Kayal and Company

Shawn Farash

Zach Bryan and Apology culture, Cut Sheet Part Deux and your voice mails
Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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on your thoughts on the second attempt of Trump's life within a 65 day stretch. Yeah, same as the first attempt is my thought. It was provoked and encouraged and basically homegrown on the left. You watch MSNBC for one minute and you'll see Rachel mad cow or joy read or some of these people calling Trump Hitler or that he's going to be a dictator or that he's a threat to democracy. And I think it was Ryan Ruth. He wrote in his little manifesto that no, sorry, it wasn't Ryan Ruth. It was the caller to C span after this that's right from Louisiana. And he was talking about assassination as if it was like defense of the nation, you know, self defense. And we know what would put somebody in that mindset. I want to ask the liberals, what would put somebody in that mindset to think that assassinating a presidential candidate was defending your country? Could it be the fact? Could it be the fact that, you know, for if you turn on MSNBC or CNN or or any of these mainstream media networks, you read the New York Times for a day, you will hear threat to democracy over and over and over and over and over again, threat, threat, threat, threat, threat. And when you feel threatened, you feel like you have to defend yourself, right? This is all because of the left, these radical left wing lunatics, these people who call MAGA supporters terrorists, Jasmine Crockett with the eyelashes, if she blinks too fast, she's going to fly away, right? These these people who say MAGA is a threat to us domestically. That's why this keeps happening. That's why it's going to keep happening. It's unfortunate. And then you have these people come out. Well, it's Trump. He's asking for he's asking for what are you talking about? Everything this guy says you take out a context. He's joking about being a dictator on day one. They're like, Oh, there he goes. He's going to be Adolf Hitler all over again. But wait, when did Adolf Hitler say he only wanted to be dictator for one day? When did Adolf Hitler ever walk out of office? I mean, this is this is the craziest line of attack I've ever heard beat him on the issues. If you can't beat him on the issues, admit your issues are terrible. That's all you've got to do. Go ahead and watch that Oprah interview last night. That was an unmitigated disaster. It was a train wreck. But the reason why this type of stuff keeps happening is because the left is encouraging it. The media is fanning the flames. And anybody who continues to turn a blind eye to that is basically an accomplice to what keeps going on. Those attacks on Donald Trump's life. If you like them, if you don't like them, are legitimately an attack on our country and an attack on our if you want to call it democracy, we live in a constitutional republic, which I know is a news flash for a lot of people. Those attacks on his life are are the greatest. They are literally the greatest attacks on our country that we have seen probably since the JFK assassination. Yeah, agree with everything you said that being said, what do you do if you're the Trump campaign? If you're Trump himself, if you're the RNC, whatever it might be, you've got you've got Mark Robinson in the news, North Carolina, Lieutenant Governor running for governor. Obviously, this Laura Loomer stuff is still kind of lingering around how quickly, how adamantly when we talk about distancing yourself, disavowing whatever the word might be, because you know what the left wants to do is they want to take that and then run with that as the story, make that the narrative. What does Trump need to do better? What is his campaign need to do better here in the stretch run of a month and a half? Trump's just got to focus on being Trump and laying out his plan as simply as possible for people to understand it. He has a unique way of talking, but that's all he's got to do. This Mark Robinson thing, look, I don't know what happened from what I'm seeing. It's all allegations right now. I'd said this yesterday. I found it kind of odd. Listen, I'm not into porn. I don't watch it. I think it's an industry that revolves around depravity and degeneracy. I think it's disgusting. I don't think anybody should watch it. I think it's in many cases worse than drugs. Now, if Mark Robinson did something regarding that industry watching or whatever, listen, that's for him to handle whatever 20 years ago, he made statements. It is what it is. I find it odd, though, that now the left has a problem with porn, but not when it shows up in a middle school library, right? They don't have an issue when it shows up there. The book gender queer, they have an issue when a black governor's gubernatorial candidate in North Carolina may have a connection to something revolving around porn in something that happened 20 years ago. I find it kind of strange. They loved porn up until yesterday. Now they hate it. You know, it's double think. I watched a night, I read 1984 over the last