace thought that, look, everybody's going to think we're so cool and so fun. It's like, well, you just don't need it. And that's what it comes down to, is sometimes the cutesy stuff doesn't need to be there. Just if you put as much time and effort and excitement into the boring features, maybe the product would be better. That's, I think, the point. Right. Because you're talking about email, right? So like that, what does email do? It's a communication. And it's a quick communication, right? Like, I want to be in and out. Yep. So that email solves a problem for people, right? Or challenge. Like, it's a way to communicate. You don't have to catch someone on the phone. You don't be in person. You could do it from anywhere. So that's the problem. So the lemon has nothing to do with that product. There's no functional use. It doesn't add value. It doesn't even-- It doesn't make it look better, right? Like, it's just there. So I think that, yeah, the point that's hammered home there in the book is like, just because something might seem cool or a good idea or you can do it, right? Like, hey, look what we can do. We can add this graphic onto the email. And it does this. It doesn't mean it's a good idea. And it actually might turn customers off to it because now it's like, what is this? I just want to go through this and look at my email. Well, and also, I mean, you have to be careful when I think you're putting things together like that. You have to be careful that-- What if I don't like lemons? Yeah. No, I'm trying-- you want me to sign up for your service. And I get a stupid dancing lemon, you know? I mean, I mean, kind of a dumb thing. But I think it's, you know, marketing today seems-- and this, obviously, is not in the near past. It's much further behind us now. But marketing today has turned into, like, who can be the cutest or dumbest? And get people to buy a product because you have these brands where the names have nothing to do with anything. And they take a word and they just make it a business. And it's like, look, you know, sometimes you just got to cut the chase and get right down to, you know, what's the purpose of this? And plus, if you have a product or a service that is developing, and it's going to have challenges, and you know it's going to have challenges, because every product and service has a challenge. Especially like a newer product, right? What you need is people to look at what you're doing and say, man, I can tell everything that you're doing, you're putting it into solving my problem. And so when you have a service or product that's dysfunctional, and then you have extra stuff that's, like, look at this other QT stuff that we have, it's like, I don't give a damn about that other stuff. It actually makes you angry because it's like, put more time into what you're selling me. That's the most interesting thing. I'd rather show up and have a blank screen that with one button in the middle that does what it's supposed to do than this other stuff. And I think you see that with, you know, a lot of products and a lot of services these days is, before we actually solve the problem, it's the idea of solving the problem that we're selling, but then we're actually to distract you from the fact that we can't solve your problem, we put all this other garbage in there. We make it look nice. Yeah, or just get you so confused, you don't know which way is up, so you just can't go, okay, well, that's what that looks like. I mean, I see it with financial planning companies, well, they're not financial planning, but investment firms go log into your brokerage account or investment account, wherever you got it. And look at all the damn, look at all the stuff that they have there, like they just keep giving you more and more and more stuff. Listen, all that stuff isn't gonna make you any smarter at what you're doing. You know, there's probably about, you know, a quarter of that stuff that's actually of any value to you. And then the rest of that stuff is just, and we're giving you this value, we're giving you that value, we're giving you this, and we're giving you that to the point where it's, you can't actually find the stuff that you're looking for anymore. Right. It's like buried. It's, I deal with this stuff every day and I can't figure out how to rebalance on account 'cause I can't figure out where the button lives because I've got 50,000 other things that I can do from that site that actually have nothing to do with all that I wanna do, which is just buy or sell something. Right. Yeah, I think we probably could agree that there's, there's really no like service or product out there that's perfect, right? No, absolutely, there shouldn't be. So, except for the Nest and the iPhone, you know, on the original iPod, those were perfect. Right, Tony? Yeah. We're still trying to get that sponsorship. Good. We almost didn't get it in in this. Yeah, it was just good, that was good, that was good. Good work. We'll do a snippet of that and just send it, be like. That's it, that's a clip. Yep. But because of that, because nothing's perfect and there's always room to improve, if you're spending time on things that don't matter or help the user, they're gonna look at that as like, what the, why, why is this? And then the, now your product or services talked about is, what are they doing here? They're wasting time on this and they still haven't fixed this problem. I, you know, I was just thinking about that, forget the lemon issue. Just think about it in general. Think about somebody on your team that you've ever had work with you. That they're there at work all day long, they're, they're worker just like everybody else, but they never get anything done, right? I'm going through files from a former employee who didn't get a lot done, but the files are color coded and like the filing system is beautiful. The problem is like the work though, that correlated with it does not match, right? Right. So we put our time into the wrong things. And if you've ever worked with somebody who does that, you know exactly what I'm talking about. They're there and they're working, but they never meet the deadline and never get their work done. You always have to do extra work if they're on your team because they can't get it done. But yeah, you know, they got the prettiest stuff. You know what I mean? You know, it's, it's just like, that's kind of like an aha moment for me. So that's, that was a great connection there. Yeah. That was a boom. That was a boom. You boomed. How many booms do we have in the kitty? Like when we refill that is an afford boom holster? Like what is it? I think six. Six. All right. We're going to be happy. And we're not going to be recording for another week. So how do we replenish the boom? Just by having boom moments without saying it. Well, if you are listening to have an answer to that. I'm feeling in our office. I'm so blessed. (laughing) Just leave it at that. That's it. Have a good day. (upbeat music)