couple of weeks. It's double think. This is what they do. They hold two simultaneous thoughts at the same time that directly contradict with one another. Two plus two is four, but it's also five. If the party tells me that it's five, this is what they do. Donald Trump has just got to stay laser focused on winning this race, right? He's got to stay laser focused on Pennsylvania. That's the key to the White House, North Carolina and Georgia. As long as he can do that, he'll be okay. The left is going to try and throw distraction after distraction at him because they don't want to talk about the fact that Kamala Harris, his best friend Diddy is now on suicide watching. The last time one of the Democrats best friends was on suicide watching jail, he quote unquote killed himself, which means they weren't watching when he committed suicide, right? You see the air quotes. That's, that's what he's got to do. He has to stay focused right on winning the election. That's it. I don't care about all these other stories or they're just distractions. Focus on doing what you did in 2016 to win the election is a lot of parallels between 2016 between 2016 and this, including by the way, the fact that Hillary Clinton, you know, the spelling bee champ is saying that she is, she's advising Kamala Harris on how to beat Donald Trump, even though she didn't beat Donald Trump. And my favorite is these, these windbags on X, right? Well, she won the popular vote in 2016. I go, okay, great. Thank you for telling me your dumb as a doorknob. Who won the election? They don't want to answer that. Well, it was the Russians. Oh, okay. So are we denying the results of it? You see them saying it's double thing. These people have nothing. They have nothing. A flamingo literally has more likes to stand on than any liberal on social media. It's unbelievable. Want to get your thoughts on what happened yesterday, Ro Khanna, a very sensible free speech moderate Democrat was sparring with Brendan Carr over the FCC. And this is all falling back to the ABC debate, which was an absolute unmitigated disaster for ABC, specifically David Muir. And the push to revoke ABC's license by the FCC. My assumption is that this goes nowhere. But where should this go? Because there's still a lot of people that want answers as to what ABC did allegedly or what Kamala Harris knew on the receiving end before this allegedly your thoughts on this because this has not gone away and they were battling on the Hill a couple of days ago. Well, ABC, obviously, I don't know if there was collusion between the Harris campaign and ABC. I don't think we can prove that what we can prove, right, is that David Muir or manure I call him David manure. Okay, because he's a steaming hot pile of sugar, honey, I see you know what I'm talking about. You know, the David Muir and Lindsey Davis only fact checked one side. Now, the left will say, well, that's because only one side was lying. Really? Let's let's just start with something easy. There are no troops deployed in combat zones. Why? We know that's a lie. We could we could a lie. Donald Trump is a wrote project 2025 2025 lie. Donald Trump would sign an abortion ban lie. Okay. What would you do to lower prices? Well, I grew up a middle class kid. Are you going to answer the question? I mean, con. So we watched as the the fine people hopes that was the most obvious one. We watched as Kamala Harris repeated lie after lie after lie on the debate stage and received zero pushback. We watched as Donald Trump stated his policy, stated things. Look, you want to talk about the cats and the dogs? Can we prove it? Can we not prove it? But they only pushed back on one side. That was not a fairly moderated debate. I'm not saying it was rigged. I'm not saying I have, you know, irrefutable proof that Kamala had the answers or the questions and had some sort of knowledge of what was going to be asked because I can't prove that. What I can prove is what I saw at my own two eyes. They only fact checked one side. And it's not just because only one side was lying. We literally just talked about three or four lies that Kamala Harris told on the debate stage and re and it was just allowed to exist. Then we hear that Muir and and Davis were so upset about what happened in the CNN debate. And it wasn't that nobody was fact checked. It was that Donald Trump obliterated Joe Biden that they didn't want it to happen again, not on their watch. I don't think this revote revocation of ABC's broadcasting license is going to go anywhere. But I think it's good for Americans to have the discussion. Is that the type of presidential debate you want in the future? Do you really only want one side to get pushed back and another side to skate be able to say anything? And I think most reasonable Americans would say, no, we don't want that. We want a fair debate because we want to be able to in 47 days make a well educated, fairly educated decision on who to vote for, not a decision that has been shaped and framed by the mainstream media. Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree. Speaking of the media, I got to get your thoughts on this axios of all places shared yesterday, the amount of interviews that both tickets have done combined and individually since July 21st. And this is staggering. JD Vance has done 59 interviews. He's basically spoken to everybody on the planet. Donald Trump has done 14. Tim Walls has done four and Kamala Harris has done three. If that doesn't show you the lack of visibility and transparency of one ticket and the fearless nature of the other one, specifically JD Vance. I mean, he's done like five interviews along with Dana Bash, Dana Bash. Your thoughts on just the disparity between who's out there making their case and who's just trying to get to the finish line undetected. Okay, here's the here's the point that I've been making about this this situation all the time. You see the hat that I'm wearing to Jets hat? I don't normally wear it because they don't normally win. However, yesterday they beat the New England Patriots. Okay, I'm proud of them right now because they want. So I'm showing off that I'm a Jets fan because I'm proud of them in the moment. In three weeks, I'm probably not going to be proud of them. Right now, I'm proud of them. Okay, back to the MAGA hat, which you're apparently not allowed to wear into the Arizona Cardinals stadium, which is another whole situation to hear about that. They told the woman to throw it in the garbage. Yes. And she she complied with it. And I'm like, if that was me, and they told me that I would have stapled it to my head and said, you take the hat off. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go, let's go meet with, let's go meet with security now and tell me we're in policies that I can't wear my I'm going to, you know, what if I showed up at one of those bull, you know what Harris walls camel hat with the orange, you would tell me to take that? I don't think so. But when we look at when we look at when you're proud of something, like the Jets, who I'm not often proud of, but right now I am, it's only three weeks in, we have a winning record. That's a nice thing, right? We're going to we're going to we're going to live in the moment right now. You show it off when you're not proud of something a lot when the Jets lose, the hat goes back on the wall, it hangs there. I know I'm a Jets fan, but I'm certainly not proud of their performance most of the time. So we don't boast about that. If you were proud of this new way forward, Hopi, changey, you know, first woman of color candidate, you would be making her available to everybody, you know, when you're the parent of an honor roll student, you put the bumper sticker on your car when your kid gets a good test score, you hang it on the fridge, you don't hang, you know, if your kid bombs a test, you don't hang that on the fridge, because you're not proud of it, you want to move on. They're not proud of this. What did what did we watch last night with Oprah? All jokes aside. What was that? I mean, I made a joke. It's the first time Oprah's been exposed to salad. It might have been, but I mean, this was this was like, just a mess. This woman is not intelligent. Okay. So you have that is who she is. We know that if she was capable of more, they would let her do more. She's not capable of more. And everyone goes, well, she's campaigning. She doesn't have the time. Well, how does treaty Vance and Donald Trump have the time? Someone's got to answer that question for me. If she doesn't have the time, she's not capable and her handlers are not proud of her. That's how you look at it. If you're proud of something, you show it off. If you have something to hide, you hide it. If you have nothing to hide, you hide nothing. They're hiding her because they're not proud of who she really is. They're not proud of her Marxist past. They're not proud of her Marxist beliefs because they want to win an election. They are Marxist. They love it, but they don't want the American people to see it. And they're not proud about how dumb and incapable and incompetent she is off script. And that's why they're hiding her. It really is remarkable. She's had a 92% turnover rate with her staff. And there was multiple times in the first, the first and only term for Biden, where they were trying to get her off the ticket and replace her because they thought she was dragging down the party and then they get forced to swap out Joe. And the best they can come up with is the person they really don't want and the one they don't want to showcase. It is really wild and people will take the bait. Your final thoughts here. Last question. I thought this was interesting. It's a local story for California, but usually what starts on the West Coast works its way east when it comes to left wing lunacy. California Governor Gavin Newsom coming out signing a bill saying basically that social media companies have the ability to get rid of you, deplatform you, and you could face criminal or civil charges in the state of California. If you use a meme or if you use AI during an election season, that is obviously inauthentic. Point in case prime example, Elon Musk used an AI video that he retweeted of Kamala Harris. It was a total parody, but you could realize it like eight seconds into the two minute video. Your thoughts on what that really means for free speech in the digital social media space. Well, it tramples free speech. And you know what Gavin Newsom has precedent because they put Douglas Mackey in jail because he put up a meme that was mean to Hillary Clinton, right? So this has already happened once and that was in New York. So it's already been on the east coast. This is what they want to do. They want to criminalize satire. Could you imagine that? You can't joke anymore. Babylon be their criminals, right? The onion also apparently criminals, right? Who said something reprehensible a couple of weeks ago is oh yeah, people don't leave Trump rallies. They pull him out in body bags. I'm sure the family of Corey comparator appreciated that one. I mean, a little bit of a little bit of class would be okay. You know, you don't have to be a total animal when you're being a satirist either. But I mean, weird owl, people who make parodies of music, you can't be a satirist, you can't be a comic, you can't have have fun online anymore because you might offend Gavin Newsom and he might want to put you in jail. Are we kidding? These, that's how insecure these people are. They are so insecure and so afraid that they're going to be mocked into oblivion and it's going to drain their political bank account. You know, their their political capital is going to be shot because they're going to be mocked into oblivion that they have to make the mockery illegal. They have to criminalize that type of behavior. It is a complete and total infringement of the First Amendment. It's got to be challenged immediately. If you're going to make memes and jokes and satire illegal on the internet, you know, first of all, section 230, I think there's a whole thing in there that there, you know, that the content can exist and the social media platforms can exist and do their own thing. Now all of a sudden you want to have oversight of that. It's just, it blows my mind, but it doesn't. This is what they do. It's like the thought police. This is what they do. This is how these people act. This is how insecure they are. They are afraid of being the butt of a joke. They believe they're above that. They believe you can't joke about Gavin Newsom or Nancy Pelosi or Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton. And if you do, it's a crime. That's the only way they can stay safe at night is if they criminalize anything they don't like. It's complete and total tyranny. Who's the dictator here? Literally. Who is the dictator here? Here's Gavin Newsom saying, Oh, X, your social media company. If somebody on your platform does that, you know, we're going to hold you and we're going to hold them legally accountable for posting satire. Give me a break. This is this is straight out of the playbook of any 10 pot dictator that we've ever seen around the world in the history of humanity. And yet they're doing it in California and they've done it already in New York to Douglas Mackie. But Donald Trump is going to be a dictator and we have to fear for ourselves. Give me give me a break. You know what? Or we're going to start jailing people because they made, you know, Donald would be the jail Alec Baldwin because they made Donald Trump look bad on on on SNL. You didn't even go to jail for shooting somebody in the chest. Okay, this is this is out of control. This is a complete and total infringement of the First Amendment. And anybody who is standing in favor of this, they want to be ashamed of themselves because it's going to impact you too. You have to understand that it's going to impact you as well. When the shoe was on the other foot, it ain't no fun. When the rapids got the gun, don't put yourself in that position. And just understand that what they're doing is inherently dangerous to free speech for everybody, not just for conservatives or people who post memes, but for everybody. Sean Ferris, all cylinders as always. Great stuff, buddy. Thank you very much. Hey, thanks guys. The president was in in rare form this morning. He was in the campaign. Now, I don't know what he took this morning, but he took something. I don't know what the Jets took last night either, but it worked. Enjoy the victory pal. Keep taking it. Whatever you're taking, keep taking it. Thanks guys. We'll see you. There he is. Sean Ferris. Let's go Harry. Yeah, let's go Harry. Come on Harry. It's time to wake up. By the way, we'll have an announcement soon. Very soon. About the next debate. The next debate, there's not going to be another debate with on one of the major networks. We can almost guarantee that, at least for the presidential debate. But here on Kalen Company, we will have the presidential debate, and there will probably be a studio audience. Okay, nice. More details to come. Yes. It's Kalen Company on demand from talk radio 1210 WPhD and the free honesty app. Zach Ryan, I think probably has more than 15 minutes of fame, but I got to tell you as somebody who likes his music, very disappointed that he caved not to cancel culture so much, but this apology culture dating that we live in now, as he had to delete his ex account after a Taylor Swift tweet where he comes out and says, yeah, don't drink and tweet. It's not good, right? Okay. So let's, so what is the tweet in question that led to all the backlash and pushback where he felt the need to apologize and then cancel himself. He posted the following and I quote on Twitter this week, eagles greater than chiefs. Yes. Kanye greater than Taylor. Uh oh. Who's with me? Uh oh. Right here. Lisa, I'm with you. Eagles greater than chiefs, even though the chiefs beat the Eagles in the Super Bowl, but I'll still ride and die with my squad. And Kanye West, even though he's a nut bag, I would argue his music better than Taylor Swift's, although neither are really in my wheelhouse. For some reason, that led to him deleting the tweet, apologizing, saying he was tweeting while he was drunk. He's working on his boozing issues. Oh, come on. And I can imagine what the comments are like. But again, comments shouldn't lead to policy or comments shouldn't lead to action in a free speech believer's world, which I am of that of belief. But let me just reiterate the tweet again. Eagles greater sign than chiefs. Kanye greater sign than Taylor. Who's with me? All right. Who finds that remotely remotely offensive? Well, I know who does, but honestly, the cult that is Taylor Swift fans. Unbelievable. I mean, seriously, this is this is actually far worse than what I just highlighted in the second half of the big take yesterday about free speech in comedy, how the left is killing free speech and hilarity. Will Ferrell coming out? By the way, this was this story is according to variety, which is also the outlet that had the story about Will Ferrell, saying, you know what, you know, looking back on it 30 years ago, I wouldn't imitate Janet Reno and dress up like a woman because it's offensive to people today. Seriously, can we find our testicles and returning to our scrotums? I mean, this whole world of like, oh, yeah, don't try yet. Jimmy, I would say it burns his old droopy nuts. Yeah, exactly. I mean, come on. More people are bothered by words on social media than actions in real life. Point being more people are triggered over that post by Zach Brian, then are triggered over the fact that Morgan Wallen one night in Nashville is drunk on top of his rooftop bar, decides to throw a chair off the balcony down to people on Broadway that could have hit and killed people and fractured skulls and broken faces. More people bothered by words on social media than criminal acts in society. That is what's wrong with our culture. Amen. All right, let's get to what's on the cut sheet part. Do you? What's on the cut sheet? I do. I want to get to this. Um, Congresswoman Nancy Mase yesterday officially entered into the congressional record her message, her text message from Michael Eric Dyson. If you guys remember, they were on a panel together a couple weeks ago and she basically, or he basically accused her of being a racist because of mispronouncing Kamala's name or something. Kamala. Whatever it is, like, Kamala. This, this whole notion that if you mispronounce her name, you're, it's just ridiculous. So he basically called her a racist. Okay. Apparently afterwards they took a picture together and was sending her like creepy messages like, Hey, baby, we look good together. He didn't say, Hey, baby, but you know, like, yeah, just gross things. I want to start with her, which is amazing that she did this. And then I want to go to his response. Phil, start with cutting on if you will go. I would like to also enter into the record a screenshot of a text message I received from the esteemed professor from Vanderbilt, Michael Eric Dyson. After my CNN interview, begged me for photos in this text. He says after calling me a racist on CNN, don't tell anybody, we look good together and sent me a kissy, guy, the guy says, I'm gorgeous and all these photos. I don't think he's that been out of shape on how anyone pronounces Kamala. And if we're going to have that standard, you got to hold it to both sides, not just one or the one or the other. So she enters that into evidence and she just also entered herself into the hall of fame by pulling out the receipts and body bagging that loser. All right, let me ask Don Stenzlin. What creep creepy? Is that creepy? Yeah. Like, don't we look at it together with a kissy face emoji? Yeah, that was creepy. But she, it was great. It was perfect. Yeah. You know, gave her the perfect prop. Creepy. Yes. But like, think about the the temerity that takes after you call someone publicly on television or racist. Yeah. Like, wait, now you want to text me private? Well, shows that he's like a kind of a stalker. So, so Michael Eric Dyson, who by the way, I think is local here in Philadelphia, he responded to this on his Instagram or Twitter tweets or whatever. Yeah, I was going to say the word Don said a couple of weeks ago. By the way, does himself know favors with this with this explanation? Cut 16, Phil, go. So I sent her and she said, great pick. And I said, don't tell anybody, we look good together with a laughing face and a kissy face. And my point was, don't tell anybody because we are bipolar opposites. You're on one side of the spectrum and I'm on the other side of the spectrum. And she said, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. And I said, well, your gorgeousness makes the photo. So there's that. And I a little smiley face again. I'm just saying that trying to be nice to her in the belief and the effort that if I'm nice to her, and I prove that we don't have any bitter consequences from our focus on television, that we can be relatively kind to each other and being nice to her. There's no hitting on you. I said, by the way, I've spoken twice at the Citadel. She said, oh, that's awesome. And sent three American flags. And I hit the exclamation point. She put a heart on the well, your gorgeousness makes the photo. So there's that. Then she removed the heart to two days later, because she knew she was up to some mayhem. Well, if you're trying to be nice to somebody, why would you call her a racist? See, this is what you've probably heard me say this a million times. We are way too cavalier in this country with labeling people as racist. I'm sorry, if somebody ever calls me a racist, the last thing you better do afterwards is text me privately. It's not going to go well for you. So I don't blame Nancy Mase for calling him out. And by the way, dude, she's way out of yearly. You've got no shot. I don't care how many hearts and emojis you throw in there. Oh my God. Yeah, sometimes you just got to realize, you know, where you are in life and you know, some things that are just out of your reach. Don the back and forth. Your thoughts, I'm dying here where you had to think about this. Yeah, she took a long time to remove that heart. So she, you know, she removed it. I didn't know. Okay. So I, you know, I don't know what's going on. Maybe she just hearted it and thought it was a compliment and read over the whole thing and thought, Oh, that was creepy. I have no idea. But I think in this one, the bottom line is when she showed everything, she calls him out and makes him look frivolous. Let's just say that because, dude, your ulterior motive is you're basically saying that she's hot. And so you want to have a back and forth with her. And so it negates all of his other stuff that he's accusing her of whatever. Yeah. And she looked great, by the way, in that in that suit she was wearing that she presented that evidence. Looking good. It's her greatest revenge. No, you sound. No, you sound. No, I don't think the point was, was that he was hitting on her. I think the point was, was that after he called her a racist, you know, he's, he's, he's, right. Flirt tweeting with her. Right. He doesn't really think she's a racist. Of course not. Right. Nobody does. For just trying to get ridiculous. He's trying to get her attention. Yeah, baby. That's all. Nancy Mace would. Remember the story? She got to get to, she had to get to church with a big sermon coming up, buddy. We don't have time. We have time for a spelling bee, but we don't have time for that. See, that's the difference right there. I never got to the story of how the brain is examined by neuro, uh, neuro, uh, neuro scientists on the difference between conservative brains and liberal brains. Right. There's your difference right there. Yeah. Nancy Mace is in bed and, uh, with her husband or boyfriend and they're not doing spelling bees, Bill Clinton and Hillary are in bed together and, you know, they're playing, who wants to be a millionaire. That's the difference right there. And I don't have to do any scientific study. You got a little tongue tied after you're looking at those pictures of Nancy Mace. Throw the, throw the Mace back up on the screen, leave her in box four for a little bit. And we have to break. We have to break. All right. Well, we can still get her in box four. She she belongs in. I'm going to have a top GOP female power rankings list and whoever's at the top of the list each week is get, gets box four for the whole week. I mean, if Linda Kerns can get the playlist and we have to the Mace can get box four. Uh, Chris Donahue says, at least Nick is genuinely creepy. That's correct. I don't try to hide. Shoot or shoot. All right. We'll come back and we'll find out what was left on the voicemail machine. It's Kale & Company, final moments coming up. This is the Kale & Company podcast from talk radio 1210 WPHD and on the free Odyssey app. Friday morning, we will find out what is on tap for the Dawn show shortly and also what occurred today in music history before the, uh, and our Eagles. Oh, it's right. I forgot. Yeah, a lot to get in there. All right. Let's get to the voicemails. All right. Let's do this. Uh oh. Oh, yeah. [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] [Singing] One of the largest coverups that has occurred in this nation and that is the crime statistics. The Department of Justice made the reporting process so onerous, so difficult that 6,000 police departments have not submitted crime statistics. It's easy to drop for crime statistics to drop when 6,000 police departments aren't reporting their crimes. That is correct. Violent crimes are up 62%. And oh, by the way, the theft off the charts because you can steal whatever you want and employees are basically told to just let you take the product. Price presents real babes of news. Today we salute you, Don Stensland. Now here we go. Uh oh. You wake up every morning prepared to give the listeners the information you have sourced locally and from across the globe. Like a ray of sunshine, you sit there perfectly centered in the YouTube can. Not sure which Twitter X profile to use is this @donstensland. @donstenslandmenti. You don't know, so you utilize both. Oh, slightly indecisive. Perfectly primmed you sit there despite the camera glare and deliver our daily dose of news and information, which is why every morning the listeners of Caitlin Company tuned in to 12 10 a.m. Wow. Cuz she is the headline hottie. Wow. I thank you. Man. Headline hottie. Newman Price is the best. He is the best. So Monday at 6.05 after I get done teasing what we're going to talk about and I say round number one of the news. Let's go to the headline hottie gone when you throw something through the window. No. Never. There we go. Is that it? That's it buddy. All right. Nice work out of everybody. We've got singers. We've got impersonators and all sorts of good stuff. All right. Let's get to what occurred today in music. Today, September 20th. We celebrate the birthday of Ben Shepherd basis for Soundgarden who's now 56. Matthew and Gunnar Nelson who's now 57. Noodle Bettencourt from extreme who's now 58. And Alana Curry from the Thompson twins who's now 67. We also lost Tommy DeVito from the four seasons on this day in 2020. And Jim Croci in 1973. Singles-a-coon Peggy Sue by Buddy Holly in 57. Alive and kicking by simple minds in 85. And life is a highway by the guy who did it first. Tom Cochran in 1991. Albums accrued under the table and dreaming by Dave Matthews in 94. Have a nice day by Bon Jovi in 2005. Four by Huey Lewis in the news in 86. And Aussie released Blizzard of Oz in the UK on this day in 80. Also in 72 Paul McCartney is arrested for growing marijuana in his farm in Scotland. In 2004, Billy Joel got a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 75, the song Fame gives David Bowie his first number one in the US. In 69, John Lennon told the other Beatles he was leaving the band. But lastly, on this day in 2000, the game Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 is released featuring a mix of punk metal and hip-hop songs, including Bad Religions U and the anthrax public enemy mix Bring the Noise. 4K on Company. I'm Phil Ompquist. A lot of anthrax this week out of Philip. Nice work Phil. All right, we'll get to what's on tap for the Dawn Show in a moment. But let's make our predictions, Eagles and the Saints. I see New Orleans minus two and a half, the over under 49 and a half. Whatever's going to play out, it'll be the opposite of what I say I'm 0 and 2. I pick the Eagles to beat the Packers. I pick the Eagles to lose to the Packers. They beat them. I picked them to beat the Falcons. They lost. What is this? Is this some wonky sports talk show? Let's play some NFL theme music. I have the Saints winning 27-23. I will take the Eagles at 27, the Saints 21. I have them winning by a touchdown. I have the Eagles winning 21-14. So the Eagles win it. We're the underdog in this one. Next we are. Yes, we are. All right. What do we have lined up at the top of the hour, Dawn Stenslin? So at the top of the hour, I'm going to update you as Israeli forces carrying out a targeted strike on the Lebanese capital Beirut. That's after Hezbollah launched more than 100 rockets into Israel. So this is the latest there. So we're going to zoom in and we're going to talk to Jeff Bartos here from Pennsylvania. He attended that big rally in Washington, D.C. So you'll hear Trump what Trump had to say courting the Jewish vote, obviously, but we'll talk about Pennsylvania's efforts and try to zoom in there with a little help from Jeff. I want to point out to you that we're going to get an update on a highly embattled local school district, North Penn. He did a passionate meeting last night. So we'll talk about to a local mom about what's going on there as far as athletes and the rights of protecting the rights of girls there and as well update you. That's the school district where remember an alleged transfer student struck a 12-year-old little girl in the back of the head, splitter head open, and that sort of thing. So they've been in battle. So we'll get an update and figure out what's going on there. Yeah, it's just about 10 minutes north of me. All right, that'll do it for us. Stay tuned. The Dawn show is up next. Enjoy your Friday night. Enjoy your weekend. We're back Monday morning at six and as Donald Trump would say, "Harry, get your fat ass out of the couch. You're going to vote for Trump today, Harry." Start your day with Kaylin Company, week day morning, six till 10. On talk radio, 12-10. W-P-H-T and the free Odyssey app.
Zach Bryan and Apology culture, Cut Sheet Part Deux and your voice mails